PLOT A SUMMARYDuring the final seconds of a hockey game, Cam tries to go for the game-winning shot by himself and fails, causing his teammates to be mad at him.  The next day Maya, Tori and Tristan tell Cam he needs to take a break from hockey and hang out with them so he can stop feeling down on himself, but he declines because he can’t miss hockey practice without a good excuse.  He vents his frustrations to his mom via video chat, and she reassures him that things will be okay.  Cam overhears the rest of the hockey guys talking about him, and he chugs an entire carton of milk before entering the locker room.  He gets sick in front of everyone and blames it on the flu, and Dallas excuses him from practicing.  That leaves Cam free to go hang out with Maya, who convinces him to sing karaoke.

Dallas and Luke find out Cam lied about being sick after someone posted a video of Cam singing karaoke, and they make him do sprints on the ice until he’s exhausted.  Dallas reminds Cam that he can’t bail on the team and that they’re all he has…alone in the locker room Cam tosses his skate, and realizes that he cut his hand doing so.  During the next game Cam scores the game-winning goal, but afterward he freezes from fear when the press wants to interview him, so Dallas talks to them instead.  They next day Maya is worried because Cam isn’t responding to her text messages, and no one from the team has heard from him since the game.  She eventually finds out where he lives and visits him as he’s packing because he wants to go home.  He tells her that he’s sad and doesn’t know how he can make himself happy, and Maya suggests he try to balance hockey with other things.  At Degrassi Cam sits on the ledge of the catwalk and intentionally throws himself off, injuring his arm.  He finds out that he’s going to be out of hockey for six to eight weeks, and when Maya gets suspicious he denies hurting himself on purpose.  Maya asks Cam what he’s going to do when he has to return to hockey, and Cam responds by saying that he’s happy right now.

The level of intensity dedicated to Cam’s anxiety is so fascinating that it’s overwhelming.  Dylan Everett does a phenomenal job of portraying someone who feels trapped and confused in the raging sea of his own emotions.  The part that keeps this storyline so engaging is the fact that there’s no small reason for Cam’s anxiety, and there‘s no simple solution for it either.  It’s been hammered into our brains that Cam is homesick, and despite being a talented hockey player, he’s simply unable to handle the pressure and responsibilities beyond being on the actual ice.

But with that said we still don’t know the root cause of his breakdown beyond it being tied directly to the pressure he feels because of hockey.  There’s always this lingering feeling that there’s more to it.  When it came to him being punished for skipping practice it was hard to feel bad for him in that moment…I mean he did blatantly lie after all.  However, it’s difficult to not empathize with him because as this episode progresses, he become more desperate and takes to more extreme measures to get out of playing hockey.  Anyone that says they thought Cam would actually jump off the ledge is lying; kudos to Degrassi for pulling off a rare go-there moment that surprised everyone.

With Cam unable to play hockey for weeks we may see him level out, but as Maya mentioned he will have to return to hockey eventually.  When Eli was struggling with his issues during various parts of Seasons 10 and 11 his emotions were like a bomb, they’d go off and would affect everyone close to him.

With Cam his emotions are just as terrifying, but heartbreaking in a different way because he’s dealing with them secretly.  If suffering in silence isn’t something we can’t all relate to, then I’m not sure what is.


PLOT B SUMMARYKC is worried that his dad, fresh out of jail, will drag down his mom again.  KC and his dad Kevin meet up and Kevin is proud of what KC is done despite not having a supportive father around.  Kevin asks KC to help him put together a resumé so he can get a job, and KC agrees.  During academic quiz team practice KC receives and “emergency” text from his mom, but comes home to find out it was good news:  Kevin got a job at a restaurant.  They celebrate with wine and KC freaks out because his mom promised she would never touch drugs or alcohol again.  KC is disappointed with his mom, but she tells KC that Kevin has been banned from being at their place.  While KC and his mom are talking, Kevin bangs on the door, obviously intoxicated.  KC tells his mom to hide in her room and KC calls the police.  At school KC meets with Jenna to tell her that he’s moving to Vancouver.  His dad has to stay in Toronto because of his probation, and KC says the move is to protect himself and his mom from Kevin.  Before he and his mom drive away, KC says goodbye to Jenna, Clare, Alli, Connor and Bianca.

I feel KC’s final plot was an appropriate one, given the fact it’s a climax for one of the two major story arcs for his character since Season 8.  It was predictable in that we all knew KC’s dad would get back into drugs or alcohol upon them finally reuniting, but what was truly impressive was how KC stuck to his guns when it came to his mom’s promise of no drinking alcohol that she made years ago.  From the second Kevin pulled out that wine bottle, KC’s behavior was thoroughly consistent with the way he acted like a terrified young boy when his mom first came back into his life in Better Off Alone.

KC leaving feels abrupt, but what could they do, maybe extend it another two episodes before sending him packing at best? It reminds me so much of how Sean Cameron made his abrupt exit in the Season 4 episode Back In Black.  That feeling is enhanced by the lack of advanced warning that Sam Earle’s character would be written off the show.  Degrassi keeping that major plot point from being totally exploited beforehand is impression in itself, especially in an area where we know too much about everything before anything airs.  Here it feels as if the emphasis is on getting the emotional payoff with the element of surprise as opposed to a balanced story…the strategy works.  It’s disappointing to see KC leave, but at this point it’s never shocking when someone is written off of Degrassi…I mean, they’ve already written off an ENTIRE generation of students after all.


