youtube link:

All I’m going to say is that I think I made a VERY wise choice by not reading any of the more detailed episode descriptions, not watching any of the All Falls Down promos, and not buying into Stephen Stohn’s remarks about AFD Pt. 2 being “The best half-hour in television history.”

Was it overhyped? HELL. FREAKIN. YES.  And when the Executive Producer of the show says he believes the episode could beat out JT’s death and you don’t feel it lived up to the standard he set with his remarks, then you’re obviously going to be disappointed.

It may have been overhyped, but I still think it was a solid episode.  It’s one of the rare episodes where A LOT of the characters appear, with the overall theme of the episode revolving around the dance.  But there were primarily two standout plots:

PLOT 1:  Drew cheats on Alli.
With the exams being pushed back thanks to Clare’s stink bomb in Purple Pills, Drew’s got a little more time to study for his exam.  The problem is he’s distracted by Bianca, who immediately makes it known she wants Drew…BAD.

Drew receives a sexy text message from her while Alli is sitting right next to him.  Alli wants to kick Bianca’s ass instead of wondering why and how Bianca got Drew’s number in the first place.  Drew tells Bianca to back off, but she tells him to meet her in the boiler room for an “Emma Special” (because the ravine is currently under construction).

Drew meets her at the midway point of All Falls Down, and like a minute later Alli finds out about their encounter…only she thinks Bianca and Drew “just kissed.”  Then another minute later Drew and Alli make up, then a minute after that Alli finds out the truth and storms off.  Out of nowhere Owen shows up and offers Alli money for sexual favors and out of jealousy she agrees, but doesn’t follow through because Drew shows up (and she really didn’t want to hook up with Owen to begin with).

Before Drew and Alli can actually get to meaningful discussion, Drew’s mom ruins everything by busting into the boiler room and blaming everything (even though nothing happened) on Alli.  Drew and Alli’s acting was solid, but I’m lost with the logic of Drew’s character.  They made a big fuss about Drew and Alli as a couple earlier in the season, and we see them acting like this wonderful couple from that point on…but then it takes virtually no time for Drew to throw that all away for literally no reason at all.

And when I said Drew’s mom ruined things, I meant it.  She’s cold toward Alli at the beginning of the episode, then calls her a whore at the end.  This is the second time Drew’s mom has stepped into a storyline of his and hurt the plot instead of helping it.  His mom is a helicopter parent with a condescending, abrasive attitude toward everyone except Drew and Adam…to me her personality is unbearable, and makes me want to put my fist through the screen everytime she speaks.  Without her interference this is still a solid relationship storyline given it’s about a couple that I don’t really care about.

PLOT 2:  Clare tries to get Fitz and Eli to resolve their differences.
With the pressure on Mr. Simpson to find out who’s responsible for the stink bomb, Eli and Clare (aka boyfriend and girlfriend)  tell him it was Fitz.  Fitz is planning revenge, but Clare makes him a deal:  she’ll go to the dance with him if he’ll leave Eli and Adam alone.  Eli’s pissed (at Fitz), and wants Clare to slip ipecac in Fitz’s drink at the dance.

She refuses, so Eli takes matters into his own hands by faking an apology and pulling a switcheroo to get him to drink an ipecac-laced drink anyway.  That leads to a final confrontation between Eli and Fitz…with Fitz wielding a knife.  Clare saw Fitz with the knife earlier and told Adam to tell Mr. Simpson, leading to the school being put on lockdown. 

Fitz appears to stab Eli, but jabbed the knife into the wall instead and he’s caught by police.  Clare and Eli confess to the stink bomb situation and lying about it, leaving Mr. Simpson furious.  That plus Sav and Holly J are randomly caught almost having sex in an empty room and Mr. Simpson promises drastic changes once they return from break (because after Drew’s hazing, the stink bomb and now this, Simpson’s neck is on the line).

I enjoyed this storyline because it made me love Clare (even more), realize Fitz isn’t all *that* bad, and become severely annoyed with Eli.  Clare is wonderful for trying to settle things between Eli and Fitz; meanwhile I kept yelling at my screen “JUST LET IT GO ALREADY ELI!!”  I get that he had bully issues in the past, but I wish he would’ve realized that Fitz would’ve left him alone had he just let it go at ANY point.  For that reason, I’m now worried about how that sort of mentality will work when or if it’s ever directed at Clare.

Now the knife scene? Just because it didn’t end with Eli dying doesn’t mean it wasn’t interesting. My heart stopped when it look like Fitz stabbed Eli, but Fitz stabbing the wall works.  Fitz was just trying to do Eli what Eli’s been trying to do to him all along: scare him.

I’m also left with a sense of relief as this episode as a whole is a cliffhanger.  I thought The Boiling Point might be a self-contained event, where everything would wrap up at the very end and they’d start with a clean slate in October.  But I really like that it’s a setup for the second half of Season 10.

Posted by Kary


  1. Agreed Very Solid episode. No one needs to get hurt for a episode to be Intense.



    1. Still, it would have been nice if someone punched Mrs. Torres in the throat.



      1. Don’t worry. We have a whole second half of the season for that to happen! ;]


      2. I SO agree with kari. Every time Ms Torres is in any scene, I just want to slap her. So glad she isn’t my mother.


    2. I more than agree with you. I felt it was wayyy more than just a “solid” episode. I felt that there could have been more added but it was possibly the best this season. I think the big moment when it’s revealed to us that Fitz didnt actually stab Eli when we thought that he had, was a lot better than the scene where JT is stabbed. It was actually chilling to watch Eli slide down the wall only to figure out the Fitz hadnt actually stabbed him at all. And the music!!! It added sooo much to the scene. I felt it was very well done and degrassi finally “went there” for me…FINALLY. It was actually up there with the past seasons….

      But yeah, I kinda wanted to punch Mrs. Torres in the face too :)

      Can’t wait ’till the next season!!! LOVE it!!! Cya



  2. It was alright, still think they should have added some tenners action like Wesley winning the TV



  3. So this is my reaction to when Fitz had the knife and was walking towards Eli:

    I cried

    I realized he was still alive

    I smiled

    And started laughing :D



    1. For christs sake i love degrassi as much as the next guy but CRYING when you THINK someone is going to die? Addict fail.



    2. I wish Eli was stabbed as a cliffhanger.

      Just so I can read all the ramblings from obsessive Eli Bieber groupies.



  4. I’ml confused, are Eli and Clare still together?



    1. Yes, they are still together. I just think Clare is being skeptical of the relationship and wants to re-think and analyze the situation but basically at the end of the episode she gave Eli the ultimatum that he would seriously have to clean his act up or she couldn’t be with him abymore



      1. oh! Thank you (:


      2. I agree too, they’ve built up too much to have it just end so quickly like that. And it did seem like a warning more then a break up. I will always have fail in EliXClare! :) October will tell us the truth soon enough!


      3. lol, sorry, in my last comment I meant “faith” not “fail”…XD typos….


    2. We just have to find out ;P



    3. I think when Clare said she couldn’t be with Eli anymore, it was a breakup. But, according to the Season 11 promos, they’ll be back together at some point.



      1. there are season 11 promos, when we’re only halfway through season 10? i doubt it, i think what you meant is the rest of season 10


  5. It was a decent episode it was just over-hyped way too much and the hype overshadowed the solidity episode.



    1. *solid episode*



  6. I just watched the episode for a second time, and the Clare, Eli, and Fitz scene with the knife was very well played out. I loved the dark cinematics of it, the acting was great, and the whole time you just got this eerie vibe. It was like a turning of age for Eli, cause for once he couldn’t have his side and has that moment of realization that Fitz has beaten him. And I know people wanted Eli to die to make things dramatic, but this took it a step further without anyone dying. You saw that moment of Eli, instead of being the smartass trying to get ahead, a moment of vulnerability where at that moment, Fitz could have killed him. To add on, I thought the music for this scene was PERFECT. I don’t think any other song could represent this scene better than the one playing. I thought that was one solid performance and one great scene.



    1. By the way, the acting was great for Aislinn Paul, Munro Chambers, James Campbell, and Melinda Shankar. I really like Alli’s emotional scenes.



    2. my thought exactly. the song was brilliant! I feel like it made th scene thirty times more dramatic and really made an impact. does anyone know what it’s called?



      1. I agree that this song made the whole scene waaay more dramatic :)
        and the song playing during Clare, Eli, and Fitz’s scene is called Hotblack by Oceanship <3


      2. haha yea! I had actually just googled it! but thank you:)


    3. i completely agree. the acting from Munro, James, and Aislinn was astounding. degrassi’s been using really effective music this season, and the song during that scene really set the mood.



    4. I totally agree, the music was the perfect fit and just made it even more intense. I didn’t cry when I thought Eli got stabbed, but I did loose my breath. :) They did a great job with that scene.



  7. It was a great episode. I actually think Drew’s mom has helped the show, but to each his own. I can’t wait for the second half. Anyone who says this episode was only “good” but can’t wait for the second half is a hypocrite. The second half wouldn’t be anything like it is now without the Boiling Point finale.



  8. yes! i think kary did a perfectly accurate review. Eli needed to just let it go Fitz didnt really seem all that bad as he put off. Eli KNEW clare didnt like the idea of the ipecac put into fitz drink yet he did it anyway -_- like cmon dude clare was your gf why didnt you just let it go now they’re relationship is put on pause thanks to his antic and almost got himself KILLED. Im so curious to see how things work out with Eli and CLare in the second half of season 10, something tells me theres going to be ALOT OF DRAMA.



    1. haha if you see clare in the promo she changed her look however it could be a dream . & if theres anything i learned from the overhype its not to take anything at face value



      1. well, I think when they showed her “new look” she was standing near the lockers…but if the school has uniforms idk how that’s gonna work…should be interesting though!


      2. yea they slapped us in the face with that one lol you’re right im still excited but now im not even going to assume anything anymore, cause what we came up with on our own in here was more fascinating than the actual eppisode of AFD. i like it but i think at least one of those things should have happened


      3. I have a feeling it’s from the episode when Clare questions her faith…but I could be wrong, she could be doing it to impress Eli or something.


      4. or eli could have been griving alot from julia and i guess clare tries to be her but idk i think its just to rebel aganist her parent s about


    2. Yeah, it is very accurate. I agree completely.



  9. I agree that this was a solid episode. Of course the producers are going to make you think that it is the best episode ever. It draws viewers. One thing I noticed was that Anya wasn’t in the episode. It would’ve been cool if her and Wes went together. This was the first season I watched every episode on its original air date. Amazing acting from Aislinn Paul and Munro Chambers! The previews look really awesome. It’s really weird too because my school is slowly turning into this. We have to wear IDs and we can’t carry bookbags without them being inspected. So Degrassi is easily relatable.



    1. Its peculiar to me some schools are just starting to be like this. I graduated in 04’in Louisiana. My entire middle and high school career we wore uniforms, id tags, see-through or mesh book bags, and we went through metal dectors in the morning. We also had two cops stationed on campus. The funny thing was we lived in a small town of the outskirts of the city. The whole district had to follow the same code.

      Sorry random information. I just found it intriguing that there are still relaxed high schools out there.



      1. That’s exactly how it is with the school my dad worked in. In fact, a lot of schools in Texas are like that. My mom and I were watching Degrassi the other day, and she was like, “What kind of school is this where these kids can just skip class and read comics in the hallways?! That doesn’t happen in real schools!”

        As far the episode goes, I thought it was pretty good! I sat there in suspense the whole time, so it did its job. I’m choosing not to form any opinions of what’s happening in October though, because if I remember correctly, Holly J had a whole, “I’m not returning to Degrassi!” moment and now who’s in her senior year?


      2. my high school had absolutely none of that. i’m actually really surprised to hear that it’s common.


  10. I was looking at the old thread, and I didn’t state my opinion of the episode.

    I thought this episode was gonna end a lot differently. And bear with me, I totally thought I had everything figured out. Remember when Drew’s mom went outside even though Mr. Simpson told her that she had to be inside for the “lockdown”? Like, the minute she walked out to find Drew, I thought that the “twist” was actually gonna be that Mrs. Torres gets stabbed. Like, with Eli, Clare, and Fitz during the knife scene, and Mrs. Torres is trying to find Drew in the boiler room and walks into them. And Mrs. Torres tries to stop everything, but instead Fitz stabs her. I TOTALLY thought that that was gonna be the real twist.

    I thought for an episode where no one dies, this was pretty good. I thought it was really intense, and other than My Body is a Cage, this episode has the best soundtrack. I already posted my opinion on the Eli, Clare, Fitz situation up there.

    I just feel horrible for Alli. Her first 2 boyfriends have lied to her about hooking up with other girls. Honestly, I would be more than heartbroken if that has ever happened to me. I just can’t imagine how low Alli’s feeling, Alli probably feeling she’s not worth anything. I liked the Owen and Alli interaction and the fact that Owen was putting a price on Alli and trying to make her feel special, but in the end Alli will believe for herself that she’s not worth anything and that’s so sad. I can’t wait for her character next season cause it looks like she’s going back to her old self, and not Ms. Popularity beginning of the Boiling Point self.



