youtube link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTZE24q9Pgo

MAIN PLOT:  Jenna tells KC she’s pregnant.
So Jenna’s pregnant, but there’s no way she’s letting that get in the way of her competing in Next Teen Star.  Of course there’s another obstacle in her way:  she has to tell KC.

KC is in a wonderful mood and believes he and Jenna have a good thing…so it sucks that her being pregnant and all has to ruin that…and football.  But of course all she has to do is get an abortion (just pull up to the clinic’s drive-thru, and zip-bam-boom you’re on your way) so Jenna and KC can get back to their his wonderful life.

Of course I’m being thoroughly sarcastic in that last paragraph.  Calling KC a jackass in this episode is an understatement.  Not only does he have the nerve to get pissed when Jenna doesn’t want to go through with the abortion, but he also says (there is no implying, he SAYS it) that he doesn’t want any part of the pregnancy. “I don’t need this,” are his last words.


It’s terrible, but damn does it make for interesting television.  Once again, Jenna’s acting has improved, and it actually gets better as the episode moves along.  I liked how Jenna was confused about what to do the entire time.  And the writers made sure the doctor laid ALL of Jenna’s options out there to avoid, you know, some unnecessary AWH-esque controversy.

Even though I can’t stand KC, the way he reacts to this was really well written.  This is a great ending to this portion of Jenna’s pregnancy.  It’ll be interesting to see what route they decide to take with this baby.

SUBPLOT 1:  Connor won’t let anyone stop him from seeing LoveQueen16.
ALL of Connor’s computer privileges have been taken away by Snake, and Connor is still mad at Wesley and Dave for ratting him out.  He still plans to meet up with LoveQueen16…they’re gonna go back to her place, and then she’s gonna sex him up until he forgets he even has Asperger’s.

Buuut, they don’t even make it out of Degrassi’s parking lot;  LoveQueen picks up Connor, and she starts rubbing on his leg.  He (just like the rest of us) is completely creeped out by this, and jumps out of the car.  To be honest, I was disappointed by the ending…I think they copped out by having the “confrontation” happen so soon.  This would’ve received an A+ grade without question had they actually made it to LoveQueen’s place and she started making sexual advances then.

However, the plot still good upon us learning Connor had no interest in LoveQueen romantically.  He literally saw her not only as a friend, but also as a comforting part of his routine, which he felt was being disrupted by Dave, Wesley and Snake.  So all along it was about his Asperger’s.  I never thought I’d say this (for like the 4th time), but it’s another good plot from Connor!

SUBPLOT 2:  Anya and Riley try to figure out if Dr. Chris is gay or straight.
Anya and Riley both have a crush on Dr. Chris, so they go on a quest to figure out if he’s gay or straight.  Well the eventual result (he’s straight) leads Anya to ask Riley what he likes in a guy.  And of course all of Rileys answers describe…Zane.

I thought Riley and Anya were cute in Part 1.  They still are, but sadly I don’t have much interest in what they’re doing.  This change of pace plot is moving at such a slow pace, and it’s so contradictory to the pace of the other two plots that I was bored.  This is one of those episodes where the episode as a whole would’ve benefited from having just two storylines, because the Jenna and Connor plots are strong enough on their own.

Posted by Kary


  1. Great review!



    1. yea i agree with the grades it got :P



  2. “KC is in a wonderful mood and believes he and Jenna have a good thing…so it sucks that her being pregnant and all has to ruin that…and football. But of course all she has to do is get an abortion (just pull up to the clinic’s drive-thru, and zip-bam-boom you’re on your way) so Jenna and KC can get back to their his wonderful life.”

    that paragraph was so hilarious……..especially you stroking out the Jenna and their part. omgg

    GREAT JOB ! gosh i’m jealous; you’re so good at what you do



  3. i think that KC will spill to his mom or maybe jenna will ask his mom for advice since hers isn’t around. then she’ll make KC see that he was being an idiot and make him take responsibility – which he should have realized he was doing when they had sex in the first place. i predict a reluctantly supportive KC in the future.

    but i LOVE jenna’s brother! the brother/sister relationships on this show are always so cute and close. sav and alli, declan and fiona, paige and dylan. such supportive siblings!



  4. Great review. The end was funny “Emma is a whore” lmao.



  5. KC needs to total the rest of the cheerleading squad while he’s at it.



    1. they really need to keep KC in heel-douche mode. it’d be cool to see him become an Edge-like character, the awesome douche you love to hate but is awesome anyway.



  6. The surprising pregnancy wasn’t as surprising as I thought it would be. The baby is claimed to be KC’s. What I’m thinking about his, everyone starts hating on KC since he wants nothing to deal with Jenna’s pregnancy . . . leading to him going to the “dark side” with Bianca . . . hence the beginning credits shows them all buddy buddy.



    1. To me, I find KC’s actions in this episode completely contrary to where his character has been going all season. Doing better in school, making the football team, manning up and giving his mom a second chance. He’s taking these great leaps of responsibility and growing up. Then, in 22 minutes, he transforms into a complete ***-hole. “My life is held together by tape.” Really? It sounds like life is totally going your way. I kind of understand the anger and frustration from KC having been in a high-school pregnancy scare, but I didn’t leave someone out in the cold. That’s why I think KC’s a prime candidate for Degrassi Douche of The Year at this point.

      We’ll see how he progresses, but I’m not seeing how he turns to the dark side…is gonna knock-up Bianca next and argue for her to have an abortion, too, because she won’t make the finals of “So, You Think You Can Dance?” KC has proven to be the kind of guy who can learn from his mistakes.



  7. and lmao at subliminal message in the realm of doom promo you did



  8. I know he’s already left her. But it would definately be a different route if KC proposes to Jenna. Maybe it’s just because I was just watching teen mom, but I know degrassi hasn’t gone there with pregnancy yet. And I wonder what their baby will look like and what sex it will be.



    1. i’m hoping it’s a boy



      1. the doctor stated she was already 20 weeks . . . 5 months . . . you can probably find out the sex of the baby, maybe that’s why Jenna said, “she”, when her brother mentioned about mudding.


    2. I wonder what I did to get 5 down? Ehh whatevs.



  9. Pretty much completely agree on all counts. I really wanted to like the anya/riley part a lot more than I did, unfortunately. Fortunately, Jessica Tyler’s acting did feel improved in this part and may I just say that I am so glad that this ended up a pregnancy like so many predicted, as it marks the first pregnancy (I think…) to be hinted at many episodes beforehand. It’s that sort of thing that I’m really loving about this season of Degrassi. Continuity has never really been their strong point and I’m so happy that it looks like that’s changing. :) Another great review, Kary. I swear, I look forward to your video reviews almost as much as the episodes themselves. Thanks for all the work you must put into them (and the rest of this site). Truly awesome.



  10. each plot grade i agree with. I consider conner’s storyline the, what I like to call, Underdog storyline. who know Conner could pull off an interesting storyline. i love it when the underdog comes out on top.

    not the i hate anya & riley’s story, but if it had been scrapped long enough, Connor’s storyline would have been more pleasing in the end.



  11. You have some spelling/grammatical errors in your writing this time around… can I be your editor, sexy man?



    1. Adams hacked into my computer. Him and his damn DegrassiGirls.com porn.



  12. As for empty headed Anya, I wouldn’t be shocked if that doctor just pulls a Sav and wants her for a hump-and-dump.



    1. Yeah…cause that doctor will have no problem hittin’ that when he finds out that she’s still in high school, and then she holds a pregnancy scare over his head.

