Thanks again Kyle for the episode descriptions from the first two weeks of Degrassi: Now or Never!! My thoughts on the descriptions are at the bottom.

Degrassi Spring Fever – Mon, 7/18 9p-10p et
Degrassi’s got Spring Break fever, wooo! Keke Palmer’s playing a concert — and Sav’s heartstrings — while Drew and Bianca get in WAY too deep.

LoveGame – Tues, 7/19 9p-9:30p et
Eli seems to be taking his and Clare’s break-up well… a little too well for Clare’s liking, actually. Will a new guy help her get closure?

What’s My Age Again? – Wed, 7/20 9p-9:30p et
Anya’s 18th birthday is nigh… paging Dr. Chris! And KC is trapped in baby-ville with Jenna; but is there an escape hatch?

Idioteque – Thurs, 7/21 9p-9:30p et
Drew’s life was so much simpler before Bianca was in it. Would it be simple again if she were gone?

Cry Me a River, pt. 1 – Mon, 7/25 9p-9:30p et
Dave and Adam are vying for a spot hosting a show on Degrassi’s airwaves. But is Dave ready to share the air with a transgender guy?

Cry Me a River, pt. 2 – Tues, 7/26 9p-9:30p et
When the school backlashes against Dave for his offensive outburst against transgender students, he’s left feeling persecuted and censored.

Dirt Off Your Shoulder, pt. 1 – Wed, 7/27 9p-9:30p et
Eli’s got professional help handling the pressure of writing the school play, but there are no miracles. Will a new heroine save the day?

Dirt Off Your Shoulder, pt. 2 – Thurs, 7/28 9p-9:30p et
Riley’s family isn’t changing, and neither is Zane. Faced with an impossible choice between them, Riley can’t put it off any longer.


Kary’s Thoughts

We already have a sense of what’s going to happen with Drew and Bianca in Spring Fever…and NO, Drew doesn’t die in this episode. Poor Sav though…he’s finally a good guy and he’s getting screwed over by girls left and right.

Based on these descriptions, the episodes I’m looking forward to are LoveGame and Cry Me A River. I’m loving the look of the angle they’re taking with Eli and Clare…specifically Eli’s reaction to the breakup. See? I don’t get why people were sooooo upset that Clare broke up with Eli…though she ended it with him I didn’t believe that it’d be a case of them never talking again, or that Clare wouldn’t attempt to reach out to him. But it looks like Eli is going to be the one who has the upper hand. I feel the same about Clare/Jake and Eli/Imogen…I just have a wait-and-see attitude with them.

Now we finally know what causes a feud between Dave and Adam (Cry Me A River). If what I see on twitter or tumblr is any indication (if a fan even accidentally mispeaks about Adam’s gender, other Degrassi fans jump down their throat and virtually crucify them), then Dave is beyond screwed for letting letting loose such a hateful transgender tirade. Let the “Dave is a jackass” campaign continue!

Anya and Dr. Chris? Blah…again, I wasn’t a fan of them in Season 10, so I don’t have much interest in their plot at this point. I’m also bored at the thought of Ziley. Their plot in The Way We Get By was solid, but again, how many times do we have to be beaten over the head with Riley’s sexuality? And the plot drags down Zane too, because it makes him a one-dimensional character by default (he’s a good guy who I’d like to see step out of Riley’s shadow for once).

I can’t even really describe KC anymore. He’s the product of the writers suffering from something I call “Peter Syndrome.” Before Peter and Darcy became a couple it was like the writers had no idea who they wanted Peter to be. One moment he was a jerk and scum of the earth, then the next we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because he’s “really a good guy underneath it all.” Then he’d go right back to being a jackass. This is what KC is, a self-sabotaging guy we’re supposed to feel sorry for because of his past, but in reality he’s a prick that keeps making selfish decisions.

Posted by Kary


  1. thanks for these! I wonder who dirt off your should has a different main plot for both episodes…



    1. why* shoulder* (sorry about that…)



    2. Ever since In Too Deep, I realized Degrassi does 2 types of 2-part episodes: the A-B-C plot format and the A-C-C plot format.

