This week’s group of storylines as a whole have been the weakest of The Boiling Point so far.  But my theory that we’re going to get at least one really good storyline per week still stands strong. 

For the recap you need to have seen the episodes, or at least read (and watched) my episode reviews: 

I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself (1)
I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself (2)
Try Honesty (1)
Try Honesty (2)

Sav and the Dead Hand Concert
I really, really liked Part 1, but the storyline lost its luster in Part 2.  The advantage of Part 1 was the strength of the Sav/Eli/Adam interaction.  In Part 2 they stepped away from that to get to the actual storyline itself, and went in a weird direction with Sav’s conflicting emotions about the entire situation. 

This storyline was one that’s simple and predictable the entire way.  It was the characters who drove the story forward and made things interesting, which is rare that character relationships are so more interesting than the actual plot.  Without it the story is weak, even when they’re getting chased by the police. 

Some people applauded Sav for standing up to his parents, but to me it didn’t seem as big of a deal as it’d normally be because it won’t change anything.  His parents possess a level of strictness that’s ridiculous, so it’s not like him saying “You guys ruined my life so now I can’t be with Anya!!!” would make them say “We’re wrong…you’re right…you can date her now.”

Jenna’s weightloss issues
I remember reading a comment that said they disagreed with my grades of this plot because the message was more relatable than plots in previous weeks.  That may or may not be true, but you still need a vehicle to convey said message.  I stated four times (in 2 written reviews and 2 video reviews) that the reason this plot isn’t good is because Jessica Tyler’s acting was bad. 

I have nothing against Jessica as a person, but Jenna was emotionless and monotone all throughout.  I’m supposed to be convinced she’s desperate to lose weight and that it’s affecting her self esteem, but that’s kinda hard when Jenna delivers her lines like she could care less about what’s happening.

I have zero issues with the actual story, and I’m sure it looked really good on paper.  As a matter of fact, here’s a list of characters who if they’d been given this storyline it would’ve been much better:

Holly J

Fiona and Porcelina
Fiona delivers solid acting like she’s done all season, but the story falls apart at the end.  After Fiona takes Porcelina home it’s like they didn’t know what to do with the plot, so they abruptly ended it.  It’s not like the Fiona/Holly J plot in Breakaway where Holly J steals money, and then Fiona instantly forgives her.  We’re talking about this (Fiona’s issue with loneliness being a huge part of her mental state.  So it’s weird that she sort of suddenly snaps out of it at the end.

Holly J and Declan
The underlying theme is my annoyance with Holly J’s behavior all season.  Schoolwork this, Yale that, I <3 Declan so I have to do all of this so we can live happily ever after.  She’s always been a character that’s put herself first.  Even in Seasons 7 and 8 when they established her as the girl who tries too hard to be the resident bitch, her self-serving attitude was who she was.

So watching her established character disappear because of some boy was irritating.  I can’t endorse such a clingy change in attitude from anyone, guy or girl, given that Degrassi couples (no matter how cute or strong they are together) are doomed to breakup eventually.

Part 2 is obviously better than Part 1 because Landon makes a physical appearance on the show, and he and Charlotte have wonderful chemistry.  It’s sad that this could be the last we see of Declan, but it’s good news that we (hopefully) will get the old Holly J back.

...too creepy to lol.

Eli vs. Fitz
This plot goes beyond bullying…it’s about a kid who’s willing to go the distance to punish someone who has screwed him over.  I thought I’d feel bad for Eli in this episode, but I actually started feeling bad for Fitz.

This is the best storyline of the week because Eli, the guy who I just assumed had the standard tv “dark side” to him, is someone who is far more complex and dangerous than I’d ever imagined.  There seems to be two different pro-Eli camps: 1) The “OMG Eli is so hot!!!  <3 <3 <3 <3” people, and 2) the people love Eli’s depth and the drama he brings to this show.

Even more awesome than this plot is the discussion here on this site, with everyone debating his (lack of) mental stability.  Remember the days when all people ever talked about was Adam? :)

You know who could be the biggest beneficiary of a complete Eli meltdown if it happens? Clare.  If anything were to happen to Eli, a plot that focuses on her emotional state after the fact would be simply phenomenal.


Every expression on Wesley's face makes me lol.

The 3 Tenners
This plot sucked in Part 1 (it was slow, boring and nothing of importance happened), so I’m sticking to my “F” grade.  Part 2 was a million times better.  I felt it was unnecessary to stretch this plot over two episodes, when it could’ve easily be condensed into one.

I still have the song stuck in my head…that’s how catchy it is.  The initial annoyance with bands on Degrassi is that ever since Goin Down The Road it’s like a requirement that everyone on this show eventually become a musician, or a model, or an actor.

Studz was and still is forgettable to me, and  I would’ve stabbed myself had Connor and Wesley suddenly displayed a talent to play the guitar like Studz did.  But the difference is that these guys aren’t a Downtown Sasaquatch clone, and showed a creativity with their music.  Wesley knowing how to play the flute is totally believable, and I also believe (if he became obsessed with it) that Connor could put together killer beats.

Do you want to know the most AMAZING part about this plot is? Listen to lyrics, and keep in mind that Connor wrote them.  It’s subtle, and absolutely BRILLIANT foreshadowing for his upcoming plot in Tears Dry On Their Own.

For their full song you can listen and/or download below:

download link (RIGHT CLICK and “Save Target As”):

Posted by Kary


  1. i agree! great job!



  2. Eli is a really good addition too the show, he kinda brings a certain level of darkness too it, plus hes hot ;)



    1. I think Eli is



      1. Sorry I got cut off.

        I was going to say I think Eli is a great addition to the show. Not only is he incredibly hot (it’s a fact people) but he is deep. He helped Claire assert herself with her assignment and family problems, he also helped Sav and Adam. But he is not a goody two shoes. Why does he need a fake id? It has been established that he has one but not why he has it.

        I hope the tarot cards in the promo don’t actually mean death. The death card can mean many things so I hope they don’t get rid of this exciting character.


      2. i don’t know if someone has said this before but eli reminds me of Damon in Vampire Diaries.
        I just love this character it reminds me so much of my high school days.


      3. he likes going to shows. maybe some of them are at bars, so he’d need a fake ID to get in.

        or he only got one in the first place to show fitz.


      4. Hayley Masters August 9, 2010 at 3:16 pm

        I don’t think Eli is going to be the one who dies this season. I think the death card may have represented something to do with his past. According to Clare the rumors are that he is “obsessed with death,” so the death card could simply stand for said “obsession.” Also I don’t think that they’ve built up the character of Eli enough to kill him off. Although his death would be dramatic I don’t think it’d have as great of an impact as if they were to kill someone off who’s been on the show for a longer time (holly j., Anya, KC etc). Regardless Eli character is itriguing, full of depth and mysterious. and I hate to day but the fact that he’s beautiful is a major plus for him as well.


  3. Can someone post the grades again?



    1. Sav: B
      Jenna: D+
      Fiona: B-
      Holly J: c
      Eli: A-
      The three tenners: B



    2. HighSchoolDrama24/7 August 8, 2010 at 11:20 pm

      Sav/Dead Hand = B
      Jenna and her weight = D+
      Fiona and porcelina = B-
      Dolly J = C
      Eli vs. Fitz = A-
      3 Tenners = B



  4. i am the 2nd pro-Eli camp. i love that he’s not just a readable or predictable outsider, and i love the intense moods he creates for the show. i loved the eerie vibes he cast towards the end of Try Honesty, Pt 2. Munro’s acting is spot-on, and i look forward to more plots from him this season.

    i agree with all your reviews! Jessica Tyler was very bland in this week’s episodes. someone suffering from an eating disorder or body image issue would not come across as passive as Jenna seemed to be. it wasn’t convincing or interesting to watch.



    1. The Jenna storyline just makes me really dislike her character.

      Her character is at a perfectly fine weight, and the fact that she decides to “cheat” and use diet pills, yet continue to eat crappy food just annoys me to no extent.

      Yea, weight loss isn’t easy. It’s a very, very hard and emotional experience. (although I doubt it would be in her case, she fit in those pants just fine, maybe if she took off the jeans… even if she had weight to lose, it’d probably be around 5 pounds, big whoop.) I’ve watched my mother lose over a hundred pounds in the last year, and I’ve watched her work HARD and eat much better. And anyone who just wants to take the easy way out with pills or laxatives is just plain lazy. I know burgers and pasta are delicious, but sometimes you have to choose your priorities. Milkshare, or the body you want?



      1. *milkshake (typo)


      2. the whole thing was not that she wasn`t willing to work for it, it was she only had a week to do it. 10 pounds she wanted to loose so that’d be hard without a fat burning pill. And the junk food was to show she couldnt break her old habits


  5. I agree with ALL these grades. :)



  6. Munro Chambers is an amazing actor. In the scene where Fitz is arrested…those creepy looks of satisfaction almost gave me chills. Personally that did it for me to decide that Eli is mentally unstable. I mean it was like, I had to rewind and look at it again and again. He may not be a sociopath, but he isn’t all there either.



    1. haha, remember when everybody was just creeped out by Eli in the Boiling Point promos? All he said was “You have pretty eyes.”




    Someone tweeted Stephen Stohn “Question :) Is Season 10 just the Fall Semester, or is it a whole year? I hope it’s just Fall.”

    His response was “it goes to Spring Break!”

    So Season 10 only goes to Spring Break! So maybe there will be a Spring Break Movie? But then what about the rest of the school year?? Will Season 11 start with the end of one school year, go into Summer Vacation, and continue into the following school year??

    So many questions, so few answers!



    1. I’m doubtful of this. Spring break may be the time of the school year in which they’re currently writing or shooting at the moment.

