PLOT A: Declan returns and plots to get Holly J back.

Declan's "AHAHAHAHAHAH you're fooling around with Sav?!?!?!" face

So it’s been a while, but Declan is finally back!! He’s back in town for the Grundy Awards (Degrassi’s play from last year “Space Awakening” has been nominated), and to win back his beloved Holly J. The problem is Holly J and Sav are a “thing,” and for whatever reason Holly J seems disinterested in actually reuniting with Declan.

He’s not going to give up though, putting into motion a thorough plan to get her back. He lays the compliments on thick during his Grundy acceptance speech by dedicating it to Holly J, then invites her (and Sav) to the Coyne’s after party. Even though Holly J rejected him out on the balcony I was thoroughly impressed with Declan’s plot to get her there….getting Sav away from her by letting him DJ the party.

It was also very clever of Fiona to get drunk so that Holly J would stay the night with her and Declan. The ending of this plot is confusing though…specifically Holly J. We all know where both Declan and Sav stand, but it’s hard to pinpoint Holly J’s feelings in this episode. What started the confusion is her telling Declan about Sav, and telling him that what she and Sav have is nothing serious. Yet she tells Sav (who spends the episode questioning Declan’s motive and every move, and rightfully so) that “this,” aka their extended fling, is what she wants right now.

Declan singing "You've got it...I want it...I'll do...Whatever it taaaakes..."

So at the end when Declan’s kissing all over her and she’s saying “We shouldn’t be doing this,” I see her half-hearted resistance (though her face says it’s way more than that) as coming from a place where she feels like she’s cheating on Sav, despite her telling everyone (Declan, Sav and us, the viewers) that they’re nothing more than friends with benefits. I like that this episode features Holly J engaged in contradictory behavior and conflicting emotions, leaving me feeling the muddled emotional mess she, as well as Declan and Sav, are bound to experience in Part 2.

PLOT B: The fighting between Clare’s parents drives her to be disobedient.

The end is near for the Edwards family. Clare asks "WHY?!?!" Fans asks "DAMMIT, WHERE'S DARCY?!?!"

Declan isn’t the only one to return to Degrassi…Eli is back from suspension, and he wants to take Clare out on their first official date. It’s the same night as the Grundy awards, and Clare’s mom immediately rejects the idea of Clare going out. She tells Clare that they (along with her dad) need to have a family discussion after the awards, and Clare believes they’re going to tell her they’re getting divorced, given the continuous fighting between them.

Clare wins a Grundy award, however her parents are too distracted to be happy for her as they even argue DURING the awards ceremony. Backstage Clare tells Eli that she her parents said she couldn’t go to the Chuck Palahniuk book reading, but she intentionally decides to disobey them and goes anyway. Clare also decides she and Eli should both get piercings.

Eli questions Clare’s rebellious tactics as she refuses to answer her phone all throughout their date. I enjoyed the fact that Clare rebelling wasn’t over exaggerated in this episode, aka her all of a sudden going off and doing drugs or something of that nature. It was actually humorous that getting her ear pierced is something that would be edgy enough to piss off her parents. I like how the fighting between Clare’s parents has hit such a nerve with her, and upon knowing that they’re coming to an end has her behaving in the passive aggressive manner we all wish she could’ve possessed when initially dealing with Jenna way back when.

Noooooo Clare you're walking straight through the gates of hell!!

At the end of this episode, when Clare gets home late and her parents lay into her, she sarcastically mentions that it’s refreshing to see them mad at her instead of each other. The question now is, does Clare continue to behave this way in order to “stick it” to her parents, or to create a situation where her parents focus on her negative behavior instead of constantly arguing?


SUBPLOT: Chantay is distraught after Principal Simpson cancels the Power Squad.

If I couldn't access my blog, I would be devasted too.

There’s really not much to say about this “plot.” I don’t have a positive or negative thought about Chantay; to me she’s a character that’s sorta just there. Keeping up the theme of cracking down HARD, all clubs must have a staff supervisor. So without one, that means the Power Squad must be canceled. On top of that, Degrassi has gotten uber high tech by installing a powerful firewall and cell phone jammer to basically prevent anyone at the school from doing anything.

Anya’s annoyed, but Chantay seems to be the only person that’s truly upset by the news, since this is the year she was FINALLY named squad captain. She receives no support for an attempt to rebel or speak out because, thanks to the strict new rules, no one wants to get in trouble.

I simply didn’t see the point in this plot.  I don’t even know why I’m bothering to review it at this point. It actually detracted from the episode as a whole because it seemed completely out of place when put next to the other two plots. And there was so little time in the episode devoted to this plot that I wondered “Why even bother?” A key factor in episode plots (in the Part 1 episodes) is whether or not they make you want to find out what happens next, and unfortunately this one doesn’t. I’m sorry, but I don’t really care what happens to the Power Squad.

*If you haven’t done so already, check out DJGENERAL’S recent interview with Shannon Kook-Chun HERE.

*Next Week’s Degrassi Promo:

Posted by Kary


  1. Part of the Holly J and Declan Ending Scene –



  2. Love Lockdown Part 2 Promo –



    1. Clare looks like a walking Hot Topic stereotype in that new promo.

      Someone needs to tell the Degrassi writers and costume staff that Punk is dead. As is that over the top look.

      Btw, Sav must have a massive unit for all the gals to be crazy over him. It’s always the douchebags that have the big wieners.

      Declan needs to come out next week and say what has been needed to be said for a long time. “Sav…you suck at music. Please stop.”



  3. Oh and this was probably one of my favorite Degrassi Episodes ever. Not only my two favorite Season 10 couples in one, but loved both story lines!



  4. can someone please explain the promo for next weeks episode? lol i really dont get it. was holly j raped?



    1. In the promo it seems like they’re making it seem that way, but the rape situation is strange. He didn’t force her, like push her down or anything in the episode. So if it really is going to be considered rape then I’m guessing it will have a lot to do with him forcing her emotionally, as in she didn’t stop him or push him away physically (I know she said no) because her emotions are still all mixed up, but she tried saying no because she didn’t want sex. The promos can sometimes seem more dramatic than the episode though so keep that in mind.



      1. ooh ok, thank you so much! i agree, if it is a rape situation then its very strange, because like you said it wasnt forced. oh well, i guess maybe it could be a good storyline, im excited for next week:D


      2. yeah im not liking them making it look like rape. she couldve gotten up and left if she really wanted to. oh well.


      3. I definitely think and hope the promo has hyped it up just because I love Declan and Holly J too much for them to be destroyed in such a way. I’m very excited for next week though.


      4. Yea but in the other new promo it showed Holly J saying “last night I felt…pressured”. If she said no and was pressured into having said couldn’t that be considered rape? I can’t see Holly J calling it a rape though because they do have a past and even though she didn’t want to have sex she was def into him. But then again Paige was into Dean and she pressed charges but I still doubt it will go that far.


      5. What people fail to realize is that if you don’t push someone away, ti could be because of fear, and then it’s still rape. If someone feels forced, even if not physically, its bad behavior. I would love if Degrassi looked at rape this way


      6. i seriosly wouldnt consider that rape at all . i mean she could have atleast tried to push him away but she didnt . but on the bright sidee …. i totally didnt know eli was coming back on this episodee so i am as happy as sunshinee , he is my favorite guy on here and the YUMMYEST HANDS DOWN ! as soon as the scene changed to him sitting on that desk my heart literally dropped .he is so friken sexy omgggggg i love himm . and him with are the best couple everrr .


  5. Hey I was just curious what the song was that Sav was DJing too. Something like “Shake shake shake shake it” “We all know you too well” Google isn’t helping me on that one v.v’. Oh and it’s still rape as long as the person says no. Not only that, rape could technically be anything that one person makes another do, against that person’s will. It just usually is associated with sexual nature.



    1. Not necessarily. Holly J may have said no, but then she turned and kissed him back. I really don’t think that qualifies as rape. If she was really worried about being forced she would have put up more of a fight.



      1. not necessarily, if u watch, he grabbed her face over..and she said no so it is rape, but she may not come out and say tht because she was in love with him. she probably felt pressured because she told him no many times, and she might want it hormonialy but not mentally…and she probably feels set up in that situation too…ironically she just told declan he was a good guy, then he kinda pressured her..:(


    2. Musicislovenotwar October 15, 2010 at 11:34 pm

      The song was ‘Shake it Up” by These Kids Wear Crowns!




