There’s more Degrassi character twitters to add to the list!!





*hint* *hint* Each character will start tweeting more as their storyline grows throughout the season.  For a complete list of Degrassi twitters (the characters AND the actors), they’re always available in the sidebar on the right side of the page.

Posted by Kary


  1. I love how they are actually keeping up with these twitter accounts because it really does give you hints to what is gonna happen later on. Like how Alli has a picture of Drew on her twitter:)



  2. Alli’s twitter is up too



    1. how’d i get marked down?



      1. Pay no mind to the thumbs up/thumbs down feature. Obviously people like to thumbs down comments for no reason. Probably think it’s funny.


  3. I love the character twitters, very cool.



  4. LOL. I love how Clare’s backround is a collage of Fortnight books.



  5. YES!!! FINALLY ADAM! :D Now Eli needs one.



    1. Adam PROMO



      1. oh my god!!! that just made me sooo excited. next week cant come fast enough. and it looks like i’ll have to revoke bianca’s awesomeness status :( she’s being a jerk to adam. altho, i love how it looks like clare’s gonna find out. “why do you have tampons?”


      2. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 27, 2010 at 3:24 pm



      3. degrassigirl00 July 27, 2010 at 7:02 pm

        thank u sooo much!!!


    2. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 27, 2010 at 3:22 pm

      ooo, that was an interesting promo.

      Adam Vs. Bianca



    3. Poor Adam.”I’ve seen freaks like you on Oprah!” when Bianca said that I wanted to punch that bitch in her face…



      1. Me too.


      2. omg, i thought that Fiona said that . i was like , noo please dont turn into a jerk now… your like my facourite character.. i cant wait for Adam to come. this is like the first time i was ever excited for degrassi to have new characters. :D.


    4. DegrassiLover July 27, 2010 at 3:44 pm

      Did Ms. Oh just say “Put your pants back on.” Like WTF!?



      1. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 27, 2010 at 5:03 pm

        when she said that it looked like it was Dave who she was saying that too..and he was on the computer, so maybe he was at some dirty site?


      2. yeah! these two boys pull down Adams pants to see what he’s hiding under there. in front of the whole class. atleast that was a promo i saw (: i cant wait to watch the episode. poor Adam ):


    5. that was intense. I knew adam would get caught with tampons or something. it makes me exited to see what they will do with the character.



  6. From KC’s Twitter bio: “Whether basketball or football season, you’ll find me keeping busy and taking all the luck I can get.”

    OR FOOTBALL — sounds like KC will be trying out for the football team.



  7. Omg, I just watched the new Degrassi Promo from Much Music. From the promo these issues are what we are going to see:
    Fitz and Eli fighting/ Getting Arrested.
    Adam likes Bianca, but she thinks he’s a freak.
    Adam gets pushed into the door windows by Fitz and Owen
    Claire finds Tampons from Adam
    Adam and Eli become friends
    Sav likes Bianca
    Ms. Oh telling Dave to pull up his pants. :O
    Leia telling Anya her mom’s having an affair.
    Sav flooring the car from the cops.
    Wow, I’m excited for these new storylines, and also Melinda (Ali) is getting written off for a little bit. I think Sav and Connor get shot for the lockdown by Fitz or Owen (I think it’s either one of them because they aren’t in the main credits and they are going be shown alot. Also when Rick had storylines, he wasn’t in the main plots. So I think it’s one of them. I think Connor get shot because he’s the one to get dunk by Fitz in the ‘Shark in the Water’ Promo. So Ali leaves because she’s upset about her brother. :)



    1. could someone possibly put this on zshare or youtube or something? pretty please so we dont have to download it?



      1. ill download it and upload it on zshar, if thats okay with holiday?


