youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qXnetXfVRI

MAIN PLOT:  Drew is Riley’s competition for QB.
I loved Riley’s storylines in Season 9, and nothing much has changed so far.  Riley still hasn’t “come out” to the entire school, and he has no plans on doing so.  So he asks Zane to cool it as far as their interaction in public goes.  But Zane joins the football team, and Riley’s frustrated because he doesn’t want his “cover blown.”

It’s unintentionally blown anyway, when Drew finds out about Riley and Zane, and since he wants to be QB too, he threatens to tell the team Riley’s secret if Riley doesn’t “step aside for QB 1.”  Drew isn’t homophobic:  blackmailing Riley with his sexuality is just what he can use to get what he wants.  I love this plot’s cliffhanger;  Riley suggests to Owen that they do something to Drew, and Riley’s face as the screen cuts to black indicates Riley has no intentions of holding back. 

I love the acting of Argiris Karras and Shannon Kook-Chun.  And I love how they’re both gay, but have completely different perspectives on their sexuality.

SUBPLOT 1:  Alli tries to join the Power Squad.
Alli is quickly falling down the ranks of favorite characters in my eyes, because her level of shallowness (which was cute in Seasons 8 and 9) has reached a level of ridiculous in Season 10.  She tries to join the Power Squad, hoping it’ll make her part of the cool group at school.

But she fails.  And her way of retaliating is by creating her own squad (which she’ll do in Part 2).  If I were Clare, I’d punch Alli in the face.  Alli spends the entire episode whining about how she doesn’t want her high school years spent being an outsider, and wants to have cool friends….and she says all this to Clare.  I’m offended for Clare (even if Clare thought of her self as being boring/lame, don’t complain to your best friend about wishing you had cooler friends).

It’s an ok setup, but I expect things to improve once Alli actually creates her dance team.

SUBPLOT #2:  Jenna starts getting jealous of the attention KC’s getting.
No much happens in the subplot, but there really is no rush.  KC’s getting good grades, and joins the football team.  Suddenly he receives attention from other girls, and Jenna doesn’t like that.

While they’re sitting together, KC’s phone rings…and rings…and rings.  He doesn’t answer it, and Jenna thinks it’s a girl.  Well it is…but it’s not the kind of girl she’s thinking of.

I love how Degrassi is taking advantage of all these extra episodes, and taking time to slowly build up to some of the plots instead of having to jump right into the middle of them.  99 Problems 1 and 2 are the setup for KC’s plot in Better Off Alone….genius!

Posted by Kary


  1. Loveeddddd the review, dude. :D Very glad that this episode has gotten better grades. Degrassi definitely gets better with age, does it not? And speaking of age….
    Kary, you totally rock for that “Snake flakes” thing. I’ve recently gone on a Degrassi binge and watched the entire first two seasons of Degrassi Junior High on youtube, so that reference to the zit remedy and their [one] song positively thrilled me (and got said song totally stuck in my head….). You rock! :) Just sayin. ;)



  2. Loved this episode. Best of the season so far.



    1. I totally agree



  3. Agree with all of your grades!!! Can’t wait to see how you grade Part 2 cause I really like that episode! :)



  4. didnt see the ep but i adore ziley and it sounds great. And i do love how they build up plots for future episodes instead up pulling something from nowhere like the past two seasons. Awesome. Nice review!



  5. Kary: if i were Clare I would punch Alli in the face. LOL



  6. I hope for three things after watching Part 1 (and Part 2, which has leaked as well): for Drew to get what he deserves, for this Alli-is-desperate-to-be-with-the-cool-kids plotline to actually build to something big soon, and for this time jump from 2008 to 2010 to be some big misunderstanding.



  7. I hate the way Jenna kisses. It’s awkward.



    1. Same here, I thought I was the only one…



    2. agreed. she seems waaaaay to into it.



