Episode Description for Drop It Like It’s Hot Pt. 1: Alli has to break the news to Dave about their summer apart, so she plans a special night for them. But does she mean, you know, SPECIAL-special?


I don’t have much to say right now (I’m rushed today in posting this), but I’m sure I’ll have commentary after tonight’s episode.

Posted by Kary


  1. I wonder?



  2. I’m not really sure what to expect from this episode. Nothing really about it seems to stand out as an ohh I can’t wait episode but I guess we will see tonight



    1. Yeah I have no expectations either, I kinda like it that way



    2. Agreed. They’ve barely shown anything to get me excited for this episode. Maybe it’ll surprise us.



  3. Is it weird that I really want to see what happens between Sav and Ms. Oh more than Dave and Alli? hahaha



  4. Does anyone know what the b and c plots are going to be?



    1. B Plot – Wesley/Hannah
      C Plot – Bianca -_-



  5. Have we ever even seen Dave and Alli kiss yet? Lol



    1. Lol, right? I have never even seen them kiss at least once before.. or even seen them hold hands or anything like that. Still waiting for that day.



  6. At least it’s not another Cake/Eclare/Emogen episode.

    I’m glad to see some other characters get some attention tonight and it’s been a while since Alli was in the hot seat.

    Poor Chantay. No love even at the very bitter end. *giggle*



    1. There was so much Alli overload in S10 though, so I’ve been glad that she’s been more of a supporting character so far this season. I like her better that way, haha.



      1. I definitely agree that there was Alli overload last season, but after being bombarded with certain characters this season, I more than welcome an Alli A-plot again, especially one that looks rather interesting from the previews.

        I need Clare to get Riley airtime for a while now :)


  7. This should be a solid week of programming. No idea where this whole Ms. Oh thing is going.



  8. Idk…I like Alli but i am not usre about this plot/episode



  9. Is it sad that I’m excited for the Wannah plot more than anything? Wesley’s such an underrated character, and he’s actually one of my favorite current male characters.



    1. I like Wesley too! I hope he doesn’t fall into the Toby catagory and never get real stories that often. (I actually liked him a lot more than Toby, Wesley is more loveable).

      At first I wasn’t sure why they made him a main character, but from his first scene in season 10 with Dave, he was so cute awkward I loved it!



  10. Anyone else notice how well the stories are flowing this season? Maybe it’s just my opinion, but I’ve noticed this.



  11. Am I the only one who “ships” Dave Jenna?

    & also, I would LOVE if Zane Clare became friends. That’d be interesting!






    1. lol I thought I was the only one who was insanely suprised by that! They never play songs that are actually popular, much less play them in a random episode in the middle of the season.



  13. Hannah, you two timing Jezebel of a minx, you just don’t appreciate the Westinator, don’t you realize he’s what keeps you out of the triangle?



  14. Poker Face playing
    And a Bianca and Imogen Friendship?
    I like.



  15. I like this semi-dramatic episode balance.



  16. So I kinda love Bianca and Imogen, even though Bianca stole from her, but I can look passed that if Bianca apologizes later. I love these random pairings this season. First Eli and Fiona and now Imogen and Bianca. This has some good possibilities.

    I can’t believe Dave sent *ADAM* of all people to buy him condoms. I knew they’d somehow sneak Adam into yet another episode, but if you’re not even man enough to buy your own condoms, then you’re clearly not ready to have sex. Plus, dude, you whip out a packet of like 8 condoms from your pocket? To cue Alicia Silverstone from 1995’s “Clueless,” “As If!”

    Seeing PEMDAS written on Armstrong’s board brought back horrible elementary school flashbacks. Speaking of which, why are they first learning about the order of operations in in high school?

    The Wesley/Hannah/Liam plot didn’t really have much going for it, other than to tease the possibility of Wesley running over Drew! Chantay better watch out. She could be next.

    I can’t believe they played Gaga on Degrassi. They must have cost them a pretty penny.



    1. “Speaking of which, why are they first learning about the order of operations in in high school?”

      Actually in many highschools the teacher will go over PEMDAS no matter how well you know it, and it’s a good thing because in Algebra if you forget one step you screw up the whole entire equation lol



      1. ::shudder:: at the thought of ever having to do another algebraic equation again! that’s what they invented graphing calculators for!


    2. “I can’t believe they played Gaga on Degrassi. They must have cost them a pretty penny.”

      While I loved the Pokerface scene, this thought dominated my mind the entire time, haha.



  17. I really love the Alli/Dave dynamic! Though I wish they would make them more affectionate…they remind me of friends who just say they are going out…And a Bianca Imogen friendship seems awesome so far (even though she stole)



  18. I loved this Episode I thought all 3 plots went together very well.

    I thought the Ali’s plot needed more Build up them foreshadowing/hinting at her gambling this week was very week so it almost felt like it came out of the air. I love her relationship with Dave thou finally a relationship that has natural chemistry

    Bianca should of been given the B plot instead of Wesley because she needs more Development i like the dealing plot they have given her and I wish they started this plot earlier. I like her friendship with Imogen so far.

    Wesley plot was Just great but I wish Bianca had the B plot.



