youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smuFx9n6Jd0

MAIN PLOT:  Drew tries to make things right with Alli.
Right out of the gate Drew explains that he doesn’t want to be tied down to one girl (aka Alli), and that he felt like Alli did his assignment for him because she thought he was dumb.  Drew tries to move onto bigger fish by asking Marisol out.  But things aren’t as great as they seem when he realizes how boring Marisol is, so he tries to win Alli back.

I like how the tables are turned in this plot; in Part 1 it was Alli chasing Drew, but now the shoe is on the other foot.  I also like how Alli isn’t willing to forgive him easily.  He’s forced into begging and throwing himself at her with all he’s got.  And him being self conscious about being perceived as dumb adds the element that finally convinces me he’s being genuine.

Now I don’t know if I like Alli/Drew as a couple.  Alli is actually NOT annoying in the episode, but still I don’t get excited at the thought of seeing her or Drew on screen.  However, I really liked how well Part 2 was written, enough to overcome any apathy toward those two.

Random thought: Drew went to KC for help with finding girls. Dude, you’re currently the STARTING QUARTERBACK for the football team…do you really need help?

SUBPLOT 1:  Holly J is confused about her feelings for Sav.
Sav likes Holly J…but she doesn’t like him.  Or at least that’s what she tells Fiona (as she also tries to convince herself).  But she can’t deny that she likes him, while at the same time she’s not over Declan.

Rebound much?  And Fiona’s there to constantly remind her of that.  Now Sav and Holly J come to the conclusion that they can be together no strings attached.  I like that they’re not taking things seriously, and that Holly J even states that their fling could randomly end at anytime (wouldn’t you have loved this kind of warning from your all-time favorite Degrassi couple?).

Even better is that while Sally J is a go, it’s not going to be easy; they’re going to be forced to keep their secret from Anya, who will flip out if she finds out about them (and we know she will, it’s just a matter of when).  It’s a great way to end this episode, but also let us know that their storyline is nowhere close to being over.

SUBPLOT 2:  Connor tries to meet his online girlfriend.
With no date to the dance, Dave and Wesley convinces Connor that he should meet LoveQueen16 in real life.  They go to meet her, and run into a woman who’s way older than they thought.  Connor wants to talk to her, but the guys bail before he introduces himself.

Connor’s plot is really small in this episode, but it’s effective and there’s really no negative to it except for that.  I’m loving the skeptical attitudes of Dave and Wesley and the naive attitude of Connor.  There’s not much to say here except for I’m giving it the same grade as Part 1…there’s plenty more of this plot left to go (seeing as how they’re continuing it over the next four episodes).

Posted by Kary


  1. hey Kary I agree with your grades and interested to see where all this character development goes including Connor since he has aspergers.



  2. im loving Drew this week . He’s actually growing into a great character. Can’t wait for him and Adam in MBIACpt1. &2



  3. I’m very surprised at myself, but I’m rooting for both of the new Degrassi couples. Sav and Holly J. with Drew and Alli. Both of them are so mismatched and right now and I know this episode was a set up for drama-filled episodes to come, but there is something endearing about the both of them. I know my opinion about the two of them could change tomorrow, but for now it’s nice to see them even just for a little while.



    1. yea i like both of the couples not only because i feel that their characters are ready for something different but because holly j and sav can bring future drama with anya and potentially declan and fiona. Drew and ally’s relationship just seems like it will bring the drama very soon so both relationships are good set ups for future problems and storylines



  4. Great review . :)



  5. Great job as usual! I’m loving how humorous Degrassi has been this season. From Anya’s “super bummer” to Savvy J’s recounting of the kiss “wrong, so very/right,” I have had a couple of chuckles each episode. Including of course the break-out star of season 10 – Porcelina! It cracked me up how Fiona dressed that pig up like herself.



    1. Degrassi is more dramatic and realistic this season.



      1. I haven’t really seen that much drama or realistic stuff yet. Correct me if I’m wrong but: there has only been Eli vs Fitz and Fiona vs Bobby that I thought was intense. Now for realistic parts I’ve never seen a school have exercise balls as chairs, I’ve never seen a kid bring a pig to school (as a pet) I’ve seen people do it as pranks, I’m sure kids do fake pregnancy’s but in front of the whole school just for their boyfriend to win student council, Bully’s not standing up for themselves (when Chantay attacks Bianca) nerds asking to touch Boobs (which is more realistic) etc. BUT I’m sure stuff like that has happened and hey, it’s stuff we haven’t seen before so it’s still good!


      2. Well I’m here to correct…Fiona brought the pig to school because she was…(wait for it)…LONELY! Plain and simple no “Ifs, ands, Or buts!” And for the exercise balls…school’s all over the nation are adding senseless things to classes to improve either the “environment”, or “student wellness and health”, and i’ve seen people fake pregnancies for the dumbest of reasons, some to keep boyfriends, some to revenge boyfriends, and one time this girl faked to be pregnant to get out of PE when I was a freshman…so even some may seem far-fetched it actually happens.


      3. I think the reason that they have the balls as chairs to sit on is for the second half of season 10. When the incident happens, they get uniforms. The chairs will change, too. It adds another thing to be more strict.


      4. Yes Fiona is lonely so she buys a pet, but why would she bring it to school? I know fake pregnancy actually happens I said that but did the girl in your school go over the loudspeaker or w/e in front of the whole school and say she was pregnant or had a miscarriage to get out of gym? The balls being a set up for strictness in the second half of the season makes sense, good point. Although I don’t see how having to sit on chairs instead of balls is a punishment lol.


  6. I can’t wait for tonight! I wanna know what Adam’s secret is so badlyy!



    1. Cant you tell hes physically a girl? Hes transgender. I thought everyone knew this



      1. Can’t you understand sarcasm? But if I really didn’t know why would you go and post what the secret is right under my comments. I’m sure some people (obviously people who don’t go to this blog) may not know and they probably wouldn’t want to know until the episode anyway.


      2. Its not a secret, its common sense if youve been watching the episodes. its pretty obvious. you can tell from the promos. p.s how am i supposed to understand sarcasm from a computer


      3. Actually a lot of people dont know, I went on the degrassi FaceBook and ppl where like adam looks familiar like the girl from Life with derek but its a guy(that status got liked a couple of times) Then someone came and cleared up that adam was trans and everyone went “Oh I didnt even think that”


  7. YDKMN was great. Loved when Fiona said “I don’t touch coins.” It’s ironic though, since she was all down Declan’s throat in DTM. Lol :p

    Also can’t wait for tonight!!! MBIAC is gonna rock!!! :)



  8. first time commenter , even though i’ve been reading your reviews since the end of last season.
    but anyway,

    I loved the little parts in this episode with Drew and Adam , “have you ever seen a 80s movie?” “not on purpose , no.”
    but more than that , i liked seeing a less annoying Alli , a interesting Alli.
    i was thinking she would just take him back , because being popularity hungry like Alli , dating the starting quarterback is a rocket to the top.

    i’m not sure how i feel about savvy j , on one hand , they have strong chemistry , she had a crush on him in s7 , they’re completely adorable , and i like seeing Holly j not desperate to be with Declan . On the other hand, i don’t like the fact its a rebound , even if its ‘just for fun’ and ‘nothing serious’

    onto Connor , this plot really interests me. degrassi does good with this type of thing , and Connor is the perfect character for this.
    and thats all i have to say for now.



  9. im excited for the episode tonite and tomorrow but i have a theory for anyone out there. so we know that bianca is going to invite drew to the boiler room and it is most certain that she is going to pull something on drew and alli will find out and engage in a brutal fight. Alli will then get suspended but i think that all the violence that occurs with the characters on degrassi is going to lead to the definite change to uniforms. My question is do you think that the lockdown happens before or after the uniform change?



    1. The lockdown will deff take place before the uniforms. The lockdown is taking place over the summer series and we only have 10 episodes left. The uniforms will be taking place over the 2nd half of the season.