      “Greek” was able to pull off such a move, but it was okay because storytelling-wise, they usually focus on the Greek system, not necessarily school in general. And even then, it was still a little awkward if you thought about it too much.



    2. They said i dont think they will have season 11 i think this is their last season but i could be wrong



      1. Are you kidding? This show shows NO signs of stopping anytime soon.


      2. Agreed. Degrassi Takes Manhattan was the highest rated Teennick Telecast ever, and ratings have been up since Season 10 started. they have no reason to stop here. I heard Season 12 might be the final season though.


  8. “There seems to be two different pro-Eli camps…” agreeed, but there should also be a third camp. Those that love his depth, are intrigued by his instability, believe his character is a great addition to the show, and also think his attractiveness makes it that much better :)



    1. I’m in the Eli camp where guys and gals alike need to tell their reproductive organs to simmer down.



  9. Thanks kalya jenna really needs to step up with her acting hoping for a surprise in tdoto. I agree 100% eli/fitz plot was the best this week and should have been the main plot.



    1. :) youre welcome



  10. I agree with all of the grades.
    The only thing of importance in the week was Eli and Fitz plot, for it served as a reminder that there is more to Eli then meets the eye. I think a lot of us where so caught up with Eclare, that the thought of him being anything but a good typical teenager seemed absurd, which is obviously not the case. Now we find ourself questioning his intentions and true motives.
    I like that they are slowly drawing us in not given to much imformation at a time. Although it makes the wait to episode 24 more frustrating. At least it makes things more believable, which makes these 24 episodes so great. They give things time to develope. I just hope that the conclusion to everything will be worth all this suspense and speculation.



  11. LOL at Riley dealing with weight issues. I’m all for that in Season 11.

    But hey, maybe the idea has some legitimacy. I mean, if he goes to college and becomes a party-goer, you know what all of those late-night beers and pizza will do to a guy.



  12. I agreed with these grades, after I just don’t know what to do with myself 1&2 aired I was like, well, that deserved an A! But if you really look at part 2 it really didn’t.. I personally think it’d be GREAT if Sav listened to Bianca, floored it, and out-ran the cops.. giving the opprotunity to make a later episode where that backfires on Sav and the group when the police found his adress, Causing more drama and continuing that storyline.



  13. Thanks high school drama 24/7 too and degrassi lover thanks for the info too im pretty sure that’s just to keep fiona holly j sav and anya on the show longer not complaining though. This is so exciting that means storylines will have more time to develop because I thought season 10 was gonna include the whole school year 48 episodes for 1 and 1/2 semester. Only 12 episodes left for the boiling point and 36 for the season 10. Yes im counting lol and guys I just thought about something what if my fiona loses her trial against bobby and he decides to attened degrassi I know unlikely and maybe everyone except for holly j doest believe her and calls her drama queen then conor comes along and becomes her friend and then catfight with bianca occurs after she calls fiona and conor freaks lol yes im sticking to my theory.



    1. well way back when, Paige lost her trial against her rapist. maybe a repeat? only time will tell.



  14. I can’t understand the lyrics can someone post them?
    I’m so freakishly excited for the adam eps. that i had a Degrassi dream! (O_O)
    and jessica tyler can’t act<degrassi standards(degrassi is an intense show you HAVE to be a good actor/ess her acting is fine in a disney channel show)she can sing but her acting needs to improve its makes the show look cheesey
    (i realize people love jessica so i will get thumbs down)

    Eli's a great character but if he get Clare invovled into something dangerous or threatening i will be.. disappointed



  15. fingers crossed for a leak tonight



    1. HighSchoolDrama24/7 August 9, 2010 at 12:06 am

      It’s on tomorrow, or technically later today, there would be no need for a leak.



      1. don’t bring around a cloud to rain on my parade


  16. Lol they need to push Riley back a year again >.> Let Chantay go though UNLESS they finally decide to give her a actual plot(i personally think the actress who portrays her can handle a actual plot better than Jessica did with that weight issue >.>)
    Also its funny how (MAJORITY) fan-girls’ favorite character changed recently

    Season 8: Riley
    Season 9:Declan (some Riley)
    PRE-SEASON 10 – Adam/Eli
    Now-ish Season 10- Eli (some Adam)
    Next Week – Adam (after his plot this week im pretty sure he will make a lot of fans XD)



    1. I agree chantay has been there since the dawn of time, only just got a pic in the opening creds last season, and still has no real plot (that one danny incident in i think season 9, doesn’t really count as much of an issue, on degrassi standards)



  17. Now i get the song! i was listening to it earlier and I was trying to decipher what the meaning of it meant. i did read some earlier about Connor and an online video game chick, but i thought it was like a fake spoiler. Good looking out! i need to pay more attention, but I love the foreshadowing they’re doing. It’s perfect!



    1. btw the beat is hot! And i literally searched for it after part 2. good thing the cast has twitters.



      1. I’m thinking that The Three Tenners song should be on Itunes. Its really good


    2. I know right. When I was looking at the captions on my TV, I was like – Hey, isn’t that what’s gonna happen to Connor?



  18. i really hope that since monday and tuesday’s episodes have alli/drew, there is some interaction between clare and alli because
    a) clare is awesome, and i like her to be on screen as much as possible. [and more clare means maybe an appearance by eli…>.>]
    b) there was never any explanation for why alli and jenna are friends already! if clare and alli are going to drift apart, it shouldn’t be sudden.

    so i am REALLY hoping for alli to be talking to clare about drew, and maybe clare can say something about how she doesn’t approve of alli’s antics, and alli can make some remark about clare hanging out with eli so much. that would justify them drifting apart a little bit.



    1. Exactly! When did alli and jnna become friends again???



  19. LOL i love your captions.

    1.) …lol
    2.) …lol
    3.) …lol
    4.) …lol
    5.) …too creepy to lol



  20. Lyrics:

    Reaching Wizzle and Cizzle
    You were always online
    Always on my mind
    I couldn’t even see you
    That’s why love is blind

    When I talk to you I think, “Oh!”
    I should call you up and then “Woah”
    I don’t even know what you look like
    But I’d recognize you on sight
    When I talk to you, I think, “Oh!”
    I should call you up and then “Woah!”
    We’re gonna need to say when
    I’ll never frag you again, because…

    You and I always last, girl
    That’s what keeps me coming back to spawn
    Sometimes you know I get so bored
    Only come to you through my keyboard

    When I talk to you I think, “Oh!”
    I should call you up and then “Woah”
    I don’t even know what you look like
    But I’d recognize you on sight
    When I talk to you, I think, “Oh!”
    I should call you up and then “Woah!”
    We’re gonna need to say when
    I’ll never frag you again



    1. oh come on. connors girlfriend is gonna be miss oh. her name is even in it!



      1. I mean come on. She is the computer teacher right? Connor ischecking her out in the opening credits, and they wouldnt bring in a random teacher if they werent gonna do anything with her. If they wouldn’t they would have snake as the principle and teacher


      2. “I don’t even know what you look like
        But I’d recognize you on sight”
        He clearly wrote, “I don’t even know what you look like” so he has no idea. Plus the woman he meets online is over 40. Do u think Ms. Oh is over 40?


      3. Just because they said it’s 40 doesn’t mean that she is. I mean it might be what it says on her profile. People lie about their age online all the time sos why couldn’t Ms.Oh and he doesnt know what she looks like yet cause they havent met in person yet and he only knows stuff about her from her profile


      4. What if the lady playing with Connor IS in fact Ms. Oh and Connor doesn’t even know since he never met her (vice versa for her)! o: I would laugh so much XD


  21. Okay, well I hope you know what they’re doing with this. MY PREDICTION:They plan to air episodes 25-48 in a weekly format straight through, In 2 blocks of 12. So say, September 3rd-November 19th; January 14th-March 25th(hour-long on the 25th). They air a Spring Break Movie on Friday April 1st. They finish out the Degrassi school year Daily from Early April to Late May. Then they air the next portion, set ENTIRELY in the summer, effectively writing off any fizzled stars. Then Degrassi:A Point Of No Return or whatever airs in a condensed teennick format for two blocks: from September-November 2011, and January-March 2012. I REALLY stand by this theory, and I think it could work.:-) so what do you guys think? Pros? Cons? Flaws? And Joe? If you’re gonna point fingers, make sure your hands are clean.



    1. “Degrassi: A Point of No Return” LOLZ



    2. “Joe? If you’re gonna point fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”

      I literally LOL when I read this.



    3. the only thing messed up is that they arent showing the second half of this season until MID October. No Degrassi in September >.>



  22. I think the main plot in YDKMN is going to suck since Alli has been lacking, but maybe Drew might make it better. I think the sub-plots will be up. But MBIAC is going be amazing even the subplots!
    Also I’m starting to like Connor, I hope they have newer intense storylines for him. Also I hope he can be my new favorite character.
    My favorite characters:
    1. Ashley and Jimmy
    2. Jt and Craig
    3. Ellie and Craig
    4. Emma and Jay
    5. Peter and Ellie
    6. Peter and Darcy
    7. Peter and Darcy
    8. Holly J and Claire
    9. Everyone!
    10. Not sure



  23. I’m gonna be honest and say I’m not really a fan of The Three Tenners song :/ sorry lol.



    1. Well it doesn’t really matter…it’s just a plot device, for Connor’s upcoming storyline.



      1. Alright..? I’m just saying my opinion. Kary said that the song was really catchy and I’m saying that I don’t like it.


  24. I feel like the theme song doesn’t fit with this season. Don’t get my wrong I like it and everything (although I do wish they changed it up and added in all the characters) but they are in the middle of a serious scene or whatever and then all of a sudden its like WHATEVER IT TAKES! It kinda kills the moment. Does anyone else feel this way sometimes are is it just me? lol. I also noticed when Holly J was in the car with Declan, she said “Turn Left” and not even a second later it went to commercial, they didn’t give it enough time which kinda killed the moment .. juts something I noticed.



