PLOT A SUMMARY: Eli is still off of his medication, and is slipping mentally.  All he’s concerned about is getting rid of Jake so he can get Clare back.  He changes the villain of the play from Fritz to “Jack,” then when Jake confronts him about it, Eli fires him from the play.  Fiona is frustrated with all the changes Eli is making to the play, but Ms. Dawes says the show must go on.  Clare agrees to interview Eli for the play again, but he thinks it’s a date.  Midway through he freaks out and heads home, where he rehearses lines with Imogen.  The two end up making out, but in his mind Eli thinks he’s making out with Clare.

Eli plots to plant his pills in Jake’s book bag, but Imogen does it for him and intentionally plants them in Clare’s locker, hoping to get her out of the picture so she can have Eli to herself.  Eli tells her she means nothing to him, leaving her heartbroken and missing come showtime…Fiona agrees to step in as Imogen’s replacement.  Eli’s mind is getting the best of him, and by the end of the play he goes off script delivers a powerful speech about how there’s no happy ending, and ends up burning the script on stage.  While it’s all his thoughts, the crowd thinks it’s part of the play and give him a standing ovation afterward.  Bullfrog learns that Eli’s hasn’t been taking his medication, and Eli tells him that he wants to get better for himself, not for Clare.

Munro Chambers delivered his best performance on this show in this episode.  I just can’t imagine any other actor on the show being able to pull off such a powerful, emotional scene as Eli did in his monologue.  This plot had my emotions running all over the place…I started off frustrated and annoyed with Eli’s behavior, and by the end I was proud that he’s finally on his way to getting the help he needs.

I think they gave us just the right amount of the other 3 characters in this love square to keep it from being too much (Eli is dramatic enough on his own).  At first I thought the drug planting scene was ridiculous, but it brought about an amazing exchange between Eli and Imogen, when he said “You are to me what I am to Clare, and I’m nothing to her.”  It just points out the extreme irony of how they’ve both been manipulating people and situations around them to get someone who doesn’t want them.

I remember saying this plot had the potential to be very good or very bad, and thankfully it avoided the very bad (being a mushy, soap love square) by focusing on Eli, the person strong enough to carry a plot on his own.


PLOT B SUMMARY: Anya is still partying and doing coke.  Her mom wants her to figure out what she wants to do in life.  Anya convinces Owen to go with her and her mom to a career fair (thinking he doesn’t have his future figured out yet), but it turns out he plans on being a coach someday.  Later the two hang out, and Owen is disgusted when Anya gets coked up again.  She gets sick and hangs out in the bathroom, and after an inspirational talk with Bianca (and while seeing Army ads running on the tv in there), Anya decides she’s going to join the Army.

At first her mom doesn’t approve, but Anya doesn’t care. Anya’s mom finds her locket and the coke stored inside, and Anya’s forced to tell her everything.  Anya learns that she failed her drug test and can’t get into the Army yet, but because she wants to join so badly she plans on doing an extra assessment test where teachers/friends can vouch for her that she’s not a drug addict.

I didn’t have much interest in this plot…it was just kinda there.  Story wise it didn’t grab me like I was hoping.  However, there were two things that I enjoyed about it: 1) We got a *little* depth to Owen.  Before this episode we could assume he’s just gonna go off to be some bum who spends his days working at a gas station and his nights on the couch drinking beer.  Instead, we see someone who has an idea where he wants to go in life….see? Even jackasses have life goals sometimes.  And 2) Anya isn’t portrayed as a drug addict.  Yes she’s using coke as an escape for her current situation, but they show us not everyone who uses drugs becomes an addict, and they don’t all end up on the street somewhere.


PLOT C SUMMARYKC wants to get Jenna back, but she already has it made up in her mind that things are over between them and Tyson will be put up for adoption.  The two meet a prospective couple, but KC doesn’t feel comfortable giving up Tyson yet.  Eventually he agrees; they give Tyson up for adoption, and Jenna moves out to go live with Alli and her family.

Wow.  This has been the best storyline of Season 11.  Everything from the acting to the storytelling in this storyline has been exceptional.  This storyline will be the first thing I tell people about if they ask me to name something good from Season 11.  I’m finding it harder and harder to come up with ways to say how great Jessica Tyler and Sam Earle have been in this.  I love how the perspective in this episode shifted to KC, who realized what he was losing a little too late.  I found myself feeling sorry for him because he made me feel the hopelessness he was feeling…Jenna’s mind was made up, and that was that.  For as long as I can remember Kenna has been one of the most boring couples on this show, but this storyline made me do a complete 180.…how ironic is it that didn’t truly get to enjoy them until right before their demise?

Posted by Kary


  1. Looking at this summer season as a whole, of the larger encompassing stories that we’ve seen, the KC/Jenna plot is the most engaging because it’s so raw and emotional. Yes, at the heart of it KC is a grade A douchenozzle, but we’re finally seeing trials and tribulations of teen parenthood in a non-attention whored, reality TV setting (MTV I’m looking at you.) While the character of KC has no defining parameters anymore (He was a troubled youth, then an all-around jock and now a philandering asshat), the acting has been rather top notch, which I can certainly appreciate.

    The writers have been hit or miss this season, with some plots getting meaty material and others getting scraps, but I’m glad they’re really giving this Kenna storyline a decent amount of substance, since that makes up for some of the lesser developed stories.



    1. For me I was split between Drew’s plot and KC/Jenna’s as the top two plots this season, but as of this week KC/Jenna’s has pulled away and is definitely the best one so far. As you said it’s not only been raw and emotional, it’s been CONSISTENTLY raw and emotional over the course of the entire storyline.



      1. Couldn’t agree more Kary.


      2. Word.
        You guys just covered it all XD


      3. I think the Kenna plot is one the most emotional plots in the shows history.


    2. I balled my eyes out when KC and Jenna said goodbye to Tyson. It was too realistic. Being a mom it really hit my heart.



  2. Looking back I’m wondering who’s mental condition is/was worse

    Eli vs. Craig



    1. Definitely Craig. You would have to be mentally insane to ever propose to Ashley Kerwin!



      1. ^Hahahaha.





    3. Bi-polar Craig was much more believable than whatever’s up with Eli. Craig was more like a normal person with a problem vs. Eli who’s already kinda strange. So, to answer the question, Craig was worse because it seemed like something that could actually happen and not in a dramatized way.

      Off topic a bit now. There’s a huge part of me who doesn’t sympathize with Eli at all. Something about his character is just grating and unrealistic to me. I just don’t care what happens to him. (Disclaimer: The fact that some people think he’s the new Craig, my favorite character ever, and him putting Clare, my current favorite, through all that drama probably has something to do with it.)



