youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4oM59X75Bw

MAIN PLOT:  KC’s mom returns, and wants him to move in with her.
KC’s mom shows up at his football game unannounced to give him some news: she’s filed papers to regain custody of him.

Not if KC has anything to say about it.

Does anyone else get the feeling that KC is a little paranoid? I mean I get that his mom was a horrendous parent, but as adamant as he is about not letting his mom back into his life (no matter how much she may or may not have changed), him behaving so uneasy makes me feel uneasy.  KC’s always on edge, but the fact that he is even more than usual here is what I like about this plot.  Get ready to crash and burn.

SUBPLOT 1:  Clare has trouble at home, and becomes close with Eli.
Clare is paired up with Eli in class, and it’s a wonderful match from the start.  Aislinn and Munro have great onscreen chemistry together.  Now while things are starting off slow, but exciting for Clare in the romance department, things aren’t so great at home.  Her parents are constantly fighting, which is part of the reason her writing assignments haven’t been up to par lately.  That and she’s afraid to truly express herself.

The cure? More Eli.

SUBPLOT 2:  Alli plots to make Drew her boyfriend.
Alli likes Drew.  Dave likes Alli.  Alli asks Dave for guy advice.  Dave says throw a party, where he flirts with Alli a lot (because he now thinks she’s interested).  But Alli only has eyes for Drew, who has his eyes closed while making out with Alli at the end of this plot.

It’s a good setup for Part 2, when we find out if Alli possibly breaks Dave’s heart while Drew possibly breaks hers.

Posted by Kary


  1. Yay for Clare and Eli plot



  2. fucking loved it(:



  3. I noticed a parallel in Eclare start and Klare start. (Eli challenges Clare to scream loudly in public, K.C. challenged Clare to show a talent to the school.) The difference being motive. K.C.’s challenge was confrontational, between Clare’s vocalized thoughts K.C. was another cute idiot, and wanting to get her back for that. He felt bad afterwards she was the butt of all jokes.

    Eli, on the other hand, is a simple constructive thought that she should share herself more, and risk herself a little. Also it was a setting without the instant backlash that K.C.’s challenge had, better planning on Eli’s part. Eli seems to actually be helping Clare to grow and stand out, while K.C. and Clare just kinda… sat there.

    The writers are really taking advantage to all the extra time this season has. Kudos to them.



    1. lol that was really deep, sorta. you sound like my language arts teacher from last year (7th grade). and i HATED her, everyone hated her. but anyway I just love the start of Eclare and klaire they were both cute advances



    2. I was thinking the EXACT same thing! I thought I was the only one that noticed that!



      1. I know! Me too. I’m like, this is soo A KC moment, except wayyyy better! ;]


    3. idk if anyone has said this already but it seems like the way to Clair’s heart is to prove to her that she cares too much what people think of her! lol



  4. Againsttheodds July 28, 2010 at 9:43 pm

    Clare and Eli made this episode!!!



  5. ashley kemper July 28, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    you are 100% right about every grading.

    i totally agree with every one.

    i applaud you :)



  6. Aww I think that Eli & Clare are so cute together!



  7. This episode was…. Amazing. Like reeeaaaallllyy amazing. I love Clare and Eli and it’s really cool how quick things took off. I’m super worried about KC. Drew and Alli… Mmmmm…?
    “Simple, I’m dating Mrs. Dawes.”



    1. LMAO, i loved when eli said that.
      god, he’s such a babe hahah.



  8. ELI AND CLARE WERE PERFECT. Soo lived up to my very high hopes and expectations. He’s so charming and their chemistry is great. I noticed the parallel between KC and Clare and E-clare too. They both challenged her to stop caring about what other people think.

    But I like Eli so much better. :) oh, and the I’M convo = so cute!



    1. Wasn’t it actually the fact KC wanted (or insisted) her to care what people thought. But Eli told her she shouldn’t… I don’t know :p
      But I loved their little moment <3 (:



  9. Ahhhmaazingg episode!
    My favorite was Eclare. =P
    I love his personality.
    And, the KC and his mom thing, I think, will be a fantastic storyline. I see Bianca coming into the picture pretty fast. Did anyone else see the preview for tomorrow’s episode?
    Anyways, the Drew and Alli subplot was good too, but I have to say, I’m kinda sad that he’s not that much into her. Btw, he looks so much like Taylor Lautner. They’ve got to have a shirtless scene. xD Just kidding!..Maybe..;P
    Anyways, as I know I’ve said 110 times before, I’m excited for the upcoming Eclare. And more Degrassi.
    So far, I’ve agreed with you on all of your reviews.



    1. Technically, there was a shirtless scene at the beginning of 99 Problems, Part 2… he was kinda covered in plastic wrap, but technically, he was without a shirt!



      1. Haha, but you couldn’t see anything. =P


  10. ashley kemper July 28, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    did anyone realize when clare was typing right before the im conversation she was wearing eli’s skull ring?



    1. I’m pretty sure that’s her ‘purity ring’. It looks to be prop reuse as it’s the same design as Spinner and Darcy’s rings.



      1. ashley kemper July 28, 2010 at 9:58 pm

        eli was wearing it through out the whole episode UNTIL clare was.


      2. ashley kemper July 28, 2010 at 9:59 pm

        PLUS they super zoomed in on it and put the focus on it for a good amount of seconds.


    2. You were right. *just rechecked it* Didn’t notice, huh.

      I guess I ignored it expecting it to be her purity ring as usual.



      1. aha :P


    3. Charlie (Girl) July 28, 2010 at 11:10 pm

      omg u r so right when i first saw that i didnt know wht to think!



    4. No, she wasn’t. In their first scene, Clare is seen with a ring on her left ring finger, while Eli is seen with two rings, one on his right ring finger and one on his right thumb. Throughout the episode, that never changes. And the ring Clare is wearing is, in fact, the same as the one Spinner gave Darcy in High Fidelity Pt. 1.



      1. Well, it is the same style of ring. It could just be prop reuse, as she wore it as her abstinence ring last season. Also Clare is wearing it incorrectly (she has it on her left hand facing inward, which means married). Making it hard to use its symbolism in plot.