    2. Merci beaucoup, mon ami. :)



  8. I think someone is going to die or get killed.



  9. great episode kc is gonna get into sum trouble with biancaa :D



  10. How do the episodes keep getting leaked? Not complaining, just wondering.

    BOA part 1.. soooo good. :)




  11. 1007 is really good I didn’t want this to happen but I’m liking Jenna



    1. LOL I was thinking the same thing *spoiler alert! …I never thought I would see the light of day when I actually agree with Jenna…and did u guys (who have watched it) get the hint when KC told Jenna “What makes you the expert? Your mom left you to…” that just stood out to me.



  12. sadly jenna is doing the right thing so im actually liking her character now and Eli is beastlyy.



  13. Can someone please put it on zshare? he website wasnt working for me? PLEASE(:



  14. Alli is back to Sav’s little sister



  15. i still want a Darcy either a IM chat about the parents or



    1. They mentioned Darcy in 99 Problems part 1ol. that was her uniform Alli was wearing.



    2. Me too, I loved Darcy’s character. I watch 90210, and I think she’s a better actor on Degrassi. I wish she comes back and gets married to Peter. While Mia can stay on The Vampire Diaries, lmfao.



    3. i dont think declans is real the one that holly j( writes to ( he talks about kissing darcy on his which is just bizzare lollololol



  16. Eli and Clare….so cuteee <3



  17. is it only my computer or is this happening to everyone the muchmusic promo is taking like 10 minutes to fully load. and any videos on zshare barely play



    1. The MuchMusic promo won’t work for me anymore. It says that it’s been either deleted or blocked due to privacy settings :(



  18. Wow. Better Off Alone (1) was really good! Jenna wasn’t as annoying as she usually is. I really want to see part 2 now.



  19. anyone else notice that bianca was sitting across from someone wearing a hoodie? it seemed to me like that person was purposefully trying not to be seen.



  20. oh, and **spoiler**
    when eli made clare scream in a public place, did anyone else immediately think of uptown girl (i think thats what it was. beginning of season 8) when kc made clare sing a hymn in the cafeteria? it kind of annoys me that the same exact situation has come up with both of clare’s love interests, but it also shows how much she’s changed: this time, clare was a bit hesitant to scream.



    1. Yes, but with KC, he was trying to prove to her that she cared about what other think. Eli’s trying to make Clare care less about what people think. I like that they’re opposite situations, and the latter is better.



      1. yeah. i guess you’re right. shows how different (and more awesome) eli is from kc.


  21. Hm, they should’ve kept playing that never have I ever game



    1. Yes i wanna see drew shirtless :D



      1. Oh my gosh, I know. I have a feeling he’ll be shirtless by the end of the season. =P


  22. i thought it was the best episode so far! i was interested in all the plots.



  23. You’d think Clare wouldn’t use social networking after what happened to Darcy, lmao.



    1. Clare was talking to someone she actually knew. There’s a difference



  24. Maybe Adam makes an appearance in ‘Better Off Alone’ Part 2 when K.C. joins a tougher crowd. I just can’t wait anymorrrre! lol



    1. You really think Adam would be in the tough crowd though?



      1. @B8
        I only thought so cause in the promo he was in that group with Bianca and Sav. Idk, but I agree with BNJ, he’ll definatly be there.


    2. Almost positive that Adam will be in I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself (so, next weeks Monday and Tuesday episodes) because -spolier- the description (which sounds really lame, whoever writes those needs to, um, stop or something) talks about how Sav takes his dad’s truck to go out late or something, which makes me think we’ll see the “Floor it!” scene that Adam is in.



      1. Maybe he’ll be in ‘Try Honesty’ also, in the description for that episode, it says for pt. 2 Eli comes up with a plan to end Fitz’s bullying. and in the latest Much Promo, it looks like Eli is coming up with a plan and you see Adam behind him. So Adam will most defiantly fall into place next week, and if we’re lucky, maybe this week.