      1. I like how this gets thumbs down when its an obvious fact …


    2. also i know people have been saying that someone from the outside world possibly a bobby. i nver really supported this statement but that could be a possibility because maybe fiona wins the case despite her breakdown with medication. Also because a uniform change is a great way to know who belongs in the school and who doesnt belong. It is possible that we will see more pressure from maybe the mom of drew and adam along with some others after maybe too much violence at degrassi or an intruder coming in from the outside which will lead to simpson putting into effect, a uniform change. But now i support the bobby theory, i also support too much violence, and a bomb threat. You can have a lockdown for a bomb threat but it wouldnt be long. it would be the first step involved in evacutation in some cases.



      1. actually when you have a bomb threat the whole school has to be evacuated. My school gets atleast 2 bomb threats a year so I know from experience.


      2. For it to be a lock down someone has to be in the area or school with a gun, knife etc. But if they have a bomb everyone has to leave.


  10. Personally, I love this episode. Oh and Anya finds out tonight while they’re working on the group project in My Body Is A Cage Part 1. Also, am I the only one to notice that the description for this episode was very misleading? Alli wasn’t pretending, and there was no plan. Up until the point where he wooed her, Alli was done with Drew from the get-go. On one final note, Sanya J. Is DEFINITELY a budding love triangle in the works.



  11. Jennna is deff pregeant. Jessica did a PSA for it.

    Also about the conner storyline, I’m going to go out on a limb here with Connor’s subplot and say that the woman he saw was not his lovequeen16, but was rather her mother or older sister or someone like that.Maybe lovequeen16 was actually smart about the whole “online love affair” thing, told someone older that she liked this kid but didnt want to go alone and find him be a complete pervert.It’s an out there idea but this storyline just wrapped up so quickly, there would be no point to just ending it with them right there. Does anyone agree with me? I think its a reasonable assumption. She’s keeping herself safe



  12. I’m prepared to have the ground open up and swallow me whole for saying this…but I prefer Sav and Holly J over Declan and Holly J. While the Declan and Holly J pairing was cute, I was never very emotionally invested in it. I was not a fan of Declan at all (still am not), and Fiona only grew on me from DTM on. Something about the way Declan and Fiona were introduced in season 9 felt as though the writers were trying to experiment with Gossip Girl-esque characters in a public school universe before knowing what to do with them. And then once the season got rolling, the writers went, “Eh, this won’t really work, will it?” How were the writers going to get these one-dimensional GG caricatures to work within the context of the show when they were so shady and cool in their dealings with other people, and all of the other characters were all up in each other’s business all the time? They’d have to tweak them asap.

    The quickest fix for Declan anyway, was to “tame” him by putting him in a relationship, which would also allow him to interact with more characters. Because he had been introduced as a greatly different character in JCGE, I had trouble being sold on the sincerity of his feelings towards Holly J. It was cute, but the “rich player falling hard for one girl” is something we’ve seen time and time again. It was a cliched, idealized storyline.

    Not only was Declan’s personality totally changed in order to accommodate the relationship, but Holly J, who was once a ball-busting alpha female, suddenly had a universe that revolved around a guy. We know this, and we have griped about this, so there’s no need to elaborate.

    I’m a lot more interested by the complexity and (dare I say?) depth of the “thing” Holly J and Sav have got going on. It’s entirely believable that these two would seek companionship from one another. Kary did a great job of summing those reasons up. I also think it was wise of the writers to not establish them as a couple, and to have them state that they’re lonely, and just having fun for a bit. Maybe if such an angle had been taken with Peter and Mia, instead of crowning them “super power couple of love and wonder” right away, they could have been more bearable.



  13. I think Eli is involved in the lockdown.



    1. He is. Check out degrassi wiki to find out more about it.



  14. I have not liked Sav for the past 3 seasons, but season 10 Sav. I actually like him.



    1. OMG! I know right!!!
      It’s weird liking Sav now lol.



  15. Yeah, Sarah, not trying to be confrontational in any way, but when the creators of Degrassi first introduced the idea of Adam, their initial intention was to make you realize that it was Degrassi’s first transgender, who you will be seeing throughout his entire high school experience. Adam is a boy who was originally born a girl. And if you look up Jordan Todosey, the person who plays him, you’ll notice that it is a girl. On one final note, Marisol is now an automatic turnoff to any man who’s smart enough for decisionmaking. ANYONE who can’t make their own choices is someone who is undateable in anyone’s eyes.



  16. I kind of want Conner and Clare to share a scene.

    Not like romance or anything, but remember when they were best friends and she stood up for him?

    I miss that :(



    1. i know! and all of a sudden Alli and Claire aren’t talking, and Alli is going to lunch with Jenna? WTBalls



  17. So I have to say that I LOVED Adam and Drew acting as siblings.d I love all the sibling pairings at degrassi, mostly because I think degrassi shows how it should be instead of the way my sister treated me through highschool. I think Drew is definatlly more complex that we first thought. I like how the show is bringing out all different sides of that. First he is tough and threatens to out Riley. Then he’s mad and insecure about Alli thinking he’s dumb and from the previews we are going to see major protective brother in the next two day!!



  18. RANDOM THOUGHTS: Season 12 would be the LOGICAL ending point, what with K.C., Connor, Dave, Wesley, Clare, Alli, and Jenna likely being seniors and everything. But if you think about it, if they keep getting high ratings and establishing an affordable budget with the current format(although its “telenovela” status will pretty much cease to exist after August 26th, there’s really no going back). And Stephen Stohn said that they are working on a great spinoff which would air alongside the current series, which supports the fact that it would not focus on the “next generation’s ‘next generation'”



    1. You think that’s a logical ending? If you go by that, you could have said the last season would be when Emma’s class graduated.



      1. Well we haven’t seen any new niners and in season 7 when Emma’s class graduated, we had already met sav and holly j and chantay, etc.


  19. “But the problem is once you go black, you never go back. And since Sav is sorta black in the pants at least.” lmao.



  20. Okay, so, my comments aren’t going through for some reason, but I just wanted to say that I really liked this episode. And if my comment explaining the secret happens to go through, then forgive me Sarah, I thought you were being serious.



  21. LMFAO “once you go black you never go back” =D i agree with ur grades for once. Alli stopped being annoying, HALLELUJAH!!!

    and i was skeptical about the whole Holly J/Sav thing, but seeing them together sprouted sooo many “AWWWWW” moments. they’re so cute together, even cuter than EClare to some extent, because it was so spontaneous and it was a total ZOMG!!!???

    But sadly, by the time they stop being afraid to be in another relationship, they’ll realize it’s not meant to be as well…sigh

    And speaking of Ms.Sinclair, Holly J and Declan kind on remind me of and old couple. They have this sort of “fixed” chemistry that doesn’t give me sparks because it’s kind of tame, like they’re supposed to be together, not like 1,000,001 things could go wrong.



  22. Anyone else LOVE how Drew says “brother” when referring to Adam and not “sister”. It was sweet to show acceptance within families and how they can actually support you, instead of rejecting who you are.



  23. Loved this episode. I like Allie/Drew. It may be only aesthetics but I like them.

    My fav couple is still Riley/Zane.



  24. Again guys what were the grades? Lol sorry my phone won’t show images and my cmputer won’t work until tomorow. Anyway can’t wait for mbiac tonight and all the episodes for the rest of the boiling point seem really amazing tears dry on their own:jenna`s secret, still fighting it:riley/owen homophobia drama, purple pills:fiona/bobby btw can’t wait for this one, and all falls down:the lockdown episode does anyone else agree that the next episodes look amazing on paper and could really be great? one last thing though jenna please give some emotion in tdoto I know you can do it come on lol.



    1. the grades were;

      main plot ;b+

      subplot 1;a




    2. Drew/Alli: B+
      Sav/Holly J: A
      Connor/Online girlfriend: B-



  25. I think sav and holly j. have great chemistry, but i don’t really like them as a couple, but they are very cute as friends. In my opinion, their relationship will not work out. holly j is using sav(like fiona said).She is just sad and lonely, and sav is one of her best friends, so it is easy for her to like him and be happy when she is around him. The same thing with Sav. They are both together because they need someone else now, but it is bad to start a relationship like that. Holly j still loves Declan, and she is just using Sav, and Sav might be doing the same thing with her, because it kind of looks like he still loves anya.



