PLOT A SUMMARYClare is afraid to tell anyone about being fired from her internship because she believes no one will believe her, so she spends the time she should be at the Interpreter hiding in an empty classroom.  There she tries to contact former interns to see if they were also victims of sexual harassment at the hands of Asher, until members of the hockey team (including Dallas and Luke) come in and use the empty space as a place to drink beer.  Clare gets a lead on a former intern named Jennifer and meets with her, but Jennifer shuts down any questions about Asher harassing her after recognizing Clare as “the intern that got fired.”  An upset Clare finds comfort in divulging the secrets of what happened with Asher to Dallas as the two get drunk in an empty classroom.  Dallas tries to kiss Clare, who slaps him and leaves.  Jake and Katie spot Clare drunk in the hallway, and she tells them about Dallas kissing her.  Jatie tells her about the garden and how they think Dallas is responsible, so Clare writes an article pinning it on the hockey team and also outing their drinking at school.  Both Clare and Dallas get in trouble for admitting to drinking.  Dallas if furious at Clare and threatens to tell her secret about Asher in front of Eli.  Eli asks Clare what’s going on and of instead of telling the truth about Asher, she lies and said she was fired from her internship because Asher didn’t like her writing.

Eli decides to throw Clare a surprise birthday party at Fiona‘s.  She’s not excited at all about her birthday, so Eli secretly visits Asher to beg him to give Clare another chance.  Asher tells Eli that Clare was fired because she was in love with him and became too obsessed.  At the surprise party Eli is in the middle of confronting Clare about what happened when Dallas and the hockey boys crash the party.  Dallas keeps insinuating that Clare is hiding something, but she can’t bring herself to tell Eli what it is.  She eventually breaks down and tells him about Asher, and to her surprise he doesn’t freak out or blame her for what happened.  As the two leave they’re confronted by Dallas.  He and Luke talk smack to Eli and Jake and Eli hits Dallas, starting a huge brawl that only ends when Imogen’s confetti cannon goes off.  Afterward, Clare is still convinced that Asher has gotten away with sexually harassing her, but Eli refuses to accept it vows that he and Clare will work together to get back at Asher.

For the most part Degrassi plots tend to be analyzed through one of two filters: they’re either viewed for their emotional value, or their entertainment value.  Clare’s plot is unique in that it manages to provide strong doses both.

This episode’s title is truly indicative of Clare’s path regardless of which direction she takes at this fork in the road, based on how the situation with Asher has shifted her way of think.  If she tells Eli she’s convinced he’ll go off, potentially derailing him and the play in the process.  We watch her continue to keep it to herself as she feels there’s no way out of the emotional conundrum she’s in.  I never thought I’d see the day Clare Edwards would be drunk, but it fuels the fantastic parallel between the separate situations involving Asher and Dallas.  With no way to prove Asher’s guilt she felt she could redeem herself by exposing the hockey team‘s drinking at school and accusing them of destroying the garden.  I love how Degrassi has continually kept the garden situation and Dallas’ potential involvement vague.

If there’s something this plot would’ve done better, it would’ve been to integrate the emotional and entertainment parts into a more cohesive unit.  Part 1 is more about Clare trying to expose Asher, failing, trying to expose the hockey team and eventually feeling hopeless.  Her feelings take somewhat of a backseat in Part 2, with the show placing more of the focus on Eli, and how he will respond once Clare breaks the news to him.  Clare seems lost in the drama of Eclare/Jatie vs. the hockey team, but thanks to another stellar performance by Aislinn Paul, things regain focus when Clare spills her guts to Eli.  Of course he wasn’t going to freak out, but it was incredibly important for him to tell Clare that she was not to blame for what happened, and he did that.

Degrassi continues to entertain in Season 12 with brilliant moments like Clare’s birthday party.  In what limited screen time she had, Imogen was a riot.  As ridiculous and over the top as it was the fight has to be the best fight scene in the history of the Degrassi franchise.  I can’t remember a time, until now, that a fight on Degrassi has lived up to or exceeded the hype of network promos.  Heck, a lot of things this season have exceeded hype and expectations, and overall this plot joins them.