  25. Anybody have part two of Better off Alone??



    1. Just wait till tomorrow. Usually the episodes are leaked 1 day ahead.



  26. I just watched ‘Better Off Alone’ Part One and I think it’s my new favorite episode ever! I love the K.C. and his mom storyline. I love how he steals the bottle and is going to see his mom gave it to him. Also I love the ending, Jenna is mad at K.C. And she walks over the bag and the bottle falls out. Then Bianca sees it and offers to drink it with him. I love the Eli & Claire storyline and the Drew & Ali storyline. Amazing episode and I can’t wait for part 2!



  27. guys i havent seen boa yet do kc and jenna break up? do kc and bianca start going out?



    1. Nope. and nope.



  28. no but kc maybe gettin into trouble real soon



  29. DegrassiDrama July 27, 2010 at 7:27 pm

    My thoughts on Better Off Alone- SPOILERS-

    Wow, this was a pretty great episode!

    KC’s mother seems REALLY young. She must have had him at a very young age. She looks like his sister! I kind of feel sorry for her, she seems to be trying to put her life back on track and KC might just mess that up, which is very cruel of him. On the other hand she have probably done a ton of cruel things to him throughout his childhood, so it’s like they say- the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    Alli throwing a party? Wow, that’s pretty daring considering how strict her parents are. I’d be scared they would show up unannounced or something. Dave really needs to stop chasing after Alli like he’s some pet dog, it’s pathetic. I love him to pieces, but it’s time for him to accept the fact that she’s just not into him. Pick up your dignity and move on dude.

    I got chills when Drew close the door and started making out with Alli. I found it cute how she would jumble her words when trying to talk to him. That’s something I would do. Drew is intimidatingly cute, the type of hot guy that makes you blush and you can’t look at in the eyes.

    Both of Clare’s parents need to stop doing all that fighting in front of their daughter. Enough with that. Be mature adults, sit down, and talk it out, or at least fight in another room.

    Eli is awesome. I think Clare should’ve hung out with him instead of going with her mother.

    Badass-Bianca seems like she’s going to help KC raise some hell. Gosh she’s just like the tough girls I went to school with. I love it1



  30. I loved Better Of Alone Part 1! Cant wait for Part 2!



  31. I love this part:

    Clare- I don’t understand how you got an A and I got a C!

    Eli- Simple, I’m dating Ms.Dawes




  32. omg tomorrows episode better off alone is probably the best this season LOl. All three plots were done so well and they set up perfectly for thursday’s episode.

    Just some other things:
    -Alli Clare and KC were all BFFs season 8 and now they are all on three different places completely.
    -Anyone notice that the mainplot is the story that ends the episode?
    -Lastly, BIANCA, im still loving her, she is definitely a female Jay. She hasn’t even had a plot of her own yet and everyone knows her attitude and who she is(which is trouble) lol



  33. Degrassi4Lyfe July 27, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    I effing love Bianca! And I agree, DNTG WOOT, she hasn’t even had an actual plot herself, and I’m already hooked! KC and his momma problems were pretty interesting. It kept me watching. Speaking of keeping me watching, can I say Drew is foineeeeeeee! Hottie with a body! The end where Alli and Drew start making out was a perfect way to end “Better Off Alone Pt. 1”. Ah, and I cannot forget about Eli and Clare. OMG SO. CUTE. whaaaaaa!!! This episode is probably one of my favs so far. I’m so anxious for Part. 2!!!! xoxo Degrassi4Lyfe



  34. Better Off Alone Part 1 was alright. What kept my attention the most was Alli and Drew (mostly because I think drew is adorable to watch). The sexual chemistry between them at the party was pretty intense and actually kind of sexy. But really, guys? Rush into stuff much?

    Why does everyone ‘LOVE’ Eli? There are ridiculous amounts of fan pages for him on the internet, but I don’t know why. This was literally his first episode as a frontline character, and to be honest his personality is flat. I get it, you guys think he’s “cute”, and he’s “cute” with Clare, but really? I don’t see anything groundbreaking about his character other than the annoying, “anti-authority, pro-individual” cliche he clearly thrives in. Oh, and he drives a hearse? Seriously writers?