  3. How many of your have dreams of degrassi? I remember having a dream about helping Clare into a window.



    1. I’ve actually had several dreams about Degrassi, though I dream about celebrities fairly often…which is too weird because I am not a TMZ kinda girl. Don’t follow Twitter or keep up with the current Hollywood drama so, having dreams about random celebrities is kind of amusing. That said, I JUST had a dream about Michael Jackson and Cher (WTF?) last night! Very strange… My Degrassi dreams have included Anya (random bystander), Dave (trying to rob a diner), Reilly (being chased by zombies– bwahahahahaha), Clare (asking me for a stick of gum), and Eli (an alcoholic who needed my help). Clearly, I’m the one who really needs help! :-D

      Hmm, your dream about Clare could indicate your current outlook on the world. Do you believe the eyes are “windows” to the soul? Clare is a wonderful symbol of pure energy and your dream might be telling you to look on people through loving eyes– to see clear and not let the curtain, or “veil”, obstruct your perspective. The window can also represent entry to sanctuary and your desire to shelter innocence.



  4. i saw the episode again, and it’s really hard for me to feel bad for imogen. while it is clear that eli is using imogen as a clare back-up/replacement, imogen allows it. not only does eli get what he wants from thinking she is clare, she gets what she wants by kissing him. imogen is well aware that eli doesn’t like her, but she will use his mental instability to her advantage because at the end of the day he’s kissing her.

    it’s just sad how low she’ll go to personify a different girl just so that eli could like her. it just goes to show how insecure she is with herself to stoop that low and compromise her dignity for a guy, which is why i think imogen is interesting. i do believe something is wrong with her, so i hope in the second half of the season we’ll find that out.



  5. I loved last night’s episode. That was the first episode where I became really frustrated with Eli. I love him, but he’s going too far. I think that the reason Jake appeared at The Dot was to watch over Clare in case Eli did something crazy… again. I don’t blame Jake. And I feel bad for Imogen. She seems to really like Eli, and he’s just using her.

    Anya used to be one of my favorite characters, not so much anymore. I’m just glad she seemed to realize cocaine was a mistake. I think Anya will start on the right path in tonight’s episode, or at least I hope so. I also liked how Owen stood up to to Anya, because it’s been made obvious how desperate he was to date her.

    I absolutley loved the Kenna plot! If a storyline has alot of emotion in it, and if I can feel it, I automatically love it. So far not alot of storylines have made me feel that way this season. The Kenna plot has. I’m annoyed with KC for cheating, (He’s actually my favorite Degrassi character… ever. I know that’s sort of uncommon.) but at the same time I truly believe he’s sorry. Obviously every Degrassi character has their share of mistakes, but it’s nice to see that KC seems to realize what he did was wrong, and that’s all that matters.

    Jenna and KC both seem to love Ty very much, but they both want different things for him. Jenna cares enough for Ty to give him the life he should have, even if it doesn’t involve her. When Jenna said that Ty was perfect, I almost thought she’d change her mind about adoption.

    KC loves Ty and doesn’t want to give him up. He was willing to raise Ty by himself, but his mom convinced him that that wouldn’t work. When KC asked the couple who hoped to adopt Ty what sports they would put him in, I thought that was the saddest thing ever. It shows that KC seemed to have already mapped out what he wanted to be Ty’s future, and he seemed heart broken to realize that Ty wouldn’t be living that life if they gave him up.

    One more thing: Is Anya addicted to coke, or does she just enjoy doing it for whatever reason? I find that sort of unclear…



  6. This message relates to ELI GOLDWORTHY!



    1. i love this guy i’ve seen pretty much all his’s so funny!



  7. I love Eli’s character in that he’s F*cking crazy and what he does next… NO ONE KNOWS!

    For my sanity, hopefully he causes Claire to move to Kenya with Darcy so her character is gone for good.



  8. This is the first season that I have actually LIKED Jenna. I think the way that Jessica Tyler is portraying her is brilliant! I also liked that they never went too indepth in the whole Marisol/ KC thing. I liked that the purpose of the relationship with Marisol was to show the audience that KC was shirking his responsibilities as a father, rather than him not wanting to be with Jenna anymore. Because is it clear that KC does love Jenna he just is no where near ready for the responsibilites he now must take on.



  9. The final minutes will be Eli burning the pages of the play and going into some longwinded, overdramatic annoucement.

    Everyone in the audience will roll their eyes and yawn except for Clare. For as we all know, she’s just as big of a overdramatic basketcase as he is.

    Watch her grab whoever is next to her, start making out and whine “did you ever love me at all?”

    KC, looking from above, glances towards Jenna and smiles as he says “I may be a deadbeat dad and not interested in having sexual relations after destroying your va-jay-jay…but at least you’re sane”



  10. Glad to see someone else feels my frustration. I just can’t stand seeing Eli lie to Bullfrog any longer. Hope this episode rings with true poignance and doesn’t make me roll my eyes for being the kind of drama I hate. Extraordinary Machine has thankfully been mostly focused on Eli and Munro’s performance has been flawless so far, so I’m not too worried.



  11. I’m interested to see what his “grand finale” is.



    1. I’m thinking he sacrifices Chantay to the Degrassi g-ds.



      1. I could imagine Eli doing that at this point, is the sad thing.



  12. To everyone who thinks burning the script is the only insane thing going to happen, it seems there will be some “drug” related issue in Eli’s plot. So stay tuned, I don’t wanna spoil it XD



  13. Aww this episode is sad… :'(
    Imogen: Shit, i really never liked her. She has always been a bitch but Eli just smashed her into a million tiny little pieces. I feel so bad for her, but she can’t have actually thought that she would get him by making Clare look like a drug dealer.
    KC: I feel so bad for KC :”( their taking Ty away… this was a really sad moment (tear comes to eye)
    Eli: God i feel heartbroken… Eli you just need your pills… Clare come one… i see you crying :'( i’m tearing up again…..
    I love Eclare…. this episode really hurt :'(
    I like Cake for a plus.
    Anya: Good for you



    1. Serafina Pekkala August 18, 2011 at 9:45 pm

      Imogen was a bitch…? Were we watching the same Degrassi?



    2. I think Imogen was actually upset and hurt with Eli. I think that is why she put the pills in Clares bag instead. Then that tiff her had with her pissed me off. He led he on.
      This line angered me soo much. Eli: “Don’t you get it, Imogen? You are to me what I am to Clare and I am NOTHING to her!” I wanted Imogen to slap Eli. But she she took off crying and Eli realized what he did.



  14. Munro effing ROCKS. That was such a kickass powerful performance. I’m sorry, but Miss. Dawes didn’t see the final, final script? How did everyone buy that his monologue was part of the script? Bullfrog is also one helluva father.

    BTW, no way would 2 teens makeout in a bedroom for an hour without going further. They seriously just kissed? Not in this lifetime!

