Hush airs Tuesday, December 16th at 9pm EST on TeenNick and MTV Canada.

Tristan organizes an intervention for Miles, but it only pushes him further away. Zoë is sure that Hunter is the blackmailer and confronts him. Becky loves writing songs with Jonah but could he want to do more than make music?

MTV Promo

TeenNick :15 (Miles)

TeenNick :15 (Zoë)

Posted by Kary


  1. I think all the evidence points to Winston as the culprit. The promo shows the signal is coming from inside the Hollingsworth House. Zoe initially thinks it is Frankie and the wiki says she then thinks it’s Hunter and goes to confront him. I honestly don’t think they would have her confront Hunter if he were the culprit. It would be too anti-climactic.

    Winston spends a lot of time at the Hollingsworth house and could’ve easily texted from there. He is also shown walking with Frankie at the end of the Zoe MTV promo, implying he is helping her against Zoe. Since Frankie is his girlfriend he has a clear motive against Zoe.

    Counting the signal, them together in the promo, and his obvious motive, I think Winston is the clear frontrunner.



    1. I wonder how viewers would handle Winston being “A” given the recent incident with Andre…



      1. Glad to see it is not just me who saw that. (although maybe I shouldn’t admit to it). The minute the doll and the text showed up all I thought was “What? Is “A” taking a side project?


    2. wow.. the plot & her words are different. maybe Frankie is the blocked number but I guess we will have to see. I guess she could follow Frankie around if she is ever alone anytime soon. but Winston isn’t that good. there’s no way he is that smart. he’s not hacker level smart. but we could see 2 episodes from now. based on the chain of events it makes sense why the “D.N’s” thing ends

      up online. since their sticking together the person decided to put it online so everyone can see. its getting really close & I want to see her go down which should happen either on December 30th or the 1st FS episode. but I don’t think Shay or Lola blocked Frankie’s number. I hope Zoe doesn’t plan on stalking her until she finds out. or she could follow her home. Miles is so messed up he’d

      let anyone in his house. this mystery man needs a VPN that way its untraceable. high level shit like this is expensive but accurate. if this guy knows they can use Grace then he will have a back up plan. people like this don’t get foiled like this. once its online I don’t even think Grace could remove it. unless the guy planted something in the house. this guy is like SHIELD/HYDRA

      smart. they wont catch him this fast. its not easy bringing them down. he’s like an agent bringing down Zoe. I swear if she is not in 14B I will enjoy it even more. why doesn’t she just reply to a message, wait for another reply then have Grace find the phone location? that’s how they do it in Law & Order.



    3. Glad to see I’m not the only one who thought it could be someone other than the twins! Winston or Tristan are my guesses, since they’re both at the Hollingsworth house quite a bit.



  2. I think its someone we least expect. Zig??



  3. Damn! Miles is vicious.



  4. It’s actually logical that Hunter would blackmail the cheerleaders since he’s not a big fan of them. Also we saw that he solicited nudes in one of the episodes. The issue is why single out Zoe? It could be someone else but it doesn’t make sense that it be Winston.



    1. Kill the head, the body dies. Everyone else on the squad (with some room for argument about Jack) follows Zoe like a lost little puppy. Without Zoe to lead them there’s a chance they will form different cliques and leave Arlene alone.



    2. Easy: he is mad for what she did to Frankie. and he doesn’t care about them. based on the Dec 30th lot its so epic that Hunter put the online thing out. but he didn’t put Zoe’s name out there yet. so either Hunter sends her more messages an possibly her nude pic or Frankie rats her out. it could go either way. I think Hunter just reopened what Grace closed.



  5. I don’t think Tristan or Winston would try to get Zoe to quit cheerleading. Why? Winston might have a motive if Frankie told him about the nudes but Winston seems too dumb to do any of this. If he’s behind it I won’t believe it. I think it’s Hunter. He knows computers and he hates cheerleaders. I can’t see Frankie turning on her friends like that but maybe she would idk. I’d say maybe it has something to do with Becky since she has a right to be angry at Zoe atm but I don’t see her as being this smart, although she does use computers so maybe she is? But then why would she be at the Hollingsworth home?



    1. It being Becky would be completely out of character. Yes, she isn’t as bubbly as she used to be. But the girl was so intent on doing what was right she turned in her own brother for something he did to someone she didn’t even really know. It would be ridiculous that she would laung a blackmailing scheme and then try to take all of them down when Zoe didn’t immediately cave. Including Jack, who is one of her only friends and her best friends girlfriend. Becky would arguably have a motive but her trying to destroy peoples lives like that would be ignoring years of character development.

      Frankie has an obvious motive, but from what we have seen she is basically a sweet girl. So I don’t think she would go to that kind of mind games for revenge. Especially given she could get in trouble also. From what we have seen if she wanted to get Zoe back she would have been more akin to just go to Simpsons and turn Zoe in.

      Honestly, I am assuming it is Hunter. No one else makes sense. Even the less popular other characters like Tristan really wouldn’t have it in them to play games with peoples lives to this extent. Hunter has been shown to not always be 100% stable and has a motive. Anyone else would make no sense both because it would be out of character, and are so knee deep in their own plotlines it would be kind of silly to think in the midst of their own given drama they were stopping everything to torment cheerleaders. Especially since most of the cast would have no logical motive to want to do that at all, much less with this kind of dedication and work.

      They might throw a swerve. But if they do I do not want it to be someone who has no logical reason just so we will be “surprised”.



  6. What those girls did is a crime. They could all be arrested and charged with possession and distribution of child pornography and since Zoe is the ring leader and most of the squad are fifteen year old girls she influence, she could face serious jail time. Now, that would be an ironic and interesting twist after last season. I know it sounds mean, but I kind of want to see all the girls, especially Zoe get arrested. If nothing else than to scare them into making better choices. Also, when Imogen finds out that Jack has been taking pics for others I hope she dumps her. Imogen is all about expressing oneslef, but I think she would see this as a betrayal and possibly cheating.



    1. well I read the new plot for Dec 30th. Sim calls an assembly. so Hunter reopened what Grace closed. the only thing missing is Zoe’s name & the cheerleaders. so it could an should (her getting in the principal’s office) in F1. cus I hope she doesn’t compete with the group. this means she will be gone so 14B will be Zoe free:)



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