      Chris Matthews



  13. Hm I agree with your grades for Jennas and connors plot, and I also agree that while nothing really happened in Anya/Riley plot, I thought it was a pretty good setup for Rileys storyline in tomorrows episode. It showed that in the end finding someone outside of degrassi is harding than it seems and therefore he tries to win back Zane, with Anyas help of course.



  14. i’m sure that everyone will be super pissed at me posting this but does anyone know when still fighting it is going to be leaked? and where i can find it?



    1. it wont leak until tomorrow.


      If its not there then it hasnt leaked.



      1. thanks :)


  15. Great review, Kary. I totally agree, especially about the third plot. I liked both Jenna and Connor’s plots and I would have liked to see ONLY those two in this episode set. That goes especially for Connor’s plot, which I agree should have gone farther. Even so, at least we have a little base for Riley’s plot to begin. That’s about it, though. :P



  16. I LOVED Jessica Tyler in this episode. She completely won me over with, “What?! You’re gonna make me go through this ALONE?!” I love that line, and I adore how she delivered it.

    LoveQueen13 or whatever creeps me out. She is SO CREEPY!

    Riley’s plot was kind of leading up to tomorrow and Thursday’s episodes right? I mean, instead of just jumping Riley and Zane in all of a sudden. They brought them in slowly….right? I’m probably wrong haha



  17. Something about the scene when Connor asks to be picked up at school leads me to believe that Miss Creepy will show up later on. The idea of her knowing where Connor goes to school sends me bad vibes…



    1. I agree. Possibly the reason for the Lockdown??? Oh so many questions



    2. That…… that just makes so much sense. It just might be a factor of the lockdown.



  18. I absolutely love Anya and Riley as friends!
    I almost freaked out in that one scene with KC and Jenna, when KC was freaking out, I thought he was going to turn around and hit her. But KC would never do that!
    Lovequeen16 Resembles Adams a bit too much, don’t you think?



  19. Connor was attacked by some idiot in the projects.


    I’m done with the Connor Pedophile/Antoine Dodson references.



    1. LMAO @ the Antoine Dodson reference



    2. hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husbands cause they raping errbody out hurr



    3. homeboy, home home homeboy!


      its so amazing!



  20. Hilarious review! LoveQueen16 is gonna sex Connor up. Anyways I agree on every single grade. While the Riley storyline is a semi-good setup for tomorrow’s episode it is extremely slow and tedious. And as for KC, I loved what they did here. While I too am pissed at KC, this is a very common response for teen dads so I’m glad they finally did this on the show. It is just one of those moments where Degrassi makes the situation as real as possible. Great review



    1. Asperger’s? What Asperger’s? ;-)



  21. Degrassi is my drug! I’ve literally watched it since the first episode with the Fab Four (Emma, Manny, J.T., and Toby)! Ahh! How i missed those days……Anyhoo, im gonna die when Degrassi ends but the recycling of the plots is beginning to irk me..sooo yea!



    1. I’m sick of people still whining about the old cast…get over it or stop watching.



    2. I totally agree about missing the old cast but I find myself loving the new cast more and more eachday.

      and I agree about the recycling plots but at the same time… it’s a high school show and that stuff happens all the time in high schools not just once every 10 years lol :)



  22. It would be a wicked scene if Mr. Simpson catches Connor with LoveQueen16 and decides to break her neck (remember the very first episode when Mr. Simpson grab Emma’s online creep and threaten to break his neck). But hey, a girl can dream, can she?

    Also I was right, KC’s reaction isn’t like the one that Craig or JT had. This episode further justifies Clare’s statement that KC blames everyone but himself, he is just as guilty as Jenna, but puts the blame on Jenna. I’m surprised that Jenna’s older brother didn’t put a gun on him (I think the episode mentions that he goes hunting).



    1. Yeahh, I was expecting a little more of a reaction from her brother. Like “what!? I kill him!” or something.
      Oh and someone mentioned that the date on the ultrasound was 10/5/10. And she’s almost five months along, so KC knocked her up at the end of freshman year when you think about it. Wow.



    2. Yeah… but didn’t KC like tell Jenna at The Dot that it was just as much his fault as it was her fault…?

      I’m pretty sure those were his exact words just about so I don’t think he was blaming Jenna as much as he just didn’t want it to be true. IMO



    3. maybe that’s why simpson is so freaked out. I mean, i’d be freaked out anyway, but he is especially because he remembers when it happened to Emma



  23. I agree that they should have had Connor end up at LoveQueen’s house, but in the end I liked the plot alot more than other’s involving The Three Tenners (I also gained a new found appreciation for Connor)

    Jessica impressed the hell out of me with on this episode. Her acting has been…less than great up til now, but the confrontation scene between Jenna & KC made their plot an automatic A. I’m curious to how this is going to play out since we’ve already had an abortion & a baby given up (also a teen mom with Mia).

    Anya & Riley’s friendship is absolutely adorable! But the gay/straight doctor plot was a bit too random & ultimately wasted their limited screen time [which I agree could have been devoted to fleshing out the Connor/LoveQueen storyline]



  24. Kary, I forgot to add that I loved your advertisement for “Realm Of Doom” & the Emma is a whore subliminal message



  25. kc just better stay away from clare and leave her with eli (reflecting on other people’s comments from this thread and part 1) but i’m picturing the manny/ashley/craig storyline in my head…of course it’s not a repeat but there’s some similar things. and craig ended up back with ashley after that. better not happened.

    i feel like clare will be left out of it but it’s like she deserves to know! and i wish she’d pull an ashley and like out jenna in the caf and be disgusted by it. probably won’t happen…but just saying.

    i’ve said before i feel like kc/clare were a waste so i’m sure nothing’ll come up again from it but ugh seriously, why did they even bother? such a waste.

    just can’t wait to see what happens with the pregnancy storyline, wasn’t that big a fan of it…and acting regardless.

    eli and clare tomorrow yay yay lol.



    1. better not happen*



    2. lol no one liked that!!



    3. I sorta agree. I mean, I thought that her acting and the storyline was great.

      But the part that I agree about is KC and Clare.

      I mean, the whole entire time, I’m thinking, is KC gonna run back to Clare, since Jenna is pregnant, and he doesn’t want any part of that?

      But, then I think, I doubt the writer’s would do that. I can see him going back to Jenna in the next few episodes, saying how sorry he is and that he was being a jerk. But who knows.



  26. Free sex…and STD’s…Emma is a whore..HAHAHAHAHA
    and I’m sure im not the only one who did this

    Riley:well he has to be smart,
    riley: funny,
    riley: sporty,
    riley: and super cute
    Anya: sounds like someone we know..
    me: yeah, no shit…



  27. I’m thoroughly amused. Kenna broke up, Ziley’s practically back together, and I’m going to Hersheypark in three days!!! So yeah, I knew Jenna was pregnant since the day the first Shark In The Water promo aired. I remember sneaking into my sister’s former room(it’s mine now; she moved to Georgia with one of my other sisters) as my TV privileges had just been revoked at the time, and I definitely knew Jenna was pregnant. In fact, it was my first comment about it when Kary put up the post. So how sweet would it be if JENNA had a heart attack during birth. I mean, could you imagine? Ahhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhh!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I know it’s not gonna happen, but it would be rather nice. :)



  28. These two episodes weren’t bad. While I understand that Alli meant well, her constant nagging really annoyed me.

    I agree that the LoveQueen/Connor “confrontation” was way too quick. We had 4 episodes’ worth of build-up for a 15 second leg rub? I was hoping that she’d at least try to restrain him. She’s like 3 times his size! What a great story for Connor, though. The fact that Connor was so naive and believe that the relationship was entirely innocent, really upped the threat and creepiness of the whole thing. I feel as though this storyline isn’t entirely over, though. I’m thinking that she could be the reason for a lockdown, too.