    When Anya’s mom caught her with coke, I kept waiting for Anya to reply “Where did I get this? I learned it by watching you!” It was such a cheesy setup that was cleared up in the next segment.

    KC and Jenna giving up Ty was probably the most heartbreaking scene in the entire Degrassi series. It was played so wonderfully by both Sam and Jessica. I’m really kinda shocked they went through with it, but the writing an acting were beyond phenomenal. I’m going to miss seeing that adorable baby though.

    Next week looks insane. Is it Monday yet?



    1. Serafina Pekkala August 18, 2011 at 9:48 pm

      Not everyone has sex on the first date. And I get the feeling that Imogen is a virgin.



      1. Something tells me Imogen is someone who would do *anything* to get with Eli. And since we know Eli is rather experienced, I just can’t imagine things didn’t progress any further.

        If they were just making out for 10 minutes, I might be able to buy it. An hour? That’s a very tough sell.


      2. Serafina Pekkala August 18, 2011 at 10:26 pm

        But she did hesitate when he called her Clare. And I think she’s manipulative, but that doesn’t mean she’s easy. PLUS if she’s imitating Clare to get Eli to like her, it would make sense that she wouldn’t have sex with him (like the real Clare wouldn’t.) AND Eli doesn’t actually like Imogen, he’s *obsessed* with Clare, so HE might not want to sleep with Imogen.

        And even if it was for an hour, not everyone has sex the first time. And she could have been exaggerating about the time. And if the had had sex, she would have mentioned it. :P

        And I stand by what I said about Imogen probably being a virgin. ^^


      3. You do bring up a good point that she was playing the role of Clare/Clara and Eli was already whacked out of his mind, he wasn’t making out with Imogen, but rather with Clare.


  15. omg. good episode. im glad eli wants to get better for HIMSELF. i hope he says sorry to imogen though… kuz he did lean her on as far as im concerned!

    i felt bad for kenna, but it is best for the baby :( :)

    i saw the muchmusic promo for next week and omfgggg… bianca’s back! thank god. i cant believe vince(?) slapped her! i want drew to rescue her!



  16. maybe it’s because the promos gave to much away or something but the eli plot was very predictable and underwhelming.and then end confused the crap out of me.

    my favorite part was when k.c and jenna were crying after they gave their baby away.That was really emotional.

    and the anya plot was good i think im happy she found something she really wants to do.



  17. That was a odd episode. I’m sorry but I think it was the worst of the season. Too much Eli followed by a confusing ending, KC/Jenna wrapped up too quickly, and Anya’s plot was weird how she just dropped coke like that and not much plot leading up to it.
    I think they gave to much time to Eli thus screwing over the other two plots (at least Anya’s because KC/Jenna’s should of ended yesterday technically, today was basically nothing more).



    1. oh and it was weird how Eli said he wants to get better for himself but then the end he walks away smirking with Clare behind him. It’s quite the contradiction.
      Regardless if they bring Eclare back together, I can guarantee you that they will suck the second time around like every other Degrassi couple the second time around.



      1. i dont htink the smirk has anything to do with clare. he didnt know she was behind him. Eli has always had an awkward smile. He’d smirk when he’s happy and smile like a maniac when hes joking or being sarcastic or even when he’s upset. I dont understand why you guys seethe ending as so confusing. It looks like its going ot be a set up of clare being into eli again and then eli finally moving on from getting the right help he needs. Calre OBVIOUSLY was very touched by the play ending. She was the only one who really understood (other than Eli’s dad after Simpson talked to him about the meds) that the ending wasnt written. It wasnt about the character. It was about him. It wasnt a monologue, it was him venting his real feelings. Clare was crying at the end of it and then the next day she was paralyzed by just him walking by. The feelings r obviously coming back.

        Im not a Munro fan girl or obsessed with Eclare, but I have genuinely love this couple from the start to beginning. They are truely the only couple in Degrassi history with the most build up, drama and break down, but it was done in a great sense. A lot of people were like “wtf” about Eli because we knew so much about Clare and barely anything about him, but she had that love at first sight, falling for a crush thing from the get go….but like the audience even she didnt know much about him either. We saw them grow pre-couple more than we have any other couple. Its only right that all the drama surrounds them. You may think its too much Eclare in the serious, but i thin kthe plotlines are very strong…they’ve touched a lot of subjects between the two: crushing/rejection, holding on to an ex, jealousy,sex, artistic connection, torn friendships (that slight awkward moment when adam seemed a lil distant from clare when they initially broke up), and more. It also shows how clare is really dealing with horomones growing from being obsessed with school to obsessed with guys. I remember whne people complained that all the girls who want to stay virgins end up giving it up and thats not realistic in the real world..its too much drama. but CLARE still has, despite her being more serious with Eli than any other girls have on degrassi who’s had sex with some of their partners.

        It bugs me when people put the Eclare plots down so much, becuase they truely are well written and very interesting and Aislinn and Munro just blow me away with their acting. I’ve never seen a show put one relationship on the forfront like they do with Eclare and episode after episode, whether it be an A, B or even C plot, still be strong and solid. Their storyline as a whole is one of the strongests in Degrassi history. Emma’s was going good with Sean, but i feel it only comes second because of all the long hiatuses when they took sean away in really awkard ways, espeicially when he was gone for good with the army. That was just weird to me. I felt like they were trying to get Semma lovers some closure, but didnt want to play it out in a long story (as i feel this way with her marriage to Spinner, like it was her closure from the show as a whole since shes the reason why they started Degrassi: TNG and their way to cut the ties from “TNG” to just “degrassi”). But back to Eclare….i loved them. I’ve really grown to love their story a lot! I can’t wait to see where this goes because this was really a cliff hanger episode.



    2. to be honest anas plot was very realistic. as much as all those after school specials try to make coke out to be a horrible addictive drug. it really isnt. if Anya was doing heroin & it was wrapped up in a few episodes that would be harder to beleave. all of her plots have been realistic actually. i relate very well with the fact that she did very well in school but it just isnt enough. i did great in school. just…..didnt graduate 0.o



      1. For sure, it is not impossible to drop coke unlike say heroin. Not everyone who does it becomes addicted. I would say it was more an escape for Anya than it was an addiction. I don’t think Anya dropped coke too suddenly, and hey, it went on longer than any other drug plots in Degrassi, haha.


  18. today on degrassi, we learn that there are no happy endings for anyone. that was just unbearably depressing for everyone.



    1. The only one who probably got a happy ending was Ty.



      1. Serafina Pekkala August 18, 2011 at 9:53 pm

        And Eli! Or Anya! Eventually… Maybe…

        I wonder how Chantay’s doing…


      2. I think Chantay got some rancid cupcakes at the after-party.

        Too bad, so sad.


