PLOT A SUMMARY: Jenna is depressed and tired of being at home with Tyson all the time, so she decides to return to Degrassi.  She doesn’t feel like she knows how to have fun anymore, but she finds an outlet by helping Sav create a song for the school play.  While at home she works on the song…Tyson is on the changing table behind her and falls off.  Jenna rushes Ty to the hospital, and he’s ok.  However, the nurse says that she’s required to inform child services.

Before the meeting Jenna is at Degrassi and catches KC getting in a car with Marisol.  Alli and Dave tell Jenna that KC has been cheating with Marisol.  At home, Jenna confronts KC, and in the heat of the argument she hits him in the face with her guitar.  The child services rep arrives and insists that she be there on a regular basis to monitor what happens at the house.  Jenna then begins to inquire about adoption, which KC rejects.  The next day, Jenna tells KC that they should consider adoption, but he doesn’t want to give up on Tyson.  Jenna says that he doesn’t really want to be a father, and that they’re failing as parents.  Putting up Tyson for adoption would mean Ty could get the life he deserves, and KC and Jenna could move on with their lives…apart.

Do I really have to write out a long, thoughtful review about this plot? If you watched it, it basically speaks for itself.  It’s an emotional, well-written storyline with fantastic acting from Jessica Tyler and Sam Earle.  The fact that this plot is drenched in frustration and desperation is what keeps it engaging from beginning to end.  Every season has a quality storyline that stands above the others of that season….so far Kenna’s is it for Season 11.

It’s about time we get a raw look into the world of teen parenthood.  It’s impossible not to sympathize with Jenna.  She’s doing her best, but the burden is too much.  Despite that, she still shows that she loves Tyson more than anything.  It’s a given that KC has been an asshole.  But the final scenes allow us to see an inner conflict within him;  he doesn’t want to be a dad, but he also doesn’t want to give Tyson up for adoption because he doesn’t want to be a failure like his father.  I don’t think it was a matter of him not knowing how to be a father that scared him off, it’s just that not wanting to be like his dad wasn’t a big enough motivator for him to step up and fulfill his role as a parent.

The final scene was brilliant, addressing how difficult the decision to give up Tyson will be, despite the fact that both Jenna and KC love Ty.  Jenna’s maturity level skyrockets even more at the fact that she admits both of them are suffocating under the pressure of parenthood, and Tyson is the one who will ultimately suffer.  I can’t even think anymore…such a good plot. That’s all you need to know.


PLOT B SUMMARY: Sav wants to impress Ms. Oh by creating a song for the school play, but Mo is determined to be the play’s composer.  Sav wins the contest to create music for the play, but Ms. Oh suggests he collaborates with Mo; Sav declines.  Mo takes Sav’s hard drive and threatens to send the song Sav created about Ms. Oh to her if Sav doesn’t make him co-composer.  The duo creates a killer track, and plan a meeting with Ms. Oh.  Sav arrives at the meeting and learned Mo couldn’t make it, but e-mailed a track to Ms. Oh.  She plays it and it’s Sav’s love song.

Mo says he sent it to her to help Sav get her, and the two decide to go to a contest to help Sav get over his crush…however, Ms. Oh is there.  She introduces Sav to her friends as the guy who wrote her a song, and they watch the concert together.  At school Ms. Oh responds coldly as Sav refers to her as Winnie in front of Mo, but after Mo walks off Ms. Oh delivers a coy smile at Sav.

This plot was kind of ok, but that’s about it.  Part 1 wasn’t very interesting.  Thankfully Part 2 provided clarity on Mo, who I’m convinced can play a pretty solid support character.  I don’t have much commentary on this plot because it didn’t do very much over two episodes besides establish a hint that there’s sparks between Sav and Ms. Oh.  The best aspect of the story is the fact that the plot centered around creating something for the play…Degrassi has done a fantastic job of tying in a lot of characters and storylines into this play.  As for Sav and Ms. Oh, It’ll probably take us actually seeing them together for me to develop any interest in them as a couple.


PLOT C SUMMARYClare learns that Jake is helping build sets for the school play.  She then becomes paranoid that Eli is out to hurt her boyfriend, so she decides to “join” the set crew as well.  She tells Jake that she thinks Eli is trying to sabotage their relationship and that everything in the play about her character is a lie…that’s when Jake reveals Eli’s asked him to read for the role of “Fritz.”  Clare decides to crash a reading of the script and is kicked out after complaining about how Clara is portrayed in the play.  Jake gives her a copy of the play and she tells Eli that it was beautiful.  Eli had made Clara the hero, because “she IS the hero.” The plot ends with Eli and Clare silently staring at each other.

This plot was annoying until the finale scene, which was a beautiful display of emotion (I‘m not an Eclare fan, but I do admit it was an endearing scene).  I find myself suffering from Eclare burnout because they had a plot in all four episodes this week.  All that just to get to the point we already know…that Eli will try to win Clare back.  Clare continues to be all over the place, which is frustrating.  Thankfully there were a few funny moments, all of them involving Jake saying something unintentionally funny.  He’s just there to provide conflict for Eclare, but at least they didn’t make him completely dull as a rock like they did last week.

Posted by Kary


  1. So. Is this the episode where Jake tells Eli, “You’re crossing the line.” ?



    1. no jake says that in an epsiode that is coming next week



  2. Thanks for noticing the ongoing Eclare focus this week. I’m fine with characters existing in other people’s storylines, but 4 days in a row is just too much, especially since this is an ongoing storyline that will probably go well into the fall season as well. There’s no need to rush this. They’ll still have plenty of time to explore the quad.



  3. Many people probably aren’t on my side, but I actually love the love triangle going on between KC,Marisol and Jenna. It actually reminds me of the Craig, Ashley and Manny days, but of course with a little twist. I can’t wait to seee who he ends up with, especially since Tyson might not be in the picture anymore…



  4. I personally don’t mind the love square, but I can definitely see how it would be annoying if you weren’t interested in that storyline. I’m just psyched for Extraordinary Machine!
    I agree about Jenna being better and better, but for some reason KC doesn’t piss me off as I feel like he should, probably just because we have no solid evidence that he’s actually cheating. But on the other hand, I kind of like the fact that it’s simply implied rather than shoved in our faces.

    Also, this is random, but I so badly want Zane to have a storyline that is unrelated to Riley. So so badly, I think he could be a really strong actor if he were given the right setup.



    1. I agree 100% percent, especially with the Zane part. Shannon is a good actor, and he’s adorable. I’ve been having this weird fantasy that he’d have a really intense plot all by himself, like a male eating disorder or something.



      1. I was just thinking that they haven’t had a male eating disorder storyline since waaaaaay back in Season 2 with Toby. I definitely think it’s something they can tackle again and not just wrapped up neatly by the end of the 2 part episode.


      2. Eating disorders are for both genders, there’s not male and female ones…


  5. Wow Eli not the way to get Clare back. I understand why Clare would be paranoid I would be too. His plan to get Clare back is going to backfire so badly. This boy needs help.
    I can see Clare getting fired up at Eli about the play.

    I have a feeling that Jenna and KC might put Tyson up for adoption or Child services may take him away until they get back on there feet.