  8. Wow despite Drew being such a villain, I’m starting to really like his character.I can’t wait to see another side of him when it comes to his step brother/sister in any future episodes. Alli seems like the same Alli that she was last season, I still like her character too because she’s sooo realistic. There are so many girls like her. I love the whole Jenna and KC thing, finally she’s getting a taste of her own medicine! She’s one of my least favorite along with Chantey (or however u spell it). I don’t see Jenna and KC lasting for too much longer, but you never know when it comes to degrassi. I hope it’s not the end of Riley and Zane or “Ziley” lol, Zane is sooo likable, they’ll probably develop his character more. I see him being more of a regular, along with Owen. We’ll probably be seeing more of them in future seasons…



    1. I *think Zane might be a senior. :( I hope not.



    2. degrassigirl00 July 27, 2010 at 9:34 am

      i dont think hes a villian persay just likes to get what he wants, which can u blame him? but i still feel bad for riley how evil drew treats him after he finds out hes gay.



  9. Lmao at punching alli in the face. I personally think that Alli is getting better cuz shes getting to that Manny in season 5 “i wanna be famous” moment lmfao. Its good if shes shallow because of the year she had last year it was hard so now its time to make her stamp in the school and become a someone. EVEN THO its very shallow thats like 50% of the girls in school so at least shes sticking to reality LOL



    1. itsjustzachary July 27, 2010 at 5:24 pm

      more like season 3 manny “early” season 3 manny, but thats just me….



  10. Your always excited for riley episodes. i think your gay.. sorry.



    1. Well you think wrong (about me being gay)…sorry.



    2. The episodes with Riley were pretty good and lots of people were excited for them since they’re not like Marco’s storylines when he relized his sexuality an I doubt most of those people were gay.



    3. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 27, 2010 at 12:53 am

      Hmm..I’m a guy as well and i enjoy the Riley episodes as well, must mean im gay, huh?



    4. I was really excited for the Fiona episodes. That must mean I’m abused.



      1. I’m excited for the Jenna eatting disorder storyline, does that mean I have an eatting disorder?


    5. degrassigirl00 July 27, 2010 at 9:35 am

      just because ur excited for gay episodes does not mean ur gay.



    6. I’m always excited for a Jimmy Brooks episode, so that must mean I can’t get a boner. But wait, I get a boner every time I see Jimmy Brooks. IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!



    7. Jerrel, I dont appreciate your judgmental behavior. Your saying someones gay cause one of their favorite characters on Degrassi is? Thats stupid. Rileys episodes are always intense and interesting, just cause he likes it, doesn’t mean he’s gay.



  11. Love the review & loved this episode. However, I didn’t like Part 2, it was a disappointment to me after an amazing Part 1, loved Bianca and Clare in it though! Interested to see your review for it tomorrow!



  12. Where was part 2 leaked? I can’t wait to see it



  13. So when do we get to see that part where there’s interaction between Eli and Claire? You know the part that was shown on the previews where she’s telling Alli “He’s just ugh!” And then Alli says “I get it you’re in love with Eli.”………………???



    1. im guessin that promo waas really for this WHOLE week of TBP): Doess much music still have promos for each episode?



  14. Wasn’t this supposed to be a Eli/Clare episode?! I fell asleep midway through so looked up your review but you didn’t mention them if they were in it. I was looking forward to them :( oh, and I SO agree about punching Alli. It’s tearing me up that she’s gonna break Dave’s heart. I think he’s great!



    1. I thought so too, but Eli/Clare are in Part 2.



      1. Clare and Eli are gonna be in better off alone I think….


      2. They’re not in part 2 either…


  15. Does anyone else hate the new PS uniforms? SS were much better. PS ones look like something a barbie would wearr >:[



    1. honestly, i think all cheerleading uniforms look like something a barbie should wear. but that might only be because it always seemed like the concept of cheerleading only existed on tv and for barbies, and it took until i got to high school to realize that there actually are cheerleaders in real life.