      Dirt off your Shoulder has 1 A-Plot, it’s just that in the two tiny descriptions they give out, they want to talk a bit about both main plots (A and B). An example of a type of episode like this is Hide & Seek.

      Cry Me a River will most likely follow the A-C-C plot format where it revolves around one main plot, and the other two are just (mostly) fillers. A good example of this one is Chasing Pavements. Both Alli’s and Anya’s plots were.. eh and really over-shadowed by Fiona, making them both a C-Plot.



  2. I wonder if that was the main plot of Idioteque



  3. Whoa!!! I didn’t think they would have Dave go that far.



    1. from dave i can see that he would



  4. Are these descriptions for the main plot or second plot?



  5. you know…i’ve tried to find some reason to keep liking Dave, as season 9 was his highlight year. Therefore I wanted to look past the grades given in season 10 (despite the truth Kary makes). but with tasing wesley, mushing on Ms. Oh, and now with those episode descriptions….looks like we’ve find a naive version of Owen. The lowest I’ll go is pity if everyone shuns him. It may look as if setting up Katie with Adam will be his redemption though.

    Well, at least they squeezed Ziley in there.

    I’m also kind of waiting for an Adam and Bianca confrontation to arise. Their link between Drew ought to have made drama in season 10, but I’ll be waiting patiently after Now or Never.

    I suddenly realized also: What’s Holly J going to be up to now?

    Also, congrats on 3 million, my hombre. You deserve it!



  6. Anya better have the main plot in later eps, cause one main plot in a half an hour ep isn’t good enough!



  7. Ahhh this is great. Unless they give Dave more likeable traits in his 11th and 12th grade year, theres no redeeming him. Anywho, Riley having to choose between his family and Zane is a tough decision. Though Im hoping he’ll choose Zane, he’ll most likely choose his family. Sigh. Im not sure why they would let Eli write the school play. Hes a good writer, but he also has the tendancy to lean towards dementia when he writes. Im pretty sure the whole school knows about Stalker Angel, considering “Gothic Tales” probably a nationwide mag. Its just kind of off to me. I can just say whatever he writes, a lot of parents probably wont like it. The spring fever episode Im very intrigued by, and everything else I could care less about.



  8. Wait, so LoveGame, What’s My Age Again? and Idioteque are all gonna be TNG style then, their going back to two parts for every episode style?



    1. Yep, there’s an odd number of episodes this season so there had to be at least one solo ep



      1. Ah, ok that makes sense, thanks a bunch Kary! =)


  9. im gonna be waiting for and argument or fight or soming from eli and jake but with my luck itd be a brief encounter or small argument at most



  10. I honestly think Eli might on meds for his OCD. Sometimes it can cause your emotions to flip flop around.
    Or maybe he is just giving Clare taste of her own medicine. I hope Dave grows up and not judge people on their sexuality. Because he is not going to happy. KC just need to keep his zipper up. Riley has no backbone. I hope Zane leaves him and finds someone who can stand up for who he is. I think Fiona is the heroine to help Eli write his play. Clarebear is going to figure its over between her and Eli and deal with it with Jake. Drew better wake up and dump Bianca, she is bad news. Anya is probably realize that her and Dr Chris have no chemistry or he is too immature for her.



    1. Being transgender has nothing to do with one’s sexuality.



      1. I did not mean it that way OK!! I love Adam. I was just saying in That the way Dave might be thinking.
        Many prople don’t understand that trangenders, gay, lesbians and bisexuals go through. Many people react like they are freaks. Not me. I was brought up that it is a lifestyle. So let it go.


    2. I know Adam is a guy ok!! But many people like Dave are ignorant or a insensitive jerk. So hopefully Dave realizes what he doing is very wrong. I know that for Riley’s family may not accept him for being gay. The Catholic’s say that homosexuality is a sin. So maybe Rileys dad will not accept it and it may put a strain on Zane. I know that Transenders and Homosexuality is not a lifestyle. To many people this is Taboo. We just have to not judge anyone. Plus this is a darn TV show not reality.



  11. I’m actually kind of excited for the Dave/Adam storyline… I hope they don’t just make Dave look like the bad guy; hopefully they do a good job justifying his discomfort with Adam. Buuuut because it’s Degrassi, it’s probably going to suck ass.