    1. I actually would’ve preferred if Fitz stabbed Audra (a.k.a. Mrs. Torres). She’s so ANNOYING!



  11. I’m happy I did exactly what Kary did and held no expectations for this episode. It’s a great way to set up the second half of the season which soo far makes this half seem like playtime Lol



  12. Does anyone know if there was a Fall Promo for Degrassi by Much Music? We all know about Teennick’s potentially overhyped promo, but are there any others?



  13. I actually thought Munro’s acting was sup-par compared to what it could have been.



    1. Sub-par*



    2. i don’t know…I thought it was pretty good. I think he even had some tears in his eyes. And since he’s playing a character I really think that’s how Eli would have handled the situatuion.



    3. DarkamidstLight August 27, 2010 at 5:02 pm

      Munro Chamber’s acting is the reason he’s one of my favorite actors on Degrassi. It is PHENOMENAL IMO. He plays a character who I’m sure is nothing like him, and does it very convincingly. Every episode he’s in my eyes widen significantly because of his acting skills.



  14. I agree with your review 100%. I’m glad you pointed out that Fitzs intention was to make Eli wet his pants with the knife not actually stab him(as evident by his comment after stabbing the wall), which makes perfect sense considering all mindfuck that Eli pulled off on Fitz throughout the season. So I agree with stabbing the wall works. The hallway scene was definitely my favorite part of the episode.



  15. Here is some of the dumbest rumors for this episode,

    Eli dies

    Eli gets stabbed but lives

    Fitz gets stabbed

    Adam clare and eli all get shot

    Clare and eli drive away and get in a car accident and clare goes blind

    DECLAN brings a gun and kills Sav

    Alli gets raped and killed

    Adam brings the knife and tries to kill Eli and Clare

    Fiona gets overly drunk and gets gun and fires it!!!

    Holly J gets pregnant?

    Riley brings a gun

    Zane brings a gun

    Sav gets stabbed

    Holly J stabs Sav

    Adam gets jumped

    Drew gets raped…

    Owen beats Alli



    1. LOL at Drew getting raped and Declan killing Sav. That’s so random. xD



    2. Wow who the hell was the Dumbass who thought drew was gonna get raped?? I lmao at the one that said Adam Eli and Clare all get shot becuz the promo even showed u the lockdown had to do with a knife and the rest were so ridiculous no wonder most ppl were dissapointed with the episode cuz if u go prepared watching it with expectations like that u must have cried to see the result of AFD pt. 2



  16. I guess Fitz’s knife was just for novely purposes only.



    1. Fitz’s knife made hilarity ensue



  17. Not my favorite ending, but it was a good episode, and the end does leave it pretty open to possibilities… NE1 else think so?



  18. i Disagree with you kary, in my opinion both plots deserved a F



    1. Based on what?



      1. The episoddes sucked


      2. and that’s the perfect example why kids should stay in school


      3. The episode was weak, nothing happened. EVERYTHING was adverted thus leaving all dramatic tension useless.

        There wasn’t any real character development other than Fitz, which seems useless as he probably isn’t coming back.

        And I don’t know why you gave that plot a high mark, it should have been obvious that Eli wasn’t going to die, he’s the most popular character on the show, the producers aren’t that stupid. And if you hype up an episode with a knife, something better happen. It was a pointless plot that did nothing but piss off most of the fanbase.


      4. It got high marks because it kept me interested. And that’s probably because I didn’t bother reading every single piece of info about the episode beforehand, and I didn’t buy into the blatantly overhyped comments. I didn’t even know about the knife until I saw it while actually watching the episode.

        I’m not sure what the “Eli dying” rumor has to do with anything. Him dying was debunked weeks ago when people were posting pictures of Munro filming scenes for the second half of season 10.


    2. They deserve an F because you listened to the overhyped promos and theories. Sure, a lot of people are disappointed, but that’s only their fault for letting themselves be reeled in by the hype. The episode was solid.



      1. Agreed…I knew when people were on here giving their “20 page long predictions” they were setting themselves up for failure! I liked it, and obviously Kary did too,

        Get over it.

        now people have something else to cry about with degrassi first it was Emma And Spinner getting married, now the mid season finale, some folks will never be pleased.


      2. i knew the episode was being oversold and i still was disappointed. the ep was a C at best


  19. Okay so, I watched the episode again, and it was much better the second time. My initial reaction immediately after watching it last night was utter disappointment. I guess having to compare it to TSS & the end of RTT the entire time, due to Stephen Stohn & Stefan brogren’s comments, is what made it seem lame in the end. But in hindsight, it was a pretty solid episode & fantastic setup for the second half. I’m not gonna get too excited though, but Degrassi is sure gonna look different.



  20. if you didnt watch the promos the show wasnt bad at all.



  21. I feel like chocking stephen stohn lol, btw why is degrassi so childish sometimes ooh and im really looking forward to jenna’s birth!



  22. wheres Holly J and Savs plot review?



    1. it wasnt really a plot..



      1. and yet it was the best part of the ep hmmmm


  23. For anyone in this discussion who wants to see the October promo without going on youtube or looking it up in the last one.



    1. Can anyone figure out who is saying what?

      Alli: My life is so over.

      Clare: I don’t know who I am.

      ?: I can’t believe this!

      ?: I’m just looking up for you.

      ?: I screwed up big time.

      Crying Alli or Adam: I’m leaving Degrassi.



      1. It sounds like Alli saying most of it especially the “My life is over” “I screwed up big time” and I know she says “i’m leaving degrassi” I’m sooo sick of hearing people say “it’s definitely Leia who says that” first of all she doesn’t even sound like that! and second she’s NEVER coming back (:


      2. I can’t believe this sounds like Drew IMO.

        I’m just looking out for you sounds like Declan.

        I screwed up big time sounds like Alli.


      3. “I’m just looking *out for you.” I think it was Eli saying that to Clare, but I could be wrong..


      4. Someone also says “Im so fucking Ugly!” when dave is holding the taser


      5. It’s definitely alli who says ” I’m leaving degrassi” she has to for some time to film her new show. it better not be Adam, I’d die


      6. Eli’s saying “I can’t believe this!” and “I’m just looking out for you!”. Adam’s leaving Degrassi, probably because of the new dresscode. Think about it, he can’t wear all the baggy jackets and such with the uniforms, which could create a problem for him.


      7. This is what I think…

        Clare: I don’t know who I am.
        KC: I can’t believe this.
        Eli: I’m just looking up/out for you.
        Alli: She screwed up big time.
        Adam: I’m leaving Degrassi.


    2. The clip of Eli in the fall promo looked quite sinister. He was dropping what appeared to be sheet music as he covered his mouth in terror. Something’s definitely not right there and I can’t wait to find out what it is…



      1. Did anybody else notice the blood on his hand when he was dropping the papers?


      2. Probably a paper cut.


      3. I’m pretty sure it was a ring, not blood.


      4. It was either his ring or his red nail polish.


    3. okay, I saw Clare with straight hair talking to Eli, Eli dropping music sheets?, Declan? and Holly J looking scared, Dave with some sort of fake gun, Clare walking away from Eli and crying, and I think Clare leaving the school.



    4. I got a really weird vibe from Dave. He was clearly out of character in that video. So far, we’ve only known Dave as a jokester and a clown. What if he takes a turn for the dark side? Maybe he joins a gang or something. That would be a very interesting and unexpected plotline for his character.



      1. That would actually work because Jahmil is actually a really great actor! I saw him on an episode of “Flashpoint” and his part was so intense I was like “woahh!” but here he is the resident jokester, I wonder how this is going to play out.


  24. “They made a big fuss about Drew and Alli as a couple earlier in the season, and we see them acting like this wonderful couple from that point on…but then it takes virtually no time for Drew to throw that all away for literally no reason at all.”

    Ummm…first off, he’s a teenage boy. That doesn’t justify his actions, but a lot of teenage boys would do the same.

    Second off, when people cheat, it’s usually not a reasoned, logical decision. It’s people acting on an impulse and they very often regret it later.



  25. Fitz: SHUT UP, BITCH! lolol. And did anyone notice that K.C. and Jenna signed up for King and Queen? Like, what the fuck? It wasn’t even open to sign up when they were together. I can’t wait til the fall. Degrassi just got “classy” haha. When Loves Takes Over has something to do with Fiona, and Jesus, Etc. is definitely Clare. Both were confirmed on Twitter.



    1. Lol! I’m sorry but I thought that was so funny wen fitz was like SHUT UP BITCH! To Clare I couldn’t help but laff even tho my future husband was almost about to get stabbed XD



  26. My favorite thing about “Boiling Point” was the feud between Eli and Fitz & of course the blossoming love between Eli and Clare. I know Fitz is supposed to be the antagonist and maybe I don’t think what he did was right, but I understand why he did it. Fitz was ready to end this feud a long time ago; it was Eli who dragged this thing on and took it to whole other level. But Eli just wanted to show that he wasn’t scared, so I understand his point of view as well.
    The best part was the knife scene. It was super intense because Fitz was staring dead into Eli’s eyes and you just saw all the fear and horror in his eyes…and then Fitz stabbed the wall, and Eli just slowly sinked to the ground…
    I would not hesitate to say that Eli and Clare are the best couple in Degrassi history, their love story is so passionate and intense but yet still sweet and innocent. I love how they became close during class projects and got to know eachother on an intellectual level. It’s so cute how they were friends first but liked eachother all along.

    Well sweets, till October…



  27. after seeing this episode i am gonna try not to make any expectations when degrassi comes back in the fall. this episode was good but i made to many expectations so it was kinda a let down in the end (though it was better when i watched it again) cant wait till fall!! =D



  28. I absolutely hate Drew and Adam’s mother. The whole time she was speaking through this episode and any other episode, I just kept thinking to myself, “Shut…the…fhk….up!” Last night’s episode was the last straw for me. She had absolutely no reason to go about and call Ali a common whore, especially when the two of them weren’t even doing anything. The fact that she spoke that way, not even letting anyone speak for themselves and stand up for themselves just angers me beyond belief.



    1. And how she acts like Alli harmed her son, when he cheated on her. -_-



    2. Ms Torres, being the “parent”, is suppose to set an example, however; she is name calling people half her age. I just couldn’t get over how she talked to Ali. I guarantee you she would’ve raised holy hell if another parent spoke to her sons in that manner.



  29. After all the endless hype, this week was a failure.

    I don’t care how hard or long you thrust the Degrassi pom-poms. If you weren’t disappointed, you’re just kidding yourself.

    After several horrendous years, Degrassi finally put together a decent season. But those last four episodes were painfully mediocre. If not crap altogether.



    1. Alright Calm down you have been spamming the same message since last night, its NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF DEGRASSI DISAPPOINTS ONE episode out of a otherwise solid season. REGARDLESS the episode is solid and it wasn’t right for Stephen Stohn to hype it but again People shouldn’t believe hype because that leads to disappointment. It is 50% our fault for hyping it up with dumb predictions and whatnot and 50% Stephen Stohn’s fault for acting like this episode could even top Time Stands Still or Rock This Town. However this episode is up there with the top episodes definitely a top 5.



      1. Then perhaps you should take some of your own advice and stop trying to convince everyone how good it apparently was.

        Fact is when the quality is raised, so are expectations.

        If you’re going to walk-the-walk, you’d better talk-the-talk.


      2. And by that I mean, If you’re going to talk-the-talk, you’d better walk-the-walk.



      3. I am not convincing anyone the episode was bad I’m just saying u need to take a damn chill pill cause your doing the hating for the episode for me, you, and everyone else on earth >..>


      4. From what I can tell, the only one blowing a gasket is you.

        I’m sorry that I didn’t like the episode. Deal with it, already.

        And, for the record, I’m not “hating”. Hater is just a term to describe people who have difficulty with opposing views not of their own.

        Sort of like yourself.


      5. Who are u steohen stohn undercover? Stop trying to convince everyone 95% of he ppl hated AFD and the other 5% were people who dont know what drama really is…


    2. I like how you’re talking like the season is over.

      Eli and Fitz plot was solid, Fitz and Adam was solid, Riley and Zane was solid. Adam and Alli was a bit rushed to reach ‘the boiling point,’ Fiona’s drinking was a bit sluggish.

      They overhyped the ep, yes. But to say the ep sucks means you probably forgot all of S8, and half of S7.

      Besides, All Falls down was a build to the second half, which is a new beast from the previous seasons.



      1. Trying to compare this to the past few seasons is a crock.

        Just because the last few seasons were downright horrific doesn’t make these past couple episodes good by default.

        If anything, it shows just how low standards and expectations have dropped.


      2. The past seasons were good for their day, but its not a fair comparison. They went as far as they could, comparing how far recent seasons go to them shows how limited TV was a decade ago.