PLOT C SUMMARYFiona wants to celebrate “Fiona Coyne Day” by hanging out with Imogen at her place, but when Imo says they can’t they do so at Fiona’s condo.  As they’re making out Drew walks in.  Fiona gets mad because she has no privacy, and also because the condo is a complete mess.  One a later day, Fiona arrives home while telling Imogen she’s looking for a new roommate because she can’t take living with Drew.  Drew walks into the room revealing he’s cleaned half of the condo, and left the other half intentionally dirty for Fiona to clean.  Fiona gets upset because she doesn’t know how to clean since she’s always had her mom or maids to do it for her, so Drew teachers her how.  In class Fiona tells Imogen that her and Drew worked things out, and she wants to finally hang out at Imogen’s house, but Imogen declines.  Fiona feels likes Imogen doesn’t want her over, and instead of explaining, Imogen just says Fiona can’t come over because of “bad timing.”

As we all continue to watch what is considered the fall of Fiona Coyne from relevancy, I actually enjoyed the message of this plot.  We’re seeing the challenges of her dealing with the aftermath of her family’s money troubles and how out of touch with the “real world“ she is.  We could make all the comments we want about her reverting back to being spoiled Fiona, but having to reduce your standard of living can be difficult regardless of status (in her case she’s still living better than most, but still).

More importantly, this situation exposes how dependent Fiona has been on other people throughout her life to do things for her.  The fact that she has zero knowledge on how to clean speaks to a deeper theme of people in general not having the skills to be self reliant before living on their own (as someone in their late 20’s, I can tell you for a fact I’ve seen people my age and older who STILL don’t know how to do cook, clean, do laundry and/or make basic home repairs).  With Drew being in high-school-dropout mode, he is a thread away from being completely isolated from the cast, essentially being relegated to the “Mr. Irrelevant” title given to Spinner Mason during the final years of his tenure.  However, Drew does well here, showing he can serve as someone who can keep Fiona grounded, as well as serve as support as this plot ends with the smooth hint that we will see Imogen’s home life in upcoming episodes.


How do YOU grade Rusty Cage?

You can now grade the plots in Rusty Cage by voting below!

Posted by Kary


  1. I think Cam is a borderline lunatic. A cute one, but a lunatic is a lunatic. If you force yourself to vomit just to miss hockey practice, you got issues.

    I love Dylan Everett as an actor and his face is pretty good too. But Cam deserved everything Dallas gave him. You wanna play pro hockey, put the work in. It was a realistic punishment. Happens all the time.



    1. And you’re right, Cam deserved the punishiment and it was a bruital workout with no hazing. Dallas is just doing his job as a captain, Job is a job. The only thing that worries me about Cam is his anxiety issue with Hockey.



    2. Yeah I don’t really sympathize with Cam, even though I get the feeling we are supposed to. The rest of the team has made the same amount of personal sacrifice he has and are pulling their weight. Now Cam clearly has anxiety issues and is over stressed but he probably could have gotten a day off by explaining his stress to Dallas or the Coach, but he makes no effort to explain his situation so I can’t blame Dallas’ actions, I would probably react the same way if my star player wasn’t pulling his weight for no real reason.



      1. Cam probably thinks that admitting his anxiety issues would clearly show he’s weak- and there’s a 50/50 chance that Dallas or the coach would see it that way too and just tell him to “suck it up.”
        I wouldn’t say that the rest of the team has made the same amount of personal sacrifice, either: Owen is just Owen, Luke has his sister and father there with him, Dallas seems to make friends easily…
        Also, it seemed like he was on the fence about chugging that milk and didn’t really decide to go through with it until he heard his team talking about him. If you’re having a little mental crisis, being around a bunch of guys who don’t support you (and who you don’t really like anyway) isn’t anywhere you want to be. I guess it’s a team thing, where you give each other a hard time and no one’s supposed to take it to heart or whatever, but some people can’t adapt to that mentality.


      2. Well said Juliet!


  2. Im really looking foward on where KC and mom are going in there story? Is his dad a abuser or crazy when he drinks?? Why does it look like KC and his mom are leaving.?

    Not looking foward to Drew and Fiona at all. Im just not liking Fiona this season she seems more arrogant and vain. Especially towards Imogen unless Imogen likes that type of a person?



    1. Lol, I’ve been watching some Boiling Point recently and to be honest, Fiona has always been sort of arrogant and self-centered. I would actually argue that Fiona was less like her usual self during New Beginnings (coincidentally, when her hairstyle was also different).

      The more I think about it, this Fiona is more reminiscent of Fiona during her glory days in Season 10.



  3. Cam was wrong to skip hockey practice, but that’s almost irrelevant. His problems go a lot deeper than that. He seems uncomfortable in his own skin. When he talked about not wanting to have the pressure of “winning” at karaoke, it said a lot about his mental state.

    The KC plot is pretty heartbreaking. If he really is moving away, where would he go?



  4. The thing that makes Cam’s plot intriguing to me is finding out what is actually wrong with him. It’s no secret that every single person has struggled with anxiety at some points in there life, but there is clearly something more serious going on with him. The ending was somewhat expected- it seemed to imply that he used the blade from one of the ice skates to slice his palm. Not sure how KC’S plot ends up with him leaving, but the group hug in front of a car basically confirms that he is… It is weird that they would choose to write him off right now, but this along with Alli just makes it all the more plausible for them to hold back a few of the seniors.



    1. You thought that the cut in Cam’s palm seemed deliberate? I don’t know, to me it looked more like he was suprised and bewildered to see it there.



      1. We know now that he deliberately did it.


      2. haha yeah, nevermind what I was saying.


  5. The reason I’m a little fired up over Cam’s plot is the oblivious fan girls I’ve seen around the web that think “every little thing he does is magic.” He’s emotionally unstable and it’s kinda creepy.

    Hey fan girls, if you want a boyfriend like Cam, here’s my suggestion… seek him help before you get together. Don’t associate a cute face with a cute personality. That’s when people get hurt.



    1. That goes for the Eli fangirls too.



      1. Lol, that DEFINITELY goes for the Eli fangirls as well.

        Although, I don’t know if it’s fair to call emotional instability “creepy.” It’s not really something people can directly control.