    Anyone notice KC’s abrupt moodswing? At the beginning of the episode, he’s saying how life is wonderful, how great his mom is doing. Then when Jenna tells him that she’s carrying the baby to term, he says he can’t have this, because he’s life’s being “held together by tape”? But I thought that everything was great? I’m starting to suspect that KC’s got BPD or something. His changes in mood have always been very sudden.



    1. Agreed…I’ve always thought that something was “off” about KC especially in season 9 with his “locker room incident” but soon after I just got the idea that he is just very immature and has tamtrums whenever he doesn’t get his way…he still reminds me of my 3 year old cousin, except my 3 year old cousin takes more responsibility than KC. lol



    2. Yeahh, but I hope that’s not what he has. That’d make him a little too much like Craig.



      1. NeverShoutNever August 18, 2010 at 11:47 am

        except KC is in no way a musician; I couldn’t imagine him playing any kind of instrument.


      2. @NeverShoutNever: Given what a douchetacular baby daddy KC has turned out to be, the only instrument he’ll likely be playing with is his own…


      3. I don’t think it would make him like Craig. The ‘repeats’ are really annoying me, and I’m not just talking about you on that.

        I mean, the whole entire time I watched this episode, and even when I thought that he may have BDP, not once did I think of Craig. They are two completely different characters. To me, they are nothing alike, and they both handle their similar situations different, and I don’t just mean the pregnancy. And I know that I may get a lot of thumbs down for this, but the repeat thing is getting on my nerves.


    3. Yeah, I agree with you.

      The only thing that I’m kinda iffy about is that you think that LoveQueen may be the reason for the lockdown. I completely understand why you would think that, but I honestly think that it would be something bigger than that.

      I don’t know what that would be, but I just don’t think it would be her.

      Anyways, as for the KC thing, I agree. He completely changed his attitude and his view on ‘how things are going’. I agree. He may have BPD.



  29. I can’t belive its alwardy wednesday, after this 2parter there’s only 4 ep’s untill TBP is over :( . I hope Ali tells claire in SFI about Jenna , right after claire finds about Eli, I don’t know why though. Just a thought. Also, iHope they don’t end in a Cliffhanger with Eli saying ‘This is where I killed my Girlfriend’ & im still wondering why adam was there when Eli and Claire (finally) kissed. This episode was really great, and I agree it would of been a strong ep with only 2 plots, but I really think they were setting up Riley for today. Or maybe Anya ( hope she’s not ) is a factor of how Owen finds out.



  30. Classic convo-Connor:I just wanna play Realm Of Doom; Lovequeen: Really??? That’s ALL you wanna do? Connor: Stop it. Lovequeen:But- Connor: get off me! Lovequeen: Connor! Connor: Leave me alone. Lovequeen: I’m sorrrrryy. Connor: go away! (drives off) P.S. They NEED to confirm Riley and Zane as Juniors for SO many reasons.



    1. NeverShoutNever August 18, 2010 at 11:48 am

      Riley and Zane are seniors



  31. I like the episode, and I agree with the grades. I think I liked Part 1 a little bit better, but Jenna’s acting definitely improved in part 2. KC is an ass. I’m glad Jenna has her older brother to help her out, since KC’s life is too perfect to have to deal with the girl he knocked up.



    1. Yeah KC was an ass, but he did react the same way that so many teen dads do, they just leave. So it was realistic.



  32. K.C reminds me of Craig – initially I liked him but now I feel he will completely become an unlikeable character. Someone referred to K.C as a “runner.” That should be his new nickname. He’s self centered and selfish. I have no doubt that he will find a new girlfriend. He might feel remorse when the baby is born and try to be there a little. But when the pressure is on K.C shows his true colors, and it’s not pretty. This gives me flashbacks on when he dumped clare. This plot stay true to his character for sure.

    Jenna – My heart won’t allow me to feel sorry for her. The way K.C and Jenna started out was very shady. Well, she got what she wanted. But I do love the relationship she has with her brother. And even though K.C pretty much left her for dead, she has a great support system in her brother. And I auctually do think she will be a damn good mother.

    A part of me wanted to see K.C jealous of Eli but now I don’t think that’s going to happen. It seems like Clare and K.C are going to just ignore each other, well, that is what ex’s do, right?

    It’s sad that Clare and Ali are no longer close. Honestly, there friendships is one of the main reasons I began to watch the show. But I understand why Ali would shift towards Jenna. I think Ali thinks Clare is more judge mental than she actually is. Jenna and Ali can open up about HPV scares, pregnacy,…etc and they know they won’t judge eachother. And I guess they feel like Clare would look down on them. Which I don’t think she would, just seeing they way she respects Adam and stuff, i feel like Clare is much more open minded then people give her credit for.

    Anyways, Anya and Riley look cute on screen together. Why did I wish he would start likeing her. HA! I’m sorry but they were just too cute.

    I love Connor’s innocence. He is lucky to have the greatest friends ever. I love the three tenners. I love seeing snake playing video games with them. Very cute to see kids being kids, which sadly we don’t see a lot in highschool.



    1. I agree with Alli and Clare’s relationship, especially the part about her being judgmental. Remember how Clare was? Yeah, she wasn’t exactly the friend you’d run to to tell that you’ve snuck out to go meet up with a guy at 1am. So, maybe Alli, even though her and Clare are best friends, still feels like Clare might judge her, whereas Jenna is more like Alli. Jenna would encourage you to meet up with him again, and Clare would most likely say, … You’re kidding, right? But I’m glad that Jenna has at least one friend. I’m so tired of everyone going she stole KC blah blah, yeah, she did, but it’s not like KC didn’t want to be stolen.

      I do hope that Alli and Clare get to hang out more often, because their friendship is also one of the reasons I watch. The Three Tenners/Tennors? are cute and I like their friendship as well. I wish Clare and Alli would hang out with them more (and Eli and Adam), but that’s mostly because I miss when everyone in grade 9 were friends. Guess it couldn’t stay that way forever (and we wouldn’t have Wesley).



      1. “I’m so tired of everyone going she stole KC blah blah, yeah, she did, but it’s not like KC didn’t want to be stolen.” THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I hate how people think it’s her fault. If anything, it was K.C.’s / Coach Carson’s/ Clare. K.C. because he would flirt back and do whatever, Carson for telling K.C. to dump Clare, Clare’s for not being more fun and relateable to K.C. All Jenna do was Flirt with the guy. Practicaly every girl does that regaurdless if the guy has a girlfriend or not. To say that she “stole” him, isn’t practical. If she like hooked up with him or something like that i could understand.


    2. NeverShoutNever August 18, 2010 at 11:51 am

      I think Jenna should keep the baby. this will be the first time that degrassi has done this (besides mia, who had already had isabella for awhile)



    3. I have a feeling we are going to see bianca and KC(hope not since bianca annoys the shit outta me)



  33. This episode surprised me. Based on Jessica’s previous performances, I just assumed this episode would be a total let-down. Boy, was I wrong. Jessica Tyler delivers such a strong performance in this episode, along with fantastic writing by the writers.

    I loved this subplot. I legit couldn’t sleep last night because I thought LoveQueen16 would come from under my bed D: Connor’s only storyline prior to this episode was in “Causing a Commotion” which was badly mediocre. Ever since, I felt Connor was useless. But after this plot I have realized that maybe he can handle big/interesting storylines.