    Dave is a probably the most hateable character, so I hope they use this storyline to develop his character. You know, trans people get a lot of sympathy, but no one ever thinks about the other side of the coin. Adam IS female, and there’s nothing he can ever really do about that.



    1. I doubt Dave is genuinely uncomfortable though. He’s just an ass. But i do hope this makes his character develop more.

      & Adam is not female. He is female BODIED.



      1. Being female bodied makes you female.


      2. It only makes your sex female.


  12. wow (mostly) one episode plots instead of two parters…I just came onto the degrassi bandwagon in season 10 so this should be a little weird…nothing OMG worthy, honestly they kinda seem like subplot stories but hey we’ll just have to wait and see…i wonder if they’re gonna do 3 plots this season or not…



  13. Tuxedo T-Shirt June 21, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    I think Imogen is Eli’s heroine. It’s good to see Dave is getting a REAL storyline, I just wish it wasn’t this one.



  14. to be honest some of these seem a little boring.. hopefully the episodes prove me wrong



  15. I’m a sucker for deaths, especially when it comes to Drew and Bianca – two of my least-liked characters. Judging from the TeenNick promo, I already knew Drew wouldn’t die. The only indication was in the Fireworks promo, and we all know that that was just a bit over-hyped and he’s only going to have an altercation with someone with a gun (Anson), not a life-or-death moment. Now it seriously looks like he’s not going to die, as I doubt they are gonna drag Anson along to Idioteque.

    I’m not a Eclare shipper, but they’ve had their fair share of good episodes (All Falls Down, Umbrella, Drop the World) and I’m “interested” in their relationship and seeing how it goes… So LoveGame is obviously going to be an interesting episode for me.

    When I read the description for Part 1 of Cry Me a River, I was interested, but seeing that it’s going to create a school-wide conflict in Part 2 DEFINITELY made me excited for this episode. And I’m not too interested in Ziley, but I finally want to see their storyline wrap up because they’ve dragged this on 2 seasons too long. (Season 9 (I think it was 9) was when he came to terms with himself in Beat It, 99 Problems and Still Fighting It in Season 10 (for coming out to the school) and The Way We Get By in S10 and now Dirt off your Shoulder in S11? Jesus..)

    Excited for:
    -Spring Fever – Drianca, Fiona/new girl storyline (who is that new girl that has a picture with Fiona? It’s not Katie right? And I couldn’t find her on S11 Guest Stars list on the Degrassi Wiki)
    -LoveGame – Eclare wrap up and possible beginnings of Eli/Imogen and Cake
    -Idioteque – Drianca storyline, possible/probable sex storyline
    -Cry Me a River – Drew/Adam storyline



  16. I hope KC doesn’t leave Jenna, or at least their baby. KC is my favorite Degrassi character, ever. In seasons eight and nine he was really sweet and kind, with an occasional outburst of anger or whatever, but what Degrassi character hasnt? But in season ten KC was kind of selfish when Jenna got pregnant. But he was scared of becoming a dad, and that’s normal. Most guys would be too scared to be a father at all. But, in season eleven, if KC cheats on Jenna, and doesn’t apologize or anything, or if he abandons his baby, that’s a different story. But, I guess I’ll just have to see how that turns out…

    And it seems like most of these episodes listed contain almost all of the clips from the promos… And they finished filming all of Now Or Never and everything… This has me thinking that the rest of Now Or Never might be kind of boring and not as dramatic as the beginning if they don’t think they’re interesting enough for a promo… Yet, again, alot of these episodes seem like they’ll continue the storyline in later episodes, too.



    1. I don’t think it necessarily means that the rest of Now or Never will be boring, but maybe they’re trying to keep things more under wraps this season, seeing as how there were leaks all throughout the Boiling Point and then Drop the World was handled awfully. I’m fine if they just show us clips from the first few eps.