  6. Very excited for part 2! All plots interest me to some extent. Cam sure seems to be having quite the debut season, no?



  7. Cam’s plot is a little disturbing. Just his actions and behaviors are telltale signs that he is not mentally stable. What Dallas did to him was deserved, since he was the one who skipped out when everyone else was giving their all. Cam is incapable of expressing how he feels alot of the time. Just like he couldn’t express his feelings with Maya. I wonder what the reason will be for suddenly making K.C. move in the show. Interested in tonights episode.



  8. The first three weeks were so strong….starting to lose interest. I don’t have any desire to witness a KC story line. He pretty much peaked at baby daddy. I like Cam but it’s such a dramatic unbelievable situation. I actually really enjoy the Fiona/Drew plot because I love someone putting Princess Fiona in her place.



    1. Cams really isn’t all that unbelievable. He obviously has emotional issues which a lot of people can relate to.



    2. KC peaked a baby daddy because they had nothing else for him storywise and he became background fodder for the Drew show.

      However, this storyline was actually good and a logical way for his character to exit.

      Cameron’s storyline is overdramatic but it’s nice they’re not doing the typical jock character for him. He clearly has issues and is only playing hockey for other reasons that will be revealed in time.

      I’m fine with him as long as they don’t go overboard. Because it’s clear to me Maya is being positioned as the new Emma.



  9. This kid’s deal is so confusing. I was thinking maybe he was in a situation where his brother was the hockey star but then his brother became disabled or died and now Cam is trying to be the star in his place- that is the only thing I can think of tht makes sense.

    Why else would he be on the team if he didin’t like hockey, unless the asinine behavior of the players has dissapointed him.



  10. The uselessness of both Fiona and Drew is just killing these espisodes and season in general.



  11. Of course the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo wants a piece of me…after all, I’m hot and you know it

    Don’t be jealous that I won’t give you the time of day, Marisol



  12. Once again, they continue to neglect and write out viable characters without much fanfare, and we’re still stuck with Drew/Katie & Clare eating up the rest of the show. I don’t know why they saw it necessary to write out KC in the middle of the school year without more than a 2 episode build-up. Yes, I’m sure this is better than some previous characters who disappear without nary a mention, but I just don’t see why they were unable to write for him. Are they that wrapped up with trying to showcase newbies at the start of every season, and those who have been on the show for several seasons have to suffer for lack of story?

    If anything, Connor never really got developed, so if they were trying to save money, it would make a lot more sense for him to move back with his parents. They still never explained why he was squatting with Simpson all these years. Heck, that’s a story in of itself right there. Are these writers running out of ideas? I know lactose intolerance was a genius plot point, but if they needed new ideas without having to recycle from season’s past, I’m sure we could lay out a couple dozen right off the top of our heads.

    With that said, I thoroughly enjoyed the Cam/Maya plot, despite the fact that they might be going a little too overboard trying to sell this newbie. I think he’s a wonderful character and the actor is doing a brilliant job at selling his conflicted emotions.



    1. For all we know, the KC character might have just had enough at Degrassi.

      He wasn’t doing much until now and is supposed to “graduate” in another season anyhow.

      If it was purely a money issue, there was certainly more dead weight that could’ve been cut (Fiona, Drew, Imogen, Dave etc..)



      1. The “might have had enough” can apply to just about anyone. Why continue to give Clare new stories? Or Alli? Or Drew? That’s because they choose to write for them. There are plenty of things they could have written for KC if they wanted to. With such an expansive cast, there are always new ideas they could use to keep his character relevant. He could have been a tutor/mentor. Maybe Cam’s grades were being affected by his emotional issues and KC stepped in to tutor him, then he ended up becoming one of his only true guy friends, who he opens up to about everything he’s going through. That would have kept him relevant for a while.


      2. KC had a lot of potential they didn’t need to let him go. Fiona is the dead weight the only reason they’re keeping her is for Imogen. I still think they want to keep the Eclare shippers happy. To me that is stupid Imogen can do many things without Eli and Fiona. Imogen could be exploring herself in many differant ways. I would have loved to see her with Jake, Adam.or Even Katie


      3. Its been confirmed on his twitter that it was the writer’s decision to write him off. :/


  13. Cam’s storyline definitely feels like it will continue as a self-hurting plot for the rest of the season and I actually like the idea of this one, especially since it makes so much sense because of his severe anxiety issues.

    K.C.’s storyline really turned up the intensity with the scene where his dad threatened to break down the door, but it still feels too abrupt for him to leave the show. I suppose that was the point though.

    Fiona is being soooooooooo arrogant lately. To the point where I really really don’t like her. And Drew seems like he’s just gonna be one of those useless characters until he decides to go back to Degrassi.



    1. I think they could have arched KC’s storyline a little bit more. Like maybe having them deal with trying to leave there for a little bit longer or something…it just seemed like they gave up right away…



      1. I agree they could have made a plot with KC’s dad stalking them more or something in that direction. It could have been really intense. His storyline just seemed too short for me and rushed. One minute he seemed hesitant to let his dad back into his life, the next he was accepting his dad then his dad was banging on their door then next KC was gone. I wonder if he will come back.


  14. The writers got me tonight! KC is LEAVING?!?!?! So we lose him and Alli, and now they show Campbell falling off the balcony? I at least thought they would cut to commercial, but no, they show the fall. I jumped out of my seat. On another note, where was Dave at KC’s goodbye scene? I thought they would at least have him there too!



  15. Well, since Cam blatantly lied to Maya’s face, it would be hard for her to believe anything he says.

    And I wonder why he never wants to spend time alone with Maya. It’s always “the guys.”
    If she knew the real Cam, she’d be freaked out, like she initially thought he may have hurt himself. We can agree that is seriously messed up?