    I love the Anya/Riley friendship, but this plot wasn’t really necessary. Not saying it was bad, though. I guess its a setup for “Still Fighting It”.

    So excited for these last 6 episodes. Hopefully they’ll be an Every Degrassi Ever Marathon leading up to the mid-season premiere? I need the original episodes back in my life hahah .



    1. *there will



      1. hopefully *there will be an every degrassi ever marathon leading up to the mid-season premiere


  34. I know I’m gonna get dozens of thumbs down for this, but with Alli taking a break from the show, I envision one of two things happening, now that Jenna’s single:

    1. With Alli gone, “Drewlli” will need to take a break, as well. Jenna and Drew, both lonely, bond at football games/practices, and begin seeing each other.

    2. Jenna, seeking companionship and a little levity in her life, manages to reconnect with Dave. The two grow close, and eventually become an item.



    1. Dave may act a fool, but he likely hasn’t forgotten what went down before. Since he’s a nice guy and he wasn’t humiliated or anything before, will link with Jenna if that does indeed happen.



      1. “y’all gonna make me act a fool. Up in here, up in here…”


    2. hahah number 2 would be like manny/jt! making me talking about craig/ashley/manny make a little sense. it’s not the exact same. kc has totally different relationships but still…one guy…dated 2 girls…nerdy guy wanting hot girl…



  35. I really enjoy this episode. For these reasons.

    After KC left Clare I have not like him at all so by him doing this is another excuse not to like him but since Jenna arrived at Degrassi is the first time I like her character.

    Connor’s plot (Creepy= cool)

    Anya & Riley: I have done that with my friends. LOL It reminded me so much of my friends when we go out to the mall or some place.

    Great ep!



  36. thecosmiccheese August 18, 2010 at 10:29 am

    Actually, I don’t think the C plot was quite as pointless as you thought it was. It was kinda slow, but i think the writers wanted to remind us of Riley and Anya’s relationship before they both plot to win over Zane in the next episode. I thought it was cute :)

    I was amazed by how much i enjoyed Jenna’s plot! Plus, her brother’s super hot, WOW.



    1. NeverShoutNever August 18, 2010 at 11:54 am

      Jenna’s brother looks a little bit like Kelly



  37. This was jenna`s best acting to date I believed her especially in her fight with kc.
    Im pretty sure kc is going to turn bad in the 2nd half of the season aka hang out with fitz owen and bianca. people compare sean a lot to kc but sean would never do an asshole move like that. I don’t care how good your life is and why is it all on jenna to use birth control is the drug store out of condoms lol. pretty good episode couldn’t agree more on conor`s plot it ended too fast I really hope she comes back in the 2nd half of the season. Can’t wait for tonight more eli/claire and the riley plot is interesting.



  38. The whole Jenna and KC plot reminds me of the whole Liberty and JT pregnancy plot.



  39. Only liked KC in the very beginning in season 8 when he was first introduced. After the episode that shows Clare getting jealous I just instantly disliked him.



  40. This episode was bitter sweet for me…

    One on hand I was super happy that KC FINALLY left Jenna.

    On the other hand, though, I was disappointed in KC. I don’t think he should have left her like that especially during the time that she really needs him.

    I think Jenna should have gone to the doctor sooner so they would have had more options but I don’t think Jenna was going to get an abortion anyway so I doubt it would have made a difference.

    I hope KC doesn’t come crawling back saying he’s sorry and wants to be apart of the kids life and all that for two reasons:

    1. I don’t like KC and Jenna together
    2. If he comes back and Jenna takes him back, I would just write off those two characters off my list. That would mean that after KC left her to fend for herself during one of the most difficult times in her life, she would just take him back like nothings wrong and I would not like that at all. :/

    I really enjoyed the Connor plot. I thought it was very interesting especially how Connor got all mad at his friends and family for trying to protect him just because he has asbergers(sorry, I don’t know how to spell) and it would interupt his, like Kary said, daily routine.

    I was proud of Connor (lol) when he got out of the car as soon as she started touching his leg. It shows that he really does have common sense and gives me hope that he won’t do anything stupid or destructive. haha Does anybody else realize how much Connor has changed since he first came to Degrassi?

    It also makes me sad with the lack of communication between KC, Connor, Alli, and Clare. When they first came to Degrassi, they were all best friends. Clare especially with Connor and now we haven’t even seen them interact… at all. Same with Alli. I can understand KC because of the break up but it makes sad how none of them even interact anymore… but I guess thats part of Degrassi high school. :/

    I couldn’t agree with you more on the Anya/Riley plot. During the first part of this episode, I thought they were cute and I was getting really interested in what would happen but during the second part all we found out was that Anya had a crush on the doctor (which I already knew because of the way she was looking at him in part 1) and that Riley liked Zane(which we already knew, again, because of part 1). It wasn’t that great of a subplot this time.

    Only 6 more Degrassis:(



    1. yes thank you! were are the gifted niners from season 8! lol. i really agree. there were the 4 of them and that was that. then we had to introduce new characters and separate them all!



  41. KC really showed his true “douche-assness” in this episode. I never really like the character and he made me see why. He is just a whiny person and I can’t stand that. When things get hard he leaves, when things don’t go his way he blames everyone else or always thinks that someone is trying to do him wrong. With this episode it also showed that he was selfish! To only think about his life and not think about Jenna’s life like it was not going to be affected also was just wrong!! And of course leaving your 5 month pregnant girlfriend because you don’t want to take care of your responsibility…….KC has officially moved up on my Crap List! Luckily for him Owen, Fitz and Bianca take the top 3!



  42. Finale Week Episodes

    DEGRASSI – “Purple Pills” (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2)
    Monday, August 23 and Tuesday August 24 at 9 p.m. ET
    Fiona has been seeing a therapist to deal with the trauma of Bobby’s abuse, but overwhelmed with anxiety she turns to the next best thing – champagne. Riley is ready to make his relationship with Zane public but when a university football recruiter shows interest, Riley starts having second thoughts. When Eli cancels guy’s night with Adam to hang out with Clare, Adam makes a new friend, Fitz. But after a humiliating incident Adam is ready to take on Fitz and the bullies all by himself.

    DEGRASSI – “All Falls Down” (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2)
    Wednesday, August 25 and Thursday August 26 at 9 p.m. ET
    Holly J and Sav manage to convince Mr. Simpson to ignore the PTA ruling to cancel the Night in Vegas dance by promising to keep the event trouble free. Drew is suppose to go with his girlfriend Alli, but when Bianca steps in with a proposition he can’t refuse, his relationship with Alli is put to the test. Meanwhile, Fitz promises to end his fight with Eli on one condition – Clare must to go to the dance with him. But when Eli refuses to back down things get out of hand putting the fate of Degrassi Community School in jeopardy.



    1. What I want to know is why the hell Adam is hanging out with Fitz after how he treated him. Also, as much as I love Eclare, Eli is a dick for ditching his best friend for Clare. I hope she wasn’t in on it, too. -_-



    2. I hope nothing bad happens to fitz. He may be an ass but he’s s damn good bully, and he brings more drama to the show. Plus he’s really cute.



    3. holy balls!



    4. omgsh I AM SO EXCITED lol
      these plots sound amazing. I’m especially excited to see what happens with Adam and fitz…



    5. Dear Riley,
      This is going to sound really rude but you need to hear it. Just because you like balls doesn’t mean you can’t have any. Grow a pair and GET THE HELL OVER YOURSELF!!!!!! Good day.



