Episode Description for Extraordinary Machine Part 1: Eli’s behaving erratically and somehow seems to think he’s going to win Clare back. Is he off his meds? Oh wait… he is.

Oh really, Eli’s off his meds? Based on the TeenNick promo I couldn’t tell:

…yeah. There’s really not much to say about the episode until it airs tonight. This is Degrassi at its soap opera-esque extreme. The Eclakegen plot has the potential to be either very good, or very bad.


Below are promo pics for Part 1 AND Part 2.  You can click on an image to see a larger version.

Posted by Kary


  1. lol Eclakegen. this plot is actually pretty terrible and highly unrealistic. Hopefully, this plot wraps up this week, so we’re done with these lame characters.



    1. =) … exactly. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who thinks this whole plot is unrealistic.



      1. I know you think this is unrealistic but it does happen. I had a friend who was diagnosed with schizophernia at 17. Certain Mental illness sometimes hits in the late teens for men and early 20’s for women.


  2. Goddamit give room for some other characters ECLARE IS ALL I HEAR ABOUT. xD I want to cry to myself.



  3. “The Eclakegen plot has the potential to be either very good, or very bad.”

    I vote for SO bad, it’s going to make Connor’s panty stealing storyline look like Emmy gold.

    Couldn’t Cake and Emogen just move on to their own separate stories and not intertwine until much, much later during the second half of this season?



    1. I think Clare and Imogen should run to the hills and don’t look back.



    2. I do think this plot will be bad. The one thing that might save it is acting because Jake will finally go into drama battle mode, Eli’s acting is always great, and we might see Imogen acting at her most manipulative yet or she might actually resist temptation.
      Regardless I don’t really care for Eclakegen, I seriously only like Jake for his obliviousness to everything and carefree attitude, Clare when she’s helping Alli, Eli when he’s breaking down, and just Imogen overall lol. Besides that Jake, Clare, and Eli can take a trip to the DBT.



  4. I’ll be happy if they focuse more on Eli’s mental state and less on the Elcakegen stuff.



    1. I agree so freaking much.



  5. Man I totally agree with everything u guys are saying about cake and emo. It gets so annoying seeing Clare and Eli hog the screen 24/7 there other characthers that need to be developed ie (Owen, Bianca,Katie, Jake, and Imogeon.) And as u guys questioning why did I mention Jake and Imogeon well I believe they havent had there on plots besides being paired with Eli and Clare all the time.



  6. 2nite’s ep will be so overly dramatic. But finally someone gets some besides KC. I really think instead of focusing Eclackgeon that I hope 2nite’s ep be more about how unstable the dude is. I mean the guy is whacked out of his mind. I am an Eli fan but when paired up with girls his plot starts to sink. Also last yr we had a knife, this yr we hav a gun. Watz nxt yr? A bomb? An illegal amount of holy water?



  7. Oh poor Cristine Prosperi such a great job playing the role of Imogen, but getting all the hate. I’m done with the Eclare Love Square Show and can’t wait until the get back together so they can finally show off other characters.

    Imogen don’t sleep with Eli have more respect for yourself girl.



  8. Pfft, they’re not going to sleep together. I’d bet money on it. Also, this promo makes me laugh uncontrollably. NO, IT’S YOU WHO’S AMAZING…CLARE. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.



  9. SO glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks this is unrealistic and obnoxious. I’d rather see Chantay eat a hamburger for 30 minutes than this bs.

    Other characters could be getting developed, (ex: Wesley, Connor, Zane, Chantay, Riley) but instead they waste it on this!

    If this plot continues into the Fall eps/2012 eps, I’m going to stop watching Degrassi.



    1. Then you might as well quit while you’re ahead, lol



  10. I wanna see some Ziley, jesus



  11. Seriously Eli is reality is fading and he changed the name Fritz to Jack in his play.Also the kiss scene between Imo and Eli. I think after their heavy makeout session. Eli is going to hallcinate that he is with Clare.Thats when I believe when Imogen says Eli you are amazing and Eli replies No its you thats amazing Clare. That makes more sence to me.

    The scary part of this he is lying to his parents and himself about the meds. He is losing insight of his own reality. He is playing mind games with people in which is dangerious in its self. He is never going to Clare back. I think he has something close to what is known as Schitzoid Personality Disorder. Its very hard to diagnose.