    1. i completely agree about the turn left thing, i noticed it too. and the song . . . i actually really like the lyrics but i feel like the Studz (or technically Sound Speed, i guess) singing it just doesnt fit anymore, since Danny, Spin, and mostly Peter are off the show at this point. it just makes me nostalgic every time i hear it. and i think they needed to film new openers for ALL the characters, because the ones that they didnt change (Holly J/Leia, Declan/Fiona, Jenna/Dave) dont seem at all fitting anymore to whats now happening with those characters.



      1. Exactly, I love the song itself, I mean it has been the same song since season 1 just different but none of them are really on the show anymore and its to preppy for this dark boiling point/serious season. It’s the same as Season 9. I agree with you that they should def film new openers but Stephen Stohn said they wouldn’t change it till season 11. Leia wont even be on the show anymore for the rest of season 10 and Zane, Fitz and Owen aren’t even in it. Also, like you said Holly J, Declan, Fiona, Jenna and Dave’s opening credits scene does not fit at all :/


  25. I pretty much agree with all your grades, except for Sav and the DeadHand concert plot which I personally would have rated slightly higher just because Sav spoke out, even though it didn’t change anything lol, the old Sav would never had done that, plus that plot was enjoyable for me despite how predictable it is. About the Eli vs Fitz plot, the best thing about that plot that I liked was that (just like what you said) in the beginning I felt bad for Eli but towards the end of the plot that completely changed,as I felt bad for Fitz, particularly the scene where Fitz was hauled away to the police car and Eli standing there with that creepy and sadistic expression on his face.



  26. Ok, so reading through all the comments and debates going back the last few weeks, a big topic that I have seen is Jenna and a pregnancy storyline. I totally think she is, all the signs are pointing to it, but the big thing that is being stated (which I totally agree with) is there is no sign of her and KC having actually done the deed yet. I read a couple of people stating it’s Peter’s, that’s why he is still around, and I was like, huh. Did those two ever interact?

    And then, just about an hour ago (Thank You U-Verse on Demand!), I stumbled across last year’s season finale, Keep on Loving You. The one where Holly J and Declan have sex for the first time, and they say I Love You? It was a TOTALLY forgettable episode, I barely remember watching it, but the subplot was the school musical that Declan was directing. Peter was the lead and Jenna was the love interest.

    Now, high school musicals are a hormone driven thing. So many hook-ups amongst the cast, people cheating on one another… you are with these people day in and day out for hours at a time. It’s a big, almost incestuous, family. It would totally not surprise me in the least if something DID occur then, but what was kept on the DL.

    Think about the timing. It is almost PERFECT. You don’t start experiencing the pregnancy symptoms until you are about 3, maybe 4 months along. We are at the very beginning of the fall term; the musical took place in May-June of the last Spring. Peter is a very charismatic guy, and he has always had the hottest girls (Emma, Darcy, Mia). I could definitely see little “niner” Jenna falling for the charms of such a hottie senior. Yes, she and KC were together, but how together?

    Just something that popped into my head :) I am longtime lurker, but a newbie poster. Who is almost 30 and still loves the awesomeness that is Degrassi (I have seen every episode, and have been watching since 2002.) Love this site!



    1. Oh, one more thing on the timing… since they skewed last season’s episodes around so much, who even knows when KC and Jenna hooked up? Jenna could have already been cast in the musical before KC broke things off with Clare.



    2. I’m not sure I can buy into Peter being the father of Jenna’s baby….Then again, wouldn’t it have to be someone at Degrassi? It may not be as dramatic if the audience didn’t have a connection with the father. My thoughts were that if she were pregnant, that maybe it had something to do with the Youtube music video she was in. I don’t think it’s by accident that the video was playing in a the scenes where she was obsessing about her weight. Could something have happened on the road when she was filming that video? Or was it just a little shameless self-promotion on the part of the actor playing Jenna?



    3. I would love Peter and Jenna to have that storyline, but isn’t that consider rape in sometime of form. That would be an intersting storyline.



    4. The problem with that theory is, wouldn’t Jenna and Peter’s hook up be featured in an episode? That would have been an interesting plot so I don’t see why they wouldn’t have featured it especially if it foreshadows to a future episode. I think a Peter/Jenna pregnancy would be a lot more random than the viewers finding out Jenna and KC have already had sex. Even though Jenna said she was a “boyfriend stealer” at her old school, I don’t think that implies that she would sleep around, but that’s just my opinion I suppose.



      1. Okay, question. That scene where KC brings Jenna her pants in part 2 of I just don’t know what to do with myself, were we supposed to assume they had sex that night? I kind of got that feeling when he started kissing her neck, the first time I saw that scene. But then I was like no way, because then Jenna starts to have cravings the next day??? It seem unrealistic. Then I watched the scene again, and I was like maybe not. It was just kind of awkward… I just bring up because no one really has stated that interpretation yet. So what did you guys think of that scene?


  27. SAV- His story was great. It was nice to actually see him stand on his own two feet without Anya or Studz by his side. Like Claire, he’s another character the writers have breathed some life into. I love where he’s going. Not to mention Raymond’s acting is great.

    JENNA- I take stories like this very seriously because everyone have either dealt with weight issues or know someone who did/does…BUT! I have to be honest…this story sucked. It was just so predictable. It did nothing to set itself apart from every other teen weight loss story. Seemed like fodder. I hope Jenna gets more stories so we could find out more about her. She’s still quite a mystery.

    FIONA- I’ve already stated my opinion on Fiona. Love her and where she’s going.

    HOLLY J/DECLAN- *Yawns*, it was okay.

    ELI & FITZ- Best story this week.

    DAVE,CONNOR,WESLEY- Why must we have a band every year? Jeez. Dave is on my “irritating as hell” list. He’s sort of a dick to Wes and Connor. Anyway, it was entertaining. Though I think it was Wesley and Connor who shined in this story. I really like them. Lovable dorks.



  28. I feel without the pig, the show will go downhill



    1. YES! I really wanted to keep the pig around! seriously tho, i wanted porcelina to just become a lovable and quirky thing about fiona’s character and the show. like, holly j and fiona would walk into the condo and porcelina would run up to them. and fiona would pet her, and then the scene would just continue with whatever was happening. kind of like mia and isabella in seasons 6 and 7: in a bunch of the scenes mia was in, bella would be with her. bella wouldnt always add ANYTHING to the scene (except to serve as a reminder of her existence), but she was just a staple of mia’s character (until season 8 of course). i was sooo hoping porcelina would be like that.



      1. I miss Mia. She was my favorite character. :(


      2. Oh my God I love that you just compared Bella to Porcelina so much hahahaha. It really does make sense, too. I’m so bummed she returned her.


  29. I think I’ve got a handle on the formula for S10’s ABC plots.

    A Plot is a self contained event. It might have repercussions later, or foreshadowing earlier. But the majority of the plot is contained in the two episodes that it happens in. They are stronger and get a lot of screentime, and generally are used to push the depth of the characters involved. So far this season all the A plots have been for Seniors (probably due to the fact that we lose them this season).

    B Plots are NOT self-contained. They will bleed into other plots and are in some way open-ended. Either they will feed a later plot, or they will leave a feel for the season. They seem to be the more interesting plots of the bunch as they always leave a feeling of more is coming.

    C Plots are not important at all. They are tiny events in the character’s lives you look at and learn something about the characters involved. They are a bit more fun, a bit of lead up for later events, but they can just stand on their own as a tiny bit of light heart compared to the A plot. While they lead to events later on in the season, they don’t lead as directly as B plots do.

    While there are a few rough plots that just don’t work as well as they should. Most of the time this system is working out very well for the stories.



  30. Jennas somewhat depressed about her weight, i just dont see how shes suppose to be SUPER EXCITED WITH EMOTION:D about the whole weightloss thing. Alotta people act like that when theyre not okay with themselves and they obseess about it. i just dont agree with your grading, on Jnna’s anyway.



    1. I’m mixed, the thing is that not all people react to weight issues the same way. The issue with Jenna’s reactions is a bit of a writing fumble (not really about how, but who). The only character shown commenting on her weight was K.C. And of course it was standard relationship miss-communication, a mainstay of comedy writing.

      Her reactions would be more believable if we saw more than KC commenting on her figure in any way. Alternatively they could have had hinting toward this in a few of the previous plots by having her weight come up in one of her earlier B/C plots. Like her jealousy of the other members on the Power Squad.

      Her reactions would be believable if they showed us more of Jenna’s world. Where everyone comments on her weight (no matter how imagined some comments are).



      1. i agree with you completely but i feel like that plot is the starting point and will be added on to in her next episode


  31. If the Eli character didn’t already jump the shark, someone inform the Fonz.



  32. UnvonveintPromise August 9, 2010 at 2:29 am

    I think that Eli’s going to die. Unfortunately, he set his fate once he smirked eerily at Fitz before he droved off. He’s going to get effed up in SOME way, I promise you.



    1. Hayley Masters August 9, 2010 at 5:05 pm

      I am so adamant Eli will not die this season. they are not going to kill off his character that quickly. like I’ve said Eli has become a very popular character with a large fanbase so his death would
      be dramatic, but it would
      not have as great of an impact as if the wroters killed off someone like sav or holly j.



  33. Totally Random Bud
    I Kinda Been Think What This Boiling Pint Has Something To Do With. I Was Thinkin Maybe It Had Something To Do With Water



  34. has it been confirmed that someone is supposed to die yet or is it just a guess?