    Oh well, time to call it a night. I gotta get up and watch Bobby Valentine’s interview on D&C. Peace!



  16. wow this episode actually shocked me in many ways.
    1. Cam actually jumped
    2. K.C actually left Degrassi
    3. Fiona cleaned
    I loved this episode. I just wonder what Maya is going to do when she figures out Cam lied to her.



    1. JustARandomName August 8, 2012 at 12:07 am

      “Fiona cleaned.” Oh my gosh, that’s funny xD But honestly, at the end of the episode, I’m just yelling out “WHAT THE ****?!?!” Nothing connected in my head at all, just action. At least this was the first episode in a while that actually got me feeling some sort of emotion (other than Clare’s scene in Waterfalls). My god, Degrassi just threw everything at us tonight.



  17. Not even halfway through this season and I have lost my two favorite characters.



    1. I feel exactly the same way.



  18. Omygod O_O! This episode was so intense. Thank you Degrassi for actually making Cam go with it instead of him being interrupted by a cheezy speech. This plot is so sad and we can really see that Cam has deep mental issues. It’s not just stress anymore, It obviously goes deeper then that. I’m really starting to believe the dead brother theories. He did say he had an older brother he used to play hockey with. Plus there wasn’t an older brother in the family picture we were shown. IT would make sense, his older brother was an hockey star, he died Campbell tried to take on the task of being the hockey star his brother was even if he doesn’t really like the sport. That would be interesting. But yeah, I’m glad this isn’t over and it’ll continue in part.2 of Season 12.
    I give this storyline an A+

    KC leaving! That was another shocker. Sure they didn’t make him leave with a big A plot and the drunk father came a little bit abrupt but I still really liked this storyline. KC’s not dumb, he knows that if he stays at Degrassi, even with a restraining order or something like that, his mom will probably go back to see him. His conversation with Jenna was so sad, for a second there, it made me fall in love with their relationship. I’m glad they didn’t go for the whole kiss we’re lovers thing but I have to leave. They had a baby together, it was a big emotional moment for both of them but it’s now over and they still like each other, but not in a romantic way.
    I give this storyline an A

    Oh Fiona Coyne…believe me I love your character, but could they please give you better storylines. Part 2 was miles better then Part 1, but it still wasn’t very compelling TV. I like how they focused on the fact that Fiona’s not used to take care of herself now that she isn’t as rich anymore. That was a very nice touch and it actually made this plot have a point besides, let’s watch Fiona and Drew bickering for 10 minutes. Once again, nice setting up for tomorrow’s episode with Imogen.
    I give this storyline a C+

    That’s my review for tonight.

    P.S: I think it might have helped if we had seen KC’s father tonight and not just heard him on the other side of the door….or maybe it’s better that way….



  19. well for one thing this episode surely has wrapped it up good… i love you and all but wow has some serious problems…..and im sure in time maya will find out his problems but she will most likely help him. And after that im not so surprised with the fiaona and drew plot…wasnt interested anyways…..but the k.c plot was ok not the best but hey he has to have some screen time right?……not sure im looking forward to the katie and jake plot bcuz i really dont like her but the imogen and adam and becky plot…ummmm yea….i am.



  20. The Cam/Maya plot was done very well. They may be taking it a bit too far, but overall it’s going great. Kudos to the acting here, which was fantastic.

    K.C leaving was rather abrupt with no build-up. I imagine we’ll see him back at some point in 12.5? His storyline definitely picked up in part 2.Not as great as I thought it would be, but solid job here either way.

    Drew/Fiona was total filler. RIP Fiona Coyne. Seriously her run in season 12 is damaging her amazing work before this. A shame as she once was my favorite character.

    Good episode. Anyone have a link to the promo for tomorrow’s episode?



  21. Talk about intensity.

    This is an A episode.

    If this is really the last of KC on Degrassi, I tip my hat to Sam Earle. He was outstanding in “Rusty Cage” and went out in glory. He and Jessica Tyler (Jenna), who have had so much screen time together, were quite touching in the hallway scene.

    The Cam story gets darker and darker, and Dylan Everett is doing an impressive job at depicting a complex character. In less than a a week, the cute Cam-Maya relationship has become a lot less cute.

    I enjoy the Drew-Fiona friendship. It provides relief from the heavy drama, and it’s fun to see Fiona adjusting to real life as most of us know it.



  22. Would it make sense that KC leaves so that Sam could go to school? I mean they made his character 2 years younger than him, maybe it was just his time to move on. I remember a few years back my friend saw him at a university fair… filming and balancing university would be hard… maybe he decided it was time to focus on school?



  23. Caroline Barth Photography August 7, 2012 at 11:40 pm

    I feel so bad for Cam…



  24. See, unlike most I liked Fiona’s plot as it was a good lead-in to whatever Imogen plot we’re getting, and it was a plot that without it we’d feel it missing. Fiona adjusting to being just another girl. No rich family, nothing done for her, She’s a disney princess without any forest creatures. Her flawless cover most of the ep on why she wanted Drew to clean sold it with her breaking down because she didn’t know what to do.

    Plus the Fi/Drew bonding managed to work in a weird charming antagonism way.

    K.C.’s plot felt abrupt, but I feel that was the point. Sometimes your life gets dumped on its head and you just… have to roll with it. The fact that it went downhill as soon as it looked uphill was the right tempo, and the group to say goodbye was the right one for the character. The original Niners, his new best friend, and his ex girlfriend. If this is the last of him forever, or just the last of him for now… can’t really say.

    Cam’s pacing was flawless, and his breakdowns felt feral, which is what the plot needed. I don’t have much to say except it was clear from the start no matter where Cam found himself he’d be unable to find a balance. He’s got a lot of pressure on him for a fifteen year old. And his team was doing NOTHING to protect or help him. Which is the general failure of teenage boys, the design to be tough means you can’t show the weaknesses you have. He couldn’t go to Dallas while the team ribbed him, and Dallas barely moved to shield him from the press when he froze.

