Friday 10/22/10, 9pm EST on MuchMusic and TeenNick
Holly J. struggles with her feelings for Declan as well as what occurred at his party.

I will be out of town on Friday night, so use this post as the discussion thread for the episode until I get the review up on Saturday.  And just like during The Boiling Point, on top of the review for Part 1 and 2 I’ll do a separate storyline recap for the episode as a whole.

Posted by Kary


  1. Eli meets clare’s parents…dun dun dun



    1. lol rite!



    2. hahaha!!! (:



  2. Once again, Chantay rocks in the facial expressions department.



  3. Once again, Chantay totally rocks in the facial expressions department.



    1. Sorry guys, I’m not sure why this double posted.



  4. goth clare time? im excited but i dont think it will last long, she’ll go goth for eli then he’ll like dump her or something and at the very end she’ll have an “I should be myself moment” blah blah blahhhh!

    p.s I.MISS.ALI.



    1. are you retarded? he’s not going to dump her..



    2. are you retarded? It already showed her as back to normal next week…



    3. p.s. it’s not punk, it’s goth

      p.p.s. i’m glad ali’s gone



      1. p.p.p.s. i meant it’s not goth, it’s punk


  5. p.p.s why isnt emma on the degrassi cast list? she should be right next to ellie, ellie’s there, where’s emma?



    1. The cast list is for links to people’s twitter accounts…Emma’s not on there because she doesn’t have one.



  6. my school dance is tonight so ill have to watch “LL” at 10. cant wait!!!!



    1. Have fun at the dance! :D
      I’ll be at my school’s last football game. I’ll have to watch it Saturday. :x



  7. Is it just me, or does it look like Holly J and Declan have been crying in the first picture? Not that that’s surprising or anything, given their plot.

    I’m thinking Snake’s facial expression might have something to do with the bitch fight that might possibly be going down in this episode between Sav and Declan, because that’s all either of them will be able to handle. XD They’ll be slapping each other and pulling each other’s hair, and Snake’s just gonna come out all like “WTF?”

    Am I the only one who thinks that it might not be Clare’s dad’s fault that her parents are probably considering divorce? I mean, Clare’s mom was kind of unnecessarily mean to him in the last episode…For some reason, I’ve seen a lot of fan speculation that it’s the dad’s fault and that he’s been cheating, although I don’t know where people are getting that from. IMO it doesn’t seem like it’s him.

    Eli’s making the crazy face again. That never ends well.

    Oh Chantay. You and your expressions.

    Poor Declan.



    1. simpson is making that face cause chantay covered his car in the Degrassi sux post its, its in the much music promo.

      & clares mom wasnt always like that. remember in the boiling point she was trying to keep him interested when they we supposed to go to a fundraiser she got really dressed up & was being nice & he blew her off cause “something came up at work” typical cheater excuse. ud be mad too if u put effort into trying to fix your marriage with out your partner reciprocating



      1. Oh, I know that the scene where Chantay covered his car with sticky notes came right before/after? that scene of Simpson’s face. I know it’s probably that, but no one knows for sure. I mean, Degrassi is famous for mixing random scenes together in promos that have nothing to do with each other to trick us.

        I was mostly kidding about the Sav/Declan reason anyway. XD

        Also, I do remember the episode with Clare’s mom and the fundraiser. Just becasue she got really dressed up doesn’t mean anything though. If he had to be somewhere, then he had to be somewhere. Why are people automatically assuming he’s a cheater? I know it’s a typical “cheater excuse”, but he could be telling the truth. To me, it seemed as though that scene was there to simply point out how ridiculous it was that they fight over pretty much anything.

        Remember when it looked like Anya’s mom was cheating, but it really turned out to be something else? I feel like people might be doing what Leia did and are reading to much into something. In any case, she really was rude to him. Yeah, he could have showed up on time, but she didn’t need to be a jerk about it. He said he was sorry.

        And who says he’s not reciprocating? Mrs. Edwards? It doesn’t mean he’s not, or that he’s making no attempts. Maybe he has no idea what he’s doing wrong. It’s not like Mrs. Edward’s is telling him. She said herself that she’s too afraid to ask why he seems so distant. Which is understandable, because maybe she’s afraid he’ll say he is cheating, or that he is not in love with her anymore. But it could also be because it’s something she did. We have no idea.