  11. You know I might have misjudged Jenna. Maybe we as the audience don’t know her well enough. I mean, she actually seemed like a voice of a reason and a concerned girlfriend. Maybe it’s because every time I had seen Jenna previously, I was seriously annoyed by her or her overly sunny attitude or her spreading rumors or “9 o’clock movies, KC!”. In this episode, I wasn’t. That’s a major improvement in my book.



    1. I agree, although it’s still hard to say, seeing as she we have not seen anything from her perspective yet.



    2. Agreed. I think everyone just kind of stereotyped her as the boyfriend stealer without giving her a chance. I used to despise her…. But I’m having second thoughts.



    3. To be honest, I’ve been really impressed with Jenna in every scene this season that has taken place outside of school. She seemed so happy to be with KC at his group home and then with his mom it was pretty impossible to dislike her then. Although I’m definitely not a fan, I’m really glad she’s getting her own storyline(s) this season and we’re seeing different sides to her. It’s just bad writing when a character is absolutely hated by all viewers, and not in a good “love to hate” kinda way.



    4. Contrary to most, I’ve never really hated Jenna. KC was into her since the S9 Premiere, when he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she performed. Although she did flirt with him and her motives were obvious, he didn’t really let her know he wasn’t interested, because he was. After KC and Clare got together, there was nothing exciting about their relationship. Technically, he broke up with Clare, and I think it’s because he knew he liked Jenna and he had fun with her, something he wasn’t getting much of with Clare. That’s why I never really blamed Jenna for “stealing” KC.

      I think this is why so many people hate her. But I’ve seen her being caring and understanding plenty of times. She was there for Alli when she thought she had an std, and even tried to help her get back at Johnny. Also, she was nothing but caring when it came to KC and Carson, and again, now that his mother is back in his life. Aside from the “stealing” and the tiny rumor (I say tiny because it barely got around, and it wasn’t something devastating that hurt Clare, it was just annoying), she really hasn’t done anything that warrants all the hate she gets, unless I’m forgetting something.



  12. Man I really love these review you give. I kind of admire you. Well, in the fact that you talk so well and have great opinions. Anyways, I agree with all those grades, especially the one with the Eli and Clare plot. I have to say, they made that episode gold. I have high hopes for that couple.



  13. The partnership between Eli and Clare is the most entertaining and intriguing plot of the show for me. I am so excited for the next episode! Honestly, I think the main reason I am eager for this season of Degrassi is because of Clare and Eli.

    I’m still thinking about that “Death” card during the Degrassi Carnival music video. I want Eli to be on the show for a long time, even though we’ve been just introduced to his character.



    1. I don’t think we have to worry about Eli going anywhere. I highly doubt that the death card signifies his death. I think it has to do with his plan to get back at Fitz for bullying him and Adam. I think Clare has that worried look in the Carnival Promo because (with Eli being so mysterious) his plan may be a bit dark.



    2. omg, ikr?
      if eli dies i’m going to like cry, lol.
      i cried so hard when JT died, and i didn’t really like degrassi as much as i did since he died.
      but now that eli has come along, i’m actually starting to get like happier with degrassi.
      if he goes anywhere im going to be like ahhh no! D:



  14. This was a killer episode, i loved the whole thing beginning to end. Especially the last part when Bianca noticed the bottle of tequila.

    I love clare she is really likable and im glad we finally got to see a plot, shes grown up so much since sason 8/9



  15. Ok Has anyone kinda noticed that Mrs. Dawses compared ELI and Clair to Ted and Susan and Claire replied. “Susan killed herself” And if you think back to the PROMO, when Clair and Eli were at the fortune table we saw the LOVE AND DEATH cards. Umm…I wonder if that was just a coincidence.



    1. That is a major analytical moment right there. I just brushed it off as a comedic moment but you have a point. If there are more lines like that coming in the following episodes then it might be something to look out for. For now, maybe it was just Clare being sarcastic and making us smile a little.



    2. Good observation but I don’t think that means she will kill herself or die or anything. I mean.. it’s possible but Idt so.

      I think it as just there to show that they were two very different people and maybe it wouldn’t work out so great with them together as partners.

      At least thats what I thought of it. :)



      1. guys, it’s a reference to sylvia plath and her husband. they were both famous poets. and sylvia plath did kill herself. i think her husband may have treated her badly as well. basically, it was a bad example for the teacher to use….she really had her head in the clouds. clare pointed that out because she was being snarky about working with eli. i probably would have said something similar if i were told that and did not happen to be very enthused about the assignment (though i love sylvia plath).


    3. Charlie (Girl) July 28, 2010 at 11:13 pm

      any one find the link to better off alone part 2 yet???



      1. apperantly…it’s at the bottom of this page



    4. The comparison was actually to the famous husband and wife poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Sylvia, unfortunately, killed herself at the height of her career.



    5. It was Sylvia I believe. In reference to Sylvia Plath.



  16. I LOVED the Clare and Eli plot!That made this episode AMAZING!!And the Kc plot was really good to.Not so sure about Alli and Drew but hoping for more Eclare soon!:)



  17. What the hell is a Eclare?!



    1. what do u think it is? [sarcastically speaking]CLAIRE EDWARDS AND ELIJAH GOLDSWORTHY? noooo that couldn’t be it especially since that’s what everyones been talking about.
      idk if that even made any sense



      1. Well i find the couple nicknames stupid as shit so i don’t waste my time featuring them. They have names and i refer to them as just that. Sue me.


      2. Daaamn, way to snap. Sheesh:/


      3. LOL wow….I must agree tho…I honestly hate when the try to combine names for every little couple…the only one I even remotely find cute is “Ziley” …but “spemma”,”semma”,”Palex”, and the one 2 that pissed me off the most were “crash”, and “cranny”! lol


      4. Kay, whatever it takes


    2. Eclare stands for Eli and Claire as a couple.



  18. im soo PISSED dreww didnt get shirtles!




  19. Okay, so this was the first episode of the season that totally had my attention. I was fastforwarding the commerials and everything; I couldn’t wait to see what was gonna happen next.