    In fact, I’m still sticking with my original theory that the “death” and “lockdown” are related to Eli. He either dies, causes an event that unintentially kills someone (Fitz? Owen?), or pulls a suicide (reminiscent of the Degrassi High episode “Showtime”). Here’s my reasons for thinking this:

    1. Clare and Eli are in a fortune tellers tent in the Shark promo, and they draw two cards: “lovers” (which obviously signifies their relationship later in the season), and an UPSIDE-DOWN “death” card. I’m not certain if the card being upside down was done purposely, but if so, bravo directors! The lovers card was pertaining to Clare+Eli, so the death card is most likely pertaining to Clare+Eli. Aislinn has already tweeted that major changes in Clare’s life shift her character a bit, but she is still “Clare” at the end. This means that, to me at least, Eli dies and Clare is still alive at the end of S10. An upside down death card may also signify that someone “makes a mockery of death”. This makes sense, considering Eli drives a hearse.

    2. Eli is given his own scene for the Opening sequence. I know, so does Clare and so does Alli. But think about it – This may be a way to kill off Eli, and just simply edit his scene out for a new opening sequence, as opposed to filming an entirely new one (if Clare and Eli were together in the opening sequence).



    1. lol i think its like real life, people have different taste. I personally don’t get what the whole buzz is with drew, I admit he is kinda cute, but as a character he doesnt grab my attention. But Eli and Clare were so cute, I did expect more from Eli’s character as far as acting goes. But I think he is a newbie and trying to get the hang of things.



    2. Hahahahah, I love the haters. Completely agreed, 100%.



  35. DegrassiDrama July 27, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    I agree with the one poster who said the new power squad outfits are ugly. I liked the older ones. Alli looked hot in Darcy’s old one. Screw Chantay with her snotty little “Very retro” comment.



  36. if eli dies i will be SO upset! he’s actually the first character i’ve liked in a while. his flat and sarcastic personality is just what the show needs. clares personality is a bit of the same. she has kind of a boring personality (since shes not really experienced in most things) but eli is the sameish. i love both character, and i think they make a great match. i don’t think that degrassi is going to kill a new character, especially one who’s getting involved with clare. if he does end up dying, i’ll probably cry lol; but that’s just me :P. anyway, i’m pretty sure something is going to happen to sav because in the promo a knife is yeah. i bet he gets stabbed or something. all i know is that fitz is for sure going to be involved with the lockdown. i’m thinking that he stabs sav or some reason and holly j saves him. then again, i’ve read online that eli kills himself and then the school is in lockdown. BUT i don’t think that’s it, because the lockdown is supposed to be “the biggest event in degrassi history”. in my opinion, a shooting (with rick) was more dramatic than a suicide. basically, if eli dies i’m going to be really pissed off and sad lol. :P thoughts?



  37. Does anyone have any idea what the lock down is going to be about?

    I’ve read SO many things online for what the lock down will be about. Here’s what I’ve read so far:

    – Eli commits suicide.
    – Jenna gives KC an std and dies during school.
    – KC and Eli get in a fight over Clare
    – Fitz and Eli get in a fight and either Eli or Fitz kills one another.
    – Someone stabs Sav and Holly J saves him.
    – KC brings a weapon to school.
    – Bianca does something to Adam.
    – Clare is involved in the death of someone.

    That’s pretty much all I’ve heard. Here are my thoughts on each potential situation:

    Eli committing suicide-
    I don’t think so. I mean, in the promo Clare’s second card drawn said “death”, but maybe it’s because SHE has something to do with the death of someone, along with Eli. But I honestly doubt that Degrassi would kill a new character, especially one getting involved with Clare. Also, the lock down is supposed to be the biggest event in Degrassi history. In my opinon, Rick’s shooting would be more of a “bigger event” than a suicide. That’s just my thoughts, though.

