Posted by Kary


  1. Can’t wait!!!



  2. OMG! I CANT FREAKEN WAIT!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!! lol “pen me..nevermind i’ll remember!” thats my new favorite catch phrase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



  3. Sensory overload! There’s too much going on in that promo to make sense of anything right now. I did notice they seem to be focusing a lot on the younger cast, which is smart, since the seniors have to be graduating by the end of season 12, eh? I’m ready to ship Drew off to parts unknown.



  4. This season seems hillarious! I hope they didn’t just show the ONLY funny parts to make it seem like it would be funny sorta consistently, but it really isn’t and, and… yeah!



  5. Well damn… going to be a solid season



  6. eli awkwardly walking outta clares room <3



  7. Hopefully it’s just TeenNick being TeenNick. Everything looks like it’s going to be relationship based, which sucks! Hope they stick to issue based storylines.



  8. omfg… this season MAY just be amazing all the way through. I’m feeling like by the end of this, s12 might just be my new favorite season. I’ve loved all the episodes up till now, and by the look of this promo, I think I’m going to love it. For me, the Boiling Point was SOOO overhyped that it didn’t live up to my expectations, and I didn’t much care for what followed. Showdown was pretty hyped up too, and I had been so excited but had prepared myself for a let down, which seems completely unnecessary.

    I like how this promo SEEMS to have a lot of spoilers, but there’s actually not really anything there that nobody hadn’t guessed from the first promo. Not much Cam though which makes me wonder what his story is going to deal with, and I’m especially looking for the Adam/Becky stuff.

    It is shocking that Becky is so accepting already, but her and Adam ARE juniors so I’m guessing the writers want to get into their storyline before they have to leave, I’m guessing in s13/first half of s14 (this show will NEVER end which I like, because I’m so curious of what type of characters they’ll come up with next).



  9. Every single plot looks interesting, but I don’t think they’ll entirely be pulling away from the issues, at least during Chaz’s episode.

    And it seemed to me like Cam was knitting or patching up a shirt of Maya’s. Thought I saw a knitting tool in his hand. I can see that being a secret skill of his.



  10. OMG! I have a feeling the Becky and Adam storyline is going to be awesome!!!!



  11. Who just got punched?
    Love Maya and Cam together! Look’s like Mike Dallas is finally getting some action ;)



  12. What we’re getting here, mostly, is Degrassi lite.There’s always drama, and we know there will almost certainly be some with Becky and Adam, with Tristan (Lyle and the Degrassi writers have already said he has a serious issue coming up) and others.

    But this is fine. I would rather find out the serious stuff when it happens, not weeks ahead of time.



  13. WTF i can’t wait for the episodes already i hope tht Tori will forgive Maya and Zig for kissing each other but i doubt she will. Hopefully Becky and Adam hav a good realtionship becuz Adam has not had one yet. Drew and Bianca better last. Mo and Marisol better get some plots becuz they hav not had any yet. Cant wait to see if i am going to like Alli and Dallas together & of course more Eclare. Omfg Maya shirtless in Cam’s room but i don’t think anythings going to happen. Maya better not do what Jenna did to Clare and steal Tori’s boyfriend becuz tht is going to be some fucked up shit and the Niner friendship is so over now tht Maya and Zig kissed. Y can’t tomorrow be October 12!!!! :(



  14. Woah, Maya and Cam, he finally might “get some… um sex” :). Can’t wait to see whats gonna happen with Ali and Dallas too, I think 12B is gonna be great!!



  15. I can’t wait for Alli and Dallas.. No Imogen again??. Not sure about Becky and Adam yet. Fiona trying to bond with Imogens mom, Fiona please stop. One way to piss off Imogen.. I hope Audra slaps some sense into Drew’s thick head about marriage. The niners are so darn cute, I do adore them.. I can’t wait for Morisol, I love Mo. Im not getting into Eclare more with Eli, We have been seeing a lot of Eli at Clares house it makes me wonder if his parents know about him and Clare being back together. We know Eli can date but I think Bullfrog will see it differently becuase of the past. No parent ever wants to go through what Eli’s parents did.



  16. Lol Hockeynut, that’s clearly a pencil in Cam’s hand. You can even see an open binder between them, which indicates they were studying before they got “distracted.”



  17. The fact that Eli and Jake are going to have a scene together where they seem friendly… its so weird to think how far everything has come since season 11…



  18. wow…. No Fiona or Imogen……… letdown



    1. Glad someone agrees with me!!!



    2. Actually, if you pause when Becky and Adam are at the loft, you’ll see Fiona laughing at Drew, who is wearing the same blue shirt he’s wearing at the Dot with his mother and Bianca. (;



  19. This would’ve been better if Fiona, Imogen, and Jenna were in it. But Becky and Adam are so cute.



  20. im excited to see eli and jake’s friendship! anyone else?



  21. Eclare Fimogen and Maybell September 22, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    Like realy Maya why are you doing this to Cam he loves you and you love him like if Zig realy wanted you he would of chosed you instead of tori cant you see hes Jelous of something he cant have witthh Tori ? becuase Maya and Cams relationship is better than theeres…



    1. you sound retarded.



  22. 12B looks amazing, can’t wait to see it. Will help me get through the next 2.5 weeks in South Sudan (in the current capital, not the proposed future capital).



  23. I have a feeling I’m really going to like Becky in this half of the season.



  24. I-watch-degrassi-HARD! September 23, 2012 at 12:41 am

    OMG OMG!! I hope the Dallas and Alli storyline is for the long run and is not just short lived like her and Drews(even though I really liked them as a couple.) WHOA! Maya and Cam? Finally! These niners are bringing the heat this year. But I hope these people are not just teasing us with another good preview but make the show the opposite of what we thought was gonna happen. Eclare forever



  25. Now that Maya kissed Zig. Tori might find new friends, maybe older. And make mistakes Alli and Manny did.



  26. I love Maya with Cam and I love Tori and Zig why cant the writers just let them be happy like this????



  27. Eli and Jake scene makes me smile :) This season seems almost perfect.



  28. In an interview they did while there were in LA for the Emmys, Cristine, Munro and Luke said something “shocking” will happen early in the fall episodes that Degrassi hasn’t done before. No big drama like that in the promo, so I wonder what it will be.



  29. Whoa! Intense season coming up!!! My two new favorite quotes are “Everything will be sunshine and unicorns!” and “Pen me! You know, forget it I’ll remember.” Hopefully another great season in store with some fresh material. Especially looking forward to Becky/Adam, Eli’s new friendships, Alli/Dallas, and Cam’s possible secret knitting habits. ;) Can’t wait… 15 days to go!



  30. @goodnews58 maybe they bring back an old character for an episode. if they do, i wonder who



  31. Alli always complains about how all of her issues revolve around boys but yet after letting one go its on to the next…she needs a break!!!



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