        If you compare Darcy’s rape and Paige’s rape, Darcy’s went a much darker place. A much more realistic place. Fitz and Owen are darker and crueler than the Candy Bandits have ever been allowed to go. Bianca makes Alex a joke.

        I don’t leave out the past seasons because they were better. I leave them out because the distance spanned makes most of their episodes unimportant to comparison. Ellie is one of my favorite characters, but I’m not comparing her self-mutilation to Adam’s, as Adam’s was allowed to go further.

        And having your opinion be ‘everyone who enjoyed this episode was wrong’ is inane. With that, I’m done talking to you.


  30. even though degrassi is going to be on hiatus until October, I really hope that they continue to update the character Twitters. I feel like by doing something like that it’d be a good way for eveyone to be able to keep up with the character while they are on their “school break.” maybe is just me but I think it’d be a good idea.



  31. My favorite part besides the knife scene:

    Clare:”Fitz is willing to let this go one one condition.”
    Eli:”You’re gonna SLEEP with him?!?



    1. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:04 pm

      I agree. I thought Eli’s reaction was hilarious until I realized he actually thought Clare was going to do it. The thought that he really believed that Clare would actually sleep with Fitz JUST FOR HIM. -_-



  32. The only thing that really bothered me this season is the way that they didn’t really show the season of the show like when paige was in college you could tell it was like fallish weather and at the end of season 6 you could tell it was winter break. I hope at the 2nd half of season 10 it looks somewhat wintry ya know thats the only thing that bugged



    1. LOL i was thinking the same thing!
      They used to go out of their way to remind us it was winter lol.
      Now it doesn’t seem like winter at all!



    2. I hate that. I remember in keep on loving you when riley and anya were talking outside the school, anya was wearing shorts and u could see her breath when she talked, so it was obviously cold outside



  33. why are people saying they saw paige in the promo?



    1. haha who knows… i remember reading on some Degrassi site saying Lauren Collins paid a visit to the Epitome studios earlier this year and they freaked out by assuming she was going to be in the



    2. Miss Piggy is probably looking for work



      1. I never thought Paige was pretty. Interesting chacter sure, but not pretty. I lot of people seem to think she was.


      2. ***character** ahh spell check


      3. I don’t really do this, but thumbs down majorly.


  34. So i watched it again and though i stick by my disappointment it did seem a little better. My favorite part has to be Snake’s little speech at the end. I think it shows that he means businees-it was a great set up for the next half!



  35. Nowhere near as intense as Rock This Town or Times Stands Still, but still a decent set up for the 2nd part of Season 10.

    My speculations for the 2nd half:
    Alli’s parents find her with a boy and she is kicked out
    of the house (or severely punished in some way, shape or form), hence “My life is so over.”

    Clare decides to develop a dark side to fit in with Eli’s style.

    Declan and Holly J? I’m assuming he thinks that they were taking a break from their relationship and assumes they’ll get back together eventually.

    Dave’s “gun”? Dave Turner is not a Rick Murray. It’s probably a tazer or something.

    I think it’s Adam who says, “I’m leaving Degrassi.”

    In a way, I kinda wish something even more traumatic would’ve occured during AFD Part 2, so then Clare could suffer from some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder, or something to that extent.



    1. But after watching it a couple of times, the knife scene was suitable for what it was.



  36. Eli is my favorite Degrassi character ever by far, but why did I come away from this episode feeling terrible for Fitz?



    1. Because some are starting to realize Eli was and has been a dick all along.

      I’m all for his character to become even shadier next season with some twists.



    2. Eli isn’t a saint but Fitz isn’t a good guy either.
      He was a dick to Eli and Adam – are people forgetting he was the one who threw Adam into the door with Owen?
      Also, that he beat the shit out of Drew?
      The poison, crossed the line big time. I was glad when Eli was on the verge of tears when Fitz had the knife – Fitz mind fucked up right back finally – instead of just using his fists.
      I see no good guy or bad guy in the Fitz vs. Eli fight.
      Their both stubborn and dumb – but it’s entertaining watching them trying to out do the other one. I like the both the characters. But right now, Eli seems more interesting, imo.



      1. I agree with all of this. It’s funny how the people who were so obsessed with Eli earlier are now “shocked at the person he’s become.” He was never perfect; he showed early on that he had some issues. (Especially when he had the opportunity to end the feud but chose to go a step further and actually have Fitz arrested.) It’s not at all surprising that he would, again, choose to continue the feud. Why are people acting like this side of him is so new?

        Likewise, the people who used to hate Fitz are now obsessed with him. Fitz was never evil – sure, he was cruel to people, but he had just been a one dimensional bully then. His kind moments (bonding with Adam and Clare) in the latest episodes merely gave him a bit of characterization, so that he seems to be a bully who enjoys tormenting people, but doesn’t really have anything against them. He’s the kind of person who would make fun of you one day, and then happily hang out with you the next. He just doesn’t seem to hold grudges like Eli does. However, he IS still a bully, and he WAS still the one to take a feud farther than anyone had the entire Boiling Point.

        Case in point: Eli isn’t suddenly an evil monster, fangirls, and nor is Fitz suddenly an angel sent from above. They both are very “grey” characters. They aren’t good, and aren’t bad; they’re just human. Stop acting like this episode completely derailed their characters – it just gave them depth.


      2. okay u know wat listen idk wat u guys are talking about “eli got wat he deserves” becuz Fitz is the bad guy… and heyy u sed at least Fitz didnt use his fist? wtf is that supposed to mean oh becuz a knife is soo n much better? if u dont remember Fitz is the one who started this war not Eli… im glad Fitz got arrested. Eli was just trying to give him wat he deserved. Fitz messed with Adam and Eli and slammed Adam into a freaking door with Owen! he messed with Adam wayyb to many times so yea Eli poisined him so in return he has to pull a freaking knife out? thats a bit uncalled for. Eli was the good kid okay Fitz was the one who made this whole big mess


  37. I hope Dave uses that taser on Ms. Torres



    1. OMFG, Drew/Adam’s mom is such a dumb bitch! Especially when her, Alli & Drew are in the boiler room, when she says to Alli “what did you do to him?” Does it look like she did anything to him?! She’s the one thats crying!



  38. I believe this episode was good but over hyped and I was disappointed that no one got hurt. I wanted degrassi to leave with a bang, but I guess we got to wait till October :$



  39. I heard for the second half of season 10 they were going to have two new characters!! Is this true??



    1. Yeah, it’s been confirmed. One of the characters is Jessica and they haven’t shown the other one. Stephen put a picture of K.C. and Jessica in the cafe.



      1. i think he said the other one is Chach? or somthing lik that idk


  40. so whats this rumor going around the Drake and nicki minaj are random i know but i hate her it better not be true



    1. LMFAO I LOVE the randomness…but i’m starting not to like Drake either, he’s gotten on his high horse with his “sudden fame” and Nikki…is Nikki. *sigh*



  41. Thumb me down if you must, but I just don’t understand why people are so disappointed in All Falls Down. I guess a lot of people think that there needs to be a murder or a rape in order to have good television, but that’s not the case. All Falls Down had all the elements of a great ending to the best season of Degrassi ever. There was drama, suspense, great acting, perfect background music and an excellent setup for the second half of the season. Although I liked part 1 slightly better than part 2, as a whole, it is my favorite episode of Degrassi ever. Season 10 has definitely made me forget about the first nine seasons of the series and that’s a good thing. This is the rebirth of Degrassi and I’m eager to find out what happens next.



    1. Your right, it is kind of sad that people think that there has to be a killing or rape to make a episode of Degrassi epic. My sister was dissapointed but I wasn’t. It set it up for ‘changes’, not tragedy. And it really played with emotions rather then just physically damanged someone. The music added onto that fact and I totally agree with you: Season 10 is now my favorite as well. :)



  42. Okay, is Charlotte Arnold (Holly J) pregnant?
    In 95% of the shots, her stomach was obscured or covered.
    When it shows her stomach when she’s making out with Sav, it could have just been a body double.

    I mean, the clothes she’s been wearing are all pregnancy-friendly loose fitting dresses, and whenever they give HJ dialogue, they shoot her from the just above her stomach, and when she turns around they obscure the stomach.

    I think she’s having an Ellie-in-S7-moment.
    Cuz, i’m sorry, but Stacey Farber was 100% pregnant during S7.



    1. She is obviously NOT PREGNANT. and neither was Stacey Farber….I mean one dress that Stacey wore and everybody jumped on the “she’s pregnant” bangwagon!



  43. i like how the smartest comment on here got 7 thumbs down that episode was in the top 10 def. and thats sayin alot considering all the episodes



  44. I thought the ep was alright but everyone in the ep was talking about break what break? XMAS Break or SPRING BREAK?



    1. Definitely Christmas break…The next half is supposed to end right before spring break.



    2. I say its Fall Break, they had midterms not finals.
      We had fall break at my high school.



  45. i liked the episode but i felt it was to hyped. the part that really got to me was drew’s mom calling alli a whore and alli didnt do anything about it. i would have wanted alli or simpson to but that overbearing mother in place. she makes it seem her kids are the only ones that go to degrassi and that drew is always inocent when he’s not



  46. I have to say I was a little disappointed with this episode. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it either way, but I would say it deserves a b, or b- only because I expected a bit more.

    No, I didnt expect omg, tragic death scene or something. It would be weird since most of the characters we are introduced to are fairly new, minus like, 4.

    I guess i merely just like how i predicted it, more than what they actually wrote. I was hoping bianca asking drew to the boiler room was a way to get him away from adam so fitz can live up to his “You’ll regret this” or whatever he said when Adam hit his manlyhood. (LOL being that Fitz and Owen pestered him in the bathroom about having the parts. SHOWS HIM.)

    I also am a LITTLE PEEVED at the fact that Drew fell for Bianca hook line and sinker. I mean, it IS HER FAULT that Adam got thrown into a door. she is the one who ripped open his shirt like all random and stuff, and somehow, he doesnt even think of this. Minor inconsistency, I guess. I dont get how he doesnt know this, after he said, “YOU HIT ON BIANCA”. And even Adam seemed pretty calm about Drew hooking with her after adam hit on her. Jeez.

    I did, though, LOVE, the scene with fitz, Clare, and Eli. I inda wish he had stabbed in the stomach or something, but, am pleased that he didnt. that was a mind F. I was like, OMG, NO….Wait…what? WHAT?! lulz What aholes. Very great acting there.

    My main issue was Drew’s BLAH MOM. she was like, random, just blaming ali for everything and Drew didnt say hiz. He was like, “oh, stop, it wasnt her, yeah. Bye.” Uhhhhhh. WOW. I feel so bad for Alli. though, I wish like, maybe, Owen did something to her, I dont know. Sick mind, Maybe? I thought he would at least force her to kiss him and then Drew is all WHAT YOU DOEN DUDE. Eh, i was awesome, though. alli was sooo believable. I love her acting.

    Either way, I did like the episode. i just wish a liiiittle more happened, and maybe some real plotting behind fitz, bianca, and owen. Either way, it was good for a half hour.



    1. Yeah, I really don’t like Mrs. Torres. Drew was a jerk for not standing up for Alli, but I was more pissed that Alli didn’t stand up for herself. I mean, really. If it was me, I’d be so angry that she had called me a whore when her son was the one who had fun with a skank in the boiler room.



  47. Well, I saw these two episodes and I don’t care if it was overhyped: I thought it was great. While I mostly payed attention to the Clare/Eli and Fitz story line, the rest was also good. Though I agree: IF DREW REALLY LIKED ALI, WHY WAS HE SO QUICK TO CHEAT ON HER? And with Bianca? Drew is hot as hell, but no one likes a man-hoe, even if he is cute. I had a feeling Eli was going to still try to pull something and I knew Fitz would punch back harder. The scene with the knife was, in my oppnion, amazing. My heart seriously stopped when I thought Eli was stabbed, and then when it showed Fitz hit the wall instead I let out a breath. And like many of these reviewers have said: it was a better move that they didn’t KILL Eli or that he didn’t get stabbed because it really sets Eli up to rethink his whole ‘dishing it back’ kind of thing. Also the fact that Clare told him that if he doesn’t stop, then she can’t be with him(I think they are still together, she just gives him this ultimatum as a warning, they’ve built up too much to just end it so fast) I think is a big weight on this because before the almost-stab, Eli did look upset about his fight with Clare. And then when he did really try to say he was sorry to Fitz, giving in, really did show a vunerable side of Eli that you didn’t see other then when he told Clare about Julia. And it’s true, he should get over it, which hopefully this incident has kind of scared into him. And the fact that he will have Clare(I will always have faith in ECLARE!) and of course, Adam to try to pull him back and realize that two black eyes just make the who world blind(don’t know if thats the right one, lol). Overall, I really did like the episode and I really look forward to the rest of season 10 in the Fall…the restrictions and uniforms hasn’t been done, and it’d be a intersting thing. Plus, you can always count on Degrassi to keep you watching to find out what happens next. :)



  48. Everyone saying that Fitz isn’t “that” bad and that Eli is annoying or childish is really starting to get on my nerves. Why should Eli be the one to apologize all of the time? He didn’t start anything and he never took it to far. Last time I checked Eli never physically harmed Fitz, nor did he ever threaten his life. This all started because Fitz and his too grown for high school moronic friends wouldn’t move their a**es out of a parking space. Why wasn’t anyone saying that Fitz and the idiots should have just moved out of the way then? Huh? Who the hell hangs out in a parking spot anyways? Unless you want to get hit by a damn car, you shouldn’t be there. Eli’s always just been defending himself, and there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.



