Season 12 idea for writer Cole Bastedo: read my blog and create things based on what you find here, like Degrassi Radio. Oh, wait...*troll face* (I'm taking credit for that whether it's true or not!) Please create a socially awkward character named Kary who spends all his time blogging in the Media Immersion lab, and is seduced by Bianca in exchange for him hacking the school computer and changing her grades.

Stephen Stohn has tweeted that in a couple of weeks, the show will begin brainstorming ideas for Season 12.  He’s asked that fans send him any thoughts/ideas/etc., about what we’d like to see.  You don’t need me to tell you what an overwhelming majority of the fans have said they wanted to see most: Eclare, suicide and the return of original TNG cast members.

ECLARE: The show panders to Eclare fans enough as it is, so for the love of God don’t just slap them back together.  I’m all for an Eclare reunion if done right, but I also wonder how it’ll work out if they get together before Eli graduates since he’ll be leaving the show before Clare.

SUICIDE: I’ve backed off my desire for this one a bit, especially since Stephen came out and admitted how difficult it would be to pull this storyline off.  This isn’t Degrassi High anymore.  They were able to do it because Degrassi was an educational show back then.  Degrassi is now more entertainment driven.  One way to do it would be for it to occur because of bullying, an issue that’s been very prevalent in the news…it’s still a topic that has to be done with extreme care to avoid serious backlash.

BRING BACK OLD TNG CAST MEMBERS: People seem to think that the old cast members are just sitting around doing nothing with their lives, waiting for the day when they’ll receive a call that Degrassi wants them to come back.  The show has made it clear that it wants to constantly move forward, and implementing some sort of return of a former character (even if it is for just one episode) has to fit into the context of the show…Johnny DiMarco’s return during Hide and Seek is an example.  However, The Stohn has said there is potential for a reunion show of some sort.


A lot of other ideas have mainly been relationship stuff…blah.  You can click here to see a list of ideas fans has submitted, there are some amazing ones in there as well.  But other than relationships, what are some storyline ideas you’d like to see in Season 12?  Part of me kind of wishes we already knew how the rest of Season 11 will play out, because then I could give specific ideas for individual characters.  But generic ideas are still wide open.

For me, if I had to choose one thing I would LOVE to see a car accident storyline (no, Eli crashing Morty doesn’t count).  There’s just so many options here: A) One of the characters could be drunk. B) A character or group of characters is hit by a drunk driver. C) The driver could be distracted by something like them trying to text and drive.  The outcome could provide physical, emotional and/or legal challenges for those involved.

I also love what they’re doing with friendships on this show in Season 11, as well as having characters alternate having primary and secondary roles.  As easy as it is to love then get burned out on romantic relationship drama, the friendship aspects are solid as a rock.  I hope this continues in Season 12.

Posted by Kary


  1. Kary, agree 100% with your thoughts. Nothing really to add. Perhaps some of the graduating students could stay on and be a teachers aide or run a pilot experimental program or class for 1 semester.



  2. I’m definitely on board for a suicide storyline involving bullying, considering this past year’s suicides due to bullying that took the media by storm; it would be extremely relevant.

    I think a great way for that car accident storyline to unfold would be for the all the characters to come together at some sort of party, and then for the car accident to occur post-party. It would be awesome if we had no idea who this could happen to because all the characters would be at the party.

    But in general, they just need to have more parties on Degrassi! It doesn’t have to be full-out Skins style, but they should acknowledge that high school parties are commonplace. When was the last time they had a party on Degrassi involving alcohol and such, Rock This Town? But I absolutely LOVE your idea for the texting and driving accident Kary, that would definitely be the right amount of educational and dramatic all in one.



    1. I think a suicide is too much for Teennick but if they have a person contemplating about it or have someone on suicide watch.



  3. There is so much they have not covered. One thing is for male student to have an affair with an older woman that is not a teacher. Maybe a family friend or someones mother. Another one would be a male bisexual character. A student posting a sex tape with their lover via internet.
    Drug trafficking..a parent has their kid do the dealing for them. Huffing freon and chemicals is another problem in the states.



  4. Male bisexual character, yes!



    1. YES PLEASE.
      Just more Male issues. It’s like Degrassi forgets there’s male characters who also have issues outside relationships in Highschool.
      AND that Car Crash Idea is amazing. Let it be texting and driving, that’s very current or even drunk/buzzed driving.



  5. Male on male rape, the boy deals with questioning his sexuality and the shame of being raped. Or it could be a gay boy being raped, dealing with that fact that even though he’s gay it doesn’t mean he just want to have sex with every guy he meets and people’s judgements and thoughts when he takes the case to court. Both would need really strong actors or else they would be no good at all.

    Also any storyline that doesn’t last just one episode like Katie’s bulimia, it was pointless to make her 97% recovered bulimic and have the issue tied up at the end. Emma’s eating disorder lasted for an appropriate amount of time and she still dealt with the issues while in recovery. If Degrassi is going to “go there” and have it “get real” then have a storyline that doesn’t always have such a clean and neat ending.



  6. I say have a storyline where Dean comes back and is the new Assistant Principal of Degrassi.



  7. i think degrassi needs to do another self-harm storyline……they haven’t done one since ellie back in like season 4 and it’s so common nowdays that it really needs to be covered again

    also i really think degrassi should create an ongoing storyline involving a character who has down syndrome, autism, etc. these kids go through a lot in highschool and giving a character like that a place on tv might help people to be a little more sympathetic and understanding



  8. I already suggested for another DJH reunion, which is LONG overdue. I don’t care if those characters are way passed the target demo of the current show, I would love to see Joey, Caitlin, Lucy, the twins, Yik, Liz and maybe even Kathleen and Melanie again.

    But if they were to hold a reunion, I bet it would just be Emma/Manny/Sean/Craig (which I don’t mind, but I’d prefer the DJH folks instead.)



  9. Oh and I’m glad some of the people who read this site are telling stephen, drunk driving accident or car accident of some sort XD



    1. Drunk driving, texting or under the influence of somethind while driving that would cause a major accident . That will cause serious injury or fatality to another.



