
To read the full press release from MTV Canada, click here:

After yesterday’s announcement that Degrassi is moving to MTV Canada, the network released its description for the fall premiere episode, This Is How We Do It (not “Creep” as recently reported…we now have no clue why TeenNick labeled it that).

In the DEGRASSI fall premiere episode, “This Is How We Do It” (Oct. 3), Degrassi’s back in school. Student Council President Drew wants to make sure everyone has a positive year after the devastating loss of Adam. But it’s easier said than done when he’s battling insomnia. Zoë is about to tackle her greatest role yet: “Zoë Rivas, Degrassi Student.” But when you grow up on a film set, how do you know what’s cool in the real world? Alli wants to spend her senior year with her best friends but when Leo flies to be by her side, it’ll take some convincing for the group to accept him as her new BF.

On top of that, MTV Ca. will be posting digital shorts (aka webisodes) on their website.  These digital shorts will be a continuing series as opposed to a bunch of different minis.  The 4 or 5 digital shorts will follow…you guessed it…Eli as he goes to NYU.

The digital short series follows Eli Goldsworthy (Munro Chambers) in his adventures after graduating Degrassi. It’s a big, insane, and exciting world out there and Eli’s about to discover that sometimes being at university in New York City is as different, strange, and amazing as living on another planet.

The very first digital short will be posted on on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th.  These will be spread out over the course of the next year.  For fans outside of Canada there’s a bit of fantastic news…the short will also be posted on!  Yes, it looks like Epitome has revived the old Degrassi site and will hopefully use it a hub for Degrassi-related stuff.

As far as the Eli shorts go, I’ve mentioned time and time again about how I’m not a fan of the college thing/following characters outside of Degrassi.  However, with webisodes they require more concise storytelling.  My hope is that it’s a companion piece that eventually connects the dots to what will ultimately be the fate of Eclare once everything’s all said and done.  We’ll see.

Posted by Kary


  1. I’m not really surprised their keeping Munro/Eli. He’s their little golden ticket. My guess is that Eclare will likely break up in one of these shorts. This ending Munro’s time on Degrassi.



  2. So far so many fans are upset about this Eli webisode thing… They feel that they are pushing Eclare down our throats. But they are missing the point of this Canon webisode. University life is so different from HS. Plus dorm life in itself is another world. Many things can change in a blink of an eye and so can Eclare’s relationship.. Eli can meet someone who he likes more than Clare, he can cheat, get drunk, flip out be lonely and miserable. Or he may love it. I know its going to effect them. It can make there relationship stronger or it can tear them apart. We both know Eli & Clare are people who have a hard time being alone for too long. I think both of them will make a huge relationship boo boo due to lack of physical intimacy.



  3. I think the Eli-based web series is a neat little site arch can’t wait for that and the next block….



  4. I’m getting sick of this whole “boy dumb” Alli shtick. This is the stupidest abusive boyfriend storyline Degrassi’s done so far.

    1. The fact that Terri kept going back to Rick was understandable. Terri was severely insecure about her weight. In her eyes, she couldn’t do any better.

    2. Fiona wanted out of her relationship with Bobby, but he threatened her. Couple those threats with Fiona’s promise to her mom/Declan to tone the drama down that year, and it’s easy to see why she kept her mouth shut.




    1. I think maybe the point is that a lot of people who end up in these relationships DON’T have a solid “excuse.”

      Why should Alli feel secure in relationships anyway? Johnny was an ass. Drew was an ass. She probably sees her break-up with Dave as him not willing to sacrifice anything to be happy with her in the long term; now she has someone willing to move to Canada for her. I can’t explain away Dallas, for he is awesome. But at the same time, I guess you can’t really expect a teenage girl who’s had dramatically unsuccessful relationships to be comfortable with a teenage guy who has a kid (=difficult baggage). She doesn’t have the strongest support system when it comes to family- she’s barely been able to talk to her parents about her real life issues. Alli is actually a good choice if you want to portray an abuse scenario with someone who superficially seems to have everything going for her, but really doesn’t- because emotional growth is important, and Alli’s is a little stunted.

      Different people have different psychological processes- that’s the point. If you’re insecure in some way (and maybe Alli feels likes no guy is willing to commit to her/wait for her/put her first, so that makes her more vulnerable to this situation), then you’re going to have different priorities and different things are going to appeal to you- as insane as they may seem.

