Smash Into You Pt. 2 airs tomorrow night (Friday 4/19) at 9pm on MuchMusic and TeenNick.

Posted by Kary


  1. Is it just me or are the photos not loading?



    1. I saw them….. Must be your pc. I’m excited to see how this episode folds out and see who Adam’s date is….



  2. I’m having flashbacks to the start of Skins series 4. Like Jacinta dies and the writers use it as a spring board to give all the characters a reason to get out of control. The writers kind of did that too after Ricks death.



    1. My only issue with this is the fact that she came out of nowhere. Having these isolated plots doesn’t help with a long-term storyline fallout. They should have introduced Jacinta earlier, even if just in a passing C plot, for me to actually care about her and if she or if she doesn’t die.



      1. i kno right


  3. I feel that the Dave/Alli/Jacinta plot could ignite some interesting discussions. I’m curious to know whether fans feel bad for her. What she’s doing is creepy, but I think that people aren’t reacting as strongly to what she’s doing because she’s a girl. We as a society have a tendency to freak out when people say things like, “she was asking for it,” or “she got what she deserved”, but what Jacinta is doing is WRONG. She’s stalking a guy who has repeatedly told her that he wants nothing more to do with her. If a girl were in Dave’s position, and a guy was stalking her, viewers would not even hesitate to say that her wishes must be respected, and that any harm that befalls her stalker is well-deserved. But the fact that we have a female stalker, a villain so to speak, makes things tricky. We don’t want to condone violence against women, but at the same time we know that what this girl is doing isn’t right.



    1. michael_cka1687 April 20, 2012 at 6:50 pm

      I’m not sure you can really call her a stalker. All she did was text him a bit and then show up at a model UN thing that she was probably already signed up for.



      1. Jacinta’s motive was to confront Dave and to hopefully get together with him, the model UN was a convinent thing for her since it took place at Degrassi. Throughout the whole thing she was following him and trying to create trouble, knowing full well Dave wasn’t interested and her actions hurt Alli.

        Jacinta looks like she had low self esteem and was an emotionally desperate girl. It’s sad what happened to her, but she was part of the reason it happened.


      2. I don’t think she was a stalker either, I just think she’s a typical teenage girl who got attached after, possibly her first time, having sex. But I loved tonight’s episode it was a great second half. Jahmil proved to me that he is a great actor. I really wanna see the aftermath of this for Dave.


  4. RIP Marisol

    You were great until Degrassi managed to ruin you



    1. And it only took an episode….



      1. Guess Kary was right. Degrassi women are ruined by guys. :/


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