  10. I agree with the Austim idea but I would like to see a girl character that has it, most of the media I see these days only showing males with this disabilty but never a female not that I least rember and maybe a christmas episode would be nice



    1. Glee has Becky, she is a cheerleader and she has a significant role. They also had Sue’s older sister.



  11. I’d love for them to cover epilepsy I have it and I know they covered it with Caitlin but I really would love them to do it for this generation



  12. I would just like one female character who isn’t caught up in boy drama. Just one.



  13. The car accident idea would be a good one. I would like to see a gang related storyline where someone joins a gang for protection. I kinda wanna see what happened to Dave’s band. & I think we need more Dave-centric storylines



  14. Obviously not all of these but something different or re-done like: diabetes, epilepsy, high school parties, depression storyline, loner storyline, car accident storyline, hostage storyline, blackmail, stress of school work storyline, sweet 16/18th birthday, if possible old cast visiting teachers (a lot of students in college go back and visit their school/teachers/friends if they are free it would be awesome for them to just appear), a mean teacher, FITZ, more sports, jewish/different religion, home life/family life, alcohol.. its a huge part of high schoolers lives, after school activities, bullying, social network drama & more jobs for the students!

    that’s it for now



    1. I think the writers mentioned that Eli is technically Jewish, so it would be nice to see or hear him talking about going to temple or celebrating Hanukkah.



      1. but Eli’s and athiest so i don’t really think celebrating any type of religious holiday would really fit with his character


  15. Aggravated assult on a teacher.

    A date rape with a mutual friend or boyfriend.

    Parents having their kids doing their drug exchange for money.

    I want Adam to meet a trangender who actually had surgery and other complications that deal with the aftermath. Or Adam second guessing his sexual identinty.



    1. I like that adam idea. or he could meet teen transparent, (ftm) who is trying to be a good dad.He (i call him zack) could be a friend to Adam, that a role modle. maybe zack and Alii could..
      Aslo Adam need a girlfriend, I worry he won’t want something one who is pyhcail hot for him, it would have to be someone like All or Clare, who love him who he is.

      bring back Fitz, please as real character i see Spinnerness in him. I wish the writer would have let his relationship with adam grow. (james and Jordan has good chemical.) I don’t mean a love thing, but i do still kindda think fitz was “into” Adam, but felt weird about And since Adam is a good -looking guy played by a beautiful woman. .



  16. Or better yet, just kill someone off. Or have them paralyzed like Jimmy was.



  17. I wonder if they did a story about eloping?? Have lovers who can’t be together because one of the family members forbids their relationship. Just Leave to Quebec to get married.

    Or shot gun wedding because the daughter got pregnant and the parents force them to marry because of their religion or custom.



  18. Julian should have a nerdy, comic book loving, video game addict named Evan who has a crush on his brother’s girlfriend (wait for it… MARISOL), and they hookup (maybe Marisol felt underappreciated by Julian idk lol), and Evan deals with the guilt. His idols should be Connor and Wesley and he should also be best friends with Zig and good friends with Tori and Maya!



  19. Whatever happened to the shoplifting storyline?



    1. I don’t think they are finished with that?? I am hoping the Connor panty stealing may lead to something bigger!?



  20. I have an idea for Claire, lately she has been acting very selfish and it’s all “oh me and jake me me me my life sucks oh blah blah im awesome” And I think the only way to really change her acts is to have something drastic appear in her life that doesn’t exactly happen to her, but to someone she becomes close with.

    Like having her witnessing a new character facing physical abuse from their parents. Making her realize how awful she has been, also helping that character escape from her parent’s physical abuse by helping her move out and into her place.

    Just something I thought of.



    1. I have a feeling that what is going to happen to her this season or she is going to be battling her emotions in which may cause a emotional meltdown. The rate she going she may lose more than Alli as a friend.



  21. how about this time muslims who actually are religious and not the usual ‘oh i’m in the west i like boys i’m rebelling against my culture/religion’ recycled trash.
    how about something depression wise, male on male rape, realistic racism issues, self harm, loners…



    1. I like all of those Ideas, racism REALLY hasn’t been covered, there could be a lot in a prejudice storyline. Something for Dave to take on with someone who may not be a blatant racist but may have ideas/opinions formed about people from other races based on what their parents think or something along those lines,



  22. I would fully support Clare committing suicide and then the rest of the canvas forgetting her existence in the next episode.



    1. WOW, I don’t like Clare but that is pretty harsh. LOL



  23. Ideas: blind student, diabetes, orphan, foreigner ( like first year in North America). Teacher/ student fight. Teacher student relationship tht leads to pregnancy.



  24. Top 3 Ideas for Degrassi Season 12:

    1. I’d like to see a Christian character make an appearance where he/she deals with all the high school drama, but makes decisions based on their faith and struggles with that. Clare doesn’t count as that. Her Christianity is barely touched on. Or maybe a character that is already on the show comes to the Christian faith. This kind of happened with Fitz but he has not been seen again since, which is kind of disappointing because they could have done a lot with his character since he had found God and such (even though it seemed random, sometimes that’s how it happens). So, I say bring back Fitz or a new Christian character.

    2. A reunion episode (two-parter) or movie would be amazing. I’d cry if they actually did that lol. I don’t know how they could write in all of them being at Degrassi again, but old characters showing up would definitely warm my heart. :) Just to maybe see what they all did with their lives lol. And see those who didn’t do anything haha.

    3. More storylines for characters we don’t see too much of or don’t know enough about (Connor, Wesley, Ms. Oh, Owen, Dave, Jake (without having something to do with freakin Clare), and Katie (without having something to do with freakin Drew)).



  25. A strange girl she thinks she’s boring and can not seem to interact with the environment



  26. Suicide storyline and maybe more use of curse words



  27. I agree suicide would be to much, a male bisexual or female bisexual character would be nice, they should make Fiona and Bianca hook up, just a thought lol



    1. They’d prolly do that just so the male Degrassi writers could watch.



  28. For me I would like to see overprotective parents that don’t let their highschool child do anything such as go to extra cirricular events or out with his friends, so the highschooler tries to be something he is not and tries to fit in, but doesn’t and has so much anger from being controlled by overpertective parents.

    Or an actual storyline of a kid being made fun off for his weight such as being to fat and being teased. I see this all the time, some kids are not even really overweight but still get picked on.

    Or how about how a kids family is poor and the kid doesn’t always bring the nicest clothes mainly clothes from a thrift store.