  19. This is a very good and clean episode. I can’t wait for tomorrow.
    I really like that they gave Alli this gambling plot, I’m sure they would have gave it to a guy but it’s really good that they gave it to Alli since she has this background in great math skills that would realistically make her good at poker.



    1. I love that they remembered she’s actually in the gifted program, so this counting cards plot made a whole lot of sense with her background. I’m sure this will be wrapped up by tomorrow’s episode, but it would be nice if they left it open ended and had it carry over into the second half of the season.

      They really seem to be wrapping up most of the plots before the promuation episodes. I’d like to see them leave a few plots dangling so we have something to look forward to.



      1. ^^^
        THIS. They should, plots just work better that way for example Fiona’s drinking that was brought up in a good way multiple times.


  20. what was the song in the last 5 minutes



  21. I love Bianca and Imogen paring. This EP was actually great. Has me very excited about tommorows EP



  22. the title of this episode is out of fucking control. snoop dogg? really? pokerface was so much better. i liked the 80s song titles!



  23. This episode was one of the rare ones that all three plots were interesting.Alli and dave are so precious i love them! and bianca and imogen are a good pairing and it’s good to know imogen is recovering from being shut out by eli. and i just love me some wesley!lol and liam looks like a interesting charecter.Very good laid back episode.(;



  24. random thoughts:

    I’m so happy they brought back Liam! I’m glad he’s not just a one-time character :)

    I love love love Bianca/Imogen. And I’m especially happy that we are getting to see Imogen without Eli or anyone in that square, I actually liked her when she was with Bianca (and I don’t really like her around Eli)

    I really like Alli and Dave too. Although I never really liked Dave on his own, he HAS been pining for Alli for as long as I can remember, which gives them a really good buildup, and makes it a not-random couple. I thought the whole misinterpreted-sex plot was kind of boring and predictable, but I’m looking forward to seeing Dave react to Alli’s gambling.

    side note: since when are Jenna and Alli friends with Adam?? I’m all for it, but I was completely thrown off to see them together. It was like we were supposed to just know they were all friends..

    Wesley/Hannah: I love Wesley, but the reason I loved him was because he was so dorky and wasn’t afraid to show who he was. In this episode, it seemed as though all of that was stripped away from him. He was jealous, he pretended to be someone he was not… I really hope this ends well.



  25. Wesley’s plot was kind of stupid. Where did this Liam kid sprout from? It’s like Degrassi pulled him from the woodworks or something because I’ve never heard or seen him before tonight’s episode. Alli’s gambling addiction seemed so rushed. We had a small clue during last week’s episodes when Dave hung out with her parents. Have Dave and Alli ever held hands or kissed? Maybe we’re supposed to think that they’re like that off-screen, but it kind of makes the actors seem like they have terrible chemistry (and they do. Neither has ever been very convincing with their significant others) because they don’t act like a couple. On the brightside, I’m really happy that Alli isn’t a main plot for this season. She’s a good character, but is very annoying in large doses.

    The Bianca plot was pretty good, expect I wished the writers had moved this story up a few episodes, so we could see it grow, rather than having it thrown in tonight. Imogen was completely pointless in Bianca’s plot. Any character, even a random student who would only be in that episode could have done a better job. Seeing Imogen’s interaction with Bianca, or someone other than Eli was meaningless. We didn’t learn anything new about her character or why she feels the need to jump on the bandwagon and please people just so they’ll like her. I can only hope that the writers have something significant for her next season because right now it’s a real chore trying to get through these plots because the actress playing Imogen is so terrible. Tonight’s episode was all right; it was an enjoyable break from 2 weeks of the terrible Jake/Clare/Imogen/Eli story. Those episodes were hyped up and failed for me, especially Eli’s play. That was so cliche and boring. I’m interested in seeing where Bianca’s plot goes, since I find the Drew plot from the first episode to be the most interesting.



    1. Liam first appeared in Dirt Off Your Shoulder, part 2.



    2. I think Imogen made perfect sense, especially since we already know her, even if in just a few small doses. It would have been pointless if it was just any random kid in Bianca’s class. At least with Imogen, we actually do get to see her outside of her Eli obsession, which will only help define her character as her storyline progresses into the second half of the season. Not to mention, it allows for further cast integration so everyone doesn’t seem so isolated in their own plots. There’s no reason why Bianca can’t also hang out with someone else her own grade that we already know from existing storylines.

      I have to wonder what kind of role Imogen will have in Bianca’s plot tonight. I don’t expect them to be BFF’s, but their interaction provides for future storyline material down the line.

      If you want to talk pointless, it didn’t make any sense for Imogen to catch Dave with condoms. It’s not like their storylines have crossed yet. it would have been funnier if it was his cousin, Miss Chantay Black.



  26. I have mixed emotions about Bianca and Imogen. I don’t think they are going to friends. Especially when someome steals from you. The problem with Imogen she has a addictive personality. I do admire her though.

    Alli and gambling? Gambling is a very addictive game and to add that she can count cards is a big no no in that world. Its not cheating but its very much frownded upon (taboo). The other players feel cheated and very bad things can happen.

