When I visited the set of Degrassi I secretly snapped this pic of the writers when they weren't looking.  I also re-wrote the Drianca wedding when they weren't as well.

Several weeks ago Stephen Stohn announced that the Degrassi writers would be having a brainstorming session before the end of the year for Season 13 (SIDE NOTE: several media outlets incorrectly reported that Tonight, Tonight was the Season 12 finale…there are still 12 episodes left in season 12, including the Vegas special.  The final 10 episodes of Season 12 will air starting in the early spring of 2013.  Season 13 won’t start until July of next year).

Well that brainstorming session will happening this Monday, December 3rd.  The writers and Degrassi bigwigs will sit around and figure out story archs and plot ideas that they may want to use.  The writers will also submit their requests for the types of snacks they’ll need to fuel their creative juices to write another 40-episode season.  For the past couple of years they’ve been open about asking fans what they want to see on the show.  If you have any storyline ideas for Season 13, you can submit them in the comments section below, because someone from the show will eventually read this!  I personally wanted to do something different with my ideas for them…some of these are storylines that might’ve been touched on in the early TNG seasons, but come from or were dealt with extensively during the Degrassi Junior High series.

Death of an immediate family member
Wheels’ parents were killed off at the beginning of Season 3 of DJH.  From that point on (DJH/DH lasted 5 seasons total) his life completely spiraled out of control.  I’ve been lucky so far in my life that no family member close to me has died yet, but I’ve seen people who were beyond devastated by the death of an immediate family member, even years after their death.  I’d like to see a character’s inability to cope with the unexpected loss of a parent or sibling, and that have long-term effects on said character.

Improper student-teacher relationship
We’ve obviously seen this before with Paige and Mr. Oleander.  But I want to see a modern-day plot more along the lines of substitute Mr. Colby’s storyline in Season 2 of DJH.  In one episode he got touchy feely with Lucy, then 10 episodes later the plot was revived when Mr. Colby returned and tried to get close to Susie.  Or it could involve a relationship that’s consensual at first, but once the teen wants out the teacher starts throwing their weight around in order to keep it going and scare the teen from telling anyone.

Failing Student
Degrassi’s had many students who have been held back, or flat out failed courses.  But one of the long-running archs of Degrassi Junior High was Joey’s lack of book smarts.  The show is sliding into this pattern where a lot of the characters are being set up with lofty post-high-school goals.  Holly J left for Yale.  Eli’s working toward NYU.  Katie’s getting accepted into Stanford.  Alli spent most of Season 12 fast tracking to MIT.  The irony is there’s so little focus on a character handling schoolwork anymore.  Back in the DJH days characters were constantly complaining about homework and stressing out over exams.  I see such an opening here with Cam, who we’ve seen in recent episodes struggling tremendously with schoolwork…I just want to see more of that.

Relationship Destroys A Friendship
The boyfriend or girlfriend is overly demanding of said character’s time, or the character has their head stuck so far up their new bf/gf’s ass that it puts a strain on (and ultimately ends) a close friendship.

Driver’s Ed
They dealt with Driver’s Ed in Season 3 of TNG, but it pales in comparison to how it was done in the Degrassi High episode “Sixteen.”  It was absolutely hilarious how awful Snake and Joey were (and throw in the fact that Nancy was randomly thrown into the mix).  This would obviously be subplot material that could be thoroughly entertaining if done right.

Character “Exists” In The Degrassi Universe With An Injury For An Extended Period
This isn’t a storyline idea so much as it is an idea that would make for a cool little detail to add to the show.  Remember when Wesley randomly appeared in a couple of episodes with two broken arms?  It was because Spencer Van Wyck had broken them in real life, but it was really cool that they incorporated it into the show with little explanation of what happened.  An example of how I see something like that playing out: Adam breaks his ankle or wrist playing volleyball.  We never actually see this happen on screen…Adam just appears one day with a medical boot on his leg, or a cast on his arm. Clare or Dave ask him what happened and he just says “I broke it playing volleyball.”  While that injury is never the focus of any storyline, we still see Adam hobbling around school in his boot or hanging out with his signature-filled arm cast for like 8 or 10 episodes to provide continuity, and reinforce the randomness of people we know suffering injuries.


Other plots that I can’t think of an explanation for, but want to see them anyway:

Character Involved In A Verbally/Emotionally Abusive Relationship, Which Ultimately Transfers Into Self Harm Or A Future Pattern Of Making Bad Relationship Choices

Sexual Abuse By A Family Member And Deep Trauma That Follows


and finally…

“Twenty Bucks”
From Season 3 of DJH, this is one of my favorite episodes of all time within the entire Degrassi franchise.  All three storylines revolved around $20.  Two of them cleverly crossed paths at the very end of the episode.  It’s simple, yet brilliant.  I would pay money ($20 to be exact) to see this generation of writers pull off an episode with a similar theme.  Oh, and if you haven’t seen that episode I am forcing you to watch it below:

Posted by Kary


  1. i would like to see an abusive relashionship maybe, and more of the sexual harassment plot line,. clare’s sexual harassment plot , i felt, was cut too short. and a self harm plot!!



    1. id also love to see a long distance relationship working out! eclare???



  2. I would like to see and HIV/AIDS/STD/CANCER storyline, someone joining or starting a cult, a death, someone that goes completely nuts and has to be sent to a crazy institute, and someone with a physical disability, either they can’t see, hear, or speak. And they should also make degrassi go one hour long :D



  3. I would like to see Katie (if she’s even staying on the show for season 13, which seems unlikely at this point) possibly get diagnosed with MS and the frustration and horror she feels at having been diagnosed with it. I’d also love to see them introduce a “little person” into the main cast or in the supporting cast.

    I’d love for them to do a domestic violence plot as well, either an abusive teenage relationship or (like with Alex in season past) have one of the parents be abusive. And finally I’d love to see a suicide plot. Perhaps the suicide of a more (seemingly) minor character, and then the plot threads that unfold from that character’s death. Skins used a plot setup similar to this (though whether it was executed great is hard to say) and I’d love to see what the Degrassi writers could do with this.



    1. I like the suicide idea as well, its never been done(they never actually showed claude hanging himself, only his feet) and it would make a very interesting plot :)



      1. I thought Claude shot himself?


  4. I would personally love to see a male character deal with an incest plot. It has such potential in the direction it could go with rumors going around the school about the character being gay. It could breakdown a relationship from the spouse’s {preferably introverted} inability to cope with the drama surrounding the relationship in the public’s eye. Conflict in self of a character, maybe its either they stay with the incest or live on the cold street because there is no where else to go.



    1. I like this idea :)



  5. Really all i want are some realistic, humanizing plots



  6. I think it’d be interesting to see a rape storyline where the girl gets pregnant and has to choose whether or not to keep the baby.



  7. I would like to see a female Muslim character who wears a hijab, and who isn’t trying to “rebel” against her “conservative” upbringing. Muslims with hijabs, when they are seen on TV (which isn’t often), are always portrayed as quiet and “out of touch”. Let’s see a female Muslim who’s social, cool, but just happens to wear a hijab. That’s probably not specific enough, but it’s something I’d like to see on the show, considering Toronto’s Muslim population is quite large!