        I mean, it could be both of their faults. It takes two to argue, after all.

        Why does everyone always want to blame it on the guy? I’m tired of watching it always be the guy who cheats. It gets old really fast.


  8. why do i feel like eli always has that creepy/smiley/maniacal expression whenver he’s in a promo pic?



  9. on the much music promo declan says “she thinks i raped her??” ahh this is going to be a good episode :) and i think clare and eli might “take a break” because she goes goth.. but the summary on my tv for the week after this is hat eli’s family makes clare an interesting offer, so i assume they get back together :) i think snake’s face is pissed b/c chantay put post its all over his car too!



    1. i dont think eli wud be the type to dump some1 just cause their going thru an identity crises.



  10. I hope the dinner goes well. cuz it looks like Eli isn’t too happy in the 6th picture.



    1. i know right he looks super pissed at clare



      1. I think she might use him a little bit to piss of her parents.


      2. *off. haha. oops.


  11. AHH! I am so excited for tonight! I can’t watch it until ten because I have a school dance :\



  12. Sooooooo excited!!



  13. I’m excited, I can’t wait to see how the Declan/Holly J storyline works out. I think Chantay’s plot is dumb, it only serves to take time away from the actual interesting plots. Maybe the plot will get better? IDK, here’s hoping! :)



  14. Degrassiobsessed October 22, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Declan is like WHAT HAVE I DONE!!???!!!??? Haha and chantay is like grrr Simpson is like WTF has she done and Eli is like god that’s messed up….holly j is almost in tears. Anyway….
    I tHink it will be good. It is so far anyway…looove this season!



  15. Simpson is weak, how is he going to let a girl who can’t graduate high school push him around



  16. ELI’S DAD IS A SHOCK JOCK which is an offensive like radio host that talks about sexual stuff or offensive stuff like howard stern. HOLY SHIT!! i bet any money eli’s parents tell clare she should have sex hence why she tells eli she wants to sleep over. they gave her a “strange offer” which is what the title says and i like how eli thought long term with clare that means hes holding on to her, so cute.



  17. “The school is trying to take away my personality and I need to express myself and blah blah blah!”

    …Just put on the dumb shirt, Eli.



    1. XD It’s really not that big of a deal. He did put it on in the end though. I think by having Eli not wear the shirt, they’re trying to remind the audience that the rules are supposed to be a big deal, because aside from Chantay, who got her way pretty quickly, and maybe a couple of random announcements on the intercom in the middle of a hallway scene, I tend to forget the rules are even in place. It’s not working for me. It still feels like the same old Degrassi to me, just with uglier fashion sense.



    2. I went to a school that had a uniform very similar to Degrassi’s, and always had to roll my eyes at kids like Eli who would put up a fuss about wanting to “express themselves” and being oppressed by the big bad administration. It’s a freaking polo shirt and khakis. Choose your battles, kids. You’re going to spend your entire working life following some sort of dress code, you might as well get a head start.



  18. Nice episode but its like they keep on putting couples in the spotlight, Season 9 was Declan and Holly J, then the boiling point felt evenly shared out between couples but now it seems like a Eclare fest. I’m hoping we can get some Riley, Zane, Bianca, KC, Drew, Adam, Anya, and Wesley stories(like separate not relationship-y episodes)

    I hope though Degrassi doesn’t become relationship heavy and forget the REAL issues that people can relate to.
    Like even though tonight had rape and divorce as topics, it felt those were the smaller plot ideas compared to how much of the relationship factors were involved.



    1. Really? I thought the relationships were taking the backseat to the real issues, like the rape and the divorce. And rightfully so, of course. But I think they did a good job of keeping the focus on the bigger issues in the episode. Might just be me though.



  19. omg!!!! this episode was sooo GREAT! straight to ECLARE, i feel sooo bad for ELI. Clare made him look so bad infront of her parents! that was low! he wanted to impress her parents because he really oves her, and she ruined that! on the other hand i feel bad for Clare becuase shes obviously having a melt down about the divorce =/ next weeks episode looks sooooo great!!! i love eli’s expression when clare says, “i want to spend the night with you.” idk if they really will “get it on,” i guess we’ll have to wait and see.



