The plots for this week’s block of Degrassi: The Boiling Point episodes:

*Riley and Drew compete for the football team’s QB spot, and Drew threatens to “out” Riley to the rest of the team.

*Jenna starts acting overly jealous, causing a rough patch with her and KC.

*KC’s good life comes to a screeching halt when his mom returns.

*Alli plans to start her own dance team, in order to rival Chantay and the Power Squad.

*Alli thinks she and Drew are in a relationship, but Drew might not feel the same way.

*Clare finds herself a new study partner…Eli.

Posted by Kary


  1. Hmm this shall be an interesting week, Chantay seems to be turning into a bitch (pardon my french), and well, Jenna’s always been one, nbd :) I just wonder if that’s the secret that Jenna doesn’t know about herself, the secret of her super-major jealousy issue? (taken out of the promo clip “Shark in the Water”)



    1. What does “NBD” stand for?



      1. it stands for no big deal.

        as far as I know..


  2. Oh and I hate to be a prick, but what’s the point of Judy Jaoi’s character anymore? Ever since she got with Danny and stuff she’s been useless and idk, she doesn’t seem like she’ll be important at all this season.



    1. Agreed. I really dnt understand what they possibly plan to do with her character!…and In my eyes Chantay wasn’t a bitch at all….Alli SUCKED at cheering…and last time I checked that was the point of “cheerleading”! lmao



    2. Hmm yeah, I guess that’s true, but Chantay was acting all nice and giving her advice then bam “RAWRRR GO AWAY!” but Ali has a tendency to take things too far (The List? Get over it!) sooo we’ll see what happens!



  3. 88 is not really a QB number. hmmm



    1. i think Riley gets the position, because on rileys twitter it says Degrassi’s QB 1 so i guesss he does get it, but not 100% sure



  4. omggg show more eli please
    like in the background i don’t careeee i just wanna see him
    i know for a fact he’s not in 99 problems part 1, idk about part 2 but i know he’s gonna be in the wednesday episode
    so yaaaay



    1. itsjustzachary July 26, 2010 at 8:23 pm

      i think we feel the same with Adam too



  5. looks like zane joins the football team……. well this cant end well.



  6. I know the episode leaked, but I am going to wait until tonight to watch it. Its hard, but like degrassi said “I know I can make it through”.lol



    1. Whatever it takes… am I right?!



  7. I wish people would stop leaking the new episodes!! I wanna see them when they come out:)

    Anyway… I am super excited for Clare and Eli:D

    Also, I can’t wait to watch KC and Jenna’s relationship crumble. You can tell he’s just not into her the way she’s into him. I cannot stand her character. No… actually I take that back. Her character was tolerable, maybe even a bit likable, before she had a bf. Now she’s just a jealous person and the only thing she cares out is keeping KC with her. :P

    Anyway… only 10hrs leftttt:)



  8. I think Jenna has OCD



  9. i think thats her secret too but can someone clearly tell me what ocd is? like can you really explain it to me?



    1. Well OCD stands for Obbsesive Compulsive disorder. It is an anxaenty disorder caused by intrusive thoughts. People who hace it tend to be paranoid. Basicly its a problem in your head caused by thoughts or obbsesion. I hope that helped sort of.



    2. She actually has an eatting disorder, charlotte Arnold said it somewhere that a chacter goes through an eatting disorder. Also in ‘I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself’ she has a storyline that she takes diet pills.



    3. theres a TV show on VH1(in America)called The OCD project, it was OK i guess.



  10. I’m glad we will see more character development. Especially with Jenna. We never really saw her as anything more than a rival/friend for the girls and a new love interest for KC.

    I personally feel like I haven’t gotten to know this character enough to like her or not.



    1. I agree. And I know she was horrible to Claire, but I can sympathize with her insecurity as I am also a very insecure person. (Me and Jenna have to much in common -_- lol)



  11. Does anyone know if zane will be in anymore episodes this season?



    1. It was confirmed he’ll be in Tears are Not Enough pt 1 & 2.



      1. Wow! Tears Dry on Their Own* I was totally in a season two zone there,haha


    2. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 26, 2010 at 12:47 pm

      He is supposed to be in Tears will dry on their own…so yes he will be :)

      and 99 problems part 1 and 2.



    3. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 2:45 pm

      I still can’t get over them making Wesley a main and not my Zane.