    First off, I love how the Eli/Clare relationship is moving along. I also thought it was cute how Clare and KC’s relationship all started with “You care too much about what people think” and her and Eli’s relationship is starting the same way:)

    Ali and Drew… ahh… I can tell that’s going to be a mess. I feel so bad for Dave, though:( She got his hopes all up and he basically ran the party and she still wanted Drew. lol

    KC is reminding me more and more eachday of Sean and I love it. IMO it was a great cliffhanger the way they ended it with Bianca saying, “I think I could have a use for that bottle” or whatever she said. haha

    Tomarrow night could not come faster. I really hope the episodes are as good or even better than this episode because this one set the bar pretty high:D



    1. I think KC told Clare that she should care what people think of her when Clare said she didn’t care what people thought of her and how she dressed
      in her uniform like he mocked her in thier first meeting.Eli told her she shouldn’t care what people think KC was negative on Clare and Eli is positive for Clare.



  20. I’m a really random person. isn’t an eclair a chocolate dessert[I HATE HATE HATE chocolate ]. but I love Eclaire they’re so cute together I might just fly to canadia just to see him.



    1. DarkamidstLight August 14, 2010 at 10:16 am

      An eclair is a French dessert. They’re pretty good. Ha ha. They can be made from regular cream as well :D



  21. I love this review, and some parts of it were pretty funny (“This subplot features Alli… yay.”)

    Ok, sorry to fangirl, but Eli is just too good looking. But I like what he’s doing for Clare. EClare was amazing, oh my God. So excited to see more of them in the future!

    And KC, I still love him. I wonder just what it is that makes him so reluctant to live with his mom. She really did seem like a good person. I just don’t want him to be hanging out with Bianca, ugh.

    And I’m not even gonna comment on Alli and Drew because I just don’t really care, to be perfectly honest with you.

    There’s just one thing this review was missing. You failed to mention Jenna’s one earring. It was annoying me the entire time.






    1. the way u type irratates me IMO



      1. @Shaquira Agreed.


    2. Since my eyes want to hurt you for typing like that, I’m choosing not to read what you actually said.



      1. agreed. I only read ‘I loved’ then I stopped


  23. haha the promo for BOA2 is badass!



  24. Usually, I tend to not get too enthused about couples on Degrassi, but god damn, I freaking love Eli and Clare! They are so worth the wait to see on screen. So far, I love the way he’s challenging her to grow as a person. I hope her sensibility can rub off on him, as well, so that he can grow as well. But we’ve known Clare as a main character for two seasons, while we’ve only known him for a couple of episodes, so I’m not expecting that to happen just yet.

    Also of note:

    – I appreciate the clever parallel of KC having parent issues and Clare having parent issues. I think it’s safe to say that the writers aren’t over the KC and Clare relationship just yet, but want to wait a bit and develop the characters more before they try that again. So this is a nice way of subtly still having them together in an episode without them actually dealing with each other.

    – I really don’t know what to make of Jenna at the moment. How is it that she can be so annoying one moment and then be so sensible the next? In the words of Manny, I feel so conflicty. I want to hate Jenna so much, but she’s had a few shining moments so far this season that I can’t just bring myself to it yet.

    – I know this is the page for part 1, but one of my favorite lines of Degrassi dialogue in recent seasons is at the beginning of part 2. Since it hasn’t aired, I won’t say what it is. But still wanted to mention it. Because I was seriously cracking up for a couple of minutes when I heard it.



    1. i actually think clare has already grown a lot as a person on her own. you’ve seen part 2, so you know eli kind of realizes that at the end. i think actually what she does is prove to him that she can think for herself. certainly his input is useful to her, but she does her own thing, and he’s impressed by that, more impressed than he would have been if she’d done *exactly* what he suggested.

      personally, i’d be more interested in seeing clare challenge eli, so i hope that happens in a future episode. i love eli but would love him more if he weren’t as perfect as he seems or as confident as he expects clare to be. he acts very cool and collected, but i’d love for clare to really get to him and break down some of his walls and bring him out of *his* comfort zone.

      anyway, i love eli. i love his facial expressions and the way he’s kind of fidgety and always seems to be doing something in his scenes, like eating that apple AND eating it in an amusing way. munro chambers’ acting is really, really refreshing.

      and i was so relieved that he and clare didn’t make out in that scene where they got close, but instead they both got kind of awkward about it. i love their relationship but would definitely like to see it take time and am glad they’re not actually dating yet.



      1. Good point about Clare already having grown, but she’s still kinda stuck in her own way of thinking. When Eli told her to scream, it really threw her off. So even though she’ll do what she wants to do, he’s still making her reconsider her own thinking process.

        And I REALLY hope she can be shown having an influence on him soon, too. It would really make this couple shine.


      2. You made a ton of great points there, from Clare proving she’s not exactly a helpless, needy character to Munro’s really refreshing, as you put it, acting techniques.
        We know from promos that Eli is a victim of bullying later on, so I’m really hoping that he turns to Clare and reveals a more vulnerable side during all of that, because I do think you’re right in saying that the calm-cool-collected act is a front and he’s challenging Clare ’cause he can’t challenge himself.
        Also, it was an interesting parellel to see how Clare and Eli didn’t start macking the moment they could while Alli was all too eager to do so with Drew. I love that both plots happened in the same episode, it does a lot to illustrate the differences among both the couples and the best friends.


    2. “I do think you’re right in saying that the calm-cool-collected act is a front and he’s challenging Clare ’cause he can’t challenge himself.”

      indeed, i think that explains it a lot better than i did in my own post. he has brilliant plans for other people’s lives, but is he in control of his own? also, he wouldn’t do that scream because it wasn’t his “style.” now, i don’t think people who don’t scream in public are wusses who care too much what others think, because that would be silly of me. in fact, it was a pretty silly thing to ask clare to do in the first place, and i think he said it to mess with her and didn’t expect her to really do it. but i do think the writers of that scene may have been trying to show something with having him talk clare into scream but being afraid to do it himself.

      in fact, in part 2, i was almost expecting mrs. dawes to ask eli to read something aloud and for him to refuse…even though he was so adamant about clare reading to everyone.

      anyway, i agree so much that the bullying plot should allow him to show a more vulnerable side, especially if he gets in way too deep with his pranks against fitz and gets beat up as the result of that.

      while he doesn’t care what bullies think, and while he’s not willing to change for them, maybe he’s not as happy with himself as he pretends to be. because no matter how confident you are about being different, there are still consequences for it in high school, and even if you like yourself the way you are, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck to be treated badly because of it.

      i’ll just be disappointed if his confidence doesn’t get him into some trouble and if he remains totally on top of things. but i think it’s the case that he will get himself into lots of trouble with his pranks, hence why clare is so concerned about the risks. i like the idea of him being a little reckless and maybe not caring about himself enough to avoid making enemies who could end up being dangerous. i kind of imagine him planning to stop the bullying of others like adam, not just himself.

      clare is perfect for being involved with eli’s bullying plot because she can understand just how awful it is to be bullied, but she would be able to say that whatever eli is doing might not be the right solution.