    2. All a matter of perspective…wasn’t that the point?? In the end it’ll be better for Jenna, KC, and Ty- fresh start for all of them. Eli’s snap is getting him the help that he needs. Anya finally came clean and will move forward with trying to join up with the Army. How is any of this negative? Just because it didn’t occur with hearts and unicorns and fuzzy bunnies doesn’t undermine the progress that will be made. You can’t truly appreciate or understand the light if you haven’t experienced a little bit of dark. Dark gives light meaning and vice versa.



  19. MuchMusic Promo!



    1. I can’t wait for the Sav/Miss Oh plot next week. Looks like a whole lot of shit goes down. Everyone’s mixing it up big time.



    2. predictions!
      – i don’t know why, but i think it would be really interesting if mo ratted out the ms. oh and sav relationship. it would make good tv.
      – oooh im excited for imogen next week!
      – the katie and marisol thing looks stupid.
      – i’m excited for the alli gambling plot because from what it looks like from the teennick promo, dave gets into a holdup.
      – bianca, kick his ass!!!!!
      – i think in the end dave and alli will stay together.
      – i bet that “revenge list” will be bullfrog telling eli to apologize to everyone he’s hurt, and eli doesn’t want to but will be forced to
      – i can’t tell who is throwing up!
      – clare is going to break up with jake next week. i’m calling it now.



      1. pretty much agree :)

        cant wait to see bianca finally, im ready to skip the katie/marisol/drew thing and i think its katie who’s throwing up :O


      2. I think the “revenge list” is Eli just joking with Bullfrog, and that it’s actually a list of people he wants to apologize to (Clare, Jake, Imogen). Also when Clare says “I can’t believe you told him that”, I’m sure Eli apologized to Jake, and Jake probably told him off or something. Clare will get mad at Jake and they probably will breakup. And I think Anya is throwing up.

        Does anyone know who Imogen is talking to?


      3. Actually, it is Katie throwing up. She’s wearing that blue t-shirt that she’s seen with in various scenes.


      4. Katie was gagging after sucking face with the Twilight reject.

        Who also sucked face with Bianca…who isn’t about to turn down giving a hummer to anyone for safety or a double cheeseburger.

        Poor girl..


      5. It’s katie thowing up, she has bulimia.


      6. I think Imogen is talking to Bianca and yes Katie is tossing her cookies


      7. In the much music promo is Imogen conflicting with Bianca?


    3. Sav needs to GTFO for good

      Let Ms. Orgasm chop his dick off for good as a lesson that every girl doesn’t want it or to hear his crappy music



    4. Next week looks good, the only thing I’m not looking forward to is stupid boy drama with Drew, Katie, and Marisol. But maybe this’ll be a way for us to learn more about Katie and Marisol since those two will be trading dirty secrets.



  20. the way eli broke it down to imogen in this episode, my heart actually aches for her. i usually don’t feel bad for her cause she was encouraging eli’s current state in the first place, but dang. “you are to me like i am to clare. nothing”.

    i’m hoping that this end of imogen and eli leads to introducing imogen as a character, who she is, how she’ll take this heartbreak after stalking him and being in love with him, and hope it leads to something on a grander scale in future episodes.



  21. Kenna: If anything the Kenna plot broke my heart tonight. Especially that last scene.
    Eli: Looks like Eli is finally getting things together. You can’t get better unless you want to help yourself. Trust me I know…. Until Eclare gets back together or becomes friends again this thing will never end.

    Anya: IF MY MOM CAUGHT ME DOING COKE!!! Anya should have known that the army does drug test. I mean like everyone know. Anyways Anyas finally getting her good ending



  22. Wow. Just wow. Kenna broke. my. heart. I actually cried. Music, lighting, acting, dialogue… it was all perfection. “I love them.” “I know, but sometimes love just isn’t enough.” I never thought I’d say this but Kenna’s baby plot is THE best plot of S11 thus far. Nothing else needs to be said.

    I’m glad I didn’t watch ANY of the sneak peeks or tonight would’ve been ruined for me. I learned my lesson from Drop The World, and it paid off. I really don’t know how Munro does it, but he really is one powerful actor. I don’t think any other male actor in the current cast could’ve put on such a believable performance. The whole drug planting fiasco was RIDICULOUS. Couldn’t believe Eli and Imogen both went there. So glad Bullfrog acknowledged his failure as a parent. Glad that Eli acknowledged that he’s been knowingly hurting people (not really an apology for everything, but it’ll do for now). SO, SO happy that Eli pledged to finally get better for himself after realizing, meds or not, he’s not getting Clare back.. So yeah, Eli’s plot was very depressing, but there is hope. I’m just so confused by the Eclake plot for next week. I was actually hoping they were done for Now or Never… I really hope this won’t be too dramatic because the ending implied that things would finally start getting better.

    Anya’s plot wasn’t anything too special, but I’m glad that she’s going to keep trying on fixing her life even if it’s going to take awhile. In that sense, I liked her plot because things never automatically get better in real life.



    1. I cried at the Jenna/KC plot, too. ;_; Especially at the quote you mentioned.

      Also, can anyone tell me what song was playing at the beginning of this episode?



      1. its thieves and their hands by rachel cantu :)


      2. thanks Marie!


    2. Kenna had a great storyline this summer, although it looks like they cooled down on the Marisol stuff. Now that they’re broken up, is KC going to start sniffing around her again?

      I wonder what this means for Jenna now. The good thing about Tyson was that it gave them a meaty storyline. I don’t know what to expect next.



      1. Well this is supposed to be an open adoption right? So perhaps the follow up will be how they will handle seeing Ty or how involved they will still be in his life? Or maybe Jenna will suffer more post partum depression, now that Ty’s gone (I really think that’s what she’s been going through)?


  23. bravo, brafreaking vo. i really loved this episode. the kenna scene when they gave up ty broke my hearth. it was beautifully painful. auch eli really hurt imogen, really hope he apoligizes. the whole people thinking elis breakdown was part of the play cought me off guard. wasnt expecting that. it was actually kind of brilliant. i thoughtt they would realize what was happening and get freaked out, but i guess only the people that really knew what was going on with eli realized it. i am so extaticly happy that eli FINALLY decided to get better for him and bulfrog acted like a responsible and caring dad. yes eli take some time just get better. as for clare well i dont really know cause her reaction to seeing eli leave was confusing. what do you guys think about the ending? kary?



  24. I’m ready for Jake to dump overdramatic Clare and finally share his heart with his true love.




  25. So much better than Mon-Tues episodes!!!

    Now that’s more like it! Check out my recap/review of Extraordinary Machine!