  20. ehh it was an o.k. episode. i wasnt intrigued much by the declan/holly j storyline in part 2 but i liked the eclare plot! oh and chantay makes me lol haha



  21. ^this is random but even though the boiling points long over, this promo is so epic, it still makes my heart pound to this day.



  22. Wow. I wasn’t expecting the Chantay plot to actually go anywhere, but I guess those sticky notes really payed off. Snake sure did give in easy. I mean, Chantay had a good argument, but in real life, a principle would never give in like that. At least, not any that I’ve ever had. I’m kind of disappointed that that was all it took. I mean, they made a big deal in the promos about the new rules, but so far the only regulars who really care are Chantay and Anya (kind of).

    The Dolly J thing was confusing. It was like they were saying it was rape, but that it wasn’t rape. So, I guess the point was that Holly J just regretted it because she felt bad about the whole Sav thing, but that she really did want to at the time, even though her conscience was confused? But she still said she felt pressured…

    And when did Clare find out about Eli’s dad’s job? I mean, it was obviously off screen, but I wonder if next episode won’t be the first time she’s met them.
    It was pretty lousy of her to do that to Eli, but I felt pretty bad for her. I’m so happy she took off that ugly outfit though. That look wasn’t working for her at all.

    The ending to this episode was pretty damn depressing. And that music they played at the end when Holly J said goodbye to Declan was a good choice. But they’ve been making good music selections so far this season, so I’m not surprised.

    Good news is Adam/Fiona next week.



    1. Me+Clare=ByeByeEli October 22, 2010 at 10:41 pm

      Strangely, I’m shuttering at the thought of Fidam/Adiona/However you would say it, but then again, I’m interested it seeing how it goes. Tonight’s episode was way better than last week’s. The whole Dolly J/EClare story kept me so interested, and although it was a relationship episode, it provided enough realism in the struggles that they faced (rape/divorce). Chantay’s story was so bogus. I think that Simpson should’ve kept denying the right to the Power Squad and other clubs and then have a protest like in Season 8’s “Causing a Commotion”. Simpson is a weak principal, but I’ll still remember him as my favorite MI teacher!



      1. I think most people call it Fadam.

        I really like the idea of Fadam, obviously, but I definitely prefer it over her with Drew. I really hope she doesn’t choose Drew. She was just in an abusive relationship. I mean, who would she choose? The player jock who got dumped by his girlfriend a week ago and is already on to the next one, or the sweet tranny kid? She doesn’t need anymore boy drama.

        I really don’t understand the argument some people are making that she wouldn’t choose Adam because he’s a transgender. I mean, if she was anyone else? Sure. But seeing that Fiona has no problem with kissing her brother, which is inappropriate IMO, I don’t see why she’d have a problem with dating Adam, which I think is perfectly fine. I mean, sure there might be complications, but I don’t think it will bother her too much. I’ll probably be wrong though.

        I always think the part 2s are better than the part 1s.

        Yeah, the rules aren’t as much of a big deal as they’re supposed to be. Poor Snake though. He needs to work on his principling skillz.


  23. Why would clare do that to Eli? I mean I know that she was getting back at her parents but obviously Eli cares about what clares parents think of him…I think Eli will forgive her though



  24. I hated how it seemed like Chantay’s plot was longer than Clare’s….Sad ending =[



  25. i thought the dolly j plot was FANTASTIC; the angle they took about rape was really interesting and i liked how the main factor in the episode is holly j’s confusion, which in turn confuses everyone else, until she decides how she feels and tells declan (that she doesnt think it was rape, i mean). unfortunately, i thought the clare plot sucked. i loved part 1, but part 2 just felt rushed and i would have liked to see more of clare’s motivations before she just randomly blurted them out to eli. and i wish the goth-y look scene had been a bigger deal. like, i would have loved to have a montage-y scene of clare cutting up her old uniform with a determined/angry expression, or something. anyway, all in all, that plot just felt rushed.
    and chantay . . . it was better than i expected. i totally loved the sticky notes on the car idea, and even though snake, being principal, probably shouldnt have given in so easily, it still feel like something he as a character/person would do. so, they finally found a plot that worked for chantay.

    there. my opinions are out there, so when kary posts a review i can be self-reflective and know whether or not his opinions changed mine :)



  26. This episode was cute. Nothing more,nothing less. But these depressing songs they play always get me,i i swear lol. I can be in the best mood,hear one of those songs and lose it lmao



  27. I hated Clare in this episode, just sayin’.



    1. i no i wud have been SO uncomfortable if i was in elis position at clares house…. O.o



  28. does anyone have the episode descriptions for the rest of season 10?