    Maya’s part was flawless, the right mix of challenging and comforting to get Cambell to feel that without hockey his life would be better. If Degrassi were a fair and just world, the six week hiatus from hockey would put Cam’s life into perspective so he could have freedom and hockey.

    Yeah, I don’t see it working out for him either.



  25. Wtf @ that final Drew/Fiona scene.

    Was anyone else getting some awkward vibes there? Not to mention the whole drain-unclogging bit sounding quite sexual…

    I know they weren’t, but it honestly felt like they were flirting pretty intensely right then, which kind of ruined the scene for me.

    Otherwise, great episode. I’m so mad that KC is leaving though. Just when I was starting to truly appreciate his character.



  26. What if Sam Earle wanted to pursue another project an wanted some time off the show? I think he will be back during 12.5. I hope they continue with Cam’s cutting plot. I think they will, but sometimes Degrassi writer jut let significant things disappear. If they do continue with it, then I’m glad he didn’t stop on tonight’s episode. Ellie’s plot was great, but having her cutting problem start and finish in one episode was not.



    1. Oops sorry about the minor spelling/grammar problems. Typing this on my phone!



    2. I feel like Cam’s self-harm plot is kind of like Fiona’s alcoholism and Katie’s pain pill addiction, in that they’re plots that Degrassi’s done poorly due to the former constraints of being an educational show, and now that they’ve got the telenovela format and aren’t with CTV, they can span stuff out, let it build, and actually portray it well. They’ve started it strong–if they continue it, they might be able to do it as well as they did Fiona’s alcoholism/abuse plot and Darcy’s rape plot. I just really, really hope they don’t cop out like they did in the old days. Having him actually jump, as someone else mentioned, really made a difference–if this was season two or three (or DJH or DH), Maya would have found him, intervened, and he would have been like, “yay, I’m getting help, and life is awesome as of next episode!”

      I’m a huge fan of the early seasons, but extended plotlines are definitely a strength of seasons 10-12. I just really hope they don’t blow this one.



    3. So Smearle’s tweet confirmed it. :( We’re gonna miss you KC.



  27. It was intense these two episodes. I like how Maya is being supportive, but I trust Cam will be real with her eventually. Looking forward to tomorrow’s episode.



  28. Clare (not Edwards) August 8, 2012 at 12:14 am

    What an intense episode! The Cam storyline has been one of my favorites this season. I know first hand what it feel like to be a ball of anixety and to have no way out. The jump literally made me cringe. I sympathize with him but at the same time i understand why the guys on the team are hard on him. Can’t wait to see where this one goes. As for the K.C plot, i was in shock. I didn’t see that one coming at all. The plot showed a lot of growth in K.C’s character and i was overall happy with how he character left the show. I hope to see the same maturity from Jenna soon… Last but not least was little miss Fiona Coyne. I’m loving her friendship with Drew and i hope things stay on track with Imogen. She seems truly happy for once. I just hope Imogen will be able to open up to her.



  29. Wow, I loved Cam’s plot so much. I think his anxiety/depression issues are very relatable and were well done. I hope they continue with his mental problems and cutting. If they do, Cam could easily be my favorite character. This is the first episode that really moved me.
    I was really shocked by KC’s sudden leaving! Didn’t expect it but I could see Sam Earle getting sick of being a glorified extra most of the time. His plot was good but went a little too fast.
    Fiona’s was just…I don’t know, pointless and boring to me. I miss the old, interesting Fiona. Her plots used to be so good but now they’re just stupid. And I still can’t take Fimogen seriously as a couple



  30. Wow. Degrassi reminded us they will GO THERE.



  31. he left… he actually LEFT? Wow, i wish i could go back in time to give myself a kick in the butt because last week when KC had that badly developed plot, i just thought, “huh, he could go die somewhere in a ditch and i wouldn’t care.”


    still thought it wasn’t that great of a plot, could have been better executed. More tears less blandness. Why are they getting rid of characters left and right? This is a huge change from a few seasons ago where characters failed high school, college, worked at the dot forever… It’s def a 180 from trying to maintain cast for as long as possible to dropping them like flies, who’s next? ELI?!?!

    NOOOOOOO, this is probably them getting ready to say adios eli goldsworthy hope u dont go crazy at nyu…



    1. Relly J Sinclair August 8, 2012 at 1:07 am

      KC’s departure reminds me of Sean’s will see Kc come back in season 14 wanting Claire back ;) btw I know we’re in Season 12 I was mocking Sean’s departure in season 4 returning in season 6. Cams plot shocked me I thought they were going to cop out at the jump. I remember looking back at season 8 saying ugh these newbies, and now they grew on my like a new generation. I really wish Alli and Kc would stick around longer I’ve gotten attached to them both. Oh Degrassi I’m just going to stop liking characters you push them away when I start to get intrigued “cough cough DARCY!”



      1. Relly J Sinclair August 8, 2012 at 1:09 am



  32. KC’s departure was so underwhelming. It’s quite sad because his character holds a special place in my heart. I remember watching season 8 and shipping Klare so badly lol. And now he decides to leave and all he says to his old friends are “we have the internet.” Really?? You’re leaving your best friends and after all you’ve been through, that’s all you have to say? I didn’t like how that was handled. I wish him leaving was a little more emotionally charged; instead, the writers made it seem like KC was just some random character like Liam or Jessica. Even Jacinta got a better send off. I think i’d actually prefer to see KC get hit by a car, if it meant for a better leaving.



  33. I have to say that so far this is the best the show has been for me in a loooong time. The show is at its best when it is doing character-driven plots like the ones we’ve had all summer, especially tonight.