PLOT B SUMMARYDrew scores tickets to a basketball game, but Bianca tells him she can’t go because she has schoolwork.  He feels like he’s out of the loop since he’s dropped out, and starts to think Bianca might think he’s a loser.  The “hipsta” at the kiosk reminds him he’s making a lot of money, so he buys a new 3D TV before Bianca’s study group arrives at his and Fiona’s place.  They spend all of their study time goofing off which upsets Bianca because she wants to keep her grades up for university, and she wants Drew to move home and return to school.  He refuses, and to prove he’s not a loser Drew buys a motorcycle.  His mom finds out after Drew gets a ticket and is furious.  Drew feels like his mom is trying to influence Bianca, but Audra tells him that she and Bianca would feel better if he’d stop being so careless.  Instead of wasting his money Drew decides to return the motorcycle as well as open up a joint checking account for him and Bianca.  Before returning the motorcycle he lets Bianca take it for a spin in the woods.  He also proposes to her, and she says yes.

Things just seemed to be really random with Drew since he moved in with Fiona, and this plot features more of the same.  To be honest I was enjoying this plot until Drew bought the motorcycle.  It started off being about him feeling as if he’s missing out on everything, and he uses the money he’s making to show Bianca that he can still “be manly” and be a provider despite being a dropout.  However, the plot feels the need to show Drew as this person who is suddenly reckless (he has been rash, but has shown he can be responsible, he is supporting himself away from home after all).  Then we’re expected to believe he’s suddenly matured because he proposed to Bianca.  I’ve got nothing against Drianca getting engaged.  Any relationship reaching that level is better than the thought of Spemma getting married, but Drew’s storyline in Season 12 seems to become more and more senseless despite having good material to work with (guy who drops out because he feels inadequate, and continues to feel inadequate despite landing a good job and making lots of money).


PLOT C SUMMARY: Dave, Tori and Tristan decide to enter a talent contest for the chance to win a guest role on the popular show WestDrive.  Dave invites Alli to come cheer him on, but he’s dejected when she says she’s too busy with homework.  However, she tells him she’ll text him when she’s finished so that they can hang out.  Dave wins the contest, but blows off hanging out with Alli to hang with Tori, Tristan and Zig instead.  The next day Dave is expecting Alli to be upset that he never responded to her text, but she’s fine with it.  Dave doesn’t want to break up, so he plans to talk with Alli at Clare’s birthday party.  However, things are off when Alli continues to be distant and show no interest in romance at the party.  Even after Alli thanks Dave for coming to her defense during the brawl Dave decides he’s had enough.  He tells her they’re growing apart and breaks up with her.

The more I watch Dave and Alli in Sabotage, the more I love their plot because it addresses such an important issue.  Alli said at the end of Say It Ain’t So that her studies would come first before her relationship with Dave.  It had the vibe of a breakup, but that apparently wasn’t the case, with them behaving as if everything was fine several episodes later.  In this episode Dave finally reaches the point where he realizes that he will always take a backseat to Alli’s schoolwork.  The interesting thing is that Alli is so wrapped up in her work and ultimately content with where their relationship is that she doesn’t realize (or doesn’t wanted to acknowledge) how distant she and Dave have become.

Dave seemed to have given up on Alli quickly after being so adamant about fixing things earlier in the day, but I’m not convinced them talking would’ve solved anything.  They’re at two different points emotionally.  Their breakup isn’t dramatic, but what it addresses is important.  If you’re not getting what you feel you need out of a relationship, then there’s no reason to stay in it.  It wouldn’t be fair for Dave to stick around only to get rejected by Alli, because every time he tries to spend time with her she‘s too busy with schoolwork.  It also wouldn’t be fair for Alli to have to balance her work and a serious relationship with Dave when she’s flat out said that school is her main priority.  Their needs are just too different, so breaking up really is the best option for both of them.


How do YOU grade Sabotage?

Grade the plots in Sabotage by voting below!!