    ALso another idea could be a loner type of person who just wants to fit in.

    I agree I would love to see an accident happen but would like to see it as someone dying so young and that affecting them emotionally. Not really a drunk storyline or their on drugs I felt that it has been done too much.

    Or how about someone losing their parents and the teenager dealing with the loss and moving in with another family member.



  29. How about a prank/revenge gone wrong! For example, a guy cheats on his girlfriend so she wants to get revenge on him. She gets her friends to trick him into eating some nasty food, like squid, but they tell him it’s something else. Then after eating it he has an allergic reaction and is rusted to the hospital, where he might not survive.



  30. Another one (based on a news story I just saw on tv) is bullying…not by students, but someone being bullied verbally by a teacher.



    1. They kind of tried that with Danny and Derek and failed miserably.



      1. I know…they tried a LOT of things with Danny and Derek that failed miserably.


      2. derek was such a horrible annoyin character we didnt mind him getting bullied…he deserved it!


  31. A lot of people are bringing up suicide but I was thinking someone that we would never expect to have these feelings of suicide. I want to somebody to help this person to not do it. Even better have some students do a suicide hotline at school. I had that at my highschool and it was wonderful.

    An affair to happen with a male student with a much older woman that is not a teacher.
    I had a few HS male friends who had affairs with married women during lunch hours.
    Usually boys making extra bucks for handyman jobs or mowing lawns.

    Battle of the sexes using their brains instead of beauty and bronze



  32. I really want there o be a storyline about depression. Not someone just Hurtin themselves because depression goes alot deeper then that and it messes with your head. I think this would be a powerful topic.



    1. Yes I’d love to see that. I really enjoyed the storyline with Eli’s mental issues, I’d love to see them cover Depression and the effects of that.
      Someone else mentioned covering the self harm topic again.
      I’d like to see a gay or lesbian character who’s main storyline isn’t them struggling with
      their sexuality. They handled Riley’s character horribly towards the end.
      A suicide really should be covered, but it would have to be a character fans actually like for it to be good. JT’s death was devastating because he was a longtime character but they handled it really well.
      And yes bullying would be great, the Rick storyline was interesting in that most of the students agreed with his bullying because what he did to Terri but I think it’d be interesting to see a gay kid, a loner, or just an outcast bullied.



  33. i would love to see some like clare or alli get pregnant and have a miscarriage. i want to see how they wouls portray the emotions. btw i think eli is gay.



    1. I thought I was only one that Eli was gay or bisexual



  34. I can understand if Degrassi can’t do suicide in the near future because I know that’s a difficult subject to cover, but it must be done eventually. I don’t give a shit if it’s “too much” or how uncomfortable it makes TeenNick, that would be blatantly ignoring a widespread teen issue.



  35. I have had an idea about Owen and Tristan that I always thought we be good.

    Now set aside the fact that Tristan may or may not be gay since that isn’t relevant to my plot.

    Have a two parter one from Tristians view and one from Owens, about how Tristan who once idolized his brother and thought he was the coolest, but once he sees what he is like at school starts to resent and dislike him. Tristan would have to rethink his idol worship and be crushed be the realization that his brother isn’t the cool guy he thought he was. Have him be friends with Adam so Tristan could hear the awful things Owen did to him. I also think a dynamic of Owen being the favorite would be interesting too. It would leave to a breaking point where Tristan exposes what kind of person Owen is to his family.

    Owen however could be just someone trying to impress his parents and classmates by putting on the tough guy act. Maybe show that he does care about his brother but doesn’t want to seem weak. After Tristan exposing his jerkish ways to his family, you could turn it into Owens wake up call and start his redemption to both his family and peers and be his true self.

    The volatile brother-brother aspect hasn’t really been explored in Degrassi and I think its something many people could relate too, as well as make for interesting non-relationship drama.

    I can’t send this to Stephan do to Twitters stupid character limit. But I’d love to see it.



    1. Two more plots I thought of.

      1) Actual insomnia. I suffered from it, its rough stuff and could be interesting.

      2) Someone who was verbally abused.



  36. I Think a polyamerous relationship would be a good storyline. Also Male to male Rape. when men get raped and its revealed theres rummors that surround it that negatively afffect the guy even more. Also a foster home to foster home and on and on situation. Also a gambling problem .Self Haarm to an extreme level. Loneliness.Hazing.An STD Storyline would be interesting say a girl sleeps w/ her bf then gets an std and she realizes the reason he has one is bkuz hes bi. A Bisexual storyline would be good its always gay or lesbian. Drunkdriving is also a very very good storyline. Shopping addiction.(shopaholic) or being addicted 2 porn or sex or participating in a porno. also a hardcore rascism plot or a muslim actually sticking 2 her religion but being very stressed and depressed over her family.add more realism. Another BETTER Gay storyline would be cool. or a household with many many family members and the stress.also stereotyping and smoking. And Incest. Just a few ideas Lmao.



  37. Also.! lol. Huffing chemicals. PROSTITUTION.! male and female but extreme not like marco -.- we need stronger actors. Kidnap Victim would be interesting. a death within the family kan be cool.and imogen 2 go 2 extreme lengths for her attenntion seeking. addict parents. drug dealing. and yea theres sooooo much not covered.



  38. Or someone giving up guys/girls and experimenting OR.! Haha. someone seriously struggling with their faith



    1. I agree with the faith storyline…it just seems to me like they assume that once someone turns from it that’s it, but I would love to see them have Clare get back to focusing on that more, and maybe bring back Fitz



  39. I think the Degrassi Writers should just take any student from my highschool and let them give plot ideas. The things that happen at my high school top any plots Degrassi had in the past 4 years #kanyeshrug .



  40. MORE DIVERSITY!!!!! I want to see some different cultures and ethnicities next year. Maybe get some sophomores since they don have any the second half of the season. And please let Imogen be over Eli and give her a storyline that shows her finding a new target to stalk and actually show how she stalks him/her without the character noticing.



  41. How about just treating each character like they’re important? I’m not saying that they should be a main character because there have been too many main characters in the past who’ve been underdeveloped or mishandled (Leia, Blue, Damian, and Zane, among quite a few others). But I would advise storylines that treat each character in a way that makes people care about them, instead of given them a token plot in one episode and then dropping them for the rest of the season, like they did with Connor and Riley last season.