    I cant picture Sav and MS O. O_o



  6. I agreed with everything here Kary! The Kenna plot has definitely been the most realistic of this season compared to the others. Sav and Miss Oh. are random but I also thought Sav and Holly J were completely random and surprisingly I liked that pairing. It’s so weird I was just thinking the same thing about Eclare and Clare’s virginity prediction. After seeing so many people writing on here whether or not they thought Cake had already had sex, I thought there’s no way. If Clare ever has sex Degrassi has to show it, her morals and wanting to wait until marriage have been too central to her character to gloss over it. And now with how epic Degrassi is trying to make the Eclare story (emphasis on trying, because now I feel like their trying too hard) it’s almost like if she ever does lose her virginity it would have to be to Eli, even if they broke up again afterwards.



  7. EclareSucksAss_ August 11, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    Eclare is so pointless and boring. They should’ve been wrapped their story up. Like really, can we move on. The so called “fangirls” will get over it.

    & does anyone else think the Ecrap plot in Extraordinary Machine will be alot like the Ecrap plot in Drop The World?



    1. The way I see it is:
      Lose Yourself = Jesus, Etc.
      Extraordinary Machine = Drop the World

      They did the setups the exact same way, someone is interfering with their relationship (Jake even though it’s because he’s in a relationship with Clare this time) and then Eli is gonna go full-on crazy to get what he wants (DTW = he wanted Clare, crashed hearse; EM = he wanted Clare (still), who knows what he will do)

      But like i’ve said before. I don’t “ship” couples, but this post-Eclare storyline interests me.. If only it wasn’t dragged out allllllllllll week as a C-Plot (like Kary said).. I hope Extraordinary Machine is a good episode.



    2. Just becuz u don’t like eclare dosent mean u have to be a little bitch about it. Why don’t u save yourself the bitching and complaining for something else. “Ecrap” really? That’s just pathetic.



      1. than eclare fangirl speaks


      2. ^ Agreed LMFAO


      3. @DS11#1 why don’t u go fuck urself asswipe. I’m not in the mood rite now for little stupid comments so shut ur damn mouth.


  8. :'( After 7 years of fighting cancer, my grandfather died today. I know he’s in a better place, but I miss him so bad! I was all excited because I got Season 3 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on DVD and I was so pumped for the new Degrassi, but now I don’t even feel up to watching it. I don’t get it: I’m crying on the inside, but I have absolutely no idea what to think on the outside; all I know is that I’m gonna break down at the funeral when they close the coffin.



    1. I’m so sorry for your loss :(



    2. Sorry.

      And buffy FTW.

      Now I feel evil.

      Also I thought I was the only male who watches degrassi :)



  9. I agree 100% with your points Kary (ECLare, shifts in character like/dislike/non-caring, Adam,Jessica Tyler’s acting and Jenna as a character).



  10. much just posted the full recap of tonights episode an hour early lol fail XD



    1. Ha! That’s funny. I find it hilarious that Much and Teennick make silly mistakes like that almost frequently.



  11. Just read the Episode Recap that Much posted early. Sounds interesting! Though it has major spoilers, but because I can’t resist, I had to read it. However, watching the episode will make it easier to form an opinion.



  12. I can’t believe that for once, a Kenna plot is better than an Eclare plot. Jenna’s come miles from who she used to be, and even though I still don’t like her, I sympathize with her and respect her. My heart’s going to break if they lose Tyson. Jenna wants so badly to be a good mother, but it looks like it’s getting to that point where she just can’t handle it by herself. :/ I’m really proud of Degrassi for not glamorizing Jenna’s parenthood the way they glamorized her pregnancy. It just looks so fucking awful when you’re that young and virtually no one’s helping you.

    My prediction is that Eclare will reunite by the end of S11. Them reuniting by the end of Now or Never just seems too soon, especially after all the bullshit they’ve put each other through.

    “Eclare has been one of the plots in every episode this week. You can’t do this, Degrassi. You can’t stick a storyline into one of the plot slots 4 days in a row, even if it is a “C” plot. It doesn’t matter how much people love the characters, this is how character and plot burnout begins.” My feelings exactly. And I usually love Eclare story lines.



  13. I cant decide whose music I dislike more, I’ll go with Sav because of autotune. I hate autotune.

    I think Tyson is going to be put up for adoption. Those two cant screw in a lightbulb.



    1. They don’t actually use auto-tune, they use a talk box/Synth.



  14. Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

    Ty, up for adoption? Jenna, don’t pull a Liberty/JT move. Yes, you’re only in grade 10, but it’ll be a harder time to give him up now then it would be right after giving birth. Jenna has become too attached.



  15. that ending with kc and jenna was the best degrassi ending i’ve seen in a while.



  16. Tonight was actually a rather great episode. I was impressed by all 3 storylines, especially the final scene between KC and Jenna. That was some really powerful material (did not see the adoption angle coming into play) and both Sam and Jessica did great work.

    While I am really growing tired of the Cake/Emogen quad, it’s obvious they are setting up a “long awaited” Eclare reunion, which is not something I have any interest in. I do think Clare and Eli were able to progress just a little step further tonight, instead of the same boring retread we’ve already been seeing, but it’s still headed toward an unnecessary outcome if you ask me.

    Sav and Miss Oh were great and the little wink at the end just made me flash back to HS when I had a crush on one of my teachers. Sadly, she never returned those advances, but I tried to work it hardcore.

    I thought the writing was top notch tonight, which is something that could be hit or miss on most days. The soundtrack was also fantastic.



    1. “Sadly, she never returned those advances, but I tried to work it hardcore.” LMAO! Same here, smh.



    2. I agree. I was actually surprised because Jenna was so attached to Tyson and when she brought up adoption, I was like what? That’s a good addition to the plot in my opinion. I completely did not expect it.



  17. Ms. Oh: *wink*
    She and Sav would be so hot together.

    Just saw the promo for next week. I swear these kids jump from one person to another. I think we’re done with the Jenna/KC/Marisol love triangle….for now, maybe. Now it’s off to Katie/Drew…. Marisol?? I take it back, Marisol is the one who jumps pretty much everywhere.



    1. It is off to be a Katie/Drew and Marisol storyline in week 6 “Don’t Panic” episodes where it test their friendship because they both like Drew, so you are right.



    2. I’m a fan of Katie, but they keep bouncing her all over the canvas just as much as Marisol and I really hope throwing her into Drew’s storyline isn’t going to bug me. Whatever happened to Bianca? She should be fighting for her man!

      I would feel much more comfortable if it was Bianca vs. Marisol for Drew’s affection. I don’t want to see Katie tainted too much with any of these love triangles. I feel that might ruin her appeal for me.

      Of the previews next week, Alli/Dave seems the most interesting right now.



    3. Sav is not hot with anyone.

      The faster he and is overactive dick are finished with Degrassi, the better.



      1. Your name describes your comment perfectly :P


  18. Oh my god. That episode…it tore my heart to pieces. How can Jenna give Tyson up for adoption? I was so starting to sympathize with her, and then, BAM. Pretty solid episode, I think, and the acting wasn’t too bad either.



  19. This week was definitely Eclare overload, but tonight’s episode was amazing:
    “You made her the hero.”
    “That’s because she IS the hero.”



  20. This is random but does anyone else watch Season 10 and think “wow… so much has happened!” new characters! new plots!

    On another note, if Eclare gets back together, I will throwup, scratch my eyes out, & stop watching this show. Degrassi? more like the Ecrap Show.



    1. What the hell just cuz you hate Eclare doesn’t mean you hav to be an ass about it. And really Ecrap? If you are going to insult them at least come up with something good. You know I’m hoping they will get back together so you can scratch your eyes out. Hopefully that will stop you from making comments like this. Stop bitching and get over it.