Posted by Kary


  1. Clare is ruining herself she obviously only wrote the article to lashout on somebody. Dallas is amrealy good anti hero half good half bad i like it the sterotypical jock. I still dont think he destroyed the garden but i might loose some respect if he did.

    Dave and alli was a bit boring but i love the song. The objective of the storyline is dave trying to cope with alli not being there 24/7 it kinda got shadowed by the a plot and the c plot.

    Drew is doing whay most ppl do when they drop out spend all there money on used things. Drew is crazy but whats more crazy is how he earns all this money in one paycheck. I think he’ll go bankrupt and bianca will dump him.



    1. I mean things not used thing shiny expensive things.



    2. I wonder how much of it’s on credit.



    3. Seriously, there is no way a high school drop out who sells cell phones in a mall can make that much money. Granted, he seems to work full time and probably does get some commission, but if he is paying rent, probably buying food and I assume paying for gas, he wouldn’t have enough for a tv and a bike like that. Oh and there is something called income tax

      Maybe part 2 will address this, but I am sure it will focus solely on Drew proposing.



      1. I’m just that damn good


  2. Clare & Dave’s plots are the only interesting ones. I’m so burnt out on Drew its ridiculous. & I know Dallas is a “villain” but I cnt help but be a fan of his. Honestly, I believe Luke is the bigger douche of the hockey team. But if you’ve noticed, Dallas is only a jerk around his team… When they’re not around, he’s not so bad. Also, the Romeo & Juliet song needs to be available for download cause that song is stuck in my head.



    1. i didnt notice that about dallas until you mentioned it. its true he does seem a better person when hes not around the team. and yes luke is the worst of them all.



  3. Nothing but HATERS here!

    Which Degrassi character should be fired next? I need more storylines!



    1. A MOTORCYCLE! A FREAKIN’ MOTORCYCLE!!?!!? While you’re recovering from a concussion!? My retirement plans DO NOT include wiping drool off your face can diapering your brain-damaged butt!!



      1. *and, not can


      2. these character things are getting old.


      3. They’ve been old and not funny.


    2. Income tax will be your enemy. Have fun being in debt.



  4. Lmao.

    Dallas is actually my favorite new character overall. Cam’s storyline was amazing, but i’m liking Dallas alot more as an overall character. he’s the closest thing to multifaceted that this show’s had in awhile.



    1. I know! Dallas is so freaking awesome! I wish there were more characters with that much dimension. While most people aren’t strickly bad or good, most of the degrassi main characters are generally good people that don’t do bad things. We had owen be a jerk to drew but he really hasn’t been featured, we’ve had bianca steel boyfriends and be cruel to adam but then she’s all good, we did have Alli’s boyfriend whose name i forget but he was cast as a bad guy to begin with.

      Like dallas they are cast as bad guys, but man dallas is the best character out there. I just love watching him!



  5. I agree about Dallas. He is fun to watch, and he is actually kind of “scary” in the way that if you cross him, something bad will most likely be awaiting you. At the same time, he’s not all bad.

    Oh, and I absolutely cannot stand Claire’s wardrobe. She looks like a 45 year old mom. ACK!



    1. That is true about Dallas. I think it Dallas wouldn’t be a huge jerk if he wasn’t with other hockey idiots. I mean, he might be kind of a jerk, but not like he is right now.

      And I don’t think Clare looks that bad. Atleast it’s better than Clare when she first appeared.



      1. I think there’s something that’s troubling Dallas. He seems to jump the gun when it comes to girls. First, he thought that Katie liked him in THAT WAY, and then he mistook Claire’s actions for her wanting to make out with him. He doesn’t take rejection well, although to be fair, he didn’t deserve what Claire did to him UNLESS we find out that he was really behind the whole garden-trashing fiasco. I am gonna go out on a limb and say that he’s a virgin.

        i actually liked School Uniform Claire. Her outfits and hairstyle after the School Uniform phase were pretty cringe-worthy, though. I don’t know, she’s a cute chick, she just needs to find a better stylist. Haha.


      2. I totally agree with you Zima!! He probably is a virgin which I think will make a very interesting storyline next block!