    Cam’s plot is relatable in so many different ways. Cam’s position reminds me a lot of what a lot of people go through when they first go off to college away from home. You go to a new place where you really don’t know anyone and may even have to make a cultural adjustment. And if you go to a highly competitive and prestigious school like I do, you may have to adjust to actually not being the smartest kid in class and actually have to work for grades. I know so many people who were devastated over getting their first B or C ever and literally went into a major depressive episode over it on top of having trouble fitting in and being homesick. There are a lot of people who just give up and transfer or resort to substance abuse and other destructive habits to get through their four years. This is a lot how Cam is feeling about being on the Icehounds. He’s away from home, spends the majority of his time with people who only care about him as long as he is helping them win which adds more pressure to him. He also clearly suffers from major depressive disorder as he always feels sad and just wants to be happy, but is resorting to harmful outlets to get that. I hope the writers don’t drop the ball on this and really deliver on this plot.

    I liked the KC plot but I think it should have been an A-Plot, maybe for the opener of 12.5. This is an instance where the show works better without the C-plot. Without the Drew and Fiona stuff which ultimately didn’t add anything, KC’s plot could have really been fleshed out fully and seemed less rushed. It’s sad that when I finally started to like KC, he leaves. But he really doesn’t have a niche on the show anymore. After his father, what else could he realistically do besides dating someone without totally regressing backwards?

    All in all, another solid episode. Hopefully the rest of the week delivers. I’m more interested in next week though to be honest.



  34. I think Cam has become my favorite character. It used to be Fiona (well, Eli is still really high up there) but man… Cam has some PROBLEMS! He has some deep problems and I LOVE that. I love that he’s depressed and even going as far as to hurt himself just to get out of hockey practice. Its *interesting* and that is the most important thing as far as a story go. I know because I love writing myself.

    In fact, Cam is seriously making me want to write Degrassi fanfiction which I’ve never really had the super strong urge before. Not least because he’s not a gay character. I write mainly slash/lgbt stories, but Cam is… Cam is exactly the type of character I like and I just want to explore more about his character. Damn. I give his story an A+. Degrassi is doing so well with his character and that guy is an AMAZING actor!

    I may have to seriously think about writing a Cam story.



    1. Where do you post your fanfics? I’d love to read it if you wrote a Cam story. I really want them to keep up this story line, he’s the first character I’ve really cared about in a while (besides my actual favorites of course! But he’s rapidly becoming one of them)



      1. I post them on under the penname “xSadistxFujix”. I have no Degrassi fanfics so there’s really not much point in looking at my fics just yet, unless you like slash and want to explore. XD Although Cam’s fic WON’T be which will be different for me. I started last night. We’ll see how it goes.

        I doubt I’ll do much planning on it though which is probably a bad idea but because the show is still running for this half of the season, I don’t want canon to catch up with my fanon which happened in a Glee fic I was writing and yeah… XD

        IDK if I’ll really seriously write one, but I think I’m going to try. I can try to remember to send you the link if you want. If you have a fanfiction account you can send me a PM and I’ll keep it and send you the link when I start posting it (which could be as soon as I finish chapter 1 or not. Not exactly sure)


  35. A lot of you guys are saying you don’t empathize with Cam, but I totally do. This isn’t about Cam slacking off or not pulling his weight. It’s about Cam not having a love for the sport anymore. I’m sure hockey began as a fun hobby for Cam, but then he became very good, and all the fun was drained from it. He is in another part of the country, leaving his family and friends behind. He is at a new school, with a team that understands his talent, yet makes fun of him because he is a rookie. And now, there is all this PRESSURE! The team gets on his case when he does poorly, and when he does well, he has a crowd of paparazzi asking him if his success is just a fluke and whether or not he can keep this up. I may be alone, but I certainly empathize with Cam. I thought his plot has been the best this season, and he is probably the best actor on the show. K.C’s plot on the other hand… I have an idea… Instead of fleeing the country, how about you get a restraining order. If he violates it, call the police, and he is back in prison. But it’s all for the best because I never liked K.C’s character.



    1. You are NOT alone. I also emphasize with Cam. Maybe the punishment for lying and skipping practice fit, but he wouldn’t have done it had his team not been treating him like they are. Its clear a lot of them are jealous of Cam’s talent and don’t like him for it. They’re passing the teasing off as they’re doing it for the fact they DO like him, Dallas’ prank with Bianca a few eps back? That was just cruel of him. And the talking about him behind his back. Cam is obviously not loving hockey as much as he used to–or at least said he did and its because of this team and the stress and pressure of being the “star”.

      He’s depressed and homesick and anxious and that mixed with the teasing from his *teammates*–who should be looking after him–is taking its toll on Cam so much so he’s going so far as to actually hurt himself just to be away from it all. He’s an interesting character and I agree that his plot has been the best and his actor is definitely probably the best I’ve seen since freaking *Jake Epstein*–who you must admit was absolutely amazing. Craig had the most emotional storylines from day one and while Eli is interesting, I find Cam’s situation and emotional struggling so much more so which is saying something since I love Eli (though I’m not one of those Eli or Eclare fangirls).

      Cam has already become my favorite character on this show. Its been awhile since I’ve really said I have one and mean it SO much. Marco–till his storylines got crappy–Darcy, Holly J, Riley–who got treated like crap at the end like Marco–, Fiona, and Eli have all been my favorites, but those last three were kinda “meh, I have to have a favorite out of these characters, right?” whereas Cam has sincerely captured my heart already.

      The writers are doing a brilliant job and the actor is doing SUPERBLY–especially for such a young actor.