  25. karys blog just got sexier w/ KC at the top



    1. I don’t see anything about Claire and ELi. I guess they have the c or third plot.



      1. ive seen it and believe me when u c it the alli and drew plot shuld definitely be the c plot cuz claire and eli take up alot and it shuld be the b plot


  26. ok, one of my new favorite degrassi lines:
    “You could be just like Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes!”
    “Sylvia Plath killed herself.”

    for those of you who dont know, Sylvia Plath was a fantastic poet. never heard of Ted Hughes, but i assume he was a poet too. i felt the need to explain this, because someone a while back called them “Ted and Susan”, which made me sad.

    and i think the whole screaming thing was showing the differences between eli and kc. when kc made clare show a talent, he was trying to show her that she DOES care what people think. eli was trying to get her to care LESS. “everyone cares what other people think.” vs. “you shouldnt care so much what other people think.” (yes, those are both exact quotes)

    and let me just say, kc may have been A BIT paranoid, but i would have done the exact same thing in that position. my dad’s a major jerkface (trying to use nice language). he’s not like drug junkie or alcoholic bad, but he’s kinda verbally abusive. if he tried to take custody of me, i’d be acting exactly like kc. (but not acting out like in the next ep. just looking for any way not to live there)

    and alli and drew. no comment. it annoyed me, but i thought the plot in the next ep was exponentially worse, so im not even gonna say anything.



    1. Haha, Ted Hughes was Sylvia Plath’s husband, and he was also poet laureate of the UK.



      1. alrighty then. thanks for the insight :)


  27. Kary, I was just wondering, who is Heather Pollutte under the degrassi characters twitters?



  28. shes like the new heather sinclaire



    1. I bet Heather Pollutte can’t organize a Grade 3 sock-hop like Heather Sinclair can.



  29. Jess what’s wrong about Bianca? She’s my favorite charecter even though she makes fun of my other favorite Adam. I sware every time she appears in an episode I love her charecter even more lol but still curious if her and kc become more than friends?



    1. I just don’t like her. Bad vibes.



  30. Charlie (Girl) July 28, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    okay….eli kinda reminds me of ellie nash who was in the show like forever ago….maybe thats who they based him off of…also their names sound just alike….



    1. According to a post from The-Mary on TeenNick’s website, his name is a homage to Ellie. So you’re right! Hah.



    2. Haha, well you are right.
      Lol. They made Eli in honor of Ellie.
      He’s basically the male version of her.
      (Personally, I love it. ;] )



  31. Charlie (Girl) July 28, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    cody, put up the link to the second part of better off alone..plz! plz! plz!



  32. i dont know why everyone thinks eli is just like ellie (or why teennick claims he was named after her)! they dont seem anything alike to me. yeah, they’re both semi-goth, but thats where the resemblance stops. and sure, i guess ellie did kind of act like eli with the dry humor and the sarcasm in the first few eps she was in, but by season 3, she was nothing like he is. they just give off totally different vibes to me.



    1. Well, we really don’t know him well enough yet to make assumptions on who he is or isn’t similar to.



    2. Because he looks like a girl.



  33. Lol yeah I gets bad vibes from bianca too but I love the vibes to gets me excited for her and her floor it scene with adam and sav that episode is next week right? Anyone else excited?



  34. Can and will anyone tell me the words on the computer screen when Clare is on the computer doing a chat, I switched channels and missed it!!! Was it her and Eli? What’d it say?!



    1. i think eli wrote “more public embarrassment tonight?” clare responded, “is that an invitation?” and eli said, “do you want it to be?” then clare’s offerred to help her mom and told eli, “love to hang – but i can’t”



  35. Mr. Payton-Brown July 28, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    I heard that Better Off Alone part 2 leaked.



    1. Leaked what???



    2. Sorry that was stupid lol I’m 13 I should know haha yeah I see but I can’t down load it onto my iPhone?



    3. Sorrrrry guys I was tired it was like 4 where I am so boo hoo!



  36. there lol



  37. I have no idea why Stephen Stohn claimed that these episodes shouldn’t be considered two-parters, because if you ask me they absolutely are. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it is making it so that I enjoy the episodes a lot more when I watch both parts together, so much that I kinda want to reserve judgement till I see part two, although part one was fantastic. I’m excited to have a marathon of the entire Boiling Point because the flow of this season is incredible.

    I think it’s unfortunate that KC’s resentment and abandonment towards his mother comes up for the first time here, because it’d be a lot easier to understand/sympathize if we knew how affected he was before seeing his mother as a changed woman. Although I do see where he’s coming from, it’s definitely a lot harder. Also, either his mom was addicted to a number of drugs or the writers made some flubs. First he claimed she was a tweeker (meth), then talked about crack in jail (crack cocaine), and there might have been one more?

    I love Eli and Clare so far, they’ve got some great potential, although I’m not seeing their chemistry as much as most people seem to. On the other hand, Alli and Drew had some intense chemistry during Never Have I/their makeout session, and I don’t really want to see her with Dave, I don’t see them being an interesting couple at all (the JT-Manny parellels are undeniable: It was great to see him get the girl, but how exciting is it, and does she really want a guy like him?). I just feel bad for Alli ’cause she’s getting so much hate, when really her storyline isn’t that bad, she’s just being featured too much at the same time. In the past eight episodes, she’s been a C or B-plot in six of the episodes? Her story would be much nicer in smaller doses.

    Lastly, I love how the characters are introduced this season! Bianca’s clip at the end got me really excited to see more of her, Eli delievered, and I’m most impressed by how Drew keeps getting more and more interconnected; he’s now acquaintences with Sav, rivals with Riley, and a love interest for Alli.