    6. Adam now wants to become buddy-buddy with Fitz?

      Even in Degrassi-land(where hardly anything makes sense), that is really stretching it.

      If they kill off Fitz, boo-urns.



      1. I doubt it’ll be a lasting friendship


      2. I’m gonna call the shipping name for Clare and Fitz



      3. I’m more of a fan of “Clitz” :p


    7. Oh Sh*t! D: the anticipation is killing me.



      1. That’s what Eli’s dead girlfriend said…


    8. I don’t get why Fitz would like Clare. I’d think he’d like the ‘hot’ girls.



      1. Because this is Degrassi. Everyone likes whoever is most convenient for the writers :P


      2. Remember his character description says that he likes smart girls? Well, it’s on teennick, but I was so sure that a loooonnnggg time ago, Kary had the character descriptions on here. Just lettin ya know(:


    9. Adam seems like the type who would be easy to forgive. So maybe in Purple Pills Fitz “apologizes” in a convincing manner, and Adam forgives him. But Fitz probably did it just so that he can embarrass Adam in the long run, so when he finds that out he’s gonna kick some Fitz ass.

      I don’t think it’s that bad that Eli wanted to hang out with Clare instead of Adam. Bros before hoes, but sometimes the hoe just gotta go first, ya kno bra?

      It’s not like Adam and Eli aren’t friends anymore. From the 2 week promo, it’s clear that when Adam goes after Fitz, Eli is helping him.



    10. @Melissa
      Omfg. I am soo excited. I’m anxious to see everyone’s plots.
      Fiona-I knew that the drinking in DTM was just the beginning of an addiction to it.
      Riley-I’m happy that he at first was going to bring it public, but now I’m just disappointed that he’s having second thoughts.
      Eli-I don’t really think that it’s that bad that he chose Clare over Adam. I mean, they are gonna be dating, so Adam shouldn’t get too mad.
      Adam-Really? I can’t believe he’s gonna try to be friends with Fitz. But, I can see Fitz saying sorry, and Adam being naive and forgiving him, just to have Fitz screw him over. But, I am glad that we have Fitz, because he is one of the best bullies, since Jay. Honestly, he may even be better. Not that I don’t like Jay, because he has always been one of my favorites, I just mean, he’s more extreme than Jay. On bully level. Lol.
      I honestly have nothing to say about Holly J. and Sav anymore. I know I may get some thumbs down for this, but they just don’t interest me anymore. Anya knows now, and Holly J. is feeling fine without Declan, even though I’m sure he will try to contact her again, and she will probably end up going back to him, and Sav doesn’t seem to feel bad either. So..
      Drew, Drew, Drew. Shame on you! =P Haha, but no, he just got back with Alli, after trying really hard to get her, and then he’s just gonna throw that way for Bianca. I have to say, I am excited for that plot. And I think that they don’t go to the dance together, because of that one scene where Owen is paying Alli….Hmmm…
      And finally, Fitz, Eli, and Clare. I saw it coming from the first episode, and when we got the character descriptions. Fitz likes smart girls, and he also likes to get back at people, like Eli. And Clare is not only smart, but very pretty at that. And then Fitz and Eli have been neck to neck, so..
      All in all, I’m super excited for these episodes, but very sad that it will be the last of TBP



    11. They did say Fitz liked smart girls! I love how the writers have been dropping subtle hints about future plots all throughout this season.



    12. These episodes sound good but if the most damage is between eli and fitz then i believe it is eli who simpson tells “there will be consequences”



  43. NeverShoutNever August 18, 2010 at 11:59 am

    Here are the lyrics for “Purple Pills”

    I take a couple uppers
    I down a couple downers
    But nothing compares
    To these blue and yellow purple pills
    I been to mushroom mountain
    Once or twice but who’s countin’
    But nothing compares
    To these blue and yellow purple pills

    Cool, calm, just like my mom
    With a couple of Valium inside her palm
    It’s Mr. Mischief with a trick up his sleeve
    To roll up on you like Christopher Reeves
    I can’t describe the vibe I get
    When I drive by 6 people
    And 5 I hit
    Ah shit
    I started a mosh pit
    Squashed a bitch
    And stomped the foster kids
    These shrooms make me hallucinate
    Then I sweat till I start losing weight
    Till I see dumb shit start happenin’
    Dumber than Vanilla Ice trying to rap again
    So bounce, bounce, c’mon bounce
    I said c’mon bounce
    Everybody in the house with a half an ounce
    Not weed I meant coke dumb ass sit down
    We don’t bullshit, better ask around
    D12 throws the bombest bash in town
    Bizarre, your mom is passing out
    Get her ass on the couch ‘fore she crashes out

    [Kon Artist & Kuniva]
    Fuck that, someone help Denaun
    He’s upstairs naked with a weapon drawn
    Hey Von
    You see me stepping on these leprechauns?
    It gotta be acid cause the X is gone
    Ya I took them all dog with some parmesian
    And I think my arm is gone
    It’s probably numb
    Young, dumb, and full of cumm
    And I think he ’bout to swallow his tongue
    Scary ass it was a false alarm
    You think I’m ’bout to die when I just got on
    So stop acting stupid
    You so high
    That you might wake up with a guy
    On some new shit
    I think I did too much
    This substance equals cups
    Red pills, blue pills, and green
    Big pills (That’s ill)


    Dirty Dozen
    80 of us
    Shady brothers
    Ladies love us
    That’s why our baby mothers
    Love us but they hate each other
    They probably wanna take each other out
    And date each other
    Some-, something, something, something
    Something, something, something, something

    Pop pills
    Pills I pop
    Pop two pills
    On stilts I walk
    Snorted two lines that were filled with chalk
    Thought it was Incredible I killed the Hulk
    I wanna roll away
    Like a rollerblade
    Until my eyes roll back in my skull for days
    And when I’m old and gray
    Look for coke to smoke
    I overdose
    When I pack up my nose with coke
    *cough cough cough*
    Am I supposed to choke
    Had an accident when the Trojan broke
    Ah, poor baby
    Born by whore lady
    And I’m gonna strangle a – (You’re crazy!)

    I pop four E’s at one time
    And I don’t need water when I’m swallowing mine
    (You got any shroom?)
    Does Bizarre smoke crack?
    We can’t get job
    Because our arms show tracks
    Why the hell you niggas think I rap?
    I do it just to get your company hijacked
    If you like smack
    Then I might too
    (Swift, chill)
    I just wanna get high like you
    And I don’t give a damn if they white or blue
    Speed, shrooms, down the Valiums
    Even smoke weed outta vacuums
    I just got some and I’m going back soon


    I’m at rave
    Looking like a slave
    High off chronic
    Gin and tonic demonic
    Body smelt like vomit
    Pussy poppin’, acid-dropping, dope heavy guy
    Heroine mescaline pencilneck, wanna try
    Blue pills, golden seals
    Got Bizarre actin’ ill
    Drugs kill (Yeah, right)
    Bitch I’m for real
    Shut your mouth you dirty slut
    You know you want it in your butt
    I’ll put it in your cunt
    Let Bizarre nutt




    1. Gee, thanks? I’m sure those last four lines the song are DEFINITELY going to apply to Degrassi.



      1. Dear Clare,

        Shut your mouth you dirty slut
        You know you want it in your butt
        I’ll put it in your cunt
        Let Bizarre nutt

        – Eli


        OMGGGG ELI!!!!!!!!!!!!