    2. I definitely don’t care for them, they just don’t look like cheerleader uniforms haha. It was great seeing Alli in the old uniform, opposed to some glittery tank top.



  16. Can anyone tell me what grade Zane is in? I really hope he’ll be in next season too. I love him. He’s currently my favorite character on the show. Anyway let me shut up, because I can go on and on about him. ;)

    I sympathize with Alli on sitting alone at lunch. I remember I use to dread lunch simply because I would have to sit alone. Not fun. However, if she was smart she’d get over her snottiness and sit with Wesley & Connor like Clare suggested. She shouldn’t care if they’re popular or not. Friends are friends.

    I was HAPPY to hear a mention about Darcy! I take it she’s still alive…somewhere in Kenya…probably fighting giant crocodiles and alligators?

    Bianca is a badass. She seems like the real tough girls that I know.

    KC’s acting wasn’t that great. I think he’s the only season 8 alum that hasn’t improved. He’s not horrible, just very awkward.



    1. i agree with absolutely everything you said. (except bianca being like real badasses because . . . i dont know any, but thats beside the point.) im just pissed off at alli at this point. i never really cared one way or another about her, but now i just flat out hate her. clare’s getting more and more likeable tho. now she gets to be both smart AND sarcastic. and i sympathize with her situation :)



      1. I really think Clare has really come into her own as a character, and it’s really nice to see that she’s going to get some major screen time this year and not just a best friend support role through one of alli’s problems.


      2. Alli’s quickly losing her charm, which I think may be setting up a big fall later on. We know that Drew kinda leaves her in the dust later, but not what happens after that. And I think it was hinted that Clare and Alli drift, and this is great set-up for that, what with Clare showing some real maturity and coolness that’s clashing with Alli’s shallowness.


    2. I think Zane’s a senior or a junior. Whatever grade Riley’s in. He’s one of my fave too, I think they’ll develop his character more. He’s actually one of the hottest guys at degrassi now lol I think we’ll definitely be seeing more of him, and probably Owen too.

      People are saying that they don’t like Alli this season but I love her character. There’s always someone like her at school, you can relate to her.

      So far I love all the new characters. The one I still can’t get over is Jenna. Ugh her character is annoying lol. She’s so protective over KC, I know he’s her bf and all but lets not forget that he wasnt hers in the first place…

      Its funny how they mention Darcy too. Her character just basically went “poof” lol its almost the same thing they did with Terry

      KC isnt that good of an actor I noticed. To me his body language is wayy awkward. I think he’ll get better. He’s got some pretty heavy episodes coming up so hopefully he’ll hold his own. I think the original cast’s (Craig, Ashley, Jimmy, Paige, Emma, etc) acting was better in general but the new cast seems to get better and better…



      1. DegrassiDrama July 27, 2010 at 1:26 am

        I LOVED how Zane stood his ground and told Riley that he isn’t quitting. I admire how he stands up for himself and doesn’t let what other people think affect him.

        On top of that he is sweet, caring, funny, and has one hell of a smile. Who wouldn’t want that in a guy? Zane is by far the hottest this guy this season. True, Drew is very cute, but Zane’s awesome personality is what nails it. ;)


      2. You know, I think he’s trying to be awkward around Jenna. And, personally, when KC and Jenna are together, I think Jenna is the one who’s not that great of an actor.

        In Heart Like Mine, his acting was really good. And when he was with Clare, it felt natural, as someone already said. I think the chemistry between Jenna/KC is meant to feel awkward for the viewer.


    3. degrassigirl00 July 27, 2010 at 9:37 am

      really? cuz i think whenever jenna and kc are together the actings awkward, not just in general but with kc/clare it was natural.



  17. I thought this episode was the best out of the previous ones aired. I totally have to admit I love seeing Riley and Zane and I want them to work out because Zane kind of reminds me of Marco and I loved Marco.