    Truthfully, I’m not a huge fan of the apparent revolving-door policy they have going on with this show now, where characters are shuffled in and out after 2 or 3 years with little or no development. I think one of the reasons why fans are still clamoring for a reunion of the original cast is because they grew up with them and cared about them in ways that are becoming more difficult with the current season. Personally, I will always miss Craig and Sean.



  42. Some kind of bomb threat or hostage situation at school would be awesome.



  43. A chemistry lab explosion that happen at my old high school



  44. There are alot of tried and true topics that haven’t been done in a long time: abortion, child abuse, domestic violence or alcoholism. Personally, I would like to see a main character deal with the death of a parent. I think Clare would be a good choice. We haven’t seen her have any interaction with her father since the divorce. The writers could build on that, and let Clare and her dad have a huge fight. They stop speaking, and he dies suddenly. This could be the catalyst to her having the breakdown we all know is coming. She freaks out and blames herself, sinking into a depression. The bonus with this storyline would be that there is one person who would know exactly how she’s feeling…Eli. He’s been in a similiar situation with Julia’s death, and could be the one to help Clare heal. Done correctly, this could be the perfect way to pave the way to an Eclare reunion.



    1. Domestic violence and alcoholism have both been recently touched upon with Fiona in seasons 10 and 11, I say they should give those two topics a break before touching on them once again with a new character. Although, I would like to see a storyline where a student has to deal with an alcoholic and/or drug addicted parent. I don’t believe we have seen a storyline like that since Ellie and her mother, and that was a long time ago! I think the perfect candidates for this storyline would be either Bianca or Imogen, maybe even Marisol.



  45. Other things I would like to see be covered are male rape, now I know that one is highly unlikely and I doubt TeenNick would want to air but I’d really like to see them cover this topic because it does happen. I think that may be a good issue to cover through Tristan possibly. I would also like to see a drunk driving accident, I can’t believe they have yet to cover this on TNG! I think that could be a good storyline for either Owen or KC, I would say Fiona but I don’t think she drives herself anywhere haha. I also would like to see suicide be covered, as it would be such a relevant issue to cover given all of the teen suicides in the past two years. But, as you said it may be harder to cover now that the series is more entertainment driven, although I think they would be able to do it successfully if they handled it in a correct and careful way, and with the right character of course. I would also like to see less focus on romantic relationships and more focus on the issues at hand.

    Human trafficking is also another issue I’d like to see covered, I remember Linda Schuyler stating she wanted to do a story on it in an interview sometime last year, and I think it’d be a great topic to cover. That’s all I can think of at the moment, really.



  46. I want a couple make a sexual recording of themselves and then it some how it goes viral through the school or the internet??

    Parents that have a addiction to heroin or other type of narcodics

    I wish they had made Eli bisexual or a junkie. I know Munro would have done an execellent job



  47. yeah sextape and hard core drugs needs to be covered !



  48. Well If You Want To Make The Show Unexpected, Fresh, Intense And Etc… I Really Suggest Not To Repeat Storylines, Like Pregnancy Or Transgender Of A Male. The Eclare Or Cake Has To Be The Pass, Writers And Us Ourselves Have To Move On Foward Because It Does Get Boring. If You Bring The Originals ( Reunion) Now It Wont Be As Wow If We Wait Like 10yrs Or So To Bring Them All Back, We Need To See Change In Them Because Their Still Only Young Adults, And We Need Adults.
    I Also Agree With Some People We Do Need Male Storylines, And Them Being Gay Doesnt Count, It Has To Be New And Original.
    Here Are Some Of My Ideas :)

    * Imogen Obssesed Over A Guy;* Stalker* Takes It Far, She Can Be Beautiful And Mental We Need A Student To Be Crazy, Because In Real Life It Does Happen.

    *Student With Down Syndrome? Like Literaly, It Makes People Have A Heart And Last Times Its Happen In A Show, It Braught Many Viewers! It Shows Us Reality.

    * A Female Being Poor, Lying To All Her Friends That Shes Rich, Uses Her Beauty To Earn Stuff, OMG I Seen This A Lot!!!

    * A Muscular Male Over Excercising Due To Being A Fat Kid As A Boy.

    * For Any Sex Scene It Should Be At Degrassi’s Washroom! So People Can Now Say Everything Happens At Degrassi. ( At My School It Happens Like Every Week)

    * Female With Multiple Personality Disorder Shes A Nerd Who Doesnt Know Her Other Personality Is Totally The Oposite Of Her, Capable Of Anything, ( Met A Girl With MPD, And Its Real Stressing)

    *Male Who Only Cares About Getting In Bed With Girls, And He Knows Is True, A Breakup Messes Him Up ( Happens Everytime)

    * Male Influenced To Get His Looks From Celebrities

    * For Just One Episode! Please Use The Ouija Board! Every Teens Curiosity, Doesnt Have To Be Paranormal Activity Or Anything But A Lil Something That Changes Their Mind About Playing Again ;)

    Have Way More Ideas, Any Questions Shoot Me An Email



    1. Theyve used a Ouija board before!!!



  49. Death. Let there be a serious Death. We haven’t seen an actual main character death since JT. And I feel that that wasn’t even handled the best way. There should be a death among one of the main characters and it should affect the whole show for a little while or at least a good amount of the characters.



  50. It would really really be interesting if Tristan turned out to be gay, and Owen, being a hardcore homophobe, had to deal with it. Maybe that’s already been suggested, but it would be pretty interesting.