    2. Every week before an episode I listen to the song and I’m in love with this song. :)



  44. Me+Clare=ByeByeEli August 18, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    I really loved this second half of the episode. Jenna’s acting has really improved in this episode. This is by far her best performance, since the ‘dieting’ episode was one of her let-downs. I loved that she was confused about what to do. I also loved that she was passionate and caring, seeing as how she want to go through with the late abortion for her safety, and how she wanted to keep the baby, seeing as how it was ‘their fate.’

    I’ve never hated K.C.; I just see his motives as a very huge character development. This episode referenced me to the line that Clare had said in season 9: “He always wants to blame others besides himself.” Since then, he’s blamed Clare for their failed relationship and Jenna for being pregnant, but he’s forgetting one main thing: He was involved in both, and messed up. I think that his inner conflict will boil when he switches over to the ‘dark side.’ His little get-together with Bianca and Fitz couldn’t have only been the first few seconds in the previous episode (I forgot the title. FACEPALM!) As the great Dumbledore once said, I predict that K.C. will have to decide on doing ‘what’s right and what’s easy.’

    Connor’s plot, to me, felt rushed but was also good because I feel that we’ll see LoveQueen16 again when we’re playing Realm of Doom in the Media Immersion’s lab. Although Emma’s story in the series premiere was similar and only lasted two episodes, it was good enough to want more. I feel that Connor’s storyline will stretch, showing more Wesley and the tolerable side of Dave. But, it’s kind of funny that these certain stories dealing with online pedophiles deal with a teenage character connected to Snake (Emma is his stepdaughter; Connor is his godson.) Not saying I would want to see a story like this again, but I would’ve wanted another character to get involved, although I can’t see any as naive as Connor and Emma in their situations. I loved how the storyline didn’t revolve around their relationship, but on Connor’s Asperger’s. Great thumbs up!

    I really liked Subplot 2 in these two episodes. Although Part 2’s Subplot 2 was long and a little boring, it really built up into Riley’s next story and showed us that Anya and Riley are still great friends. I love the chemistry that the two have. If Riley wasn’t gay, I would imagine him with Anya. I just think that they could make each other happy. Although I do love the Sanya stories and would miss them :(. I enjoy these two characters so much!

    Now, tonight, bring on Eclare! I love Rane or Ziley (Whatever it’s called), but I am so happy for Clare and Eli’s subplot. I feel that they’ve been on vacation for a while during these last few episodes, and have felt deprived. But now that they’re coming back, I’m going to be happy. Somehow, I compare Eclare to Semma. Good Girl/Bad Boy type, I don’t know. I just wanna see more Clare and dive into Eli’s story. I hope in the second half of the season, we’ll finally get an episode from Eli’s point of view (His home, family, friends, inner conflict)

    These last six episodes look promising for a mid-season finale! Can’t wait!



    1. Isn’t it strange that Snake taught Media Immersion, but the two kids connected to him were both attracted to pedophiles? That makes me wonder a little about his teaching methods, or rather the quality of them. Hopefully Ms. Oh doesn’t have any kids at home, or we may see this plot again. Haha.



  45. I agree with this review 100%. As much as I LOVE anything having to do with Ziley, or the Anya/Riley friendship, it was kind of a pointless plot. Can’t wait for them tonight, though :D !!
    And I hope that sexy beast lovequeen16 comes back again. She has so much potential LOL jk



  46. I could not disagree more with the ratings. Jenna, no matter what she does, simply infuriates me. I didnt see a scared innocent young girl who had abig decision to make on screen. I saw a STUPID SELFISH girl who once prided herself on being a “boyfriend stealer” (methods used are now rather obvious). For five freaking months she put a childs life in jeapordy because she was in denial about the consequences of her decisions?Not only that but Jessica’s acting was horrendous. Yes she has improved but she is still well below the mark of decent. I agree that KC was wrong on every level, and that Sam’s acting was very good- among the few redeeming things in this plot.

    I though Connors plot deserved a better grade simply for the scene after he gets out of the car. He’s holding all his stuff in an empty school parking lot and it just really epitomizes what i think the character was feeling at that moment.

    I loved the sprikles of Anya and Riley. It doesnt come off as a forced friendship as many others on the show have. The more i see of Anya on her own without Holly J or Sav, the more I like her. I still think the guy who plays Riley is a bad actor, very awkward in delivering serious lines or pretending to be joking around. I think this part is just as necessary as others hsve been regarding long term plots.



    1. Apparently you are some professional actor who knows everything on acting or something…. ..

      … . .. . .
      seriously people need to shut up about rating peoples acting, it’s ok to have an opinion, but when you just flat say “Jessica’s acting was horrendous…well below the mark of decent” it gets rediculous. Jessica obviously got the part for the reason. They wouldn’t hire someone who was a terrible actor.



      1. if you don’t like my opinion don’t read it, but i have just as much right as anybody to critique performance. just as you have the right to disagree. i stand by my opinions: Jessica is, in my opinion, a bad actress. i think they could have done a lot better.


      2. Her dad is a director, obviously he knew someone on the show or was in some way involved int eh show because is a poor actress(although improving)


      3. I’m not a physcic. I don’t know what you are gonna say.


    2. “I didnt see a scared innocent young girl who had abig decision to make on screen. I saw a STUPID SELFISH girl who once prided herself on being a “boyfriend stealer”” Wow, how is the “boyfriend stealer” reference relevant? I think a guy dumping his pregnant girlfriend just because she is going through with THEIR pregnancy is way worse than dating your friend’s ex boyfriend right after they broke up. Really, I think that statement you made was a bit unreasonable and silly. What happened between Clare/KC/Jenna was everyday high school drama that we all go through, what is going on with Jenna now is a real world problem that she will struggle with for the rest of her life, and that goes for KC too if he ever comes around.



  47. What I don’t get is why can’t eli, claire, and adam hang together? And adam what’s wrong with you hanging with fitz ? Purple pills sounds like it will be amazing and so does all falls down can’t wait!
    And wow fiona drinking=ellie flashbacks from jessie`s girl and degrassi goes hollywood.



    1. Pretty obvious why Clare, Eli and Adam can’t hangout together.

      Clare is incredibly jealous. Just wait until she catches Adam and Eli making out in the boiler room.

      Clare needs a relationship with a real manly man like Fitz before KC eventually knocks her up.



      1. She should sleep with Griffin.


      2. Adam likes girls dude……


      3. Nothing get by you, Spongebob


      4. I was talking about Claire, but hey, if you wanna interpret my lame attempt at humor as a misunderstanding of transgenders, go for it.


      5. I find all of you guys funny. Haha. And Joe, not being mean, but I think that spongebob was talking to Lame.


    2. fiona’s storyline reminds me of paige. no it isn’t the same thing..rape/abuse but it happened to them. and i’m glad fiona’s is being addressed in the same season instead of 2 seasons later. her drinking is destructive behavior and it reminds me of paige going crazy and crashing spinners car. we already know fiona likes to drink, they’ve shown it alot and i guess this drinking’ll be worse than making out with your own brother.



  48. Okay, I understand why everybody is saying KC is a douche. He is. But not because of the Jenna thing. I kind of understand where he is coming from. He literally just found out that Jenna was pregnant. Then the next day he finds out that not only is she pregnant but shes already half way through the pregnancy. She did take away some options by being a friggin moron (who, might i add, ALSO was running from a problem).
    But he really did JUST find out about it. He still can come back the next day or so and say he over reacted.
    Also, maybe he’s scared that he might end up just like his parents did for having a child at such a young age. And maybe, he might be an awful parent like they were.