    I hope he has more show time, like as much as Dylan had, minimum. I’m still waiting for Eli and Clare though. I’m seriously so excited!



  18. is argiris karras gay?



    1. I DUNNO lol. SOMEONE on formspring asked him and he said ” It’s a secret”. Soooo idk maybe hes bi lmfao



  19. Seriously, how old is Chantay? Is she a senior this year? I always thought she was in Emma and Manny’s grade, but when she stuck around last year I figured she was a year younger… And now, new school year, and here she is. Still. Her character doesn’t bug me as much as it seems to some other people (and I love her new hair), but how long can one person stay in high school?

    I liked the Riley plotline — Zane’s reaction to the one guy’s rude comments was really charming and made me like him more than I’m generally inclined to. I actually really liked Alli’s storyline — who wasn’t there, at some point in high school? I also liked the C plot with Jenna and KC. I think not only is it setting up KC’s mom coming around, but also establishing Jenna’s serious insecurity issues that will presumably play a role in her diet pill storyline.

    Overall, I thought this was a really good episode. It feels like the show is getting back to its roots, albeit with new people (except, you know, Chantay), and I’m loving the Boiling Point format.



    1. DegrassiDrama July 27, 2010 at 2:42 am

      I love Chantay’s hair too.

      I think she’s a vampire. 15 years from now she’ll still be at Degrassi.



  20. Just seen part 2 and I like how Alli grows up in a episode lmfao. Also Clare is a better bestfriend and was this close to punching Alli (lol jk). Drew is a mommma’s boy and Bianca puts Alli in her place lmfao. LASTLY NO ELI AND CLARE IN PART 2 so u got to wait until the second two parter this week aka wednesday’s episode aka I dont remember the name :P

    If ur wondering where to see part two go to kaylyns degrassi blog theres a link to the left >>>>



  21. Just seen part 2 and I like how Alli grows up in a episode lmfao. Also Clare is a better bestfriend and was this close to punching Alli (lol jk). Drew is a mommma’s boy and Bianca puts Alli in her place lmfao. LASTLY NO ELI AND CLARE IN PART 2 so u got to wait until the second two parter this week aka wednesday’s episode aka I dont remember the name :P

    If ur wondering where to see part two go to kaylyns degrassi blog theres a link to the right >>>>



  22. SO sorry to spam But KARY KEEP UP WITH DEGRASSI GOSSIP PLEASE BECAUSE theres some good teasers being tweeted like this from Aislinn Paul aka Clare’s twitter “Wow, super hard day for Clare today.. Lots of tears.. ;) I hope you guys will be happy with the finished product!” This is most likely from the second half of the season or the end of the first half (this is just judging from the time which was last week)

    I can only imagine what they could do to Clare :(

    Oh on a random note did anyone notice in todays episode that Alli did the Manny “please please please please….” except without the rainbows and spinkles on top lol



  23. I have a question about the degrassi twitters.
    does just a random degrassi person run them or are they actually ran by that person?

    For instance, is Drew actually updating his twitter account himself or an exec or something?



    1. Yeah, I was wondering the same exact thing.



    2. The character twitters aren’t run by any of the actors, there’s like a couple of people behind-the-scenes in charge of updating those twitter accounts



      1. Dang, I thought so. It’d be cooler if they updated it themselves but it’s still a pretty interesting idea.


  24. Great episode! And the first thing I want to say is that I L-O-V-E-D Clare’s sarcasm.
    The Drew vs. Riley thing was good. And I agree, great cliffhanger!
    And I completely get what you mean about Alli. I hope once she makes her own dance crew thing, she’ll be happy, and lose her whining and complaining.
    And finally, KC and Jenna. Well, honestly, I didn’t catch onto at first that it was his mom calling. I seriously thought it was one of the Power Squad girls. Lol. But I think that it was a great setup for future episodes. I mean, it went into detail about how perfect his life is at the moment, so that once his mom comes, how much will be torn away from him.
    But yeah, great episode. I’m still waiting for Eli. Lol.
    I mean, I love the new episodes and plots, but I wanna see Eli. Hahaha.
    Great review! =]