  51. here is my list of good ideas

    1. An illegal immigrant something storyline like someones parents get deported
    2. A religion storyline like Hazel’s just WAY BETTER
    3. A robbing storyline like they go to peoples houses and take valuables
    4. Another death (duh!)
    5. An ADHD storyline
    6. A college visit storyline and getting hazed or drugs and stuff like someone goes and visits and old Degrassi student like Mo visits Sav or something like that
    7. A reunion episode (duh)
    8. A pathological liar
    9. A party when the parents arent home




    i think the way for them to get back together is like one episode they both are in different rooms andd they ponder upon the way they use to like each other and realize that they honestly love each other. its like eli is sitting in his room realizeing that if he wasnt with clare he would be the same way he was before she came to his life . then clare should be like thinking bout all her relationships and noticing that the best one was with eli because he brought out he afventure and wild side that she enjoys and then they both come to a conclusion that they need each other but imogen comes in and tries to steals eli away but outta nowhere she and clare get into a fight and eli then knows that clare is there for him for anything and finds out that imogen is just a stalker.




    i think the way you should bring the old cast back is by showing how they are now . like how emma and spinner’s marriage is going and what they have accomplished since the wedding. and then show if manny and jay are still together because idk bout you but their relationship was a real attention grabber like craig and ashley. but the couple i think we should up again is ali and johnny because they show that you can be in a relationship no matter the age. and show if jimmy ever got the surgery he need so he could walk again. show how craig is doing since he became famous. show the part how paige made it with alex and how her career is going . show marco and ellie as friends and their relationships again.



  54. FITZ::::

    show how he is coping with himself after being taken away with the minister at clare’s church



  55. I totally agree with you Kary. I reckon it’d be cool to have a foreign exchange student, I don’t think they’ve ever had that on Degrassi. How do you suggest stuff to Stephen. Is it by Twitter, coz I don’t have a twitter account, so I can’t do it



  56. A story line where a character loses everything. Like their house burns down and all of their possessions except for the clothes on their back is gone. They and their family wud be forced to live in a shelter or w/ relatives. Wud like to see how some1 copes with all their possessions and childhood memories destroyed cuz this happened to a friend of mine recently cuz her neighbors house exploded causing hers to burn



  57. I seriously want these stupid pastry wars to be over with. I don’t like Eli and Clare together they make my stomach turn.

    I wish they could do a story about a person who is has some kind of skin disorder like psoriasis or eczema.

    I want Fiona to deal more with her sexuality. I have no problem with her being a lesbian but the way they went around this Its was to fast. Many lesbian woman also agreed with this issue. Fiona actually never dated a real nice guy. I know Adam is a guy but she was confused about him being a transgender in which is normal because Adam is missing some parts.



  58. Kary, all the ideas you posted are what I want to see as well! No joke.
    Suicide storyline, drinking/texting/distractions + driving = crash, etc.



    1. I also forgot!
      I think they should show more partying – with drinking invovled (which could lead into a drinking and driving situation – which many teens unfortunately do)



  59. do a sneaking mission like metal gear solid series killing, nuke, fighting enemies , and more also like uncharted series and god of war just saying



  60. What about a episode inpired by the Movie Crash?



  61. 1}Biancas home life….moms a druggie and her dad dead
    2}Vince returns for drew……..vince gets out on good behavior and wants too find drew
    3}Emma and seans final good bye(reunion)……emma stops at degrassi too speak to mr simpson about something while while sean is there recruiting for the army they agree too meet at the dot where emma was goin too meet manny jay goes too meet manny but he is with spinner when emma walks over too kiss spinner hi she tells sean that they are married
    4}Darcys sad return…….darcy is home for the holidays she is going too pick cair up from skool clare txts darcy too c where she is darcy reads the txt while driving and get into a fatle accident killing her or turning her in2 a vegtable leaving clare even more an emotional mess cuz the first day she supposed too c her sister in like 3 years n that happens
    5}marco teachiing carreer…….they never rly stretched that soo bring marco back as a teacher who befreinds a gay student struggling with figuring him self out…can possibly build a gay student/ teacher plot
    6}Fitz……..waste of a rly good character with alot of potential he was a great cross of spinner n jay bring him back
    7}complete outcast……..quiet doent talk to anyone one or 2 freinds bullied horribly results too steriods and cocaine abuse(combination can lead too cardiac arrest)
    9} internet sex tapes (allie)



  62. also ali and fiona i can see sumptin there



  63. degrassigazer0525 November 17, 2011 at 3:36 am

    What I would like to see is rape. Similar to what Darcy or Paige experienced in the past that would be a good storyline. I was thinking that Clare could be the victim and have Jake be the abuser or something like that so they can evolve Clare a bit more.



    1. I gather you are talking about date rape? I don’t think Degrassi has done that I don’t count Paige’s rape as a date rape. Raped by someome you know like a mutual friend or boyfriend needs to be covered. This has happened to a few of girlfriends in high school and the bad thing is they never told anybody because they did not want to get there boyfriend in trouble.



  64. I like to see a storyline that has HIV related one



  65. How about a new student who has social anxiety disorder.

    Or a 19 year old girl who dropped out of degrassi in the tenth grade and decided to return to get her degree. And while being back at degrassi she develops a relationship with Fiona!

    Oh and someone who smokes cigarettes!(and not just for one episode)



  66. 1)A pedophile teacher who rapes males
    2)Someone gets kidnapped
    3)A freshman druggie
    4)Bianca’s life at home
    5)Alli starts dating Adam
    6)Group gets held hostage
    7)Girl vs boy fight



  67. I’d like for a character to contract HIV. Preferably a younger character who contracts it not from being promiscuous, sharing needles, or whatever, but sleeps with someone they care about (though not another main character, like an extended recurring role, or it could just be Dave though I would really prefer it to not be from a sleazy one night stand). We could see how they grapple with the news and come to terms with their own morality. Then later on we could see the challenges of trying to date while HIV+ and the precautions and stuff that you could take. It would be a great storyline because: 1) the writers just can’t gloss over it and tie it up in a pretty bow if it’s a MAIN character that contracts it (NO Griffins), 2) it’ll show viewers that you don’t have to be a ho, gay, or a druggie to contract it, and 3) you can date an HIV+ person.

    A serious car accident needs to happen too. I feel that a serious wreck would have been a better way for JT to go than that stupid Lakehurst rivalry stabbing. I don’t think a main character should die in it because there really isn’t one that is expendable AND that we would really care about, but someone should be seriously injured or some random side character could be killed in the other car and the driver could feel guilty about it.



  68. I have an idea, Clare being single!



  69. Let The Teens Use The Ouija Board For One Episode And Something Makes Them Think About Not Playing Ever Again!!!!!

    Watcha Think???