  35. So this MuchMusic promo is sucky quality, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it:



    1. bianca: “What the hell, are you a girl?!” well, that was blunt.



    2. Did Ms.Oh just say put yout pants back on!
      I guess we know how Connor’s girlfriend is



    3. I like the dramatic close up on Adam, reminds me of dramatic animals on youtube.

      I also liked the boyband close up from try honesty part 2 with Fitz and nameless crew



      1. LMFAO DRAMATIC ANIMALS!!!!!!!!! Anyways I seen Chelsea :P. Im surprised Alli looks upset at Drew for asking her to the dance, I thought thats what she wanted and I thought he was a player lol


    4. “Say you’ll go to the dance with me!”

      Um…Alli, what is your problem? Say it! lol.

      The hottest guy in school that you’ve been chasing after is begging you to go to the dance with him…so why are you standing there looking so unsure? This should be interesting.

      Holly J and Sav…this could be interesting.

      What do the teachers call Adam? I’m sure they call him his birthname “Chelsea”, so unless no one else on the show has any classes with him than I fail to see why his “secret” is such a huge surprise. Unless his mother have talked to the teachers and made it clear that he is to be called Adam and not Chelsea. Ok, I’m done. My head is going to explode.



      1. The people who know about Adam being a transgendered is his family and the school has to know (not students, just teachers, nurses, etc.). They HAVE to call Adam Adam. Not Chelsea. <3


      2. Thanks Kayla. ;)


    5. Thanks for posting this! I am so excited!!!



  36. Okay, I completely agree with the grades for these episodes(especially where it talks about Jessica Tyler’s flat acting… except I enjoyed Sav’s “standing up” to his parents because that was one plot I could COMPLETELY relate to) I still think the strongest plot was definitely Eli vs. Fitz, because it opened up so many questions and doubts.
    I like the character of Eli because he’s so complex in a different way than the regular t.v. “misunderstood bad boy”, he seems so sweet, genuine, and funny, but you can’t help but sense that mysterious kind of eerie vibe he gives off, which I think is pretty freakin awesome, to be blunt. You don’t want to question his motives, but you have to! I’m really looking forward to how his plot unravels throughout the season and how Clare gets pulled into it, also I can’t wait to learn a it more about his past.
    So, I think I’ve made my point: Eli is a great character(his good looks are just an added bonus ;D)



  37. I say Eli is the most dangerous person on Degrassi the whole series. Only because Fitz bullied him and Adam for like 2 days and Eli already fought back. It’s not like he was bullied for months and finally snapped. This was only like 2 days. There hasn’t been a character like Eli that’s for sure.



      1. Rick couldn’t pull off something like this. Plus he was bullied for months. He just snapped, Eli was only bully for 2 or 3 days. Eli is extremely more dangerous and completely different from Rick. Eli is darker then Rick to.


    1. If we want to talk dangerous sociopaths, I’d say Dean. He was powerful physically, was a charmer, and showed NO remorse whatsoever for the pain he caused Paige.



  38. Spot on reviews.

    I’m of the firm belief that Degrassi exists for two reasons a.) enjoy it when it’s good, b.) make fun of it when it’s bad. Both are fun, but only one isn’t a waste of your time.

    Lately, it’s been surprisingly good, only snide comment worthy when Jessica Tyler tries to mime anal-leakage. Priceless.

    Anyway, it’s nice to see that the writers are finally beginning to understand that a majority of us are here for the characters themselves, not their crazy, hormonally driven bullshit. If you identify with a character, their problems become your problems. You can appreciate it on a larger scale.

    Plus, with the addition of new powerhouse characters and the fleshing-out of old, stale characters, everything seems less two dimensional and boring.

    Oh, Boiling Point, you pretty much salvaged the show.



    1. I agree with everything you just said. Seasons 7-9 were almost unbearable the only good part was making fun of it.



  39. Random
    Is Dead Hand A Real Band?



    1. I don’t think so. i think they’re supposed to be like Kid Elrick. they barely made an appearance, and you barely saw them. if they were a real bad like taking back sunday, or natasha bedingfield, they would have made a bigger deal about it, and given them more show time.



  40. After watching Try Honesty Part 2, I noticed that Declan is actually just as clingy and insecure about being alone as Fiona is(or was, depending on whether or not they’re just going to declare it finished and done with).
    They both feel as though they need to use money to get people to stay with them.



    1. Hmmm with Holly J out of the way, could there possibly be a return of twinsest? xD



  41. I can guarantee that by Christmas, there will be Eli swag aplenty at Hot Topic.



    1. lol…. i hope not. i have no respect for hottopic, so i’ll lose a chunk of my respect for degrassi.

      Although, I’m sure that they got eli’s clothes FROM hottopic



      1. Hey, they already carry Degrassi High and TNG cast shirts…it’s only a matter of time.


  42. I agree with all your grades but people, the signs point to Jenna being pregnant, but knowing our dear Degrassi, they just might make Jenna fat and get someone completely random, like Adam, pregnant.



    1. Or…what about Alicia? She could get pregnant. Maybe by KC? Or maybe Alli by Drew. I am thinking Alli will get pregnant, even though I wouldn’t like that storyline very much, I think that is where they might be heading. I feel like they are trying to change Alli, and it seems like all Drew is interested in is getting in her pants, so who knows…



      1. That’d be cool! A pregnant bad girl! By KC? OOh! When they got drunk! Maybe then. Ew. No Alli getting knocked up by Drew. No no no nonon onononon NO. D’=. If they do that, I’ll be heartbroken. Bahaa. i love Drew.


  43. Leia still hasn’t shown up yet. Wow.

    And we still haven’t gotten an explanation as to why Snake is principal.



    1. Leia is only in one episode this season. ‘My Body is a Cage Part 2’. Your right we haven’t had an explanation but Ms. H probably wasn’t going to stay as principal after Peter left and Mr. Simpson was the best and only choice.



    2. At the end of Season 7 Ms. H left to take care of her mother, getting a job closer to her. Peter got himself the loft for S8 from this. When Peter had his run-in with meth, she came back to take care of him for the few months remaining in his senior year. We can just assume that Ms. Hotsause found a caretaker for her mother for those months.

      After Peter graduated, and is on his straight and narrow path in college she can go back to taking care of her sick mother.



  44. I love Eli. He is like a tribute to Ellie, who I also LOVED. I really like this storyline with him and Fitz. He is a smart character, unlike some others on the show, and he adds alot to the show. I get excited when I know he will be in the next episodes because the writers wrote his character really well, and Munro Chambers delivers the lines PERFECTLY! I don’t think he is mentally unstable, I just think he is different than any character we have seen on Degrassi. If you want mentally unstable, look at Craig, seriously.
    Also I think EClare is one of the best couples EVER on Degrassi. They have a real chemistry. They are both interested in each other, and not just sleeping with each other, like we have seen in multiple other relationships.I also love how they are taking it slow. They are actually getting to know each other before jumping into a relationship. I hope the writers don’t screw them up, because so far they are doing an amazing job.
    Also, this whole thing with Eli committing suicide is just silly. Just because he got the Death card, doesnt mean he will commit suicide, also it doesnt seem like his character would do such a thing. The Death card in tarot, doesnt usually mean you will die soon or anything, it can mean tons of things. Or maybe it was just showing us his obessession with death, if he even has one.
    I think Eli is an amazing character so far, and he is definitely making the show better.

    By the way, Kary, thank you for keeping up with this blog, it is great! I really appreciate it!



    1. Exactly! Ellie’s my favorite character from the older seasons. And I like how everybody loves EClare as a couple when they’re not even actually together yet. It’s a really good start for their relationship.



  45. I can’t believe Leia is in only one episode this season, especially when she’s in the opening credits(they would’ve made more sense adding Zane, or even Owen). Why keep her at all? I mean, I’m sure they could have easily replaced her small part in that one episode with one of the other characters. I just don’t get it.



    1. Leia and Ms.H both went to Kenya to help Darcy build Houses :p



    2. WTF! Leia is only in ONE episode? Seriously? omg! That’s pathetic. *facepalm*

      Why is she even in the credits? That’s a spot that could’ve went to Zane.



      1. The spot could not of gone to Zane because It’s not like they re-shot her opening scene, they just used the old one with Holly J, instead of having to re-shoot Holly J’s without Leia they just left it.

        I don’t understand why this is such a big deal…


      2. Jenna, they re-filmed a lot of the cast they could have re filmed Holly J too and while they were at it add in the rest of the cast. Oh well ..


      3. What’s even more sad is that Much Music has a Wesley gallery and no Leia Chang
        That’s a shame, they could have done so much with her character, and I never really had a problem, just thought she needed more storylines that didn’t include her with being boring.


    3. What about Fitz. Fitz, Owen and Zane have a bigger role then her but they aren’t in the opening credits. It’s really annoying.



      1. They already said before that the opening credits don’t reflect ANY storylines (like the previous seasons) because of how fast everything is moving…and they’re not changing them until season 11…


      2. I know that already but it doesn’t make sense that 1 character whos not even on the show is in the opening credits but 3 characters who are in it aren’t. They changed most of it would it have been that hard to change the rest?


      3. I find myself not really caring about who is/isn’t in the opening credits because I don’t watch the show for the credits…but at the same time I don’t understand why they can’t update it to reflect the weight of the character’s involvement each season.

        To me it’s something that should automatically be updated every season. And I’m not talking about just plugging new clips with the new characters mixed with older clips…I mean just go ahead and create an entire new intro from scrach.


      4. That’s what I’m saying. I mean I agree, I don’t watch the show for the opening credits but it would be nice for it to be updated with new version of the song and now clips of the cast but whatever


      5. My guess is its a budget concern. Every penny counts even if the camera switch helps matters out. At least now they changed out the horrible S8 shot of the Niner quartet that was so impossibly out of date. They also seem to be breaking the shots down to only hold 2 characters at average (four in the Adam – Bianca – K.C. – Snake shot). Probably to make it easier to shift things around.