      I’ve kind of rambled here, but I needed to say it all. =D



  36. I just think it is sooo stupid that they made the KC bit the B plot! You’re taking a character off the show… a character who has been a regular for 4 seasons and you give him all of like 10 minutes of air time! Its ridiculous! Its like at the end of the season 10 when Jenna had her baby they had spent all this time developing a story line to give it like 30 seconds of airtime. Now, I never liked Kenna… but the people at Degrassi made me watch them all season and then barely acknowledged she had the baby! I just feel really bad for Sam Earle who spent so long on the show and his leaving came in second place to a guy who has had pretty close to the most screen time this season. Now I like the Cam plot a lot. It really hits home and I think they are doing it well and my heart breaks for the kid. I just don’t think it was fair how rushed they made the KC plot and then to make it take the back seat for a plot that could have totally been the B plot? Unfair Degrassi writers… unfair.



    1. I totally agree KC’s storyline was rushed a whole lot. It wasn’t enough depth for me. One minute we hear his dad is coming back into him and his mom’s life then the next KC is leaving. His plot would have been better if it was an A Plot or at least dragged on for four episodes like Clare’s did last week. I feel like ever since season 10 (I might be wrong) that they have been treating KC nonexistent for some reason. I guess since he’s not as popular anymore idk.

      For some reason I would love to see a Klare relationship again (don’t kill me EClare shippers) I just would love to see how these two would be together again, since they both (mainly Clare) have changed and developed and how they would interact together romantically. Don’t get me wrong I like Eclare and their chemistry and all but it’s been an overload of them together and I’m still overwhelmed by them as a couple.

      I’m really liking Cam’s plot it’s dramatic but I can relate with him and his social anxiety (mine’s isn’t as bad as his though). I didn’t think he would actually go through with falling but I guess when you’re so scared and nervous around people or an environment you will do almost anything to get out of it.



    2. Call me delusional, but I’m clinging to this idea that KC may be brought back unexpectedly…I can’t believe they took the easy way out with a beloved character. “Oh my dad’s back g2g bye everyone!” in like ten minutes. I’m pretty annoyed.



  37. A Plot- If I was in Kary’s shoes and had to summarize this plot in one sentence it would go something like this: “Campbell Saunders emerges as Degrassi’s best new character”. This is without a doubt one of the best storylines of the season along with Clare’s sexual harrassment. The intense nature of Cam’s homesickness/anxiety is heartbreaking. I will admit there were some scenes that almost drove me to tears such as the one where he contemplates cutting his hand this time on purpose. Also, the scene where he was looking at a picture of his family definitely got me. But if there was an intense scene it would have to be the one where he jumped to break his arm. My heart literally stopped when I saw that. It was surely a “Go There” moment for Degrassi. Nothing needs to be said about Dylan Everett’s performance other than it was outstanding. He brings the energy of Cam’s emotions in such a natural way. Grade: A+



  38. I’m rather curious as to why they made KC leave. One of the biggest criticism people have had is the lack of character development for many of the “main” characters (they were only introduced a couple of seasons ago or so). So why make Alli and KC leave a year before their time? They are amongst the people whom we’ve seen grow up and could feel more attached to. But now, from Season 8, we’re left with Connor,Clare and Dave. I wonder if they’re preparing for a large influx of niners to “revitalise” Degrassi, and ensure the show doesn’t just fizzle away.



  39. I’m a little surprised reading these comments that some people are being harsh towards Cam. I think anyone who calls him “creepy” or whatever must be fortunate enough to have never experienced clinical depression. It’s pretty obvious that this is what he’s going through–he practically spelled it out when he used the “my head’s not screwed on right” line (I also loved the writers having him say “I’m sad” instead of something more serious because he doesn’t know the correct terminology). Now we see him taking drastic action to get the only thing he wants, happiness, and Maya is the only conduit he knows. Brilliant performance from Daniel Everett.

    But WTF to KC leaving. First Allie, now him? Must we get rid of every developed character on the show?!



  40. The cast is top heavy with seniors and juniors. Even if the show hangs on to a few, most of them will be gone by the end of this season or season 13. I think they are trying to make way for new and younger characters to fill some of those spots.



  41. I still don’t think that Alli will end up leaving, especially since they got rid of one of her classmates. I think something’s going to happen to her, and she’ll have to stay behind. If the writers are so eager to get rid of characters to thin out the older classes, why hold on to a bunch of seniors, and get rid of juniors? I guess the writers figure that many of the characters who are now seniors need to stay back in order to be developed more, whereas K.C.’s been on the show since season 8.

    Still, I’m sad to see him go. He was never a favourite of mine, but I don’t think I ever disliked him. He sort of “Peter’d” out to me. The longer he was on the show, the harder I found it to pin down his character. He started out as very easy to pin down (like Peter), and began as an interesting character, but after a while, he was just “there”. A nice guy, but nothing about him really stood out.

    I think that the chances of him returning are pretty slim. Some people suspect that he may pull a Sean and return eventually. Sean left when he was in grade 10, stayed away for a year, and then returned in season 6 for his final year. That’s a fair amount of time for him to sort himself out after the shooting. K.C. left during the second half of his junior year. It certainly wouldn’t make sense for him to come back for his senior year. The only way I can see him coming back would be if he applies to UBC, doesn’t get in, and has a backup school in Toronto which accepts him. It’d be a long shot, but I could see him returning to Degrassi in season 14, with the excuse that he’s decided to complete highschool in Toronto, as he will be attending university in the city.



  42. i love kc’s storyline. they made it soo realistic. i mean, my dad was an alcoholic and was EXACTLY like that. i had to deal with that for so long till i moved out of his house. i just can’t believe how REAL they made it.



  43. I am SO tired of cam breathing heavily



  44. These plots were lame. KC is gone in a few minutes without any kind of warning. Why didn’t they just move to another apartment in a different part of the Toronto instead of moving across the country? I really don’t understand it. Maybe Sam is headed to university and doesn’t want to be on the show anymore, but I feel like the writers could have given him a better send off. I don’t think there’s a chance KC will come back; Degrassi has never done a good job of writing off their characters (JT, Peter, Mia, Darcy, Kendra, etc.).