  21. what!!?? i loved the sav song its so catchy. where can i find it?? “oh girl you make my heart burn!you teach the knowlege and i’ve got so much to learn” :)



  22. MuchMusic Promo



    1. Thanks Fresh. Were you able to tell at :20 who the person is that catches Anya doing lines?



      1. Anyone know the name of the song that plays throughout the promo?


      2. Oceanship- Hotblack


      3. The song is Pretty Things by Oceanship. I love it!


      4. She’s throwing up in the toilet at a club


    2. what is this……

      and i thought the ending of tonight’s episode made me sad. next week isn’t gonna disappoint. it’s gonna make you depressed.



    3. why does it look like someone if doing ANya from the back at 20 seconds.???



      1. I’m hoping Anya overdoses on cocaine as one of the two deaths.

        So much better than killing off some bit player


    4. Don’t touch me WHOA



      1. Anya is doing it again…


    5. The MM promos always look so much better than the TeenNick ones. I wish TN would outsource MM’s marketing department.



      1. ONLY RECENTLY Much has finally found a way to make good promos. Before TN was infinitely better no matter how much hype. Much Music used to make me never want to watch Degrassi, and TN would make me feel stupid for blowing up a scene that has nothing to do with the actual plot. However they do need to coordinate their promos, too much is given away in advance between the two. Maybe they should let Stephen Stohn make the promos so he can efficiently give out what he wants to give as a “tease” since he knows what’s going to happen.


      2. I do think SS should have a say over what is promoted, but I don’t think that’s how it works. I’m pretty sure Nick/MTV licenses Degrassi and they have full reigns how to promote their own shows. Not sure how it works in Canada. They may have more say over what MM airs.

        I think less is more when it comes to promotion. Enough with the OMG hype. They should just give out small teases, enough to make you intrigued and get people talking.


      3. Much has completely flipped the script on TeenNick’ as far as promos are concerned. TeenNick’s were considered great last year because Much’s were incredibly boring. But now that Much has stepped up their game, TeenNick’s promos look even more overlydramatic and chessier than usual.


    6. Much and Teen Nick need to coordinate their promos, because a lot of the time between the 2 diff promos we’re seeing an entire scene in advance. But Much does a much better job than Teen Nick, their a bit more ambiguous in terms of the voiceover but i like that because Teen Nick is always over-hyped. Ready for next week! Hope Eclare fans don’t see this scene with Clare saying “We will never get back together” to Eli, they will literally sh** a brick.



      1. Imagine if she says that to Jake for some reason LOL but I hope Eclare doesn’t get back together.. Seriously, I didn’t really like them in Season 10 (excluding Drop the World & All Falls Down) and they are definitely in the past..


    7. Kenna gave the baby up for adoption. No reason KC and Jenna would be hugging like that. I hope that they don’t, I was so sad when that topic came up today because with Jenna’s attachment to Tyson (which was clearly shown in LoveGame), I didn’t think she would even THINK about adoption.

      I’m excited for Drew. (all his S11 plots were amazing so far)
      I’m excited for Ecake (and maybe Imogen)
      I’m excited for Anya (her storyline is amazing)
      I’m excited for Kenna (continuation of today and this is one of my fav. episodes)

      I’m excited for Week 5.



      1. Oh gawd…. an ecake three some.

        *eyes burn*


    8. Once again Much has the better promo. Gah, I love Oceanship.



    9. I cannot even process this promo. It’s so heartbreaking. The clip of an emotional Jenna hugging K.C. destroys me. Because I know that’s when they will have given up Ty. :( It’s just so much more sadder than when it happened to Liberty because we’ve been seeing Ty all season, and ugh, I can’t even talk about this. Too sad.



      1. My heart is breaking for Kenna. I love Tyson.


  23. Wait when did Drew and Katie start a relationship?



  24. LAWWD @ Datie kiss in the next week previews.



  25. I was glad Jenna took a back hand gutair swing at KC



  26. Wow this is the only episode where I actually loved jenna. My hat goes off for her. In the end she is making the right desicion, for her self and for her baby. Bc KC is not home. Even though he is the father he is not there. And he shows he does not want to be there bc he cheated on Jenna with Marisol. The ending of this Ep was amazing. I am so happy Jenna called it like it was. And when KC gave her a choice of if the baby goes so does she, that girl stood her ground. Fantastic. I actually like her.

    Eli and Clare: Wake me up when their scene is over zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
    The only thing funny was watching Jake walk down the steps of degrassi. I though “Who is that girl?” But then the closed up on him and then I was like ” Oh Jake is that girl”

    Sav and Ms.Oh: Love to see Cory lee. She is sooooo Hot. I will call her Winnie any time.

    As for the new character Mo. I loved him the first time I have seen him. Finally a fat guy. The last fat character degrassi had was Toby and well he was not Fat just chunky.



  27. Wow…a really really moving episode.

    Jenna: This plot initially worried me. I thought they were gonna go the “I can’t believe you cheated on me” direction throughout the entire plot, but thankfully they didn’t. Child Services and how to deal with having a baby takes the fore front and the cheating is a second factor that destroys Jenna and K.C.’s relationship. And the introduction of the adoption possibility really ups the stakes. Jenna has two choices: 1.) Stay with Tyson and be depressed, BUT have a boyfriend and helpful mother, or 2.) Give Tyson up to persue her life like a normal teenager, but lose K.C. and her place to live.

    Sav and Ms. Oh: This plot…still didn’t really engage me. It was actually just kind of awkward seeing Ms. Oh flirting with Sav and showing interest. It just didn’t seem natural at all to me. Personally I don’t ship them at all with their lack of chemistry. It just didn’t feel right.

    Eli/Jake/Clare: Clare irritated me for the most part during this episode. She was assuming too much and spazzing out. Jake didn’t really offer too much except the slightly sweet moment where he puts his trust in Clare and not Eli. Imogen pissed me (and I’m sure many others) off by being so rude towards Clare. but if everyone in this show was nice to one another it wouldn’t be much of a show. I never thought there would even be a possibility of Eli and Clare getting back together after the whole Hearse incident, but the ending to this episode makes me reconsider. What Eli did for Clare (and what he said to her) could change everything involving the two very quickly.



    1. I almost completely agree with you.. I am so glad that the Kenna plot wasn’t focused on cheating, but that that was one of the many factors that was deteriorating Jenna’s sanity. A lot of people are saying how surprised they are that Jenna is even considering adoption because of the love she has shown for Tyson, but I think it is pretty realistic just because of her recent increase of maturity.

      I agree that Sav and Ms. O are not engaging. It was.. just weird.

      Clare was unnecessarily annoying throughout this episode, joining the play was ridiculous. I found myself feeling bad for how desperate she looked in the car with Jake, trying so hard to clear her name. I actually loved Jake in this episode, although he has been pretty bland, his obliviousness is a breath of fresh air, and I actually laughed out loud at a few of his comments. The way he said Eli was “just weird” or something like that was refreshingly funny in an unintentional way. I also found myself laughing at Imogen, just because she is so completely and ridiculously dedicated to Eli. I surprised myself by totally loving the last Eclare scene, with Eli and Clare left staring at each other. I realized that I actually do hope they will end up together, but not too soon (aka not in Extraordinary Machine.. after that dragged-out breakup, they need more time to repair the relationship.)