  6. im really concern about clare. i think qhe made a big mistake not telling eli or ms. oh abput what happened to her. and now lie all the time.



  7. I officially declare Drew the Tyrone of the degrassi universe.



  8. Admit it…I’m pretty damn awesome



  9. As someone who has taken Ju-Jit-Su, I got a little giddy when I saw Jake do that throw.



    1. That fight was awesome! Who knew Eli and Jake knew how to kick ass?



      1. Degrassi know how to cater to their fanbase…

        Otherwise, those two would have been killed


  10. Bells and Whistles August 14, 2012 at 10:24 pm

    Lawlz at Claire “sobbing” hysterically without shedding a single, actual tear.



    1. didn’t you see her red eyes? She was crying, they didnt focus on her face enough you see the shedding of tears but they were there.



  11. I think the fight is another reason we wish KC was here. Probably would’ve helped out Dave, Jake, and Eli with the Ice Hounds



    1. I think they held their own while they could. If Drew didn’t had those concussions and was on good terms with Katie he could’ve easily taken all of them down.



      1. your comment gave me a wonderful mental picture of Drew ‘crouching tiger, hidden dragon’-ing the ice hounds hahahaha


      2. Whooping ass Drew style. Those MMA skills sure come in handy XD

        I’m curious why Owen wasn’t at the party. That would’ve been interesting to see which side he’s on. From the previews of the next two episodes, he’s gonna go against the Hounds.


      3. I may be wrong but I don’t think Adam was at the party. You’d think since they’re best friends he would be there. Are Adam and Fiona on good terms since Imogen is her girlfriend and is in Whisperhug with Adam?


      4. I didn’t see Adam either.
        I was kinda like ummm…OK?


  12. Getting beaten up by Eli and Jake might be the most embarrassing thing a character on Degrassi will ever endure

    That was just laughable



    1. Just for that fight I’d give Clare’s plot an A+



    2. Jake beating Luke I can believe, but Eli only won because he had the bi-polar fury.



  13. I just want to say that, that fight was one of the better fights in Degrassi history! Also, Eli has a mean sucker punch (ha!), Clare’s plot breaks my heart mostly because it makes me relive my own memories, I don’t really have a thing for bad guys but Dallas is just *melts*, Do we need a Drew plot every week-really? And CAN ALLI AND DAVE JUST STAY BROKEN UP THIS TIME? MY HEART CAN’T TAKE THEM BREAKING UP AGAIN!

    Also, Adam, Fiona, Imogen and the niners are great support characters!



  14. Part 2 was literallly degrassi v.s ice hounds! it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did u see dallas’s nose? Eli can really fight!!!! Im soo glad that clare finallly told eli and now its obvious that the nude pics she takes are her revenge on asher! Okay i really dont get why everyone has such a big problem about romeo and jules. Becky just needs to get over it, Dallas should now know that NO ONE messes with eli, and parents are just overreacing!!



  15. one more thing, was i the only one who started laughing when imogen gets the cannon to work and everyone just stops fighting? it was freaken hilarious!!



    1. Had to be the moment random way to end a fight in the series history XD



    2. I started cracking up during those parts. In fact, the whole party was hilarious to me. Except for the Dave and Alli scenes. I usually don’t ship or get sad when characters break up, but that was heart breaking for me.



    3. I laughed lol



  16. Eli and all 99lbs of him can take out of the hockey team?

    Whatever you say, Degrassi….



    1. LOL! poor Munro. figures though, no human is perfect and if Munro was tall, he would be perfection



    2. Eli and 25 of his friends can take out what, four? five? members of the hockey team.



  17. Imogen had the best line….

    “Fiones! I MADE IT RAIN…FNALLY!’



  18. loved this episode.!!!!!! great punch!!! please dont forget that eli spends a lot of time working out now. sooo he could kick some butt, probably. i also loved how clare and him instantly knew when something is wrong with each other and that eli didnt go all crazy but still suported and comforted her.