    3. That song is Break It Up by These Kids Wear Crowns. Their from Canada and are really recent to the professional music scene so their stuff might not be in the States yet if you can’t find it.



      1. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 8:32 pm

        They’re probably on YouTube


    4. No, rape is clearly defined (at least in the U.S.) as vaginal penetration. Sadly, anything else would be legally considered sexual harassment or molestation. (and no, I’m not saying that’s right. It’s a shame that it’s so hard to charge, say, a woman who rapes a man, because of the way the law is defined.)



      1. well this is a 2 part episode. how do u know she wasnt “penetrated”. we wont know how far things got until next week


    5. I’m thinking she thinks it was rape because she felt pressured. Being pressured into sex isnt nessecarily rape. I seen her kissing him back, if she really didnt want to do it she could have dodged the kiss by standing up saying declan i mean it no. and then leaving. See when she doesnt do that and just sits there and starts to kiss him and stops saying i dont think this a good idea then he thinks okay she changed her mind shes kissing me back yay. so she’s feeling pressured, but declan thinks she wanted it. she would have been free to walk out any time. so her own damn fault if she stayed there because she felt pressured to. I think pressure came from him wanting her so bad and her denying him and then making him feel bad and she just wanted to give him what he wanted so he would shut up about missing her. I believe thats what she considered as pressure.



      1. Yeah, that’s the thing. When she stopped saying “no”, and kissed him back, he probably got the wrong idea. Men aren’t mindreaders. If she felt pressured, how the hell is Declan supposed to know that? I mean, I guess you could argue that he should have been able to tell she was uncomfortable, but he might not have noticed.
        And anyway, if a girl started kissing on a guy and he said “no” at first and then started kissing her back because he felt “pressure”, would people call that rape? Of course not, because he’s a guy. It’s such a double-standard.


  6. good episode! can’t wait for more. was glad to see eli and clare again. and she had a point that her parents stopped being mad at each other. we’ll see the whole makeover next week ugh, i like that it creeps eli out. ugh for chantay, her biggest screen time uh ever!! and i love the declan, sav, holly j storyline.



    1. lol at the chantay part! i was laughing during her scenes and i dont know why haha.



      1. Musicislovenotwar October 15, 2010 at 11:37 pm

        Haha, I thought I was the only one!

        Chantay’s plot felt exaggerated. I get that it was a C-plot, but it felt so out of place with the rest of the episode.


  7. There was another promo and in it Holly J said “last night I felt…pressured”



  8. i like this week’s way better than last week’s. no jenna! no alli!



  9. There is no reason to watch this episode a second time.



    1. I love BTC but why don’t you go out on a Friday night instead of staying home to watch a television show just to hate on it?



      1. Giving a negative opinion online is no different than giving a good one, nor is it different than staying home to watch a television show just to praise it.

        Sorry, I just really hate that “you can’t have a bad opinion” rule. The guy barely said 10 words.


      2. Person above ^^^^ have you read the OVERLY excessive crap that’s on their site? Its like hate on everything, I can’t even hate on Degrassi anymore thanks to all the hating they are doing for everyone >.<
        Im all out of hate thanks to them XD


  10. Really good episode, this depressing Degrassi episodes are working out.
    IMO This episode so far tops all the other Dolly J episodes to date :D. Holly J is so conflicted its very relate-able and Fiona getting drunk on purpose is hilarious lol
    But in all seriousness Declan was pushing Holly way too far and put her in a bad position.



    1. ahhh Lol I didn’t know they had a site, I just thought he was a random poster that hated the ep. lol xD



    2. I thought it was hilarious how both Holly J and Declan know that Fiona has a drinking problem, and yet, when they’re at a party with alcohol, no one bothers to keep an eye on her. XD



  11. the Teen nick video player sucks tonight



  12. I think the episode as a whole was good, but i wasn’t a fan of the ending. No matter what she felt, holly j should have had enough moral fiber to push away, or at least take a little more than declan saying please to sway her. With that being said, I think the storyline has potential, and id like to see holly j and sav stay together through it. The story with clare and eli was awesome as usual, but I hate how next weeks promo shows them falling apart already. I know the relationship was doomed from the begining, but c’mon. Even though its gonna drive me crazy, I can’t wait til next weeks episode.



    1. I think the reason the writers did the story this way because it needs to stay realistic and truth is tons of people cheat because their un-finished emotions for a ex and a new person makes them go back to the ex no matter how much they like the new person or their morals.

      Basically the lesson of this episode: Old Feelings kill good Relationships :(

      Sav is so nice he doesn’t deserve this :( *he also doesn’t need Jenna looool*



      1. Good point, and I’m not sure that if sav were holly j and declan were anya he would’ve done anything different. And I’m sure that their gonna play some jealousy angle because holly j and sav have that pesky “no commitment” rule.


    2. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 8:37 pm

      Because it shows them falling apart, they probably won’t, at least not permanently.



  13. Holy crap that was good I almost passed out from all that

    did you see the promo right after gigantic declan was shirtless so I can’t waittttt!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope they don’t make it rape can’t stop thinking about shirtless declan



    1. Post the promo!!!!!



  14. I loved seeing Eli and Clare again. They are by far my favorite couple! They Holly J & Declan storyline was good too. I used to love Dolly J, but when he started trying to pay for stuff, and when Holly J suspected he was cheating, I started disliking them. I feel like Holly J & Sav are a great fit right now, even though I wasn’t too keen about them in the beginning, they seemed off. Declan did rape her. If she said no, he should have stopped. If you go all the way back to season 2 when Paige was raped, she could have just gotten up and left, she didn’t physically try to get away, but she said no. It was just a more clear in her case, however, Declan still raped Holly J.

    I have only seen the TeenNick promo. I saw a lot of people on TeenNick boards saying that there would be “two break-ups in one night”. I really don’t think Eli & Clare will break up. They are stronger than that. And they have only officially been dating for like 2 episodes(granted they were 2-parters). Not only do I not want them to break up, but I honestly don’t see it happening. They were adorable in this episode. I loved the scene with them running off on stage with Clare’s parents seeing, ADORABLE! And the whole “Contraband and kissing” that was great too. They were just great, and it would be disappointing if we didn’t get to see more of them. I think Eli will realize why Clare is acting strangely(because of her parents) and he will help her get through it. They WON’T break-up.

    As for Holly J & Declan breaking up….They were already broken up. They clearly weren’t together. Even if you haven’t been keeping up with last season, how many times did they say “win her back” in this episode? Tons. Declan knew they were broken up, he just wanted to fix it, creepily. So, there aren’t any break-ups, in my opinion at least.

    Please share your thoughts, I love to hear back from people! Thank you:)

    Eclare<3 Can't wait for next week!



  15. PS– the new promo pictures of Eli are GORGEOUS! I cannot even find words to describe…they are absolutely amazing<3



    1. Where did you see the new promo pictures?



      1. They are on the Degrassi FB page. they’re pretty adorable.


  16. I wonder if Aislinn Paul or Munro Chambers have ever actually read any Chuck Palahniuk. I’m surprised they mentioned him. It doesn’t seem like most of the Degrassi target audience would even know who he is.



    1. Really? I’d think the opposite. Palahniuk usually appeals to angsty teens (especially invisible monsters)



      1. How so? Shannon in Invisible Monsters isn’t a teenager. Chuck Palahniuk isn’t even a YA author. And the content in his books can get pretty explicit.


    2. I think I screamed when they first mentioned him. I was so thrilled. XD



      1. me 2!!! especially since im rereading haunted ryt now. le sigh, i wud do anything to hear guts read aloud,….eli & clare u lucky bastards


  17. i think this episode was sooooooooo good but i hate how it was so short



  18. Great episode. Clare in particular acted really well here. Only 2 complaints:

    The directors kind of pushed the “Declan is dark” thing a little too much. His persistance in getting Holly J back (and his death glare) felt a little too strong. And in the last scene the room was too creepy. Like yeah, I get the mood, you don’t have to push it.