    1. LOL so true, the whole drew-katie thing ruined mon-tues episodes for me!



  26. I like how the teacher and the audience managed to clap at the end anyways.

    “We’d like to congratulate Eli on being insane…there are cookies and refreshments in the hall if you’d like”



  27. I really liked this episode. I feel like from last season they developed Eli as a guy that has a mental problem because of his ex and letting her(and Clare) go to now, you can see he has a problem just being himself. Being the Eli he was before all the grief,and rejection. So to avoid all that pain he hurt and blamed people others, even when he knew he was wrong. I’m glad he realize that he isn’t in his right mind, and that he needs to let life happen, kinda. I’m happy to see Eli grow, especially since I wasn’t a fan of him in the Eclare days. He has the chance to be an even stronger emotional character. Munro is such a strong actor , and I’m really like Eli this season.



  28. Wow . This EP was actually preatty good. But teennick promo and MuchMusic Promo for next week just suck. The only thing looking interesting is Bianca. Oh well.



    1. I think the Sav and Dave/Alli plots looks rather interesting too.

      Can’t believe it’s the week before graduation and prom. This summer is flying by so quickly!



      1. it is. theres only 2 weeks of degrassi left. i cant belie
        ve it.


  29. Someone tweeted the woman who wrote tonight’s episode what Eli smiling at the end as Clare’s watching him meant. She responded “He’s smiling because he knows he can keep walking…”

    Brilliant. Just brilliant.



    1. waooo. that all i can say. amazing.



    2. OOOOOOOOOH okay I like that interpretation.

      Cuz I was thinking more of the lines of him smirking was like, yeah Clare still cares.
      but the writer’s POV was better. I like that =]



      1. I tweeted the writer of that EP about when Eli walked away smiling as he faded to gray. Her reply was “He’s smiling because he knows he can keep walking…”


      2. I dont think the smirk was a direct reaction of him seeing Clare. In combo with the scene and the directors quote: His main thing was wanting to stay at school (of course because of Clare and to keep fighting for her) but he fought the temptation of argueing with his dad or not leaving and he kept walking. If you look at it that way, it shows his growth of fighting HIS deamons and not everything around him or blaming others which is like the big realization of Eli for this episode, that he realizes he needs to help himself and his problems stem from him and no one else. Then I think Clare being in the background (which i believe Eli didnt see her walk out because his back was already to her when she stepped out, so unless he has eyes in the back of his head….) was a symbolism that him agreeing to leave the school is him taking his first real step at getting over Clare, and him smirking out of the happiness, but NOT out of the direct reaction that Clare was there (cuz he didnt see her! lol)


      3. If thats true thanks tinker! I’d been wondering what the ending was trying to tell us! For a second there I thought Clare wasn’t even really there haha. That maybe Eli was just in a sense finally walking away from Clare & that whole mess they’ve been through.


      4. Yeah, I thought at first it was an indication that Eclare isn’t over by a longshot. I mean, that couple still definitely isn’t over, but I liked that the ending shot was more about Eli finally moving on from obsessing over his past with Clare.


    3. When the ending turned all gray and blurry with Eli just smirking, and Clare behind I was just like wtf but this makes sense. Thanks! :)



      1. my initial thought was when the background started turning colors, it was more like clare in the background was just part of eli’s imagination


  30. Kary, are you alright? You said you said you slammed into a fence and injured both your wrists on twitter, I hope they didn’t break and you’re not in the hosptial or something that’s why you’re not home?



    1. Oh I’m fine. I was making a running catch in softball and it was one of those balls hit right to the fence, and I hit the fence wrists first so I wouldn’t just slam my face into it. Now they’re just sore lol



      1. Kary I see above that rossberrie & guitar smack made comments about the ending of last nights ep. [extraordinary machine pt. 2] & I have a few theories about what they were trying to tell us with the whole screen turning grayish & Clare standing behind Eli as he smirks and walks away, but nothing i’m too positive of. What was your interpretation of that? Or anyone else who thinks they might have a more clear idea? I’m a little confused by that…


  31. When Stephen Stohn kept tweeting that tonight’s episodes was going to make viewers want to cry I shrugged him off, but boy was he right! This episode was so emotional, I can’t remember the last time I actually teared up during a Degrassi episode (perhaps the last time was when JT died).

    Kenna- At the beginning of this ep. I thought Kenna was beginning to wane. Having Dave scold KC about parenting seemed lacking but the scene where the two give Tyson up for adoption was breathtaking. The music selection was perfect and Sam Earle’s emotions completely stole the scene, I have to admit I had to force myself to look at Jessica Tyler because his acting was superb in that scene. Because KC is so bad at expressing himself, seeing him react with such raw emotion was startling and beautiful, we finally got to see how much this all affects him. I am extremely interested in what will become of their characters post Tyson’s adoption and whether or not they will end up together again.

    Eli- I honestly could not be happier with how this plot turned out because the writers truly focused on Eli. Munro Chambers was phenomenal and I was truly captivated by him in every scene this episode. Like most have said on here I did feel sorry for Imogen in this episode, but i’ve felt sorry for her all along. Unrequited love sucks, but especially so if the person your dealing with is manic depressive. I’m hoping that with Eli’s new focus being on healing and not on relationships that we can begin to understand more about his illness but also about what’s really going on with Imogen. Why does she know so much about everyone at school? And where did her burning desire for Eli come from? I loved Eli’s scene with Bullfrog it was so nice to see him say that he needed to do more as a parent and give Eli the guidance that a kid needs. Some people on here have said that people believing Eli’s monologue at the end was actually a part of the play was ridiculous and while I can understand that sentiment I think that whole scene was one of the most moving. Eli is in so much pain and still most of the people around him are completely clueless. He stands in front of a crowd screaming about how messed up he is and they simply stand and clap for him. I’m reserving judgement on what to make of Clare’s reaction to everything- I hope that if there is ever an Eclare reunion that it will not happen until at least season 12.

    Anya- this storyline was obviously the weakest and has been throughout all of Now or Never. I felt as thought there was so much to work with in this plot because so many teen are like Anya in that they feel sort of mediocre and don’t really know what they want to do with their lives. I like that for every overacheiving Holly J Degrassi is showing their is a middle-of-the-road Anya. What I didn’t like is Anya’s willingness to just try coke. Anya isn’t stupid but suddenly she’s a full blown coke head who can’t get into any school to save her life. Using the military as a means to wrap up her storyline and solve all of her problems seemed like a cop-out for this story. I really just wish story would have been given more love and attention by the writers. If they had invested a quarter as much time in Anya as they did in the love quadrangle the storyline would’ve turned out 1,000 percent better.



    1. One of the biggest problems with Anya’s plot was that while she was doing coke, she was also leading a regular life. Normally I wouldn’t have an issue with that because in the real world, there are plenty of functioning people who do coke on the side and still lead regular jobs, etc. When it comes to Degrassi and it’s all about DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA, the only person who knew what she was doing was Owen (I don’t count Bianca since she could care less.) Owen is a nobody to me and was pretty much a nobody to Anya until earlier this season. We never got to see how her abuse was affecting her real friends, like Holly J, Sav, Fiona and Riley.