      1. Yeah, you’re probably right. Most likley just don’t want to give all the storylines away before the season even starts. And if they have the promos this year like they did last year when they show what happens the that whole week, that would work out fine. :)


  17. I hate thinking Eclare will finish. Ya i get they were a very…disfuctional couple at times, but Clare was
    Eli’s rock and he was hers when she needed it….now there both going crazy. It seems like Clare still feels for Eli, and is hoping he feels something back – she cried, why isnt he crying? but she should know Eli enough to know he deals in strange ways, and throwing herself at Jake -the way she did to Eli when her parents were getting divorsed – isn’t going to make things better. I just hope Jake has enough sense to not take advantage of Clare while she’s down. And i think Imogen is throwing herself at Eli (based on the Teen nick promo) and he just seems….out of it. He doesn’t really like her, but just seems to be going along with it to get Clare out of his head. i hope neither of them get stuck in a relationship neither really has the heart for. When they finally get over eachother their rebound relationships will end.



  18. and yup i’m definatly on the “I hate Dave’ team. He has done some stupid stuff in the past, but i adore Adam and sayign stuff about Adam being a transgender sent any kind of kindness or simpathy i had for Dave out the window



  19. Do the writers want us to dislike Dave? Every time he gets a plot we all hate him more and more. I don’t see why they think we would like him.

    Also gave Wesley a plot. This is turning into Degrassi: Stories of the Pretty People



  20. I wonder what they mean ‘if she were gone”



  21. I hope Eli and Clare do not get back together. I am not a shipper. But I love them both. I want them to spread their wings and learn to be their own people. To me they are TNT. They are teenagers and breakups are very normal. I think its not normal when people get so obsessive over fictional couple..



    1. You got that right!



      1. Thank you!!


  22. Has anyone thought of a couple name for Eli and Imogen? All I ever see is Eli/Imogen. What about Emogen or Eligen? :)



    1. There’s Emo and Elmo and Emo Elmo :O



  23. There’s a new girl that’s going to be on Degrassi possibly more.!/SamiiFolliott
    She’s the ginger girl that was Wesley’s love interest but she looks different now. She was also at the read through if you see the pics.



  24. It’s weird not seeing Holly J’s name in any of the descriptions, but I think it’s safe to say that her reign is over after she pretty much dominated Seasons 9 and 10. I’m sure she will also be a product of the “Peter Syndrome” this season. Degrassi is finishing off the school year and Holly J, a senior, has changed a lot since we first met her, so it makes sense for her to not get a major storyline this time around.



  25. Wow there are going to be a lot of new characters this season… it’s good because the seniors are leaving but it also seems like too much.

    Imogen, Katie, Jake, Mo, Sadie, Jess, Marisol, Hannah, Julian, Fiona’s girlfriend and Fitz? (since he was never added to the credits..if he’s coming back, im not sure) and i feel like im forgetting someone. plus who ever else they cast as freshman for the second half of the season



    1. Tuxedo T-Shirt June 21, 2011 at 10:17 pm

      Who is Julian? Is it official that they’ll do anything with Jess’s character?



      1. Julian is the black kid Dave tried to be friends with by taser-ing Wesley & I’m assuming by Taysha Fuller’s (Jess) tweets to the cast mates that she is part of the crew lol.


      2. Tuxedo T-Shirt June 21, 2011 at 10:29 pm

        Oh and I guess there is that Pauly guy too.


      3. Yes I forgot Pauly whoever he is going to be lol and technically there’s Anson but since he’s only “guest starring” for an episode.


    2. The only real new characters are Imogen, Katie, and Jake. Mo was first introduced in S9’s Holiday Road. Sadie, Jess, Marisol, Hannah, and Julian were all introduced S10. Fitz has been a recurring character since he was friends with Johnny and Bruce the Moose. I bet Fiona’s girlfriend and Owen’s friend Pauly will be nothing more than supporting characters. And I have a feeling by the time the new freshmen are introduced, we’ll be used to Imogen, Katie, and Jake.



      1. well we don’t know if that is actual Mo or just a different chracter though





  27. as for a couple name for eli/imogen im going with imoli (pronounced i-mu-lye)



  28. So is Drew going to “get rid of Bianca” by trying to shoot her?







  30. I lost interest with this show when this new cast was hired. They are horrible and they can’t replace the old cast. The acting has gone down hill. I forced myself to watch until last season where I just couldn’t take it anymore. I probably forced myself to watch half the episodes.