    1. Fitz is that bad, but Eli is that childish. The issue is that neither side wants to back down, when the stronger side would. Also Eli’s never been defending himself, he’s been on the offensive every time.

      Fitz damaged Eli’s car, Eli got Fitz arrested. Eli could have let it go when Adam kneed Fitz in the crotch, instead he lies and blames the stinkbomb on Fitz. When telling why Clare did the stinkbomb would have been a more devastating blow to Fitz as it brings his violence to light. Fitz takes Clare to the dance, Eli poisons him.

      The only times ‘defending’ came up were Adam after school (where all Eli did was get punched in the jaw) and if he did anything when Fitz had the knife. The only explanation for Eli’s activities is he’s been bullied before, and he doesn’t want to lose anyone else. So if Fitz was after Adam or Clare, Eli’s actions can be explained. But for the most part Eli is scared for himself, and it shows.



      1. What I’m wondering is why no one is getting on Adam’s case? The lockdown could have easily been avoided if Adam hadn’t freaked just because none of the guys in the fight club would hit a girl. No, one told him that it would be a smart idea to befriend Fitz. If it wasn’t for Adam wanting to fight Fitz, Clare would have never set off a stinkbomb and Eli wouldn’t have lied to cover for her. Oh, and Clare definately needs to take a lot more of the heat for what happened; remember Simpson didn’t believe Eli, he asked Clare to verify whether or not Eli was telling the truth. She had to know that Fitz would be pissed and go after Eli, she could have easily told the truth.


      2. Adam was trying to convince Fitz he was one of the guys. Adam’s choice might not have been smart, but it wasn’t as childish as Eli’s antics refighting battles long since lost against bullies he no longer knows.

        Clare’s part was minor, and in no way malicious like Eli (or Fitz). Clare was trying to prevent a fight and did it in the most passive way she could. If everyone was outside with Fitz and Adam, Fitz and Adam couldn’t fight. Going with Eli’s lie wasn’t the brightest move, but various others this episode also showed less than stellar judgment.


    2. Fitz is definitely an ass. And I definitely don’t think that Eli was entirely in the wrong. I think that both of them were being ridiculous.

      I think the reason people expected Eli to be the one to apologize is because Fitz is supposed to be the “bully”, so it’s not really the kind of thing they do. And even though Eli isn’t really the type to apologize either, I think Clare wanted him to be the “bigger man”. It takes courage to apologize in order to end a feud, especially when you know that it wasn’t all your fault. You’re swallowing every ounce of your pride to end a stupid rivalry, and it’s not fair. It might be the right thing to do, but that’s extremely difficult at times. I think Clare was hoping Eli would impress her by being the more mature person and apologizing, not because she thought he was the only one in the wrong, but because she wanted to think he was better than Fitz.

      Yes, Fitz started it. And in my opinion, trying to make things “fair and square” by getting revenge with the fake ID was fine. Morally ambiguous? Taking the high road? No, of course not. Human? Yes. And I don’t think there was anything wrong with Eli making wise-ass remarks either, because he was usually sticking up for himself, and if Fitz was physically assaulting him, then self-defense is appropriate, of course. But deliberately seeking to continue a feud after already getting his revenge with the fake ID and Adam giving Fitz a good kick in the nards was unnecessary. Eli should have stopped before blaming Fitz for the stink bomb. That’s where it all went downhill in my opinion.

      Although I don’t think Fitz would have ever really let it go either, even if Eli had let him alone. After Fitz damaged Eli’s car, Eli hadn’t even done anything to Fitz yet, except for defend Adam, and yet Fitz still kicked him. He seems like the kind of bully who, even after he beats you up, continues to make obnoxious comments every time he sees you. But we’ll never know for sure.

      I have a feeling the rivalry might not be over. I’m kind of hoping not. It made things interesting. And although Fitz scared Eli temporarily, especially in that one moment where Eli thought he would die, I’m not sure if it’s permanent. It might not be a long-term scare, considering the fact that he didn’t even really follow through with stabbing him and that Eli isn’t one to let things go. I wouldn’t be surprised if, if Fitz comes back, Eli doesn’t give up. He doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes very well. Or maybe they’ll become friends? It happened with Holly J and Fiona, right? Although, their situation may have been somewhat less extreme. Weirder things have happened on Degrassi though.



  49. They have a semester break after finals. I think.



  50. Can’t wait till’ this fall. Want to see what’s going to happen with this new school policy thing :D



  51. I like how yesterday everybody agreed the episode sucked but now that Kary likes it everybody does.



    1. I totally agree with you that that’s what everyone did. However, and you can even go check the other page, I said I loved this episode yesterday and I even added in my comment “I don’t care what anybody says. This episode was amazingggg.” or something like that. So I have liked it since I saw it:) lol



    2. Its somewhat because Kary has a insight to Degrassi that allows people to see past certain things like hype in this case >.> Hes good like that LOL



    3. No sweety, I said it lonnnnng time ago my thoughts (check the other page), I liked the episode, and I didn’t listen when people were like “ZOMG THIS IS GOING TO BE THEE BEST DEGRASSI EPISODE EVA!” nope, not me. Just because no one agrees with you now, doesn’t mean you need to display your opinon 1500 times…and with that i’m done with your ignorance(:



  52. It wasn’t worth all the hype they made it out to be…if it wasnt for all that hype the episode was perfect the acting in this episode was great never seen them act this good before none of the actors…i’m still not buying the whole holly j and sav thing…i think the producers rushed through everything and the whole jenna/alli/clare being friends came like out of nowhere the producers shouldve like made a plot that shows how they started talking again…besides that the ending to the boiling point was perfect bc it did reach the boiling point that was a climatic ending for the 2nd 1/2 of the season which is perfect…love degrassi now i wish kci would be after clare but clare too busy with eli and i hate absolutely hate drew’s mom loved the fact that drew defended atleast tried to defend alli…btw how long do you think that dress code would stay in degrassi? lol



  53. My current order of ‘causing drama at Degrassi’ is:
    Mrs. Torres
    Mrs. Torres
    Mrs. Torres
    Mrs. Torres

    The replacement Candy Bandits are definitely more evil than Jay’s incarnation of the obnoxious of bullies. But Mrs. Torres at every turn isn’t playing objective on matters of the school board. She’s so focused on fasttracking Drew, and protecting Adam she loses sight of sanity. Making her more damaging (and dangerous) then any of the students.

    …Which to be fair is a more likely threat at a school.



  54. I agree with you that the whole episode was solid and very good:)

    Like I said on the previous blog… just because no one got hurt, doesn’t mean it wasn’t an intense episode. I love that you said your heart stopped when you thought he stabbed Eli because mine did too and I was screaming at the TV, “NO! NO!” But I was really happy with Fitz stabbing the wall. I still thought it was an intense scene and I liked that Fitz was just trying to scare Eli.

    This episode gave me a newfound respect for Fitz and a total loss of respect for Eli. I never hated Fitz but I certainly don’t hate him now. He’s probably one of my favorite characters ATM. Clare, too. But Eli just got bumped down a few spots for that stunt he pulled with the drinks at the dance.

    Can’t wait for the next half of the season:D Better keep us posted, Kary. :)



  55. I will not fall in love with Degrassi again until someone commits suicide.



    1. I meant a CHARACTER just to clarify that… yeah…



    2. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:40 pm

      that is really sadistic.



    3. LOL that’s kinda scary…



  56. This episode in my opinion was good, but too overhyped. My favourite part was Eli almost getting stab by Fitz. It seemed perfect for me because it showed Eli’s true colours and it showed Fitz just wanted to prove a point to Eli. I felt bad for Clare since she’s in the middle of this situation and just wanted some peace, plus it makes her question her relationship with Eli now; I can tell she’ll start having second thoughts about being with Eli.
    Alli became the defenseless victim in this episode and she shouldn’t go back to Drew. Drew…get a wake up call! Bianca is a slut…and Drew’s mom….SHE’S A BITCH AND I HOPE SOMEONE CALLS HER THAT!
    From the fall promo, I think Clare’s “new” look is for some liberating idea to get the school to wear uniforms or something like that. Eli’s life is gonna turn upside down in the second half and I think Eli says “I don’t believe it!” And Alli leaves the school, since the person who’s leaving has the same bag as Alli, that’s the same sweater that Alli’s wearing when she hugs Clare, and Melinda is leaving the show…for now. That’s all.



    1. oh and since season 10 goes till spring break does that mean season 11 goes from spring till summer or starts a new year?



  57. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    I think this episode is the birth of a Schism in the Degrassi blog. It just seems that people are either disappointed that there was not a horrible incident or the disgusted by those who feel that a death is necessary for a good episode.



  58. I hope Fitzy comes back for the second half



    1. I do too, he is an interesting character in my opinion, and was one of the better bullies in degrassi.



  59. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:19 pm

    Also, in a way, this episode is as impactive as Rock This Town and Time stands still. It is just not in an emotional way. Well, for Alli, Simpson, Fitz, Clare, and Eli it was, but not for the viewers,

    The greatness of the episode is a matter of opinion. Down crucify me for this, but quality was this episode is better than Rock This Town, but the universal (both the characters on the show and the viewers) emotional impact of Rock This Town beats All Falls Down 10 times over. But only 10 times over



    1. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:20 pm

      please don’t



    2. TheGirlWithThePearlEarring August 27, 2010 at 10:20 pm

      *quality wise



  60. I agree. The episode was good.
    BUT. I can’t help but be disappointed. I mean, really? Biggest event in Degrassi history? There’s no way that this topped JT’s death or Rick shooting Jimmy.
    Still a good episode though
    CAN’T WAIT for this fall :)



  61. I think it’s cute how after Fitz pukes Clare tells Eli he deserves whatever Fitz does to him but when he sees Fitz has a knife she runs to find Eli and trys to save him.. They obvs really care about each other no matter what happens.



  62. For being the most anticipate episode in Degrassi history this episode was Epic, Epic FAIL that is.
    It’s not that it didn’t live up to the hype, it didn’t even live up to expectations.

    Does it make it a bad episode? No, It was still a good episode. It served the purpose of the main reason why degrassi will do a 180 degree change for the rest of the season.

    This was a crucial episode, no doubt. But not the best.






    Honestly this episode was great and for a episode to be so intense and is just a cliffhanger. I am pleased. This episode made me feel so many emotions, my heart also stopped with the Eli thing, and they acted so well.



    1. It’s called Caps Lock, bro



  64. These episodes made me realize how naive Alli is. Her boyfriend is the hottest guy in school and you think that he and the school bicycle only went down to the boiler room to kiss?…



    1. school bicycle hahaha <333



    2. the “school bicycle” thing made my dyt. bhahahahahha



    1. dude that slowmo thing was kinda tripping me out…lol.



  65. I’ve been hearing things about a degrassi spin off and this being the last season and stuff..
    With everything changing like the school uniforms I cant help but believe it o:
    I think All falls down was pretty good, I was just really disappointed in the new promo.
    Dave looks ridiculous with that gun (probably fake or something). Clare.. I have always liked her character because she stays true to herself and her beliefs and she is beautiful, she looks like a gothic chick in the promo.. Alli leaving.
    It just all looks so depressing, and the music in the background doesn’t help -.-



  66. My body is a cage is still the best episode of the season.



  67. I still have no idea what I am going to watch for the whole month and a half while degrassi is on hiatus. Does anyone have any good show suggestions? I’m already having degrassi withdrawls. lol



    1. Freaks and Greeks series DVD on netflix is what I’m watching. As for currently on tv, I’m out



  68. Now that the boiling point is over I feel like I can take a breather and have social life now….

    ….at least till the fall.



  69. I kind of wish Eli was at least hurt. It would have made it a little more intense because I knew he wasnt going to die after I saw the promo pix and hes standing with clare, holly j, and sav outside. I wish something bigger happened with the ending.Don’t get my wrong, I LOVE eli as much as the next fan, but there shouldve been some more conflict in the knife scene, although he was adorable when he looked like he was going to cry. The cliffhanger was nice, but the new commercials look like the next season could get old really fast. I must say… Fitz was kind of growing on me.. I hope hes back at least once or twice. I also no longer have any respect for Drew… first cheating on Alli, then trying to help her, then not standing up for her or doing anything at all. He has lost all of my respect. Overall it was an alright episode but I’ve seen better. It just seems like it was rushed, part 1 was better than part 2 I think.