  29. I’m diggin’ this episode. And the Chantay plot totally made a 180 from part 1, which is great. Chantay still seemed a little manic and whiny in the beginning, but she made a great point as her plot went on. Snake seemed to buckle easily after the car incident, but it seems in character for him. After all, he’s doing this all out of concern for the students. He’s always been an advocate for the students. (Just remember the scene between him and Raditch in “Take on Me,” for example.) I really hope this is only the beginning of the protests against the new rules. I’m not holding my breath, of course — the Degrassi vs. Lakehurst plots showed us how the writers can squander storylines that could’ve been epic. But hey, that was then and this is season 10, where anything is possible.

    In other news, Clare at the end was tragic. Her behavior at the beginning was bewildering to say the least, but in the end, when she started breaking down to both Eli and her parents, you could just see the fear in her face. Aislinn Paul is really growing as an actress.



    1. I think Aislinn’s a great actress. My problem with her though, is that in the new promo, for Umbrella Part 1, it doesn’t look like she’s very good at…stage crying? Is that the phrase? I don’t want to say fake crying or pretend crying…I think there’s a word for it when it’s on screen but I can’t think of it. Stage crying is for the actual stage though, right? I’m rambling now.

      Anyway, I think she has some room for improvement there, but other than that I can’t really complain. It’s not even like I’ve actually seen the episode yet, so I still shouldn’t really judge anyway. But from what I saw in the promo, that’s what I thought.

      They could really go someplace cool with the whole “new rules” thing. I really hope they don’t drop the ball on this.



      1. @KW, I agree with you, in the new promo when clare is crying and says: “I’m losing everyone I love” …it just looked akward to me. That’s how I felt in “don’t let me get me.” when alli and clare were both crying and saying goodbye ,Melinda did such an amazing job, she really knows how to cry on the spot. But then with Aislinn, it was like she was TRYING to cry…

        I always thought Aislinn was a brillant actress. But Clare has never been an emotional character until recently, so maybe this a new challenge for Aislinn. I think she will improve though.


  30. The only thing that bothers me is why bring clares parents getting so much screen time. Lol I’ve been a fan since the beginning and just having Darcy randomly go to Kenya pissed me off. So seeing clares family fall apart I only hope to see Darcy come back, or at least a mention. You can’t just have arguing parents there knowning a previous cast member who was major not even mentioned lol sorry for ranmbling but all in all I saw the Clare story would be superb if they at least mention how this divorce will affect Clare since she’s basically dealing with it Aline. I’ve had a few drinks so excuse me night night and I kinda liked the chantay plot.



    1. I agree about Darcy. I was waiting for some line saying “We’ve already told Darcy” or “We are telling Darcy tonight”.
      Or maybe we’ll get to see Clare on the phone with her.
      Even if we can’t get Shenae back, at least update and say Darcy is going to school somewhere now.



      1. I completely agree. they could show her talking 2 Darcy on the phone & Darcy says she’s staying in Kenya. & then claire will say “she’s losing everyone…. “


  31. Sweet merciful crap



  32. Chantay’s first real story on her own. And for once she doesn’t annoy me.
    She is getting a bit of a story but not over doing it.

    While Chantay is an easily forgettable “major” character, I must say she could be considered the most memorable extra haha



  33. Not sure how I feel about Adam/Fiona. I really like both their characters and I do want Adam to have a relationship, I can’t really see them together. I’ll probably end up changing my mind, though.