  12. Maybe we’ll finally find out what the hell is wrong with Eli in these episodes.

    and if not, people are forgetting we have Anya’s coke storyline and Jenna’s choice about Ty to fall back on. so even if the Love square plot sucks, there’s still two potentially great plots running through the rest of the ep.

    Stephen Brogren was hyping EM part 2 to be really good/emotional, and he said that about MBIAC, so i have slight hope at least.



    1. Stephen Stohn also said in an interview that Extraordinary Machine part 2 is one of Degrassi’s most powerful/intense episodes yet. I just don’t fucking know why Stephen Stohn and Stefan Brogen LOVE to overhype episodes and then most of the fans are disappointed after the episode airs because of them overhyping it.



    2. I swear I never seen Stefan or Stephen hype either of these episodes more or less than they’ve hyped regular episodes this Season. So please to criminalize them because they learned their lesson from “All Falls Down” to not tell you guys anything XD



  13. As far as seeing Eli going nuts, I’m excited for this plot. But I couldn’t care less about the other three. And the hallucination? I don’t even know. We’ll have to see how Munro and Cristine act this to see if it’s “realistic” or not. I’m just confused about the whole situation, so I don’t really know what to make of it.



  14. Also: I’m happy we get to see Riley tonight! :D



  15. These new pics I guess are for tomarrow. I think Eli is dumping the play and probably doing monologs with the friends and family for hurting them or he wants to talk about his mental unstability as an one act play. As Stohn said in his tweet. P-L-A-Y. As he is going to do 4 monologs instead. I believe the pic Eli dipping Imogen is a thank you. I have a feeling Imogen might surprize all of us in a good way.



  16. A lot of people are already judging this plot before it airs based on their opinions of Eli (with and without Clare). If you don’t like it, then don’t watch it. Or, if you want to critizice how ‘bad’ or ‘boring’ or ‘overhyped’ this plot is, then at least wait until after it has aired.

    Personally, this plot hasn’t been all that bad. We all knew that Eli and Clare were far from over after last season finale. Plus, this plot isn’t even centered around Eli and Clare. The Eli/Clare/Jake/Imogen plot line is split into different parts to progress the storyline. First it was Clare’s obsession with Eli’s emtionless reactions, then it progressed to Clare being able to move on, then into Eli’s inability to let go, and tonight we get to see how badly Eli’s mental state is affected. Each part of this plot has been in a different perspective (i.e. Clare’s, then Eli’s, then Imogen’s). And now it will begin to wrap up as we see all four characters come together to interact.

    Am I saying that it is the best plot this season. No. But, I’m not going to say I hate it because I have a bias against Eli or Clare or Eli/Clare. I like this plot because it engages me by exploring different aspects of a storyline. I enjoy watching dramatic characters (like Eli) in a DRAMA series. That’s what Degrassi is. Drama. Most plots are drenched in drama.

    This season, more storylines are spreading over multiple episodes to seem more realistic instead of characters bouncing form one plot to the next as if the first never happened. Because of this, the Eli/Clare/Jake/Imogen plot seems to last forever when, in reality, it’s been in around 5 episodes or so.

    Normally, I don’t say anything about people hating on plots or characters and just tolerate it. But too many people have already made up their minds about tonight’s episode before it’s aired. All we know about it is that Eli wants Clare back and Jake is in his way and without his meds he’s losing it so he sees Imogen as Clare for a scene.

    So just calm down. Let the episode air. And then make your statements.



    1. Thank you! These EClakegen haters are just as bad as the fangirls, I swear.



    2. OMG! You literally took the words right out of my mouth!

      I will admit that I have experienced a bit of fatigue with the love quadrangle but most of that has been due to the rather forced pairing of Clare & Jake. What people hate to admit is that whether as a pairing you love them or not Eli/Clare and all the characters tied to the two, is a recipe for an explosive episode. Is it over the top? Sure. A bit unrealistic? Perhaps. But am I intrigued the entire time. Yes!

      As much so-called hat exists for this part of the Degrassi-verse the truth is episodes with Eli and Clare and now the love quadrangle generate a lot of comments and discussion which if I had to guess probably equals to higher ratings.