    I’d also like to see an interracial relationship where the racial differences between the couple is a big deal, either for one of them (initially) and/or for their families. As much as we talk about how inclusive North American society is nowadays, there are still a lot of people who aren’t open to interracial relationships. But on Degrassi, we have characters of all races get together all the time without any problems whatsoever. I’m all for interracial relationships (mixed babies are God’s Photoshop!), but I know from experience that it can often be a sensitive thing for people.

    I’d also like to see racism in the classroom. For example a teacher giving white students better grades.



    1. THIS ^^



  8. Kary, you should be a writer on the show. All your ideas were excellent. ……They did an excellent episode in season 1 of Degrassi The Next Generation where a character wore the hijab. It was a minor character that was never seen again. The focus of the episode was Hazel coming out that she was a Muslim from war torn Somalia, and not a Christian from Jamaica.



  9. I’d like to see Hispanics/Latinos represented a bit more in this show. We see characters that could pass or are part Latino (like Ricardo Hoyos), but their characters don’t seem to be at all (at first I thought Bianca was going to be an Hispanic character, but now I really don’t know what she is). Hispanics/Latinos are becoming a grand population at a very fast pace and I’d like to see them represented with custom barriers, language, family, etc. It’d also make me feel like I can relate to the show better :)



    1. Bianca’s Portuguese. But I would like to see more obvious diversity among characters as well. Characters’ last names would imply that this is a multicultural cast, but we rarely hear about characters’ backgrounds on the show itself. That’s why I really liked hearing Zig’s mother speaking to him in Russian in GYM. It was a reminder that Degrassi ostensibly tries to portray how real kids, from a wide variety of backgrounds live (even though the number of “white” characters far outweighs those of colour, which isn’t very representative of Toronto’s demographics).

      I’m a Torontonian, and Toronto’s a city that celebrates diverse cultures. No matter how much its residents identify as Canadian, they tend to be proud of their ancestral roots, as well. But the characters of Degrassi rarely illustrate that attitude. I’m Ukrainian, so when Paige was on the show and made reference to her family’s Ukrainian background, when she mentioned eating holubtsi and varenyky in season 2, I perked up a bit. I knew that was something only other Ukrainian kids would get. It was “our” thing. When Dylan and Marco were living with her and Ellie, I noticed a clock on their wall with Ukrainian Easter eggs (pysanky). I thought it was a nice acknowledgement of her background, and by extension, my own, and all of those other Canadian-Ukrainian kids. We know those clocks all too well! They’re tacky, but they’re “ours”.

      Also, MORE ASIANS!



  10. i for one have always wanted to see a violent rape towards one of the character one where shes attacked and raped and see the after math of that and for the character who raped the girl to still be a side character until its resovled one way or another cause the rape they did with paige was she kinda went along with it until it went to far but i would like to see a more serious rape plot and to see the most of the other character come together to support the girl but i like some of the ones kary mentions



  11. 1. suicide: i would love eli to kill himself over claire
    2. male incest: like tristan touches his brother or cuzin
    3. dealing weed. soo many teens are selling weed and other drugs
    4.Latino character!! theyve never had one!!!



    1. That first one is ridiculous. Eli’s gotten past his overreacting in regards to his relationships. That second one is rather offensive and perpetuates the idea that gays are perverts or sexual deviants. I hate the idea of incest on a show. And the fourth one…uhhh….Bianca? AND Alex?



      1. let me correct myself. I hate the idea of incest being used on THIS show.


  12. It would be soooo cool if they brought in another actor from Degrassi J High to be a parent! Like they can bring back stephanie or melanie or one of the twins!



  13. I want them to do a story about a boyfriend repeatly forces sex (Rape) and mentally abuses his significant other and He/she keep it quiet from everyone. This has happened to two of my girlfriends in HS



  14. And speaking of dealing with the death of a parent, I think that having Dave’s dad killed in the line of duty would be a very powerful storyline for Jahmil, especially since he’s established himself as a strong actor.



    1. hearditthroughthegrapevine December 7, 2012 at 3:16 pm

      ^^This! The unsure nature of having a parent with a high risk occupation (policeman, firefighter, etc.) is stressful for anyone and could be an excellent plot for Jahmil…he has the acting chops to pull it off. Even if they don’t kill him, but just have some sort of accident in the line of duty, it could be an excellent storyline.



  15. Yes, finally! A suggestions box. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. Love your ideas, Kary. Here are some of mine:

    A FRIENDSHIP FALLING APART – I want two main characters to lose contact. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. Maybe one friend starts hanging out with someone else more and doesn’t enjoy their former friend’s company as much. I just want to see a friendship end and its effects on one or both of the characters. Also, I think it will be very interesting if they never reconcile.

    A SOCIAL OUTCAST – Come on, now. We have them at every school. A storyline involving someone who is a social outcast or who has been shunned by 95% of the school (maybe like Rick, season 4 but not as violent) has extreme potential.

    A LONG LASTING SELF-HARMING PLOT – The last time we have had a longer lasting self-harm plot was with Ellie. (I know Darcy and Adam both self-harmed, but that wasn’t central to the storyline). I love love love it when storylines span multiple episodes (because in reality, eating disorders or self-harming habits don’t come and go very quickly)

    A NATURAL DISASTER – I think incorporating some natural disaster into the storylines would be interesting. Since it is situated in Toronto, what if they had a major blizzard and some were trapped in the school or something?

    NOT GETTING INTO COLLEGE – I want to explore this topic as well. The Degrassi universe greatly undermines the stress of the college process. I want to see someone who doesn’t get in to their dream school and they have no idea what to do.



      1. I feel like I can’t count her. Her storyline was more Owen-centered than anything. It didn’t focus on the fact that she didn’t get in ANYWHERE while everyone else did. It would be interesting if someone either made a simple mistake (like missing a deadline) and couldn’t get in or just plain didn’t get in at all. It didn’t exactly focus on her sadness of not getting in, it was more focused on the Coke and Owen.


    1. i love the idea of a natural disaster trapping them in the school!! there could be so many things that happen from that!! i really want degrassi to “go there” next season!



  16. I’d like to see a plot focusing on racism. Like the episode with Hazel and another student’s project being ruined, it really did make me take a second look at how society can treat victims in such harsh ways (maybe one with Marisol?)

    A plot dealing with identity crisis would also be interesting, especially where a character goes through a significant change (such as Goth Ashley.)



    1. I agree with the racism (although Hazel was judged for being a Muslim). I know this is weird, but I actually liked Hazel’s plot in Don’t Believe the Hype. I thought it was a clever idea and it was pretty well written, but its downfall was the fact that it was given to Hazel: a one dimension character. I liked Hazel and I do sincerely wish they would’ve developed her more, but I think she served her purpose on the show. Oops, I’m rambling again.

