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Degrassi Extra, recap of episode 1110 Paper Planes Pt 1

What we learned from this episode
*How dare Owen be anything less than an aggressive homophobe (because he must obviously do that for a living,…how dare he not remain a one-sided character!!
*Anya’s storyline is unrealistic…everyone knows you do coke backstage, wait for Ellie to yell at you, then you have a nosebleed onstage during your performance
*So….does Banting mean nothing to the writers anymore?!?!?! SMH
*Charlie almost became the second gay character in Degrassi history to sleep in the bathtub
*If Connor became as obsessed with sports as much as he is with lingerie, he’d make one hell of a fullback based on how he run over Alli like that
*And finally…..

Liar. Everyone knows Degrassi’s storylines are taken from REAL-LIFE experiences of the actors that play them.

Posted by Kary


  1. LMFAO @ gay bthtub sleepers



  2. I have a penis… Just thought you should know :)



  3. I love Degrassi Extra!! Lmao about Connor, seriously. And AJ Saudin’s tweet.

    I’m still freaking mad that Anya did cocaine. It seemed kind of random, but I’m over it. Her eyes at the end of the episode when she was talking to Owen were kind of creeping me out. Props to Samantha Munro for her acting. I also thought Anya was kind of funny in the hallway scene after doing cocaine the first time. I’m always a fan of dry humor.

    I like Owen. I like that they’re starting to develop his character and they’re doing it realistically. I just wish they would have done something like this with Fitz. All of his “I found Jesus” bullshit is still so ridiculous to me.

    I just hope Owen reigns Anya back in. I also really liked Bianca and that blond girl in this episode. Great supporting characters. Bitchy but at the same time hard to dislike.

    I’m still a huge fan of Eli and Fiona’s friendship. Fiona is absolutely precious and I’m really starting to like Charlie as well. Their final scene in this is really cute and it brought a smile to my face.

    But, lmao, Connor. I’m so sorry, but this storyline is just hilarious to me.



    1. Anya has consistently made stupid decisions during her time at Degrassi, so really, I’m not surprised, haha.



    2. CheerQueen_Scarrlet August 2, 2011 at 7:48 pm

      fiona USED to be the prettiest on the show, not so much anymore!! she’s gotten way too fat!!



      1. Oh my God, wtf. She’s not even fat. What, does she have to be the size of a beanpole to be considered attractive?


      2. It doesn’t even look like she put on anymore weight. What are you even talking about?


  4. Lmao. Funniest tweet ever. When Connor tackled Alli: Hilarious. The Banting thing is also true. That was the school that half of Degrassi went to & nw nvr even mentioned. Sleeping in a bathtub reminds me of Kyle XY. Who else almost slept in a tub besides Charlie?



    1. Didn’t Marco suggest sleeping in the bathtub when he had a sleepover at Jimmy’s with Spinner and Craig? I remember Spinner wasn’t exactly comfortable with him yet, being as this was right after he came out to his friends.



  5. The thing I dont get is how Eli was insane (well pretty insane) last episode now that hes off his meds and now when he’s talking with fiona he’s relatively sane? :\



    1. people who are mentally unstable do not act like they’re crazy 24 hours a day. they go through ups and down and have moments of normalcy all the time. when they’re not triggered (for eli, clare is an obvious trigger) they actually act pretty stable.

      we go through this with my brother. and the fact that they gave these moments of stability and normalcy is actually what makes their mental illness so much more heartbreaking. you get a tiny glimpse of what they could be like, so when they slip back into being crazy it’s a lot more upsetting.



    2. Because Clare wasn’t there, and nothing stressed him out



  6. The ultimate dork August 2, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Anya did ask Ashley if she actually did play in Craig’s band. So obviously she’s a fan of Craig and his bad habits haha



    1. That’s right! :D Haha, I forgot all about that.



  7. What happened to Larping Anya?



  8. LOL, its the second time Connor has pushed Alli down xD



  9. I laughed when Connor knocked out Ali. Anyone noticed that Ali is always getting knocked out by Connor? Ok maybe not always just twice.



    1. ‘Cause she’s annoying.



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