  26. MAIN PLOT: Drew tries to make things right with Alli:

    SUBPLOT 1: Holly J is confused about her feelings for Sav:

    Connor tries to meet his online girlfriend:



  27. i realized that paige, spinner, adam, and the coyne’s mom were all on life with derek aha.



    1. Don’t forget Sully!



    2. also connor is in the new vacation w/ derek movie



      1. yea i noticed connor also!


    3. sav was on Life With Derek once too!



    4. The character who plays Derek, was on Degrassi Goes Hollywood. The guy who Peter punch.



    5. Also jt was on life with dereck



  28. what ever happened to life with derek? i loved that show ^_^ it was my first Canadian show before i was old enough to enjoy degrassi.



    1. well 18 to life is a canadian show. it just started airing in the US last week on tuesday on the CW i really like it



  29. i had no idea life with derek was a canadian tv show until like….last week.



  30. TeenNick changed on there listings for tonight from stronger to my body is a cage!! Yaay!



    1. Lol yeah i just checked, thats so odd how they keep changing it over and over.



    2. I’m glad they changed it. :)
      I had no idea why they did that. MBIAC is a perfect title.



      1. cherryboombox38592 August 11, 2010 at 2:13 pm

        On Teennick if you look under the schedule for today, tomorrow, and Friday, they still call it Stronger. I am really confused…. :[


  31. yeah i almost freaked out when i told my sister the name of the episode and she told me that it wasn’t mbiac… i was about to choke her ass! lol.

    also in the description for mbiac prt 2, it says adam goes back to being Gracie…? I thought it was chelsea?



    1. yeah the name was chelsea for the longest until they actually filmed and decided to change the name to Gracie. Not many of the episode descriptions online changed the name >.>



      1. gee… that kind of sucks… i like chelsea better. Or EVE!!! that would be the coolest pun EVERRRR!!!


    2. i love the name MBIAC, but does it really matter what title it is? its still the same episode. but im glad they changed it cuz it always confuses me when i look up reviews and stuff.



  32. Weird…The listing for episodes 23/24 are about a dance. So does that mean the bad thing will happen at the dance?



  33. Kary I need your help



  34. So what are all the theories going around about the Boiling Point? I love hearing them lol.
    So far I’ve heard:
    Eli does something drastic.
    Drew gets hurt.
    Fitz and his gang go to far.
    Something blows up.

    And also I’ve heard theories that it’s collective stuff. Like if there was a huge fight that broke out over all of the drama flooding Degrassi which causes the school to go into lockdown somehow and then something big happens.

    I have no idea what it is going to be, but it’s interesting hearing all the ideas people have about it.



    1. You know what I’m thinking?

      ALL OF THAT.



  35. Hey Kary…Is that…Pokemon I see behind you? xD What is that? You get cooler and cooler everyday.
    Anyway, I completely agree with all of the scores…I didn’t think I’d like Sally J, but when they’re together something just…clicks.

    Adam tonight! Yawwww!



    1. Hahah do yo mean the boxsets in the back? Those are are the Degrassi boxsets. I can’t even remember the last time I watched Pokemon :p



      1. Kary I need your help to delete my messages


  36. My tv still says stronger a shame my body is a cage is an awesome title.



  37. So I watched this episode like 10 times because I still couldn’t believe the hook up of Sav and Holly J. I rather Dolly J over Sally J but I think their little fling is cute. Ali && Drew, well I’m taking bets on how long that will last. I really don’t like them together but whateever. Kary I agree with your grades. && when is Leia gonna come into the picture again?



    1. Leia is only in one episode, it is highly speculated that she tells Anya that she thinks her mom (Anya’s mom) is having an affiar. But it turns out that her mother has cancer.



  38. I think I missed the episode where Clare goes to Africa to be with Darcy…super bummer.

    But seriously, I have no idea where Clare vanished to but I’m getting pretty annoyed with this Alli and Jenna friendship. But I am pretty convinced that they will become best friends now. Both their boyfriends are on the foot ball team. Jenna is a cheerleader and in Alli’s fantasy world she’s a cheerleader too.

    The only reason why I liked Alli is because she was a good friend to Clare. But if that friendship is over then Ali is…blahhh.

    I autually don’t like the Sav and Holly J thing anymore. I’m kind of a hopeless romantic and there is nothing romantic about…”We’ll just fool around until we graduate”

    How I supposed to care about that? I like Couples who um, autually like eachother and want to be together.

    I like the Connor Plot. I like how Dave and wesley aren’t really making fun of Connor or judging him. Their auctally really concerned and good friends. I thought it was nice how Dave pulled Connor away wouldn’t let him talk to the woman. Dave didn’t think it was safe or appropriate so he didn’t let Connor go through with it. I like this Trio, they really are good friends to eachother.



  39. Oh my gosh… I almost forgot that Adam and Drew are brothers. they really didn’t act like siblings at the beginning, it seemed more like Adam was Drew’s volunteer slave or something



  40. I was looking through Stefan’s (Snake) photo’s from twitter, and I found some VERY interesting ones.

    Monroe (Eli): http://yfrog.com/7eq4xj (He looks Adorable! And it looks like we may be meeting his family!!!)

    Monroe (Eli): http://yfrog.com/0uxo6j

    Raymond and Jessica (Sav and Jenna): http://yfrog.com/5dlsckj (… some is looking… pregnant?)

    Raymond and Jessica (Sav and Jenna): http://yfrog.com/jbeujj (I have no doubt that Jenna is pregnant now!!!

    Sam and a new actress!!! (KC and Jess) http://yfrog.com/n198184658j (Looks like someone’s moved on from Jenna…)

    Hope y’all enjoy these! I’m pretty sure Degrassi has uniforms because everyone is wearing them! And I highly doubt they are all on the same team!



    1. lol Jess looks like a psycho creeper girl everyone loves, but that I can’t stand. it’s like miley cyrus.. *shudder*



    2. That first picture is adorable. Eli looks SO excited that he’s going to eat tacos. XD I wonder if that’s Clare’s house? Hmm…



      1. i had tocos for dinner!


    3. If I had to guess, I would say that Eli is eating at Clares, or vice-versa. Why does stefan keep posting these pics, lol he is really teasing us and the bolling point isnt even over.



  41. DAMNIT 5 hours and 52 minutes to go…. -_-



  42. LMFAO would you guys believe that I thought Kary was a girl. Even though he has his picture all over the site, I thought it was some random black dude XD. thank goodness for ur video reviews ^_^



    1. me too!! hahaha i thought i was the only one.



  43. Kary, awesome review! I love how you put everything in perspective and we really value your opinion. I can only speak for myself, but I look forward to your review just as much as I look forward to the episodes themselves.



  44. This is random but being transgender is not something like a sex change. It’s something more obvious and not suppose to be a secret. It’s not like ‘Adam’ was born that way and hes trying to hide it, it was his choice so it really shouldn’t be a secret and its something that should be obvious.



    1. what? transgender isn’t the same thing as “having a sex change,” but it’s trans people who get “sex changes.” adam was born in a female body and he IS trying to hide it because he is a boy and wants people to recognize that. and he wasn’t out as trans, so yes, it is a secret.



      1. Uh can you read vomitgirl? Transgender is NOT SOMETHING LIKE a sex change. A secret is something you hide, being transgender is a physical thing, you can easily tell. It’s not something that you were born with that no one can find about about if you tell them.


      2. uhhh can you please explain why a “sex change” (which just refers to a trans person who has had hormones and surgery) is something you’d hide but being trans isn’t?

        and no, being trans is not something you can’t hide. if you are stealth, you are hiding the fact that you are trans. which is what adam wanted – for people to see him as a cis guy and not know that he is a transguy. that’s how it’s his secret. i honestly have no idea what the hell you’re even talking about. luckily, you don’t either. :)


      3. I didn’t say something you hide, I said it’s not as obvious. If your a girl dressing as a guy its easier to tell then a girl getting surgery to actually be a guy. I know Adam doesn’t want anyone to know, but if he really didn’t why would he want to start a relationship up with Bianca? If you didn’t know what I was talking about why would you try to argue with my comment? You obviously don’t know what your talking about since your reading all of my comments wrong …


      4. lol sorry vomit but I don’t think there are rules on what can be secrets.