    My other complaint is just something really small: The brief discussion that Clare and Eli had about the book reading after they went to it seemed scripted. I forget exactly what lines they used, but it was unrealistic for teenagers to just say stuff like that on a whim.

    Other than that, fantastic episode. Best one in a long time.



    1. I get what ur saying about the declan thing, I mean if he wanted her back that much he wouldn’t have waited a month to come back to degrassi. And about ur other complaint, keep in mind that eli and clare r both in gifted classes so for them to have a convo like that isn’t quite that far of a reach.



      1. or maybe theyre trying to let everyone know that not all nice guys are well, as nice as youd like to think they are. maybe everybody clings to the thought that Dolly J were “oh so perfect together” that they needed to take it to such a dark place to get people to see that they wernt…..& if thats what they wer going for & they did mean for it to be rape its really sad that people are still clinging to the thought that they’re ment to be together even tho he could do something like that to her


      2. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 8:46 pm

        maybe declan just didn’t have a chance to get away…?


    2. Nah, that didn’t seem ooc to me. They’re just literary snobs like me and my friends are. some high schoolers have a big vocabulary.



  19. I LOVED that Chantay finally had her own plot! I like her character and I’m glad that she is getting some attention.



    1. Not really sure u can call that much of a plot. I mean, she got camera time, but she didn’t further her conflict at all, and yeah that post it note was really bad ass, not. I think they could do so much more with her. I know she’s angry, but everyone is upset about simpsons new rule not just her. I wish they’d give her a real problem.



    2. Yeah its not much of a plot, not even a C plot. Its like little 10 seconds LOL. I wouldn’t review that if I was Kary because its really irrelevant. Im guessing the producers are testing the waters of a actual Chantay plot through this >.>



    3. Chantay is the most annoying character on the show. They should just cut her out completely.



      1. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 8:48 pm

        i agree


  20. before the promo at the end of the episode as soon as Holly J. said no I was thinking RAPE RAPE RAPE, Holly J. is more like Paige then we thought I guess.



  21. I hate Declan. he was too forceful on holly j. she told him about sav and he should have backed off then. eli and claire are so cute! eli is so funny and romantic and hot!!! Claire and eli are my fav. couple. and claire’s parents should have never been mad at her because when she won that award they were arguing in the audience and thats disrespectful on her part. declan did rape holly j, BTW



    1. I don’t think he raped her at the end she kissed back and if she didn’t want it she could have pushed him away or slapped him or just walk away he didn’t rape her



  22. Promo prediction that might seem a little far-fetched: Fiona slipped something in Holly J’s drink that made her lose her inhibitions. Probably totally off.



  23. i loved this episode and i’m already dying to see next weeks episode.. did anybody else notice that clare’s initials are cde (Clare Diane Edwards)?



    1. what else does CDE stand for?



      1. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 8:53 pm

        it’s jus the alphabet… a b C D E f g…


  24. I will be pretty disappointed in degrassi if they make this about rape.



    1. I’m already disappointed that they have her under Sav’s spell.



      1. um sav and jenna makes me hate degrassi lol


    2. I’ll be disappointed if they don’t.



  25. i bet holly j regrets putting her hand on his leg…



    1. “I put my hand up on his hip,when he dip,I dip,we dip.”
      – Holly J

      Had to.



      1. hella throwback! lol


      2. Lmao


  26. I didn’t care much about the Chantay plot probably because I don’t care much about Chantay, lol




    ^Clare fic.

    Anyways, good episode(2x). Declan was trying to step up, but Holly J was not having it cuz her thing with Sav is the thing she needs right now. Being bogged down in a relationship is the last thing she wants. Sav’s my boy, but I wasn’t liking the way he was behaving when Declan got around. He was being all paranoid and stuff, similar to how he was acting when Anya told him that she was LARPing, pregnant, and when Mia made a move on him. It would seem like when things are not the way he wants it to be, uncomfortable buzzers go off.

    Fiona… WHY YOU RELAPSE? Its all good that you drink socially (sip the champ, eat some chips/pretzels, repeat), not till you are about to ralph.

    Chantay, you fighting the power too late. SMH at Marisol for not banding together with her spirit squad captain. SMH at Chantay for putting the sticky note in the bathroom.

    Clare… I like the attitude you displayed, but your emotions took over your body. SMH at Randal for showing up late to the awards ceremony and SMH at him and Helen for not clapping immediately when their daughter won an award.



  28. notice declan + party = hes up to somthing …deja vu from his first ep with mia



  29. Its probaly gonna be like she has sex with him and regreted it. So then when Sav found out she claims he took advantage. So Fiona was prob asking “Did she say no?”.



  30. I understand that Holly J. said no, but Declan wasn’t on top of her. He wasn’t holding her down, or threatning her. He just made a move, and she kissed him back. I understand she said “No.”, but that was probably because she was thinking of how she shouldn’t do it, not that she didn’t want to. Although, I must agree, Declan was pretty dark in this episode. Also, Holly J. didn’t have to stay. She could’ve kept Fiona in Declan’s care. If they transform this into a rape story, I will deem this plot RIDICLOUS!

    Also, Eli & Clare are so adorable. I feel they’re the only Degrassi couples, since JT & Liberty, that can have real conversations, and bond before they become couples (Alli & Drew; Manny & Damien). I also like how they didn’t have Clare turn into a Hot Topic model for Eli’s benefit, but to stick it to her parents. I love the influence he’s brining upon her, but I hope she doesn’t get too crazy.

    As for Chantay, I love her. Although, I can’t help but wonder… Did her and Danny break up? O.o



    1. They likely did. Long distance relationships are tough, so they likely didn’t bother with it.

      Danny would have a hard time remaining faithful if he had to pass by girls like in the following link:

      Declan was dark because he’s desperate to get Holly J back. Companionship is something that he yearns for I think, hence the party, lunch, etc. When guys are in love, they tend to do things deemed questionable by others.



      1. Cornell, ever heard of it?


    2. lol, no still means no. It doesn’t mean try again. It doesn’t only mean no if a punch accompanies it. It means NO. Sex has to come with consent, and if not? Its rape. I hope Degrassi does this plot justice so everyone can learn what rape actually means.



      1. If she didn’t want to, she could’ve left. As simple as that. Also, she didn’t need to stay in the first place. And, if she wanted to leave, why didn’t she call herself a freakin’ cab. She’s just going to say she felt pressured so Sav won’t get as angry with her. If anything, she’s saying she was “pressured” because she doesn’t want to seem like the bad person. It was just a messed up incident that is going to be blown completely out of proportion.


  31. Am I the only one who thinks Fiona wasn’t actually drunk? I think she planned it so Declan and Holly J could be alone together.



    1. I definitely think it could be a possiblity.



    2. That’s what I was thinking too, but for some reason I don’t think that she’d do that to break up Holly J. and Sav, but she DID say that she wanted Holly J. to be back in the family…..I’m about half and half on this one.



  32. I like how they mentioned



  33. Did anyone else find it pointless that Eli would show up to school with the excuse that he has been gone the whole week so he didn’t know about the uniforms, and that the teacher actually bought it? When I was in school they would send you home, or give you a crappy uniform that the school had…yea, I didn’t find that to be realistic.



    1. Yeah. That was totally an “Artificial make Eli look cooler to the fangirls” moment.



    2. @LOveVeirty I also agree. When his mom came to talk to the prinicipal probaly did she not get a sheet or see 300 kids wearing uniforms in the hallway?



    3. Well what I see out of it, especially toward Ms. Dawes seems like she just didn’t really care that much. And Eli’s just using that as his excuse out if boredom pretty much. So it works I think



      1. To me it looks like all of the teachers hate the new rules. Ms. Oh did not seem happy about social networking sites being blocked, for example. I think the teachers are trying to keep it under control, but really just don’t care.


    4. NeverShoutNever! October 16, 2010 at 9:01 pm

      I think the teacher just is either being really nice or she really likes eli… lol



    5. I agree with the people saying that the teachers probably don’t care all that much.
      I did think it was wierd that Eli would use that as an excuse though, considering, even if he wasn’t at school, he probably still got the letter home…And wouldn’t they send him a uniform just like they did with everyone else?
      It does seem like something he would do though: show up to school in his regular clothes just to see if he can get away with it. The best you could say was that at least it was in-character for him.
      Anyways, Degrassi always does pointless things. That’s why Chantay had a plot in this episode. XD



  34. i hate my life..i just found out my dad is taking teennick off!