      But, anywho, yes I agree with your idea. I don’t know who they could give that plot too though.



  17. Other ideas:

    -female character who is struggling with coming to terms with the fact that she’s a lesbian. For Alex and Fiona, coming out seemed pretty easy. But for Marco and Riley, it was emotional and difficult. Lots of girls struggle with coming out as well, and I’d like to see the show tackle that.

    -less conventionally feminine lesbian. I understand that Adam was originally conceived to be an androgynous lesbian. Let’s bring that idea back!

    -character discovers that his/her parent (father) has another child from a long-ago affair, and that said child (which would be the character’s half-sibling) is assimilated into the main cast.

    -character discovers that one parent is closeted when they find out that parent is having an affair with a same-sex partner. The O.C. did it with Luke’s (that was his name right?) dad, so why don’t we have a character find out that his or her mother has been seeing another woman?



    1. i like the half-sibling idea



  18. I’d like to see a main male character that is bisexual. Perhaps it can be one of the younger male characters who are already on the show, such as Zig or Cam, realizing that they are bisexual, and having to come to terms with it. Also, an asexual main character would be interesting as well. I don’t think that the show has covered either male bisexuality or asexuality so far.



    1. I agree with the bisexual male idea.



  19. i’d like to see the writers have an in depth plot of self harm. i think it could really work for cam since he has multiple reasons that may bot seem monumental but still build up to the point where he cant take it.



  20. I loved all your ideas….
    I liked Nina Shewchuk’s idea for the ‘death of a family member’ plot to be about Dave’s dad dying in the line of duty…. I was thinking that or ‘Darcy’ dying in Africa would be GREAT

    I liked Mika’s Katie idea but with Chloe most likely leaving at the end of the current season maybe they could have Maya develop MS

    I liked Katnip’s idea of a natural disaster as well. Or just a ‘Bottle Episode’ in general with a handful of characters stuck in a confined place for the majority of the episode (or with new format just one ‘part’ of said episode) much like season 3’s ‘Take On Me’ only without the 80’s movie homage.

    Also I know it’s doubtful any of the graduates will be around in season 13 but it would be interesting if some of them are to do a ‘Long Distance Relationship’ plot.

    Also it would be cool to see past characters from DH/DJH/or the TNG years pop back up like Teacher!Marco maybe used to mentor Tristan or something



  21. I have always wanted to write for Degrassi. But, alas, I’m not Canadian, so that dream was dashed. But, I can pretend. We’ve seen females struggle with their weight, but to my knowledge, a male hasn’t been seen in this fashion. I think that could be very powerful because a guy doesn’t always do the throw up thing. There’s potential there. I was hoping Mo would have that storyline, but so far, no luck. Maybe the male wants to be physically fit so instead of throwing up, he runs too fast on a treadmill and has a heart attack? With Kary’s ‘abusive relationship’ storyline, we have seen that here and there. But, what we haven’t seen exactly is that with a friendship. There is a little bit of that in Season 7 with Holly J and Anya, but I don’t know if that really goes anywhere. And again, ‘abuse’ is always typically male /female or female/female… let’s see a real strong, popular guy abuse a weaker, shy guy… abuse can be emotional and verbal, too… Abuse between males is something that you rarely ever see on tv but it happens in real life. Lastly, the suicide idea is a good one too. Apparently the network exs gice them hell about that, but damn, suicide happens and the story could help someones life. The character should be suicidal throughout many episodes, maybe even have a few attempts… but then on a finale, go the final step and either be saved or not. (I don’t count Eli’s crashing his car as a suicide attempt, btw.) Those are some of my ideas/aggrements!



  22. 1) A latino character or any kind of minority who stuggles with their background. That or a minority who is out of touch with their ethnicity and tries to learn a language or become more in touch.
    2) a character who has serious body issues. Not to the point of having a disorder, but just a very insecure person.
    3) a girl who thinks she isn’t good enough for anybody ever.
    4) a person who has to learn sign language(either became deaf of someone in the family is)



  23. I think the graduates from this season and previous seasons to return to degrassi and have a plot



  24. 1.I think a continuation of Adam’s transgender storyline (perhaps hormones and surgery, though they’d have to be creative to pull that off with the actress who plays him. According to an article I read that may happen)
    2. A character with a disability such a being deaf or blind.
    3. An ESL student struggling to learn English and integrate into Canadian culture.
    4. A storyline that focuses more closely on a character’s struggle with a chronic illness/condition (like with Kaitlyn and epilepsy in DJH)
    5. A character who moves from a small town who has very conservative ideas and how they react to living in Toronto. (racism, religion, homophobia could be incorporated)
    6. An openly activist/feminist character. This was kind of done with Emma and could possibly drift into caricature, but it would be interesting.

    In general, I would like to see more Canadian references in the show. There are some, but I feel like certain things the show does, is to resonate with an American viewer demographic. Which is fair, but I still find it makes it slightly inauthentic. For example calling university “college” and the “college” application process aren’t true to how it is here. We don’t generally have interviews. (Also, what’s up with all these Canadian students going to American schools? It’s really expensive for Canadian students to do that). Also I second more racial diversity, and a positive portrayal of a female Muslim character who wears a hjab.



  25. I’ve sent the twitters and Tumblrs a few asks, but I’m saying it again here: a story with a character who realizes they are asexual/gray-asexual. I’m going to be honest, I’ve seen shades of it in Cam, and that’s ultimately where I hope his storyline goes. I have a lot of ace friends and I fit under the ace umbrella myself, so it would be wonderful to have positive representation on TV, or just to be able to point to a reference so anyone can try to understand. It would tie into his anxiety, I feel, with his worries about not being able to make Maya happy, especially if it comes around that the two start thinking about getting a bit more intimate, or if some of the other hockey players start talking about sex or wanting to have it.

    Another plot I would love to see is someone in a polyamorous relationship, and no, not just an open relationship or a threesome. As in at least three characters who are all in a relationship with each other, all love each other equally, the struggle to accept that (or maybe not! maybe for them it’s natural to understand!) and what others around them think. It’s something else that’s not seen a lot, but it happens, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing at all, it’s just more than two people being in love with each other.

    Ha, then my own little indulgences say a long distance relationship plot that doesn’t end in the relationship falling apart? I know, I know– you want to keep the characters able to have more love interests, etc. and it’s obvious which characters I’m talking about (Eli and Clare), but sometimes people DO make it work, and it’d be nice for teenagers or young adults watching, especially if they’re struggling through that as well, to see an example of a successful one.

    As a last note, I would love to see Zig’s money plot continue. It was profound, moving, and honestly what made me start to care about him. I’d love to see him interact with his mother more, maybe find out about his father.

    Also as others have said, more Asians please! :)



  26. i totally love this season’s cast and would love to see them in their college years like they did with Paige, Marco, Ellie, Emma, Manny, and Liberty in seasons 6,7, & 8. I’d also like to see another black couple. There hasn’t been one since Chantay and Danny. I thought, although I couldn’t stop crying, they should have another school shooting and have someone’s best friend responsible. That would add a twist. I also think they should bring someone back from the original season (DTNG). They could have like Craig preform at prom or something. Ashley even. I’d also like to see a lot more juniors! Cam’s the only one.