      As much as I love simple and fun plots like Alli and Dave’s from the previous night or more personal story lines like Adam dealing with being transgendered at some point you need drama on a teenage drama series.

      I agree that this episode will most likely either be really good or really bad. Because the storyline seems so extreme it means that either the acting will seem believable and intense or like everyone is trying too hard and being phony. Personally I hope that this storyline focuses most on Eli’s character (of which I am a fan) and that Clare is used simply as a vehicle for us as an audience to really understand what’s wrong with Eli.

      For those saying they won’t watch Degrassi if Eli and Clare continue, I guess you’ll have to find a new teen drama to watch because i’m pretty sure the pairing is here to stay, in some shape or form. Which isn’t that odd. Every teen show has a couple that whether they or together or not are still struggling with their relationship with one another. Think of teen classics like Angel & Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson and Joey from Dawson’s Creek or Max & Liz from Roswell. Or to get back to the Degrassi-verse Ashley & Jimmy or Paige & Spinner.



  17. Someone make an Eclakegen hate tumblr or site!



  18. I think this episode will be pretty good because of the subplots. Kenna’s and Anya’s storylines have been my favorites this season so I’m excited for those. I’m kind of over Eclackegen. They’ve been on too many episodes and had too many pointless plots, I just don’t care anymore, but I do like Imogen’s craziness so maybe she’ll save the plot?



  19. i do know that extreme cases of bipolar disorder experience hallucinations, so maybe that’s what eli has? my grandmas used to see me as “mildred” (her mom).



    1. and she had bipolar disorder.






  21. Degrassi is a soap opera, hate to break it to you:) Also I agree that this plot is engaging because of its different perspectives (Imogen, Eli, Clare). I bet Jake’s perspective would be hilarious. he would just be clueless! Side Note: Riley? In a support character role? The best.



  22. I just squealed when I saw Riley in those pictures.

    Someone of my age and gender should never squeal, but I’m so glad he didn’t disappear into the Degrassi Chantay Blackhole.

    Bonus squealage for more Fiona/Eli too. More of this, less of the quad please!



    1. yes, yes. yes!






    1. LOL YEAH the Degrasi continuity is finally proving it’s existence lately. Fiona look legit pissed when Riley was in for Jake XD
      I would be too if Riley called me a bitch in the hallways in front of everyone.



    2. I glad somebody brought that up with Fiona & Riley, Riley should apologize for calling her a bitch but that won’t happen because the Degrassi writers probably forgot.



    3. I love how Fiona ended up a lesbian…



  24. Owen would make a terrible coach.



    1. He’d make an interesting wrestling coach. he could teach the team to throw people throw doors/windows.



      1. Wouldnt it be funny if he became Dylans coach? I smell a wacky spin off.


  25. Omg I feel so bad for Imogen, Eli KNOWS she likes him and is taking complete advantage :C
    It’s even worse how he said Clare but then used his perfect smirk to cover up the mistake lol.
    Imogen deserves better than this…



  26. I really hope they’ll at least mention the fact that Eli’s new friend Fiona refused to take her medication last semester.



  27. Imogen seemed pretty reluctant about kissing Eli there, don’t you think?



  28. So I kinda want Jenna to keep baby Tyson now. Even though KC continues to be an ass (Flowers after you’ve been caught cheating is not going to win her over), I would love for Jenna to find a way to raise the baby on her own. Maybe Alli’s parents will help?

    Riley and Chantay in the same episode? Is the apocalypse upon us? I’m glad to see they decided to use Riley for the play, even though be barely got any scraps.

    I’m still no feeling Ownya and Anya’s decent into a full blown cokehead was way too fast, but at least it was still 2 more episodes than Emma got during her “experimentation” period. Guess she’s off to join the military now. Maybe she can run into Sean while on a mission.

    Poor Imogen’s being used, but something tells me I don’t think she cares right now. I was hoping Eli would finally give up his obsession with Clare because it’s not healthy. Just give it a rest dude. Move on.



    1. Eli’s fixation with Clare’s been unhealthy since he poisoned Fitz. or crashed his car. one of em.



      1. I think crashing the car was worse than poisoning Fitz. That was more about his pride, but he’s gotten so much worse since the car incident.