    1. don’t worry, FINALLY uploads the same night of the actual episode so there’s a official/legal way to watch these episodes same night as premiere, and the video player is pretty nice too :P

      I feel like a walking ad for teen nick now XD



      1. That’s been a lifesaver since I don’t have cable now. Yay TeenNick!


      2. Not only is it up the same night, it’s up AS the episode is actually airing. Love it.


      3. thanks guys!


  35. @Merari During Season 9 I didn’t have it just watch them On Demand or on the site.



    1. thanks !(:



  36. Everyone seems pretty up in arms about whether the Holly J/Declan storyline is rape or not, but I have to come in with it doesn’t matter. I really love this plotline, because there’s been many a time, particularly at that age, where I personally ended up in a sexual situation that I did not necessarily want to be in. Sometimes saying no is harder than you would think, especially with someone who you’ve had sex before with. And we did see Holly J drinking that evening, yes? Because even being a little tipsy can make you go along with it, when it’s not necessarily what you want.

    I LOVE that they’ve taken this direction with a storyline, because it REALLY hits home for me.

    The Clare plot was SO good this episode, I’m worried that the next episode takes it too far. I was really hoping Clare was rocking that look as a rebellion against the dress code. I have so much second hand embarrassment over it otherwise, cause boy is it terrible. Also, dear Clare, please don’t ever straighten your hair again. As a person with the straightest hair imaginable, it’s just a crime to lose your perfect curls. Sincerely, Emma.

    The Chantay plot seemed a little superfluous, but I’m glad someone’s getting mad about the Degrassi crackdown, and rightfully so that it’s Chantay who has been there longer than anyone else.



    1. Also, I love the Holly J/Sav storyline because for once a romance on Degrassi doesn’t need to be the be all, end all. I’m SUPER identifying with HJ this season, but still. It’s just so much more realistically high school for me.



    2. i couldnt agree more about the dolly J plot. just because a man doesnt hold her down & force himself in doesnt mean the girl doesnt feel damaged afterwards if its something she didnt want. speaking from experiance its hard to say no to someone that still somewhat has your love. even if its something u really dont want to do. i actually think it can sometimes feel more damaging….. “he said he loved me…but didnt care that i was saying no” that can shake any girl from beleaing that any other guys I LOVE YOUS are sincere



      1. I honestly have never found it hard to say no to having sex with people. So i really don’t sympathize with the whole “rape” thing. How is he supposed to know how she feels “inside”? That’s just stupid.
        Pity sex is still consesual sex.
        Maybe a “regret” thing. Just because she regrets it doesn’t mean it’s rape.


      2. hasnt the slogan or phase that always went with rape “no means no” SHE. SAID. NO.. no means no no means no no means no no means no. why is it so hard for people to wrap their head around?? just becaus YOU dnt have a hard time saying no doesnt mean that thats how it is for everybody.


  37. I absolutely loved this episode. For me degrassi has hone up and down quickly. Loved season 8, wasn’t fond of season 9, now I’m more obsessed then ever! Hehe

    Holly J and Declan, what I see from the episode is Holly J wants yo be friends with Declan. But like subconsciously she wants him back. If she didn’t want him; she wouldn’t of kissed him back, she wouldn’t of told Sav to go, she wouldn’t of implied out if no where that her and sav will eventually break up.

    Eli and Clare, (pardon my French) BUT I SO FUCKING LOVED IT!!!!! Clare rebelling is perfect! I would too. After not even acknowledging her win. Fuck yeah I’d run of with Eli! I especially love how the run behind the stage holding hands and Eli’s just looking at the audience! Perfect! Haha. I thought the plot was amazing, good thing they made it still Clare like her parents would hate her getting her ear pierced. Not her getting drunk and fucking Eli or something. And Eli caring what her parents will think of him, cute! Then Clare standing up to them in the end, being all sarcastic and such. Perfect way to end it! :D

    Sorry I kinda ranted there XD



  38. Am I the only one who hates the whole Holly J and Sav thing anyway? Cmon the past seasons all Holly J did was complain to Anya about how Sav can’t treat a girl right “if he’s grown up enough to have sex then he’s grown up enough to tell his parents”. I mean seriously, HJ is coming across as a hypocrite now. I know I personally would not want to be with a guy who is scared to tell his parents what he really wants in life and I would find that totally disrespectful and HJ deserves better.

    Declan treated her like a queen and he still wants to. He’s been insanely romantic towards her. When given the choice who would you pick? The guy who shows he cares in public or the guy who is too scared to stand up for himself? Really, a no brainer there.

    Yet now the girl we’ve always seen being able to stand up for herself and tell others where to go has become the insecure one and I really don’t like where this is going. I like Declan and HJ too much for them to ruin my image of them and yet thats what Degrassi is trying to do.

    Also, as for those of you guys who are arguing that he can’t get away with rape. The state I live in says that rape is not considered rape if a girl agrees at first and later says no once it has started. Just to throw that out there to be devils advocate on that subject.



    1. I don’t really like Holly J and Sav as a couple, but I do like Dolly J. So, I am kind of pissed that they made Declan out to be a creeper here. It’s making me not like Dolly J, which I think is the point, because they want the fans to get used to Savvy J. But, see, I don’t think it’s fair to bring a character as awesome as Declan back just to use him as a device to make poeple like Holly J with Sav, which for me, won’t work anyway.

      I do think Holly J is being a hypocrite, although, I do think that Anya could have been more understanding about Sav’s situation. It’s easy for her to tell Sav to be honest with his parents about their relationship when we don’t see her parents giving her the same shit about marrying someone who doesn’t share your same ethnicity. It’s actually very difficult to deal with for a person. I have a friend whose parents are completely against her being with someone of another race, and it’s difficult, because they told her they would disown her if she went against their wishes. It’s not just about having the backbone to stand up to your parents, it’s about choosing someone else over your family, who you also love. I understood Anya’s irritation, but I think she was a little hard on him, considering she met them and knew what they were like. And Alli does the same Goddamn thing to Drew, but no one says anything about that.



      1. oh I agree that Alli is in the wrong as well… I think part of their story line should be them coming together to tell their parents to back off instead of both of them having to have so many secrets…

        But I hope Holly J doesn’t want anything serious with Sav because she’s gonna get the same treatment that Anya got


    2. I guess you miss the part when both Sav and Holly J decided they didn’t want a serious relationship? This way Sav doesn’t have to worry about his parents, and Holly J won’t feel pressure to change because of her boyfriend.

      Delcan proved how much of a douche-canoe he is in this episode. No means no, and Holly J shouldn’t have to punch him in the face to get that point across. She didn’t say yes at the beginning. she said no throughout. So fail.



  39. Not to go totally teacher mode on your ass Kary, but the word you want to use in the first paragraph is “uninterested”, not “disinterested”. They don’t mean the same thing. “Uninterested” means “not interested”, while “disinterested” means “without any bias”. ;)

    I totally forgot about Chante’s plot. I just remember the “Degrassi SUCKS” post-it.

    I wish that EClare had gotten the A plot instead of Holly J and Chuck Bass Lite. Declan just annoys me.

    A lot of people don’t seem to be liking new Clare, but I love her! I think that her rebellion is still very in-character, like you stated, unlike other character rebellions such as Emma’s (Secret), Manny (UGTL), or Jane (CTM). I also like the little role reversal here with Clare and Eli: previously, Clare was the one wanting Eli to stay out of trouble, while here, Eli was the one encouraging Clare to chill out.



    1. Yeah, same here. I don’t remember anything about the Chantay plot. XD

      I used to like Declan, but he’s starting to creep me out. I like Clare’s rebellion as it is right now, because it’s sort of cute like this, and still in-character. But the way she looks in the new promo has me concerned.

      And the role-reversal is interesting. I think Eli’s just concerned because he’s never seen Clare like this before, so it’s understandable.