    1. i like the idea of following them to collage too.. possibly eli, fiona, and imogen in newyork??



  27. A character of colour who was adopted by a white couple when he/she was a baby, and that it’d start to create a bit of an identity crisis for him/her as he/she gets older, even going so far as to hide it from friends, sort of how Hazel hid her heritage by keeping friends from coming over. I’d also like the character to eventually try to reconnect with his/her biological parents. Not out of any sort of health reasons like Holly J did, but just to know more about where he/she came from.



    1. lol this is totally my case^.^ and yes its like who am i really, who would i be if i wasnt adopted who are my real parents, where would i even be.. ect



  28. OKAY
    1) Bisexual LEAD Male character; Not someone NEW that you’ve invented to be it but someone else already in the cast like Zig, Cam, or even Luke. I hate when they bring new characters to just be the “gay character” or whatever. Just let it develop you know, like, REAL LIFE.

    2)Some kind Incest plot: A character is getting sexually abused/harassed by a family member. If that’s too grim for Degrassi these days then…

    3)Student Teacher Relationship that goes bad: As Kary pointed out, the teen wants the relationship to end then things go sour when the teacher throws their power around to keep the relationship going ala Clare’s recent plot with Asher.

    4) Interracial couple plot/ Racism plot: Self explanatory. Just have them face some realistic social issues that just happens because people assume and prejudge.

    5)More races represented: I’d love to see a muslim girl with hijab that doesn’t want it off and actually likes it but she deals with other issues that aren’t related to her race.
    More hispanic, asian and black people on the show would be nice too.

    6)Natural Disasters/More snowy episodes: It’s only accurate to Toronto weather.

    7) More school related scenarios: Remember during Now or Never (I think) when it felt like every episode had another new event at Degrassi that was being planned or done? They should do more of that and as Kary said, get the students back to mentioning that they have a test and projects. Use group projects to bring together characters that usually wouldn’t talk. Allow more characters to become friends.



  29. 1.) Drunk driving. A character leaves a party thinking they are fine and then crashes. They haven’t done a jail story line since Sean either.

    2.) Give Dave and Connor more screen time. Like mentioned above the death of a parent sounds like a good storyline for Dave. As for Connor, maybe some explanation of his real parents. Otherwise it’d be nice to see him in a storyline that has nothing to do with his aspergers.

    3.) This is probably C-plot material at best but a character insecure about needing glasses and how they look with them on.

    4.) Heroin use. It’d be awesome to see a drug arc taken as seriously as Fiona’s alcohol storyline where it took her a season and a half to be rid of it for good, that requires rehab. Maybe even see a rehab session or two.

    5.) Someone contracts a STD they can’t get rid of and has to deal with having it for the rest of their life. Then we can see how it impacts their future sex life.

    6.) One of the niners outside of age of consent gets in a relationship with someone outside of Degrassi who is too old to legally be with and their partner gets in legal trouble/labeled as a sex offender etc.



  30. a blind character, a deaf character, and an esl character (not all at once tho…xD)



  31. I think Degrassi should be like Law & Order SVU – take some stories that happened in the media and work with it providing different outcomes but most importantly not resolve everything within a few episodes.

    1 A student that’s being secretly (physically or sexually) abused by a parent and decides to take matters into their own hand when a younger sibling becomes a target.

    2. An HIV/AIDS student (born with the disease or transmitted by ex) dealing with some stigma, uncomfortable/nervousness from his/her friends or worries about being intimate in a new relationship.

    3 An overbearing parent trying to live through their child and controlling them from what they eat to who they can associate with.

    4. A student being raised by two homosexual (one biological parent or both adoptive) parents but deals with disapproving biological parent or family members and narrow minded classmates.



  32. Male bisexuality
    A Guy, new or currently on the show, could deal with the struggles of finding dates when being out. Girls don’t understand and guys don’t trust him. Or he could be dating a girl and come out to her, for instance Cam could come out to Maya and it could show how she handles it and if it can ruin a relationship.
    A tornado could devastate parts of the town and some of the characters could lose everything and have to figure out how to move on and what they will do next.
    Sex offender
    A guy could send out sexts of his ex and could be charged and arrested by police. It could show the repercussions of sexting and how a person can end up being a sex offender for the rest of their lives and all the issues that come with that.



    1. Not too many tornadoes in Toronto…



      1. Ontario has an average of 12 tornadoes per year so although its a fairly rare occurrence, it is plausible.


  33. i would like to see a male bisexual lead character and i love the incest idea i think it would add more spice to the show because some people actually go through that. i would also like to see Connor have more screen time they could talk about his parents because we never knew what happened with them all we know is that mr simpson is his godfather. i would also like to see more of the previous cast come back like maybe hazel because i loved her but she didnt get that much screen time and they rarely talked about her. there also needs to be more african american characters in the show. the only ones are marisol, dave, and connor maybe but i believe he is of mixed race. lastly i would like to see less claire she has had to many plots and i dont really like her they need to give someone else a try she’s been on the show for too long.



    1. isabellasmynamedegrassismygame December 5, 2012 at 12:31 am

      I think that the Hazel idea is something to work with. I think she could have a long-lost sister that goes there or something and Hazel’s her sister’s guardian. As for the Connor’s parents idea, I think that’s GRAND! And, hey, I love Clare. I ship Eclare<333, my fav couple of all time and my fav characters (then Paige and Alex, KC and Clare, then Johnny and Alli, then Sav and Anya!!!). But other than the disagreement with Clare, I think you have great ideas!



  34. Jaime von Schwarzburg December 3, 2012 at 10:44 am

    A First Nations character
    A Québécois
    An apparently well-adjusted character committing suicide



  35. I’d also like to see a character who, either as a result of a violent fight or other accident, ends up in a coma and suffers from long-term or even permanent brain damage, and has to adapt to school with this new disability. The story of Toronto teen Jonathan Wamback, which was adapted into a tv movie for CTV in 2001, gave me the idea.



  36. If I could give you an advice ( and I hope you’ll se my message ), I’m from france and I can assert you that if characters like Eli, Jake ( even if we don’t really had time to become attached to the character ) or fiona and Imogen I think the show is not going to work as it used to.
    Futhermore I think you shoud focus a little more on Clare and Eli relationship like you used to in season 10 and 11 .



  37. 1.) A bisexual male
    2.) A hispanic character
    2.) A character finding out that they have a half-sibling due to their parent having an affair
    4.) A male character dealing with being sexually abused as a child
    5.) Maya getting MS
    6.) A teen character who gets pregnant and suffers a miscarriage
    7.) A character going blind
    8.) Connor gets more screen time



  38. And a heroin addict



  39. 1st: A male character getting raped or sexually abused by like an Aunt or something. And have the story follow with him trying to hide it from his parents and friends only for it it be exposed in a big way. Like if the rapist dies someway and it leads to a downward spiral for the character which gets to the big reveal of what happened to him.