  19. Speaking of the fight, did anyone laugh when Katie and Clare gave each other a high five?



    1. Yes and I think Jake and Eli gave each other a high five as well.



    2. I was all like Girl Power!



    3. Lol I did



  20. Two things I’ve learned from Degrassi:
    1. When in doubt, you kiss Craig.
    2. When all else fails, fire a confetti cannon.



    1. Oh, and does anyone else feel like the fight was kind of its own plot?
      Like you had Clare dealing with her sexual harassment and telling Eli, then Dave and Ali, and Drew off in his own world, but the fight to me was more of a Dallas/Luke/Katie/Eli/Jake plot where everything finally just exploded than part of Clare’s plot. I’ll admit, Eli’s anger towards Asher at that moment probably had something to do with him punching Dallas, but that was really the only way Clare was connected to it. She just kinda stood there and high fived Katie.



      1. Just like the promo! she just stands in the middle of the fight !


      2. no she didn’t she was trying to stop the fighting except for the part where in trying to stop it she made someone fall.


    2. Just saying, but “When in doubt, you kiss Craig” has got to be the single most IMPORTANT lesson that Degrassi has ever taught. I mean, come on! Who can argue against that?!



  21. Plenty of fighting this episode. When Drew proposed, I thought Bianca was going to reject the proposal and dump him, so it was heartfelt to see that she accepted and accepted the toy engagement ring. They don’t have the money to afford a wedding now, so it’s likely a several year engagement. Drew finally took his mother’s advice, letting Bianca know that he’ll forever be his rock.

    Glad Eli assured Clare that he wasn’t going to go crazy over what Asher did.

    I’m happy that Dave dumped Alli. When someone checks out from a relationship when Alli did, the right thing to do is end things then, so that a person is not strung along for all that time and treated like crap in the process.



  22. Best episode of Degrassi Season 12! Eli whooped Dallas’s ASS after that awesome sucker punch! And Captain Planet doesn’t take too well either! Clare’s plot was handled beautifully and I loved how the plots started to intertwine in the end. Drew’s plot was good, but I was hoping Bianca would say no. I just hope Drew leaves with the rest of the seniors. Dallas has to stay though. For at least another season! Love his character! And the promo was spectacular! I got chills at Eli’s last line: “I will defend this play to my last dying breath.” Chills!

    Clare/Eli/Dallas: A+
    Drew/Bianca: B
    Dave/Alli: B



  23. Katie is the best for jumping into the fight with the boys. But Eli beating up Dallas is kinda strange since he got his ass beat by Fitz. Also if you think about it, the hockey team were kinda outnumbered. Dallas & Luke with like 3 or 4 members of the team had to fight Eli, Jake, Katie, Dave (barely) & a few others doesnt sound like a fair fight. & the fact that Imogen’s plot with the confetti cannon was better than Drew’s plot shows that Drew needs to graduate soon. Hopefully a few of the better characters can stick around.



    1. Maybe Eli joined a fighting class at the rec center with Dave who was joining a singing class. xD



    2. Black belt in karate or watever my ass, Katie fights like a girl, making her look like bianca could easily kick her ass. But it was sooooo funny.



  24. This was a really good episode. The fight scene was dramatic (well, the conclusion to it and how it started in the first place) and comical (you got to love Imogen this episode). Other than that scene though, I love how Eli told Clare he wasn’t going to freak out about it after she FINALLY told him the truth. I think Clare thought since she had no proof nobody would listen and believe her.

    Now, on to Dave’s plot, even though I see their break up as kind of sad, I think it was for the best. Alli has a lot going on not only with her MITs but with Clare’s drama. I really don’t think she had enough time for Dave. If they stayed a couple, Dave would have been dragged along with a relationship that seemed almost dead.

    I really feel that Drew still haven’t matured for me. Not yet. It was like first he was spending money and acting reckless. Then after one talk he decides to completely turn around and mature. I think it’s a good start for him maturing, but I don’t buy the fact that he is ready to be engaged to Bianca yet. Not yet, atleast.