      And I share your irritation over them getting the A-plot over Eclare. Everyone always gets the A-plot over Eclare. Seriously, even in All Falls Down, I thought the Eli/Clare/Fitz drama was way more intense than the Drew/Alli/Owen/Bianca business. The only time it actually got interesting with Alli was when she almost got raped by Owen. But we had the serious threat of escalating violence with Eli and Fitz way before that, and I was so much more interested in seeing what happened with them.



  40. Well I must say I always had this creeper vibe from Declan. The first time he walked on screen way back when I was like CREEPER! And Idk but look back he’s done a lot of creepy things with girls, Jane for an example. Also he makes the most creepiest faces! I think he would be a perfect rapist. Okay I know that sounds really bad but come on think about it. He’s a smooth talker and always ends up making chicks hook up with him even though deep down they don’t want to or they are with someone else, usually the latter. The way he talks just creeps me out yet I still like him. I think he’s put his little creepy creep spell on me as well. Ugh I just feel uneasy when he’s on screen. Sure he’s good looking and those eyes mmmmm but still doesn’t take away the fact that he’s Mr. Creep McCreeper.



    1. Yeah, Declan creeped me right from the start. Never liked him. xD
      I know a lot of people love Dolly J (I don’t) and are upset that they’re going with this plotline, but it doesn’t suprise me too much. The first time Declan wanted Holly J to say yes to spending time with him he semi-stalked her on the internet and locked her in a room. How romantic! The of course there’s all the stuff with Jane. He just doesn’t have any boundaries.



      1. OH SHIT! i hella forgot about her locking her up. that is total rapist stalker logic tho ryt.

        “how do i make this woman go out with me!?!?! oh, i know! ill lock her in a room until she says yes” lol


  41. I have a major problem with Declan’s character development;he is introduced as this play boy kind of guy who is notourious for breaking hearts, right? And then as soon as he gets with Holly J,they act like their some married couple. And now that Holly J is kind of over it, he has this creepy, obsessive, stalkerish behavior. And it’s just creepy.

    Loving Eli and Clare. I just hope they don’t completely destroy her good girl image, like they kind of did with her sister, darcy. I love Eli and clare, but I really want Clare to graduate with her virginity and I hope they don’t use her parents divorce as a way to change her whole character around.

    But luckily, I don’t think Eli is the kind of guy who would take advantage of her.



    1. That’s kind of the point of the character development. He’s supposed to be a ‘player’ and Holly J changes him. He falls hard for her.



      1. “Will love make the player give of the game?” lol sorry i had to do it.


    2. The very first time Declan fell in love with a girl, she cheated on him, and it was implied by Fiona that he went crazy because of her. I guess from there he became a player afraid of getting hurt, and then he let his guard down for Holly J, fell for her hard.

      I kind of understand where he’s coming from.



  42. Clare’s rebellion was perfect. She’s so straight-laced that going to a verboten book reading and getting piercings IS rebelling for her. For her to do anything else without any further catalyst would simply be out of character.

    I want to like that Chantay finally got her own plot, but the writers gave her like 10 seconds of air time and they made her seem almost childish with the way she was squealing and stomping around. And I don’t even think it’s anything to do with Jajube’s acting — she’s been performing the same way since they made her a regular in season 8. This injustice falls almost entirely on the writing. And that sucks. If I were Jajube, I would be pissed. But hopefully, the plot makes a 180 in the second part next week.



  43. yuhjnkmljuhnybtgfvcd October 16, 2010 at 10:41 am




  44. I loved Eli and Clare’s plot. Them running accross the stage and Eli just staring at Clare’s parents had me laughing quite hard. And, even though Eli getting his ear pierced is kind of strange, the whole thought of them doing it together is just really cute. And his hair hides it! lol.

    I would really like to see a plot that is completley centered around Eli. I think knowing more about a character is good for the viewers. The whole Julia thing wasn’t centered around him only. I want to see something that that could make us all understand him more.



  45. I’m already tired of Eli and Clare. They get a plot this ep and the next one. Let’s have a break and focus on something more interesting.



    1. After the next episode they probably won’t focus on them again for some time.

      They didn’t really get that many plots. Since it you don’t like them, to you it may feel like they get more screentime as a couple than they actually do. I feel that way about Alli plots. It always felt like every episode was about her when I wanted it to be about anyone else BUT her, because I just don’t care about her that much. But I think Eli and Clare have only gotten a few plots that were about them as a couple. A few others had them in it, but weren’t really focused on them. And they’ve never even actually gotten an A-plot, I don’t think. So if you’re already tired of them, then you must be very bored when they come on screen.



  46. Bring back fitz!



  47. i came up with a storyline idea that i think could have the potential to be a very googd plot but i dont think the writers would go so far as to doing it but here it is.

    When Clare tells Eli she wants to be spend the night with him, he says yes, and they end up having sex.A couple weeks later Clare comes home to her parents worst fight EVER, and so she yells to try to get them to stop,like she does in the promo, and they dont listen and she has a miscarriage.Now the twist is that neither she or Eli or the viewers knew she was pregnant,so it creates a situation where clares parents are forced to put theie differences behind them and focus on Clare for a change. But the only problem with this storyline is that the idea of a almost pregnancy is a little overbearing and that would be like the 4th one throughout the history of dtng.

    But tell me what you think, its just a thought that came to my head.



  48. I thought the Chantay review should’ve been higher. The “Degrassi Sucks!” sticky note looked like a great setup for part 2. Maybe it’s just me.



  49. I actually liked Chantay’s plot. It didn’t really take away from the episode, but it didn’t really add to it. I think it’s just supposed to be more of that underlying bubbling. The beginning of the end of strict!Degrassi. Chantay is power squad’s leader, so maybe she’s going to be the leader of the new reform. ;]



  50. In YouTube if you type in ( love lockdown part 2.) without perentesies you can find the much music promo which shows a little more



      1. Well according to this promo Declan raped Holly :O
        I gotta see how this plays out next episode


      2. & the good thing about much music theyre not retarded like teenick & the stupid mind games it plays lol


      3. Well sorry (sarcasticly) if i didn’t See it jeeeeezus take it easy take back those claws god


      4. @Sally b you suck at sarcasm. you are not forgiven.


      5. Seriously all because I didn’t see you posted the promo too. You are just immature and don’t have a life because you just want to start fights because of stupid reasons


      6. @Sally b

        ‘You are just immature and don’t have a life because you just want to start fights because of stupid reasons’

        seriously? have you ever seen my comments on here? like i really give a flying shit about being immature and starting fights for stupid reasons.

        and LOL i have 100x the life you could even WISH of having, so stay pressed bitch


      7. Shut the he’ll up! you’re still going on about this? I just came to comment about an awsome show and you’re fighting cause I posted the same promo. Ya someone who has a life would totally fight abou that!


      8. @Sally b since when is hell spelled like he’ll? pst. someone that has a life, wouldn’t keep coming back to answer my asshole comments. js.


      9. Ha that made me laugh a little when you said you were an ass hole and it was my iPhones spell check that made hell into he’ll


  51. DeclanLoverrrrrr October 16, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    so this is my opinion on the whole holly j and declan situation. im obssessed with declan and holly j, they are the best degrassi couple everrrrrrrrrrrrr. i feel like the promo is trying to make us think its rape, but i dont think thats what happens. 1. she siad no, but she gave in later. she didnt struggle or anything of that nature. 2. in the promo declan suddenly realizes and is like “oh no” or something like that, rape isnt really something u just realize if it happened when u were coherent. i personaly believe that it comes out to be that she wasnt on her birth controle pills. sounds crazy but in my head it makes sense cause the whole time she was saying this isnt happening TONIGHT. if she didnt want to do it she just would said no its never gonna happen. she kept on saying TONIGHT, TONIGHT,TONIGHT. leadng me to beleive she just didnt have protection



    1. The much music promo he goes “she thinks I raped her?”



  52. I loved this episode! The small, comical moments like Eli’s face when he and Claire ran across the stage and Declan shoving Fiona aside to get the seat next to Holly J really added to the episode.
    I’m interested to see how they handle part 2. From the promo, it seems like it has a lot of potential. I just hope that they don’t try to make Declan into this bad guy that actually raped Holly J. But I do think that a story line about pressured sex, not necessarily rape, could be powerful because a lot of people deal with that pressure in relationships. I’m looking forward to it!