      I’m excited for next week! I’m really happy about Alli and Dave, they look like a solid couple- very similar personalities. I hope Katie and Drew aren’t randomly thrown together, but it looks like they might be. (side note, I hate how Teennick makes every week seem like a life-or-death situation. They did the same thing with Holly J’s illness, trying to convince us she was going to die.) I don’t really know what to think about the Eclare storyline coming in this next week.. Since I sincerely doubt Eli and Clare will end up together so soon, all of Eli’s fanfare about getting Clare back will most likely push her farther away from him, right back into Jake’s arms. Hopefully Eli won’t resort to Imogen.. I think she is absolutely insane and would be terrible for him. My only hope is that she does something even more crazy to try to win Eli and he realizes how insane she really is.



  28. Tonight’s episode left me pleasantly surprised.

    Before I say anything else the quote of the night is definitely:

    “He’s weird. He wears eyeliner and writes plays.”- Jake

    I think I was spot on in my prediction of Mo’s intentions with Sav, which is he really just wants to be his wingman/roll homie. What makes it kinda weird is i’m not really sure why Mo wants to be Sav’s friend so badly, maybe because he’s student body president? Sav and Ms. Oh as a pairing is pretty underwhelming. They need something sexy/risque to happen in this plot, because despite it being the taboo teacher-student relationship it seems pretty lame. Also I kinda don’t buy Ms. Oh all of a sudden being so turned on by some teenage boy writing a song for her. The song wasn’t earth shattering and Ms. Oh is an attractive young woman… not getting it here.

    Kenna was great for me tonight! And I don’t think I’ve ever said that. Jenna’s struggles are so painful and I really feel that she’s drowning in the pressure of being a teen mom. Tonight I think the writers did a great job in adding so more depth to KC. We still don’t really know why he fooled around with Marisol or how he really feels about Jenna or the baby, but we do know that he’s conflicted- meaning he’s not a heartless prick. I think KC like most teenagers is struggling with the idea of who he is and who he wants to be. He wants to be a good dad to Tyson but really doesn’t know how and despite the fact that I think he cares about Jenna he’s not mature enough to give her the commitment and emotional support she needs. The adoption plot surprised me, I literally gasped when Jenna asked the social worker. Personally, I think they should give the baby up for adoption. In terms of the Degrassi-verse it will just be easier in continuing Jenna’s storyline. I remember how with Mia you never saw her daughter, there were a few episodes where she struggled with her baby daddy but besides that her daughter was really an afterthought. I think its hard for a teen drama to successfully show the ongoing struggle of a teen mom, and because i’m not sure if Degrassi can continue to make Jenna an interesting character for several more seasons with the added plot of Tyson I think adoption would be better for her storyline.

    Clare- tonight was really more about Clare than the love quadrangle, which initially I was less than enthused about but after watching the episode I started to see a little bit of Clare that I used to like. I started to see more that Clare is not only worried about what Jake thinks of her but also Eli. Prior to this episode I was kind of annoyed at Clare’s insistence that she was so over their relationship, mainly because it was such an intense romance it just didn’t seem realistic that she’d move on so quickly. The scene with Eli and Clare at the end was touching, but I don’t think it’s going to mean what Eclare fans will be hoping for. I think Clare wants to continue to have Eli in her life because they both obviously miss one another but I don’t think Clare will be as ready to rekindle the romance as much as Eli will want to. Her reasoning might not even really be about Jake but just more that she isn’t ready to be in such an intense relationship yet. Also I liked Jake tonight, his easygoing vibe allowed for Clare’s intensity to be a little bit more bearable throughout the episode.

    All in all i thought this was a good episode.



    1. I can never tell if Clare still wants to be with Eli and vice versa, even if they say the opposite. I know when I was their age a million years ago, I usually said almost the opposite of what I wanted. If I was interested in someone, I said “Nah, what are you talking about?” since I was embarrassed and if I wasn’t interested, I probably said I am, either as a defense mechanism or I just wanted to get one up on someone else in my class, haha. Teens can be crazy at times.

      I would love to see Clare actually move on, which would leave Eli free to do the same. The last thing I want to see him continuing to do is fawn over losing Clare. That’s not a fun Eli for me.



      1. I definitely agree with you. At that age who knows what their thinking? I would like the show to feel as though they can move on from Eclare without it being an ultimate showdown of some sort. What would be great is if they can transition these two into a friendship and have both of them move on from one another and such relationship-focused plots.


      2. I think it should be healthy for both Clare and Eli to transition into new relationships, or at least time apart from each other. If the writers have a down the road plan to reunite Eclare by the end of the fall/spring season, I’ll deal with it, but they should both get a chance to move on and experience other aspects of life in HS. Writing the play is a big deal for Eli, even if it’s all about his relationship with Clare, but at least it’s something other than mindless pinning from afar.

        Eli should have the play and Clare should have the newspaper. Those worlds shouldn’t necessary collide, even though that’s EXACTLY what happened!


  29. Oh and next week! Definitely excited….Dave looked kinda sexy the way he was talking to Alli and I’m really excited for their main plot. Also interested to see how Extraordinary Machine will turn out since their has been so much buildup to this Eclare plot, I have a strange feeling this isn’t going to be as decisive of a plot as we might hope. Meaning I think the Eclare storyline could very well continue into after Now or Never even if Imogen and Jake are no longer major players. Don;’t know yet if i’l be into Drew and Katie but I am soo excited about Drew’s fighting storyline!



  30. Wow…that promo honestly got me kind of emotional.



    1. Forreal. Instead of “Now or Never,” it should be called “Degrassi: Things Can and Will Get Worse.”



      1. True dat


  31. Ty is such a cubby little cutie ! :) Jenna was stessed upset and when your like that you tend to lash out.
    Sav and Ms.Oh steped up from part 1 it will be interesting to see how their relationship will go.

    I agree with you Kary Eclare love square doesn’t have to be in every episode and I am getting bored with them. However, that last scene with. Clare and Eli was perfect



  32. I was just starting to love Jenna, and now this. I can’t even imagine how hard it would be to a mother at a young age, but I also can’t imagine considering adoption, so easily, after having so much bonding time with my baby. And it’s so unfortunate that K.C’s mom can’t be around the baby alone, she was Jenna’s biggest support system. I don’t care if K.C and Jenna break up, they love between them seem to be lost, but I want them to keep Tyson. But everything seems to be set up, so that they have no choice but to give up(Jenna’s brother being out of the picture, and now K.C’s mom)

    And Sav and Ms.Oh – don’t care

    Clare annoys me. I really don’t understand how her and Jake are already dating, but whatever. The last interaction with Eli was cute. I’m not an Eclare fan girl, but if you take away Eli’s mental issues, Eclare had more substance than CAKE, I mean ECLARE have the same interest, their both good writers and love books and all that, and CAKE seem to only be interested in making out. So I’m excited to see if and how Eclare rekindle their spark.



    1. Actually, Clare and Jake are old friends from church. I’d say they have more in common than Christian Clare and atheist Eli.



      1. Yeah, but Clare and Jake don’t really know each other… at all. They haven’t spoken in like six years? Hell, we don’t even know much about Jake. Their relationship just really has no solid substance to me.