  25. That fight was the corniest, most unrealistic thing i’ve seen from this show in awhile. Eli is a punk for that sucker punch. and how did Jake flip that guy through a table? how did those two handle a team of rabid hockey players? I couldnt even suspend my disbelief for this one. major wtf.

    other than that, pretty good episode. I loved the drianca plot, and the scene where clare admitted it.



  26. One-on-one, any of the Ice Hounds would be able to kick the crap out of Eli (but maybe not Jake, you can get pretty buffed on a construction site).

    But it wasn’t one-on-one, it was 4 – maybe 5- hockey players against EVERYONE ELSE AT THE PARTY, maybe 20-25 people.



    1. Not everyone at the party wuz fighting though it wuz only Eli, Jake, Katie, Clare, and Dave tht the Ice Hounds where fighting.



  27. I wonder if Drew & Bianca will be end game..



  28. Fiona is so bitchy sometimes- that ‘I don’t know your girlfriend so why should I care?’ bit just struck me as ‘holy shit, who says that to a friend?!’

    Asher didn’t have to put it that way to Eli, that’s just really twisting the knife in Clare’s back.

    It only took about two sentences out of Alli for Dave to go from “tonight, we get our spark back” to “screw it, we’re done.” After she was randomly attacked by a random hockey guy.

    That fight made me so happy. I love it when someone’s comment is cut short by a punch to the face. I just love it when there’s fighting on this show, it’s so ridiculous and wonderful. I like the Eli/Jake pairing. I really do like Dallas when he’s not actively being a jackass. He’s got that natural air of arrogance about him, he doesn’t need to try so hard. I hate Luke.



    1. OMG i thought i was the only one who thought fiona was being a bitch! thank u… someone who agrees wit me… she cud have at least showed sum sympathy after eli said clare got fired and was upset..and i was so happy when eli was all loving and comforting toward clare



  29. As much as Dallas might have gotten some more haters after this episode, I still like him. When Fiona kicked him out of her house and he just looked at her and said her name, it brought me back to Got Your Money when they actually had some sort of friendship. I’m glad that the writers had that scene.

    oh btw I think Jaitie and Eclare should be best friends. Like seriously, double date, Clare/Katie friendship Eli/Jake friendship…the whole works!



  30. GREAT EPISODE!!! Finally a good fight! Eli Whooped Ass!!! Lol…Jake is a good stepbrother. Bianca actually said yes….too bad lol and good riddance to Dave and Alli it was never meant to last



  31. Oh my god tht fight wuz so funny i could not help but laugh i loved when jake filpped tht guy and he hit the table and when katie and clare high-fived at the end. Oh and imogen when she made it rain everyone wuz just staring at the confettite it wuz too funny. I LOVE degrassi fights!!



  32. Okay I apologize for the Eclare centred post I usually try to avoid posts like these but this has been something that has bothered me since season 10… they never have any really passionate kisses… like EVERYONE else does and Clare making out with Jake sometimes got hardcore and Eli with Imogen as well… but in all the seasons they have been together I think their most passionate kiss was the one in the library… After they kiss im always like “Oh really, thats it???” And I’m a little let down… EVERYONE ELSE MAKES OUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DONT! Also, can we address the fact that Clare has said “I love you twice” and we havent heard Eli say it back?

    This has been my Eclare post… I am sorry it will not happen again…



    1. i absolutely luv eclare and i wondered they same thing but then i realized that they dont need hot makeout scenes to prove they are a hot awesome couple…they have so much chemistry they dont need all the extra…. where as with jake and imogen..the kisses they had with them seemed forced….. does that make sense?



  33. yeah its been bugging me that eli hasn’t said i love you back AND we haven’t seen some heavy macking (guess they are trying to appease the ppl who hate elcare).

    I love fi more for making the “why should i care” about clare’s bday party comment. Yes it’s bitchy but honest and fiona started out with that bitchy no filtered personality. Goes back to the fact that even good people can say bitchy things.



    1. I was actually thinking the same thing when Fiona was sitting there like, “since when would Fiona care about throwing Clare a surprise party?” Then she dropped that line, lol. Have they even said two words to each other?