    One more thought… I was thinking that Zane (shannon) is only billed as a guest star… maybe he gets killed? or gay bashed really bad?
    I don’t know. Just thoughts.



    1. Re: Zane

      OMG! Don’t give the writers any uneccesary ideas. But, you’re right – why isn’t Shannon a regular?

      I really like his character, and I’m probably not the only one who wants Ziley to materialize. Please keep Zane around!



      1. Probably because hes a minor character. I think the Zane/Riley plot is going to be a shortish plot like Conners was sooo yeah.


  49. Also.. the casting for the smaller side roles, like KC’s mom and LoveQueen, is absolutely AMAZING.



  50. So this means that Eli was lying about leading Clare on… and they do end up together.



  51. they probably will sort it out in pt.2 after the secret theres still hope! but if they “REMAIN FRIENDS” ill be so let down mad and frustrated lol



  52. Wasnt Owen only supposed to be in 4episodes? So far he has been involved in more episodes ans story lines then some main characters *Cough*Leia*Cough*



    1. Owen, Fitz and Zane are casted as recurring characters but they’ve been in a lot of episodes, even main plots and are still in plots in the last 6 episodes. Leia is only in one episodes the entire season and we have already seen that episode. So Leia is done.



  53. OMG for those people out there calling Jenna stupid for not realizing that she was pregnant for 5 months, you guys really don’t know anything about pregnancies do you? All women don’t just “know” they’re pregnant the second it happens. As a matter of fact, go watch TLC’s “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” those women did “worse” than Jenna, because most of them didn’t realize they were pregnant until the day of conception.

    Sometimes the symptoms aren’t obvious until it’s too late. Actually, for Jenna it makes perfect sense that she wouldn’t notice her missed period because she thought she was fat, which makes girls miss their periods a lot. That actually happened to me once, I thought I was pregnant because I started feeling dizzy, and I missed 2 periods in a row. But my doctor told me it was likely because I’m a bit over weight, and the dizziness was because of me anti-depressants.

    So you see guys, it’s perfectly understandable that Jenna didn’t know she was pregnant, mostly because it was the last thing on her mind at the time, so she shrugged it off until Alli stepped in and convinced her to take the test, so Kudos to you Ali.



    1. It’s not like she had no idea. She was obviously talking about it with Alli for a while before she even took the test. I think she was refusing to take the test because deep down she *knew* but didn’t want the confirmation.
      Jennas dumb.
      And the day of “conception” happens when the egg is fertilized. Not birth.



    2. She knew she was Preggo she was in denial she said so to the doctor cause the doctor said and you didnt know you wer pregnat? she said yea i guess i didnt want to believe it she wanted it to go away but obviously it didnt. Its like when someone dies the st. stage is denial jenna was in denial of her pregnacy she wasnt sure but she had a feeling but thought it was going to go away and her life would remain the same.



    3. i know people don’t know their pregnant sometimes but it’s really annoying for jenna not to know so long just because it’s in our show! and like the comments above said..she said she thought she could be but denied it. which is just dumb and that makes her dumb.



    4. A) Jenna isn’t fat.
      B) She missed her period for the entire time. 5 months. of never checking.
      C) She had various other symptoms
      D) She admitted herself she showed all those warnign signs, but didn’t want to check because she was “scared” and “hoped it would go away”, which hey, she’s a selfish immature teenager. It’s understandable.

      Am I the only one that’s more annoyed with the fact that she isnt considering the baby AT ALL. Like

      A baby isn’t going to get in HER way of being a star, despite how much stress it will put on the baby and her.

      KC is going to make HER go through it alone, she shows no indication of the fact that KC ditched her AND her daughter. She has to go through this without a significant other–Which is terrible. But she’s hardly alone.
      her daughter doesnt get a father.

      She WAS considering abortion, but there were health risks FOR HER.

      It’s ust weird that she’s shown NO INTEREST in the actual child, but rather how this child is going to effect HER. and thats it. The doctor volunteered the info that the baby was fine, and she was basicallylike “ok.” Why? because she was scared because HER life is now upside down.

      Bah. We’ll see.

      I just don’t like her as a character.

      Also, how long have Jenna and KC been together? I thought they got together in like, June? May? Right before prom right?

      Like, did they just start having sex instantly or something?



      1. They probably did jump straight to sex…After all, it seemed like they were definitely going to do it in that episode where K.C.’s coach interrupted.


      2. well lets seeeeeeee, basketball is a winter sport, and they were in the championships when that happened so let’s say it was late march, early april. This is in the second last week of the boiling point so i would think this episode took place along mid Novemberish, and she is 5 months along so lets see, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. 8 months, give or take. So along the lines of 3 months the magic moment happened lol.


      3. Let’s face it, KC and Jenna are both ridiculously selfish.

        I really hope Jenna becomes “The Next Teen Star.” She’d get what she wants, and she’d move to LA…far, far away from Degrassi.


  54. hey guys check this tweet from Stephen Stohn about leaks

    @stephenstohn If tonight’s or tomorrow’s episode leaks, please let me know! Thanks!

    it seems that the leaks of upcoming episodes are over…..






  56. As usual, part two blew me away. in comparison to part one, it was far better. Although i am sad to see KC be, for lack of a better termm, an ass, i am glad to see that the degrassi writers are exploring this option. in past pregnacncies we always see a supportive father…this is my opinion, seems more realistic, and is a change of pace. i wonder what is going to happen, and i can’t wait to see how it plays out.

    I enjoyed the Conor and Lovequeen16 storyline. I think that it puts more emphasis on how dangerous, all aspects of the internet can be. The actor who plays conor does so well! i have to give him a two thumbs up!

    Anya and Riley’s story didn’t seem to have a point, but in the end it is made very clear that it is the opening for whatever is about to happen between Zane and Riley.

    i am enjoying how each two part episode has a conclusive ending, but at the same time has a steady chain linking all the episodes together.



  57. heres some episode descriptions for next week

    DEGRASSI – “Purple Pills” (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2)
    Monday, August 23 and Tuesday August 24 at 9 p.m. ET
    Fiona has been seeing a therapist to deal with the trauma of Bobby’s abuse, but overwhelmed with anxiety she turns to the next best thing – champagne. Riley is ready to make his relationship with Zane public but when a university football recruiter shows interest, Riley starts having second thoughts. When Eli cancels guy’s night with Adam to hang out with Clare, Adam makes a new friend, Fitz. But after a humiliating incident Adam is ready to take on Fitz and the bullies all by himself.

    DEGRASSI – “All Falls Down” (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2)
    Wednesday, August 25 and Thursday August 26 at 9 p.m. ET
    Holly J and Sav manage to convince Mr. Simpson to ignore the PTA ruling to cancel the Night in Vegas dance by promising to keep the event trouble free. Drew is suppose to go with his girlfriend Alli, but when Bianca steps in with a proposition he can’t refuse, his relationship with Alli is put to the test. Meanwhile, Fitz promises to end his fight with Eli on one condition – Clare must to go to the dance with him. But when Eli refuses to back down things get out of hand putting the fate of Degrassi Community School in jeopardy.

    Quick comments: GO ADAM Take down all the Bullies
    and THANKS Eli for contributing to lockdown >.< lets see how the fangirls like him after that lol



    1. B D Ram/Tiberius August 18, 2010 at 3:06 pm

      Yeah we’ve seen how Eli handles Fitz (Fitz gets arrested and how Drew handles Fitz ( Drew gets his ass kicked). So it will be interesting to see what Adam’s way is.



      1. It seems like Eli’s and Drew’s violent methods have been rubbing off Adam, since he punches Fitz in the stomach in one of the promos.