    Another thing…does anybody else find it weird that they never really had an episode about Anya’s reaction to Holly J and Sav? They had that one episode when they were working on the project together, but that was more about Anya dealing with her mom’s sickness. They never really extended it beyond that point, and Anya and Sav have too much history for her to just not care, even with thinking about her mom.



    1. Really? I wouldn’t give a sh*t about my ex-boyfriend if i thought my mom was dying. Anya isn’t THAT shallow.



  53. If you refresh the page enough times you will see a new ad for this fall.



    1. I saw it! Poor Wesley…



  54. Declan, Holly J found someone else the minute you guys broke up while you waited for her for a month.. she’s not worth it.



    1. Seriously. I mean, she tells him she loves him and then hooks up with another guy right after dumping him. That’s not love.



  55. something i’ve realized about declan is that he and fiona are more similar than we really realized: they’re both sort of mentally unstable. its much more obvious with fiona, with the overdramaticism and the drinking issue and everything, but declan’s subtly like that too. When he really cares about something, he just goes too far. i peg him as the type to have a craig-esque mental breakdown if something really bad happens with holly j (or, at least, i think he would have if they’d ended differently that they did). that said, i have no doubt that he loves holly j and i think he literally didnt notice that she said no. he’s just so sure that they belong together, he cant comprehend why its wrong to steal her from sav or why she would refuse. and now, i think he’s in for a wake up call when fiona tells him hj didnt want to.



  56. ug!!! why does everybody think that rape is so black & white. just because she didnt push him off doesnt mean she wanted it!theres a diference between giving up and giving in.

    heres an excerpt about a rape documentary that covers the grey area

    documentary artist Aishah Shahidah Simmons created a film called “NO! The Rape Documentary” about eight women who were raped, one of
    which was her mother. During a discussion after the documentary, one woman stood up and talked about how she was unsure if she was raped because her body made it seem like she was into the sex when her mind was not. The panelists onstage, as well as in the film, discussed how rape is not only physical but mental, and one can be manipulated into being raped. The woman stops saying “no” out loud, although she’s said it many times before. Sometimes she stops saying it because she’s afraid of what he’ll do if she keeps protesting. Other times she may assume she’s into it if her body is wet. The body responds biologically, and the man decides that she must want to have sex because she’s stopped protesting.



    1. I agree with this entirely. I’m tired of everyone on here saying “it’s not rape because she kissed him back” or “it’s not rape because she stopped saying no!” It’s rape. She said no. She said she didn’t want it. It’s rape.



    2. Thank you thank you thank you.

      He raped her. Terrible, but true.



    3. Yes, but if it’s supposed to be a gray area, then how can you call it rape? That’s the problem. If even YOU are unsure if you were raped, then how do you expect the guy to really know either? People need to think before they accuse someone of something so serious.

      The way Holly J said “no” is different than the way, for instance, Paige said “no”. Paige was very clear. Holly J said it half-heartedly as if she wasn’t sure, and made it seem like she just changed her mind. Maybe she did feel pressured, but how was Declan supposed to know that? Yes, he’s a douche for trying to convince her when she obviously didn’t fell like it, but how was he supposed to know she didn’t just change her mind? That doesn’t make him a rapist. Now if she said “yes” at first and then changed her mind, and he kept going anyway, that would be rape. Personally, I think if you don’t want to do it, but you don’t make that fact very obvious, then it’s not rape. Rape can be mental as well as physical, but only when you’re traumatized from the physical aspect. You can’t just claim “I was mentally raped because I didn’t want to and I felt pressured” because there’s no way to really draw the line when you didn’t externalize that feeling.

      It’s not as simple as just saying “no”, as one can see.



  57. Is Declan going to continue to be a main character or was this just a two-time appearance?



  58. I saw this and I was kinda confused about the promo… its not like she was raped because she could have easily stopped it… But I don’t know why she would want to, I mean… look at him haha



  59. Youtube link to the new promo:



    1. two things.
      1)why is eli running away from clare and
      2)DREW! HOW DARE YOU !!!!!!



  60. Declan’s back for good :)



  61. Thank god! I have missed him so much!



  62. […] Degrassi Episode Review: Love Lockdown Part 1 – PLOT A: Declan returns and plots to get Holly J back. So it’s been a while, but Declan is finally back!! […] […]



  63. for me, the episode was pretty good, but not one of my favorites. I really like the beginning, but idk the end was really weird and quick…and creepy. But I REALLY like the part where Eli shows up backstage after Clare’s speech because it was just really sweet.

    …and the part where Ms. Dawes tells Eli he dresses like a mortician. =]



  64. OMG! I hope Eli and Clare don’t break up because Clare really needs Eli right now. Eli better not turn into Kc!



  65. Good review Kary but was anyone else as delighted as I was when Jane was mentioned in this episode? It’s always good when they mention another character, that way it doesn’t seem like they just disappeared.



  66. Declan is NOT back for good!!!!!!!!!!!



  67. Degrassiobsessed October 16, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    My best friend was raped by a boy her age. Ok? She sed no. She didn’t push or Ty to run or cry. She was scared, shocked, and very pressured. Declan runnig his hands over holly j and kissing her as she spoke was a good example. She was rambling very nervously and he was ignoring her and saying he loved her and focasing on himself. Thast rape. He PULLED her head towards him and started kissing him. Jut because she didn’t run away we all say her say no 2 or 3 times, tense up, and get very nervous. I think they end up having sex due to the new promo.

    I liked Eli and claires plot they are a sweet couple. They remind me of sean and emma. Bad boy meets good girl they balance each other out. This time Eli cared about Claire more than he cared about staying out with her. It showed he wants his to work out and he acually loves her not using her. I loved their kiss it was so sweet. And I’m glad they are taking it slowly. I hate her new look and I hope it ends and I’m glad he hates it.



    1. This. I’ve been trying to explain this to people, I couldn’t have said it better. Also, I’m really sorry about your friend, and I hope she got help :(



  68. What’s the name of the song that plays at the end of this episode when Declan and Holly J. are kissing?



  69. the canadian promos are so much better than the us ones. lol. i don’t even wanna think about this rape storyline. and everyone knew the parents were getting divorced. it was cute to see adam chilling with fiona. and it was a low blow for drew to say to adam he’s not even a guy. ouch. woo can’t wait to see more episodes! missing the boiling pt but i can be patient.



  70. oops i commented that looking at the season promo but just saw the episode promo. ugh do not want this chantay sticky notes to continue but yay for the rest!



    1. for someone who barely wore any makeup EVER she shure got those eyebrows perfect



  71. Declan is not back for good? On the degrassi wiki it says he signed on to be a main character of season 10.



  72. I just saw the promo of the whole season…..

    I have never been so excited for a 3 Tenners storyline. I can’t wait to see how this Dave/Wesley plot plays out. My heart literally dropped when he raised the taser at him.

    I haven’t seen the episode yet because it is buffering slowly and anoying so ill probably watch it tomorrow.



  73. Go to the degrassi wiki and search love lockdown 2. Look at the second video. Declan jumping on a bed, Fiona hitting him, Fiona telling HJ “he’s staying.” after i saw it I knew Declan was back! Great promo; it shows so much. You all have to watch it. And yes, it does also show some EClare stuff..,






  75. Where is the muchmusic promo for the whole season?



  76. great episode but it got better when my favorite song came on (could it be you by H-wood came on in the begining of the party)



  77. OMG iLove Eli && Clare. Im From The Us But Seriouslyy The Canadian Promos Are Wayy Better. Aww Declan && Holly J Makes Me Wonder.,, Then Again We Never Know What Happened Because We Havent Seen the 2nd Part So Im Not Gonna Judge On That. If Eli and Clare Break Up I WILL CRY MY EYES OUT. *just a thought* what if eli and clare broke up and it took eli forever to admit he still loved her and he ended up dying..(like liberty and jt),, that was one of the saddest episodes ever.



