
UPDATED 7/4/15: So it looks like TeenNick and MTV Canada will air 14B on the same schedule after all.

According to MTV’s July press release , MTV had no plans to air the first two episodes on July 20th, leaving MTV to air an overwhelming majority of 14B a day behind TeenNick.  However, the broadcast schedule listed on MTV’s website has both 1413 and 1414 airing on the 20th.

I guess they couldn’t say goodbye without giving us one final network screwup! Here’s what the broadcast schedule looks like, courtesy of Degrassi Source:


Posted by Kary


  1. Erin from DegrassiOnline asked a very good question: will the cast live tweet along with the episodes airing on TeenNick or MTV Canada? With all of this confusion are they even going to continue the trend? And what are the chances that the episodes will align before 14B kicks off?



  2. Really happy that we can all watch it together but sadly I don’t think this is going to be MTV Canada’s final screw up…



  3. It’s cool,that it’s on everyday for two weeks, but I feel like when they do that format, each show isn’t as impactful or you just don’t have a week to think about what happened and then to anticipate next week. Not to mention the huge break before those two weeks, and the another huge break after that, if it’s not gonna appear again until 2016 on Netflix. I woulda rather had this block be spread out over three months I think, then it wouldn’t be sooo long until it’s back.



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