  25. well, i’ve watched all the eps something like 4 times now, and i keep noticing more and more tiny things.
    here’s what i noticed this time around: they all keep wearing variations of the same clothes. in WAGW p2, alli wears the exact same dress as she wears in the theme song, but with different color stripes. and in WAGW p2 when sav is first talking to anya in art class, he’s wearing an orange sweatshirt. and then, later that ep when sav and anya are walking in the exact same place as they did in innocent when you dream, he’s wearing the same sweatshirt . . . in purple. oh, and in WAGW p1, sav wears the same outfit as he does in the theme song. and clare has the same shirt in a different color in the beginning of 99 problems as she did when wesley grabbed her boobs in breakaway.

    ok. list of completely insignificant things over.



  26. Okay, just wondering if anyone else thought the line when Jenna and KC are at the group home and KC finds out his curfew is extended and Jenna says, “9 o’clock movies, KC!” was superrrr anoynning.



    1. annoying*, cause apparently can’t spell at like 2:47 in the morning. I love degrassi :)



      1. oh, its 2:47 in the morning for you, too? we must be in the same time zone. (not that im trying to stalk you or anything.) and yeah, i agree that it was pretty annoying. also, wasnt his old curfew 10? so if its 11 now . . . they still dont really have time for 9pm movies.


      2. Bahahaha. Same here. Now it’s 2:57.
        Anyways. I know what both Person mean.
        It’s called recycling? Lol. Idk..But I noticed that too.


      3. the thing is, im fine with them wearing the same things, and recycling would make sense, but i find it odd and kinda pointless to wear the same things in DIFFERENT COLORS.


    2. Thats Jenna’s bubbly talk at work for you. Her fans will never get tired of the CLARE BEARRSSS



    3. degrassigirl00 July 27, 2010 at 9:39 am

      omg ikr??? so that must mean his curfew is at least 11 pm. and jessica tyler has a sooooo annoying voice…



  27. This Boiling Point format is a good one. I’m very thankful that we don’t have to wait such a long time for new episodes



    1. HighSchoolDrama24/7 July 27, 2010 at 8:12 am

      Everyone is going to hate it in the second half when it changes to Friday nights only..=/



      1. It will be well worth the wait; BUT, diehards will still find a way to watch the episodes early.


  28. I like Alli’s plot…it’s nice to see her not talking or focusing on boys. I like how she is dying to belong in a group because that is sooo….high school.



  29. haha. i must say. Jenna cracked me up this whole season. She makes someone do something, and if they get an advantage she gets jealous. aka. when she told KC to be a football player, and that he will meet alot of people, well now she doesnt want him hanging around with those new people. and when she told Chantay that Alli was a great learner – haha that made my day. lmao
    hm. drew sounds like my new favorite character. haha. but, i just found out him and adam were related.



  30. Great episode! I’m really liking the boiling point format. I’m going to be so annoyed when they go back to the one a week schedule.



  31. guys i just found out alli is leaving degrassi but not forever aka darcy and mia.



    1. LOL @Darcy and Mia. But i’m pretty sure she’ll be back…If anything I think she’ll pull an ashley and come back. but I’m wondering how they’re gonna write her out…



      1. DegrassiDrama July 27, 2010 at 5:38 pm

        So I’m guessing she won’t be in the final 24 episodes, or a good chunk of them.

        They could write her out by simply saying she went to stay with relatives for a visit or something. It’s not unrealistic, kids in my school would go on vacations at just about ANY time during the school year. Which needless to say, sorta pissed the teachers off.

        Just for wacky purposes they can say she’s gone to Kenya to visit Darcy. lmao.