  12. Thanks it did help because I looked it up but that just confused me more I thought ocd was like bipolar



  13. where is adam? i don’t want to wait anymore



    1. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 26, 2010 at 1:05 pm

      well My Body Is a Cage isn’t until another 2 weeks so be patient :)!



      1. you would think he’d at least be introduced before then


    2. B D Ram/Tiberius July 26, 2010 at 2:11 pm

      He befriends fiona next week. in I just don’t know what to do with myself. I think. i mean i don’t know . the summary just says she gets an unusual friend.



      1. I’m pretty sure the “unusual friend” refers to the pig the actors and producers have been talking about. The episode descriptions wouldn’t openly call Adam unusual, especially if they’re trying to bring about respect for the transgendered community.


      2. unusual doesn’t have to have a negative connotation to it, but i see what you mean. i think adam and fiona may be friends because they are pictured together in a promo pic on muchmusic


      3. It’s definitely not Adam. In the description for part 2 of that episode it says “and Fiona’s apartment is a mess thanks to her new buddy.” It makes more sense for her “unusual” friend to be the pig.


    3. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm

      hopefully..maybe next week if were lucky.



  14. I’m so excited! My thoughts (in order from the top)
    Riley vs. Drew: I’m sad that Drew’s going to be all mean to Riley. Might I add that Drew looks very attractive in that third picture? ;]
    Jenna/KC: Good. I hope they break up.
    KC/Mom: Hmm. This should be good. Now we’ll find out about his home life. Btw, in the tenth picture, is that his mom?
    Alli vs. Chantay: Well, I thought that it was Alli vs. Jenna, but ok..Lol. Anyways, I think that this will be a good overall plot because we get to see more than just the boy-craving popularity-obsessing, Alli. And I like to watch people dance. =P
    Alli/Drew: I suppose she does get a little clingy, but I’m pretty sure he leads her on, and that’s not cool.
    Clare/Eli: YAY! :D
    And all of these are just my opinions. But I can’t wait for more of The Boiling Point. =]



  15. Still waiting to see 99 Problems Part 2, but it airs tomorrow so i can wait. Part 1 was kind of boring to be honest, but some of the Riley/Zane interactions were interesting considering they got pretty physical and it was a more “realistic” approach to a gay teenage couple.

    As far as Jenna’s “secret”, at first I thought it was some sort of disease/disorder, but i’m starting to just assume KC is going to cheat on her with Bianca continuously throughout the season. Bianca “makes boyfriends disappear”, in the Shark Promo, it shows KC slowly walking away from Jenna until she’s alone, and in the S10 intro KC and Bianca seem to be pretty close. So yeah, I think it’s just that.

    I like Drew. He’s cute.

    Leia and Chantay should have left the show SEASONS ago. Danny and Derek were also equally pointless, but at least they’re gone now (thank goodness). Also, Sav and Anya were completely boring/vapid during S7-S9, so I’m glad they get some interesting plots. The whole “i’m not good enough for your family blah blah blah” thing is getting EXTREMELY old though.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 2:42 pm

      I so agree about Sav/Anya. I’m all for long storylines, Degrassi needs ’em badly, but this is one they need to kill.



      1. degrassigirl00 July 26, 2010 at 6:39 pm

        Without Sav and this stupid long-going mess she would be a character like leia.i want to go back to her early days when she was in a intresting plot…(holly j being mean to her) now its getting pathetic


  16. Is anyone else really excited to see where Dave is going to go while at Degrassi? I think they set him up really well as a key character with this Class Rep thing. I think he’s going to sneak up on us and end up as one of the major characters.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 2:43 pm

      I hope so. We have enough pointless characters as it is.



  17. I think Jennas secret is shes secretly really insecure and she steals her “friends” boyfriends, spreads rumors, & lies constantly to make herself feel better and thats why shes gonna become a secret bulimic. Insecurity.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 2:44 pm

      Nice Victoria!