    There isn’t a single likable character on the show except Sav and I guess Allie sometimes.

    Honestly I am surprised this show has survived.

    Now all they do is use gay characters to get attention (The Degrassi writers and producers) You are right Riley is only mentioned on this show when it has something to do with his sexuality.

    I have no interest in over load gay story lines. I am all for gay rights so anyone whining that I am anti gay needs a life.

    Marco was one of my favorite characters of all time on Degrassi. He was so well rounded as a character. It wasn’t just what situation can we put Marco in because he is gay.

    Adam lies to everyone about being a girl and we are supposed to feel sorry for him because someone might react bad. Fiona is now a lesbian but if she wasn’t and she found out Adam was a girl and she got mad wouldn’t she have that right being she was LIED TOO?

    The character Adam is a joke and not because he is transgender but because he lies to everyone and expects everyone to just accept his lies.

    KC and Jenna make me ill. Alli and Claire being friendly with her after what she pulled with KC was probably my last straw with this show.



    1. Well clearly you don’t understand a thing about transgender youth. And I don’t know what you’re talking about with Marco, all of his major story lines revolved around him being gay as well.



  31. And we here we all thought that Eli would be the one chasing after Clare… looks like the tables have turned. I haven’t checked Twitter or Tumblr yet, but I’m assuming Clare hatred is running rampant once again? Considering she’s not happy with how Eli’s reacting to the whole situation even though she’s the one who broke up with him? All I have to say to that is it’s definitely a normal reaction. Nobody likes seeing their ex move on so quickly. And I just KNEW that Clare was going to use Jake in some manner. Now the question is, will Eli be using Imogen in the same manner? Honestly, I still think all roads point to an Eclare reunion.

    All of KC’s current problems are no one’s fault but his own, so I can’t feel sorry for him. At this point, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stand his character.

    Looks like a Drianca breakup is happening. Can’t wait to see just how much Bianca’s baggage complicates their relationship.

    Dave was an ass for 90% of season 10, so I’m not really surprised that he’s taking his assholery to the next level. It’ll be interesting to see how widespread this backlash against him is, considering how afraid Adam was of anyone knowing his secret.

    It’s official: I am STOKED for season 11! Especially for LoveGame and Cry Me A River!

    Oh, and it looks like their ACTUALLY continuing this whole play plot device. Kudos, Degrassi writers, kudos!



  32. Drianca, Cake, Elimogen, Kadam.

    I hope this season is strong. The opening eps seem a bit weak, but that’s understandable since they’re the last episodes of season 10.



  33. I think Anson dies…. Because Luke said that in the finale there could be a death and…well…a gun. And since the last, what, two episodes, of season 10 were pushed to season 11, then i’m guessing the possible death he’s talking about is Anson.



  34. DrizzzyForDegrassi June 22, 2011 at 10:47 am

    I don’t get why people hate Dave from season 10, Yea I know he had his asshole moments but he learn from those mistakes. He realized that Wesley was his true friend and his cool friends weren’t really his friends but they were jerks and he also learned that it doesn’t matter how tall or small you are but what kind of person you are and the list goes on. Learning from your mistakes is greater from the mistakes you made and that’s character development my friend, so I don’t get why people dislike him from season 10, but I do get why people dislike Dave in season 11 but I am not going to go all mad at him because of descriptions, I am going to see myself how it turns out but I kinda see why Dave would be upset about Adam. I mean why would you change your gender of what you are born with, its who you are, mother nature don’t make a mistake. I am not saying that I hate transgenders no no no I am saying that I understand where Dave is coming from but I wouldn’t mind to host a show with a transgender, I might have different thoughts about what they did or disapprove it but I don’t discriminant or Judge, what they do it is their business but I would like them as a person and still hangout with them. So I am interested to how this feud turns out but I wonder why they Dave to do this i really don’t see him doing this kind of stuff but oh well I will just have to see how it turns out. I am really excited for that episode it is realistic and interesting can’t wait. Season 11 is going to be awesome I hope.