    1. you’re right: there hasnt been a single episode so far where we dont see alli and there were only 2 eps in which there wasnt a plot from her perspective.



      1. you’re also right about these being 2-parters. there hasnt been a single plot that has concluded in one episode. but i dont think they’re so much 2-parters as that they just flow from one to the next. the storylines are just ongoing. but if we must call them something, then they are definitely 2-parters. they each have at least one plot that concludes after 2 eps. actually, i think we’re working in sets of 2. plots take either 2 or 4 eps. yeah, thats it.


      2. Yep, and meanwhile it’s feeling more and more awkward not to hear anything (a la Sav’s scene w/Simpson) from Holly J or Fiona after being featured so prominently in the first weeks episodes, and Connor and Leia have gotten the shaft yet again so far. Even an Anya subplot would be nice, maybe dealing with the realization that her and Sav are officially over.
        Now that I’ve thought about it, I think that’s my ONLY complaint for the season so far.


    2. I agree completely. They are doing a very good job at the intros.
      Also, another reason as to why this is probably going to be my favorite season in along time is because, well, their acting is really good.
      I love Eli’s dry sense of humor, Clare’s new personality, how well Drew is living up to his cocky, ‘ladies man’ title, and even Jenna’s acting seems better, just to name a few.
      Does anyone see what I mean?



      1. I NEVER watch intros, but for each episode of this new season, I’ve watched the intro. The camera pass was a good idea. You didn’t see Ellie pass it to Peter in the previous ones.


      2. I don’t think she meant the opening credits. I think she meant “intros” as in the way the characters have been introduced.


      3. @Cesar
        Haha, yeah, that’s what I meant.
        But it’s ok. Because I know what Galbert means too. =]


    3. I don’t think he meant so much that ‘none of them will be two parters’ but that he meant ‘none them will neatly end with the second part.’ We’re used to a two parter being 1 main plot over two episodes with two other plots in the background. Right now we have one overarcing plot for the episodes and two other plots that weave into and out of nearby A plots. Clare’s surgery to Jenna’s jealousy to KC’s parent issues.

      If you look so far every plot subtly weaves in and out from one character to the next. Holly J’s plot in week 1 ‘resolved’ (or at least hit a save point) in Breakaway 2, with the election resolving in Breakaway 1.

      We also don’t know if the C level plots will all be two parters like they have been so far. A few ep summaries suggest they might not be.



  38. Clare is now one of my favorite characters…. She has never been this interesting before… I don’t know if it is the haircut or what lol…. Her and Eli are so cute together



    1. I don’t usually throw this word around, but I guess when Clare grabbed Eli’s hand in that way would quantify as “cute?”



  39. I feel bad for my dude Dave. With his and Alli’s plot, he reminds me of one of those anime dudes that is really feared because of a glare or some other thing, but the main girl ALWAYS seeks this guy out, asking him for advice, being flirty and whatnot. This is exactly what is happening with Dave. I’m pulling for the guy because it would be great that he ends up with his desired, but I know that will not happen because if it did, it would remind me too much of an anime’s conclusion (specifically Toradora!) but more importantly, the fans would not approve of such a pairing.



    1. i definitley want Alli to fall for Dave but dave move on to someone better.



      1. I hope Dave does find someone else and Ali gets jealous. I’m starting to like him a lot. He is less annoying this season. I’m pulling for him.


      2. I got it! Dave and… Leia??


      3. Forgive for my itchy trigger clicker. I’ll analyze this cuz I gtg soon.

        Dave and Leia:

        both have needy/clingy tendencies

        both seem like loyal people and not backstabbers

        both seem to be the ones that’ll give you space, are not all-up-in-your-business ala Jenna

        both seem like genuine nice people and not jerks or tools

        anything other things I forget to mention? Any other girl that would be good for Dave?


  40. Im just curious, did no one notice that Ms. Dawes, Degrassi’s art teacher, was teaching english? what happened to Ms. Kwan?



    1. Not sure, but Dawes is a good English teacher as she is an art one. Writing and art are things that require creativity, something that she is good at teaching and getting out of her students.



  41. I really like the KC/Jenna plot. I really want to know some more behind why KC despises his mom. And Jenna was actually caring and supportive… I know I’m surprised too. I really like the end with Bianca. This is probably the first episode that I was glued to the whole time and disappointed to see end. Great episode!

    Eli and Claire= AWESOME! The chemistry is great and I do like how Eli is trying to get Clare to come out of her shell more…

    Dave Drew and Alli: Poor Dave! I’m actually kinda rooting for him now. Alli wants to be all popular and have the hotties, when the true great love is right in front of her… Although I must say you could see the connection between Alli and Drew. Even though I think Drew has other intentions… Maybe something to do with Sav? Can’t wait for the next episode! [=



  42. I’ve been watching Degrassi since it premiered and I have got to say, this season is so much better in SO many aspects.Never have I been so caught up and enthusiastic in a plot. I LOVE “Eclare” and have never felt myself get really excited over a Degrassi couple!! This is awesome!! I love her character now! They have great onscreen chemistry; I can’t wait for this to unfold.



  43. 1) Is Darcy the reason Claire’s parents are having issues? (You shouldn’t have let her travel so far away I miss my baby!!)
    2) Who drinks more, Bianca or KC’s basketball coach? Bianca is definitely hotter, in any case.
    3) Who the hell plays “I never” sober??
    4) Could Dave be any more oblivious?
    5) Why did KC need pencils for a Media Immersion class that seems to take place primarily on computers?

    One final note, and let me be clear that I refuse to read spoilers or even future episode descriptions so if you bastards spoil it for me, I’ll haunt this website for eternity. Claire talks about an author that kills herself, and writes a paper about gun control. I think we all no Degrassi is not subtle at all. Claire is going to shoot herself.