    2. i can honestly say i dont think there was any love ever BETWEEN jenna and KC. i think jenna loved KC & KC just cares about getting his dick wet & doesnt like it to be from the same girl for too long. im not saying he never cared for her, but it deffinantly wasnt love. he got back with her more out of comfort & familiarity than anything else



  33. EXCELLENT episode! I am very happy. I thought kc and Jenna had the best plot hands down tonight which is really shocking for me. I really don’t no if they r gonna give Ty up or not so I’m very interested to find out. The sav plot was actually pretty enjoyable 2. Last night every time his plot came on I thought ughhh just go back to the Jenna/KC plot or the cake/Elmo plot. But tonight I was very impressed with that. And the cake/Elmo plot was just the rite amount of enjoyment. I think it’s being setup very well for Eli to try and get Clare back. And ok that moment when Clare and Eli were just staring at each other smiling at the end was adorable! I agree with kary I truly believe eclare will get back together at some point and Clare will loose her virginity to Eli. They obviously still like each other seeing in the week 5 promo they r hanging out and having lunch together. I don’t think eclare haters shud fret if they do tho cuz I believe the writers r going to make their relationship look much better and happier if they do get back together. :)



  34. wow this was actually a really good episode.It takes a lot for me to actually not be bored during a kenna plot but this episode did it.I loved jenna and this episode and kc was good too.

    ms o winking at sav was the perfect ending to the plot

    and jakes moment with clare in the truck was good and the eli clare moment at the end makes u wonder. i think eclare will get back together but hopefully not so soon.



  35. Jessica Tyler, you have promoted yourself to Degrassi standout actress Season 11 :)
    That plot felt the most realistic I’ve felt from Degrassi in a LOOONG TIME. Just everything felt so raw and emotionally draining. I feel extremely bad for KC, Jenna, and Tyson. This is a plot I will remember in the future. I hope they can give Jessica Tyler more good plots like this because when they do she really steps up.

    The Eclare square did okay but I didn’t really care for it. I still won’t until Extraordinary Machine.

    Sav and Ms.Oh are random so I don’t really care for it. However I think it’s nice they are building it up rather than throwing them into a relationship.

    I wanna see Drew bring his acting game and finally Katie will be less “Type A” I’m just upset that they are being thrown into a relationship in a way because the acting looks superb from the promos. Eli seems upset once Clare shuts him down so here comes “Drop the World” parts 4-6 next week lol. Let’s see how they start building up for Alli’s gambling plot next week :D



  36. Degrassi-Biggest-Fan August 11, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    Is there a link to watch this? I miss it.



  37. Next week on Degrassi!

    Drew attempts to not be a pussy

    Eli and Clare are still overdramatic

    Dave still wishes he had street cred



    1. Exactly! More crap.



    2. I take that back it hasn’t really been crap. There’s just a few episodes/plots and 80% of the characters I could care less about.



  38. Lose Yourself was DEFINITELY a great episode. I think U Don’t Know had 3 amazing plots but I think this episode had all plots as awesome (at least Part 2 was good). Like everyone said, the eclare interaction at the end was.. cool. I loved Jake’s line: “He wears eyeliner.. and writes plays.” I was laughing.

    My top 5 favorite episodes of Season 11 so far: Spring Fever, Cry Me a River, Paper Planes and Lose Yourself (in no particular order). I have a feeling that Mr. Brightside & Extraordinary Machine have a chance at going in my most favorite episodes of Season 11.

    I really hope Kenna doesn’t give the baby up for adoption. Jenna has gotten so attached to Tyson and exactly like the MM promo said, “what you will gain is not worth what you lost” which I think refers to Jenna getting her life back is NOT worth giving up Tyson (assuming she actually does give Tyson up for adoption), especially with how attached they got. I feel so bad for Jenna.



  39. saw the teennick promo for next week…

    drew and katie= BIG FAT NO! :/ :@ if anything she should be with adam… and he should be with bianca.

    and i felt bad for jenna and KC… i laughed when she hit him with the guitar LOL he deserved it.

    holy crap. anya’s addicted to coke :O



  40. I just realized that Degrassi keeps writing all of Adam’s love interested as being interested in Drew (Drew liked Fiona at the same time as Adam, Adam liked Bianca before Drew and now Katie…) Can he get a girl to himself, please? Dang!



    1. I realized Fiona was never interested in Drew, but still he went after her too….



    2. I was just about to say something about that. I’d love to see Adam steal a girl from Drew >:D



  41. I am so glad to see the end (hopefully) of the KC and Jenna parenting plot and relationship! I’m not sure either character is interesting enough to warrant future storyline, although I suspect now we’ll have arcs dedicated to them missing Ty….

    Check out my recap/review and share your feedback/comments/TwoCents!!!



  42. Just watched the episode… I started crying at the end when Clare said, “You made Clara the hero.” And Eli was like “That’s because she is the hero” Then smirked adorably at Clare. :’) It was a super cute moment, but I have no idea why I cried. I guess I just felt so touched. ^^



  43. Wow… this was a really good episode. I think all three plots deserve an A; every single one left me wanting to see what’s going to happen next and there were several moments where I felt my heart skip.

    The first one was when Jenna hit KC with the guitar. I wasn’t expecting that to be such a powerful scene, but it was. I wasn’t cheering Jenna on like I was expecting to, nor was I thinking about how much KC deserved it. Sam Earle and Jessica Tyler’s acting was spot on in this scene.There was something about the way KC looked at Jenna afterwards that made me think of him as a little boy falling victim to his mother’s abuse. I almost felt sorry for him. And of course I felt horrible for Jenna. She is a rock star, she truly is.

    The second moment that made my heart skip was at the very end of the episode where we got a shot of little baby Ty. It was so simple but still very heart wrenching. I just want to swoop that baby up and hug him to me for dear life.

    The third was when Ms. Oh winked at Sav. This was the precise moment that I became truly interested in their relationship. Her reprimanding him for calling her Winnie and then giving him an inconspicuous little wink was the right kind of teaser we needed for what’s to come between these two. No doubt they’ll have major chemistry. If I thought that little wink was hot? Then I’ll probably be foaming from the mouth when we see them kiss.

    The fourth was, of course, the final EClare scene. They are undoubtedly still in love and it was nice to see them acting somewhat affectionate towards each other again. This whole bitter/I hate you/it’s all your fault/I’m over you skit has been frustrating and tiring. When Clare said, “You made Clare the hero,” and Eli said, “That’s because she is the hero,” I smiled.

    I didn’t really like Imogen in this episode, though. That’s a bummer.

    I can’t wait for the drama that’s going to go down next week! :D



    1. “I wasn’t cheering Jenna on like I was expecting to, nor was I thinking about how much KC deserved it.” I think the fact that you felt that way (and I did as well) was brilliant on the writers’ part because I think that’s the way we were supposed to feel. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about them, it’s about Tyson. He was all I cared about in that scene. I hope for Jenna’s sake, they choose open adoption because after all the bonding she’s done with Ty, I can’t see her giving him up so easily. I just want her to still be in his life in some way. :/



      1. Yeah, it really was brilliant. And I forgot to mention, but after she hits KC with the guitar and we hear Tyson crying in the background, that really got to me too. It was just a really raw scene.


  44. If clare and Eli get back together I will be pissed -__-

    I want to see Wesley get his own serious plot.



    1. the way you feel about eli and clare, is how i feel about drew and bianca. i feel your pain :/



      1. Ditto for both couples, I do have a feeling Clare and Eli are not going to be together.
        I feel bad for Imogen after watching next weeks promos. Bianca and Drew were icky.