    2nd: And this has been asked by many others, A character with a disability, like blindness or being deaf. There is so much that can be done with a character dealing with those issues. And it could open up and entire community that people could explore.

    3rd: A character dealing with a crime that has happened in their past. Example: a parent being murdered, or a sibling being kidnapped.

    4th: Death of a sibling. Or death or both parents making a character end up an orphan and having them move in with grandparents, aunt/uncle, or godparents.

    5th: This one I’ve being thinking about for a long time. A MALE character being a single parent. I know most teen mothers are the one to keep their child, but there are a few fathers out there who raised the child instead. Not sure how many but it does happen sometimes. So it would be nice to se something like that.



    1. omg Dallas



  40. Definitely a bisexual male i think that would be awesome!!! Definitely another sexual abuse storyline because when carried out correctly. Also I think that something about someone who is socially awkward and is always on their computer. Also someone who is clinically depresssed and has to constantly deal w/ that. FInally someone who is jewish and struggles with jew jokes or somethign



  41. My two big ideas are this:
    Two seemingly heterosexual male characters who are very close with each other. I think it would be a neat storyline to watch both heterosexual characters realize they have non-platonic feelings for each other, and how each deals with it in different ways. Really any relationship where they build it but each character reacts differently to the feelings would work, but I think it would be interesting in a male-male friendship.
    Also, when Wesley was on the show I had a neat idea for him, but I’m sure it could work for another character as well. I wanted him to be secure in his life, and then find out he had some form of cancer. Now, it could play in a depression storyline, alongside some differences to his personality. I thought if would be neat if said character changed their appearance, and became more of a daredevil. Out of fear that they are going to die anyway, they begin to change as a person, and whatever outcome (healing/death) their personality is forever changed. It would be a rather extreme way of changing a character, but I think an effective and interesting storyline also, about the struggles of a teen living with cancer.



  42. I would like to see Clare looking at her Christian faith and seeing if this what she truly believes.

    Also, I would like to see incorporated into the show several characters into the show in simple ways and see where they are right now, like where did Stephanie Kaye end up after she left for private school? What will happen to the character of Wheels now that Neil Hope is gone? What is the status of Spinner and Emma’s marriage?



  43. Use of psycho-stimulant drugs by students not diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. This was touched on with Spinner and Jimmy for athletics, but lots of kids use Ritalin and other such medications to “enhance” themselves academically–to be more focused. This would be great to see for a student applying to schools, or just struggling in school in general. Could even be combined with a plot about a student who gets these drugs legally becoming a dealer… they say ritalin is a gate-way drug to pill-popping and heroin. Could make for a bunch of great, intertwined plots.



  44. A new character like a chuby girl steps in and catches the eye of a main male character but his friends try to keep him from dating her because they feel he should date hotter girls.



  45. Older sibling raising younger sibling because of absent/neglectful parents.



  46. i like to see sibling going wrong like one older sibling taking care of the youngest. Their also i like to see more guys like stars. Kiowa Gordon he did a movie with chloe rose.



  47. I like for them to make a character like siblings who always get in trouble ride motorcycles that are tan or native americans who get to much in trouble do drugs but take care of each other because their family



  48. i think they should have hot hispanic characters or native americans, like guys that are bad ass like warewolves from twilight.



  49. hearditthroughthegrapevine December 7, 2012 at 3:56 pm

    There are a lot of great ideas that I’ve seen here, but I didn’t read them all, so if I repeat any, it’s unintentional.

    I’d love to see a stalker plot. Darcy had a short one, but it would be great to have a character that is dealing with a stalker over the course of a whole season. Maybe Jenna had a superfan on Next Teen Star who is obsessed with her and has found her. Then she would actually have a plot instead of suddenly just being Becky Baker’s friend.

    A “one that got away” plot where a couple breaks up and one person just never gets over it, but the other has and so they never get back together.

    Remember when Marco was student teaching at Degrassi for 30 seconds? Can he come back as a teacher now?

    More parties that actually look like any party I went to in high school. The only one I can think of is Drew’s party. And a party where the kids get caught…either by the cops or a parent.

    For your relationship destroys a friendship, Kary, I like the idea of the relationship being abusive and the friend not noticing. For instance, Jane and Sally are best friends. Jane starts dating John, who becomes abusive, but Sally is so upset that Jane has been blowing her off or “choosing” John over her that she neglects the fact that her friend is in trouble until something really bad happens. I feel like it is a realistic way that a teenager would see the situation.




  50. Someone said this up above and I agree 100%!! … “And speaking of dealing with the death of a parent, I think that having Dave’s dad killed in the line of duty would be a very powerful storyline for Jahmil, especially since he’s established himself as a strong actor.” I think that’s genius!

    As well, as mentioned before, I think having one of the parents having another child from an ex wife/husband. So a character on the show would have a half sibling :)



  51. It would be really cool to have like a big storm and that they all have to stay inside school or something?



  52. I really would like to see some funny, not so intense story lines to be honest. I think we get so focused on “going there” that the writers and us forget about the how teenagers sweat the small stuff all the time.

    It would be awesome to see (like Kary said, and a lot of other people) to see the kids deal with homework and schoolwork. Maybe it could start small, Cam is already set up, being more funny than heart breaking to watch him struggle with school work. Then it could get progressively worse. A lot of people do struggle with school, and every kid in high school complains about school work. Whether or not they’re actually good at it.

    It would be nice to see a student dealing with Lupus or even diabetes (not like Mo though, not really that realistic). I’ve seen how hard diabetics type 1 have it, ALWAYS calorie counting with the sugars. Being vigilant with their intake and insulin. It wouldn’t have to be this huge, omg he’s going to die because he doesn’t have insulin. Maybe even be background noise, see character constantly counting or taking his/her insulin shot after the first episode.

    I really want to see eli have another episode, obviously it would be different because he’s on his med. Maybe he has to come home because he’s not ready to be on his own after having an episode in NYC. He’s scared that he’s never going to be 100% ok or be able to be on his own. So it would be nice that IF we say goodbye to Eli in the finale, that he comes back home and starts dealing with his issues. A lot of people with mental issues have these concerns because after you are diagnosed, it’s not like everything is okay for ever as long as you take your meds. It would also be nice to see if he worries about having “crazy” (bipolar kids).

    We didn’t have this but, it would be fun to see just a group hanging out having a lot of fun, a light episode with some dark themes hidden in. Kinda like It’s Raining Men, that was a great episode.