      I think this plot could have went on a little longer so we could have seen more of a downward spiral. I’m all for realism and usually complain that not everyone who takes drugs turns into a burnout or druggie, but that’s when the episodes were wrapping up in a half hour. Since Anya’s storyline lasted what I believe to be 6 episodes, there was a lot more room to show just how badly and desperate Anya was to move on with her. We saw her flip out about not getting into college, but it wasn’t a meltdown of epic proportions that we normally might have seen in the past to lead someone to continue taking drugs or sticking around with someone like Owen.

      Now that I’ve kept rambling, I’m not entirely sure what I wanted to see play out, but I definitely think there was something off with the storyline. The only positive outcome from this was we were able to hear Anya tell Owen to “Come Awwwwwwwwn!”



  32. I forgot to talk about next week….

    I’m really excited for the Dave/Alli plot as well as Sav and Miss Oh. I’m unsure about what’s going on b/t Clare and Jake but I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers are hoping to throw a bit of friction into their love story. Also I’m not too keen on the idea of Imogen fighting to be with Eli, at this point I really hope that the writers keep Eli off the market and truly show him doing the work to get back on his meds and get healthy.



  33. Oh wow, this episode made me tear up and I NEVER tear up. The scene where KC and Jenna gave up Tyson was so powerful and emotional. Like Dace said, I almost couldn’t even look at KC. It was such a naked display of emotion that I actually felt kind of embarrassed seeing this intimate moment. It was so moving.

    And Munro is ridiculous. Eli gave me goosebumps so many times, even just watching him flick the lighter in the dressing room sent shivers down my spine, not to mention the monologue and the part where he slammed the script down after the show was over. Munro truly gave a chilling performance.

    The final scene left me feeling weird, in a good way. I don’t know what to make of it entirely, but it was powerful and provoked a lot of emotion (I’m not an emotional personal at all, but damn).

    After watching thus episode, my brain feels like mush. I don’t even know what to think! It’s unfortunate that Anya had to be sandwiched between two highly intense plots, especially because it was so mediocre.

    Nonetheless, I’m more than impressed with the other two plots. I mean, I seriously feel weird right now. So good.



  34. The acting and pathos saved this episode. The storyline was maybe a bit above mediocre, but the actors played it all very well. I like how things seem a bit finalized for these characters. A breakup is done and really felt. I don’t think Degrassi has portrayed break ups as strongly as they do this season. I thought that Eli’s dad will have to convince him to get better for himself, but Eli saved us a whole bunch of time by realizing it himself(how could he if he was wacked out)



  35. I loved this episode. The Anya storyline was a great finish, but it was obviously not as good as her Paper Planes plot. The Kenna plot was just heartbreaking, I can’t even believe they actually went through with the adoption. I don’t see why people like Dave were blaming KC. If I was in KC’s position, I know it’s a real kid and everything and I know I didn’t do shit before but I proved that I still love Jenna and I just really want to try again. I never liked KC throughout this season but this is the one episode I actually felt bad for him.

    Munro’s acting was phenomenal, like everyone has said. The ending showed hope for Eclare. I would rather them not get back together, but I think they probably will.. *sigh* and I feel so bad Imogen. I could’ve cried when Eli like completely smashed her heart.. Her face.. Oh my god.. But I liked the drug part. In Eli’s head, the only thing keeping him away from Clare is Jake and as soon as Imogen heard that I knew she was thinking “the only thing keeping me away from Eli is Clare” and I could have seen her planting the drugs on Clare from a mile away. It wasn’t that it was predictable, it kinda was, but not necessarily in a bad/terrible way.

    Honestly, I’m not so excited for next week. I hated Drew in Season 10 but loved him this season, but I could care less about girls fighting over him. Katie seems like a cool character so far, but we need to know more about her than her pre-season description. As much as I hated Bianca in Season 10 also, I loved her this season and that’s the one couple that I hope gets back together. I think that Drianca is now officially my first “ship”. Not Krew or whatever Marisol/Drew is… The only thing I’m interested in is Drianca, Dalli, and a bit of Ecakogen, depending on how the plot goes.



    1. How can you not understand why Dave was blaming KC? I did feel a bit bad for him during the episode, but he’s been very immature about the situation with Jenna and Tyson the entire season. He barely took care of Tyson and cheated on Jenna. He might want them back now, but it’s too little, too late. I like that Degrassi is showing that, sometimes, your actions do have consequences – no matter how much you regret them.



      1. I know KC didn’t wanna lose them and everything and now that Jenna decided she wanted to give up the baby, if KC disagrees, he’s officially a bad guy? I know he cheated and neglected the baby’s needs, I was all for Jenna in Lose Yourself, but at least he didn’t run off like most of the 15 year old parents would.. I think that he should’ve had a say in it and Jenna practically took that say away from him. I see where they are both coming from, like I said earlier, in Lose Yourself, I was 100% all for Jenna and 100% NOT for KC, but I genuinely felt bad for him in this episode and saw it from his point of view.


      2. That’s not what I’m saying at all. For the most part I agree with you: I also felt bad for KC during this episode. However, even though he didn’t run off (although he tried to for a long time during season 10), he simply has not been there for Jenna or Tyson. I truly think his not wanting to give the baby up for adoption would have held more weight had he not been slacking as a dad. You can’t have it both ways: keeping the baby and expecting Jenna to take care of him by herself. Although I hate how he acts a lot of the time, KC is not a terrible person. He has genuine moments where he recognizes his faults and wants to do better (he’s had several this season and last season). However, the fact that he continues to mess up shows that he’s just not yet mature enough to be the father that Tyson deserves or the guy that Jenna needs, so I’m glad he was mature enough to let them both go and have a chance at better lives.


  36. I know this is all opinion, but you don’t give Anya credit where its due. I thought out of all the storylines, this was probably the best. Watching a character like anya go through something like this was really believable and relatable.

    With eli, i think the writers are putting so much emphasis on him and clare that they are over doing it. This eli episode to me was blah, i wasn’t emotionally invested because they keep shoving them down our throats every week. This plot of eli’s was interesting but over played… how many times are we going to see “crazy” eku



    1. Anya’s cocaine plot, Drew/Bianca and Kenna. 3 top storylines this season.



      1. ^^^
        I loved Anya’s plot from beginning to end, Drew/Bianca, and Kenna. Definitely the better plots than the Eclare square garbage that is *finally* picking up pace.