    2. degrassiobsessed July 26, 2010 at 3:30 pm

      Nice! that would be an odly revised emma disorder and we need it! I mean, we keep getting short and pointless storylines that people forget, what happened to stuff like manny’s abortion, and emmas disorder, darcey’s rape??? I’m excited for this season I hope they bring back the old dramatic storylines and stop the stupid ones….SO FAR SO GOOD :)



  18. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 2:35 pm


    That’s just what I needed. A picture of my three favorite hotties- Zane, Drew, and Riley. ;)



  19. yeah i think fiona and adam become friends in next week’s episodes they have the summeries on



  20. i hate to sound like an idiot, but the descriptions on saying that fiona “finds an unusual new friend” and that her apartment is a mess “thanks to her new buddy” kind of make it sound like this friend isnt so much adam as . . . a dog. thats my prediction.



    1. Her unusual new friend is a pig. I saw it in a promo. The promo is called degrassi characters – fiona. I am not joking, I saw this promo awhile ago. In the promo after she throws the snowglobe, there is a quick scene of a pig walking across the room.

      Here’s the link:



      1. This unusual friend would definitely explain why her apartment was so messy.


      2. You’re right. It’s a pig. I wonder where she gets it from?


  21. In I Just Dont Know What To Do with Myself Part 2 it says Fionas house is a mess thanks to her new buddy. Could that mean Adam?



  22. I dont think Fiona’s new friend is Adam…
    Ok im not crazy lol, but i think fiona’s new buddy is a pet pig.



  23. Karry do you know if that Alli twitter its HeatAlli is the legit Alli Twitter? Also I;’m super excited for Eli/Clare! And Zane and Riley are so cute! I’m intrigued to learn more about Adam as well! This has a been a good season so far lets hope it stays that way :D



  24. Yeah that was one thing that made think maybe it wasn’t adam lol maybe it is a dog



  25. Is her new friend gonna be the pig Charlotte mentioned at the MuchMusic awards? Or has the pig already been shown? I’ve been watching all the recordings of the earlier seasons that built up during the EDE marathon and there’s about six more to go till season ten haha.



    1. I’m pretty sure it’s the pig. In one of the promos, you can see Fiona with it.



      1. oh my god, WHICH PROMO?!


      2. yeah here is a Snapshot of it .


    2. Hey, I didn’t know that you already mentioned the pig in your post (i posted a comment about it too) sorry.



      1. and im sorry for asking which promo. i didnt notice that moni


      2. and yet again sorry. my computer posted that comment before i was done typing it. i meant to say: sorry for asking which promo. i didnt notice that monique had already posted it. i guess that leaves no doubt as to who the unusual friend is, then.


      3. eli is HOTTT!!!!!! anyone who thinks otheerwise is a total and utter MORAN!!!!!!!!!!! GOT IT AND BY THE WAY HES MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!



  26. I watched ’99 Problems’ Part One, I thought it was pretty good, I loved the cliffhanger with Riley and Drew! Also I think Fionia’s unusual friend will be Bianca. I do not think it’s Adam at all. JENNA HAS AN EATTING/OBBSEIVE DISORDER – that’s her secret she doesn’t know. Fitz causes the lockdown, with the guy Riley plays the prank on Drew with. I do not know his name. That’s just my guess. I’m so excited for ‘My Body Is A Cage’ I want to see how they do the storyline.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 4:57 pm

      I just watched it too! Drew is such a jerk…but he’s a sexy one. ;)

      I found Chantay funny in this episode. “Honey, that’s not my problem” and “Keep it crisp, Keep it fresh, and Keep it Chantay” had me giggling.



      1. I know, at least Chanity gets a little storyline, she’s been on the show since season 5, and haven’t got a storyline since ‘Waiting for a Girl like you” also I love the cliffhanger in ’99 Problems’ Part One.


  27. im so excited for 99 problems (mostly because of Claire and Eli). and Better off alone (because of KC♥)



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 5:39 pm

      Thank you!



    2. can u maybe put it on zshare or something so that we dont have to download it?



      1. thecosmiccheese July 27, 2010 at 4:16 am

        click “watch on megavideo” to watch it online :)


  28. ********SPOILERS****************
    caller is KC’S MOTHER!



  29. Is this the episode where Riley duct tapes Drew or is that Part 2?



  30. uhmm the episode link is for 99 problems part 2



  31. ********SPOILERS****************
    Drew isn’t really that homophobic, he just wanted QB. He is nice IMO.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 6:09 pm

      I don’t think Drew is homophobic, but he’s a sneaky little bastard who’ll do anything to get his way. He IS “nice”, but the same kind of “nice” that Jenna is.