  45. I believe Eli is going to lose it In Extraordinary Machine. Its apparent that Clare is done
    with Eli. I think Imogen is going to get hurt because Eli probably wants her help to break up Cake. And I think Eli is going to flip his lid at the play. And we will see from that. Hopefully his parents do too.

    As for Jenna and KC I believe the are going to put Tyson up for adoption and be over with.

    Anya is dealing with her drug problem and I think she maybe pregnant.

    Drew is is also going a lot too and I hope its not a suicidal mission so to speak.

    These are my thoughts for next week.



  46. Do they always have to place the Torres brothers in a love triangle lol?!



    1. Right! Especially when they always make Drew the ‘winner’



      1. Exactly, poor Adam.


  47. I wonder where Jenna’s going to love since
    a)her mom’s dead
    b)her dad’s never home
    c)her brother moved to Alberta :S



  48. Damn. I am a big Eclare fan but I do not want them back together, that relationship is unhealty for both of them. Maybe after some time they could try it again.
    But that last scene really got to me and reminded me what I love about them.



    1. ^My sentiments exactly.



  49. Although I am expecting Kenna to give up the baby (how else can Jenna continue on the show?) …where is Jenna going to live? And do you think she can move on after 10th grade after dropping out of school? eh, degrassi will probably just forget about the details though..



    1. Mr. Simpson likes to take in boarders.

      Speaking of which, why haven’t they ever discussed why Simpson and Spike took in Connor? Do his real parents want nothing to do with him? They really glossed over that plot point. It’s not like it was temporary either (maybe they were going through a divorce?) since he’s still living with them almost 2 years later.

      I do think they should tackle Connor’s relationships with his parents at some point in the series. I still want his parents to be Michelle and BLT! Yes, I know his last name doesn’t match up, but they can work around that.



  50. I loved loved loved loved loved this episode.



  51. Wow this episode made me feel jenna pain and I cant stand the heffa… It was like a slap in a face for her she had the ultimate responsibilty for ty help. I see why she chose the option but damn I couldnt do it thats your flesh in blood your acttached she should have done it before not after everyone has fell in love with him.even though all kc did was keep ty diaper game on lock. Its still his son. They are taking the easy way out buut I understand why. I hope these two dont get back together but they did a great job tonight

    Eli calling clare the hero was cute so was the wink ms oh gave sav. Other than that I really enjoyed this episode A



  52. “They are taking the easy way out buut I understand why.” its quite the opposite love: its the hardest route to take giving up you own child after youve already bonded with them. beleave me, i know. but its better making sure your child actually has a chance to survive rather than just become another possiable statistic. ive been in her shoes & gone thru so much bad shit since then, and after all of it, its still the hardest decision ive EVER made.

    easy way out? you couldnt be more wrong



  53. Drew and Katie?! Let’s hope this doesn’t last too long. Eli, Clare, Jake, and Imogen got entirely too much screen time this week and their plot sucked. I was interested at first, hoping that it would actually lead to something (maybe it does) but I think their story is unrealistic. Eli wrote what seemed like an insensitive play about Clare and only after Clare read it did she see that it was beautiful blah blah blah who cares!! Jake also really bothers me. More so than Katie, who is still a horrible actress in need of a decent plot. There is nothing wrong with Jake. It’s good that he’s not like Eli, but he serves no purpose on the show. Imogen is a try hard bitch and Clare should have slapped her during the read-through with her snarky comments.

    Jenna and KC’s plot was the best one this week. The only thing that sucks for Jenna is where is she going to live? Her brother moved away, her mom is dead, and her dad was barely around for her life. Marisol is rapidly becoming another Chantay. She serves zero purpose on the show other than being a support character for the KC/Jenna plot. Without her on the show, I still feel like KC and Jenna would break up and give Ty up for adoption because KC never gave one thought about Tyson until Jenna brought up adoption.

    The writers need to do something with Marisol for the fall season or she needs to become a supporting character and needs her name off the intro for the show. The same goes for Katie, Jake, and Imogen. Degrassi should have slowly introduced them (like Marisol last season) then added them to the show as main characters. At this point, Charlie and Mo and the random girl Riley went on a date with were more interesting than those 4! We don’t know anything about the newest characters (we know a little bit about Jake), so why as a viewer, would I have a reason to like them, let alone care enough about them on the show?

    I think the death will occur at Eli’s play. They’re been building it up for the last 2 weeks and I don’t think it’s going to be one of those things that gets swept under the rug.



  54. i really loved this episode. i liked all three plots. i never used to like kc and jenna. but last night episode was really great. i thought that child services was going to take the baby from them and they would get their normal lives back that way. but I wasn’t expecting that they would consider giving ty on adoption. the plot was intense , emotional and real. we will have to see if they actually go throw with it, will they stay together?
    yesterday i was talking to my sister about eclare. i was torn and almost giving up on them. clare seems so happy with jake and shes changed so much. she so paranoid about eli.idk. i was saying to her that if eli loved clare and wanted her back he couldnt badmouth her in the play. that he was probably going to make her see how much he loved her throw the play. and that imogen was going to sabotage the play.
    after seeing last night episode and next weeks promo. i was really happy when i saw the last scene with eli and clare. it was like they were before. you could see how much they cared for each other and how wonderful they are together. if you don’t consider eli breakdown they were actually perfect for each other. they have a lot of things in common and they compliment each other. they had a solid relationship based on deep emotions. not like clare and jake. next weeks promos make it seem like they are not getting back together, which they probably wont for now. but my hope for eclare was restored and i think that they probably will get back together, maybe at the end of the season or later on.



  55. Wow, Jenna and KC’s plot was actually good. Really good. I completely agree with your grade Kary.
    I’m biased with these two because I’ve never liked them from the start. I hated the fact that she stole KC from Clare, and even them growing in their relationship has been pretty boring. I was practically yawning throughout Season 10 whenever they were on screen (besides the episode she told KC she was pregnant). Basically, I’ve never liked KC and Jenna, I always thought that they bring out the worst in each other. However, this storyline is definitely their best, especially with Jenna’s character. This season has made me forget how much of a hated character she is, something I thought I would never be able to forget. Like you said, her emotions are completely real, and it’s another side of Jenna that we’ve never seen before. They’re developing her character, and though I was skeptical at first as to whether or not I’d like it, I’m starting to see she isn’t as bad of a character as I thought (though she’s no where near my favorite).

    The whole Eli/Clare/Jake/Imogen thing isn’t what I expected, and I’m not saying that in a good way. There are parts of it that are good, but other parts that bore me. For starters, I just don’t feel anything when I see Jake and Clare. I even felt more in the Boiling Point with Eli and Clare, and I was skeptical about that (because I loved KC and Clare so much). I think Jake is a great character, he’s funny and a good change to the character’s that we’ve seen. I just don’t like how they’re throwing him with Clare before we even get to know a bit about him. I mean, I like Jake so far, but I guess I just miss the days where characters would go through their own struggles before they started a relationship (ie: Craig, Ellie, Sean, etc.) As far as Imogen and Eli, I find them funny. Imogen is such a good addition to the show, she’s an interesting character that we still get to know more about even though she’s been thrown into this love quad too. I wasn’t as bothered with them being in all four episodes this week, and I think that’s because the storylines this week with those characters were better than last week’s with Clare and Jake.