  53. 1: A homeless storyline and/or a storyline where someone gets kicked out of their home.
    2: An STD storyline where they sleep with people who’ve wronged them some type of way & passes it to them.
    3: A masturbation plot where the person gets caught by a friend.
    4: A double date plot where the couples try to compete with each other.
    5: The loss of a parent plot would be perfect for Dave.
    6: An outsider storyline where the person doesnt know how to interract with others so just stays to themselves.
    7: A kidnapping plot (possibly)



  54. We just got an student teacher relationship with Sav and Ms. Oh and Mr Colby was like Claire and Asher.



  55. I also think celebrity worship would be good to address on the show. On tumblr alone I see people who worship a celebrity and when someone of the opposite sex appears in a photograph or tweets them they go nuts if it’s not who they “ship” them with, and the craziest ones even send death threats/cyberbully celebs on twitter. I don’t think they’ve done anything like this since Stephanie on DJH but that was a different situation. Tristan and Tori definitely seem like the types who would be fascinated with a celebs life like that.



  56. I really like all of the ideas… I agree that there should be a spanish character, a bisexual male, more Adam’s transitions, more screen time for character not seen in majority of season. Also they should have a plot where Adam tells his grams that he is FTM. who will be the president of the student body. More parties!! trial for asher’s sexual harrassment on claire. More whisperhug and mano a mano radio show.



  57. I would love for someone from DJH or the original TNG to be involved again. Marko being a teacher ? Maybe spinner coming back with emma? The show needs something from the original stuff back, its dying and losing its touch it once had until season 11



  58. What if they created a storyline where there is a bomb threat at the school. It would cause complete chaos…it could include some mystery if the identity of the student is left unknown to the audience. If the bomb were to actually go off, it could cause the death of a character-minor or major.
    If something like this were to happen, school officials could then come in and talk to Principal Simpson about how since he took over, too many bad things have happened at Degrassi and that they plan to shut the school down, which would cause chaos.
    Once students from previous seasons/schoolyears get word of Degrassi possibly shutting down, they come back to defend the school and how it has led them to ne who they are.



    1. The speeches of the students would cause the officials to put Degrassi on a probation period and they would get to stay open.



  59. i would really like degrassi to explore emotionally abusive relationships, either with parents friends or partners. I feel like emotional abuse is just as great a physical abuse but it shows up in diffident ways. For me i was emotionally and physically abused when i was younger but the emotional stuff is what caught up to me the most and i started taking it out on myself. A lot of people have unhealthy and damaging relationships but it is kinda overlooked because its not you know physical or anything like that. It also easier for the victim to not realize they are being abused and think its their fault or stay in the relationship because things haven’t gotten to the “extreme”. I don’t know i just think it would an interesting storyline especially a parent child relationship. to show how damaging that can really be to someone.



  60. I personally would love to see a “clique” happen again. We haven’t seen it done well in such a long time. Remember the good ol’ days when it was Spinner, Paige, Jimmy, Hazel, Terri, Craig and Ashley? And then eventually we had Marco and Ellie too. They did everything together – there was a lot of interactions, secrets, dating, band, hanging out, consoling. It was great to see just a good group of friends. It was something great to look back on during “High Fidelity” when Paige and Spinner reviewed their old yearbook and said “we ran that school”. They truly did. I REALLY thought they had something going at the beginning of season 12 when we saw Clare, KC, Connor, Alli, Jenna, Dave, etc. all come on the screen together. It felt familiar and like they were all friends. But in reality, all of the characters seem to just interact with each other all the time and sometimes it makes no sense. I want to see a solid clique done and I think it could be done well with the freshman as we watch them mature and follow with another outcast (similar to Ashley) plot. I want to be able to look back at the freshman who graduated and feel that they had a closeness with each other. That’s just me.



  61. Something to prevent bullying… There has been a lot of suicides this past year which involved kids in high school getting bullied.. Especially cyber bullying. A school shooting would be a good idea… It was seen on one tree hill on A season and had a huge impact… More ethnicity would be nice… I’ve seen a lot of Caucasian leads… I like how degrassi does have more ethnicity than other shows… I’ve seen just about every ethnicity except a pretty female Asian lead?!? We need more Asians!



  62. I would like to see Clare and Eli talk about some things that happened because i still dont know if She told him about Dallas and how he kissed her! I would also like to see one degrassi relationship (CAM and MAYA) not break up for an extended time. I know this is alot to ask for but i have to because they are too cute! I would like to see zig trying to get maya and cam being jelous and defensive and idk punch him or somethinf :). I also want to see more of Owen! Is he still in touch with Anya!!!? I think they should try to bring Anya back for an episode.
    Another thing that would be cool if they shortened the number of plots to 2 instead of 3 because the chances of the person that is watching likes all 3 is slim. so i think if they made it 2 itd be nice becasue they would see more of their favs.
    Also i think im too late considering the promo is already here but 13B maybs? lol.



  63. I would love an actual backstabbing plot. Not the usual “You stole my boyfriend, I thought we were best friends!” but sorta like what Marisol did to Katie by telling the whole school she was bulimic. Teenagers are catty, and I think seeing a friendship completely fall apart because someone started spreading rumors about them would be really realistic.

    And I love the snowstorm idea! It would be really neat if the power went out and it was absolutely freezing, causing tempers to run high and at some point everyone is just fighting or something. Then, in the end, after some good heart-to-hearts and some campfire song singing, the police/firefighters/whoever is in charge of that kind of stuff, could come in a break everyone out of the school!

    Also, I don’t know if this has already been done before, because it kinda feel like it has been, but a con-artist plot would be interesting?

    Finally, I think it would be cool if there could be some sort of “My Strange Addiction” incorporation! Like someone has a really weird addiction to, I don’t know, SOMETHING, and is afraid of people finding out.



  64. I wish Degrassi had a character who was an actual loner.
    Preferably a girl, because when a show tries to do that with a boy they like to make them the heartthrob on accident.
    One who never gets a girlfriend/boyfriend. Who sits and reads at her locker at lunch. Has one friend, that they can count on, MAYBE two. But there’s also the situation that their one good friend, is friends with others, so she feels back seated a lot. Is looked down upon by others. Seems almost not even worth it to bully. Yeah, she can be made fun of. But that’s how much no one gives a shit about her, she is literally just a worthless kid no one cares about. But maybe, she’s also a little intelligent so the teacher actually really likes them. So her teachers become her friends. But don’t need to pull her into a teacher/student relationship drama. Maybe her biggest problems are that her mom has cancer, and/or they have a lot of money problems. Rounded more around a family. She gets pulled into other peoples groups because of their other friend, and feels awkward. She just has terrible anxiety and that’s what has made her “weird” and “anti-social” and “pathetic”. Who knows she could consider suicide from time to time. And smokes pot and drinks because it gives her something to do.

    I’m going to write a fanfic about her. That’s how bad I want a real honest loner character



  65. -I would love for there to be a character (preferably a girl) that feels like they’ll never get a girlfriend/boyfriend, and people of the opposite sex don’t ever pay any attention to them
    -also, maybe someone who’s secretly crying inside but they act like everything’s fine and they’re all happy and smiley when they’re around people
    -someone who is homeless
    -a clique of snobby rich girls
    -a socially-awkward character that finds it extremely hard to make friends
    -a successful suicide
    -a big natural disaster (maybe a tornado)



  66. I would to see a biracial character or siblings deal with issues regarding race like to struggling to deal with who they are. Or like with siblings maybe each sibling gravitates more to one half of themselves and struggles with identity crisis.