  70. I honestly did not like the way the finale for the boiling point. The whole thing with Bianca was very random and incomplete. In fact, all of the bullies are not very developed [Fitz, Owen, Bianca]- which could be a good or a bad thing. Bianca in this episode really had no motive to hook up with Drew and sabotage Alli- in complete truth, she was just a skank… Notice how at the poker table she said “next time it’s gonna cost ya”. Throughout the whole season she seemed to be a badass but at the same time held somewhat of a raw ground. It was very confusing to see her be so upfront about giving a blow job and be a skank. And I honestly expected Alli to own Bianca’s ass when she found out– yea Alli seemed pretty out of character in this as well haha. Anyway Owen never really had something solid to work with- he’s just a run of the mill douche bag so he tries something shady when he gets a chance he sees a vulnerable Alli- but the whole thing between Fitz and Eli seemed forced. IN the past, conflicts ran deeper than the surface like when Rick had an anger management problem hurting Terry which makes the whole school turn against him to the extreme point where Rick ticks. Eli and Fitz? it just begins as an jerk having a petty argument with someone that really has nothing to do with him.
    I enjoyed the boiling point, but the actual peak was a bit disappointing because everything blew up from at a shallow compared to other seasons.

    **by the way- in the future degrassi episode [since the incident simpson is going to make the whole new strict degrassi]. I’m seriously hoping simpson to say to mrs. torres “mam your son is seriously dumb and he’s bringing down the whole school’s average test score. SO i placed him in with the special ed kids” and then Alli’s parents taking a look and Drew then laugh and walk away right in front of torres’ face… yea she really bothered me because she was that typical pretentious, bitchy mom that blames everything else rather than her own dman kids.



  71. oddly enough, instead of getting excited and anticipating the rest of the season, im just excited and anticipating PROMOS for the rest of the season. is that weird?



  72. I bet dave’s gonna use the gun on that creeper that tried to rape Connor. (love queen 16 or w/e her name was)



  73. Eli is life <3 i almost peed my pants when fitz almost stabbed him…. i used to like drew but then he became a d-bag



    1. Drew seems to be making a habit out of being totally cool one minute then a douche the next. that boy needs to make up his mind.



  74. Ok Honestly I truly think this was a great episode and for those of you who said nothing happened are blind, we saw more about the character of the characters aka their personalities

    Owen-we now know is a total jerk who will do anything to get what he wants, whether it be hurting someone who is gay or paying for sex, he has no morals

    Alli-we see just wants someone to care for her and make her feel important and worth something, evident by her instant forgiveness.

    Drew is the guy who for the most part only thinks of himself, he will say Im sorry, or my bad but its moreso after he seen the consequences or effects of a bad decision, hes a more so act first think later person.

    Fitz-has shown that even though he is perieved as a jerk he is pretty much harmless and I truly felt he was a good guy at heart I just think he had a rough life so hes always on guard. He reminds me of early spinner.

    Bianca-she is like a female Owen, she dos whatever she wants, and honestly I think she just wanted to piss Alli off and thought Drew was hott and figured hey why not.
    People dont see the connection but mind you Alli and Bianca had drama since the dance team thing went down.
    Bianca doesnt give a damn about being a slut or whatever, she just does what she wants when she wants.
    She has no moral code, just selfishness.

    This episode gave me alot of what I wanted suspense, anger, fear, happyness, and sexy.

    It showed more indepth personality traits of the cast and I enjoyed it.



    1. hopefully in the second half of s10 they’ll go more in depth with the “villians” of degrassi. I want to see reasons behind their actions.



  75. I loved this episode, but I didn’t read what Stephen said and I didn’t see any promos, so there was no hype for it to live up to.

    I still sh!t my pants during the knife scene, even though I’ve seen it 20 times.

    Also, with Eli dropping sheet music while covering his mouth… That was hot! I love music, red, black nails, and Eli.



  76. What did eli mean in all falls down part 1 when he said, “Twist my rubber arm, girlfriend”



    1. Well the phrase “You’re twisting my arm” usually means you’re making someone do something that is against their will. I’m not sure if that’s what they meant…never heard it that way before. lol.



      1. And I just remembered the scene that was in…d’oh. He probably just wanted Clare to put his arm around her.


      2. It’s actually the exact opposite of “you’re twisting my arm.” Whereas “twisting one’s arm” means you’re forcing someone to do something they don’t want, “twisting one’s rubber arm” means you’re making them do something they already wanted to do – in other words, you don’t have to force them very hard at all. :P Eli was basically saying that he DID want Clare to be his girlfriend.


  77. Does anyone remember reading this?

    “The 10th season of Degrassi will further explore the lives of the students, as well as tackle many issues that are relevant to teens today including divorce, bullies, gender identity, community service, double standards, Internet safety, family dynamics, runaways and romance.”

    The one that stands out to me is community service which was not explored in the first 24 episodes. Does this mean it’s safe to assume Fitz will be in the second half of the season?



    1. I hope he is.



  78. 0k well i was hella cryinq wen i thought eli qot stabbed:( especially with the music playinq! but i f0und out fitz completely missed him so i was like”yay!!” aha but ima miss fitz!he is cute!but ELI AKA MUNRO CHAMBERS IS THE HOTTEST GUY ON DEGRASSI!i used to love kc but then he chanqed alot since am happy shes pregnant ilove clare nd she wasnt bein a qood friend to yaa..holly j and savs part was funny!freaken holly j strippen wow..aha so heres what i think might happen based on the promo for OCTOBER 15 episodes!:)

    1.obviously the school has a new dress code n police everywhere checking bags maken sure they don’t have weapons or drugs.

    2.”my life is so over”IS ALY<— obviously aha maybe aly is haven some issues with drew or family?

    3."i dont know who i am?!" is definately clare… and it matches with her dressing gothic for eli tryna proove a point probably?but she looks so pretty and i dont blame her doin it for eli HES HOT!!!:)l0l

    4."i dont believe this!?"is either Drew or declan idk?at first i thought eli but his voice was to aha we gotta find out:(

    5."am just looking out for you"is definately eli talken to clare…or adam?:)HOT!!!hehe

    6."i screwed it up big time"is aly apparently maybe because of drew…hmm??=/ lol

    7."am leaving degrassi"is either aly or fiona?hmm..=/ lol that could mean why aly is the most in the promo

    8.there is no such person named jess..whoever said that isnt true!

    9.seems as eli is in band?eww!lol hes still HOT AS A DORK AHA ND IN HIS LITTLE UNIFORM!:]

    10.jenna looks shocked maybe something bout her and kcs baby?=/ maybe somethinq happened to her/him?:(

    11.holly-j looks uncomfortable with declan?maybe she doesnt like him that way anymore ahaha

    12.dave has a bibi gun lol idk y?maybe playn around?

    13.clare walks away crying frm eli?aww poor clare:( what happened?maybe its the same episode wen clare is goth =/ how cute eli is falling her:)) hehe




    1. Then you are calling stefan brogren a liar, cause he is the one who showed us a picture of Jess, she was sitting next to KC.



    2. 1. Can u at least spell ALLI correct
      and 2. can u stop using q’s for g’s

      kay, thanks(:



    3. Here’s my opinion on the Eli thingy: I think that maybe he has to testify against Fitz or something, and he’s stressed. Idk, that’s just off the top of my head.



  79. I’m going to post a maybe controversial comment.

    I find it interesting how a lot of people are/were saying that All Falls Down, to be the episode, needs a stabbing or killing like Rock This Town or Time Stands Still.

    But, in my opinion, the best episodes were never even remotely related to someone dying.

    All Falls Down is not better than Time Stands Still, but in my opinion as a whole episode it is better than Rock This Town.

    But, there are episodes better than Time Stands Still…



    1. I liked Standing in the dark. That scene with Darcy covered in blood in the shower was magnificent.



    2. Well people were saying that solely because The Exec made the mistake of comparing AFD to Rock This Town and TSS, and saying AFD was better than those. And when people think of those episodes, they think of the moment when they were most emotional during those episodes.

      Rock This Town was a fairly boring episode until the end. All I remember is the talk about oatmeal, the actual stabbing, and the very end which had me in tears. So in essence The Exec was saying that AFD would be better than that moment at the end of Rock This Town when I was crying like a baby…and it turned out not to be true.

      RTT had all of its “goodness” at the end with the final minutes being intense, while AFD was just a good episode with everything evenly spread out.

      But I still agree with you when you say there’s plenty of amazing episodes that have nothing to do with death. As a matter of fact, my Top 5 all-time favorite episodes are some of the most light-hearted episodes this show’s had.



    3. It’s probably because I knew way before watching the episode that JT would die, but I never thought Rock This Town was a great episode. All Falls Down beats it easily. The scene with Fitz and Eli was done so much better than the one with JT; the directing was perfect and the acting was good too. And I feel like ‘the aftermath’ with Simpson yelling at everyone was better than the cheesy crying at the hospital.

      I thought AFD was a great episode; it’s one of my favorites this season. I even liked the Sav/Holly J mini-plot.

      I’m actually glad that Eli didn’t get hurt/killed. Fitz isn’t insane, he just wanted the last laugh. The scene was still really intense.



  80. Kary, I’ve just discovered your reviews in the last ten days or so, and I’m liking them a lot.
    I’m especially enjoying your insights on Eli as a complex character and on what he contributes to the plots (as opposed to the oh-my-god-he’s-so-gorgeous commentary one sees almost everywhere else).
    I’m also really, really glad to find someone who has good things to say about Clare. Degrassi message boards, etc. are so full of fans trashing her, and I think that’s just absurd. I feel like she’s had a really interesting character arc since she came on as a regular and I love how she’s gone from goody-two-shoes flat-charactered straight-A student to a really intelligent, creative, and principled person who’s learning how to choose her battles and even get into some mischief when circumstances call for it. …. So yeah, and I’m happy someone else seems to be seeing that in her too.
    I guess that didn’t really pertain to the finale at all, but I just wanted to put it out there. Keep up the good work.



  81. Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I posted on here. Didn’t have top to read any of the posts/comments above mine so forgive me if I repeat stuff that’s already been talked to about.

    I thought All Falls Down was a great mid-season finale. I know some people might be upset about there not being any “bloodshed” or “death”, but I thought that made it even more powerful. I’m glad no one was killed. I really hope Fitz returns. I find him to be really interesting. I would love to know more about him and find out why he is the way he is. I wouldn’t want the writers to turn him into “Mr.Super Nice Guy”, but I would love to see a softer side to him(while also maintaining his bullying ways). I would love to see the Eli/Claire/Fitz triangle continue. It could be really interesting.

    Alli & Drew are perfect for each other. They both have the lowest self-esteem on earth and they believe they don’t deserve the other. It’s funny and sad at the same time. I would love to see where their relationship goes.

    Bianca is awesome. I don’t care what anyone says. She brings a giant dose of drama and laughs wherever she pops up. I love it.

    In short, this was a great first 24 episodes. Degrassi has finally been restored to it’s former glory. I think this is because it’s about the CHARACTERS rather than the “situations”. The past several seasons have been nothing but walking cardboard placed in “shocking situations” week after week. As I stated once before, “Go There” moments are fantastic, but they work even better inside of a developed story with characters we care about.

    So I look forward to the final 24. It’ll be weird reverting back to the “1 episode a week” format. Ugh. But I’m sure it’ll be worth it. The second half looks amazing.



    1. Meh, excuse my misspellings. Middle of the night here.



    2. “In short, this was a great first 24 episodes. Degrassi has finally been restored to it’s former glory. I think this is because it’s about the CHARACTERS rather than the “situations”. The past several seasons have been nothing but walking cardboard placed in “shocking situations” week after week. As I stated once before, “Go There” moments are fantastic, but they work even better inside of a developed story with characters we care about.”

      I agree with this so much. That’s a big part of why season 10 and AFD have been so great.



  82. Mr. J. Payton-Brown August 28, 2010 at 2:36 am

    The two week break that they’re having on Degrassi is during Canadian Thanksgiving which is in October.



  83. Mr. J. Payton-Brown August 28, 2010 at 2:36 am

    Or maybe Christmas break….



    1. It’s Christmas break, They were taking their end of semester Exams.



  84. I thought it was more funny than intense.



  85. i loved these episodes. i really don’t like it how some people complain. was it over-hyped? hell yeah. i think if we weren’t given so many spoilers and without all the hype all of us would of actually enjoyed it a bit more. they were really good episodes, both of ’em. i hope they keep it up because i do like season 10 so far, no matter if anyone disagrees with me. and i love the music they have on the show, not really well-known but really good music, and it really adds more emotion to the scenes.

    and for the continuation of season 10 promo? WTH IS CLARE WEARING?… i’m starting to wonder if it’s a dream sequence or something.. i doubt it though. i know it doesn’t last though. i hope it’s just her trying to prove something.

    again, i’m probably done with watching promos. especially with teennick. that one where eli is spazzing out in the promo got me freaked out but i’m just like “ok, bethany, thats probably nothing.” lolz

    i think the problem was the over-hype and the promos and spoilers and all that shizz because it colors too much of an opinion and makes people expect way too much.