        If evidence holds true, they will only change shots that must change (cast changes) and shots from every other season shift. Meaning S11, in theory, the shots to change will be Peter and Sav, Declan and Fiona, Holly J and Leia, Chantay and Anya, Riley, Jenna and Dave.

        If the character hasn’t changed too much the shot remaining isn’t too big a problem (the remaining shots for S10 from S9 all mostly sit right. Dave and Jenna haven’t gone through much. The Coynes are still twins. Holly J is still looking to be in charge, and Leia gets no respect or screentime). It’s only something really jarring like some of the S5 sequences that get to me…


  46. Okay so after the seniors in this season graduate, Riely, Holly J, Anya, Sav, Fiona, Declan, and (hopefully) Chantay, I hope that they dont elongate there stay in the show and show their lives at university. I mean they kept manny and emma around with university and it ruined a part of season 8. I think that after a character graduates from degrassi they should not be a main character or in the opening credits, reacurring or small guest apperances are fine but having whole episodes divoted to a “university life” just annoy me and I do not enjoy watching them.



    1. I agree. I think at this point the focus needs to be put back on the school itself. No university storylines.

      Though I thought S7 balanced the HS and college stories beautifully. But S8 did a crap job. So yeah, keep the focus on HS.



      1. S6’s college storylines were terrible. they were barely even COLLEGE storylines outside of Paige’s flunking out. it was mostly just Ellie pining over Craig and jesse and Marco being emo over Dylan.

        S7’s…eh. Paige’s devil wears prada story kinda bored me, I never cared about Jesse/Ellie so Jesse’s Girl was meh to me, and Marco..dont get me started lol.

        S8’s were ok i guess. they shoulda kept them as B plots. especially Heart of Glass. KC shoulda had the A plot, it was much better.

        I’m glad they’re keeping the focus back on high school. alot of teen dramas/sitcoms fall off when they attempt to do college storylines.


      2. ooops i meant touch of grey in my last comment, not heart of glass. i keep getting those eps mixed up for some reason. lol


      3. itsjustzachary August 9, 2010 at 5:35 pm

        what they need is like a college spin-off or something. there are such things as college issues, but Degrassi is centered around high school (not to say that college couldn’t have the same effects). if they did that, they need to bump them down to recurring characters and then devote plot A/B episode to the college kids only like after an intense degrassi episode to wade it out. just my opinion.


    2. Yeah I agree.
      I think in an interview, Charolette and Raymond (Holly J and Sav) said they have accepted that their characters will leave the show once they graduate and that the show tried University life and it didn’t work.



      1. if this season ends up going till graduation (and the whole “it goes to spring break” thing ends up being a misunderstanding), then either there will be fewer characters (like in season 1 and 2), or there will be A BUNCH of new characters (like season 8). if there do end up being lots of newbies, they better be good. because in season 8, not only were there too many characters such that we only saw any given person in, like, 2 episodes all season, but a few of the added characters were pretty pointless (leia, blue, kelly). so im hoping that hte show doesnt jump the shark with season 11 like it did with season 8 after losing most of the important characters.


      2. Person, I’m hoping for fewer characters. I think that’s why we were able to really become attached to the cast because it was a few of them. Now we’re juggling at least 20 or so characters. Half of the characters in S8 and S9 felt like extras.

        However, this season seems to be doing a great job. I think that has something to do with there being twice as many episodes this season.


      3. Barring character death, the change over to S11 (or whenever the cast matches up to the next school year). There are seven characters we could lose. Currently we have four background recurrings that could be given main character positions (Owen, Fitz, Zane, and the very dim cheerleader). Even discounting the cheerleader that means only about four new faces to bring in.

        It won’t be a repeat of S8, which was caused by S7’s poorly handled college storylines draining screentime to introduce new background cast that could be prepped for spaces in the main cast. If we got to see more of Blue being a charming lecherous artist. Or Leia’s background lies… the characters might have mattered a little.


  47. 13 thumbs down?! Geez.



  48. Aw Kary thanks for subscribing to my Youtube channel. I love you & your site & when my Degrassi site launches next week I’ll be sure to give you the link!



  49. Okay so If Riley comes out his episode in the boiling point then we get another set of 24 with him dealing with being Out, that’s going to be interesting :O
    Also that means 24 episodes of Adam being Chelsea, possibly
    And do you think they are going to change the intro for Adam if he is Chelsea in the second half of the season?



    1. Adam is not going to change into Chelsea. Adam is going to still be Adam.



      1. B D Ram/Tiberius August 9, 2010 at 2:07 pm

        Adam is definitely going back to being Adam by the end of 1016. If only for the fact that all his friends (Eli and Clare) are very into not caring what other people think and doing what you really want to do. So when they see that he really wants to be Adam they’ll be like just be Adam.
        By the way I know that was the most redundant paragraph ever. Sorry


  50. I don’t think Eli is mentally unstable — he just seems pretty bad ass.

    I still think Jenna is pregnant but now I’m starting to think K.C is the father. Intially when I saw the promo, I thought Jenna deceived him in some way and that’s why he let go of her hand, But maybe he is freaked out about becoming a father and he begins to withdraw from the relationship. And the last look Jenna gives…

    Plus, Jenna is too obsessed with K.C to ever cheat on him.

    And the scene when K.C is kissing Jenna fingers, arm shoulder etc…might be a way to let us know that they already did “it” I mean Jenna is no saint clare so I don’t see what would hold them back.



    1. or maybe the baby is getting in between them and their relationship hence them getting seperated



  51. When i talk to you i think OH, i should call you up and then WHOA, we’re gonna meet say when…lmfao



  52. They should have gave the Jenna plot to Chantay. Chantay needs a plot, anyways…she sooooo could have done it better.



  53. also, looking at the comments, I can’t take the people who’s names are ‘i love eli’ or something like that seriously…



    1. Don’t You Be Coming For Name!!




    I hate you Teen Nick.



    1. That Title Doesn’t Fit The Episode!! Grrr



      1. It kinda fits if they’re talking about the Trust Company song Stronger and not the Kanye one (which I dont think they are since All Falls Down is a Kanye song)

        Can you save me
        Will you fail me now
        It’s almost over cause you’ve faded out, again
        Will you break me
        When you’re holding me down
        I will escape you and I’ll

        I’ll push you closer to the ground
        Cause you’re the one that’s going down

        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away
        You’re so far away
        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away, since you crawled away

        Never gonna save me
        You just shut me out
        And now it’s over cause I’m stepping out, again
        Never gonna break me
        Just try and hold me down
        I will escape you and I’ll

        I’ll push you closer to the ground
        Cause you’re the one that’s going down

        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away
        You’re so far away
        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away, since you crawled away

        You want to tear me down
        You want to hold me down
        You can’t control me now
        You cannot take me out
        You cannot save me now
        Because I’m stronger now

        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away
        You’re so far away
        And I am, stronger now
        Since you crawled away, since you crawled away [repeat]

        You want to tear me down
        You want to hold me down
        You can’t control me now
        You cannot take me out
        You cannot save me now
        Because I’m stronger now


    2. why? grrr… whats so wrong with the name? huh U.S huh?





    WOOO!! :D



    1. hooray for adam in part 2! (though i can’t help but wonder why he was at the dance…who did he go with?)

      also…WHERE THE HELL IS CLARE? when did she and alli start NEVER SPEAKING, EVER? this is ridiculous. but i enjoyed these episodes more than i thought i would. i think i actually like alli again, maybe because she actually showed that she was smart.



      1. Clare and Alli are still biffs but Clare does alot of schoolwork and she has yearbook—Alli said in the beginning when she tried out for Power Squad and didnt make it. Clare says something like you got me (as a friend) and she Alli says, “Not when your off doing your Clarific activities.” Clare is just busy, she is NO where near as superficial as Alli.


      1. but they’re wmv so i can’t dl & watch


  56. Waited for part 2… Watching part 1 w/o part 2 of episodes was making people mad…



  57. Is Most Of The Name Of The Episodes Songs? I’m Just Wondering.



  58. Jaclyn Crowley August 9, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    i need them on zshare…



  59. I have so many things to watch tonight [monday]; Teen Choice Awards, The Hard Times of RJ Berger; AND Degrassi. all of them come on between 8 and 10pm eastern time



    1. You probably should watch Degrassi now… Rj Berger tonight… and forget the Teen Choice Awards



    2. You should watc degrassi now, hard times of rj berger which is also one of my favorite shows on, and watch teen choice awards on tv.



      1. I decided to watch the teen choice awards and rj berger from 8-1030 then watched degrassi at midnight


  60. I didn’t like the Jenna plot because I just don’t like Jenna. If it were someone else, I might actually have enjoyed it. And I was also bugged by the fact that Jenna and Alli were just suddenly friends again. Maybe it’s because Alli’s becoming even more shallow in Season 10 and needs equally shallow people to hang with…

    And I personally liked the Holly J. plot because I thought that the sudden change in her character thanks to Declan *was* believable. Plenty of girls do hitch themselves to their boyfriends, making them do a complete personality 180. But as sad as I am to see Declan/Holly J. go, breaking up with him was a mentally healthy mood on Holly J.’s part.

    I agree with your opinion on Part One of the 3 Tenners, except I extend it to the whole plot. As in, the entire thing was slow, boring, and nothing interesting happened.



  61. Hey guys! The first ‘Munro Mondays Show’ is now up!!! Come join me at

    ALSO Stephen just confirmed that Jessica & Aislinn have convinced Munro to get a Twitter… he’ll be starting up as soon as the cast gets back from India!!!