    I don’t think Hannah would drop Wesley for Liam. But if Wesley keeps up tryng to up Liam she may drop him. Because a lot of girls as do guys don’t really like people who way to insecure. I hope Wesley mans up and just tell Hannah how he really feels.



  27. I loved this episode

    Dave n ali are adorable she bought him centerfloor tickets and a jersey she was fiona coyne ballin on dave tonight the most I ever got my dude was pair of sneakers on sale lol but da fact adam was thinking with his shenis more than dave had me dying then she had the balls to get every type of condom for him lol

    I hope westly dont get them into an accident..he should have thought it out but thats what jelousy do makes you do things out of charcter

    Bee and imogen i digg they are a nice duo both of them can hold they own.. Both independent ladies.. I hope she pays her back or explain why she took it dont want it be an oh I stole ur money but ill be your friend in return scenero..but is it me or is vince asking for to much she already slept with you know u got her hustling for you to I mean damn drew better take her back she a ride or die chick lol



    1. The problem with Bianca with Vince. When you get involved with a gang its is hard to get out. It becomes a serious problem. If she calls the police or does something to Vince. Someone else would take care of her (kill) or her family. Its almost like the domino effect. Pretty scary stuff.



  28. Cute episode, I love me some Dalli. However I do think the gambling storyline is a little abrupt. At first I thought it wouldve had something to do with Dave and the fact that she would be gone all Summer, but apparently not. When Jenna asked her why she gambled it’s becauuse “she loves the rush”…talk about random.

    I don’t really have much to say about Wesley. He’s boring to be.

    Bianca’s plot was fairly interesting. I don’t feel any chemistry between Bianca and Imogen as friends at ALL but what made me love this storyline was it gave viewers a chance to see the serious effects of being involved with a gangmember. Once you’re in, you can never get out. My sympathy goes out to Bianca for doing all this just to keep her ex safe. What a woman.



  29. I think Dave and Alli need to kiss on-screen first before they even think about having sex, haha. Alli is drunk with the power poker gives her! It probably makes her feel invincible, so I’m not surprised she’ll grow addicted to it.

    Wesley just needs to be in every episode, ever. He is just so damn endearing, even when he’s making an ass out of himself. I laughed so hard when he shoulder bumped Liam, it was great, haha.

    I’m not necessarily for the Bianca/Imogen friendship, but I do find it intriguing and it makes sense to me. They’re both outcasts for different reasons. Imogen is desperate to have real friends so she tries to please anyone that gives her the time of day, and Bianca probably finds Imogen endearing because Imogen doesn’t seem to judge her like everyone else. I like that their interaction doesn’t feel contrived or forced at all.

    All in all, this episode was a welcome change from last week’s heartbreak and intensity. I don’t want to feel depressed after watching every episode, haha. I found myself frequently laughing and smiling while watching this episode; I don’t remember the last time that happened. So even though this episode wasn’t super dramatic, I still thought it was super engaging and entertaining to watch. Probably because a lot of the characters tonight had really great chemistry. Jahmil and Melinda are just so natural with each other! Just goes to show that Degrassi can still write good semi-lighthearted episodes.



  30. this episode was very good! i think each plot was enjoyable and solid. i like the alli plot and i think dave and alli are great together but i think the gambling storyline is a little overdone. ellie, marco and now alli. i loved bianca and imogen’s new friendship so much! they’re so different that they work well as friends even though bianca stole from her. wannah’s plot was so cute and i liked seeing liam again! wesley is just so adorable i can’t help but love every plot he’s in.



    1. It would be nice if a gambling plot didn’t go the way of the previous 2 we’ve already seen. Why do there have to be consequences? Why can’t Alli use her Poker skills to make some money and call it a day once she’s secure in her funds? I hate that these plots make it seem like it’s the worst thing in the world to gamble and every time you do so, you get in over your head and either end up losing your shirt or getting beat up. It’s the same thing with drugs. There’s never a recreational drug use storyline that doesn’t have a negative effect on the character.

      It would be better if Alli got on a winning streak, put all her money on the line and instead of being confronted by her peers that she might be biting off more than she could chew, she has a moment of self-realization and actually stops herself from getting into the addiction any deeper. And of course, we’d be left with the lingering possibility that Alli may not have kicked this habit as well as she claimed, which could easily play out again in the future. (Maybe that’s the time where it all goes to hell.)

      It’s not all that crazy to hope the writers would stop looking back on their previous stories to re-tell them with someone new. A little creativity never hurt anyone!



  31. I’m glad they still have the J.T. Memorial! (:



    1. The ghost of J.T. is sitting there like wtf.



  32. This episode is great so far! We are seeing more of Wesley, getting to know Hannah and Liam, seeing Imogen without Eli, getting to know Bianca from a different perspecitve, and this may be my favorite Alli storyline.



  33. Alli’s obsession with gambling is just so…random. Didn’t she just say that she thought poker was boring like 2 episodes ago?



    1. It’s not random, she thought it was boring when she was younger, but now that’s she older and in gifted math and has a developed photographic memory she’s really good at it. She started playing it more with her family while Dave has been coming over.



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