    Sav’s plot was okay. I liked the aspect that they were all working on the music for the play (which gave us a good introduction to Mo, who I’ve been waiting to see), and I liked that Jenna was tied into that too. Ms. Oh and Sav actually don’t bother me as much as I thought they would though. Though Mo seems like a jerk at times, he’s a new character that seems interesting.



    1. I’m adding a few comments to the Eli/Clare/Imogen/Jake quad:

      Though Clare and Jake bother me, what keeps me from rolling my eyes every time they’re on screen is Jake. I’m so torn on Jake and Clare; sometimes when I see them on screen I don’t feel much, yet at other times I think they’re cute. I guess it’s Clare going back and forth with her emotions that is making me go back and forth too.
      Anyhow, with regards to Eli and Imogen, they’re the part of the quad that I find more interesting. Imogen is such a quirky, funny, interesting character.
      I don’t know, I guess I’m looking forward to see this storyline grow after all of this. I just wish I wasn’t so conflicted with Jake and Clare. Like Fiona said, I just don’t understand the influence Clare Edwards has over men.



      1. What is really bothering me this season is that they’re throwing relationships left and right with characters. For example, Drew. One week it’s Bianca, another week it’s Jess, now it’s Katie? I’m sick of them creating relationships all the time! I want the characters to grow on their own. I mean, Drew’s plot has been really interesting so far, and besides Bianca, I think adding more girls to the story inhibits it from being one of the best story lines this season.
        I really like Katie’s character so far, but I hate the fact that the only way we get to know her is through character’s liking her/her liking them (ie: Jake, Adam, now Drew). I just don’t think it’s as realistic I guess. Like I said before, I miss how the relationships were balanced with an individual character’s struggles in the earlier seasons (ie: Craig, Ellie, Sean, Emma, etc.)
        Oh, and Adam is another character that I’m getting annoyed with. I love his character so much, but I think they need to have him grow before they throw him in relationships (him and Fiona bothered me, I’m afraid to say, as well as him and Katie, though that didn’t last).

        Am I making any sense? Please respond, I really want to know if I’m alone with this or not.


      2. As I think we can all agree, the show has become entirely way too relationship based. Did they do some formal study and conclude that teens between the ages of 12 and 17 (the target demo for the show) prefer to see relationships over HS conflict and drama?

        I don’t like how they keep throwing one character to the next, waiting to see which one sticks. Are they trying to set up fanbases for potential couples down the road and whichever fanbase has the loudest voice will be rewarded with that couple? While I don’t think it’s that unrealistic in real life, in the terms of the show, it could be a bit overkill since we’re limited in the amount of characters we actually do see. At least in HS, it’s self-contained to a small group of people and if you’re not part of the group, it doesn’t affect you. They really need to come up with a plan for Katie and stuck with that for now. They can always change their mind later, but since this summer season is being presented 4 days a week, it’s too much all at once.


    2. LOL do you know how high school is? 90% of the drama that goes down there is because of relationships. Teenagers are pretty focused on the opposite sex, so I don’t get why people are so mad that a lot of Degrassi is focused on that. Shoot, even in college, most of the drama still stems from relationship issues.

      Of course there are a bunch of other things like grades, family issues, drug abuse, etc going on in teens’ lives but I think Degrassi does a pretty good job of showing that side too. So essentially, I don’t think Degrassi focuses on relationships in a way that’s out of proportion with how actual teenagers do (especially girls, since that’s the key demographic the show is marketed towards).



      1. I understand that a lot of drama deals with relationships, but I just feel that they’re throwing new characters left and right before we actually get a chance to know them, which isn’t entirely fair. I just feel that the older generation had a better balance between relationships vs. individual conflicts. As a fan of several pairings on the show, I don’t like that they keep throwing characters together just to see if it’ll get some sort of reaction. I don’t know many people that throw themselves into relationships every week, that seems more middle-schoolish. I just don’t want the show to become one giant dating show. It’s much more than that.


  56. I don’t think that Eli is going to go bananas in EM, I’m pretty sure he learned his lesson at this point and knows that the crazy card is not going to win over Clare whatsoever. I actually think hes going to plan some over the top romantic jester that will win Clare back. At this point, hes been pretty okay off of his meds. The old Eli would have already ripped Jake’s head off at the thought of him even looking at Clare, and in this season, he witnessed Jake kiss Clare in front of him and other than a small breakdown, he was okay. I think EClare isn’t all about giving the fangirls what they want, Eli is a very impressive character that reminds me a lot of Craig and looking back, Craig was one of the best characters Degrassi has introduced. Eli has a lot of potential and I think EClare getting back together would be to show Eli’s improvement and add on to his and Clare’s development throughout the season and beyond.



    1. wow, definitley meant “gesture” not jester. #fail



  57. The ending with jenna n kc was 1 of the best in awhile. Even thot’s the best of all time is we built this city when jt’s closet friends put a graduation hat on his picture



  58. Amazing episode! I loved the Kenna plot the whole way through and I loved the end how they brought up adoption. I thought it was a good twist. I kind of liked Sav/Ms. Oh as well just because they actually seem to like eachother and it’s not based on lust. I was annoyed with the eclare plot until the end too. I thought Monday/Tuesday’s eclare plot was a lot better but the last scene with them was very good and that was the eclare i fell in love with and miss. By the time Drop the World came on, I was so done with them, but if they got back together and were like they were in first half of season 10, I would definitly ship eclare again.



  59. I am not an Eclare fan. I am not not a fan of obsessed guys. But I wanted to point out what Clare said to Jake about Eli. Basically she said that she was saving Eli from himself in their relationship. To me that sounded as she stayed for the wrong reasons. I actually like Jake for Clare. He is sweet funny and lighthearted. Which is a plus for me. Eli is dark, broody and obsessive in which is pretty creepy. I know they do love each other but not in love. And after watching next week promos there is no way they will get back together. I hope Imogen sees the real Eli for who he really is. An obsessed manipulative liar. I am not bashing anyone just a wake up call about Eli.



    1. Wait isn’t Imogen manipulative too?



      1. Yes but she too me seems like she lives in a fantasy world and probably does not realize what she is doing. Almost like she lives in a romance novel. She has no friends and probably never had a boyfriend. She is lonley girl. in my eyes she is socially naive. This is why I can’t hate Imogen. I think this why so she was confused about the kiss. Not realizing that Eli’s emotions are all over the place. She is going to get burned just Eli is. They both are in the simular boat with their emotional confusion. Imogen is delusional in her lonley world and will believe everything that Eli tell her. Eli is delusioned about being back with Clare.


      2. I don’t see how you can say Imogen doesn’t know what she’s doing when everything she does is planned out with a clear purpose: to make Eli get over Clare (even if it involves convincing him of lies and purposefully hurting him to get her way) and fall in love with her instead. She can see Eli’s emotions are all over the place, she’s just determined to steer them towards herself. Eli doesn’t have many friends either, but loneliness wasn’t a good excuse for when he manipulated Clare. If you think Eli is an obsessed, manipulative liar, then there is no reason not to feel the same way about Imogen. It really feels like people think Imogen’s actions are acceptable just because she’s a girl.


    2. @Tinker I think I’d actually like Cake if 1) there was actual buildup to them being in a relationship and 2) their romantic scenes weren’t so awkward and forced. Their relationship just feels so damn shallow to me. I don’t why the hell Jake likes Clare in the first place, and as far as I know, the only thing Clare really likes about Jake is how hot he is. Also, Aislinn Paul and Justin Kelly don’t have the natural chemistry that her and Munro do. I cringe every time I watch Cake kisses, haha.