    1. Haha, i don’t think Eli and Clare will break up, but if they do, i’d probably wouldn’t cry unless they make it super emotional, but i’d probably spend the night listening to “Better With You” by Five Times August, thinking about “the good old times”. lol =]



  78. Based on the promo,it seems as if Declan is wearing the same thing as the last episode do I’m thinking that they had sex after the whole kissing thing which is probably what those clips are of them in/at the bed,either holly j or Declan reminiscing about it,or holly j telling finna or sav



  79. This episode was very well done!
    As said above, if you say no it is rape. I don’t see this plot line running through with a trial and stuff but I don’t think it will make Holly J and Declan magically get back together. Obviously Holly J and Sav are done though…I just don’t get why he’d get with Jenna…hopefully that will all make sense when it happens

    And if the episode runs in the order of the promo then Clare goes back to normal. I think she’s just dipping her toes into every which way of ‘rebellion’ she can think of just to get a rise out of her parents. As if she is trying to appear to be ‘out of control’ so her parents feel that they have to stay together for Clare’s sake. I think once her parents get a divorce this whole act will die down (at least the dressing) but I did read on here awhile back that “Jesus etc’ is the episode where Eclare may have sex. And if they do, power to them.

    I’m not even commenting on the Chantay plot. it’s either going to create a whole rebellion army with a bunch of detentions. But let’s be serious, Simpson is such a softy. I really don’t see this whole uniform hard ass image sticking around forever especially since the teachers aren’t happy about it. I think this will lead to the school potentially going somewhat back to normal.



  80. Degrassiobsessed October 17, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    Don’t get me wron when I say this because I honestly do loooove Declan to pieces but he did rape her. Just because he didn’t realize it doesn’t make it right. She said no whether he listen or not



  81. I am always looking for Chantay to get a plot but I wasn’t a fan. But even though I did not like Chantay’s plot very much I wouldn’t give it an F. I mean it deffffinitley did not fit in well in this episode. The whole point of the new season (part 2 at least) is that Degrassi is under new changes and stricter rules. Well it’s only been 3 episodes but no one seems to be soo against it … except Chantay. She’s the only one who seems to hate the new and is doing something about it. I think it’s a good idea to have her (or somebody) against it, especially since they are canceling something that she participates in and is part of her life, even though the way she does it is very annoying.



  82. What happens to Degrassi when Sav, Holly J, Anya, Fiona, Riley, Declan, Zane, and Chantey all graduate? Will we follow them to college like Emma and Manny or will we be stuck with Alli and Clare?



    1. Hopefully we follow them to college. I know they did the college thing before and it didn’t work out and I know Holly J, Sav, Anya etc have been here for a while but I don’t feel like the show will be the same with Alli, Clare, KC, Jenna, Eli, etc. and new people.



  83. I think Declan didn’t rape Holly J. She said no, but it seemed as if she was fighting her own feelings, and not him. It’s her fault she didn’t say something more direct to Declan. All she said was “No. We shouldn’t be doing this.” That wasn’t technically pointed at Declan. It was an inner conflict. So, if Declan gets charged with rape or anything, I’m gonna be yelling at my tv. >.>



    1. I’m on the fence about this one but if she said no that means she didn’t want to. Whether she was fighting her feelings or not she said no to having sex. Just because he didn’t physically pull her onto the bed, tear of her clothes and have sex with her doesn’t mean it’s not rape.



  84. I laughed so hard when Chantay wrote “Degrassi Sucks” on a sticky note and then stuck it on the wall in the bathroom and then she walked out with this facial expression like she just did something bad ass. ohhh Chantay. GTFOxD



    1. The Chantay sticky note cracked me up, but there was a scene with Declan that nearly had me on the floor. Declan’s face at the awards ceremony when Fiona told him to not make a scene was priceless. He just turns away from her with the creepiest smile and his eyes are all wide like he’s trying to behave “normally” and I just thought “If anyone saw his face right now, they would be terrified.” XD



  85. i know im probably gna get alot of hate and mean replies, but i have to ask!


    or do you guys know if there is even going to be any leaks this rest of season 10?



    1. Are you joking? Don’t you think if there were any leaks they would have been posted here? I’m sorry to be mean but use some common sense. Also according to the exec the leaks are stopped.



    2. leaks are old shit.
      maybe you should try being courteous to all the people that work on the show, and actually watch them when they air on tv.



      1. Yeah, Leaks are so last season XD


      2. well maybe some of us dont have teennick or much!


      3. @Lindsay bitch that’s a lame excuse and you know it. teennick posts the episodes on their website AT THE EXACT SAME TIME THEY AIR ON TV, and much usually takes a day to post them on their website. i srsly can’t believe i had to give you step bi step direcshonz.. this shit is easy.


      4. Just so you know calling someone a bitch on the internet doesn’t make you cool, just like using a bunch of four letter words constantly doesn’t make you cool either. Maybe before you start insulting people you don’t know, you should learn to spell. That way at least you come off as an educated asshole.


  86. I watched the much music promo and at one point Declan said “She thinks I raped her?”. And there was another scene where he’s walking all agressivly up to Sav, like he’s about to punch him.



  87. Who is that random girl in the Much Music promo?



      1. My mom passed, but thanks!


  88. What if after Jenna gives birth we see that the baby has like black hair? Then KC sees this and finds out the baby isn’t his or something



  89. Check out this music video i made for Melinda Shankar



  90. My favorite part of this episode was, of course, the eclare scenes. Eli and Clare seem like they are one of the best Degrassi couples because they communicate and understand each other and there is just so much chemistry between them. They aren’t just some random couple, like Savvy J., for instance. But I do admit that I like Sav with Holly J. more than I like Declan with her. Those scenes where Declan was trying to win Holly J’s heart back were creepy to me. o_O

    I can’t wait til Friday to see part 2. I really really want to know what went down between Declan and Holly J. that night….and to watch more eclare scenes and hope that they don’t fall apart. And I could care less about the power squad, honestly.

    This episode was better than the last episode, for sure.



    1. U can honestly say that u like Sav with Ms. Sinclaire than Declan after EVERYTHING Declan and Holly J have been through..I feel zero connection with Savvy J than when Holly was with Declan..there was actually substance when they were together



      1. I dont mind Holly J and Declan they are perfect for each other in so many ways! But someone mentioned earlier that this episode just proved that Fiona is not the only insane Coyne. He creeped me out completely this episode because it was like he just couldn’t comprehend that Holly J was saying no to him. It really drove the point home that Declan can’t handle not getting what he wants.

        Also I agree with Crazy4Eclare I like Savvy J they are simple. They are no drama not every couple in High school is crazy intense like the ones on Degrassi. Some are easy going. I think Sav brings out the chill in Holly J She is not as intense around him.


  91. My favorite scene..when Claire told off her parents..super hilarious..I am tho kinda frustrated with Eli for not liking Claires new look in the next episode..but then again he liked the old Claire..either way..the episode was really good..xcept for Chantays portion..she was a filler..actually she was like half a filler seeing as how she was only in about 3 scenes for about 10 seconds each



    1. Clare** sorry stupid autospell



  92. I noticed his face. He looked like he wanted to choke Fi. Don’t get me wrong though, I am the biggest declan fan.



  93. clare replied to me on twitter <33
    fuck i love that child.



  94. Degrassiobsessed October 18, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Guys remember we havnt technically had sex yet so we don’t know if there is another part to the story…..still she said no and though I love Declan he is a grown boy and he should know better. I do not believe he meant it but a boy should always respect a girl in those situations and unfortunatly he only cared about himself and didn’t listen to her….anyway it’s a very hard thing and hey did angreat job of keeping us torn. In one way he raped her but in another he didn’t mean to and besides he is Declan he always knows when to stop-except now



  95. declan:( but since he did technically rape her, this is an exteremely original plot! If i were holly j, i’d shake things up on de grassi street. take declan to court get money. i think she could use this money for yale. it seems like a terrible real life event, to use the money for yale, but hey, this is degrassi ;)



  96. Just in case anyone hasn’t seen these. Pictures from the Halloween mini Monster Moon.



    1. thanks so much for posting!