    1. yeah but that is in two weeks, we all know how fast they film those episodes….. No Eli for a bit :(



    2. darn, that means he’ll get one probably AFTER the Boiling Point is over.



  62. lol i love how Sav has these feelings for Holly J all of a sudden. He just randomly asks her out. It was really awkward when the four of them were just standing around lol



  63. zshare pleasse?



    1. idgaf Holly J/Sav is cute



    2. No, they need to end immediately. I mean, IMMEDIATELY.



      1. dealwithit.gif


    3. I think everyone can agree Ali is annoying at this point.



  64. ehh I dont know how I felt about i’m over Holly Conner’s plot didn’t seem finished, and Ali is annoying the last 4 episodes for me were eh watchable but nothing like WOW all in all I’m still a Major DEGRASSI FAN =] I’m ready for the Adam plot I hope it’s not a disappointment!!!!!!!



    1. I should of put spoiler I didnt see it before I posted it so **SPOLIER SCENE*** omg i’m more excited to see it!!!



    2. THAT CLIP.

      this episode will kill me



      1. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 7:02 pm

        your face is a disastuh.


      2. /cut my wrist and black my eyes


    3. WOW that was great. Thanks for sharing. :)



  65. LOL at the Zeno Hotspot in part 1. It’s not like we don’t see that thing enough during the commercials on TeenNick.



  66. Wow, I sure have a looooooot of stuff to catch up on.



    1. you’re back!.lol



    2. The man the legend! Oh wait, I mean the bob the legend!



    3. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 7:57 pm




      1. Well, cry me a river and get down on your knees and tell me you love me.


    4. It’s good to have you back facultybob!



  67. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    omg awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :'( poor adam.



  68. Can you people please stop with the spoiler shit? Some people would like to wait



    1. not to be rude then it’s hazardous to get online at times people usually spoil once again i’m not being rude just ignore the net until they air =]that’s what i use to do



      1. @ idonthaveanem, & im not watching it when it leaks,doesn’t mean a dumbass like you won’t post a spoiler after seeing the episode. I said stop with the spoilers,not posting the episodes. I guess that GED isn’t working so well for you is it? Poor thing


      2. I agree with you and I know I’m gonna get 100 thumbs down but its pathetic. People can’t wait 2 hours to watch it television they have to sit on a blog all day and comment every five minutes asking for the leaks. If they don’t have the channel it’s a different story but if you can’t just wait 2 hours wow. But I’m not gonna complain … I’ll just wait the 7 minutes till it airs on tv!


      3. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 10:33 pm

        DTNG – bitch please. i’m not the dumbass.. you don’t have to pick on the people on here because they post leaked episodes and news about degrassi. this IS a degrassi site, right?


      4. idonthaveaname, Did i say this wasn’t a Degrassi site? No. What part of stop with the spoilers don’t you understand? I come here to read what other people have to say about the current episodes,not the leaked episodes. Define picking on people because you obviously have no idea what it means if you think im picking on people by asking to keep the spoilers to themselves.


      5. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 10:59 pm

        DNTG – lmfao. are you srsly still replying to my dumbass comments? #hunguponoldshit needs to be trending on twitter..


      6. Im not trying to join your guys discussion, but I just wanted to point out that if you google degrassi spoilers that first thing on the search is this blog.(thats how most of us found this blog)
        If you’re looking for a spoil free discussion spot, try They actually make it a rule that spoilers only belong in the spoiler section, the rest of the discussions are spoiler free :)


    2. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 7:32 pm

      lmfao. bitch, you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to..



    1. Is this you? If so, be careful about self-promotion of your fics. It grows weary on the commenters

      /same sn on



      1. No, no. It’s not mine :) I just saw it and really liked it.


  69. *spoiler*

    I like Fiona, but I don’t like that fact that she’s a double agent. Its obvious that she been telling Anya about Sav and Holly J. They didn’t show Fiona in Part 2, but whose to say someone she knows heard all that *I liekz Holly J* drabble Sav spewed and told Fiona, who then told Anya?? Perhaps I’m reading too much into this, but the thing I wanted to comment on was the 2nd to last scene. Sav and Holly J counting the loot was cool because their chemistry picked up LIKE THAT since the dance.

    Anya’s Face- You guys? REALLY?!

    Sav stepped up sorta. Imagine if they all got to counting the money, Sav should’ve of busted the Single Ronnie.



    1. Edit/
      They didn’t show Fiona at the Hoedown in Part 2


      Had Sav pulled off the Single Ronnie, he’d be in the Top 5 w/o a doubt



  70. If I was Alli, I wouldn’t walk around with that label on my head the whole day.



  71. SPOILER —

    The ending of Part 2 was so sweet. It was so cheesy it was awesome “Drew’s GF / Alli’s BF” awesome!



    1. … and Drew said he was dumb?



  72. *Spoiler*

    Am I the only one who thinks its kind of weird that Alli is hanging out with Jenna and KC?

    She hated KC and Jenna for what they did to Clare and now I only really see her with the both of them.

    I think its just random. I know people forgive and forget, but they never showed it on the show.



    1. I saw an interview with Melinda who plays Alli and even she found it weird that she is suddenly friends with Jenna. XD But i think the writer saw it convenient to make ’em friends. Drew and KC are in football and when Jenna needed a friend after her pill side affect incident, they couldn’t use Clare so they used Alli. I think Alli and Jenna have more in common then Alli and Clare. Either way, Clare’s absences is very noticable.



    2. You’re not the only one. I think it’s really dumb that they just suddenly made them friends again. But I notice that Alli hasn’t been hanging around with Clare in recent episodes…



      1. That’s something that’s really been bugging me, as well! Clare and Alli were together in the first four episodes, and Alli was cheering Clare on when she was telling Jenna off about the boob job rumours.

        However, I guess the increased Jenna/Alli interactions are implying that Clare is spending more time with Eli and Adam, and since those two aren’t exactly school royalty, Alli would probably want to keep her distance from Clare, as well.


  73. Hey, does anyone know if the Degrassi cast will make an appearance at the teen choice awards?



  74. Lol i love how when Clare randomly disappears for episodes Jenna and Alli become best friends then when Clare is back Alli is attached to her XD

    ALSO REMEMBER TO WATCH ON TV even tho they leaked two episodes u still should watch it!



      Sorry to double post but I like how they actually tried to Justify Drew and Alli’s relationship by making him realize why he liked her ALSO the Holly J and Sav thing was just as random as the Spinner and Emma thing but at least they said they are doing the relationship as a fun thing to make each other happy :D
      THE Conner thing reminded me of Darcy and Adams so many seasons ago lol



  75. Am I the only one who didn’t like You Don’t Know My Name part 1 at all? Least favorite episode of the Boiling Point so far. Drew and Alli were boring, and I hate the idea of Holly J and Sav as a couple. Their flirting seemed rushed and random. And if we’re talking about random things that make no sense on Degrassi – when did Alli stop talking to Clare and start talking to Jenna and KC again? I thought she hated both of them, but it seems like she’s always talking with Jenna now. As far as we know, she and Clare are still friends, but then why aren’t they ever appearing together? Hopefully My Body is a Cage (I will NEVER call it Stronger) will make up for it. And who knows, maybe part 2 is better. I don’t watch leaked episodes.

    I did laugh at the shameless promoting of the Zeno Hot Spot, though. :D I mean, really?



  76. i love holly j and declan. still cant believe they are broken up. but her and sav have a lot of chemistry. but stil dolly j foreverrrrrrrrrrrr <3333. so this is what i think will happen between holly j and declan. so i think she is going to go out with sav but realizes how much she loves declan and wannt him back in her life. she tells him she wants to get back together but he says "you got to what u needed, and now its my turn to do what i need" so they are still on a "break" and eventually, hopefully they end up back together. ps ive had a lot of time to think about this. i would love to hear your opinions



  77. and does anyone know whats gonna happen to landon liboiron. is he still signed for more episodes? is this the last we’re gonna see of him? is he gonna pull a darcy and be in new york forever. i hope not :(((( im tooo obssessed



  78. is part 2 working for you guys on zshare. cause its being really slow and keeps on stopping?



    1. the same thing’s happening to me. i got about 5 minutes in (after waiting almost an hour for the video to load enough) and then decided to wait for it on tv because there was so much audio/video lag.



  79. *SPOILER**

    New Degrassi Dress code?



    1. i think it might be a team uniform. like a trivia team or something



      1. that is true…but Jenna and Adam? they seem unlikely to be in a team together.


      2. yeah i agree. MY THEORY is Whatever this lockdown thing is, it might make the school have a dress code and tighter rules at Degrassi.


      3. This is obviously after tha Boiling Point…. Will Adam Be a girl?! – just judging the picture


  80. Check out the song I made dedicated too Melinda Shankar (Alli)



  81. Hey my tv is broken. Can some1 plz post spoilers for every episode this week? If I do ull b my hero! tnx



    1. idonthaveaname:) August 9, 2010 at 10:56 pm

      no. DNTG wouldn’t like that. and since he/she is like god, and everything he/she says is right, we can’t post any spoilers.

      -rolls eyes-



  82. Okay so after watching both parts of You Don’t Know My Name, I’d have to say that I’m pretty pleased with it.

    Part 2 was definitely better than Part 1. I know others think Sav + Holly J is stupid and rushed and all but I actually think they’re cute together. They have chemistry. Even in past episodes, like I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself, they seemed to click well in conversations.

    The whole Drew and Alli think was really cute in my opinion. I loved the little skit Drew made up with the other football guys. And it was nice to see Drew interacting with his sibling, Adam.

    Oh, and MAJOR dissapoint that Connor’s online love wasn’t Ms. Oh.