        Really, Clare is not worth the effort. I like her, but just move on already.


      2. I think him poisoning Fitz was the beginning of his mental instability. It was almost the acute version of what’s going on now with Jake.


    2. I LOVE that when Imogen manipulated Eli everyone was pissed at her for taking advantage of him but when Eli does the same thing to Imogen (if not worse), it’s okay. I hope they kill Eli off or send him to a mental ward or something. Just get him out of here. His fans blaming everything but him for causing drama is driving me crazy.



      1. This is true, but to me, Eli didn’t manipulate Imogen on purpose. Imogen manipulated Eli on purpose, and that’s why she got so much hate for it, unlike Eli.

        Imogen was totally aware of what she was doing to Eli in DOYS and ‘U don’t even know’. Whereas with Eli, he is so mentally out of it right now and most likely didn’t realize what he was doing. (I mean he thought Imogen was Clare LOL) That’s why I can’t be as angry with him :/

        I just want Eli to get better.


  29. VERY good episode :) excited for Part 2!



  30. Glad they finally put Riley in an epsode, unfortunately in a small role for tonight. So glad Anya is finally getting her life sorted. Never thought she’d consider the military, but it might work for her. Eli, on the other hand, is a pretentious asshole. Imogen can keep him. As if writing the play about Clare wasn’t bad enough, he’s also starring in it as himself, and changed “Fritz” to “Jack” just to piss Clare off. I don’t know if it’s the lack of meds that aren’t making him think clearly or if he honestly has no idea that he’s hurting Clare (or maybe he doesn’t care). He’s stoop so low that there’s NO way Clare’s going to take him back. At the beginning of the season, I wanted Clare and Eli to get back together, but now because Eli’s being an ass, I could care less. Jake is a much better fit. Gotta admit that Munro’s acting has been spot on during the last few episodes. Still pretty excited to see how part two ends, ngl.



    1. He’s not doing it to piss off Clare, he thinks he’ll be able to make her see things the way he does. I really think he’s confused. Clare told him the play was beautiful, they shared a moment, it gave Eli the idea that she still cares about him and wants to be with him, so he’s running with it.. in the wrong direction..



  31. ohh no anya!!! i dont blame owen for losing his cool :s

    nice to see my girl bianca! luv ya girl!!

    LMAO JACK! eli is losing it… im guessing imogen and eli had sex :O

    cant wait 4 part 2!



  32. and OMG jenna and KC! :( im kinda sad that tyson is leaving… maybe jenna will change her mind? :(



  33. Omg! I luv Eli! He is so hawt and emo/goth/scene like meh! I h8 Clair and emogen because Eli is/was with them -__- Eli is mine! He is like the only emo dude on Tv! I wish I had a Eli is real life <3



    1. please tell me this is a parody post.



    2. God, if the big dramatic ending to the play tomorrow is Eli burning the script, I will freaking smash a turtle. They overhype the shit out of this episode, so something big better happen. But I know it probably won’t.



  34. I have to say that I was surprised by tonight’s episode. I am so used to Eclare plots being over-the-top and this was in comparison much more subtle. I like that the focus really still is the unraveling of Eli’s mental state. Clare is obviously the force that is pushing Eli further towards a breakdown but really Eli is the main focus and I enjoyed that there weren’t an overabundance of scenes where Eli and Clare share meaningful yet vague stares with one another.

    Prior to watching this episode I thought “Why hasn’t anyone spoken to an adult about the fact that Eli is acting crazy?” But the way it’s portrayed here shows why no one has really intervened. Fiona’s annoyance with Eli is written off as creative differences, Bullfrog has no idea Eli isn’t taking his meds and Clare seems so uncomfortable around him and afraid to rattle his emotions for fear that he might act out. I have to say that I was disappointed and yet enjoyed Jake’s reaction to Eli in this ep. I was disappointed b/c I was hoping for more of a showdown b/t the two but it seems as though the writers are making it clear just how strange Jake really thinks Eli is, and that in that regard he’s not even really a worthy adversary in Jake’s opinion. Munro’s acting was really good, he was nuanced and didn’t overplay what could easily be a way over the top character. I’m not sure what will be so dramatic about Eli burning his script in front of everyone in tomorrow’s episode but I’m interested.

