I only have two thoughts about this promo:

1) We should start a Degrassi Promo Drinking Game…take a drink every time they show a clip from the Tori/Maya fight scene. By the time we see it in an actual episode it’ll be boring, so might as well make something fun out of it.

2) A gay guy on Degrassi with balls from the get go (Tristan)? Me gusta.

Posted by Kary


  1. I like that Tristan is already out. We’ve already seen the struggling to come out storyline about 4 times now. It’s a new perspective.. cant wait:)!

    I’m not sure how i’ll feel about Tori… it might go either way.

    i didn’t understand a word Zig said and I have a feeling I’ll like Maya.



  2. the fact that Tristen is openly gay draws me back immediately to Owen and his homephobia, with an interesting new angle and possibly more character development. You would think that having a gay brother would keep him open-minded, but it wasn’t the case in season 10. AT ALL. wishful thinking for Tristan to stick it to Owen in the half season!



    1. I thought that too. I don’t know if it’s lack of continuity in the writing or if they plan to take a new twist on Owens character



  3. It seems Tori and Tristan’s friendship could be kinda cute…ish.

    Maya still seems like a bland character to me. Her description doesn’t interest me and nor does her rivalry with Tori.

    Zig still remains pretty much a mystery. We’ll have to wait and see.

    Tristan on his own seems like he has the potential to either be really cool or really really annoying.



  4. they over do that maya tori fight already , i cant wait to see how owen handled his brother being gay , and zig looks lik he’ll be like kc when he was a niner he reminds me of kc, its weird seein alex steele as someone other then angela it may bug me thinkin she should be her original character



    1. I really wish they could’ve kept her as Angela!! It would be kinda cool to have Craig’s little sister at Degrassi. And I know I will love Tristan! I have a soft spot for people who aren’t afraid of being themselves.Like: Zane, Adam, and now Tristan!!!!!!!!!



  5. Excuse my lack of knowledge, but at 0:20, when Tristan says “you think I’m campy?”, what does he mean by that/”campy”?

    Everyone is talking about how he’s out so I assume “campy” is some sort of slang for being gay, either that or I missed some character description or promo or something, because right now, I’m pretty sure he’s just flamboyant (or at least not “out” yet, to our knowledge so far)



    1. It means to be overly exaggerated and flamboyant. It’s basically a nicer way of calling him a faggot really. Definitely not a term of endearment or anything good.



    2. BloodOnTheRocks January 31, 2012 at 9:40 pm

      Yes he is gay, he said “I don;t have to change who I’am for anybody, and why else would it say out and him having acrush on Adam.



      1. I luv that he doesnt want to change for anyone!!! YOU GO TRISTAN!!!!!!


  6. No matter what, i am SUPER excited for this upcoming season. the new characters will definitely be a great touch to the new school year :)



  7. I LOVE that that Alex Steele is basically doing the same “impressive yet threatening” move that Cassie did seasons earlier. Throwback!



    1. Me 2!!!!! She will be fun to watch!!!!



  8. Zig is clearly going to be a heartbreaker. Poor girls :(

    I thought Tristan was going to be Season 7 Holly J with a pair of testicles, but now I don’t think he’s going to be THAT mean and snobby.

    Maya seems like season 8 Clare with MUCH MUCH more attitude and aggressive tendencies.

    Tori seems to be innocent yet pretentious. Her little issue with Marisol sounds like a throwback to Manny vs Paige in “West End Girls”.



  9. Zig and Maya look like KC and Clare when they were niners. like exactly like them. And the Tori vs. Marisol cheerlead thing looks like Manny vs. Paige cheerlead thing. Or Mia vs. Darcy cheerlead thing. And why is Owens little brother gay. He is homophobic, this should be interesting.



  10. I think tristan is going to be very outspoken and funny! Tori seems like a good match for his friendship cause shes a pagent girl and probally outspoken too , i wonder how shes going to handle marisol cause she is so use to getting her way but it looks like marisol makes her the mascot.I think if both Tori and tristan had a crush on Adam it would be a good stryline cause adams so nice!!

    As far as Maya im interested to see her artsy side cause we havent seen it yet !!! But zig does seem like a heartbreaker and i think hes going to hurt Maya . I just hope that theyll through little grade nine problems for everyone to relate to



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