    2. hes an ass! lol



    3. they had a good opprotunity to introduce Adam this episode. but we’ll still haveto wait:(



      1. save the best for last!


    4. Drew and his mom are jerks



  32. degrassigirl00 July 26, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    from i think so far is that drew is a nice person, but when it comes to competive and serious things he cant handle it so he acts like a jerk.



    enjoy 99 problems part 2 :)
    (i just uploaded it so idk if it will work 100% and im sorry if thats the case but here’s the link)



  34. who would of guessed the person posting things about Adam is nothing but a little it’s really immature.



  35. How did someone get 99 problems part 2? Did this one leak on the internet too? This is crazy, I bet episode 7 will get leaked too.



    1. I said I wouldn’t watch anymore leaked episodes, but as soon as I saw 99 problems part 1 I had to watch part 2. (I did) I’m so weak when it comes to degrassi, I could have waited til tommorow, but I wanted to see it. Now I’m ready for the eclaire episodes. I want to see more of Eli.



  36. wow part 2 is awesome



  37. just saw part 2! haha the beginning is myfavorite part!



  38. Bianca was BEAST in 99 Problems part 2. I’m really digging her badass vibe. and she hot;)

    It wouldve been cool if they dragged out the Drew and Riley thing more, but I know we haven’t seen the last of their rivalry.



    1. ya i know right



  39. **** spoiler-type things about 99 problems part 2****
    so, i actually like what they’re doing with drew’s character. (thats not to say that i actually like drew.) i dont think he’s even homophobic at all, he just knew that he wanted to be qb and knew how to get it. also, i loved how that storyline played out: in the end, drew got what he wanted only because riley completely overreacted. idk, i just liked that riley being gay didnt even come into play when drew became qb.

    and i’ll just say this: I LOVE BIANCA SOOOO MUCH!!! she completely reminds me of alex, but possibly better. because she seems like a whole lot more than a miscreant or a thief or a deliquent or whatnot.

    and i was really pissed at alli, until the end of course. even that rather cheesy yet heartwarming ending cant redeem her for me, tho. actually, my favorite part of that ending was clare, wes, and dave debating whether to join her. it was really funny, and i thought it was great acting, for those few sentences, at least.



    1. mercdegrassi:) July 26, 2010 at 10:11 pm


      If I were Drew I would have not have wanted the spot like that, he didnt earn it and why couldnt he have played a different position…and Captain doesnt necessarily mean QB

      And as for Alli, she is really messed up in the head, she should have not started the Dance Troup for popularity, Dave was right in Season 9 when he said that she was “too cool for school” she cares too much want people think.



  40. I’m loving Clair this season. Instead of being a lifeless nerd who stays within her comfort zone, she is easily become one of my favorite characters and thank god the writers decided to breathe some life into her character.



    1. Agreed! That scene on Breakaway where she was confronting Jenna was great. And ever since I’ve been enjoying Clare so much more. :)



  41. the acting has stepped up so much. this season is already better than 8 and 9



  42. and i love bianca



  43. […] Degrassi Promo Pics: 99 Problems/Better Off Alone The plots for this week’s block of Degrassi: The Boiling Point episodes: *Riley and Drew compete for the football […] […]



  44. saw the first few minutes of 99 problems part 2 and all i can say is im gonna love bianca and shes like alex just kinda better lol idk what it is but she carries this charm with her. i really think the catfight later in the season will involve bianca shes so badass. maybe it can include jenna witht he kc drama? Or maybe bainca makes funof adam and since fiona is supposed to be his friend they get into the catfight. sorry for the ramble just excited and its about 40 minutes away for 99 problems part 1 cant wait



    1. ^ im hoping it does involve bianca! they said that the catfight is the best catfight theyve ever had on theshow! :D



  45. I’m watching 99 Problems part 2 now.

    Wow I guess they really are messing with the timeline. Just showed that it’s the 2010-2011 school year.



    1. DegrassiLover July 26, 2010 at 8:58 pm

      Yeah, I noticed that too, but I really don’t care what year it is as long as it stays relevant and the episodes are great!



    2. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 9:12 pm

      Not to be mean, but who cares? Season 10 is set in the present. Hopefully now people can stop complaining about the show being so far behind.



      1. Sorry didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining. Just stating what I noticed.


  46. 99 problems part 1 is just about to start



  47. DegrassiDrama July 26, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    Anyone else hates Riley’s hair this season? I liked it short last season.