  97. Am I the only one who hates how teennick balances out their promos.
    Whenever Degrassi Comes on its “Degrassi” but when they show one stupid airing of Gigantic its “Gigantic Encore”
    Degrassi airs 4 eps at a time
    and gigantic airs 2 eps and its an encore.
    TeenNick is one of the worst channels to put Degrassi on.
    The N was better.
    bye now lol



  98. Pictures from Love Lockdown Part 2 are up on



  99. Okay, If Holly J. yelped that Declan raped her. I’d be disappointed….

    1. To my knowledge, she said ” we shouldn’t be doing this” and “no”. Not “get off me!”, “help!”, “stop it” or put up a fight. It’s not rape! It’s guilt because she’s with Sav!

    2. It’ll be like Paige and Dean, ugh. Degrassi is staring to repeat themselves if they do this.

    3. To be honest, I’m pretty burned out on Declan and Holly J. because of season 9.

    Ahh… Eli and Claire. For some reason, I get so excited seeing those two! Both different and cute together. I do have a feeling Claire’s persona might change soon…..

    Chantay….. I like her and hate her at the same time. Instead of a little sticky note, she should of drew or spray-painted the wall to give it more edge.

    Adam and Fiona?!?! Say what?!? Yes! I can’t wait to see that.



    1. You did NOT just compare what happend to Paige and Dean to this right? That was actual rape honey. She begged that guy to stop and was tormented for an entire season because of it. Holly j was pressured,which is bad but she wasnt raped.



  100. Oh one more thing

    I think TeenNick make the Degrassi’s promos short and boring because they want to give Gigantic more shine. I saw the promos for both shows and notice Gigantic promo was longer and dramatic… Teen nick kinda suck s to me because the lack of shows on the channel. Nothing is orginal! Just the same reruns of old shows from different networks. Every original show so far (after South of nowhere and Best years) has FLOPPED!



  101. Things I have to say:
    This episode is one of my favorite episodes and best ones because how confusing it was and how many questions it gives us. I like how they are giving us a rape sitituation with people who used to be boyfriend/girlfriend.
    Also I’m excited for the three tenners storyline with the tasergun, I literally freak out when Dave shot wesley with the gun in the promo. :O



  102. It’s not a rape if the girl is just confused with herself and ends up kissing back and enjoying it…



  103. Holly J was NOT raped, she kissed him back. Declan is NOT a rapist…I’m sick of hearing that bullsh**, if she didn’t want it she would’ve have done something not just sit there, I mean Fiona was in the other room. I don’t believe all this ‘oh she was scared and couldn’t move!’ bullsh**, she could’ve screamed for Fiona. I call total bullsh**.



    1. Fiona was passed out drunk in the other room. Holly J wasn’t scared to the point where she needed help. She said no. No means no, Declan just ignored that and kept on going and Holly J felt pressure. Do I think it’s rape though? No. She said we shouldn’t be doing this (that does not mean she wants to) and no (once) and started kissing him back. I know rape doesn’t have to be physical but she could have easily stopped it or gotten up and walked away.



      1. How is rape not physical lol?


      2. Declan doesn’t necessarily have to grab her or force her down for it to be considered rape.


      3. Yeah actually he does. Otherwise it isn’t considered rape. If you don’t fight back, then how is anyone supposed to believe there was no consent.


      4. That’s why I’m saying it’s not rape. Read my comment. I said “Do I think it’s rape though? No.” But rape is a forced act of sexual intercourse without both peoples consent. A little kid can be raped because they don’t know what’s going on. That doesn’t necessarily mean the person raping them had to hold them down.


    2. yes she cud have done all those things but dont forget at the same time she didnt want to hurt declan or sav, i mean what would u do in a situation like that where u had to think fast enough to make a good descion that would not hurt either of them?? obviously she paniced inside and let what happened just happen



      1. Personally, (even though I’m obviously a guy) if I was Holly J and I didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to hurt anyone, I just wouldn’t have had sex just to please anyone.


  104. I think that holly j is going too exaggerate it to make it look like she got raped when really she loved it



  105. i say it cud go either way with being rape or not both sides have a good argument



  106. its not going to ba a rape storyline , use ur head people, use ur head. declan back, declan slrep with hj, declan think they fix, holly j like sav still, dolly j 2 = fail, declan so sad. its that simple



  107. the only reason i dont see the Dolly J thing as rape is because i know deep down Holly J wanted it. Shes only regretting cuz in her head shes like “this isnt right”. She broke up with Declan on account of she as doing thru a lot at the time, declans poor choice of worse and Chantay gossiping in her face. Declan didnt see holly J as a gold digger, but he cant help but want to give his girl the finest things. The “What do I have to buy you to get you to do what I want” thing was more of the slip of the tongue. His tone was joking and i dont think he really ment it like that. Im sure Holly J could do whatever the hell she wanted and Declan would be fine with it, just he was tryiing to see if he could convice her to do wat he wanted by getting her something, and if not he’d probably still get it for her anyways and let her do her own thing. He wasnt literally trying to bribe her with things. Then like, Holly J was going thru a lot emotionally and financially. It was her first long distance relationship so she was freaking out, her family doesnt have money anymore so she’s was stressed and still adapting, and then Chantay was just the icing on top of the cake to make Holly J be so sensitive to what Declan said to break up with him. Her and Sav arent even a real couple. I think Sav just makes her happy and probably is a nice little sexual bang here and there, but her heart truely is with Declan which is why she had sex. She said “i don’t think we should do this” as if its against the law not against her will, then a weak no. She didnt say “i dont WANT to do this.” To me her face read a thought process along the lines of “do i just let him back? I wanna prove a point that I dont ‘need’ him, but i want him. but sav? well we’re not a real couple, are we? damn…idk.”

    And you cant compare Paige/Dean to Holly J/Declan. Rape kinda does have to be forceful, not in a sense u gotta be thrown and hit, but the rapist has to acquire some kind of restraint on you to get you to do what they want. Cuz when u just turn ur head, or laydown and its all ur own motion…thats you allowing it. Even if Dean wasnt as forceful as he was being, he would have had to gotten paige restricted somehow. Declan didnt have HollyJ resricted, she could have stood up. and emotional pressure isnt enough to cry rape….cuz to give in to pressure is ur own problem. You cant blame ur friend for making u do drugs unless he shoves it down ur throat or they give it to you without you knowledge. If they tease u and u give in…kinda ur own fault. Doesnt mean they’re right for teasing you, but you could have gotten away or just not have done it. Well anyways…..Paige and Dean, they had no past, no love. Paige just had a crush, didnt even know him and wasnt she a virigin at that point? TOTALY different situations and totally different aftermaths. I think holly J’s true after the fact feelings is she doesnt know if she really wants Declan back or not or if she wants Sav or Declan, not that she didnt want to have sex and he violated her. She maybe used the word “pressured” cuz shes knows if there was no initial move made by Declan, nothing would have happened, but she probably still considered it in her head.

    Plus, the scene was like a few seconds.You would think someone would have to pressure you a LOT more than that. And she wants drunk, wasnt upset, wasnt out of her right mind (like how clare is acting), so you cant look at it as if he took advange of her. He wasnt even guilt tripping her so idk how ppl thought that. lol. If he wanted to guilt her it would be “but i was so good to you in the past, you owe me that. I bought you this and that when i didnt have you. You said you loved me and lost your viriginity me so why are you with Sav?” His plea was more like “we were good together, I miss you. I wanna be with you again” … guilt trip there!



  108. Most of all I just think it’s out of character for Holly J. After seeing the sneak peek I don’t think Declan is being written completely out of character, but Holly J? Yes. I don’t buy or accept the whole “scared” or “shocked”. Holly J is the strongest female character on this show. It’s not like her to not try and take a physical stance in this type of situation if the simple “No” is not getting across. Keep in mind “No” can be interpreted in a lot of ways. Declan could have easily thought she was just conflicted between her feelings for him and for Sav and she just gave in when she kissed back. Anyways, this is Declan. Declan would never try and hurt a woman in this way. Especially a woman he loves. This guy was ready to tear Bobby’s head off when he found out what he was doing to his sister. I think that says a lot about how he feels about abuse. Period. Holly J knows all of that.

    And I think all of the “creeper” comments and the arguments of why is a lil crazy.



  109. And yes, I don’t think anyone who intentionally would do this to someone would be begging them. Telling them how much they love them and what not. Convincing. A seduction. Still wrong, yes, because she is seeing someone else. Declan’s not a horrible guy.



  110. omg I so love Eli he is so cute and so sweet!



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