  37. I just had the weirdest random thought. What if Eli liked Clare, Clare liked Jake, Jake liked Imogen and Imogen liked Eli and they all decided to plant drugs on eachother, so like Eli plants drugs on Jake, Clare plants drugs on Imogen, Jake plants drugs on Eli and Imogen plants drugs on Clare. Then they all have drugs planted on them so they find themselves in the principals office.

    Can you imagine that scene? Lmfao. Idk how/why I thought about it. I just did.






  39. I’m excited to see the Marisol vs Katie feud. One thing they don’t do a lot on degrassi is the sudden end in friendships, which is very common in real life.



    1. They did, many times with Emma and Manny but they always got back together.

      Marisol and Katie will most likely become friends again by next season, I don’t see the reason in separating them right after introducing them. If they had a plot together showing how good their friendship is, I would be fully behind their split. However right now it’s just random that they were just introduced as friends and are splitting up.



  40. Is anyone else kind of annoyed or turned off by the fact that the actors who went to Haiti, pretty much got most of their trip paid by fans? I mean I am all for them going an building houses and/or schools and everything and getting donations to give to the people of Haiti or put towards the project but having the donations be for their plane ticket and everything. I mean I know the donations actually help them get their in order to build the school and but it still annoys me…

    On that note.

    Eli’s plot. I agree with @thing 3. I enjoy the whole crazy character thing but i’m so done with Eli and Clare. The writers and producers are SOOO in love with the character that I feel like they are overdoing a really interesting character/plot. He’s getting played out. If he (and clare) were in less episodes it would have been better but it’s so forced, repetitive and played out.

    Anya’s plot I feel has been one of the top episodes of the season. Her plot this episode wasn’t as good as her plot in paper planes but it was still enjoyable. If they did anymore with it they would have less of Eli’s storyline so I don’t really feel like Anya’s plot could have had anything else to have made the grade higher, what was given was enough, it didn’t need to be over the top or anymore. We got to see someone who is more on the innocent side’s life start to take a turn which results in bad things. I enjoy her interactions with Owen and I liked the way her mom found out and her storyline won’t be an addiction, juts an escape.

    Kenna’s plot. As two of my least favorite characters (not including Clare and Adam) their plot has been one of the most interesting and consistent of the season. I mean I like where it went with them putting the baby up for adoption but on the other hand they spend soo much time on this plot and now since they gave the baby away, it’s done. I don’t really know where their storyline or their characters will go now.



    1. I’m not sure how I feel about the donation thing. It’s kind of weird, but at the same time they were smart enough to know that their fans would donate…a lot of the fanbase on twitter and tumblr worship the actors to a disturbing level.

      I disagree that the writers/producers are sooooo in love with Eclare. At this point I think they’re just pandering to the huge and overwhelmingly loud Eclare fanbase. Can you blame them though for hyperfocusing on the show’s most popular couple? They’d kinda be silly not to, but at the same time they HAVE to cool it at some point otherwise they’re gonna turn off those of us who could care less whether or not Eclare is “endgame.” With Anya you’re right, there’s nothing more they could’ve done with it. There were good things in this episode, but it just didn’t pull me in like Paper Planes did.

      As far as Kenna I loved it, and now I’m disappointed that it’s over. What do they do now Jenna and KC as individuals? Other than maybe showing Jenna showing having regret over the adoption as well as dealing with being on her own, I don’t know what they could do with either of them.



    2. I was weirded out at the thought of fans paying for the cast’s trip to Haiti as well but Aislinn Paul confirmed on her Twitter awhile ago that donations would be purely used to help the people of Haiti, not to fund their transportation.



      1. that’s what I would have thought but Stephen Stohn tweeted to someone saying “they paid their own way, helped by donations from wonderful fans ” to me that didn’t sound like the donations were for the people of Haiti. Maybe some of it was used for their trip and the rest was used for the schools? Either way it just doesn’t seem right for fans to be funding their trips at all.


    3. Remember tho…Canadian actors aren’t like American actors. They don’t get paid $10,000 – $250,000+ an episode like the disney, nick, or that angus t jones kid lol. They all go to public schools too. So even though they’re famous to us, they’re not just “ballin,”. Yeah, they’re not broke and probably could have paid their own way cuz they do have more money than the average person..but maybe there’s more to it? I didn’t really follow the donation stuff but maybe the donations were for more than just a plane ticket, they might have been for the building material and all of that too. but idk…

      and on the note about Kenna…i don’t see how everyone is so in love. lol! The idea of the storyline is cute, but i hate Jessica Tyler and what’s his face as actors. They are terrible to me. At some points Jessica Tyler was stepping it up with the stressed scenes, but I wasn’t completely convinced even with that. People kept saying she needs to stop whining and stuff but I don’t think her whining and complaining were suppose to be portrayed like that when the writers wrote her part. I believe in combo with some iffy writing as well as bad acting…that Jessica did terrible in her role as a stressed out, teenage mom. She came across as overly whiny when I believe it was suppose to be a combo of whiny but then almost like Munro’s character as Eli and seem maniacal. Jenna was suppose to be experiencing postpartum depression and very overwhelmed but instead just sounded like a spoiled brat complaining over and over again. I could feel sorry for her cuz i got what the writers were trying to do, but I didn’t cry or get teary when they gave up Tyson because I wasn’t really into this storyline. I wanted to see KC do a little more to show a real love for Tyson in efforts in trying to keep him, considering he did try to get Jenna to get an abortion in the first place and on stop he didn’t give a rats ass when Jenna was doing the most n he did nothing -__-. If anything, I would have rather the writers have KC want to give Tyson up, then feel a “you don’t know what you have until its gone” feeling and him really hurt during the aftermath.

      Oh and to add, I personally love Eclare in the most non shipping, non fangirl type way. I find their storyline very captivating, other than Aislinn being an ugly cry her and Munro are just AMAZING actors. No other couple/actors could carry all of the shorelines and drama Calre/Aislinn and Eli/Munro can. They’re trying to give Drew some type of hard hitters, but Luke’s acting is so hit or miss. I love Eclare and the elements of Imogen and Jake because from the start, Eclare was the only real couple developed pre-relationship and actually had focus, in great detail, from start to finish. It was a great element Degrassi did and it also helped introduce new characters (adam, imogen, jake), gain support or show through in their own plots whether it be an A, B, or C plot, as well a support plots that don’t involve them (i LOVED when Eli was just so cool about Adam, and then Clare helping him to stop burning and be himself) and you still see the Eclare shine. It bugged me when Clare was like “did 3 months mean nothing to you?” cuz i never realized how fast they moved! I felt like they were together for such a long time, not just 3 months. Just like teenage years, 3 months can feel like 3 years. Idc what anyone says about Eclare or the writers….i feel ilke the whole concept with the couple is a very solid structure in the Degrassi universe because of the chemistry with Aislinn and Munro as well as the curve balls the writers throw in for them. “Like Kary said, I don’t think the writers love Eclare. I do think they are somewhat catering to the Eclare lovers and the Eli fangirls, but if the relationship was seriously just an epic fail, then they could have concluded it and moved on because Eclare lovers and Eli fangirls don’t make up the majority of the Degrassi viewers. Even when they wrote of the last of the “originals” (Emma, Manny, Liberty, etc) a LOT of people vowed they’d never watch the show again, but still do. Eclare is still going because in the end, it genuinely is a great journey they have with the two characters to just stop it. There are couples out there that do this back and forth, drama drama drama, and seem like that couple that everyone is waiting to see what happens with them next up until the day the graduate. So it only makes sense Degrassi has that. I thought they were gonna do that with Jimmy and Ashley and it annoyed me when Degrassi dropped that and then just randomly as hell picked up their relationship again. lol. But with Eclare, It may seem so dramatic and over the top…but remember we see most about them during the soap opera style episodes over anything, and that is MENT to just be drama, drama, drama to set up for a cool down when we go once a week of episodes.