    Jenna giving KC an STD-
    I DO think this is going to happen, because of her secret, but I don’t think that it’s going to kill KC.

    Eli & Fitz fight-
    I already know this happens, because Eli wants to stop Fitz’s bullying. I’m thinking Fitz is the one going to be the one of the people who leaves the season, because he never really had a story line.

    KC & Eli fight over Clare-
    Okay, so it’s obviously KC still has a thing for Clare but doesn’t want to directly show it. I’m sure KC and Eli will get into an argument over Clare, but nothing big because KC can’t really afford to get into any more trouble considering his “criminal” record.

    Sav gets stabbed-
    This is probably the one I most believe. In the degrassi promo, it shows a knife getting thrown at Sav. Holly J then comes over and takes the knife out of the thing Sav is on. Also, in some of the commericals we see Sav screaming outside of the school. I doubt it was a stress scream. I’m thinking Sav either gets stabbed or shot, or something that harms him. I’m pretty sure that Holly J then saves him like in the promo when she pulled the knife out of the thing. I’m thinking that Fitz is the one who hurt Sav, because he IS the bully of the school. Then again, I could be wrong.

    KC brings a weapon-
    Since KC is joining a new crowd to cope with his mom returning, I’m thinking that he’s going to be changing back to his old ways. I don’t know if he’s going to bring something, but if he does he might have something to do with Sav potentially getting stabbed.

    Bianca does something to Adam-
    In a recent commerical I saw, Adam dropped all of “his” stuff and Clare saw tampons. Bianca somehow finds out and screams, “I’ve seen freaks like you on opera.” She said something to Adam but I can’t remember her exact words. I think they were, “If you come near me, I WILL kill you.” Bianca is kind of like a mix between past characters Alex & Jay, so maybe she’ll be involved in something?

    Clare is involved-
    In the Degrassi promo, Clare pulls out two cards and one of them said “death”. At first I thought either her or Eli were going to die (which is still a possibility), but then I thought about how she could be connected in the death of someone. In a commerical, Clare turns around to I think Eli and says, “what?” in an upset, scared tone. I’m thinking she’s involved in the death of whoever (by witnessing it or something minor) and Eli is trying to get her to talk about it with him.



  38. I don’t know about you guys, but did anyone feel the Spark between eli and clare? It seemed really natural, compare to all the other couple in degrassi history, that just seemed to be paired up randomly.



    1. These aren’t the official ones. None of the official character twitters are following any of these people, and Epitome would’ve let me know if they had added any new ones.



  39. ahhh better off alone is going to be so GOOD!!! CANT WAIT XD



  40. i just saw better off alone part one i cant wait for part 2 someone upload please :) ELI IS HOT!!!I CANT WAIT FOR MORE YEA!…CLARE ND ELI R SO CUTE



  41. eli is such a babe. i wish i was clare haha!
    anyway, i saw better off alone part 2 and omg, i just wanted him to like pull her closer to him and just kiss her already. ughhhh lol. but aww the scene with kc and his mom made me tear up a little. i can’t WAIT for the next episode! :)



  42. You probably already know this, but I just wanted to point out that they added a few more character Twitters.

    Bianca (/BeeDeSousa)
    Eli (/RealEli)
    Anya (/AnyaMacP)
    Declan (/CoyneDeclan)
    Connor (/ConnorDeLaurier)
    Wesley (/WesleyBetenkamp)



  43. Munro Chambers needs a twitter! i love him sooo much! Eli’s my favorite character.

    Munro Chamber’s please get a twitter!

    p.s. i so wish i wuz Clare. her and Eli r so cute together.



  44. 4 now on until munro chambers gets a twitter i’ll just have to follow the character twitter of Eli.
    i’d rather follow munro chambers.



  45. i can’t wate 4 the new degrassi episode 2nite!
    adams secret is revealed!



  46. Who runs these Twitters?



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