    1. I’m with you. I have learned my lesson. No more analyzing promos for me. I shall watch the promos and simply wait for the episode, so I can it enjoy for what it is not what I expect or imagine it to be.



  86. … lol i just realized i wrote the same thing as kary. well /almost/



  87. Kary,
    I’m like a addict when it comes to reading your post and I almost didn’t write this, but your grading was horrible. All Falls Down was spectactical. Both story lines were amazing. I don’t really need an explanation because everything that I was going to say has probably already been said.

    The one thing that bothers me is that you keep comparing the new episodes to the old ones. Yeah, there have been previous episodes where Degrassi has done better, but those episodes are in the past. Its fine to bring them up every now and then, but please, leave them there.

    Its true TBP was overhyped to some degree, but we all have our opinions if it lived up to its name, and personally I think it did, but I respect your opinion. I really didnt want to write this, but this review really hit a nerve. Its making me now think twice if I should read your review.

    I’m sorry.



    1. Hit a nerve? Huh? It’s fine to think All Falls Down the most amazing thing ever, but why in the world are you acting like a B- and an A- are HORRIBLE grades? You couldn’t have read my review very well because regardless of the grading I was positive about the episode and I said (multiple times) that I liked it. So saying my grading for this episode was horrible because I didn’t give everything an A+ is a ridiculous overreaction.

      And I think you have me confused with the people that were terribly disappointed with the episode based on hype, because I wasn’t one of them (I didn’t buy the hype to begin with).

      As far as comparing newer and older episodes? Sorry, but I will always do that. The problem is that you and other people think of them as “new” and “old” episodes with the “new” cast and “old” cast. I think of them as simply EPISODES and STORYLINES. Period. So when this show repeats events I think it’s more than fine to compare them. And not everyone has seen every single episode of this show, so mentioning past episodes hopefully helps build interest in the show as a whole…not just in a single episode or a single season. Please stop acting like I’m one of those narrow-minded fans who hates everything about the “new” Degrassi (even though my grading throughout this season obviously speaks otherwise).



      1. Preach it! LMFAO


    2. Number one:Dont tell him how to write his own reviews. They are HIS opinions not yours. Number 2: I DO agree that all falls down (part 2,part 1 sucked) was fantastic. It was utterly dissapointing that nothing huge ACTUALLY happed. But the scene when it looked like Eli got stabbed a screamed a little bit which is something i didnt even do when JT got stabbed and Jimmy got shot. So it was indeed a shocking moment but since he wasnt really stabbed i can say its the most dissapointing degrassi episode to date. Im rambling now but please dont tell someone how to state they’re opinions. Its fine to state yours but for the most part keep em to yourself.



  88. I liked this episode alot, In fact I did like it more than Jimmy shooting ( not jt’s stabbing tho) I wAs actually scared for Eli, mostly because fitz does an amazing job as an anataganist. Fitz has become my favorite character, just because he does an excellent job of making me hate him ;, he struck feat into those who claimed to be fearless, in my opinion; just because of the intensity of the hallway seen, this was one of the best episodes yet.

    And drew and alli can both get aids and die for all I care



    1. Fear not feat*

      Scene not seen*



  89. Just a few things:

    The shark in the water video correctly predicted the outcome of the knife incident in All Falls Down. Just like the knife was never intended to hit Sav on the spinning wheel, Fitz never intended to stab Eli.

    Also, was the female cop that busted Sav and Holly J. the same cop that arrested Fitz in Try Honesty? If so, I wonder if she recognized Fitz on his second arrest.

    Lastly, if Eli had better forethought, he could have planted another fake ID on Fitz at Vegas Night. Wouldn’t it have been hilarious if he was caught with another ID of a convicted felon?



    1. I didn’t think about the knife throw at Sav in the Shark in the Water video but it makes alot of sense. Its funny looking back at that video and it all makes sense now verses when it first came out…we had no idea any of it meant.



  90. i hate how people are complaining about people being out of character. people have many different sides to them so to see a different side shouldnt be a suprise.



  91. Okay in the fall, i’m going to try my best not to read any of the describtions, watch ‘Much Music” promos because they give away a lot of the episodes, and i’m going to go on here to see the review of the episode to discuss it. :)



  92. I just realized this episode was the second time someone called Clare a bitch. She is like the nicest person on the show. lol



    1. lol you’re right! grist principal shep, now fitz! is it bad that I kinda giggled when fitz yelled that at her? lol just the way he said it lol



  93. Btw i loved all the other degrassi the boiling point episodes but i hated All falls down thumbs up if u agree



  94. Im guessing that Drop the World is a suicide episode thumbs up if u agree, cause it makes perfect sense



    1. I’m hoping it is because there hasn’t been a good suicide storyline, and suicide is defenitly an issue that happens everyday.



  95. there is now way Claire is the goth girl. they look nothing alike.



    1. I’m pretty sure it’s the new girl ‘jess’ there another character named chach that will be new



    2. I’m really getting tired of people saying that its not Clare dressed in the ‘goth like’ outfit when its CLEARLY her. Her face is very recognizable. Its possible shes dressed that way to impress Eli or maybe she goes through an identity crisis because she is the one in the promo who says “I don’t know who I am.”



      1. Now that Degrassi is on hiatus for a month and a half, there’s going to be a lot of speculation and rumors floating around about the 2nd half of season 10 (Someone should keep track of them all just for shits and giggles). One such rumor is that Eli is schizophrenic and that the shot of Clare in the emo get-up is simply one of Eli’s hallucinations or delusions – like maybe that’s what his dead ex-girlfriend looked like and he’s starting to imagine Clare as Julia. This worsening of his mental state might also explain the shot of Eli “going crazy” in the fall promo.


      2. I’m not saying it’s a fact that it’s not Claire, but in in my opinion it doesn’t even look close to her, so I assume it’s the girl. And just info for people sat that ‘jess’ and ‘chach’ arnt real, stefan confirmed it on twitter. So don’t get upset that some has an opinion, no one is freaking out on you telling you it’s not Claire, that is all


      3. Jess is real she has been in episodes already if you guys have been paying attention. She has had a line or two also not. Chach is not real. Stefan was posting pictures of a crew member (the same one) allll day I can’t remeber what he does (wardrobe, editing, casting etc. idr) and the picture he posted of Chach is the same guy who works there.


      4. @Jen. The idea/rumor of Eli having hallucinations of his ex girlfriend in Clare would actually be really really cool, if it did happen. I would like to see that come about.

        But, of course, our speculation always sounds better than what the writers actually write. Sigh.


    3. I’m actually about 99% certain it is her. At first I also doubted it quite seriously. But if you freeze and look very closely you can see her cross, and — more importantly for identification purposes — the mole on her chest right under it.
      I really hope she’s not changing to impress Eli. That would be very out of character for her — not at all the Clare I’ve come to respect so much on the show. One theory floating around is that she’s wearing the outfit to protest the uniforms and “police state” imposed on the school. I think there might be something to this, because they’re clearly in the Degrassi hallways and Eli appears to be wearing the uniform … so it would seem like she is very consciously up to something.



      1. i completely agree. if you see the commercial on tv and you pause it on her you can deff see the cross and the mole under it and i dont understand why people dont think its her. i mean even if you dont see the cross then its still her same hair color and length and clearly looks like her.

        and this is kinda random but a few episodes ago eli and adam were talking about guys night at the dot and was i the only one who was soooo confused on why eli was wear a grey sweater and a maroon SCARF? i was like woahh what the hell? hahahah and then adams like guess what i got for us on payperview and elis like i dont do that with other guys and i like pissed my pants laughing hahaaha.


  96. @dillion exactly new charecters are supposed to be appearing. There is little resemblence with claire and the goth girl. The declan/holly j scene really interested me and so do the new rules for degrassi.



  97. idont think people understand what they mean by this is the most epic degrassi episode ever….degrassi as a whole has changed JUST from this episode. nothing is going to be the same, every character is effected, and its going to change everything we thought about the show.

    Jimmy getting shot was epic, and it changed just his life and outlook, but we all quickly got over it. only he dwelled on the “im in a wheelchair!” thing.

    JT dying was such a tradgety because he was such a loving character. It was like one of our own friends being taken away, but it wasnt the end of the world.

    The next half of the season is going to put those past two things in the dark. Just from the promo you can feel the intesnsity and its not just over 0ne person or a few group of friends, its effecting every single person. we cant comment on how cute alli’s clothes are this season, or how we love or hate eli”s goth/punk attire cuz its all going to disappear. its going to be interesting how the drama will play out with police officers roaming the halls. does that mean less degrassi and more at home stories? THESE are the things that make AFD so epic, its degrassi’s biggest change ever. its more than just a death, couples breaking up, or some gossips; its a drastic lifestyle change for everyone.



  98. I felt both very impressed and disappointed in this episode. I admit I did watch the promos, so I was a bit hyped up about the coming episode. I felt it could of “went there” a tad bit more, but you cannot deny this episode was not intense.

    What I did enjoy about it was ; the build up to the end of the boiling point, and from what appears to be the after effects (uniforms, id’s, and so on) I think it will be very solid if they actually continue this story line instead of dropping it asap.



  99. @Jen Now that you said that..I kind of hope thats true. I have this feeling theres more to Eli then what we saw this half of the season. That would be an awesome plot and I’d be interested to see that.



  100. So I was watching TDOTO part 2 this morning, and I noticed Jenna’s ultrasound photo had a date on it. It was 10/09/10. So I’m gonna guess that it’s just fall break now, also since they had midterms, not final exams.



    1. Final exams would be at the end of the year, though, wouldn’t they? At least in my high school we had midterms right after Christmas break, and then final exams right before summer break.



      1. i think the ultrasound was just a mistake by the producers or writers, or whoever, because the timeline doesnt make sense. its made very clear, imo, that it’s now christmas break. (they were taking midterms; there’s going to be a two week break, which is pretty long.) but it was also implied that tdoto, sfi, pp, and afd happened in pretty quick succession. (riely’s plot in sfi is only a day or two after anya gets him and zane talking in tdoto, riley’s plot in pp is right after the date that he bought with zane at the auction in sfi, dance planning is happening in pp.) so i think the date on the ultasound was just a mistake, because there’s no way that tdoto, sfi, pp, and afd were spread out over the two months between octobor and december. come to think of it, considering that there were 15 episodes before tdoto, shouldn’t they have taken more than like 6 weeks?


      2. at my high school, we had semesters, so we had final exams right before winter break as well as before summer break. it varies school to school.


  101. lol maybe it is claire but what i was saying was it didnt look like her.



  102. You know what’s odd, When KC had a gun in the school only 2 cops came but then when Fitz had a Knife like 6 cop cars came.



  103. Eli is kinda cray-cray sometimes… O_O



  104. I actually think part 1 of all falls down was better than part 2.



  105. Can someone post a link where Stephen Stohn talks about the new characters, Jessica and Chach?



  106. So I went on youtube trying to see if muchmusic had a promo for the fall season, and this video happened to be posted on one of the old muchmusic trailers.

    At first I was like, what the f#ck does this have anything to do with anything.

    But….. take a close look at who the person who is dancing in the video……



    1. Wonderful Fitz, now Eli has more material to burn you with.



      1. Thanks for posting that! lmao


    2. that seriously just made my day. lol I am laughing so hard.
      next time I watch fitz on degrassi I don’t think I will be able to look at him without envisioning this lol



    3. Oh Fitz….I will never be able to look at him the same way again..



    4. Haha awesome.

      There is actually a lot of stuff from him on youtube

      Anyone see the JakeJamesProductions?



    5. i cryed laughing when i saw this!!! holy cow



    6. And people said Holly J’s strip tease song sucked?



  107. Look what I found on the Degrassi Wiki page:

    A little bit (tiny bit) of info about the 2nd half of the season and some pictures of the promo and the new Jess char. I also appears that the 2nd half of the season might be called ‘The Breaking Point’ which makes sense. First half: Boiling Point…everyone has reached that so now its time for everyone to breakdown.



  108. Omqee honestly overall I loved all 24 episodess.Dah war between Eli nd Fitz was jhuss soo temptinqq I mean I was on eli’s side the whole time.In “All Falls down” I almost had a heart attack when I saw fitz with the knife and walking towards Eli and Clare.I was scared but Eli looked fitz straiqht in Dee eye and said don’t do this and I was like “OMG”.Then Eli reflexes and the knife is jabbed in the wall that’s when I realized I was holding in my breath.I can’t wait for the fall.*Holly J and sav’s striptease part.Random lol.



  109. I screwed up bad but getting so excited about the episode only to realize I was stupid enough to realize that is was going to be as cracked up as it was supposed to be…



  110. In the shark in the water promo the death card was played and i think that stared the death rumor for eli, but it symbolized the death of his girlfriend instead.