    1. i think thats pretty smart but it would probably just be a mni series cause i dont think theyd take it into serious episode action



  70. Now that Riley and Zane left, we need another gay couple. But please, please, PLEASE, don’t make another “Riley trying to be straight for 20 episodes straight” again. What I regret about about the past 2 seasons was making Ziley a waste. I am a huge Zane fan and he had such great potential on the show, but he was held back because of Riley’s problems and they left graduating with no closer.



  71. Another suggestion for the writers:


    Thank you, that is all.



  72. first i wanted to say THANK YOU for fixing Eli character cause it made him crazy. but i would like to see one episode that obese girl that struggling with her weight but at the same time she got people picking on her about her weight. And i would like to see one episode where ONE female being antisocial.



  73. And other ideals:

    1.having one of the girls/guys at degrassi going to boarding school mean girls(trio) to going around thinking that they better than people til someone give them a taste of their own medicine.

    3.Having Eli a new love interest that little similiar to him but not crazy.

    4. Alot of parties and dances or big senior bash

    5. one where they plan an overnight field trip where new hook-ups occur

    6. a guy that sleeps with girls but don’t have a heart about who feelings he hurt

    7. let clare be single to see what it feels like,let jake find countryish girl(Jenna) to be his girlfriend. Eli show clare that he has moved on and he rubs it in her face.

    8.Protester stands up for he/she believes in



  74. I dont think Eclare should get back together, I think they should be friends (I know I’m gonna get haters for that comment)

    I think Clare’s been with so many boys its starting to get boring, I think she should at least have ONE episode of where she testing being biesexual.

    Since I love Drew Jake and Eli so much I think you should hold them all bakc a year ^^
    Drew-He has no reason
    Jake-Maybe fails classes on purpose to stay with Clare??? Idk
    Eli-He could have missed alot of days with therapy so he needs to repeat a year? OH PLEASE LET HIM REPEAT A YEAR!



  75. Im with u on that Chantal cause Eclare is getting old we need some new couples. other than just clare and her boyfriends



  76. Hello,
    Love your blog :) I think us would be great to see a female character who ends up falling in live with her best friend and they end up going out and being girlfriends one character breaks up with her bf to be with her bestfried but they keep it a secret then when they tell there parents one of partners parents is fine but the other partners reject it completely. The choice of love or family values. Except Riley a lesbian/bi stirrings with a girl hasn’t been shown very realistically. Fiona mom dealt with her daughter very easily and Fiona was very lucky because usually parents finding out their daughter likes a girl doesn’t go over very well. We haven’t seen a good lesbian story line since Alex and Paige really even though I am enjoying Fiona and Charlies story line. I’m straight I just think they aren’t portraying a girl liking a girl very realistically like how a parent or two best frieda would handle it in the real world. Anyways! Much love to your blog! Bug degreasing fan dice season 1.



    1. Love * since*

      Also degradation just used to be so much more intense like darcys rape and Paige love triangle, Ellies cutting, craigs dad and bipolar and coke issues were so good. Relax on the niners and stop bringing in new characters it’s a waste. U have good ones now. We saw Craig Paige Dylan Marco Ellie everyone go
      To college Sean and Emma spinner everyone get older and it was great step
      Out of high school and focus on the fact of what holly j said at the graduation no matter where they go degrassi will always be with them. Just focus on ur currant character and let them grow up. These ten year old looking niners and camp
      Rock Disney style drama is not appealing to degrades viewers especially old fans like me. We wanna see hard core issues that go there. Make us proud!!! :)



  77. Cutting, any form of self-injury really. Drunk Driving. Texting and driving. Special Education (learning disabilities), Bullying, Anxiety disorders (panic attacks, PTSD, etc), A lot of these things have been covered, but they were covered far enough back that some may not have watched, or relate more to new characters. Also, kidnapping, abuse, homelessness, poverty (all the kids at degrassi seem to have money, or always make it just fine.) hunger, etc. what about even having them volunteer and show these issues of poverty? I’m just brainstorming here.






    1. like when Marco kissed Craig??



  79. A lot of things people are saying have already been don, but can be brought back in interesting ways. They should have more parties and people getting carried away with drinking not for any background issue just because they thought it was fun. That could lead to a drunk driving scenario. I don’t think they’ve had any real cigarette smokers on the show. I would like to see a loner who is depressed and to see how they can’t exactly figure out what’s making them upset. That could tie into some good self harm story. I want Katie to have some time to develop on her own because they brought her in as a strong female character and then in two seconds she’s with Drew. I have some personal issues with certain characters (Clare, you are not forgiven!) and wouldn’t mind some time away from them in a nice kidnapping plot or whatever they need to do. That actually would probably give her more airtime, though and I’m tired of looking at her cankles and her awkward relationship with her step-brother. Maybe Alli (or Marisol although we’d need to get to know her first) would flirt with the wrong person and end up in a kidnapping situation. I would like to see a fat character because they had one and then she left and now it’s all skinny bitches. Like Katie fucking twig with her bulimia. I really want to see more of Bianca because she’s a great character like when she had to deal drugs for that guy I was feeling something.



  80. I want Tristan to be gay and proud, too, but considering Owen is his brother that may be a problem. Imogen should keep being crazy because I think it’s interesting and kinda hilarious. “Have you been stalking me?” “No I’m just a keen observer of human nature.” hahahaha. It’s kind of late for this but I always had an idea that Anya would get pregnant and then elope with Sav but then had a miscarriage. A guy who just wants to have sex and then some girl sets him straight. DEGRASSI WASHROOM SEX SCENE! I just read that someone else suggested that and that would be great and it does happen. Suicide would be good but who would do it? I would say Eli but he’s probably one of the main reasons some fans stick around. Also, all the freshman should just smoke weed. :)



  81. me and a few other were discussing the old episode formats. I suggested to Stephen to have 2 plot episodes and possible some episodes that are only one part. I love how they brought those back at the beggining of season 11 but I think we should have more episodes like that!



  82. I think the show just needs to focus a little less on relationships and more on actual issues.. episodes like My Body is a Cage are always better-recieved than pure relationship episodes (an extreme example being the special aired a few weeks ago..)

    Anyways, some issues I would love to see:

    -Death. It would be really interesting to see a suicide, but I agree that it would be hard for the networks to do and I would really hate to see something so powerful handled badly or info leaked. I would really like to see any kind of death of a main character, something that affects the entire school, whether it be a car crash, drug overdose/alcohol poisoning, anything.