    1. lmao @ the KC needing pencils for MI class…i never thought of that! lol

      i wonder why Clare’s parents are fighting too. Did they ever fight before? I dont recall ever seeing the dad, just the mom with Darcy’s character, or maybe i’m just totally writing him out of memory. lol



      1. The dad was in S7 Ep. 713 Bust a Move Pt. 1, when Darcy is being put in that program for troubled teens.


    2. I don’t agree with some of the stuff you said, but I never thought of the Clare thing.
      I understand Degrassi is always dropping hints. But I don’t think that Clare would shoot herself, but what you said does kinda make sense.
      And I have a question. I mean, for anyone.
      What did Aislinn mean, when on Twitter she wrote this as a reply to someone who asked if Eli was going to commit suicide, “Haha, well, I’ll see what I can do about that…Jk’s, can’t tell you much, but Eli is pretty messed up..”
      I don’t understand what she means. Lol.



      1. She was jokingly saying that she’d try to get the writers to have Eli commit suicide, as though she hates him.


  44. all degrassi season episodes SO FAR in 1 place this is my website and as the eps leak i will put them on my site



  45. So far I’m loving most of the stories in this season, especially the new characters’, like Drew’s and now Eli’s.

    But I’m sooo done with Alli. Her voice is really whispery/heavy/ANNOYING AS HELL and I’m just sick of dealing with her bitchy selfishness in every episode. And why is she such a hooker this season? She dresses like one, talks like one, and now she’s acting like one. CAN’T. STAND. HER.

    I love Clare, though! Hope her and Eli get busy soon… :D



  46. this episode was the best so far to me!!!!1

    IM IN LOOOVE WITH ELI AND CLARE… wonder if they r that close in real life…

    Poor kc :( i feel bad for him he was such a good guy last year

    Alli is starting to annoy but i still love her she has such great fashion taste and she’s lucky to have drew :p

    cant wait for part 2 ( even though ive already seen it XD )



    1. Haha, really?
      I’m just in love with Eli. =P



      1. Ok, sorry.
        Enough fan girl-ing now.


      2. haha im in love with both eli/munro to which is why i love him together with clare/aislinn if that makes any sense XD


  47. oh my god you people try to analyze EVERY little detail and describe all the faults.

    2 WORDS. ITS A TV SHOW!! it’s not a stephen king novel.

    quit obsessing about it. i mean seriously wtf

    btw kary, your a grown man you shouldn’t be watching a TEENAGE GIRL DRAMA SHOW and spending fridays watching it.

    Plus, Kary is a girl name…



    1. …and I’m supposed to care what you think because…?



    2. Degrassiobsessed December 28, 2010 at 6:27 pm

      Common dude be matture. Even my boyfriend watches degrassi with me sometimes…are you on this site just to diss? You must have no life if you just want to complain to people you dont know about his/her interests.



    After watching Better off alone again, I think that Jenna should break up with KC. I can’t believe he brought her mother into the conversation. I know his mom did a lot of things in the past that hurt him, but I think that he should at least she if she has changed. Give her one more chance and if she blows it, she doesn’t deserve him. Jenna was the voice of reason for the whole episode. I can’t believe I’m saying, but she not as bad as I thought she was.



  49. A) I think KC is very justified in his paranoia. hello!! his mother locked him in a closet so she could get high?!? who wouldn’t try to escape the person that has traumatized them, i don’t care if she is “turning her life around”. there’s a big difference between mother and mom, Lisa is a mother- DNA is the only tangible thing between them. She’s not a mom [i.e. someone to feel safe with].

    B) Love Clare/Eli!!! No bad comments about this storyline, it got the A it deserved. Someone above mentioned the complete 180 between KC vs. Eli and I completely agree. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them in the next part!

    C) Does anyone else see the slight similarity of Dave/Alli/Drew triangle to the former [and very brief] JT/Manny/Craig? I really used to like Alli but the more we see of her the more shallow she becomes which- in degrassi history- can only lead to a major fall out. this plot is generally a coin toss for me, we’ll have to see how it goes.



    1. Arianna, I think you have a good grasp of what’s going on. KC has the right to be paranoid. Sure, I’m annoyed with him, but you can’t expect him to welcome his mom back into his life with open arms. She lost his trust and she has to get it back. KC’s being pretty irrational with stealing the liquor and hunting for drugs, but it’s expected. He’s the child of an addict, so naturally his life experience is going to be a little different. I think we should give him some credit.

      I absolutely love Clare and Eli together. Clare is so Molly Ringwald from Pretty in Pink and Eli’s encouragement may be just the thing to get her out of her shell a bit more. I am a little weary about the tarot card reading though… death? I hope not. I really don’t want to see anyone dying during Boiling Point.

      The JT/Manny/Craig thing is pretty similar to Dave/Alli/Drew…. except (and I’m going to throw a wrench into things) I don’t think Drew is straight. Someone mentioned it yesterday in a comment and I thought I was the only one who thought so. His whole ladies man persona could be a facade.



      1. i love your comparison of clare to molly ringwalds ‘andy’! it’s so true :) and the tarot card thing, i agree as well. i’ve never liked a character as much as i have eli and claire, instantaneous. it would be a shame to get rid of such a promising character.

        and about drew, i never thought about it before but the more i think about it the more sense it makes. i mean, riley lashed out too didn’t he? also overcompensating with the girls girls girls and such.

        you have interesting conclusions…


  50. this is the best epeisode by far!! eli’s character is so intriguing and i can’t wait to see what happens.
    So glad this episode did not had any Holly J and Declan and absolutely love Clare’s character she’s the best.



  51. Kary, Are you making a new header for each 2 parter?
    You had Fiona and Bobby, Riley and Drew, and now, KC.



  52. I have never liked ali very much but this season im just mad to see her wasting space with her stupid and pathetic attempts at popularity.



  53. What happend at alis party during the take you clothse off thing and what hapend after the party? ;) i missed that to redarding my parents thing I’m watching kid shows and I have to dodge channels to see



    1. It was called “Never have I ever”
      Someone says something they haven’t done and if someone has done that before, they take an article of clothing off.



  54. I agree with all of that. I feel so bad for Clare and her parents :(

    but really? The whole, “Let’s cut class and sit out in public in the middle of town?”



    1. I know, in my school if you did that they’ll call the police and go to your home and everywhere to find you lol.



    2. ^^^^
      lol sad where ever u live. Where i live i can cut school and no punishment, most teachers dont care but if they do they will call home when u come back the next day without a legit absent letter.