    1. IDK I’m getting a little bored with Holly J. It seems like every other episode is about her. I’m ready to see a lot more of the other cast members. The whole Holly J and Sav thing is definitely rushed. How did she get over someone that she wanted to basically spend the rest of her life with so quick? Everything with Holly J is either about college or a guy.

      Sav and Holly J do have chemistry though. I can’t help but feel a little bad for Anya. I wonder why she ever became friends with Holly J at all.

      I love Drew. I know he was supposed to be sorta like a villain at first but he has really become one of my favorites. I cant wait to see more of him and Adam and how Alli’s going to deal with him…







    1. No they didn’t mess it up. Have you seen part 2? Cause if you haven’t then once you see it you will understand.



  84. HEY HEY. People! Stop aguring and being all rude to each other! DTNG, people are not going to stop discussing the leaked episodes. They have a right to. I’m not watching the leaked episodes, so I’m ignoring those posts. You can do the same. And people who are discussing it, can you guys chill with it and not egg on DTNG? S/he’s obviously pissed. Kthx. i love ya guys<3.



  85. @Michael C. “Just because they said it’s 40 doesn’t mean that she is. I mean it might be what it says on her profile. People lie about their age online all the time sos why couldn’t Ms.Oh and he doesnt know what she looks like yet cause they havent met in person yet and he only knows stuff about her from her profile”

    Connor doesn’t know she’s 40 something. He’s 15. Why would he want to chat with a 40 year old. It’s what happened with Emma in the first episode of Degrassi. People do lie online and this woman is lying and saying she’s younger. :|



  86. Hey! I know this is sligtly off topic in comparision to what is currently being dicussed. but I found this on yahoo answers and though it was very clever!

    1) Sad to say Holly J and Declan are most likely not getting back together. Even though they said they were going on a “break,” chances are the break will be permanant…especially considering the fact that she will be getting with Sav in the episode that is premireing tonight.
    2a) It’s blatantly obvious that someone is going to die. It’s not going to be the death of “something” it will be the death of someone. Although the degrassi promos this season have lead us to believe things will be more dramatic then they actually are, I sincerely doubt that they would let us down with the lockdown. I’m also suspecting that it will not be a murder (we had one with JT in season 6, i doubt they’d have another one so soon), a shooting (seriously, what are the odds of having two shootings at a high school over the course of only 6 years inbetween), a bomb threat (I think this would be too far-fetched, even for degrassi), my theory is that the lockdown will be caused by a suicide. Think about so many characters (JT, Darcy, Craig? correct me if I’m wrong) have attempted suicide but no one has ever suceeded. This would be a major event in degrassi history.
    2b) I’m not sure who dies. I believed at first it would be Liea but they haven’t built up her character enough. If they killed her off, it wouldn’t be as emotional if they were too kill off someone like Sav (not to say is the one who dies). I don’t think the death of Leia would move anybody enough (sorry to Leia fans). I also doubt it’s going to be Eli. That would just be a stupid move. Think about it. They JUST introduced his character this season. Even though he is an extremly strong character and killing him off would be very emotional it wouldn’t make sense. It’d be too soon. They still have to build up his past. I think the death card in the video had nothing to do with the lockdown. I think it had to do with Eli’s so-called “obsession” with death and his past. I wish I knew who they were going to kill off this season. My best guess at the moment (and I am probably completely wrong but who knows) is KC. His character has been extremly unstable since last season and he’s also been hanging out with the bad crowd lately. It just makes sense.
    3) I’m not sure if Jenna is pregnant or not. But the implications are there. I guess we’re going to find out for sure next week.
    4) I thought the lockdown was the end of the summer season, but now I’m beginning to think it will be the season 10 finale.

    Hope this helped!



    1. The lockdown has to be in the summer season. It is in the promo for the Boiling Point. At the time that is all the filmed (the first 24 episodes). They haven’t even finished filming season 10, how can it be the s10 finale.



      1. I don’t know. this is just what someone posted on yahoo answers. but i was a bit skeptical about that part too.


    2. I think its going to be Fitz or Owen.

      Read Fitz’ bio on muchmusic, “But when he pushes things too far, endangering his life and those around him, Fitz is forced to make a change. The question is, will things be for the better or for the worst?”

      Fitz may or may not die



      1. It could be Fitz or Owen but I doubt it and i kind of hope
        it won’t be eithier. if their characters were to die it wouldn’t have a very big impact. they’re only supporting characters.


  87. sorry if this is a dumb question, but why didnt sav adam and eli just take eli’s hearse to the dead hand concert? did it really hafta be sav’s dad’s truck?



    1. Morty had broke down, Eli said that the hearse breaksdown frequently, thats why Eli is so good with cars cause he is always fixing Morty.



    2. the hearse had broken down. “Morty breaks down once a week, like right now.” and, “the start-up for the hearse will take at least a week.”



  88. The Fitz/Eli plot was definately my favorite. I’d like to see some more interaction between them.
    The thing about Jenna, I don’t think Jessica’s acting was bad. Unlike Emma, who wanted and was obsessed with losing weight, Jenna only did it to get into her uniform. She wasn’t enthusiastic about going on a diet.
    And I discovered hilarious videos that the guy who plays Fitz made with his friend. Go on YouTube and type in JakeJamesProductions. It seriously made me love Fitz like ten times more(:



  89. Hey, just put up my Top Ten moments from tonight’s episode at my website: So even if you guys don’t like ‘The Munro Mondays Show’ I think you might like my Top Ten. Tell me which ones you agree with!




  90. Sorry, I dunno if that’s the right link??!



    1. Owen is a DICK!!!! He obvi knows that Adam is a girl and he throws her into the window, 3 feet across the hall crashing his back on the wall… That is a GIRL, they know it now and they do that….THIS PISSES ME OFF. Owen NEEDS his ass beat…I am sooo pissed right now!!!!



      1. Uhhh so it would be okay if Adam was a biological male?


    2. Man I Hate Fitz Nn Owen Both to The Max!!!! If The Knew That He WAs A She Why Would They Do That Anyway?



  91. i guess im the only one who thinks sav and holly j
    are kinda cute together? :p



    1. No! I ship them! Savvy J~



    2. I think they are cute too. they are right, they need some fun! not every relationship has to be so serious. But honestly I think this is going to back fire on them.



  92. I just think Holly J should be single for a while.




    I just watched the episode and it is really good. I love Drew and Alli together, Drew is so hot. I have realized a pattern. This was pretty much what Alli did with Johnny, he didnt want to be with a niner, she acts stupid (as in too pushy for a relatioship) and then he realizes that he likes her and makes it official with her. I just dont get what Alli keeps doing to these boys, she ALWAYS gets what she wants. But my concern is that Alli is in a relationship with Drew now, what happens when she goes off to film HOW TO BE INDIE, are they going to make her go away or something like on a academic vacation (thats the only thing I can really see) but what will happen to their relationship.

    And everyone asks why Alli and Jenna are all of a sudden biffs, I think this part comes from the fact that Jenna hasnt done anything to Alli and eventhough Jenna stole K.C., Clare is not the kind of person to tell Alli not to hang with Jenna. Also Alli needs someone who knows about her (i.e. the Johnny thing) when Clare isnt around (working on her yearbook stuff and with Eli and Adam).

    Also with Jenna and K.C. it is EXTREMELY obvious that they are having sex, eventhough its not a plot, which it would be a VERY boring plot…it is clear from the public affection that they show. The diet pill episode was one example but this episode really shows there intimacy. I think she is preggers aswell and K.C. is the father.

    But I am confused about Bianca the whole BF stealing, I wonder when that comes into play.

    And as for Conner, that was really wierd that woman, but maybe it wasnt her.

    And last but not least Holly J and Sav, I like that they are kinda each others rebounds, it was bound to happen…they have been spending alot of time together on Student Council, I didnt see Chemistry before but I do start to see some now. I just wonder if Anya is going find out and how that will be. Declan will also be heartbroken. This could get messy, but at they say—Its THE BOILING POINT…it has to be building up and its about to get messy



    1. I think Bianca’s a boyfriend stealer because she might have a relationship with KC and steal him away from Jenna



    2. i can understand alli going to jenna instead of clare about drew, and i agree there’s no real reason for jenna and alli to hate each other. but i think it’s just plain WEIRD to leave clare out of episodes that focus on alli, who is her best friend.



    3. ***SPOILER***

      1023- All Falls Down (1)- Aug 25, 9:00 PM ET (MuchMusic and TeenNick)
      -Bianca invites Drew to the boiler room. (MSN)
      -Drew’s relationship with Alli is at risk when Bianca tempts him to be unfaithful. (TV Guide)



      1. Ah, I should have read your post before making my own below. I’ll give myself a thumbs down on that. Good call!


    4. Bianca, the girl who makes boyfriends disappear and dances weirdly, could be throwing a wrench in the Alli/Drew relationship going by writeups of later episodes. I swear I saw a pic of her and Adam dancing – maybe she makes her own “boyfriend” disappear by exposing Adam as a transgender.




    5. I’m starting to love Sav. Raymond’s acting is improving sooo much. This episode was awesome.

      So Jenna is the pregnant one, eh? I guess I can see KC as the father. I mean, granted, they did almost have sex the night they got together, until Carson walked in on them. And here lately they have gotten more intimate with each other. I guess it’s just hard to imagine.



  94. I really agree with your grades this week. I think the key factor was the same for the best and the worst plot this week: acting ability.

    What made Eli so damn creepy in his subplot? The fact that Munro nailed every scene. He’s an impressively subtle actor. He thinks through everything he does and yet instead of coming off as stiff he’s wonderfully natural. His deadpan look as Fitz is taken away by the cops? Perfect. If anything this plot just proved that Munro Chambers is an incredible asset to the show.