    -A car crash. I agree with Kary, this could be done so well.. drunk driving or texting while driving are what I’d really like to see.

    -Something that could lead up to both of these is PARTIES. There used to be so many parties back with the original TNG cast, and it was such an excellent excuse for characters who don’t normally interact to interact which is always interesting.. I would really love to see a character (maybe a new freshman?) be pressured into drinking or drugs when he or she really didn’t want to, but honestly degrassi just needs some parties. High school is full of parties, it’s completely unrealistic to not have any.

    – Serious battle with depression, go more in depth with Imogen’s problems (whatever happened to her dressing up as a homeless girl or binding her unwounded wrists?), a real racism storyline, eating disorder storyline (I know, I know, Katie.. I just really would like a more in depth one. Maybe binge eating disorder? That’s never covered in media.), or even a simple storyline about stress over school getting to be too much for a student. LIke parents pressuring into high SAT scores (or whatever they have in Canada haha)

    That’s it.. I just really want to see more characters interact who don’t right now. There used to be so many sleepovers and group hangouts and parties.. the lake house was a great start :)



    1. I agree.. we need more stories that deal with real problems not just relationships and superficial problems. Depression and angst are some things that are relatable and when degrassi was on the N we saw that a lot.



  83. To me degrassi was def at its best around the time Rick came back and the school shooting happened… after that Emma, Jimmy, Paige, Spinner, Alex… everyone changed and emotions were INTENSE and deep!!! That is exactly what Degrassi is missing… something that will effect everyone… right now there is drama about a lot of superficial crap like boy problems… and not randomly have some one pop up with problems (Like Katie being bulimic b4 with no depth we didn’t even know her really yet).

    For example… If someone has a sex tape released that could ruin their reputation.. That person would be embarrassed, scared, tortured online, at school, and it could extremely depress a person… their parents, family, friend and everyone is looking at them differently…
    Don’t have an episode and then the next episode everyone has moved on no angst no nothing.. There has to be some depth I HATED how they did the Jenna pregnancy storyline… she was pregnant 4ever and then WOW she had the baby all of a sudden then I felt like she was giving the baby away as soon as i saw her again! Everything moves too fast and has no feeling and that is what we need no matter the story line.



  84. I have a great idea for what’s to come in 2012! Ok, so Claire has always been the good christian girl who is a good person and is always innocent. So I think you should add a little bad to her. Maybe you could make her cheat on Jake with Eli. And you could have her start disobeying everyone and become rebellious.



  85. And not just get back with eli like every other person, but be rebellious and still be with Jake and with Eli. Cheat



  86. And also, Claire and Alli could stay not friends, and clare try to get back at her for kissing Jake, Claire can cheat also with Dave.



  87. Egg donor: Have a family friend ask one of the 18 year old seniors who needs money to be a egg donor for them so they can have a child.

    Sex tape: I can see them doing this one with Marisol.

    Drunk driver accident: I’d like to see this one with Dave. Maybe he takes the girl he lost his virginity to to a party where all the characters are and on the way home they get in a fight because she thinks he’s still into Alli and without noticing they get struck by a drunk driver.

    Teen marriage: As long as it’s not one of the pastries I don’t have a preference as to who. Wesley and Hannah maybe?

    Using drugs to stay awake to study: I can see this with Drew. His grades are slipping even more than usual and he really needs to pass a test or else he fails a course. He takes A.D.D. medication to stay up for a few nights and study since he doesn’t know the material at all and then crashes the day of the test.



  88. I haven’t watched Degrassi since the first half of season 10 (which I LOVED but I just haven’t had a chance to catch up since then…)

    Anyway…I want to offer up a generic idea…

    They should have a male bisexual character. It could actually be one that’s already established on the show like Eli…#1, it would be believable, and I think the actor could pull it off. Bisexuality hasn’t been touched on seriously yet. They had Paige kinda go down that road, but I question the sincerity of it as it really seemed more like a decision for her to be bisexual rather than something real that she actually had to deal with on a daily basis; it was just convenient for her at the time. I think there’s a misconception out there that girls can just choose to be bisexual or something…

    So yea, a male bisexual character who is ACTUALLY bisexual and not just choosing to be. It could also help a lot of kids out there who are dealing with the same thing. Alternative sexualities are more widely accepted if you’re a girl than if you’re a boy. Don’t know why, but it’s true.



  89. I love your ideas Kary!

    Personally, I’m not as invested with Degrassi as I used to be so I don’t care much. BUT I hope they don’t just drop Katie’s bulimia storyline… they actually did a good job with it from what they showed.

    I wish they’d develop a better eating disorder storyline in general… by, you know, actually having it develop over time and not just a random two parter like with Emma. But I suppose that’d be asking too much…



  90. Clareee Gets In a fight with Jennaaa



  91. I have an ideas for epsodie title names: I think Undfeated by Def Lepard, We own the night and Just a Kiss by Lady Antabellem might be good eposode names. What do you guys think?



  92. Oh I also wanted to add: Wild at Heart by Glorrianna and Your Going To Miss This by Trace . I mean thats what I think some of the epsoides should be called after these songs



  93. maybe they should have a a person HIV/AIDS
    maybe have someone gets married
    have a big school party at someones out and haft of the classmate are there



  94. PLEASE I AM BEGGIN YOU TO PLEASE PUT ECLARE Back together because the only reason i watch degrassi is because od them 2 i love them they mean everything to me please put them back



  95. i personaly think fitz should come back



  96. another possibility could be that there is a huge storm and all degrassi students and faculity are stuck in degrassi



  97. A girl character who has ADD and is shy would be good idea, she could find out later in the season find out she has ADD. Girl express ADHD differently from guys, many girls could relate.



  98. A girl character who has ADD and is shy, senative,creative and has a tendicy to push people away would be good idea, she could find out later in the season find out she has ADD. Girl express ADHD differently from guys, many girls could relate.



  99. A girl character who has ADD and is shy, senative,creative and has a tendicy to push people away, but feels only that at home being who she want to be who she wants to be, would be a good idea, she could find out later in the season find out she has ADD. Girl express ADHD differently from guys, many girls could relate.