  111. LOL JAMES!!
    Is Fitz coming back though?… I kinda wanted to see more of him. I know what he did was messed up but it was clear he had no intentions of actually stabbing him, he just wanted to scare him off..

    And I love Munro’s acting.. some other actors would of overdone it but he played the part out perfectly.. he didn’t have to scream or anything to sense the fear, we saw it in his face and by tone of voice. He gets awkward at some points but he can go really far if he wants too..
    And some people are saying that he’s overreacting and took the Fitz situation out of hand but when you’re a little kid and suffer from extreme bullying it can make you do some stupid stuff later on..sure, he was nine at the time, but it can scar some people, you don’t know how extreme the bullying was. I think by picking on Fitz, in some way, he was getting back at “Mike”, and maybe some other tormentors, it seems reasonable to me.. in no way am I defending what he did.. I mean he slipped Ipecac into his drink but I’m just saying I like the depth this character has. XD



  112. Does anyone know if this Jess and Chach character are gonna be like minor characters who say lines, or if they are legitimately going to be in the storylines?

    I can do without new characters for the second half of the season. They just introduced 4 new characters, and we already have minor characters like Zane, Fitz, and Owen. They should just add new characters at the beginning of the new season, cause by then Sav, Holly J, Riley, Anya, and Zane would have graduated by then. Just saying.



  113. Am I the only one who felt this episode was setting Fitz and Clare up for a future relationship? From the way he was acting, to her line (“In theory, not a chance”) that she THEORETICALLY wouldn’t want to do anything with him, I felt it was all foreshadowing for later.

    I think this is REALLY why I can’t enjoy Fitz as much as everyone else – as interesting as he became these last few episodes, I keep fearing that he’ll later return to Degrassi and split Eclare up.



  114. I hope they’re minor too.. or add something interesting to the show. I think they’re gonna be minor though, the rest of this season is definitely going to focus on the current characters (obviously, lol) They’re just going to introduce them and we probably won’t see ’em again for another 5 episodes, lmao..



  115. Jess Is a real character, she was in the episode where Alli makes a Dance Crew.
    However Chach isn’t real, hes on the production staff and Stefan took a pic of him as a joke
    While we are at all these inaccurate rumors,
    -The goth looking girl in the promo is Clare(I dont understand how she looks goth she was just trying to maybe be attractive in a way)
    -The person walking in the promo is indefinitely Alli but the person SAYING they are leaving Degrassi sounds more like Clare or Adam.
    -Eli isn’t going crazy he just dropped his musical sheets or bumped into someone.
    -Dave is holding a tazer gun or a fake gun of some sorts.



  116. […] Degrassi Episode (and Video) Review: All Falls Down Video review coming tonight! [WARNING: THIS EPISODE REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS] […]



  117. I think Eli is the one who screams I CANT BELIEVE THIS! I WAS LOOKING OUT FOR YOU! Idk it sounds more like his voice than anyonce elses. I dont think anything EXTREME will happen in season 10 part 2 though. Alli’s leaving could be shocking because something “tragic” happens but who knows we were also told all falls down part 2 was as shocking as JT’s death…LAWL.



  118. In other news, Stacey Farber is in that Made movie.



  119. Okay, so I think I’ve calmed down enough over the past couple of days to give an fair and honest opinion about this episode.

    By Degrassi standards, All Falls Down is an above average episode. But that’s taking into account the number of stinkers that are lying throughout the battlefield that is also known as Seasons 6 through 9. By Season 10 standards, it’s more than a little lacking. And that’s not even taking into account the overhype by TeenNick and Stephen Stohn. But let’s break this down some more.

    First of all, there’s this Drew/Alli/Bianca nonsense. I don’t even understand why this was one of the main plotlines of this episode. For a season that has been a little more focused on the set-up than the payoff, this plotline came out of nowhere. Since when did Bianca want to hook up with Drew? I don’t even get how she’d find Drew desirable. He’s a pretty boy on the football team with a committed girlfriend. Hardly sounds like her type of guy. Also, the way she was acting in the second half (shoving it in Drew’s and Alli’s faces) is completely contradictory to how she was acting in the first half (“Girlfriend doesn’t have to know.”) This would all make more sense if she wanted to mess with Alli, but even then that motivation is pretty weak considering the only interaction she had with Alli was early in the season over an issue that isn’t worth worrying about a week later.

    Drew’s motivation is equally as weak. “She made me feel like a rockstar” is not a good excuse to randomly cheat on your girlfriend the first chance you can. Even Craig is rolling his eyes at this wannabe player. I wasn’t a fan of the Craig cheating plotline, but that was only because I’ve never been a big fan of Craig. At least his cheating was properly motivated. He liked both Ashley and Manny, and the initial hook-up with Manny was motivated by his increased tension with Ashley. I can’t believe they wasted prime storyline time on this.

    And for the record, I support the movement to punch Mama Torres in the face.

    Second of all, echoing in the sentiment of failing to properly set up and then pay off in a storyline, what was up with the lack of focus on Riley and Zane potentially winning king and king? I feel like this would’ve been a better use of the space available in the storyline. I realize that the past few episodes have all featured Riley and Zane, and they could’ve risked oversaturation, but they could’ve provided a much more believable climax to the Boiling Point. There are so many possibilities to this that it makes me a little disappointed that the end result was Drew and Alli, a couple that I have yet to see anybody actually care about.

    Now, for a change of pace, the Eli/Clare/Fitz plot was pretty decent, and it’s one of the few positive selling points of the episode. I’m okay with the fact that Fitz stabbed the wall instead of Eli; it was still really intense and that scene was handled with care.

    Now, I’d also like to point out why All Falls Down does not compare favorably with Time Stands Still and Rock This Town, for those who would argue otherwise:

    – Time Stands Still is the epitome (pun fully intended) of epic Degrassi episodes. Not necessarily just because Jimmy got shot or Rick ended up dying, but because the events properly built up over the first part of the season (what with Rick returning and the bullying building up until Rick gets “tarred” and feathered after his moment of glory), reached crisis mode (with Jimmy getting shot, Emma having the gun pointed directly at her, Rick dying in an ambiguous struggle) and then sending a major rippling effect throughout the rest of the season (Jimmy dealing with partial paralysis, Emma suffering from post-trauma, Spinner dealing with the guilt of his involvement of Jimmy being shot) and even into the next season (Spinner being shunned by his friends until the end of season 5 and Jimmy continually dealing with his paraylisis). The point here is that the episode was a game-changer that was introduced well and was paid off with meaningful change.

    – Rock This Town is a little bit different. In my opinion, at least, it’s not as strong of an episode as Time Stands Still, but it’s still fairly strong. It was a little more shocking, as we never expect them to actually kill off a main character like that, but to me, the strength of the episode is tragedy of it all. Just as it seemed as though JT and Liberty, Degrassi soul mates if we’ve ever seen any, were about to reunite, he’s stabbed to death over a random dispute involving his current girlfriend. The motivation for his stabbing is weak, for sure, but at least they attempted to build up the tension with that for a few episodes as well. I’m willing to overlook that, though, just for the end of the stabbing scene where Liberty screams out. The shock and anguish from that scream still rattles me every time I watch that episode. And while the change isn’t as meaningful, it’s still there.

    With All Falls Down, though it has some intensity, I don’t think it can live up to these other episodes as far as creating meaningful change with as many characters. Hell, the only characters that will be truly affected by this episode are Drew, Alli, Eli, Clare, Fitz, and to a lesser extend, Sav and Holly J. I somehow don’t see any of the other characters being affected by the events that have transpired other than complaining about the new regulations — and that can’t sustain a major storyline.

    PS. Now that this is written, I can finally now return to my normal life. Haha.



    1. It’s like you read my mind and typed out everything word per word.



    2. “And for the record, I support the movement to punch Mama Torres in the face.” We should make an online banner or Well analyzed.



      1. agreed “to punch mrs torres so hard in the face that she bleeds” movement.


  120. LMFAO so hard, check this link out



  121. Completely random, but I liked the scene with Claire and Fitz when she asked about the corsage. Totally cute, and it was nice to see a softer side of Fitz, and who knows maybe later on there could be something between the two.

    I really like Fitz as a bully. He seems like the real deal, but I don’t think it would be too phony if his character became a *little* nicer.

    I just hope they don’t go the route of Johnny who was all “omg not in front of my friends.” lame.



    1. I loved that scene too. Something about Fitz’ facial expressions make him seem like a sweet and likeable guy. You know, unless your name happens to be Eli Goldsworthy.



      1. What struck me the most about Fitz is that after he drank the ipecac-laced drink and looked like he was about to vomit, he made this kind of pitiful, half-smiling face. That face stuck out the most to me in that episode, believe or not.


  122. Not 2 be gross or annyoing but i hate how they call it “oral sex”. Thats not wat teens say they say bj or blowjob!….srry i just found that annyoing!



    1. lol well most teens also spew out cuss words but you dont hear that on degrassi , except for “bitch” every once in a while. :P



  123. Well, this was a really good episode.

    Clare was such a good mediator. Fitz seemed to have a good side. Eli was also a bit childish. And my heart stopped when Fitz “stabbed” Eli, though I knew Fitz really wouldn’t do it.

    Bianca was a b****, though I didn’t get her motivation for going after Drew, and it would have been good to see this behavior in previous episdoes. I felt that Drew, though, has always just been looking for action, and his faithfulness has always been lacking. And Owen was a little on the creepy side.

    Holly J, I felt looked better in that red dress than Fiona did. Sav and Holly J were cute together, as superficial as they may have been.

    What I would have liked to seen in this episode:
    1. Riley and Zane: King and King
    2. Wesley and Anya: Their date
    3. Someone slapping Mama Torres
    4. Leia! (Though I know nobody cares about her, would’ve been nice to have seen her since she won’t be in the second half of the season)



    1. I agree on most accounts. I’ve already elaborated about Riley and Zane above, but I completely forgot about Anya and Wesley. Where the hell were they? What about their date? UGH. So much potential lost in All Falls Down, all so that Bianca could give Drew a BJ and Alli could flirt with prostitution. Hell, even Marco’s flirt with that was more interesting and believable. Ridiculous stuff.



  124. I think im pretty much the only one who is a fan of Mrs. Torres its her job to be a bitch. And in 99 problems was the only time she hurt a plot. In afd she was needed imo. And so far season 10 has some of my favorite episodes:
    1-What A Girl Wants-Amazing acting from Fiona wow it blew me away and like kary said i`ll never forget when bobby threw her down the stairs and the sav/holly j/anya angle was fun and fresh for me.
    2-My Body Is A Cage-Wow this episode kept me on my toes the whole fricking time. Jordan Todesey`s acting was unbelievable to think this was little lizzie from lwd. Another scene i`ll never forget Owen and Fitz throwing Adam through the glass door. Anya`s plot was awesome as well the volcano scene and her scene with holly j in part 2 were too great for words in some scenes her facial expressions is all it took to make this episode a favorite of mine. And even though everyone hated owen, bianca, and fitz in mbiac they were amazing in their roles and bianca made the perfect bitch. Claire and Eli supporting Adam was so cool. And adam/mrs. torres interaction in the car in part 2 was very touching. Other favorites from past seasons are:pride, whisper to a scream, time stands still, back in black, secret, modern love, venus, my lips are sealed, rock this town, standing in the dark, death or glory, episode where darcy breaks down, episode where darcy goes to spring break camp, in your eyes



  125. did anyone else think it was slightly hilarious when fitz said to clare “shutup bitch!!”( during the knife scene). i guess it was the way he said it



  126. This may be difficult to understand, but I’ll try my best to convey what I’m feeling.

    When I watched All Falls Down Part 2, I was one of the many who was furious and disappointed with Degrassi as a whole.

    But then I was thinking to myself today. I haven’t been able to get the episode out of my head since it aired. I’ve been replaying it over and over again in my head, breaking down the involvement of every character, the mood, just all of it. Then I realized that because the episode was still stuck in my head days after airing, then it must have done its job.



    1. I think your post has described the feelings of this episode perfectly.

      I saw this, expecting more and hoping something else happened. Yet, since Thursday I could not get the stabbing scene out of my head the minute it happened.



  127. GUYS a bit random but I the thought just occurred to me that we haven’t had much interaction between Sav and Allie. Quite frankly for a tiny bit I almost forgot they were brother and sister. I would like to see them interact more in the second half of the season.



    1. aw here it is! nevermind.. I’m such a noob at posting on here.



  128. The Boiling Point was a great start to season 10 and a new era of Degrassi. I just cant wait for the second half of the season. There are so many possibilities of storylines that could play out and I believe we are going to be taken by surprise with some of the character development and stories.