    2. Interesting…this makes me suspect that something may happen to Sav, after all. I’ve been snooping around several message boards where it was suggested that Sav may end up being killed off the series. Melinda’s absence could conveniently coincide with that: distraught over her brother, Alli takes some time off from school. During her absence, she realizes that there are some things that are more important than the quest for popularity. This could finally give the writers an opportunity to mellow her out have her mature. It’d be interesting to see a more melancholy side to Alli.

      We’ll see what happens!



    3. That “How to be Indie” show seems like its going to be good. Farrah and Alli on one show?! No wonder it won’t be shown on American TV nor CTV… can you imagine the ratings it will get??



  32. I loved this episode. Absolutely loved it. I thought the writing was spot on–especially for Zane and Riley and you could truly understand where both sides were coming from. But at the end of the day, it was Riley’s paranoia that got him in trouble. Drew would not have been able to use Riley’s homosexuality against him if Riley had just been out. Then there’s the fact that I think Zane was more hurt than anything that Riley was treating him like the plague. He didn’t necessarily want him to be out, but he could at least acknowledge Zane’s existence.

    I was not a fan of Alli’s story line at all. It was boring and contrived.



  33. KC,Jenna,Clare,and Adam all have offical twitters now! And i think Adam comes up in episode 9 which is I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself Part 1



  34. Kary at the end of TBP are you going to do an overall review of it?



  35. Here is part 2 for you guys, because I enjoy being showered with love and affection.




    1. umm . . . this was already leaked yesterday.



  36. Maybe something happens to alli during the lockdown like she had a breakdown or gets hurt badly maybe like jimmy lol



  37. Good job on the review:)

    I am actually starting to agree with the people that said Alli only wants to be Clare’s friend when she can’t find “cooler” people to hang out with. I loved how she wore the old Panthers’ uniform though. Memoriessss. haha

    The whole KC/Jenna plot moved along kind of slow for me but I am sure it will pick up more in tonight’s episode. Jenna is just getting to clingy and too much in KC’s business. :/

    I loveeeeed the Riley/Drew part. Riley finally has some competition on the team; it always seemed like he was the star of the team and nobody dared to change that. However, I agree with Owen… Drew was acting verrry cocky. lol

    Can’t wait for tonights:)



  38. I really enjoy the Rane (Riley/Zane) episode. I’m so happy it isn’t like Marco’s story which was with Dylan (who wasn’t even cute!) who did so much bad stuff to him and they still ended up together. I’m liking the interaction between them too (outside of school). They’re really acting like a couple, which is super cute.

    As for the whole Alli thing. She’s really starting to get old. Sure, that’s how some girls are in high school, but first it was Johnny (gag me) and that didn’t end well and took up most of season 9, hopefully though her story is a little more interesting this time. Unlike the Johnny one which was “we’re together… not anymore… wait all is forgiven… Naked pictures… mistake…” And blah blah blah.

    KC has really been irritating after the whole break-up with Clare thing. Even a little before that he’s been so pessimistic about everything, so rude and so very awkward. Why he’s with Jenna? I’ll never know. Her head looked like it was going to explode under that headband. Her and KC do not make a cute couple.



    1. If you hadn’t noticed, Jenna’s put on some weight, presumably for her role in the later episodes.



      1. I did notice she put on A LOT of weight.


  39. I really liked this episode. I like the Zane/Riley story. I hope it doesn;t end but you can’t always have happy endings. Actually a non-happy ending would be refreshing, ala the movie ‘Get Real’. Zane is SOOOOO cute, I can barely stand it. I watched True Blood this week and this was MUCH better!