    I would also like to see an immigrant story line that deals with a character trying to adjust to their new surroundings

    Also a plot where a character is basically raising their younger siblings while the parent[preferred single] behaves irresponsibly. This causing the character to literally grow up too fast.



  67. I would like to see some of the original characters. They may possibly be the parents of new characters. Degrassi is becoming repetitive and is boring the audience. I believe old characters can attract viewers of the past.



  68. Marisalovespenguins December 30, 2012 at 11:46 pm

    I would like to see an episode of Darcy coming back to visit Claire, and her parents and find jake and his dad in their house and gets confused.



  69. http://www.tumblr.com/blog/idegrassihigh Here are the IDEASS for season 13 :)



    1. There should be some sort of natural disaster.
    2. There should be a death of a parent( Dave’s Dad) and the grieving process
    3. There should be a character with a parent that is a teacher or a part of the staff. (there are many kids like this)
    4. They should have Dallas Repeat his senior year. His character has really been doing some interesting things. and for him to just leave after one season is injustice

    5. Maybe A flash back season where they show a tragedy or something in the season premiere and throughout the season they show everything that led up to that event.
    6.They should also do more with drivers ed.
    7. A storyline where the teacher is really out to make the student fail because of race, etc
    8. A teacher is abused by their spouse and it affects their work and behavior at degrassi
    9. A Junior storyline maybe dealing with the pressure of the ACT/SAT and getting into college
    11.Another Holiday episode(Halloween,Christmas,Hannukah, kwanzaa, New Year)
    12. Saturday School. They did this in earlier seasons with TNG
    13. They should also do more Birthday celebrations



  71. I would like to see one of the cast from the old degrassi come back as a teacher or something like that



  72. […] would be really cool if they used some of the fantastic storylines ideas you all submitted several weeks ago.  There’s been no public mention of whether or not the show’s been renewed, but […]



  73. Kill. Off. Cam. Seriously. They set the poor boy up for a suicide rather brilliantly during the summer episodes and then just sort of let him go to waste. At least let us see what happens when his cast comes off and he’s forced to play hockey again.



  74. How about Eli & Clare decide to have sex even though Clare is a Christian she doesn’t give up her faith & she gets pregnant & her & Eli try to hide it from their parents but tell close friends who promise not to say anything. Then Eli finds out (or possibly already knew & doesnt tell Clare) that Julia had a child by him ( he already told Clare in a past episode that Julia was the only other girl in his room so it could imply that they’ve had sex together also & he told her they were in a fight the night she died, possibly a fight about this perhaps) & her mother or father brought the child say of age 2 or 3 to his home & says that she wanted you to know at the right moment. And they share custody of the child with her parents he gets her on weekends since he’s in school!! Which makes things stressful between him & Clare & baby on the way & Clare feels he cares more about Julia & his child than hers & his that she’s carring & maybe thinks if he feels that way maybe he doesn’t want the baby so why should she & she’s screwed her religious beliefs in the process!!
    (Sorry couldn’t remember if it was spelled Julie or Julia) I think it would make a great storyline because it tests the relationships credibility & they’re are these types relationships out there!! =)



  75. This is an old post but I still want to give my ideas (being a hopeful writer and all)

    1) CONSENSUAL INCEST — People have mentioned incest but they have it go along with rape and abuse (Jane for instance) like that’s the only time it ever happens. Remember when Fiona kissed Declan? Yeah, I want more of THAT only FULL ON this time. A full on (secret but people figure out eventually, perhaps), consensual incest relationship. It happens. It does. It’s so taboo nobody talks about it but it DOES happen and really, Degrassi isn’t the type of show to shy away from something.

    2) SUCCESSFUL SUICIDE — is a plot I have been wanting for YEARS. I mean, seriously. Come on. LOTS of kids commit suicide. We haven’t had one yet. We’ve had plenty of attempts, but no successes.

    3) MORE CAM — Seriously. He is my fave new character and he had that SUPER interesting storyline waaay back during summer but nothing since then. I can’t wait for that cast to come the freak off so we can get more of him!

    4) PSYCHO/SOCIOPATHIC CHARACTER — Maybe I’m the only one, but I have a serious interest in these personality disorders. Psychopaths and sociopaths exist, and I’d like to see a story about a kid (male, I’d prefer, honestly) starting to develop some of the stronger traits. It doesn’t have to go to the length of Eric Harris (who WAS a psychopath–as they diagnosed him after his death. He was one of the Columbine characters, btw), but I’d love to see a character like this. Perhaps a popular kid? Psycho/sociopaths are real charmers and are known for being handsome/beautiful.

    5) BISEXUAL MALE — I think this explains itself.

    6) TEENAGE SINGLE PARENT (MALE) — This has been stated at least once in here already. I’d love to see it.


    8) MORE ASIANS — I just love Asians. Mainly Japanese. Oooh, maybe an exchange student from Japan or Korea or you know, anywhere in Asia?

    9) OTAKU — Remember when Toby was dating Spinner’s sister Kendra (whatever happened to her anyway?) and they both loved anime? Well, there are some people, like me, who are OBSESSED. We are called otakus. We go to conventions and dress up and some do this in public. Some people where lolita/gothic lolita clothes, are obsessed with Japanese culture. I think a person like this would be really interesting because it hasn’t been really done before, on ANY TV show and there are a LOT of people like us. And maybe they could love yaoi? Maybe they want to be a manga artist.

    10) MALE BEING RAPED — I’d prefer being raped by a female but its fine if its a male. I say male by female because it happens, but, in society, it’s not seen like it’s “as bad” as a girl being raped by a guy. To that point, it COULD be a gay guy being raped by a girl, BUT I’d prefer it if it were a straight guy just to add in that extra “You’re a straight male, so obviously you ENJOYED it” which is the main reason people don’t see it as being “as bad” as the other way around.

    11) PLANNED PREGNANCY — Have you ever seen the movie “The Pregnancy Pact”? It’s where a group of teenage girls all get pregnant ON PURPOSE by their respective boyfriends. It’s based on a true story. So whether the girl got pregnant on purpose or the teenage couple planned it together, I think it’d be an interesting mix to the accidental pregnancies in this show.

    12) CONVERSION THERAPY — There’s this perfect opportunity with Becky! I doubt her parents are just going to give up, especially now that she’s back with Adam, and I’d love to see her going through a couple of “therapy” sessions.

    13) SAME-SEX HETERO NON-COUPLE — IDK how else to put it… but, for instance, 2 guys are SO close that people mistake them for a couple but they’re both perfectly straight, although maybe they makes jokes as if they ARE a couple. There are guys like that, and I’d think it’d be awesome to see it.

    Okay, well, I put quite a bit so I’ll stop, but some of these have been on my mind for a VERY long time. Makes me want to write my own TV show and just do it myself. =P



    1. *Columbine SHOOTERS… =.= I was so immersed in what I was saying, I put “characters”. Oops.