    1. agreed



  48. I hate Drew. -_- I can’t stand this guy. (But I can sure look at him!)



  49. Yeahh I think he had that hairstyle in season 8 it looked better in season 9.



  50. well, i guess the downside to the video reviews is that i cant get on the computer as soon as the episode ends and read the review :(



  51. no holly j in this episode. :( i love herrrrrrr. i want her and declan to be together agian, i mean in the same place. cant wait for try honestyyy. i think they break up in the episode becasue she is losing her self respect. cant waiiitttt



  52. lol i kinda like how the episodes get leaked early, even though i watch some of them online i’ll still watch it on television too so it gets my view.



    1. i completely agree. my mom theorizes that the eps get leaked purposefully by the publicists or something. she thinks they must have some research that suggests its good for ratings, or something.



      1. I don’t think that the first four episodes were leaked on purpose, teennick just didn’t expect anyone to find the links.

        Now 99 Problems Part 1?? I could def. see that one being an intentional leak.


      2. i think it does help
        i mean
        even though the first episodes were leaked it still got good ratings, so it’s probably working.


  53. oh well whatever
    even if they weren’t purposely leaked they were still on the internet and a big amount of people still watched it online, but it got good ratings either way.



  54. I actually liked part 2 better than part 1 of 99 problems. As someone who’s been diagnosed bipolar and ocd- I can see that I don’t think Jenna’s secret is ocd per se…..rather I think it’s bulimia. eating disorders are about control (I studied psych in school) My hypothesis is that Jenna’s insecurity and lack of control over her relationship and the pressure of power squad drive her to bulimia. Fiona is the OCD one as you can clearly see her extreme dislike of change. I can just see her being extremely fixated on little things. Or perhaps Holly J goes into a spiral and is diagnosed w/OCD. Or maybe I’m wrong, but this is fun.

    PS Kary I get outta the hospital tommorow! damn crohns!



  55. Mhmm, Drew. Haha he’s FINE. Although he is a jackass.



  56. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 26, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    I hate that Owen didn’t get in any trouble, just Riley.



  57. mrs.taylorlautner July 26, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    -Jenna, what a jerk! you dont steal your best friend’s boyfriend, and i hope he leaves you for Clare and then Clare declines him for Eli;

    -Riley, needs to come out of the closet, i was like “awhhhhhh” when zane was saying the “my guy” stuff, and i think that if riley’s friends are true friends they’ll accept him, peter did, and if they dont so what! the coach cant kick someone off the team cuz they’re gay!

    -Drew really cute!!! but that only gets you so far, blackmailing people is NOT cool, did your mother ever teach you manners!?!?lol and he should just try to get QB1 fair and square if he cant get it that way then that means riley deserves it and he should just tryout next year! but i love him and alli, they are too cute together

    -Clare and Eli= TOO CUTE! cant wait for them to be together

    -Adam,i think its cool to introduce this new type of character and i cant wait for her to be introduced, but i still see her as little Lizzy Mcdonald in life with Derek (same goes for Fiona and Declan’s mom, i still see her as Nora from Life with Derek)



  58. Where do you view “leaked” episodes?



  59. how do you watch leaked videos?



  60. i keep hearing that declan is going to die, is it true?



  61. I AM SO SAD THAT I’M FROM ASIA :( We don’t have TeenNick in my country. </3 So I only get to watch episodes online. :( But at least I still get to watch 'em riiight! ;) Lol. Anyways, if you have a Tumblr blog please follow: :) Thank youu!



  62. mrs.taylorlautner July 27, 2010 at 9:34 am

    declans not going to die! at least i dont think so… but i would be really mad if he did bc i BAWLED when jt died!
    and someone posted earlier the link to 99 problems part 2



  63. mrs.taylorlautner July 27, 2010 at 9:39 am

    oh and does anyone have the link to better off alone??!!?!?!



  64. i am SOOOO in love with season 10! Im glad the episodes leak. Degrassi’s ratings have bee3n going down since season 6 – season 9 and i honestly think its the economy and people not having dish/satellite cable. I know about me and 95% of my friends and our families who were active Degrassi watchers have gone to basic cable, so no more The N/Teen nick for us. It wasnt til about a few months ago did I even think to try to find the show online and I am so glad i did!