    I’m not really sure that Emogen really have that much chemistry, perhaps b/c the emotions between them are so one-sided but there kiss seemed passionate but I didn’t really feel it.

    I’m intrigued by the ongoing Kenna plot, not to keep mentioning the MTV reality show, but this storyline is very similar to an ep. on last season’s 16 & Pregnant. I want the writers to spend more time in KC’s head. I feel as though I have no understanding for why he does the things that he does or why he feels a certain way about things. We can all assume but I have yet to really understand why KC began hooking up with Marisol and no suddenly wants to in a serious relationship with Jenna all over again and raise the baby he hardly spent time with. I get that some of the confusion is the point, in that KC himself is conflicted but I’d like to see that acted out a little more rather than being kind of implied.

    Anya and coke…YAWN. Seriously.

    Also I know she’s never been a lead and people on here obviously don’t like her very much, but seriously we couldn’t even find at least one B or C plot for Chantay before she graduated???



    1. Totally agree on all of your points about the focus being Eli’s mental state, the lack of chemistry between Emogen because it’s so one-sided, the fact that we need to know more about KC’s motivations. Disagree about Chantay though lol.I think there’s a reason some characters like Chantay and Riley don’t get plots… the character or the actor is boring. Remember the episode where Chantay wrote a bad review of her date with Danny? Boring.



    2. To me it seemed like Eli creeped Jake out, yet Jake really wanted to help him. That’s just what I saw, though.



    3. Munro is really the best thing about the Cake/Eclare/Emogen storyline. I think he’s such a power actor and since he’s getting such meaty material, he makes even some of my most cringeworthiest scenes seem decent. I don’t like Eli’s obsession with Clare, but Munro sells it. That is really the driving force behind this plot and I really like that Eli moved to the forefront of the story, whereas Clare received the majority of the focus last year.

      I don’t have to always agree with the writing (I find it hit or miss depending on the scene), but if the acting is there and I can see the dedication to the material from the actors (this is obviously as subjective as the chemistry debate from last night), then I can appreciate the story. I thought tonight played out much better than previous episodes, but we still need to get a Jake and Imogen POV. We know Imogen’s intentions, but I still think we have to find out some more about Jake, especially if he’s going to continue being the antagonist in the Eclare drama.

      I went into tonight expecting a total shit show, but I was pleasantly surprised it played out better than I thought and I can not wait until the play tomorrow night. I’m expecting mad fireworks!

      About Chantay, I know I joke about her all the time, mainly because she’s been at Degrassi for like 10 years (Okay, it’s actually 5 school years, but she first appeared in 2004!!), so I think she’s more of a joke now that she got bumped up into a “main” character. Why do they even bother bumping them up if they really have no use for them? Chantay, Leia, Blue and by a larger extent, Zane, never really got any solid storylines, yet were all part of the credits at some point or another. I’d be fine with giving Chantay some B or C plot (She and Anya could have been coke buddies) but my friend and I joke around that just as she’s about to accept her diploma, a methed out Peter comes barging into the school with a shotgun and blows Chantay away. Yes, we’re weirdos ;)



      1. ITA. Everyone you listed is useless, especially Blue.


  35. Thought this was a good episode. Eli’s definitely using Imogen. I can’t tell yet if she realizes that fact or not. Despite all of the supposed hate at the love square, I honestly don’t think this plot is about “relationships”. It’s about Eli’s fragile mental state. At this point, I think he’s more obsessed with the idea of Clare rather than just heartbroken that they’re no longer together. It’s not that Clare is so wonderful that she’s worth all this attention, it’s that Eli is so messed up mentally. I think it’s a very interesting road for the writers to pursue after the break up. I definitely didn’t expect it at the beginning of the season.



  36. i was stressed watching this whole episode. i was even sweating. eli is really losing it, and it saddens me. he was not like this. i really want him to get better, i had hope for eclare after seeing their little moment, but clare seems happy with jake and eli needs to get better. so i just want him to get better and for both of them to be happy even if its not with each other. although i would like them to stay friends. (would love even more if they were together).