  129. Kary!!! are you still gonna keep on doing the video reviews for the rest of season 10 and the next seasons to come? i love them :)



  130. I watched the episode for the third time and I actually loved it!! The first time I watched the episode I was like cussing at the tv. I was sooo dissapointed it. And then i watched it a second time and I was like this is acutally good. Then I watch it a third time and i was like Damn!!! this is one of the best episodes everrrrrr. i loved ittt. The scene with Eli and Fitz was soooo intense and the music was perfect. Clair’s acting was the best. im glad eli wasnt stabbed. it would have messed up the rest of the season. and what are the chances of two kids from the same school getting stabbed? Cant wait for Declan to come back. My favorite character everrr



  131. omgg i luvved this ep, i thought it was overhyped to, but i cried when i thoguht eli got stabbed i didnt wnat him dead i lovvee that guy lol, i wonder wat the rest of the season has in store for us



  132. Season 10 Part 2 is gonna be so intense.



  133. I thought this episode was really good. I almost peed my pants when I thought Fitz stabbed Eli.

    I think Eli should’ve just let it go. Fitz was willing to “bury the hatchet”. I kind of understand why he would still do it. I mean, the girl he likes is at the dance with his enemy. I’d be pissed too. I still think he went too far.
    & I thought it was funny when Clare was like “He just wants one thing.” & Eli’s like “You’re gonna sleep with him?” Lmfao. I thought that was hilarious.
    I can’t wait to see part 2 of season 10 (a.k.a.) The Breaking Point.

    This is what I heard…
    Season 10 Part 1 – The Boiling Point
    Season 10 Part 2 – The Breaking Point
    Season 11 Part 1 – The Mending Point
    Season 11 Part 2 – The Rebuilding Point

    Idk. We’ll just have to wait & find out.

    Degrassi Fan FOREVER!!!



  134. I don’t know what happend to my comment but…

    Hey guys a bit random but I was thinking back on this season of Degrassi and I realized that we haven’t had much interaction between siblings Allie and Sav. I almost forgot they were brother and sister. I like seeing them on the screen together hopefully there will be more of them in the second half of the season.

    Also, @ Antoinette :) I mos def plan on rewatching this episode. It something about it that I really enjoyed. I really like the ending with Snake coming out and saying his peiece. He has been really lenient on his students but enough is enough.. they took advantage of that and now there will be changes!



    1. @Crooklyn. Ya ive noticed that too. I think its because they were together in real life and they probably broke up so its akward with them being in the same scene



      1. They were never 2gether in real life…

        And they interacted alot in the beginning of the season but they obviously have gone their separate ways (drama wise).


  135. The episode was good, but not AS good as I thought it would be. It moved kind of fast. I wish it would have been an hour special (I’m not saying combine parts 1 and 2 into an hour special, I’m saying that just the dance deserved an hour). But enough with the negative. I really enjoyed it. The Eli/Clare/Fitz plot was great. Ali/Drew plot was good because it kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next and how secrets would be revealed. And Mama Torres? I was so angry at her! But it’s GOOD that they made me angry at her because I’ll keep watching and waiting for her to get what she deserves! >:( Poor Ali… Sav and Holly J. were kind of random, but I’m glad that they were there to add to the drama. Simpson was PISSED at everyone, which was awesome to see since he’s been such a chill principal this half-season.

    The promo? Crazy. I can’t wait to see what’s up. Dave and the gun? Isn’t that just a stun gun? They’re probably doing something in class. But we won’t know until we see. I really want to know what’s up with Eli and Clare because Eli looks out of his mind in the promo and Clare is going through an identity crisis or something. It sounds like either Adam or Clare saying, “I’m leaving Degrassi.” I’m leaning toward Adam, but I won’t make any commitments to theories. Ali will probably have some awesome storylines, and I’m excited to see what happens with prego Jenna. And KC…? Is he just chillin or something? I didn’t catch him in the promo. OH! Holly J. and…Declan?! I’ve missed Declan so much! But HJ doesn’t look very happy to see him, which is obviously going to break my heart. :( The episode where they broke up was bad enough. They were my favorite couple. Now I have to turn to Eli and Clare who I hope will get a lot of plot time to develop. :)

    Anyway, great review, Kary. Keep us posted!!!



  136. My prediction for the 2nd half of season 10 based on the fall promo video:

    You could see the name “Turner” on the uniform of the cop that pulled over Sav in I Don’t Know What to do with Myself Part 2. Obviously the cop is related to Dave since they have the same last name and since I’m sure no one else in the greater Toronto area has that last name. Dave steals the taser gun from his relative and brings it to school to raise the Three Tenners’ street cred. LoveQueen16 shows up to the school and confesses that it was her who made the Three Tenners’s song a viral hit and not Wesley. Fitz, who is being tutored by Wesley, comes to Wesley’s defense and says “Shut up, bitch” to LoveQueen16. Dave then points the taser at Connor’s stalker, shoots and misses. He strikes Eli by mistake. The electric current of the taser gun does permanent damage to Eli, and he becomes mentally ill. He starts to see hallucinations of Clare as Julia and he becomes convinced that he wrote the Three Tenners’ song and has the sheet music to prove it. Clare’s not having any of it and decides to leave Degrassi. The end.



    1. This was extremely creative… but I doubt any of this will happen, lol.



  137. I actually really liked this episode. It was very intense and kept me at the edge of my seat until the very end. Although i did fond the episode a little bit anticlimatic because it kept getting more and more intense but it never really peaked, it just ended. And i also wished that this episode would have taken at least one of the storylines a little bit farther so i would fall off my seat instead of just going to the edge of it.



  138. Bianca never liked drew. She pretended to like him so he would cheat on his gf, cuz he is adam’s brother. She just wanted him to be hurt.



  139. Here’s my opinion on what might happen this fall….

    Clare looking goth – Clare is protesting against the new uniforms. When she’s talking to Eli he’s wearing a uniform & she’s not.

    Eli dropping sheet music – Eli was probably walking thru the halls after music class & someone bumped into him and made him drop all his stuff.

    Declan and Holly J. – Declan and Holly j. could have gotten back together but she doesn’t really wanna be with him cuz she loves Sav.

    Dave with a taser gun – He could be playing a game with someone or trying to deal with a bully.

    Jenna looking shocked – Her water could’ve broken or she won Next Teen Star.

    Clare running away from Eli crying – Clare might be questioning her religion becuz her parents are getting a divorce so she has no reason to believe anymore.So she might want to have sex with Eli but he won’t cuz he knows she doesn’t really mean it.

    The girl walking away – It’s probably Alli.

    “My life is so over.” – Alli
    “This is ridiculous. We’re living in a police state.” – Clare
    “I don’t know who I am.” – Clare
    “I don’t believe this.” – Zane
    “I’m just looking out for you.” – Eli
    “I’m sorry.” – KC
    “You screwed up big time.” – Alli
    “I’m leaving Degrassi.” – Alli



    1. i have a feeling that shes gonna like make it to the finals of next teen star but right before they announce the winner her water will break. That wud be pretty interesting to watch!!



      1. oh my god, you’re so right, @degrassilova55!!! that would be just like degrassi! (altho, i feel like that’s what always happens on tv/movies, that the pregnant girl goes into labor right when some big event is taking place). now i’m fulling expecting that to happen.


    2. I think it’s Adam that says, “I’m leaving Degrassi.”

      I agreed with you thinking it was Alli, but I replayed that bit of the promo over and over and realized that Alli’s voice sounds absolutely nothing like the person that says this.

      Besides this, I agree with everything else. Good job. (:



  140. And wudnt it have been awesome if after mrs. toress called alli a whore alli would like run over and punch her in the face that wudve been a really cool scene



  141. Well if you remember, Holly J is having money problems and can’t pay her way to Yale. I bet she breaks things off to be with Declan because he mentioned earlier that he could pay for her. She gets so desperate about Yale that she forces herself into an unhappy relationship for it (when she really wants to be wit Sav). I think that’s a pretty reasonable plot line.

    And wasn’t there blood on Eli’s mouth? I think someone mentioned that.

    Obviously they won’t abide by the rules. I bet there’s a lot of ‘underground’ stuff going on at the school. Did you see the wiki for part 2? One of the rules is that there’s no PDA allowed and students aren’t allowed left alone in classrooms (thanks Holly J/Sav) so obviously hand holding/kissing etc is a huge no-no.

    I’m just hoping Simpson goes a little batty then let’s up. Remember when Raditch started up the saturday morning detention and Simpson was like ‘They’re kids…life is short let them enjoy it’ I hope someone shakes him a little too…if you hold the reins too tight it just gives the students more of a reason to rebel.

    I can totally see it being Alli leaving (obviously) but she IS suppose to be coming back to the show. However, maybe it’s Jenna leaving? Think about it…he wants to eliminate degrassi’s ‘bad rep’ maybe Jenna’s pregnancy is what makes her leave…But then again, that’s just a speculation…cuz I still think it’s Alli.

    P.s. I hope Eli and Clare don’t break up…I hate when they mess up cuteness.

    OH! And I watched AFD 1&2 a second time, and let me correct myself. With all the hype/rumours I thought it was a bad bad bad episode. However, watching it as an episode in itself and forgetting that it was a half season finale (which really means nothing) it was amazing. And to whoever thought that the song wasn’t a good song for a striptease…go listen to it on youtube (oceanship- hotblack) it’s damn good…soo eerie though.



  142. GUYS!!! ok dosent this seem like a amazing twist ok eli,clare,and adam have a three some and adam gets caght up in the moment and has sex with eli to and find out he is prego with eli baby!!! and then with this one plot it will form more plots cause adam is now forced to be agirl and cant come off as a guy if hes prego and now eli loves clare but is the father of his best friend baby and then the relation issuses clare and eli wil face



    1. ……
      ……… ROFL



    2. hey why all the thumbs down ahahaha



    3. This is Degrassi. Not The Jerry Springer Show. ;)



    4. no, that does NOT seem like an amazing twist.



  143. Does any one know a website for degrassi episode reviews from past seasons?



  144. here…if you click on other episodes



    1. lol besides here but thanks for trying to help



  145. Mrs. Torres = Professor Umbridge



    1. You rock for that! ;)



    i posted some pics of the cast in india! you’re welcome.



  147. If I had the chance to punch anyone i wanted, I would punch mrs. Torres. She’s such a BITCH. I swear to god if she gets mr. Simpson fired ima slap a hoe.



    1. I really don’t know rather to like or hate Mrs. Torres… or both.

      We sorta saw a softer side of her in “My Body Is A Cage” and since then I’ve found her a tad bit more tolerable.



  148. Mrs. Torres is annoying but the actress is very convincing as the character. I don’t really want to see much of her anymore



  149. I Love Degrassi August 31, 2010 at 1:26 am

    I agree with everyone: AFD was one of Degrassi’s greatest.

    The only part that annoys me a bit was the whole plot with Drew and Alli. They’re relationship is so repetitive, it just bugs me. I wish they’d changed it up a bit, we all knew Drew would hook up with some other girl and Alli would find out. I wish they’d made the plot with Holly J and Sav more significant.

    The Fitz, Clare, and Eli scene literally gave me chills. It was one of the best acting I have ever seen in Degrassi history. The look of vulnerability on Eli’s face was so believeable, and I even cried a little… I know, lame. But still, that scene brought out the side of Eli that hadn’t been shown over the previous 6 weeks he’d been on the show. Fitz and Eli overshadowed Clare, but I still think she did an excellent job. I was completely blown away with this scene.

    I give MAJOR kudos to Munro Chambers. That scene will make this season one of the most memorable yet. Degrassi made a killer comeback, I hope the second-half of this season doesn’t disappoint. (:




    Eli goes to clares houes for dinner, specifically…TACOSSSS hahaha i saw that picture of Munro at the dinner table and stephen Brogen took ANOTHER picture from a tv indicating it was on the set. i know it’s clares house 1. cause i saw her white elbows lol 2. i saw it when much usic did the walk on set. there was another picture of munro loking sad when he was at her house hmm maybe her mom or dad said something bad?? :O we’ll have to find out in time!

    i hope im right ;D im putting puzzle pieces in here n there! LOL.



    1. were did you find these pictures?



    2. I saw that same picture. I guess Eli and Clare’s relationship is going well.



      1. Here’s the site with the pics.



  151. ***SPOILER***
    I can’t believe nobody has realized this! It’s Alli who’s leaving Degrassi to go to ‘India’ (film for that new movie).



  152. sure, this episode was solid in the since that it set everything up all in one for the second half of season 10, as it should have BUT i have been watching degrassi since the 80’s and i have to admit that it wasn’t my fav. i do agree that nobody has to physically get hurt to make a dynamic “boiling point” but 1. to compare to jt’s death was not a comparison in the slightest! and 2. the “boiling point” i can only describe my feelings about this as “everything’s gonna boil over! oh wait, nothing really happened…” it’s like waiting for your water to boil over but it just bubbles to the top and kinda spatters but nothing really boiled over. again, solid but not my fav.



  153. does the uniforms represent different grades? or no?



    1. Yellow – freshmen
      purple – sophomore
      red – junior
      blue – senior



  154. degrassifan500 May 12, 2012 at 9:30 pm

    i loved the knife scene but it took me forever to figure out that he stabbed the wall…im so clueless sometimes:)



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