  60. i like how jenna and a lli were talking in front of the JT Yorke memorial garden. Sometimes it bothers me how different degrassi looks now compared to what the school used to look like. Everythings so damn colorful now cause it looks like every things repainted in way brighter colors, and I’m sure it has something to do with the red cameras they use now. I just don’t like how ever since ‘Degrassi Takes Manhattan’ was made, degrassi just has a different look and feel to it. Like Fiona and holly j being friends at the beginning of season 10? and holly j has never looked the same since that movie either. sorry I’m being random



    1. like what happened to the “This is New York Holly J, BITCH” she would never say something like that now



  61. Clare has gone from dating a deadbeat dad to a deranged Hot Topic stereotype to having hot, sweaty incest with a wimp.

    Can she pick ’em or what? Good lawd..



    1. That is not cool. I rather be with a wimp (Jake is not a wimp, Eli and KC are) than with one guy who can’t keep his zipper up and the other who is too obsessive and broody.



  62. Your posts really help me out when I miss an eposode of degrassi, keep posting your awesome at it!!!!



  63. I cant wait for next weeks episode, can you say karma fo both jenna and kc I hope drew will be alright, I cant bwlieve that drew would kiss kayie like that, considering that his own brother, adam was truing to go for katie im sure something will backfire in drew and katies relationship its bound to happen eventually



    1. ugh i hope so. i cant stand the thought of drew and katie together :/ i was starting to like katie… :/



  64. @kaos133 I understand some people have hard lifes but did jenna really have it hard? Was she homeless? Could she not provide for child? Was it not a safe environment for the child? No …it was all good until she found out she had to be with ty alone.. Her reasoning for giving him up was indeed selfish she wanted to hang with her friends .. Start a music career and finish school.. Real parent sarcafice she just gave up..all the things she wanted could have still been done. Giving up on your child for selfish reasons is the easy way out. How can anyone sleep at night knowing your child is in the hands of strangers. how you know that he will be adopted he might stay in the stystem be in group homes like his father what if he get adopted and mistreated and abused but she dont care she just worried about her music right and she can even singgg.. I know people have it worst but in this case she didnt so yess I do feel she chose the easy way out no one said having a child would be easy she chose that life for herself



    1. Yes Jenna is homeless. Her mother is dead her father is a deadbeat. Her brother movered to Albeta.
      KC and Jenna are broken up as it seems. It is best for Tyson to get a better life. To me that is not selfish. She wants the best for her son. I know its hard to digest.



    2. Jenna was not being selfish. Her and K.C. just could not do it anymore. And i said this to my mom last night (she is a huge fan) “If they were going to give Tyson up, they should of did it when he was born. And not wait until they were emotional attache to him.” They should did it when he was born, but not when it got tough. K.C. does not want to be a dad. And Jenna really does love Tyson, But she wants to be happy and not depressed at home with Tyson. When K.C. doesn’t give a shit about her or Ty.All he wants to do is go have sex with Marisol.



    3. she had a HOUSe, but was it a HOME? no. thats just as bad. but i guess in your eyes it would have been better to grow up in a house that the mom sleeps all day cuz shes so depressed & having to hear the mom badmouth the dad TO the child about how hed rather run around with other females than stay home & bond with the family. a house where the mom constantly tells the child that its their fault that she had to give up her own dreams. any child would be lucky to grow up like that right?? wrong. i grew up in that house & you know what happend? i became another drug doing, alcohol drinking 14 year old who got knocked up. maybe if my mom had given me up, things woulda been different



    4. I see what you mean. But I think Jenna really learned from Mama Guthrie’s words about how she lost K.C. I don’t think she wants to wait until things can get REALLY bad. Why would she want to put her son through that? I mean, look at how much that’s damaged K.C. All Jenna wants is to give her son a better life than she could ever provide. Jenna’s trying her best, but she can only do so much when she has virtually no support system and she’s on the brink of a mental breakdown. I also feel like if Jenna and K.C. had better parental figures in their earlier lives, they would’ve never gotten into this situation. I can totally see Jenna feeling like they are just not good enough parents and wanting Ty to have real parental figures. Plus I feel like if K.C. and Jenna did keep Ty, they would end up resenting him for keeping them from living their lives, and no child should ever feel like he has held his parents back. Actually, K.C. and Jenna are resenting Ty already, and it’s only been a few months. Can you imagine growing up feeling resented? I don’t know, I just really understand where Jenna’s coming from. I really don’t believe she’s being selfish here or trying to take the easy way out.



  65. Um now that shes giving up ty she is..she wasnt homless with ty .. And I tottally agree if she gave him up as before then that would be differnt. Like I said I see why she did it teen minded she wants to be a regular teen.. But your not going to change my opioion If I had a child and was like damn my babydaddy dont do shit but give me a place to stay and take care of our child expenses ill be a real bitch if I say damn I cant hit up the clubs no more I want to be an actresss so I need to get rid of this lil fuker it so hard for meee

    It is what ..what it is that just me tho

    but im done with it …dave look like a lil mack daddy in the preview lol he is to cute dali is my new fav other then spaige :)



    1. & what happens when tihs oh so great baby daddy knocks another girl up behind mommys back? hes not working to pay for expenses. hes working to get away from his own child



  66. Just a question. Why would you want Clare and Eli back together? Eli is so messed up so why would Clare go back to him. I know they love each other I am not doubting that. Clare basically stayed with him so she protect him from himself. That does not sound healthy to me. So now he realised he is still in love with Clare with the help of Imogen’s backfire. So now Imogen’s hurt because she thought she was helping Eli to move on. Also misled by him with a passionate kiss. I was also confused by that too. I thought he was smitten by her. Then I though since he is not on his meds his emotions are all over the place. This why I think Eclare should be done for now.

    Drew is scaring the hell out of me. His emotions are highten and he is scared of his own shadow. I think he really does not care whether he gets hurt or not. Its almost like he on the run from his PSTD.

    The two guys are just soo messed up right now they just therapy and family. No girlfriend!!!
    the need to get mentally healthy and focus on themselves.



  67. Random Question(s): Is it true that the second half of season 11 will return in December? and Have they already filmed the second half? if not, when are they going to? Because I heard they arent going to start shooting until October…



  68. For someone who tries hard to “avoid drama” as Marisol said, Katie sure seems involved in it (Drew).



  69. Im thinking the potential to be homeless will be a new story line for Jenna. KC said if they don’t have Ty, there is no reason for her to live there. Maybe Jenna will try to keep Ty as a way of staying with KC and his mom.



  70. I can see how everyone can get tired of the Eclare storyline but I have actually enjoyed them so far. Both Munro and Aislin act extradaordinarily well and I enjoy seeing them on screen. Especially with the new addition of Imogene to add some quirkiness to the show.



  71. ok so on degrassi they say “nothing is taboo”, the producers and all, how come people can’t just be single in degrassiland. it’s like being singles is the WORST thing ever. everyone is either in one or trying to get one. it’s like everything can be solved by a relationship, people like eli, drew and claire don’t need relationships, it’s like they use relationships as crutches it’s not healthy for any of them, i think relationships make them more screwed up than they used to be.



  72. […] in the episode Lose Yourself, when Eclare shared a very powerful moment, in retrospect it was not a moment of mutual love.  You […]



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