    I have to say imogen surprised me with her concern for eli not taking his pills. she “apparently” just wanted him to be able to write his play. and she also was a little hesitant after eli called her clare. but still she shouldn’t have continued kissing him after that. i really hope they don’t sleep together.

    fiona is mad at eli right now but hopefully she will realize that he has problems and help him out. i love them as friends.

    tomorrows episode seems really good. we will have to see what happens in the play.



  37. Oh my God, people in the tumblr community are going psycho because they think Eli will kill himself. He’s going to the prom, for crying out loud!



  38. Imogen was actually upset that Eli stopped taking his meds. Eli just lashing out at everybody. He has no idea how to commuicate when he is upset. He was horrible to Fiona
    His mood was all over the place. So extra happy when he thought he actually thought he had a date with Clare (Which was all in his mind). Saw Jake started babbling nonsence. Because he thought Jake was ruining his “date” with Clare. Clare gets creeped out
    (Angry Eli) then leaves. Eli calles Imogen for “rehearsal”. After they rehearsed. Imogen looked confused after he called her Clare and she said you mean Clara. This going to be heartbreaking for Imogen. He sounds like he is Schitzophernic.

    I am sorry, I reallly feel bad for Jenna she no family. KC does not see what Jenna is seeing about Tyson. Jenna is not selfish KC is. What will happen if KC & Jenna keep the baby the same thing like before.

    I can relate to Anya in so many levels. I hope this coke habit is done. And her looking into the Armed Forces but hey there is nothing wrong with that. Kudos for Owen for actually being a very cool guy. I hope Anya see that.

    I can’t wait for tomarrow where Eli emotions are much more topsy turvey when Clare rejects him again. Shit is going to hit the fan. And many people are going to see this.



  39. What I liked so much about the Eli/Clare/Imogen/Jake plot was that they didn’t focus so much upon the love lives of them, but rather Eli’s mental health. Also, I really hate Clare and Jake as characters now. They seem to be making each other their world even though they aren’t really dating. It’s so annoying how it’s supposed to look like Eli is breaking them up, but they aren’t even together in the first place! Eli is kinda on the fence for me. On one hand, he just seems to be hopelessly stupid (not taking his pills), and on the other hand he is just so brilliantly crazy. Imogen is perfect, as always. She’s such a unique and entertaining character. Yeah, she may be slightly psycho and obsessed, but she’s also a good person.

    Anya is more boring than when she used to do sticker books with Sav. I actually like Owen somewhat. He’s not the nicest or most charming guy, but he’s not really stupid. If he was, he would let Anya believe she was doing the right thing. The best part was when she felt like crap at the end.

    I actually forgot what the last plot was for a moment. Kenna is so old to me. KC is stupid and should be sent to Africa, because all he does is act like he’s the most awesome guy in the whole world and that every girl is jumping at the chance to be with him. He almost makes me gag. I don’t think Jenna should keep Tyson, because she isn’t providing the best environment for him, and he should grow up with two responsible adults watching him. I mostly liked this plot because of KC’s mom. She seems like she’s a genuinely nice person and like she has the most sense out of the three of them.

    All in all, I didn’t like this episode very much. There wasn’t one plot that really interested me, but hopefully my mind will be changed after I see tomorrow’s episode.



    1. What are you talking about? How are they not really dating? They are together. Jake is Clare’s boyfriend. I’m very confused by what you’re saying.



      1. They were supposed to be casual, like friends with benefits, unless I misunderstood something.


      2. Mala, in Should’ve Said No (2) Clare and Jake decided dating wouldn’t be so bad.


  40. Eclare/Cake/EMO – I really want Eli to get professional help, because at this point, he’s a lost cause. I don’t want ECLARE to get back together ever, but if they must, I hope it’s not anytime soon. And yes, Eli is using Imogen, and he’s being manipulative towards by showing her affection and giving her mixed signals, when he knows he does not like her, that is wrong, but Eli is bonkers. I still don’t like CAKE, I don’t understand how or why their together, I mean Jake was introduced as someone who doesn’t do relationships but that totally goes against his actions, and it’s just very confusing, and stupid. And doesn’t give a shit about Eli, she seems so annoyed by him, and it seems like she wants nothing to do with him. And so, my hope is that some one plans an intervention and puts Eli in an ASYLUM (or how ever you spell it.