  41. Plot A: I think that I would have given this plot an A if I didn’t have extreme character burnout. I think that the plot works best because we can see as sort of the end point to the love square, Eli is working on getting over Clare and Imogen is probably going to give up on Eli. I thought that Eli/Imogen/Clare were extremely annoying. Eli because he still won’t take his damned medication and Imogen won’t take a hint (even if Eli was leading her on in part 1, he rejects her in the first scene in part 2), and Clare is so OOC she’s unrecognizable from last season.

    Plot B: I actually enjoyed this plot because in season 9 I found Anya to be the most realistic girl on the show. I enjoyed this plot because she will finally be getting help now that her mom knows, and she will get her life back on track.

    Plot C: I always loved Kenna from the beginning and this plot was exceptional. Even though, I don’t ship them reconciling (not that i think it’ll happen anytime soon) I think they’re a great couple and two of the new stand out actors on the show.



  42. I am so happy, that Eli realized for himself that needs help and that he needs to become a better person for himself and not clare.

    At the end, I think the writer implies that Clare’s feelings for Eli are coming back. I think Eli’s break down at the end of the play, was about finally accepting that their won’t be a happy ending, and he won’t get back with Clare. And I think Clare was touched by Eli’s words, causing her feelings to return.

    My prediction is that, as Eli gets healthy and becomes more of his old/normal, self clare will begin to like him again. I just hope Eli makes a mends with Imogen, because he really broke her heart.

    And the Kenna plot, was very emotional. But since it is an open adoption, we will see Baby Ty in the future. And the scene where they gave Tyson up was touching, sad, and beautiful.

    Anya’s plot was good, but it was not as strong as the other two. But I do like how the writers are showing the struggles of being just medicore, and average. There are a lot of kids who feel lost because they feel like their never good enough. But, Anya in the army? I guess stranger things have happend.



    1. Really, The ending of this was about Eli wanting to get back together. Clare said she was happy now that they can go there seperate ways. I asked the writer about the ending when Eli walks away as he fades to gray. Her responce was “He’s smiling because he knows he can keep walking…”



      1. I forgot the ? after together sorry :(


  43. I don’t like Eli and imogen together, but it wasn’t right for Eli to lead her on so much…



    1. I was really bad timing for Eli but I think Imogen had no clue about his mental stability.



  44. I watched Eli’s monolog 4 times to figure something out. When Eli said he hurt people he paused while looking at Imogen smiling. Then talked about how the mind can trick you. That was directed for Imogen.( he knew her hurt her) When he said I am all wrong Eli was looking at Clare. That had to do the most of season 10. I hope i goes on his word and gets better. To move foward and hopefully not back to Clare. Because of he deep obsession of her.We don’t want unstable Eli back do we.



  45. Eh, to be honest, the Anya plot was my least favorite too. Didn’t interest me at all, and the only plot I found interesting was Eli’s plot. Jenna’s and KC’s was great, but it was predictable to me, I knew that KC was going to give up and allow the adoption, and let Jenna go. Eli’s plot deserves sooo much credit, Munro was amazing, I felt his pain, it was truly amazing acting, and imogen is my new favorite character. One character annoying to me is Anya, and Clare confuses me a lot. Anyway, I really don’t want Clare and Eli together, Imogen and Eli kind of mesh well, but for now we’ll see how this goes.



  46. Everyone keeps saying that EClare and the tri have had too much screen time this season… I have to disagree. I personally feel as if Drew and Kenna have dominated the screen. But it could just be me. It doesn’t really help that I don’t really like Kenna or the characters individually-and I never really have. I like their story line and would have loved to have seen it with different characters. But I’m just biased because I’ve disliked Jenna ever since she appeared on Degrassi. Meanwhile I have to admit I am an EClare fan and would like to see them get back together…but maybe in season 12. Right now I really want them to focus on what’s wrong with Eli. They haven’t had a good story line with some one mentally unstable since Craig (who was amazing and they did a great job with him). I really want them to explore what he has and focus on that and how he can either overcome it or learn to live with it. Anyway, I just hope they start explaining him.



  47. Anya’s story was no where near as good as I had hoped. Maybe because she’s about to graduate, so they couldn’t do as much with it. But I still stand by that breaking up Sav and Anya was the BEST thing for both characters.

    Eli’s story has surprised me, I was so afraid of seeing a big love quad, but it was more about Eli and his emotional stability. Try Honesty was his first episode that didn’t focus as much on Clare, and it really started this whole dark side that Eli has. I loved Clare and Eli, but I hope the second half of season 12 shows Eli possibly finding new love.

    Jenna and KC’s story has been awesome. This journey began a year ago (our time) and I was not sure if it would be that great. But it was written so well, and different than the other Degrassi pregancy stories. Liberty gave up her baby at birth, which is much different emotionally. KC and Jenna named baby Ty and sacrificed a lot to try and be good parents, even though they are kids so they still made mistakes. It was so heartbreaking to see them give their son up. Really makes me wonder what the future holds for them, not a couple but as individual characters.



  48. i <3 degrassi



  49. Isn’t the Kenna plot the B plot?



  50. I hope there is no more Eclare crap. I am sorry but Clare bugs the heck out me. I want more Senior drama before the head out to the real world.



  51. […] Congrats to Linda, Stephen and the rest of the Epitome team for their hard work, and let’s hope they pull off a win this year!  The actual Emmy broadcast is on Sunday, September 23rd, but I guess like last year people from Degrassi will be attending the non-televised Creative Arts Emmy Awards ceremony instead (it’s on Saturday, September 15th). YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO READ MY REVIEW OF EXTRAORDINARY MACHINE. […]



  52. when i watched extraodinary machine, i cried at the end. I feel that Eli is the strongest person on degrassi and this episode was very emotional. Munro Chambers did an AMAZING job!



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