    2. sorry my comment got addressed to the wrong person.



  45. Tv.com has a new summaey for MBIAC
    Part 1:Adam’s hope of just being one of the guys becomes impossible when news breaks that he’s transgender. Anya suspects her mom is having an affair, but uncovers it’s even worse
    Part 2: Adam’s friends and family don’t understand why he doesn’t just live as a girl. But Adam doesn’t need them to understand, he needs them to accept him. Anya faces her mom’s battle with cancer



    1. I feel so bad for Anya, my mom has cancer when I was younger, and we say how hard it was for the Nelson/Simpson household when Snake has cancer. I am just happy Anya has a storyline that DOESN’T involve Sav!!!

      Does anyone know what the third plot is?



      1. The 3rd plot is Connor and his internet buddy


      2. no actually its Dave trying to relate to ms. oh


  46. @Jenna

    Sheesh, I really hope that girl isn’t ANOTHER KC love interest. Clare, Jenna, Bianca rumors; it seems like KC keeps changing his mind.

    Jenna totally has a baby bump there.



    1. IK! KC is getting all the ladies haha. He looks really uncomfortable in the picture… I don’t know if it is because he has a crush on her, or is taken back by her…



  47. My husband said Drew was just manipulating Allie, but I’m unsure yet. Drew leaves me very confused after every scene he’s in! My personal hunch is that he’s evil, though. I’m still trying to figure out the “biggest event in Degrassi history”! I don’t see any indication of what it could involve, which is odd for Degrassi considering their typical use of forshadowing dialogue. Eli did say he would “finish it” with what’s-his-face though, and that’s all I can figure right now! I want Eli in EVERY episode! My husband even loves him and he HATES “emo-all-black” kids!



    1. Haha, that was so funny!!!



  48. Kary I am trying to delete all of my posts because I put my real name on some of them



    1. kary@degrassiblog.com –> email me your real name, and I’ll see if I can find and delete them.



  49. If Jenna gets pregnant I wonder how they will handle it.
    DTNG has done abortion, adoption, raising the baby (if you count Mia, and the morning after pill.

    I wonder if they’ll do something new and Jenna will miscarry.

    Not that I’m wishing that. If the story is told right then any of the options could make a good story.



    1. or maybe a stillbirth? (the babys born dead)



  50. Funny thing, on another note, with the whole theory that Jenna is pregnant, I never even got the notion that her and KC were having sex.



  51. Funny thing is, on another note, with the whole theory that Jenna is pregnant, I never got the notion that she and KC were having sex.



    1. Honestly, right?! Who would of ever though the worst chemistry couple would be doing it in the sheets?

      That is… maybe they were never having sex and there’s another guy in the picture haha.

      ^ I don’t know about that last one. It would definitely be more interesting, but I doubt that’s how the story will go.



  52. Once you go black, you never go back? When did Anya ever say tht about Sav? :s



  53. I have a question ; in an inerview with I think jordan , she states , well either her or degrassi , that Adam is a transgender and to make things interesting ( I know I spelled it wrong ) they gave him a homophobic step brother ( Drew ) does anyone think that Drew doesn’t know . . . or that he just finds out . I don’t think so because of one of the promo pics for MBIAC’Stronger’ but you never know with Degrassi .



    1. They live together. I’m sure he knows. In one of the promo pictures they show Drew and the girl version of Adam (Chelsie or Gracie whatever it is now) looking at a picture of them together when they were younger and Adam was a girl.



  54. Here are the lyrics for “My Body is a Cage”

    My body is a cage that keeps me
    From dancing with the one I love
    But my mind holds the key

    My body is a cage that keeps me
    From dancing with the one I love
    But my mind holds the key

    I’m standing on a stage
    Of fear and self-doubt
    It’s a hollow play
    But they’ll clap anyway

    My body is a cage that keeps me
    From dancing with the one I love
    But my mind holds the key

    You’re standing next to me
    My mind holds the key

    I’m living in an age
    That calls darkness light
    Though my language is dead
    Still the shapes fill my head

    I’m living in an age
    Whose name I don’t know
    Though the fear keeps me moving
    Still my heart beats so slow

    My body is a cage that keeps me
    From dancing with the one I love
    But my mind holds the key

    You’re standing next to me
    My mind holds the key
    My body is a

    My body is a cage
    We take what we’re given
    Just because you’ve forgotten
    That don’t mean you’re forgiven

    I’m living in an age
    That screams my name at night
    But when I get to the doorway
    There’s no one in sight

    My body is a cage that keeps me
    From dancing with the one I love
    But my mind holds the key

    You’re standing next to me
    My mind holds the key

    Set my spirit free
    Set my spirit free
    Set my body free



    1. I love how they’re using songs as inspiration for episodes! Especially since Sav had said Degrassi used to revolve around music. haha.

      Also, I think theres ballroom dancing which could be a nod towards the “From dancing with the one I love” in the song. Meaning Adam wants to dance with Bianca.



  55. Michelle4degrassi August 11, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    jeena is craving pickles on her twitter haha see is so prego. but i do like how they are using the twitters to foreshadow upcoming storylines.



  56. B D Ram/Tiberius August 11, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    I think that he definitely knows seeing that from the mbiac photos there is a picture from when they are little. I think Drew is a guy who go after want he wants with everything he has. Even if he has to hurt or embarrass other people. He didn’t target Riley because he’s gay, he targeted him because he’s a qb. He doesn’t understand or care to understand how it might feel to be outed. So his insensitivity can be classified under homophobia. He loves his sibling and is trying to be supportive because he cares about him.

    Let me try to explain this better. He only gives an effort for people he really cares about. So he throws away his relationship with Alli until he realizes he really likes her at which point he throws away his relationship with Marisol at the drop of a hat. He is that way with all his relationships. So if he cares he’ll be very protective and nurturing and if he does care about you he’ll take your arm off and not think twice.



  57. B D Ram/Tiberius August 11, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    I think that he definitely knows seeing that from the mbiac photos there is a picture from when they are little. I think Drew is a guy who goes after whatt he wants with everything he has. Even if he has to hurt or embarrass other people. He didn’t target Riley because he’s gay, he targeted him because he’s a qb. He doesn’t understand or care to understand how it might feel to be outed. So his insensitivity can be classified under homophobia. He loves his sibling and is trying to be supportive because he cares about him.

    Let me try to explain this better. He only gives an effort for people he really cares about. So he throws away his relationship with Alli until he realizes he really likes her at which point he throws away his relationship with Marisol at the drop of a hat. He is that way with all his relationships. So if he cares he’ll be very protective and nurturing and if he does care about you he’ll take your arm off and not think twice.



  58. B D Ram/Tiberius August 11, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Sorry I accidentally submitted twice but I actually do have a question: Where is Adam when Drew gets tied to the flagpole? I mean I guess I just assumed they drive into school together so unless someone has some sort of explanation that’s a definite plothole. Any ideas?



    1. They were there early, Drew said.



    2. He hadn’t appeared on the show yet. I think the writers are taking advantage of all the eps this season to debut all the new characters one by one.



  59. here ya go 1015 My Body is a Cage part 1



    1. thank you!



    2. wooo i am so ready for this :D

      gonna be good, i can just feel it.



      1. Here is a zshare link. I’m waiting til it airs on tv. Enjoy you guys.



    3. i’m shivering w/ antica………….pation



      1. i feel like an eli fan rn


      2. ROCKY HORROR REFERENCE!!! thank you for that!


    4. BY FAR the best of the Boiling Point. soooo eager to see part two so I can have my full opinoin but I already know that the main plot deserves an A+.. i mean, this episode is huge, because Degrassi has never ever done this before and its coming along nicely..

      P.S. Wesley, Dave, And Connor OVERLOAD.. sheesh 8 (counting tomorrow) episodes in a row 1 of the three if not all 3 have been in:/



  60. can someone please put mbiac part 1 on zshare please!