    Kenna – Jenna is acting as if she’s sick and tired of playing mommy. It’s so odd. On one hand, I understand that she was probably overwhelmed with the idea of someone checking in on her, and rather than losing custody of her baby,and not knowing where he is, she’d prefer giving him up and knowing he is in a safe and loving home of her choosing. But with that said, she seems to be a little too eager to give TY up, it’s as if she can’t wait till he’s gone so she can move out and start her life. I found myself sympathizing with K.C, he’s more reluctant to give his son up, and for some reason, I find that endearing. But I didn’t expect K.C to still have feelings for Jenna. But I guess I’ll never understand why K.C does anything he does, he’s just so unpredictable.

    Anya – ….

    The only positve thing I can say is that, I thought, this season they were going to wrap the seniors storylines up with a pretty bow and a happy ending, but it’s to know that we have no idea what’s going to happen with the seniors.



  41. I love batshit crazy Eli, he says hilarious things in amusing ways. “It hit me last night, like a COMET!” But yeah, as fun as it is, poor crazy Eli. If he doesn’t like the way the meds make him feel, he could ask for a lower dose. He’d still feel/think pretty much the same way, it would just stop him from flying off the handle. I don’t know why he hasn’t been back to the psychiatrist anyway, they usually want to follow up once a week, at the very least once a month..
    Clare… First she was upset that Eli wasn’t upset about their break up, then she was all pissed at him over the play, last episode they were in together ended with that sweet/painful moment with them staring at each other, now she’s acting like she wants nothing to do with him and has Jake meet her at the Dot right at the beginning of the interview. She knows Eli hasn’t been well, she must know her mixed signals and throwing her boyfriend in his face can’t help, why is she all over the place in every way this season?
    I can’t feel bad for Imogen. Her game got turned around on her, that is all.
    From tonight’s episode and the promo for tomorrow, I feel like Fiona is being completely insensitive and forgetting what a wreck she was just last semester. I hope she wakes up and realizes what’s really going on- seems like she would be the best person to talk some sense into Eli right now, she has a better understanding of what he’s going through than anyone else he interacts with.

    I can’t believe that… I feel bad for.. KC?! I have hated him for so long.. but he is so confused, it’s sad. But if they really want to keep Tyson.. if Jenna can go to school just in the morning, can’t KC go to school just in the afternoon? Then they could split the responsibility and still sort of have lives.

    Anya and Owen felt like a repeat of last time we saw Anya and Owen. Stupid argument followed by Anya’s “you can’t tell me what to do, snort snort,” ended with Owen’s “I can’t believe you, I saw a different side of you today, the same different side I saw last time this happened.” Lame. Didn’t she figure out back then that coke makes her a bitch?! And how can she afford it anyway?! I liked everything before that though, especially the airplane question.. “or a bird..?”



    1. That honestly blew my mind. So if the Now or Never finale is overhyped, I will be even more disappointed.



    2. Even if she is shot, she will survive.

      Count Chocula pushing her aside and getting wounded could be interesting though



  42. Overall i think this was a good episode. I was hoping people would stop saying Eli needs help and get him some already. If you gonna worry about him atleast do something. Was it just me or when Clare and Jake were leaving the Dot, it look like Jake wanted to help Eli?






      1. Really? I didn’t see. I hope don’t think I’m copying what you said. But wouldn’t it be wicked if Jake sorta becomes friends with Eli?


      2. You didn’t copy me; I’m not surprised someone else has the same idea.

        And YES, that would be awesome! Except for where Clare would fit in….

        ^^^^^^^ POSSIBLE STORYLINE!


    2. THIS COMMENT. just shut up and stop telling him he needs to help and tell his dad already. and now that imogen knows, that’s 4 people who know who is off his meds and not telling anyone: jake, clare, imogen, adam. does anyone not understand how serious of a matter this is?



      1. AGREED.


  43. @ Troy V Clare would probably make Jake stop being friends with Eli cause she just can’t “handle” it. If this is a storyline, that episode would by far be my favorite. :)



    1. Hell yeah! Clare seems to not be able to handle anything.



      1. Ikr! This whole season so far Clare has been getting on my nerves. Now I’m totally shipping Eli and Jake becoming friends!


  44. Ty is so cute!!! KC wanting Jenna back seemed a bit odd to me. Something felt off with thos plot…. I just can’t put my finger on it. Maybe its just me.