  34. Degrassiobsessed October 23, 2010 at 9:11 am

    I agree about the darcey thing she was a fantastic cast memeber and she did have one of he best storylines in degrassi. I mean who grew tired if her and peter drama? Not me. On another note Eli was very patient and good in this episode. He is trying to cope with clares mixed up behaviors and emotions but he starting to realize she used him to get her parents upset. I love how supportive he is in the next episode when Clare is crying but I’m starting to have some relationship overload with them. Maybe net week will change my mind. Who thinks hey will have sex? Not me I’m pretty sure eli wil call that off he acually cares about her. Dergrassi is famous for confusing it’s viewers with the promos and Clare is to good for then to just randomly change like that. It’s going to fast and I don’t want her entire character to shift. But I’m interested in what happens and hope for the best. Chantays plot filled in the gaps and completed the episode it had jut enough interest that I watched. Anyas face in the dot was So adorable haha



  35. Degrassiobsessed October 23, 2010 at 9:14 am

    Btw does anyone see Darcy/Peter in Clare/Eli??? Bad Boy type mixed with the good girl who is going through a tough time and wants to have sex even though it’s against her values? Hahaha I see that and I like it. Shows Darcy and clares similarities.



    1. Except Eli and Peter are totally different. Peter wasn’t really a ‘bad boy’ and Eli isn’t so much of a bad boy type when it comes to Clare. He will stop her. Also Darcy was going through hard times dealing with being raped, and Clare is going through parent troubles…totally different situations that will defintely turn out with different results.



  36. Omqee dat ep was awesome
    Chantay really was ok in dis ep I mean I wish she would jhuss qraduate alredy buht hey I quess she loves her skewl.
    Anywayss Clare’s plot was FANTaSTIC I mean I wanted to cry for her when her parents said they was qettinqq ah divorce.Holly J and Declan I am so happely it didn’t turn out to be a rape situation but anywayss overall ep was great and I can’t wait for the next ep.



  37. I don’t think Eli is a bad boy at all, he just appears that way but to be honest all I see is a very deep and caring person, especially with those he loves.

    Now when it comes to bullying and wearing the uniform, I guess we can just call him very stubborn.. lol

    Now Peter was just an a–.
    He was conniving, deceiving etcetc
    I see none of those qualities in Eli.



    1. You don’t see Eli as conniving and deceiving at all? I mean, maybe not all the time, but there are definite moments where he shows that kind of behavior, with varying levels of severity. You said yourself that he’s different when it comes to bullies.

      I mean, he tricked Fitz with the fake ID and he tricked Clare with the swapping of his and Fitz’s drink. The kid is a little bit of a deceiving conniver, I’ve got to say. XD

      Not to mention the fact that he has his own fake ID, no one knows where the hell he got that Ipecac from, and he helped Sav steal his dad’s car. Of course, Adam and Sav were in on that too, but still.



  38. I loved the Holly J/Declan scenes. They are really good actors. It’s unfortunate the way the writers are taking them though. I want them to end up together so badly! They were the cutest couple ever and they looked really good together. I know she’s had issues with him trying to control her and him having a lot of money, but relationships are hard work, so I hope she tries to work it out. I really hope before they leave the show (ie. go to college, unless they do the Manny, Emma thing and show them in college) that they get back together, esp. since they’re at Yale. I’ve never really liked Sav, so it’s so weird Holly J and him are together. I’d much rather see him with Anya! PLUS, if Sav can’t date Anya, then why is he dating Holly J? I know they’re only supposed to be dating until the end of the school year, but yeah, right, they’ll develop more feelings and want to stay together. Sav just seems like a lost cause in the dating department! I really hope Holly J and Declan get back together, we need more Landon screen time!



  39. ….i was kinda waiting for mr.simpson to expel chantay in this ep



  40. so I guess since Holly J is going to Yale we most likely wont see her next season….



  41. JESSICA TYLER TWEETED ME!!!!!!!………..that is all XD



  42. I just wanted to say,
    JESSICA TYLER TWEETED ME!!!!!!!………..that is all XD



  43. The whole Declan/Holly J thing depresses me a bit. I do think the episode was very well put together, but I’m really sick of aimlessly waiting for Landon to appear again on the show. He’s pretty much half the reason I watch this in the first place, and it seems like they keep making excuses to keep him away from Degrassi. It’s starting to get really irritating.

    Anyway, this Eli/Clare thing that everyone’s so stuck on. I’m finding it really hard to get into’s just not really appealing to me at all. And I feel like I’m missing out on a key component of the Degrassi experience because of this, so I sort of feel bad about that. I guess by the looks of it, though, I’m gonna have to try harder. Seems like this is going to be a pretty main focus of the remainder of the season.

    Oh, and whoever said the thing about the amazing music this season was literally right on. It’s getting really good. Maybe I’ll keep watching for that much.