  61. I’ll wait till it comes on tv. This episode is going to be way to good to watch in shitty low quality. I need a beautiful picture when i watch this



    1. oh DTNG you’re such a goodie goodie.lol i wish I had your patients really.lol



  62. I just want to say I loooooove you! This site is amazing! I’m 24 and way to old be admitting I’m obsessed with Degrassi. You have given me a reason to have no shame.

    Allow to rant about how AWESOME the Boiling Point is.

    I’m pretty much in love with everything about the boiling point. The last couple of seasons had me watching put of loyalty and I wasn’t that into to it although I didn’t miss an episode.

    The boiling point, however, has me super excited about new characters and story lines I can hardly contain it.

    *Sav is pretty much my favorite Character this season. He reminds me of Marco season 5. In a bunch of random story lines spreading his Sav awesomeness!

    * I hate KC this season. I thought I would love his character based on previous season but his overly affected BS is getting old.

    *Claire is progressing amazingly

    *Alli make me smile

    * The Dave, Connor and Wesley trio is awse.

    * Can’t wait for Adam

    * Also can’t wait for the Holly j and Sav to play out



  63. not posting a spoilers on it but I’d say one of Degrassi bests in quite some time wasn’t disappointed can’t wait for part 2!!!!!!



    1. i agree! but damn lea needs to stop reading those tisle teen magazines or who ever the heck you spell it hahaha :)



  64. WOW MY BODY IS A CAGE PART ONE IS ONE OF THOSE GREAT EPIOSODES IN A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG TIME!!! WOW THO Part 1 is delicious Lol, I see A ratings all the way down(maybe a B for Dave) BUT still :D



    1. Also that ending is sexy!@ One of the more interesting Degrassi fights. Oh and when Drew was walking to Fitz and Owen he looked a lot like Taylor Launter(i had a quick twilight eclipse flashback when Jacob and Edward are in each others faces about Bella and her dad comes outside and breaks it up)



  65. Hey its Leia!



    1. Yeah, she totally took the show away with her one line. (sarcasm)



      1. I smell an emmy


    2. Who’s Leia?



  66. i feel like everything happened way too fast in this ep



    1. but i loved it



    2. I know, I felt that way, too. They could have stretched this into 4 episodes. I mean, Riley had like 7 now and he still hasn’t come out yet. Either way, this was a very good episode!



  67. what does clare say to eli in the beginning about his character in the story i couldnt comprehend it.



    1. Eli was mocking clare because he named a girl in his story Clara Edwin, which obviously meant Clare Edwards. I am guessing he just made the character he named after Clare a dork lol



  68. best episode in a very long time. cant wait for pt.2



  69. there is supposed to be a psa from jordon after the episode. i encourage u to watch.



  70. I am now a fan of Drew. Hated him before but my body is a cage made me like him. Sucks that he got beat up. Hope Fitz dies.



    1. zshare plzz



    1. @Caitlin. Sorry, I didn’t know you posted it already.



      1. Haha that’s fine, I couldn’t even see my post for a bit..That’s why I posted it again below..oops =\


  71. Fitz and Owen are actually a threat.

    Remember how Johnny always got his ass kicked?



  72. Im so glad my computer doesn’t work so now I have to wait only about 80 minutes left whoever has seen mbiac part 1 and when you see part 2 what is the other subplot? Because msn, tvguide, and muchmusic have confused me lol



  73. Zshare part 2 please



    1. yes i hate megaupload



  74. idonthaveaname:) August 11, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    i was bad. i watched. degrassi’s has been SO much better this season, i fucking love it.

    drew is a ~flawless bitch. i love him. with him, it was kinda like the same thing with declan for me. i hated him at first, but when i start to see his character and how much he cared for holly j and fiona, i loved him.



  75. Spoiler kinda? *************
    I just finished watching parts 1 and 2 because I’m going to Florida tomorrow.

    That was some of the most depressing episodes I have ever seen in my entire life. I teared up during the dinner and when the camera showed her arm. Wow. Very deep.



    1. And Anya’s storyline? That just hit close to home, and I felt so horrible for her.

      Her acting in this episode was great.



  76. can someone put part 2 on zshare?



    1. ikr i’m getting pressed



  77. Can anyone reupload MBIAC part 2 anywhere? The megaupload links are all telling me the files are unavailable :/



  78. I like Drew and Alli as a couple but I don’t like how everyone dates everyone >_<
    There are certain couples that are like meant for each other but they just ruin them.
    Sav and Holly J are a horrible match IMO.



  79. wow just watch MBIAC 1& 2 and it is amazing



    1. Leia is such a dumbass



  80. MBIAC was the most anticipated episode of season 10 and the main plot did not dissapoint. Beautifully acted and great writing turned it into one of the best episodes in a long time.



  81. If Jordan Todosey doesn’t get a freakin’ Gemini for MBIAC, I swear I’m gonna shank a bitch.



    1. I’ll punch someone Fitz style if they dont win a Gemini for this. this was one of the best episodes ever, period. Just completely flawless. the C plot could be considered a flaw, but if ANY episode needed comedy relief filler, this would be it.



      1. LOL even the comedy relief filler was top notch >.>


    2. Seriously! Jamie Johnston got an award for his role in Venus…Jordan MUST get an award. Lucky kid. She’s going to be majorly talked about!



      1. Shut the front door! I don’t remember that. I was just thinking that if Shenae can win one for Eyes Without a Face, Jordan should have this in the bag.


      2. @Dirk.
        ‘Shut the front door’ xD Imma start sayin that, only for Degrassi, and you! hahahaha


      3. lol @ that blond girl telling dave he was a loser. girl nobody does the L on the forehead anymore. YOU are the loser


      4. idk why my above comment is in a reply to this sry


      5. @Austin

        I love that saying. I’ve been using it since I heard it on “Ugly Betty” a few years back.


    3. Umm, what’s a Gemini??



      1. The Canadian version of an Emmy.


  82. That episode made me cry



  83. LMAO at the Gemini comment above anyways
    REALLY STRONG EPISODE when it came to acting and story
    Anya, Adam, and Dave were on point
    Their supporting characters HollyJ, The Tenners, and Clare were STRONG
    Their opposites in the plots Anya’s mom//dad, Ms.Oh, and Adam’s mom WERE STRONG
    EVERYTHING was just perfect in this episode cuz not only was the Whole Anya thing was the plot it was also Holly J and Sav together and Adams plot wasnt only Adam but it included Drew (his real name is ANDREW) Bianca and Ms. Oh seemed so sad.

    WOW this post is like everywhere the point is KARY IF U DONT GIVE MY BODY IS A CAGE A, A+
    Imma do things………that are bad LOL



    1. Also i really didn’t think things could get worse from part 1 and it did!!! See i think Degrassi is it’s best when it tackles a BRAND NEW issue that hasn’t been all overly explored on TV like Alli with sexting, Darcy with Date Rape, Riley NOT coming out and keeping it hidden, and now Adam being Trans. Lastly this season Alone Is better than the past (enter how many seasons) lol and this is only the FIRST HALF!!! We still didn’t even get to the boiling point >.>



  84. “Sizzle Teen Magazine” You’d think Leia learn by now that it isn’t the best magazine to read after it lost her a boy friend lol



    1. Silly Leia will never learn, but she’s never shown at school, so maybe she really WILL never learn.



  85. ngl i cried at part 2



    1. it was intense. the acting was amazing….jordon better win sumthin for this cuz it was incredible.



      1. yes i was blown away she better get all the praise in the world


  86. part 2 made me cry 3 different times!



  87. Lmao @ dirk you guys are making me get so excited for mbiac which airs in about 25 minutes. Oh and can someone tell me what the subplots are because like I said I got confused please help me lol.



    1. anya’s mom having cancer and dave trying to suck up to ms. oh for good grades



  88. oh gosh cried my eyes out for a anya and adam. that episode was bangin’. loved it.



  89. My Body Is A Cage 1&2 has been my most anticipated episode since I first heard about it. and even though I seen part 1 and 2 early, that could make me impatient, but I don’t care! It was totally worth it and Jordan should get an award for her amazing acting. I’m so glad Adam remained Adam and not Gracie. But Adam will have more strylines to come, Ihope.