    I thought that Owen wanted to be a lifeguard? Then again people can change their dream. Anya. I kinda have a clue as of where her plot may go. Due to the fact that she was admiring the Canadain Air force.

    Poor Imogen T.T



    1. I think he just wanted to be a lifeguard because he thought it would be a good summer job.



  45. I really didnt to much care for this episode

    Im not going to go to much into kenna cuz I kno its a lot of fuck responbilties type on here jk jk but I loved how kc reacted like a real father suppose to I mean everyone fucks up once how you think people learn they lesson but how jenna was trying put a bow on em and ship him out the door with them was beyond me.. I think they should give him up. all a child need is love but when your own mama dont want you then its major problem

    N why he was trying to get back with her. he should have giving her that drew to bianca line..”bitch u ruined my life I was fine before I met you” r watever he said lol

    I hope sean is anya recruiter I would love to see a old face :) anya has a bigger personailty when shes on coke but she needs to stop its breaking her face out …i love bianca dat hood rat always know what to say and how to say it :)



  46. This plot had the potential to suck, but it didn’t because it focused more on Eli than on Clare. I absolutely loved it!!!! That and the fact that we got to see Riley again before Take A Bow.



  47. No care whatsoever for empty headed Anya to now wanting to portray G.I. Jane

    Overdose is the way to go



  48. I’m just really, really pissed off and frustrated with Eli at this point. And he’s one of my current favorites on Degrassi too. It’s not so much Eli’s erratic behavior and actions that upset me because I know that he really has no control over himself (his mental issues have never been more real than they were tonight) and that he genuinely believes what he’s doing is acceptable. It’s the fact that he is finding every which way to avoid and run away from dealing with his problems head on. Eli’s trapping himself in a perpetual cycle of self destruction, and it’s extremely difficult for me to watch (especially on a personal level). I think what’s the most heartbreaking about watching Eli unravel is seeing how this affects his family. I hope by the end of Now or Never we finally get a diagnosis.

    Sigh, K.C., you’re a little too late with making any real effort at this point. I can tell he really does love Ty and that he cares about Jenna, but I’m convinced that he mostly doesn’t want to give either of them up so he ultimately doesn’t feel like the failure his father was. He should just face the facts that he doesn’t really want to be a dad or Jenna’s boyfriend anymore. I really liked the K.C./Dave interaction tonight; it’s amazing how much Dave has grown. Oh, and I’m glad they covered where Jenna’s temporarily living, that was a nice touch.

    I understand Anya’s “crisis of identity,” but she’s extremely lucky that she has the type of support system her parents provide. It’s truly a shame that she doesn’t recognize that. I feel like she’s spent so much time trying to make other people happy that she doesn’t know how to make herself happy.



  49. I didn’t come into this episode with high expectations because as everyone said, this Ecakogen plot is boring pretty much everyone. But I was impressed by it, the way that Eli’s mental state is getting worse, the scene at the Dot – I loved it. The Anya plot was a bit too short this episode for me to care, but so far, I don’t know what about it, it just doesn’t feel the same to me how Paper Planes felt. The Kenna/Tyson plot… It makes me sad. I really don’t want them to give Tyson up for adoption.. I actually felt bad for KC in this episode and I hope that he can successfully stop Jenna from giving up the baby. Lose Yourself definitely made me sad, and them giving up the baby is even more.. Oh well..



    1. I feel like they are trying to wrap up Anya’s plot in a neat little bow. She got her Bianciphany last night and I’m sure she’ll be on the straight and narrow by the conclusion of tonight’s episode. While it was certainly better than a lot plots that wrap up in one or 2 single episodes, I still think they could have milked this out longer, perhaps right up until the very end.

      Speaking of milking out longer, can we get back to Sav and Miss Oh? There are only 8 more episodes after tonight and there’s a lot that has to happen between now and promuation.



  50. I have a feeling that all Eli does is burn the papers..GASP.
    I’m really only into these stories for the good characters, the ones that are playing on the sidelines: Fiona, Bianca, Riley, even Dave.



  51. Out of all the people I feel bad for is Tyson



  52. Love the song this episode was named after!



  53. what is the song at the end of part 1?



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