  55. im not entirely sure… but is eli driving a hearse? hahahah



    1. yep, a vintage Hearse



  56. I think Clare looses her purity ring this season, is it just me? lol


    -M&M gal



  57. lol she probably will aha



  58. I dont think KC is going to cheat. He’s pretty upset (and understandably so) but he’s not in a state where I think he’d compromise his relationship with Jenna. I do think he should give his mom a chance though. I know she used to be bad but maybe she needs a second chance! read this recap for another take on it http://ology.com/screen/degrassi-boiling-point-recap-better-alone-part-one



  59. @kary do the real people run their characters twitters? Oh and I you have one add me lol KamPardo I follow all the official degrassi twitters btw anya eli dave wesley and bianca just made official twits but I can’t post the link because I’m talking through a blackberry lol



  60. Short interview with Munro Chambers (Eli).

    Sorry if you’ve already seen it.

    I love his hand motions lol.



    1. This is DEGRASSI, DEGRASSI season 10, 30 years were going big this season!

      oh and freeze the video a :15 he looks hilarious IMO (but still cute)






    3. This is Degrassi. DEGRASSI.

      So there IS going to be a pregnancy. Now I’m thinking it’s going to be Jenna. I wonder what the storyline thats “never been done” is. Are they talking about Adam? Or is it something else as well. (Didn’t someone say Eli’s storyline is something that hasn’t been done as well?)



      1. I def agree with the Jenna getting pregnant thing.

        And the stuff that’s never been done before. I know Adam/Chelsea’s story line with the transgender stuff has never been done before, but i’ve also heard that Eli’s story is something that’s never been done as well. So… idk lol. I definitely don’t think Eli’s story is him being a sociopath like a lot of people are saying tho. Especially after these two episodes.


  61. Is the next episode going to be leaked?



    1. I’m sure it will be just like every other episode.



  62. I’ll be quite honest, at first I wasn’t such a big fan of Eli. I started liking Clare a lot more after her and KC broke up and I wasn’t too sure about Eli. All doubts about him were thrown out the window the moment I saw both of them in action. It was such beautiful chemistry and they did act really well together. Unfortunately, Degrassi relationships never last, but I’m curious to see where theirs go.

    Alli is REALLY pissing me off. She’s continuously proving that she a shallow wanna-be who doesn’t have a deeper motive for what she’s doing. She’s more of a static character to me. Maybe if she had attention issues, it’d be tolerable, but all she ever wants to do is get popular and it’s really starting to get annoying.

    I hate KC. I really do. I understand his mom did a lot of bad stuff to him as a child, but regardless he should at LEAST try to consider good in her. She is his mother. KC has already proven to be such a pessimistic person–which quite frankly, is such a bother–and I understand not answering her calls, but once she started MAKING the effort, the least he could do is give her a shot. Jenna was very tolerable this episode and I enjoyed her trying to convince KC that maybe she has changed for the better.

    Lastly, if Drew is gay, then that’d make a way better plot line for him then just ladies man, or the cliché “find the right girl” that has already been used with Declan. Maybe he even tries getting with Zane, which keeps Zane in more episodes, which I’m hoping EVERYONE wants.



  63. Okay so maybe I’m super late on this but Adam and Drew are siblings?! I was looking at the character twitters and noticed that their last names are Torres.



    1. lol yes they are step-brothers



  64. I am surprised that no one has thought of ‘Cli’
    I say it sounds cuter…..



  65. I think the reason they are secretly shoving Bianca down our throats in almost every C/B plot is because her plot is the most important later this season at the mid season finale thing when she invites Drew to the boiler room.
    ALSO can everyone stop saying Eli is going to suicide because someone asked Snake(lol i cant remember his real name) if Eli was like Claude(who was the character in the original degrassi series that suicided, he was more in a Rick like situation) and Snake said “NO!”. So I’m sure that if anyone is going to suicide it isn’t going to be Eli or even Adam at that. They said they want to keep Adam around for his whole high school life dealing with his transgender issues.



    1. If there is a suicide, I still think it’s Leia, seeing as though she is leaving halfway through. I could be wrong though.



    2. Exactly,they did say that Adam was going to be there dealing with being transgendered until he graduated, which also completely rules out Adam staying Chelsea for long.



  66. I wonder whoes going to reach their “boiling point” first . I really do , also I agree with Gabie (ithink , sorry on phone) . if Drew was gay that would be a much better plot line , but the way he was such a flirt & didn’t seem to have riley’s akwardness when he kissed girls , I would assume this just might be another sort of meaningless relationship / ali’s attempt of getting popular . Then again , everyones gonna reach there boiling point .

    Anways , This show was very amusing . The way almost every ‘pt 1’ of a 2parter always leaves in a cliff hanger makes me so mad my laptop split in half . I would L.O.V.E to see a love triangle between claire , eli , and k.c . maybe even adding Bianca and Jenna . During the boob job argument between claire and jenna claire metioned I think that she was still a threat in their relationship . Your always kept guessing when it comes to Degrassi .



  67. Since I missed monday Tuesday and yesterday I have to wait for Friday to see this weeks eps.



    1. not necessarily. they’re all on zshare :)



  68. I don’t know why everyone hates Jenna. She really didn’t steal KC. If KC was so in like/love with Claire he wouldn’t have left her. I for one think KC goes better with Jenna. I like Jenna. She is more fit for KC than Claire.



    1. and everyone who hates alli this season, i can understand why’d you’d hate it, but i am glad they are doing it because it’s what every girl strives for in high school. makes the show more realistic.



  69. Basically, Clare and Eli’s plot sucks. Everyone will rate down my comment but maybe you should listen to what I have to say. They can’t just push KC/Clare for OTP in S8 just to have them get screwed over in S9. It’s not fair for people who actually enjoyed them as a couple. and “Eclair” shippers don’t get overemotional about this, I am just voicing my opinion. Eli is creepy, tbh. I don’t find him attractive and I certainly don’t think they should stick Clare/Eli together… and trying to make Jenna out as “the good girlfriend” BULLSHIT. You cannot just accept her for that, seriously?! She’s annoying and stupid and there is a reason KC is so overprotective about his past/life – it’s NONE of her business, girlfriend or not. Also, they are re-creating the characters so much and Eli is supposed to bring some dark aspect to the show – but he is just seeming like the cliche outcast quoting – “Why do you care so much about what other people think?” GOD, at least KC had similar morals with a more interesting persona.
    KC/Clare FTW.