    My Body Is A Cage is flawless, and the episode as a whole totally deserved an A+… I <3 Adam(:



    1. SPOILER ALERT ^^^^^^************8



      1. Thanks so much I forgot to put that!!


    2. SPOILER ALERT ^^^^^^************



  90. Ahhhh stop the spoilers! I had to skip through like all the recent comments cuz some people just aren’t very patient…:)



  91. See the issue with the line “Degrassi It goes there” Is that the show didn’t go there and the name was Degrassi the next generation. NOW that it is called just Degrassi It is going there all the time lol



    1. Did they even have a tagline this season? besides the American “THE BOILING POINT” subtitle and “Where It Stops…nobody knows” in the Carnival promo



  92. So I’m watching the beginning of MBIAC and let me just say I feel soooo happy for Adam. I love how his family (Drew and Mom) are so supportive of him. And even though the mother mentioned something about Gracie, its not like she’s uncomfortable with “Adam”. It seems more like she was just making sure Adam was happy with the choices he’s making. I was also impressed when Adam said “I’m not playing dress up for anyone”. I don’t want him to do anything that makes him unhappy, for the sake of anyone else. I’m really starting to love him.



  93. ugh! my comments havent been going thru bc somehow my name was changed to “search the web at snap.com”, so kary would have to approve comments. no clue how that happened.

    mbiac is one of my favorite episodes EVER. its also the first time i’ve cried at degrassi since jt’s death. every element in all the plots was spot-on.
    lmao at the return of Sizzle Teen Magazine. would’ve thought that Leia would learn not to trust it, considering its advice lost her Danny.

    and a while ago someone said that Adam could claim that the tampons were for nosebleeds (like in the movie She’s The Man). i LOL LMAO ROFL and every other laughter acronym when clare said to eli (or maybe it was eli to clare?) that the tampons could be for nosebleeds. i assume that the writers were purposefully referencing She’s The Man.
    i loved the portrayal of the family relationship, with Adams mom slipping up with pronouns (“she”) and Drew saying “my sister”. i could imagine how Adam would feel at that, and it was ultimately what motivated him to return to Gracie.
    i also thought that the burning (Gracie’s burning, not the fire at the end) was a fantastic thing to include. it especially resonated with me because i have a friend who’s male-to-female trans and she cuts and claws at herself constantly. i also loved clare’s role, because she was so supportive and kind of reminded me of myself. these eps have made me love eli and clare even more, if possible.

    anya’s plot was like the flipside of snake’s cancer in season 3. since anya is older than emma was, she’s given the opportunity to support her mom, but she cant quite handle it. this ep also sort of rekindled the holly j/anya friendship, which i thought was sweet. but when they were hugging, i was just waiting for anya’s head to pop back up and say, “wait – did you say that you and sav were together?!” but she didnt. and im ok with that.

    dave’s plot seemed like a less malicious remake of season 2, when spinner and jimmy tormented mrs. kwan, and it was then revealed that her husband was sick. still, i really like dave’s plot, altho i couldnt really summon much of a care about it, because i was much more concerned with adam.



    1. LOL. That was me who referenced the tampon scene to the one in She’s The Man.

      I also lol’ed when Eli said “So does that mean I can’t rip one in front of you?” Then Adam says “I would be insulted if you didn’t.”

      Fantastic episode. <3



  94. omg claire is such an awesome friend and this ep is sad . so my favoritee . it just started but still . I know im going to :'( .



    1. Clare is a lot different than Darcy. I bet if it was her, she would flip about how it was unreligous. Clare isn’t really as holy as Darcy was



  95. Aww. Adam. :( When he burned himself I completely lost it. And Clare was soo nice during that part!



  96. So far love the episode poor adam. And leai where the hell have you been at? Kenya?



    1. Darcy got lonely in Kenya.



  97. GREAT NEWS: I JUST SAW MBIAC ON TEENNICK AND ITS NOT CALLED “STRONGER”. tv guide or whatever must just be insane. ITS STILL “MY BODY IS A CAGE”!!!!



  98. correction , so is eli .



  99. I’m kinda confused as to how Drew is a homophobe if he actually talks to Adam and doesn’t mind being seen with him in public. And I think Holly J and Sav look pretty good together but it is pretty ridiculous how fast she got with him, considering her and Declan barely went on a break.



    1. Did it ever say Drew was a homophobe? I assumed that he didn’t hate Riley for being gay, he was just willing to use anything as blackmail to get the QB spot. But maybe my assumption was wrong.



      1. They never said it in the show, but a lot of character descriptions of him floating around the internet call him “homophobic.” However, clearly this isn’t at all true; he even flat out tells Riley he doesn’t care that he’s gay (and look at how natural he acts around Zane; it’s clear that Zane’s sexual orientation doesn’t bother him at all).


  100. I think its safe to say that this was my favorite episode this season. I loved it every minute of it.(Well, maybe not the Leia minute) Jordan was fantastic, and Adam is now my favorite character. I smiled when Adam was talking to Clare and Eli, and all he said was “Cooool”. Lol.

    I wanted to slap Bianca. Seriously. Yeah, grab him in the hallway and rip open his shirt, that’ll make everything better for everyone. And what the hell is wrong with Fitz and Owen?

    I hope things get better for Adam. I don’t like seeing him unhappy.



  101. damn its only 30mins :( . its about to end. FML . lol . & iHATE owen & fitz and bianca now . But iLove all the real people playing them , because the exicuted (I know, wrong) that plot , so did anya , and heck dave’s was kinda entertaining…



  102. Spoiler::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Holy crap best epsiode of degrassi of all time. I feel horrible for adam/Gracie the acting was incredible and douchey drew was nice. I feel terrible for anya and what her mom is going through. THANK GOD no ali who is all ” I need a boyfriend or my life is over” and no fiona also. I did not expect adam to cut and I HATE bianca.



  103. SPOILERS…….omgfggggg!!!!!!!!!!. i just part 1 and 2 of my body is a cage. the best episodes this season so far. I loved the Adam plot and the anya. i can so relate to adam. not fully since im not trangender, i love being a girl, but i do cut my wrist which is similar to burning. the acting was great!!!!!!!!!!. and drew is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hotttt!!!! @AM, drew was never a homophobe he just black mailed riley to be qb1. i loved anya’s plot because it was sooo real and happens to so many teenagers around the world. didnt really care for dave’s plot. kinda boring



    1. hey girl dont cut yourself im sure you are an amazing person..and whatever you are going threw it cant be that hard (i dont know what it is) but life always gets better



  104. Wow Leia, it was so smart to listen to Sizzle Teen, considering how well it worked out last time you took their advice.




  105. Fuck Leia.



    1. Ah, FacultyBob… I’ve missed you.



    2. idonthaveaname:) August 11, 2010 at 11:42 pm

      lol ily



  106. SPOILER***

    Just finished part 2 I’d have to say these two were in my Degrassi Favorites not just in this season but ever! really enjoyed all the plots seems as if degrassi stepped it up!!!!!! did not disappoint!

    side note… when Holly J confessed about her and Sav I like how Anya didn’t react like there is wayyy more important stuff than that!

    alos kinda reminded me of the Pride Episode only because the the sexual orientation story line and the caner one, E.I. Snake, but other than that this episode deserves an A on all 3 plot loved it!!! <3



    1. Spolier!!**
      omg! I saw it too and I almost cried when I found out that Adam used to burn himself. So sad. But Great acting by Jordan.



    2. Cancer***



  107. Favorite episode of the season no doubt. One of the best episodes ever and the part 2 promo loves awesome oh my god I felt so bad for adam when he was thrown throught the glass door im serious i almost cried. Jordan you rock and bianca you being a bitch is still awesome even though it was to adam. Now I hope everyone can see why adam, bianca, fiona, claire, and eli are my favorites and when I saw fitz and owen enter the bathroom I said oh shit. Seriously one of the degrassi`s best episodes. Didn’t watch degrassi high or junior high but do you guys think this episode can compare to degrassi junior high/degrassi high?