  40. someone needs to find the better off alone episodes!!!! xD i would but i don’t know how too, lol



  41. I hope they’re actually going somewhere with Jenna/KC. Maybe KC has a stalker? lol. I miss Darcy, though. :/



    1. I don’t have a twitter but I think someone should “tweet” Stephen Stohn or someone and ask if Darcy is everrrrr coming back to like make a guest appearance or if they are ever going to like mention what happened to her. It really bothers me that they said she would be gone for a semester and then just *poof* she’s gone forever. lol :)



    2. KC’s mom has been kind of “stalking” him via all the phone calls/texts she’s done. Who knows what she’s had to resort to in order to get in touch with her son 8 months out of the pen.



  42. Alli, Clare, Dave, Wesley= Degrassi Swag District



  43. Charlie (Girl) July 27, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    Okay so, i just the “shark in the water” Degrassi preview thing again….and i came to thinking about some things….i think Leia is going to be the one to die…only because in the video Fitz walks up and snatches that ball out of her hands….what if thats a metaphor…what if the ball is a metaphor for Leia’s life and since Fitz walks up and takes it..it could mean that hes the one to kill her….wow…another thing maybe the death card on Eli was another metaphor to say that he drives a hearse because hearses deal with death. Just thinking outside the box.



  44. omg just watch better off alone!!!!! the best episode so far by farrr. im in love with eliiiii. and i do think he kills himself, and thats whay there is a lock down. i dont think sav dies? and i miss the old degrassi chear uniforms. when it was just a t shirt and shirts <3 the good old days. cant wait for part two!!!



  45. oh yeah. i just found that, drew and adam are brothers!!!!!!! thats probobly why drew’s mom got so mad about the hazing. it probably happended to adam at his old school.



  46. Just watchd part 2 and im officially loving and hating drews character!



  47. […] Degrassi Episode (and Video) Review: 99 Problems Pt. 1 [WARNING: THIS EPISODE REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS] […]



  48. why isnt declan in the carnival video?



  49. These episodes are pretty good so far. Though I’m not a Jenna/KC fan, I’d like to see how their relationship develops after the whole (SPOILER!) KC’s mom coming back thing. Also, the character Drew, is great! He’s just that person I love to hate, and I wonder what’s gonna happen between him and Alli…and the whole Adam fiasco.
    And everyone is talking about (SPOILER?!) Sav getting arrested and a lockdown happening, possibly someone getting killed as well? Don’t know about this, or if it’s true but can someone please fill me in on anything they know about it? I’m way to impatient to wait for the eps to come out :P



  50. Hmm, whoever said Leah will get killed off, I agree. I think she will try and kill herself, or something will happen during the lockdown. She’s going to the US for University and won’t be back to film, so her character is pretty useless now. There’s something to ponder. And Eli too, he’s pretty mysterious, don’t know what to make of him yet, doubt they’ll kill him off, he’s a brand new character, but possibly the death card was pulled on him cuz he drives a hearse? lol who knows. It’s probbaly cuz of his “dark past”, maybe he killed someone or something, or knows someone who died?



  51. Oh to the above comment Dyl: In one of the trailers for the Degrassi promo (the carnival one you can find on youtube, just search around) from what I can make out from the fast paced scenes was Eli gets beat up (by KC? or Fitz?), someone finds out about Adam (the transgender) and beat him up/push him through a window possibly causing the lockdown; the death card (in carnival trailer) was pulled on Eli possibly hinting the death of his character or hinting to a “past” he had?, Sav most likely gets arrested (sits in back of police car in trailer) and is on the run? He screws up real bad. My post above has some of my other character “theories”, lol. Hope that helped. I too am way to hyped to wait for the episodes, but this season is for sure better than lasts. It’ll suck when they go back to once a week episodes later on.



  52. You shouldn’t say Argiris or Shannon is gay if it hasn’t been confirmed :/
    I remember Argiris saying something about really loving his job and giving it his all, but that it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s gay. ah well, either or, both are great actors :)

    love me some Ziley, lol



    1. I don’t think he was saying that Argris or Shannon are gay. I think he meant it as he loves how Zane and Riley portray two sides of the same coin. He definitely could have worded it better though.



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