    On the flip side Jessica Tyler really made Jenna’s eating disorder plot bad. I could not agree more that she was flat and stiff in every scene. The first time I watched it I was a little confused as to if this was a purposeful acting choice on her part. But a re watch made it obvious it wasn’t. I agree with you, I’m sure this looked better on paper. It’s a real shame because there’s actually some great material and some great lines in this plot just didn’t work the way they should have.

    In my book I had to take some point off for so obviously plugging Jessica Tyler’s music video too. Maybe the writer who thought that one up should take a page out of the Munro Chambers’s Book.



  95. You Don’t Know My Name Part 1-

    I wasn’t sure about this Holly J & Sav thing at first, but now I’m 110% convinced this will be great. Charlotte’s and Raymond’s chemistry was so electric that I could totally buy their attraction- even if it was a bit random.

    We all know Charlotte is a brilliant actress, but Raymond has also stepped it up. I never would have thought that Sav would go through such a huge transformation. He went from being pointless and annoying to well rounded and lovable. This story could expand and affect even more characters in a positive way. Declan could find out about Sav and set out to do whatever it takes to win Holly J back and goes a little too far. Maybe now we can see Declan’s “crazy” side like we did with Fiona. This would give his character some much needed spark.

    Alli, come on. She went through all of this just for a dumb dance? I don’t think Alli even really likes Drew. She just likes his looks and the fact he’s currently the most popular guy at the school. He’s just a shiny new toy to her. An accessory she has wrapped around her arm while walking down the halls. She doesn’t even know him.

    I actually felt sorry for Drew. You could tell his mother is overbearing, maybe even mentally abusive. There has to be a reason why he’s so quick to lash out if he even *thinks someone is second guessing his intelligence.

    This goes to show that you can be “the big man on campus” and still feel insecure and alone.

    Connor’s story was okay. I guess. Not much to go on.

    About to watch part 2.



    1. to me, I think Sav’s gone through the “transformation” that they hyped Danny to be going to, except it makes more sense and it actually comes off as a natural progression/maturation ,instead of “Hey i was the comedy relief last season, but now im smooth and normal. take me seriously” with Danny.



  96. So u guys r gonna think I’m crazy but I think Declan is gonna be the one to kill himself. It makes sense. Holy j was everything to him and I don’t see him moving on. Without the relationship with holly j there is no point for the writers to keep him around so it will still be a huge shock to the fans but not a huge loss for the show



    1. **Possible Spoiler**

      i dont think there is a suicide, at least not on the first 24 episodes. There is a rumor going around(rumor cause i havent found the source) that in all falls down it goes from good to bad fast and that the cops are called in and someone gets arrested. i read that in this forum on the first post



  97. Oh yea am I the only one superr annoyed with chantay. she has been on the show for so long and contributed nothing.



  98. YDKMN P2-


    I thought it was cute how Drew put all his cards on the table and was honest with Alli. And I was right! His mother does call him dumb. Very sad. BUT, while I want to love this story I can’t help but think of Declan. Declan was a player who shielded his heart until he met Holly J and fell in love and blahblahblah, I just hope Drew doesn’t lose his edge. I think he should still struggle with the feelings of being tied down instead of becoming a perfectly faithful boyfriend overnight like Declan did. I just don’t buy that.

    It’s obvious Fiona will be trying her best to break Sav and Holly J up. I can’t wait until Anya finds out. She already suspects something is off. I also love how HJ and Sav are taking it slow and not all “OMGZ! LETS GETZ MARRIED EVEN THOUGH WE JUSTZ STARTED GOING OUT!”. Once again, awesome story.

    Connor’s was lame. But I’m sure it’ll lead to something else in the future



  99. SPOILERS?:

    According to this site, it looks like Jenna really is the pregnant one:

    “1018- Tears Dry on Their Own (2)- Aug 17, 9:00 PM ET (MuchMusic and TeenNick)
    -Jenna faces the prospect of being a teen parent. (Zap2It)”



  100. You Don’t Know My Name, Pt 1: least favorite episode of the season.



  101. screw all the haters, you don’t know my name 1 and 2 were great



  102. What will it take for Eli to get a main story line???



    1. He already did gosh…



    2. He can’t have the main story every episode, geez!



    3. Hopefully he will have one soon. I’d love to see them reveal some things about his so-called dark past. And to Jules and J.kart, Eli had never had the main storyline. Only subplots.



  103. Oh I forgot another thing I enjoyed last week was the SNL reference, “LIving in a van down by the river”



    1. haha one of my favorite SNL skits ever :)



  104. I have two things that I’m confused on.
    I just opened up the guide on my TV (I have Time Warner, and I live in the USA, so I’m looking at Teennick) and this is the description for Thursday’s episode.
    “‘My Body Is a Cage’ Adam sacrifices his own happiness by going back to being Gracie to make everyone else happy.”
    One – I thought Teennick had renamed it Stronger? I’ll be really happy if that’s not the case.
    Two – I saw a different description where his name was Chelsea, so I’m just wondering which is right.



    1. Oh I completely forgot about this…Abby Ho (the show’s Digital Media Coordinator) told me that Chelsea was the original name for Adam’s female persona, but that they had changed it since then. She didn’t say what the new name was (I’m assuming it’s Gracie), but yeah it turns out TV Guide, MSN, etc. posted older versions of the episode descriptions.



      1. Thanks, that clears things up!
        By the way, I love this blog.


    1. this is a piece from that link,
      “When I read the attendance list, I say ‘Gracie’ and nobody answers, and then I have to change it up and say, ‘Adam.’ I accidentally let his secret slip – none of the students knew that before,” Jean Marc explains.
      I thought Adam was suppose to be Chelsea not Gracie NOT unless he changes him name when he changes to Chelsea to make everyone else happy.



      1. well, i guess this answers why adam and bianca are dancing in the promo pic.


  105. while we are waiting for Kary’s next update… anyone remember this mini? ;)



    1. Thanks for posting that video. That was my favorite degrassi mini ever. I loved JT and Liberty as a couple.



      1. i know it’s good. i like it so much because it reminds me of how me and my old girl friend were.


    2. I cry like a baby every time…



      1. Mrs.TaylorLautner August 10, 2010 at 5:09 pm

        me too, i just wish he wouldnt have died! but i love the fact that his memorial is still there


  106. not to be rude (and just for the record, i hate doing this) but, for the people who want to know where Eli is, its OK that he isnt in EVERY episode, if he was, you would probably get sick of him, like Kary was saying about the character overload, like Holly J is for me right now. i dont want to see Eli in every ep, it would get annoying…watch reruns if you miss him :)
    again, sorry for my little rant.



    1. Agreed…he’s a great character but I feel that I will end up hating him (as I did with Craig) because of his “Bieber Fever!”.



      1. I really hope they don’t Craig him out. I liked Craig alot as a character, then the fangirls were like OMG CRAIG so he suddenly became the main character of Seasons 3 and 4, and part of 5. they Cenapushed him. Eli’s my favorite of the S10 newbies, but I can see myself hating him if they Cenapush him.


  107. wen is jimmy and the original cast coming back!



    1. Well I can tell you that Jimmy (Aubrey, Drake…whatever he calls himself) isn’t coming back anytime soon…but the rest are probably never coming back…permanantly anyway.



    2. Most of the original cast was done about 3 seasons ago. I’m guessing you’re a Drake fan that just heard about the show recently? (nothing against Aubrey though, love his music)



    3. Let’s be realistic.
      Emma and Spinner: gone, they got married, so they are written off.
      Hazel: gone forever, shes just… missing
      Paige: Uh, last time I heard from her is DTH
      Terri: …shes in private school- er college now (tech shes in NYC modeling)
      Jimmy: Aubrey is Drake now. America is where he’s at and he’s here for a while.
      Ashley: Music I beleive?
      Craig: Same
      Manny: Gone
      Jay: Gone, he’s pretty useless
      Alex: she disappeared.
      :| They are gone.



  108. Tune in or set your PVR for MuchMusic’s “Inside the Halls of Degrassi” airing tomorrow (Tuesday, August 10) at 7:30 pm ET
    Tim Deegan and the stars of Degrassi give you a behind-the-scenes look at the set and a sneak peek of what’s coming
    featuring Charlotte Arnold, Landon Liboiron, Munro Chambers, Jessica Tyler, Alicia Josipovic, Melinda Shankar, Raymond Ablack and Luke Bilyk

    ^^^ Can someone put this on Youtube after it airs? I won’t be able to watch it tonight. Thanks :)



    1. Grrr I’m Moving To Canada For More Degrassi!!



  109. Stefan Brogren tweeted:
    New character on the show, “Jess”. Cute as a button.

    I guess they are already introducing new characters that will become main characters in Season 11.



  110. […] Degrassi Storyline Recap: I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself/Try Honesty This week’s group of storylines as a whole have been the weakest of The Boiling Point so far.  But my theory […] […]



  111. i wuz so shocked last nite wen Eli wuz so cold 2 Clare after their kiss,
    but i still luv him.
    Eli is soooooooo HOT!
    i ♥ that pic of him!
    i ♥ that he’s mysterious,hot
    i ♥ his eyes,his crooked smile
    he is an awesome addition 2 the show!



  112. i no ur wondering wut pic but i wuz looking at but at there is a really hot picture of eli and i typed wut i thought about last nite’s episode and i said that i liked the pic and wen i typed it here i 4got 2 take it out. :)

    any questions?



  113. Wow… I never realized the lyrics to The 3 Tenners song :o Wow… that’s definitely foreshadowing Conner and his cyber girlfriend person thingy xD That song is stuck in my head alllll the time “This is Dizzle reaching Wizzle and Cizzle” <3



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