  108. I was watching the degrassi twitter stream and at first when the episode began there were lots of rude comments like “Is she a lesbian or something ewww” and dumb stuff like that then by the end of the episode people were like they are crying and that Degrassi is good again and they cant wait for tomorrows episode lol



  109. Meant looks awesome not loves awesome lol



  110. Won’t give away spoilers, but saw both parts of MBIAC, and I have to agree it is the best of the boiling point so far.



  111. Won’t give away spoilers, but saw both parts of MBIAC, and I have to agree it is the best of the boiling point so far.

    **Sorry, meant to post that as my account, not my sisters!!



  112. Wow. I thought Claire/Eli were AMAZING in these episodes! They were so supportive. It also showed how Claire isn’t as dedicated to her religion as Darcy was. I think Claire was just sheltered, and thought that Catholisim was the only way but now that she’s been exposed to other beliefs I think she has devleoped a different view on things.

    I hate Bianca. In the theme I always thought she took Adam’s hat in a friendly way, but now I’m viewing it as her bullying him.

    Anya’s storyline was heart breaking! I HOPE HER MOM GETS BETTER <3 !!!



    1. I dont think clair left catholisism. im a strong christian, and how clair acted should be how christians act. not like darcy. just clarifing. I loved cliar in this episode



  113. Why are “The Three Tenners” always plot c!?!?! Connor and Wesley do NOTHING and it’s pretty much just Dave being annoying. I can’t stand these C plots!!!



    1. yeah it should just be A/B like it used to be



      1. didn’t mention already that I like u lol stop trying XD


    2. Completely agree! Dave needs to calm down, stop being a jerk to his friends, and stop being a suck-up already. Enough is enough. I want to see him do something BESIDES attempt to be popular and win Alli’s heart, or do nothing at all. <_<



  114. Thank you sooooo much, Degrassi!!! I just watched both parts and they are such amazing episodes! My heart was totally breaking up until the very very end of the episode. LOVED IT. I’m so happy that crap in the last few seasons is over. This is so great!!!!!!



    1. I feel as season 8 & 9 were introduction like episodes for the new characters so that we could get to know them more now there throwing in all the drama..lol nice



      1. Yeah, I think that was it too. Still, I wished I could have felt some sort of emotion toward those seasons, but there was very little I could attach myself too. And the university stories–don’t get me started. XD


  115. All i have to say about MBIAC part 1, is that Bianca and the bullies are so effing rude! Who rips peoples shirts open like that?!



    1. unless your desperate.



  116. SpolierIsh

    When Bianca said “You make an ugly girl” I Was Wishin Adam/Gracie Would Say But yet I still look better than you.



  117. Im liking that these bullies aka fitz, bianca, and owen can go and can back up what they say no offense but these bullies are way better than spinner, jay, and alex in season 4 imo. The build up to the lockdown is amazing different rivalries and friends could you imagine bobby from new york being a bully lol




    Hands down, Parts 1 and 2 of MBIAC were the greatest Degrassi episodes EVER. Adam’s character just came alive to me; Jordan’s acting was absolutely amazing. I could just FEEL Adam’s pain through all of Jordan’s ever-changing emotions. And his pain even got more real when it was revealed he even went as far as to cut himself to get away from the pain.

    I especially LOVED the scenes where he bonded with Clare and Eli. The three of them truly make a wonderful team. And I loved how nonchalant Eli was when he discovered Adam’s secret. He did seem a bit surprised, but took it all in stride. XD I was a little disappointed that he wasn’t there when Clare saw Adam harming himself, but I do think that she was the perfect person for that scene – she knew how to handle it perfectly. I don’t know that Eli would have been as calm as her (I kind of picture him freaking out and going after Fitz and Owen – maybe even Bianca, too). And maybe there’s another reason, something that has to do with his past, that the writers didn’t want him to discover Adam hurting himself? I still believe something happened in his past that made him try to hide, in some manner, from his problems (hence why he had those headphones to give to Clare in the first place – and why he ALWAYS had them on). But I’m getting waaay ahead of myself; I doubt we’re going to learn his past for a while.

    Anyway! Another thing I loved about the episode was all of Drew’s brotherly love for Adam. It’s sweet, how overprotective he is. And he isn’t perfect; he slips up sometimes and refers to Adam as a girl or his “sister.” But he corrects himself, and makes it’s obvious that he DOES accept his brother, he just isn’t perfect. And I think that makes it all even sweeter. I can’t believe he’s going to get seduced by Bianca, though. He would really go for her after how she treated his brother? :/ But I’ll wait until that episode airs to decide for sure. I have to say, though, that he’s quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.

    Anya’s storyline was also really good; her actress’ acting was also amazing. I was struck away by the raw agony in her voice during the scene where she realizes all those “people” are going to die without knowing it. It’s all in the acting, whether a scene like that will blow you away or make you go, “…wtf was that?” And her acting was spot on! I loved it. I also loved that she had NO reaction at all to Holly J’s confession. Just goes to show that there are bigger things in life than an ex-boyfriend, and that a crisis can put all the petty things you cared about into perspective. This is the first time I’ve really seen Anya as more than “Sav’s on and off again girlfriend,” and I’m really enjoying it. I really hope things go well for her family. <3

    Sadly, the C-plot, in my opinion, was the most pointless storyline ever. I do think it's setting Ms. Oh up for SOMETHING, but…It just didn't fit with the other two serious scenes. Not to mention Dave is annoying as hell; had he just done the work right, he wouldn't have gotten all those shitty grades, and we would have been saved from the boring story we had to witness. I'm also kind of annoyed with all the attention the Three Tenners are getting. There ARE other characters, you know! If they have time to give them so much screen time, why can't they squeeze in a tiny scene explaining why Alli and Jenna are suddenly BFFs?

    Just to clarify: I understand that Jenna was a good friend to Alli before she stole KC from Clare, but after she did, Alli made it very clear that she wanted nothing else to do with her. Hell, in the episode where Clare sets Jenna straight about the boob job rumors (I can't remember the name right now, sorry), Alli COMMENDS Clare for getting Jenna back. And yet, just a few episodes later, she suddenly adores Jenna and wants to go on double dates with her and KC? I know her friendship with Jenna is supposed to show how she and Clare have drifted apart, but can't we AT LEAST have a scene where she and Jenna reconcile? Please? :/

    Anyway, long story short, I thought MBIAC to be an EPIC storyline. The C-plot needed some work, but it definitely did NOT draw away from the overall feel the episodes had. I do hope we continue to see more of Adam, and the Clare/Eli/Adam friendship soon! (Yes, I am biased. But only because the writers have developed their characterization and friendships so well.)

    Wow I did NOT mean for my review to be so long. As you can see, I really enjoyed the episodes. XD




    1. Also, Leia’s parts in MBIAC were completely pointless; it could have been ANY other character and it would not have had any impact on the storyline. Is she set to appear again? If not…wtf was the point? To have her killed off in the lockdown? <_<



    2. I totally agree with everything you just said! I am adoring, loving and fully embracing the Clare, Adam. Eli friendship. I love how they all look out for each other. Its so sweet. I also agree with you about the whole Ali and Jenna friendship. They never really explained why they were friends again. I feel like her and Clare are beginning to grow apart… which in a strange way could be very beneficial for their characters. I guess we will just have to wait and see what degrassi will throw at us.



    3. Hmm…interesting idea that Eli should have been the one to discover Adam’s self-harm. I like it. Especially since he’s probably the best actor the show has right now.



  119. alright, so i just watched mbiac 1&2 with my sister, who’s only seen a few episodes. it made her cry and it also led to a rather long degrassi discussion. and she has a fantastic theory about the lockdown: ADAM GETS A DEATH THREAT! its the most plausible theory i’ve heard, it was sort of foreshadowed when his mom said “death threats, Gracie.” and bianca said “if you ever touch me again, i’ll kill you.” and we already know that bianca is involved in All Falls Down. taking drew to the boiler room could be the first step in her plan.



    1. I Guess IF Adam Did Die Or Get Hurt or something do you think that would play into clare emotional trauma



  120. this episode made me absolutely hate bianca as well as leia.

    &it really shows how much anya cares about her mom when she completely puts aside the sav/holly j ordeal. i’m actually kind of glad it happened that way because if it would have just been anya mad at sav and holly j i think i would find myself quite annoyed.