    1. I also could not care less about Eli and Claire. I felt momentarily bad for Eli during the dinner scene, you could tell he was humiliated, but other than that, they don’t appeal to me as a couple or as separate characters. It doesn’t help that Aislinn’s acting is very uneven — she’s great as snarky Claire being a jerk to her parents, but as emotional Claire she’s over-the-top and just comes off as cheesy. I guess I never noticed it before because she’s never had any heavy storylines, but it’s really starting to show.

      I’m also tired of them shipping Declan off for several episodes at a time. I’d almost rather see his character leave the show entirely than to keep having him come back and disappear again.



      1. I definitely agree with you. I’m thinking he won’t be on again for a good while. I’m personally rooting for the season finale having something to do with Holly J realizing that she wants Declan in her life, but all signs so far point to me being wrong. I can’t see him being involved otherwise; it seems like his character is so dependent on Holly J that it would be difficult to include him without it having something to do with that issue. And since they pretty much closed that door (come to think of it, I think they did that literally..), it certainly seems like a lost cause. :(


  44. Okay so I recently saw the much music promo for umbrella part 1 and if u pause the video about half way through there’s a scene with these people who I’m guessing are eli’s parents!They are sitting on this bench laughing or something,which makes me wonder what the interesting offer could be?I can see where he gets his sense of style from and his dad definantly looks like a shock jock,no offense to eli or anything but just something I noticed!



    1. Yeah, Eli’s parents look interesting to say the least. XD
      Here’s the link to the promo:



      1. how does eli have like black hair if the mom has blonde and the dad has like light brown??? did he dye it?? i guess its just 1 of those things where ur never gonna found out and u think what u want 2


    2. not trying to sound stupid lol but what is a shock jock???



    3. not to sound stupid lol but what is a shock jock???



  45. Degrassiobsessed October 23, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Really you don’t see Eli as a ceneving sneaky guy? How he got the bully arrested and he wouldn’t stop going after him. T the dry begonnig of the episode they brought Peter into he was giving manny the charming hot eyes and the same with Eli to clare. Except Eli wouldn’t use Clare. I didn’t say eli and Peter were exactly alike or their situations I said Clare and Darcy seem to be goig down the sane paths. Bad things happening and both using a boy to escape these issues. Let’s just hope Clare doesn’t move to Kenya ;)



  46. I really wanna know what Eli’s parents offer Clare!



    1. My guess is that they offer to buy Clare’s house.



      1. i guess that wud be a strange offer now wouldnt it lol but idk i think the offer is going to be slightly stranger then that even haha


  47. […] Degrassi Promo Pics: Love Lockdown, Part 2 Friday 10/22/10, 9pm EST on MuchMusic and TeenNick Holly J. struggles with her feelings for Declan as well as what […] […]



  48. Degrassiobsessed October 23, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    I wonder is eli’s parents have so ething to do with Clare spending the night with him? Hmm just a suggestion considering his dads job. Or they offer to buy her house since she said “your selling he house?” it could be anythig this IS degrassi but who knows?

    Who loves how dint before holly j closed the door she took a last look at him and he was all smilig and sexy and leaning against the wall and she looked like she regretted leaving. Believe me soon Declan will be forced to move on and she will feel bad because sav is gone and her true love gave her a huge chanc many times and she waste it. The girl is crazy becaus ei believe they were really in love but then again Henie a little to controllive and sneaky whereas sav is just an alltogether gooood guy. He is nice and not so complicated and just very down to earth. It’s hard to say what she is feeling because she is an emotional character who doesn’t just break down crying and explaning her feelings. She just gies us bits and pieces to. Digest and we have to figure the rest out sooner or later. I like that it makes her different then the other girls…. Stronger and more independant.



  49. dont no if someone already posted this so srry i dont mean to post again if ppl did but if u didnt see the minis heres the link: lol someone on wiki said that eli was practicing his mrs. doubtfire impression when hes like well hellllooooo thereeee LMAO i forget who tho but that was great :)



  50. I just want Holly J and Declan back together! Why are the writers shipping Declan off? He’s the main reason why I watch, now I just skip through all the boring parts. Degrassi’s getting so boring now. Please get Holly J and Declan back together! It’s so sad that the writers chose to end their scene/relationship like this. He better come back!



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