    Why didn’t Cam talk to his coach, Dallas, guidance counselor, or host family about his issues. It’s pretty extreme to self harm (breaking your arm on purpose) because you’re under so much pressure. I feel sorry for him. No one would have forced him to continue playing if his anxiety is that bad, and he shouldn’t feel that he has to play hockey anymore if it makes him so anxious.

    Fiona and Drew and Imogen are all pretty annoying at this point. I couldn’t stand hearing Fiona whine about how she had au pairs or maids to clean up after her and how she never learned how to wash a dish or vacuum. Suck it up. If she’s old enough to live on her own in Toronto, then she’s old enough to clean up after herself. On top of all of that, she’s still selfish and pushy towards Imogen and their relationship status.



  45. Cam is not a psycho. He’s a sweetheart who has a severe anxiety disorder. It’s pretty offensive to say people should stay away from him, especially when there are perfectly lovely people in the world who have the same issues. He just really needs a good counsellor/prescription or should go back home.



    1. Agreed. Cam just has a REALLY severe form of anxiety disorder (I was actually doing some research last night on psychology disorders and came across that one which really suits Cam–probably cause he obviously has it).

      It is very offensive to say Cam is a “psycho”, I agree. “Psycho” is a rude way of saying “psychopath” but most people call others “psychopaths” wrongly anyway. A psychopath is an actual disorder, not just a person who does crazy and cruel things. An example of a person with psychopathy is Eric Harris–a Columbine gunman. Psychopaths have a difficult time feeling emotions and following society rules. They can’t help it; they were born the way they are.

      Its actually practically the same thing as a sociopath except psychopaths were born with the disorder where as sociopaths developed the disorder through their environment and because of society itself.

      Cam is *definitely* not a psychopath–or sociopath. If he were, its more likely he’d take his frustrations out on others than himself. Cam is just depressed with a lot of anxiety, as you said. He really *does* just need some counseling and/or prescription–as well as to see his family. Although I hope he doesn’t go home any time soon since he’s become my favorite. XD

      Sorry about the rambling about psychopathy–I’m sure you know the difference between that and an anxiety disorder since you said it yourself. I just felt the need to reply and say I agree and say more about actual psychopathy for anyone who is curious. -is a wannabe psychologist-



  46. ok. i never really liked kc character but i was not expecting this. they really surprised me there. also cam has issues, we will see in the future. eli is leaving soon. we need another charactet with issues. (just a thought) i also cant wait to know whats up with imogens dad.



  47. I really liked cam’s plot.



  48. My thoughts on KC leaving….
    KC has been there from the beginning. We watched him go from group the group home and a very unstable life , to an honorable young man. His character was more of an up and down for me. During his Coach Carson plot and his mom getting out of jail, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him because he was going through so much. Then the S10 rolled around and Jenna became pregnant. I have to say I was one of the many people who DESPISED KC during the Kenna pregnancy plot, but part of me wanted to sympathize with him. He tried his best to take care of Ty the way HE knew how. He did’t want to be a failure, but he was no where near ready to be a father. I think it was big of KC to give up Tyson, because he knew he could not provide a good life for him. When the baby business was over KC was back to being in the background, and I can’t say that I was too upset about that because the Kenna/Tyson plot was so emotionally draining. I was looking forward to more KC in season 12 though. As soon as I saw the episode descriptions for Rusty Cage I was ecstatic KC was finally getting a plot.. an important one at that.. and then it turned out to be his sending off… So yes I agree, the writers abruptly writing KC off is completely wrong, however after reading other opinions in the DTC I can say that him getting written off was best for his character. They could’ve touched more on the issue with his father but surely that wouldn’t have lasted long enough until his graduation. If he were to stay there wouldn’t have been much left for KC to do that was “exciting” by Degrassi standards. I would rather see him suddenly written out of the show, than see his character be ripped apart or see him reduced to one or two appearances for the rest of the season. All in all KC had a very good run on Degrassi and now I am left to imagine him and Mama Guthrie living happily in BC.



  49. Cam’s plot was brilliant. Dylan Everett did a great job portraying someone so desperate and lonely. As someone who has dealt with anxiety my whole life, this plot was realistic and true to the feelings one faces. I can’t wait to see how Campbell deals with things as he returns to hockey and when we figure out more about the reasons why he is so anxious.



  50. I really felt for Cam in his plot. The pressure placed on the shoulders of someone that young is a terrifying burden to bear, and his anxiety issues paired with the stress of feeling alone, homesick…it’s really heartbreaking to watch. He’s just a kid, and he’s not got family with him as some of the other guys do, he’s younger than them, and he’s not an adaptable social butterfly like Dallas. He’s got people coming at him from all sides, talking about how he’s going to be playing in the NHL when he graduates, how he’s such a hotshot…and he’s far too young, out of his element in his new surroundings, and unprepared to take on that role and that pressure.

    Dylan Everett earns two big thumbs up from me for his acting performance so far on this season.



  51. I think it’s freakin stupid that they made cam “kill himself” on degrassi… I mean I know that the whole point of degrassi is to entertain nd at the end the make life lessons but seriously cam wuz my favorite character nd I love him he’s so hot but anyways him nd mya are perfect for each other I cried 4 an hour while I watched that show nd idk if I’m ever going to watch degrassi again unless cam comes back



  52. It’s crazy how nobody had any clue about Cam’s fate… I was thinking about it today, and I got to thinking about when Zig kissed Maya. Didn’t Cam just shrug and say “sucks”? But in BSS, he went complete rage-mode because Zig was tying Maya’s bandana in a flirty way? I’ve re-watched Cam’s scenes this week, and I honestly think Campbell in BSS was a little out of character, What do you think Kary?



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