  100. My idea would be death of a major character. Someone like Principal Simpson. Cancer can always return. Plus I think his death would be the biggest impact since he’s been there and was several of the students teacher before moving on up.



  101. i think the should have a fire incident, you know have some kidsgetting high in theboiler room or something and then one of them throws a match somewhere and the school (only a section) would go into flames and then either someone would get seriously injured or die butidk abbout the one dying that seems like a bad way to have a character die. so i think there should be a school fire and a student gets hurt.



  102. also another thing, i think they should get a new male teacher who rapeson of the studesnt. maybe wesleys gf? like he would ge really close to her and become her fried and then he’d eiter try to rape her or succeed i it. I know they already had paige and darcy gtting raped, and sav and mrs. Otogetherand darcy trying to make a move on principle simpson, but still i think a teacher rape story could work



  103. and ANOTHER THING!! ahaah xD i was reding som,e of the above comments and i actually DO think a kidnapping story would work because kidnappings are hapening alot right now and it would be so relatable.and a sex tape being released could work as well maybe vince taped bianca and him doing it without her knowing and have one of his homies post it. and maybe eli could have a sister? older or younger doesnt matter and she comes back and she starts drama in his life good drama but still drama, she could be the girl that pisses everyone off in a way but still she helps you out. and maybe she could fall for adam? and they should get an exchange student maybe from ireland, france, england, germany, somewhere



  104. Or a student with OCD!!! i have OCand its with having doors closed maybe they could have an OCD student who is obsessed with something crazy that drives them to the breaking point maybe THEY could be the suicide victim? idk



  105. I think there should be a reunion for all the other degrassi students in the past . They could talk about how there years in degrassi were and the current students can relate . This could all be held by Principle simson as a way to resolve all the ‘problems’ in degrassi .



  106. Something could happen with clare and jake so clare decides she wants to move in with her dad and eli is the only one there for her .
    Or clare is sent a weekend at her dad’s , and she sees thats he’s completely a mess . Maybe he can be a druggy or something & clare wants to help .



  107. I think the characters should interact more with students outside their group of friends. Like have Clare finally talk to KC or have Eli chat with Bianca and Drew. I hate how the writers are breaking apart couples and then never having them see eachother again. For a plot, I always thought Adam being a computer/video game addict would be interesting or Imogen being bi and going after Fi. I know “Fiomgen” is something alot of the fans want to see. It would be cool to bring back Holly J and Declan to visit Fiona before she graduates this year. And even though I love Clare, I think the spot light should be off her for awhile. For season 12,I think she shouldnt be in a relationship. I think that Clare needs to cut this crap with boys and focus on her writing, family, and future instead. Ok, well maybe flirt with Eli a little bit…. but no boys and no more desserts!!!!!



  108. I think they should really try the cutting storyline, but with a male. They should really consider it because people usually think that cutting is only for girls because theyre ‘more emotional’ or whatever. Darcy, Ellie, and they even used the Gracie side of Adam. I just think it would really open some people’s eyes a little. If i could choose a character, i’d go with KC. I think it would be necessary considering he just lost his son.
    Also, i think male bisexuality could work very well. There has never been one before, and i think it could really justify the ‘bisexual’ character. We got some BS with Paige; we dont even know if she was bisexual or pansexual. Anyways, it seems needed. For some reason, i want it to be Liam. A lot of people do believe it or not.
    Lastly, i think if anyone should be attempting suicide at all, it should be Connor. Here’s my theory: This poor kid has Asperger Syndrome. I’ve watched poor Connor over these few years and realized that no matter what he does, the Asperger’s is always going to hold him back. Maybe he’ll do something that would get him hated or bullied. After they push him over the edge, he tries to (or succeds) killing himself. The school would be changed forever…

    BUT those are just thoughts. If anyone would like to give me some criticism, go right ahead.



  109. I know this may seem dramatic but maybe like kidnapping or something on that line



  110. I think they need to have more compelling episodes like they used to a few seasons ago, I feel like it is becoming generic and..predictable, you know what I mean? Im not saying its bad at all, Im a degrassi fan and probably always will be.

    Maybe some ideas like:

    – Think about the whole Riley situation, where he was struggling with his sexuality, where it took him SO long to come to terms and be proud about who he is, I love the idea of a Bisexual or another Gay male character. Maybe if it’s a bisexual guy, maybe he could be kind of like a player, moving from guy to girl over and over again OR one of the main male characters (who appears to be straight) but is also interested in guys as well. Or if it’s a Gay character, maybe he could be like Riley, where he believed he was straight until something happens or maybe a another guy could attempt to kiss him, and instead of fighting back (like people would expect him to) he submits to the guy. Tristian just doesnt seem like he is going to be that interesting to me, if I can be honest

    – Maybe some sort of suicidal attempt, but fails, initiating some sort of life change (Eli? Possibly?)

    Honestly, there are SO many different paths this show could go down to make it seem more interesting like it used to be. Basically back when Emma, manny, Jay, Liberty, etc were the main characters.



  111. I LOVE the Eli being bisexual thing, I think it would be very unexpected and a very interesting storyline.



  112. Kirsten Portillo April 7, 2012 at 10:08 am

    I know this is very off topic. But I am part of a degrassi roleplay yes with a few madeup characters. I feel in season 12 Eli Goldsworthy should have a younger sister named Beth Goldsworthy. She has been going to an expensive boarding school and for her freshman year she stops going.Cece and Bullfrog send her to Degrassi to finish her high school years. Beth is a bitter girl yet she is super understandable who pays no attention to drama, she does her own thing and she doesn’t take crap from anybody. Plus she is a strong fighter who used to be in boxing; Beth is cold and very stubborn but once that one guy comes in her life he will balance out her personality bringing out her sweet side. She makes a few friends with her many talents such as skateboarding, and school smarts, and a few basketball skills. Beth has a dark past of drug addiction in her 8th grade year, but is finally sober. Eli hopefully makes a small appearance by supporting his little sister in her freshman year kinda like Darcy did with Clare?



    1. omigod i was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!!! except my name for her was stella. but yes i thaught the same thing the whole baording school thing and her being younger and going to degrassi.



  113. I think they need to do a kidnapping story-line!



  114. Someone starts to get high on household stuff like Nutmeg, a fire, or a burglary.



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