    1. The whole KC/Claire thing was a filler. in season 8 there wasw only 4 freshmen. with alli already dating up they wouldn’t make another freshmen do that. And connor isn’t really a dateable guy, so basically that only left KC. They needed to do something with claire’s character. She already had that perfect persona about her so what other drama could they give her besides boy related ones? which was exactly why that whole 8th season was based just on her liking KC. KC and Jenna actually go together. they both are into sports, both had lived without a parent figure, both adventures and fun, unlike claire.



      1. um, opposites attract. kc and jenna don’t fit. they are a bad couple, shoved down our throats. dont even for a second call klare a filler.


      2. The whole point of season 8 was to set up for season 9… they purposely put clare and kc together and made you have feelings for them just so when they broke up you’d feel sad and devestated, which means they did there job right if you are feeling like that. And i don’t know if Jenna and KC will last, i doubt it knowing how relationshps go on Degrassi, but Jenna and KC are just better for eachother.How were KC and Jenna “Shoved down are throats”? Opposites attract SOMETIMES but Clare and KC are just too opposite anyways…


    2. I gave you a thumbs up. As hip hop enthusiasts would say, you went IN on your comment. You make strong points in your argument but for future comments that you make, the whole “everyone will rate down my comment but idc” is guaranteed for thumbs down. Leave that out and your continuation of strong comments will have E-Clare shippers et al thumbing you up for a well-said argument. While you didn’t insult them, they will always feel kinda ‘called out’ if you do that.

      Anyways, I can see why there are alot of E-Clare people. What I got out of your argument is that they could turn out to be an outcast couple; Clare will still do her things, but your argument I believe is supported with the evidence of E-Clare chilling at the Ravine with Adam/Chelsea. You spot on with KC, Jenna had no right to take his phone. She probably snitched on him to Principal Simpson. I would’ve dumped KC if I were Jenna because of being so nosy. The way she behaved in Heart Like Mine part 2 is the way she should act all the time.



    3. i gave you a thumbs too lol because i was surprised someone would actually say they didnt like claire/eli relationship you got guts lmao



    4. Duude its only the first episode of ‘eclair’, geez.



  70. Not sure if I’m the only one who’s come up with this, but is Drew gay?



  71. SouthernBelle220 July 29, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    ok on Heather’s twitter there is a majorly cute NEW pic of CLARE and ELI! It might be on in the episode where Eli gives Clare mixed signals



  72. TV guide episode desciptions

    I Just Don’t Know What to Do With Myself, Pt. 1
    Aug 2, 2010
    Part 1 of 2. Sav’s strict father won’t allow him to go out on a school night, despite his good grades. Elsewhere, Jenna has trouble fitting into her Power Squad uniform; and Fiona finds an unusual new friend

    I Just Don’t Know What to Do With Myself, Pt. 2
    Aug 3, 2010
    Conclusion. Sav comes up with a scheme to drive his dad’s truck to a concert. Meanwhile, Jenna’s weight-loss efforts become dangerous; and Fiona’s apartment is a mess thanks to her new buddy.

    Try Honesty, Pt. 1
    Aug 4, 2010
    Part 1 of 2. Holly J. thinks Declan doesn’t want her to tag along when he visits Yale. Meanwhile, Wesley and Connor try to help Dave; and Clare doesn’t like Eli messing with Fitz

    Try Honesty, Pt. 2
    Aug 5, 2010
    Conclusion. Declan offers to assist Holly J. with finances. Elsewhere, Eli’s revenge plans for Fitz worry Clare; and Dave’s lack of vocal talent puts his band and his friendships at risk.



  73. I found this picture not sure if any body seen it



    1. I wonder if Clare is warning him about Fitz there !!!



  74. Damn, yall going at each other with these pairings, intros, etc. I wonder what the record is for most thumbs up, something the majority of you guys may not care to know about. I think the first comment got like 45; crazy! Good job.

    tj/ Is anyone here a night owl? /tj

    / My new Degrassi fic puts a different twist on current events, R/R if it merits one


    //This Hemo Rage black is no joke, great pre-workout drink!

    ///I’m done, going to lift weights now, ciao adios goodbye cucaracha



  75. when do you guys think “i just dont know what to do with myself” will be leaked?!



    1. probably saturday or sunday but might be wrong.



  76. I hope someone gets killed in the lockdown episode.



    1. idonthaveaname:) July 29, 2010 at 6:55 pm

      don’t hope like that facultybob..



  77. i think this clarifies that eli and fitz get into a fight.

    for some reason i love this picture though, hahaa



    1. ashley kemper July 29, 2010 at 8:57 pm

      it was probably “no pun intended” but you said clarifies as in CLARE-ifies. AHA.



  78. […] Degrassi Episode (and Video) Review: Better Off Alone Pt. 1 [WARNING: THIS EPISODE REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS] […]



  79. ashley kemper July 29, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    *****when clare was talking to her mom while im’ing eli and her mom said “want to sub in?” and clare looked at her screen there was nothing type in the type box but right when she turned around there was something typed in :D*****



  80. Adam makes his appearenxe NEXT WEEK!!!



  81. […] week’s episode reviews 99 Problems Pt. 1 99 Problems Pt. 2 Better Off Alone Pt. 1 Better Off Alone Pt. […]



  82. Thought it was hilarious that KC got hammered and blacked out. he definately moved up as a character in my book. Hopefully he goes after that bad girl Bianca and gets rid of Ms. Piggie



  83. Ok I loved this episode. EClare for the win! Lol and although I HATED Jenna last year I… (kills me to say this) feel bad for the way KC’s been treating her. She’s actually been ok this year unlike the “fake compliments cheery girl boyfriend stealer” she was last year. I still want her and KC to break up though not because of the whole stealing Clare thing (not anymore lol), but because they don’t seem to be that good together anymore. As long as they break up and she stays away from Eli (since she has a thing for Clare’s love interests) she may be a likesble character for me! Oh and I also thought part 1 of this episode had the best music of the season!



  84. i lovedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd eli and clare. so frickin adorable.



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