  121. and omg ^^^ if drew would really cheat on alli for someone who tortured their brother. oooooh thatd be annoying



  122. At the beginning of MBIAC, what were Eli and Adam saying to each other? Was it something about Clare? I’m just wondering if it was vital to the episode.



    1. So what does Adam say to Eli after Clare walks away (at the beginning of MBIAC Part 1)? I listened to it several times, and still can’t hear it. “You two give me the ___?”



      1. oops sorry i didn’t mean to reply to you


  123. Oh my god adam cuts himself are you guys serious? And how does claire see can you guys explain it? Poor adam but like I said bianca is supposed to be this bitch that you see love that.



    1. adam doesn’t cut himself. gracie burns herself. she takes her clip, puts fire from a lighter on it and presses it on her arm, almost like branding herself. clare walks over, sees it, and is shocked. adam starts saying how he only burns himself when he’s gracie and he doesn’t want to be gracie. clare finds adam some boys clothes.

      its pretty hard to explain you have to see the episode.



      1. I love how claire is the one to find her doing that since darcy cut her wrist too


  124. great job, leia, you’re one and only scene you are a straight bitch. no wonder shes only in one episode

    but that was EPIC. I loved everything about this, adam is a great character and jordan owns the part. Drew was so supportive and the anya storyline was another tear jerker.

    and can I say I died with the Eclare scenes?! Individually though, they both were amazing and supportive in their own way. GOOD JOB DEGRASSI. A’s across the board…except for Dave. Wtf was that



  125. *SPOILERS*:
    My Body is a Cage Part 2

    I thought it was hilarious when Dave was walking around the classroom without his pants. I lmso at that part. He was streching and walking everywhere and Ms. Oh didn’t even send him to the principal’s office when she saw him. It was because she was heartbroken over her breakup. The promos full around with us. You never expect what actually happens th happen.



  126. i loved how drew tryed to defend adam but i expeccted a better fight out of him and it pissed me off when the bullies threw adam and held him back during the fight i hate them .. i love how clare eli and adam are friends and i like drew when he acts lik a big bro but i still lik eli better and they should of cut leiah out of season 10 shes piontless i no anya needs a friend but still …and if it was me and they said they were a guy i would treat them lik a guy there still the same person so what ..i mean a guy in a girls body not to hard to get and on fitz owen and bianca the whole time through out the show im thinking bull shit if they dont lik that adams a guy instend of gracie then they should have anything to do with him



    1. o and they should stop giveing dave so many piontless plots geez it was better when he was chaseing after Alli



  127. @person that sounds believeable lol. And can someone explain adam cutting himself please I need to know lol.



    1. adam doesn’t cut himself. gracie burns herself. she takes her clip, puts fire from a lighter on it and presses it on her arm, almost like branding herself. clare walks over, sees it, and is shocked. adam starts saying how he only burns himself when he’s gracie and he doesn’t want to be gracie. clare finds adam some boys clothes.

      its pretty hard to explain you have to see the episode.



    2. @jhon he burned himself cause he was unhappy being a girl



  128. am ithe only one who didnt get theeeeeedav plot in MBIAC part 1? itwas probleythe worst subplot/fillerplot this season :|



    1. Dave was trying to find common ground wiht Ms.Oh so she would like him better and give him a higher grade



  129. sorry i mean theeeeeeedave



  130. Wow, Part 2 was a tear jerker.
    cried a bit



    1. dude, i cried MORE than a bit.



    2. by far the best episode
      My body is a cage part 2(sorry for double post)




    I actually seen Adam hurting his arm a looooong time ago after I seen his picture of him in tha bathroom, you cAn clearly see scars on his arm.



    1. yea! I saw that too! I thought I was the only one who noticed.



  132. Thanks azk and liz wow that sucks but imo cutting is worse than burning yourself like that but again that’s my opinion and wow bianca telling adam she`ll kill him seems a bit much maybe something happened with her in the past with trans/gay. I think I tomorow im gonna cry for sure and I’ve never cried because of a tv show today was the most close I came close to crying and in the pride episode when marco was crying when jimmy found him.



    1. can you please not say “emo” cutting. thanks. :]



      1. She didn’t say “emo”, she said “imo” which is short for in my opinion.


      2. oh haha. i feel silly :P sorry folks. haha.


  133. Thanks azk and liz wow that sucks but imo cutting is worse than burning yourself like that but again that’s my opinion and wow bianca telling adam she`ll kill him seems a bit much maybe something happened with her in the past with trans/gay. I think I tomorow im gonna cry for sure and I’ve never cried because of a tv show today was the most close I came close to crying and in the pride episode when marco was crying when jimmy found him. i dont think its wierd that i almost cried even if i am a guy lol



    1. Hey my tv is STILL BROKEN! can som1 plz post very detailed spoilers. Almost like Kary’s reviews but more detailed; for example, at the beginning Adam woke up etc. Can u start posting detailed reviews for YOU DON’T KNOW MY NAME, and MBIAC. Som1 plz post. You’d be my hero



    2. Out of curiosity, why do you think that cutting is worse than burning? Feel free to email me.



    1. Yeah I just saw this pic a couple of minutes ago. They look great together. Can’t wait to see them in next weeks episodes.



  134. i love how anya said to her mom “can you just drive me, it’s not like you’re dying” that was ironic.



    1. yeah since cancer can kill you. even though Anya had no idea



  135. “I think Anya knows….that we’re together idiot,” –Holly j
    hahahaha XD



  136. I totally think Anya and Declan should hook up



    1. That would be such a kick to the face for holly j and sav



  137. http://yfrog.com/0em0qfj
    This is the new character “Chach”. He’s from Norway and has three mothers



    1. It was a joke, he’s just a stand in lol



    2. Why do they keep adding more characters? What is he going to be doing? Do I care? No



      1. Ignore this comment.


  138. If I were Bianca I would have handled things wayyyy differently. I mean, Id still be pretty freaked out and uncomfortable but I would definitly NOT tell everyone at school that adam was teansgender or anything. Ughg….it makes me sooi mad because bianca was being soo stupid embarrasing adam in front of everyone at school. I hope karma comes and bites her in the “you know where” : )



    1. I kow that was a really awful thing to do and in the new promo she told Adam she would kill him if he touched her that made me want to punch her out



    2. I Have No Respect For Her Fitz Or Owen.



  139. Part 2 made me cry and say “AWWW!” multiple times. I seriously love the Clare/Eli/Adam interactions. Munro, Aislinn,and Jordan are very talented.



  140. So what does Adam say to Eli after Clare walks away (at the beginning of MBIAC Part 1)? I listened to it several times, and still can’t hear it. “You two give me the ___?”



    1. He says “You two give me the runs.” Like “You two make me sick.”



  141. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LQas4jWueU for all of you who didn’t see it this is the deleted scenes to degrassi: the heat is on



    1. Landon looks so cute when he got asked if he was going to propose XD



  142. @Dirk Thanks! I don’t know why I got a thumbs down for asking. I hope she wins one.



  143. Has anyone seen the comercial (on TeenNick) about the Degrassi encores and the world premiere music video of Shark in the Water by V.V. Brown? I’m guessing its a different version right? It said featuring degrassi cast and all but idk..

    Also where did everyone get the name Chealsea out of Gracie? Was it just MSN’s description that was wrong? AND is this Degrassi’s last season?



  144. drew and alli- at first i really was like uhhh…on the thought of them together but YDKMN Pt. 2 made me a Dalli fan. (or is it Adrew?) . Drew has come a long way since 99 Problems. I love the whole sticker thinga and the football thing (kc was hilarious).

    declan- S9 i could deal with declan. mostly cuz those eyes are like hypnotizing and after holly j he was nice. But know hes just a jerk. I was screamin YESSS!!! when holly j did the whole “ON A BREAK” thing.

    Nerds- I feel bad for them they dont really have any interaction with others than themselves normally, and it really brings down there characters.



  145. […] Don’t Know My Name 1 You Don’t Know My Name 2 My Body Is A Cage 1 My Body Is A Cage […]



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