    2. Reading Comprehension August 18, 2010 at 3:28 pm

      Seriously people..look before you post



    3. adam should make a new friend named fiona



    4. Thanks for posting descriptions!

      but I’m confused by your “thanks Eli” comment. Maybe it’s just me, but from the description it sounds like he basically refused to whore Clare out, and because he wasn’t a douche who sold Clare to a creep, bad things happen?

      Course’ I could be missing something big. But yeah, the whole “hey I’ll stop fucking with you if you let me take this chick to the dance” from a guy whose obviously unstable in some form is like…i dunno. sketch.




  58. Yeahhhh he could’ve single handedly started the whole lockdown and I’d still love him! LOL!



  59. I’m thinking that they might go in a completely different direction with this pregnancy. Maybe something will happen and Jenna will have a miscarriage, or even worse the baby is stillborn or there is a complication that makes Jenna chose between her life and the baby’s life.

    This may be TOO MUCH (yes, even for Degrassi!), but I think it could be an interesting storyline to watch unfold.



  60. I used to love k.c. as the kind unsuperficial one who went for clare but now he’s just a superficial ridiculous jock who cares for nothing but himself and his popularity..

    jenna. you’re sweeet but all i gotta say is KARMAAA

    the thought of k.c. and jenn having sex freaks me out a little..i can’t picture k.c. doing that hahaha i dont know why

    Also ,

    I don’t think that lovequeen will have to do anything with the lockdown, connor got her license place and simpson refrenced to calling the police as well. she’s a total creeper but she’s smarter than that.



  61. I can’t wait for tonights episode! Yeep!



  62. does anyone else get really annoyed by fangirlness? i cant stand people just talking about how attractive someone is on the show. like, “OMG, ELI IS SOO HOT! <3" just bothers me…

    dont get me wrong though, eli's cool hahah.



    1. Amen. Eli’s my favorite S10 newbie, but the Edwardism around him is getting kinda dumb. especially in the episodes where he’s not in, seeing like 5 OMG WHERES ELI IN THIS EPISODE comments. it’s Degrassi, not the Eli and Claire show. lmao



      1. I agree with you both. I totally love Eli, but it gets annoying with the, “OMG WHERE IS ELI IN THIS FRIGGIN EPISODE??????”, “Omfg. I LOOOOVVVEEE Eli!<3", "Clare needs to back off, because Eli is MINEEEEEE!!:DD<3", etc.
        I understand your love for Eli, but come on.


      2. Wait…I’m confused. In the “Fortnight” universe, isn’t Declan the Edwardian character? Wouldn’t that make Eli a werewolf?

        Kidding aside, Eli is too cool for school.


  63. What’s the C Plot in the ep tonight?



    1. ah man I wish I knew…I think I saw somewhere on yahoo answers that somebody said it had something to do with sav but I have no idea



  64. i heard somewhere its declan contacting fiona about bobby ? setting up for monday and tuesday episode.



    1. ohh okay! that makes more sense:)



  65. […] Degrassi Episode (and Video) Review: Tears Dry On The Own Pt. 2 [WARNING: THIS EPISODE REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS] […]



  66. I agree Ryan. I mean, I like Munro and I think he is cute but I’m not like AHHH I LOVE ELI! I think his character is cool and he is a good actor but I don’t like him just because he is attractive. Fangirls piss me off. :o)



  67. I missed the first showing and now im missing the replay, NOW I NEED LEAKS >.<



  68. I really wished Conner’s plot lasted longer. But it was good while it lasted :D
    I womder if LoveQueen will come back once they got the cops on her :O



  69. Hi Kary!
    I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve watched one of your video reviews. I’ve been reading Degrassi Blog for a while now, pretty much the last two seasons, but I’ve only been reading the reviews and visiting the links you’ve posted. I’m very glad I did watch the video review, because it was great!

    It was so funny and entertaining, and I completley agree with your episode grades. I loved that you had actual clips of the episodes too, that just made it more enjoyable for me!

    I’m so impressed how quickly you make these videos and reviews, and they’re very good too! And the last bit of the videos (“Free Sex and STD’s” and “Emma is a whore”) made me laugh soooo hard!

    Keep up the exceptional work!!
    Love the site!




  70. Did anyone else cry during Still Fighting It, tonight, when Riley is at the LGBT meeting, or just me? :[



    1. I did tear up quite a bit when Riley said, “I’m a homophobe.” It was such an eye-opening moment for him, and the way he and Zane started crying…It just broke my heart.



  71. did anyone notice when Wesley voulentered to tutor drew drew said “i usually get help from Alli Bhandari”

    hold up last time i checked they were DATING so he should have said GF not her full govt name. lol

    sorry found that odd :P



    1. I didn’t think it was that strange…He probably didn’t want to say “my girlfriend” in front of a teacher. It kind of makes it look like he isn’t as dedicated :P



  72. I agree, this was a very good episode. I still dont think KC’s the father of the baby. There was just something weird about Jenna talking to the nurse about how far she was. Maybe KC will come around and want to be the dad and find out that he isnt even the father.
    And i would love for Connor’s stalker person to come back for the lockdown. She looks creepy enough to do something like that.



    1. KC isn’t the father? Who else could it possibly be? Dave?



  73. I had a bit of a problem with this episode, mainly because I feel the writers purposely decided to delay Jenna’s knowledge of her pregnancy to cross off the possibility of an abortion. If Degrassi really wants to be “real,” they need to reflect REAL situations and decisions of teens. 1/3 of teen pregnancies end in an abortion. That is the reality of most teens, ignoring it in the media just heightens the stigma on abortion.



    1. I disagree, how many pregnancies have their been on the show? Three and I’m not counting Mia because we never saw her while she was pregnant. So Manny had an abortion, that’s 1/3. Liberty didn’t and Jenna won’t so that equals the 2/3 of teen pregnancies that don’t end in abortion. I also thought it was ‘real’ the way Jenna acted, not wanting to confirm it. I feel as though I would want to do the same. Anyways, I thought it was the best episode Jenna’s ever been in. Although KC acted like a scumbag, he pulled it off amazingly. For me this was a good episode.



      1. While you are right about the statistics of 1/3 on Degrassi, I think that exploring the option of abortion and the abortion pill (RU486) through characters is very important. Also, remember that the episode when Manny had an abortion was not shown in the US. TeenNick has a large viewing audience in the United States, so it is definitely possible that the writers chickened out of an abortion plot to keep ratings.


      2. @saraj
        actually it was aired in the States. I remember watching it.


  74. We gone be back on top baby. Back on top!!!!! Laughed Out Loud.



  75. Did anyone else see the week 6 Degrassi the boiling point promo?! It showed someone holding a knife…It was all dark so I couldn’t tell who it was(I heard that it was Fitz…I’m not sure) And Ali was asked drew “Why is Bianca sending you sexy photos of herself?” (or something like that)It would be really messed up if Drew is with Bianca after all that happened to his step brother, Adam. I also saw Adam punch Fitz..I think. I have horrible memory! I can’t wait!!!



  76. what if degrassi is pulling a prank on us and there really is no boiling point and this whole season is a lie.



  77. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/lalatina15/degrassi/season 10 promos/s10 e23/degrassi_all_falls_down_008HR.jpg

    Found this pic:)



  78. LMAO! Kary I love your video reviews. I agree, I think the Connor situation ended a bit to abruptly.

    Also am I the only one who had the oh so creepy Mary Kay Letourneau story in the back of their mind when they were watching this episode. Connor’s story juat reminded me of that.



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