    1. Thank you. Many people don’t understand about how some people become Transgenders. I gather for being a trangender it must very difficult in our society. Being gay, lesbian, trangender or bisexual is very illegal in many countries and religion. Thats how I was brought up. But I don’t think that at all.
      People should be who they want to be. Society should not control lifes, we do!



  35. I feel like Dave’s character takes 1 step forward and two steps back.

    In season 9 I liked him. He was like Alli in the sense that he wanted to make a name for himself but in Somebody he stood up for Connor even when it risked his social status. Then he lectured Alli about being “Too cool for school” in Why Can’t This Be Love?
    Then in season 10 it’s like he’s going back and forth again. One day being good friends with Connor and Wesley, then being embarrassed by them and trying to find cooler friends.
    Now this, IDK seems like his character hasn’t really made any progress or growth. It’s always the same Dave.



  36. Sorry if this is random, but does anyone know what “Idioteque” means? I love that song



    1. Its a made up word



      1. Interesting episode title


  37. In Whats my age again i think that’s when K.C. is going to cheat on her. My best friend always says this about K.C. in what he said in halo, ” man i am such an ass” and he is. Riley’s mom is so mean. Why cant you understand that your son is gay. The Dave and Adam stuff is going to be amazing. Finally Adam gets a good story line. and what school play is Eli writing? And the Drew and Bianca story line is kind of scary. I hope he does not die.



    1. Did you not see My Body Is A Cage?!



      1. I did. It was a good episode. it was in the boiling point. So that was last summer.


    2. “Finally Adam gets a good story line. I think you meant Dave.



  38. This is me talking to the person who said something about transgenders going against the laws of nature. Well, nature is science right? Knowing this, there are scientific studies that show transgender peoples brains, depending on their biological sex, their brain development actually mimicks that of the opposite sex, and they cant really help that. So the whole “between the ears’ statement is justifiable. If you think about it, transgenderism doesnt really go against anything except religion.



  39. Also, how was Fiona being lied too? Before they got romantically involved, he told her from the door that he was transgender. How exactly was he lying to anyone actually?



  40. Is AJ Saudin (Connor) done with Degrassi? I remember seeing on Spencer van Wyck’s Twitter that saying he would miss AJ. Today I looked Shanice Banton’s (Marisol) account where she tweeted: Finished my time on set. feeling great! surprise visit by @AJSaudin today. good to see ya dude !:)

    I wonder if he is off the show, and if so, if he has a legit reason or just fell into the black hole.



    1. Or maybe he just hasn’t been on set for awhile… I guess we’ll see next month haha



  41. I love Dave. I don’t know why the writers want us to hate him so much because he has so much potential. Jahmil French portrays him so well.I hope him and Alli can be together this season because I see such a good side of him when he is with her. In my opinion, he is like the boy version of Alli….an attention seeker. I don’t understand how Allii can be so shallow/shelfish/easy/fast and people love her…while dave does the same and people despise him. Yes he was a little underappreciative of Connor and Wesley but,take into account, this is highschool. I think almost everyone can relate to wanting to be in the spotlight and be accepted.



  42. Holy shit…. Eli’s the 1 to do drugs….. Omg who wud have thought???



    1. I don’t think that’s what they mean, ha ha. When they say “heroine” I’m pretty sure it’s meant as a female hero, if that’s where you’re coming from. Otherwise I’m not sure why you think Eli’s going to do drugs.






  44. Im not an Eclare fanatic and im pretty convinced that Cake and Eli/Imogen will not last but I find myself getting excited about the episode LoveGame. Everyone has very high expectations for Cry me a River after My Body is a Cage and I hope it is good as everyone expects.The Drianca episodes are a test to their relationship and whether or not they can hold main plots.I really have nothing to say about Whats My Age Again and Dirt off Your Shoulder. Overall I think i will like Now or Never better than The Boiling Point.



    1. Agreed, 100%. Like everything you said is like spot on.



  45. thats alot oof detail wat are u the directors son cause if u are thanks for the spoiler titles so let mew know this imogen and eli are both the same right! but wat if he has flash backs about julia cause they loook totallly the same.



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