      I can’t believe I’m defending freakin’ Alli. All I know is that I, like others, initially hated the Alli/Leo thing because it took up a bunch of time and wasn’t very engaging. But I think things changed for me in Honey, and I think people have been underestimating this plot because they were annoyed by the slow build-up… Perhaps the fact that Adam’s death quietly happened in this episode may be contributing to some of the disdain. I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s fair to completely discredit the abuse plot on the basis that she has “no excuse.” Have you really never seen a smart, beautiful woman endure some sort of abuse or disrespect when she could “easily” remove herself from the situation? It happens all the time, but this sort of reaction is just another reason for those women to not admit to the abuse- judgment. “Why didn’t you leave sooner?” “How could you get yourself in this situation in the first place?” It’s easiest to forgive the abuser in the beginning. The longer you stay, the more shameful you feel trying to answer those kinds of questions. Hopefully the writers can do this plot justice, or else it’s going to be a lot of wasted potential. Because really, it *could* be the most brilliant and least cliche abusive boyfriend plot they’ve done so far- because is isn’t painfully obvious to most people why Alli would stay, and that’s the reality for a lot of abusive relationships.



      1. You know, you’re right. It does make sense for Alli to go back to Leo.

        Though there’s still something about Alli’s characterization, especially with regards to her romantic relationships, that rubs me the wrong way. I want to love Alli and root for her, not roll my eyes whenever she enters a new relationship. Her bad luck with boys is almost cartoonish. It’s like a recurring gag.


      2. From my perspective this Alli plot is just too unbelievable. Yes, she’s had trouble with relationships in the past and that could shake her confidence and lead her to worse relationships, even abusive ones, because she doesn’t feel worthy or has insecurities of her own. (You can be beautiful and insecure. Terri was gorgeous, over weight or not.) The issue with this plot is how she and Leo went from casually dating, to professing love and Leo deciding to move to another country to be with a girl who’s still in high school, all within a few weeks.
        If Alli’s parents wouldn’t let Sav date Anya, how are we suppose to believe they would be supportive of a man moving to a different country to be with their teenaged daughter, who’s only known him for weeks. If she doesn’t make them aware of her relationship, her entire character arc from good girl who makes bad decisions that get her into trouble and disappoint her parents, to good girl who tries her best to make her parents trust her and do well in school is ruined.
        Alli and Leo didn’t even seem to have a connection. They were constantly fighting and having miscommunications from the first time they went out. She only seemed interested because he’s handsome and foreign. I literally can not think of one reason Leo would move to Canada to be with Alli. Their relationship is forced and rushed. Alli’s pretty, Leo’s handsome and horrible, they should obviously fall in love!!


  5. If Eli’s NYU journey were in actual episodes I’d probably be annoyed but since it’s through webisodes and won’t be taking away screentime from the Degrassi kids I’m looking forward to it. I enjoyed seeing the originals post-graduation even though the plots weren’t always the best.



    1. Stephen Stohn said Eli NYU webisodes are canon..



  6. im excited about degrassi covering insomnia, even though they kinda did it with alli in I Want It That Way. theres just something weird about this seasons storylines and the execution of them. i think it has alot to do with degrassi switching showrunners this season to Matt Schiller. im disappointed that ramona is stepping back from the show – its a shame because she was by far the best writer, writings brilliant episodes such as Extraordinary Machine, Not Ready To Make Nice, Hollaback Girl, Walking On Broken Glass, Sabotage, Bittersweet Symphony, and Zombie. However, she failed MISERABLY this year with Summertime – easily the worst episode of the season, the worst season premiere ever, and arguably one of the most contrived and poorly written episodes in the series. idk what happened, maybe she stopped caring because shes leaving the show. All I Wanna Do and Young Forever are powerful and engaging episodes. Honey was decent, better than people give it credit for. i dont care what anyone says, About A Girl and Cannonball is part 1 and part 2 respectively of a 2 part episode. Cannonball was GREAT, but it frustrates me how much little screentime the A plot was given and how it was sandwiched between the B and C plots – It didnt get the opening scene or the first commercial break. Also, Summertime SHOULDVE HAD CLARE FINDING OUT SHE HAD CANCER AS THE A PLOT. idk why it didnt. but it shouldve. im excited for This Is How We Do It, as long as 1310 has a continuation of the same A plot, and so on for ever 2 episodes for the rest of season 13



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