  76. Craig comes back to play a gig, Ellie is a journalist covering the concert. Craig is no longer with the girl he was dating in LA, Craig and Ellie get to talking, then they get married and have babies and repopulate Degrassi.



  77. I think Eli and Claire should have sex.



  78. Their should be a coma. Story line at degrassi. We’re like. We’re Clare. Gets. Hit by someone on the street and ends up in the hospital and doesn’t. Remember any body. Drug dealer a school. Degrassi lock down. A cam suicide. A repo. Car episode. We’re someone is. Stealing everybody’s cars at school Make mike Dallas. Throw. Cam off a building. Of a hotel. Party. Or off a bridge. And kill him.



  79. The should make. A designers. Beauty contest were. Becky trying to get into designers school. And. Conner is the judge and he’s steal girls under wear again and spiking there drinks. And he ends up rapeing. Someone. A mystery were investigation. Is in place. And courtroom and jail Were. It could be anybody More Conner. Episodes.



  80. We need to hurry up and get a child abuse storyline again! I was almost positive Zig was gonna get it (I was hoping for it actually). He’s kinda the only character that could be or could HAVE been beaten by a parent. I dunno, I just think Ricardo could pull it off… Anyone else seem up for it?



  81. For you guys that wanted a suicide on the show… you got it. Poor Cam…



  82. I’d love to see Clare’s sister come back( Darcy) to help Clare through her last year in high school also having a charector with mental ilness would be interesting. Evan having current degrassians plan a past degrassians reunion. Eli proposes to Clare he dosent wanna lose her.



  83. Introduce another character, maybe female with ADHD, autism or asperger’s, not as a date for Connor, but cuz all we see are guys with those sort of things. I know it’s more common in guys but still… I do know this comment is late.



  84. Lets see an asian on the show :P



  85. – Domestic violence plot, for sure.
    – Rape causing pregnancy would be a great plot.
    – Incest plot (unknown incest – distant cousin or something)
    – Drunk driving! (This was in DH)
    – Introduce Emma Nelson’s half brother, Jack Simpson!!! (Spike and Snake’s son)



    1. Still too early. Jack is10



  86. – A girl who struggles with being “too skinny” rather than the overused “fat” and gets picked on. Very insecure. As if they’re fat to begin with!)



  87. Schizophrenia! Or MPD. Multiple Personalities disorder. Some kind of mental illness other than bipolar. Something more serious.



  88. The planned pregnancy idea would fit well with the loner girl idea somebody else said. She wants to have a baby because it would give her something to do and, for a time at least (in her mind) give her a reason that someone would want to bond with her.

    But honestly, I stopped watching this show in Season 10. It’s boring and trite, everything’s been done multiple times over (and it’s too late for the things that haven’t yet), and there’s no more character development like in the early seasons that made those episodes so great. We don’t get enough time to actually get to know these people and thus become attached to them because their problems all get solved in one, maybe two episodes. Not very realistic. If this show really must go on another season, keep the characters already existing and give them longer, more fleshed out story arcs so that we actually have a chance to care what happens to them.



  89. I would like to still see Eli in the show. Like he doesnt have to be there all of the time but just so we can keep up with what is happening in Elis life. hes like my favorite character and i would love to still have him in the show.



    1. sorry i forgot to add in i want to see eli in season 13 considering he is already in season 12 lol



  90. For a plot or episode idea, i dont think you guys should do more suicide stuff. I think that you should focus maybe on someone who struggles with bullying because they are either over weight or too skinny. This happens a lot in reality and i think it would make a great episode. Maybe if you decide to do someone who is overweight, the person can like try and starve themselves and you can show the negative effects on doing that. whereas if you decide to do someone who is too skinny, the person can like do self harm or something. Also, remember to please add Eli in the show. I want to see more of him because he is my favorite character.



  91. My ideas about show about Degrassi
    1. Natural Disaster…
    2. Loss of a parent or close family member Dave or Clare.
    3. Bully
    4. Raped
    5. STD
    6. Homelessness
    7. Failing school
    8. More Asia and Latino
    9. Racism
    10. Religious
    11. KC comes back
    12. Drug



  92. Follow some of the kids off to college like Eli, Jake, katie. Kind of like what they did with Emma and Manny.

    Keep the eli and Claire relationship. Keep eli on the show please!!!!!

    Get another character like Ellie Nash.



  93. Breanna Astacio May 1, 2013 at 9:54 am

    I think that Eli and jake wee getting high and Eli has a dream about cam’s death and they go and stop it just in time , and cam lives and cam gets the help that he needs and he stays with maya.



  94. animecrazykid May 10, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Keep the Eli and Clare relationship alive. Follow some students off campus or do cameo appearances. There are just too many good story lines you could lose from the graduation, plus Eli promised Clare her own drawer in his dorm. Please let that happen…please!

    To show I am not biased here are some other plot points that also deserve some thought:
    -Drew and Bianca also need to come back

    -K.C needs to come back for Jenna because frankly I would love to see some Connor drama…how will he react to relationship problems

    -Adam needs to come back…like NOW; On a related note could we have an example of the other half of being transgender Male to Female transgender exist to

    -Could we have a person with depression who is in a relationship and gets help; Other mental disorders could be discussed as well

    -Could we have a bully reformed by love that isn’t a crazed stalker; They could start as a crazed stalker but I mean they need to find a meaningful relationship eventually



  95. I’d like to see some of the older characters return. Like spinner and emma could return with their kid.



  96. Please for my one idea i think eli should screw something up when he goes to nyu as to MANY eclare fans like me and fangirls for eli would love for him to stay with clare untill she graduates as well. I just got finished watching degrassi the time of my life, and i got an idea. Let eli and clare stay together at degrassi. I know it sounds crazy but he can either screw up at nyu, or he can become the drama teacher at degrassi and he can still be with clare and maby do some classes and what not. Just please the directors of degrassi dont take eli off of degrassi i would.be so sad dont let him and clare be seperated because he had to graduate let the be together. Directors, also the way the time of my life turned out tonight it was GREAT. ESPECIALLY ECLARE!!!!!!? But please put what i said about eli in thoughts or do something like that .



  97. Everyone talking about a suicide plot. I wish you knew then smarty you know now. #RIPCam



  98. You guys should bring back Fiona coyne and have FIMOGEN STAY!!!



  99. you should have fiona come back like visit and have her and imogen talk making imogen realize adam isnt what she wants but she wants Fiona .. it’s disappointing to me that they broke up they were the cutest couple and honestly inspirational showing they can get past anything and be there for each other .. in the cold cold night 2~The time of my life ): so sad )”:



  100. I want to see more drama between becky and adam and let adam date imogen and maybe then let becky come back from Florida and let her catch adam and imogen kissing or hugging and more beckdam or terreno please I LOVE DEGRASSI.






  102. I would like to see an episode where they tackle learning disabilities. It should not be a major episode but maybe a sub plot. I also like the idea of a verbal or physical abuse relationship and self harm.



  103. I like the one about racism and interracial if they do that this season I think it will hit home for many.



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