    I really dont understand why some people really disliked seasons 8-9 (and some epople even season 6 and 7). I feel like they’re moving the show along right. I mean we cant stay with Emma, Manny, Toby, Liberty, and (R.I.P.) JT forever. Only thing i hated was how they introduced Alli, Clare, and Connor (when Darcy was like “this is my little sister” and sav, who we barely knew was like “this is my sister” and simpson was like “here’s my godson, now all u guys be friends” was the worst), but the show has never just totally sucked or disappointed me.

    I love degrassi! Its so much like real life is crazy. And i think the under developed characters are good cuz its like real life. There are people in your class or on a squad/team you may know, but you really dont. You see them around the way, you have similar friends, but you’ve never hung out with them or found out their back story. That’s how i feel it is with people like Chantay, Leia, and other underveloped characters.

    99 Problems was great! I wanna hit Drew and i wana hit his mom even more. She s snobby and acts like her son is the best when Riley got the spot cuz he truely deserved it. I cant wait for the next episodes! I wish the whole season wuld just leak! (look even tho it cant cuz they’re still filming it. haha). I am so glad for the internet tho, I was dying w/o having Teen Nick cuz i culdnt watch degrassi! That’s why I feel like its not wrong to leak episodes because there will always be people who will still watch it on TV, but some people cant wait or cant watch it on Tv cuz sometimes it’ll take a few days or even weeks for an episode to appear online. It did for season 9, or at least for what I could find. People are up on their game for season 10 tho! lol



    1. mrs.taylorlautner July 27, 2010 at 3:10 pm

      i agree, but i think they should give an update on Manny, Emma, Toby, Liberty and JT:'( every once in a while, and i think that season 9 was a lot about sex, and not much else, but it was still good



  65. I laughed alot at Drew/Adam’s mom. mostly because there were alot of mothers like that back when i was in HS. there were a couple that threatened to SUE the school board if their kid couldnt play on a team/cheer.



  66. Ugh, Jenna’s fat & ugly with a serious nasal problem..
    (sorry she’s my least favorite at Degrassi)



  67. Is it just me? Or is Jenna’s increasing paranoia resembling that of Anne Boylen’s on The Tudors?

    Anyways, Drew’s mom kinda reminds me of all of the PTA/overprotective/soccer moms I’ve ever known and, to an extent, my own mom. I look forward to seeing more of his schemes since they’re very entertaining. It seems he’ll be a bit of a non-socialite Declan, except without the blandness.

    I like Zane and sympathize for him, but I can’t get myself to feel anything for Riley other than annoyance.

    Alli is annoying me, but she IS very relatable.
    Almost every teenager I’ve ever known has been over her head once in a while. I’ve started a few things that I either wasn’t Type-A enough or not talented enough to finish. She’s singlehandedly taking on the upperclassmen, every ambitious student’s dream.

    I’m excited for Wednesday because I’m curious to see how Clare and Eli’s relationship develops. I bet that at the end of “Better Off Alone Part 2”, they will show a bit of a cliffhanger. Like, he’ll subtly wink at her… or she’ll offer to go out with him. Maybe even a kiss?



  68. I like jenna better now that clares got somebody cuter… >.<;;
    But kc is annoying-er…



  69. Am I the only one who has come to terms with Jenna? I hated her in her first season, mostly because of the boyfriend stealing comment. Other than that I stopped disliking her this season. Sometimes you can’t help who you like, and i don’t think she neccesarily set her sights on KC. She’s alot like girls I’ve gone to school with. I liked her in better off alone, she wasn’t gonna help KC ruin his mom. I also liked ow she tried to dissuade clare from getting an imaginary boob job.
    I thought the writers would redeem KC, apparently not because that comment about Jenna’s mom was such a low blow. I hope he’s the runaway and somehow finds a way to forgive, or deal with his mom afterwards.

    OMG I LOVE CLARE EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE! She has changed in ways I didn’t realize till better off alone. Never expected her to push Ali into Drew, or ditch class. I’m really glad that Clare is paired up with Eli. He seems to have a big personality and sorta matches Clare’s now that she’s out of her shell.

    I’m sorta on the fence of how I want the other sophmores storylines to play out. I do not want Ali and Jenna to be friends.



  70. Degrassilover July 28, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    I found better off alone part 2!!!



    1. mrs.taylorlautner July 29, 2010 at 1:25 am




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