      1. the point is that she’s friends with eli and that’s no thing to say about a friend’s girlfriend. yeah, she was bitchy and unfiltered in the beginning, but she’s been through a lot and was showing some growth; plus she had no friends then, it’s easier to be selfish when you’re all alone. but this season, she’s the old ‘I don’t give a shit about anyone (but please, everyone care about ME)’ fiona (imogen is the only person she ever slightly cares about), so it leaves me feeling like all her intense, character building storylines were pointless, since she’s seemingly forgotten all the lessons she’s learned.


  34. lololol People seriously hating on a fight scene where if we revert back to Eli’s true character vs. Fitz, Eli was cynical, ruthless, and could take and give a punch. Plus he hates when others are bullied and has been sucker “kicked in his nad’s” before. Jake’s big so we don’t have to worry there, Katie has been shown to be aggressive. And dave did what he could. They did not give the Degrassi kids an unfair advantage, They perfectly represented how each character would, and could handle the given situation. Perfect scene.



    1. Let’s not forget: Katie IS a black belt. :D



    2. I agree completely.
      I think one of the parts of the fight that tends to be overlooked is when Dave went to help Ali when she called for him. Even though they broke up soon after, Dave and Ali have always been there to help each other and that really stuck to his character.
      I know a lot of people, not so much on here, are questioning why the girls even got involved. Hello?! It’s Katie Freaking Matlin! She hates the Ice Hounds!
      Even if the writers had made everyone act out of character, did anyone seriously expect the Ice Hounds to win? Let’s be real. Other than Cam and occasionally Dallas and Owen, they have been portrayed as egotistical, obnoxious, rude, etc. and the team came on the show as antagonists. The only way the writers would let the Ice Hounds win would be if the fight escalates and someone dies like in the old Degrassi v. Lakehurst days (RIP JT).



    3. i agree with you.



  35. This is really random but After seeing where Bianca and Fiona”s characters have been and who they have become im really disappointed with the fact that the talents (dancing, and fashion) they had in the beginning have completely faded away. Now we still have another half of a season to see if they are brought back up, but their stories have been stuffed with relationship stuff, so who knows what will happen



  36. Please don’t lash out on me. Clare, Katie, Jake and Eli brought this mess on themselves. Dallas actually didn’t do anything harmful to anyone. Katie lashed out at Dallas about the garden, I still think he had no part of that. Clare’s lies, depression made her lash out on the hockey team because Katie blames them for the garden being thrashed when talking to drunk Clare.. Then Clare finally opens up to Eli about everything. Now angry flusted Eli takes it out on Dallas by punching him. So basically Katie and Clare got Eli in big trouble with Eli because of Clares lies. Katie kissed Jake in front of the fans and his team did not care that she embarrassed him. Sorry but if I was Dallas I would be angry too. This whole chain reaction started from scorened Katie and depressed Clare. This how I see it.



    1. Its suppose to Eli in big trouble with Dallas. lol



      1. I think your absolutely right and Katie has screwed Dallas over what 3 times now right? The first episode….Picking Jake….Then assuming that he trashed the garden….Technically I blame it all on Asher and Katie lol


    2. I agree with you on those points, but he had no right to show up to that party and harass them. While they should have just called the cops, he got what was coming to him for that alone.

      And I think Clare overreacted to Dallas trying to kiss her. He was probably a little drunk and I can see how he misread those signals, and to be fair, he seemed like he genuinely cared about her situation.



  37. Okay I will begin with this…yes the fight was a little too unrealistic, BUT some hate doesn’t really make sense or isn’t relevant. Big one is people saying Eli can’t fight so it doesn’t make sense that he kicked Dallas’s ass. We’ve never seen Eli ACTUALLY fight. His fight with Fitz in Try Honesty wasn’t a fight. Fitz was throwing punches and Eli was basically stalling him until the police came. So this is honestly the first time we’ve ever seen him actually partake in a fight. Just saying. Jake tossing some guy over a table was a little ridiculous because no one really does that in a fight and Katie’s little hit would not knock that hockey player over a couch. Sorry it wouldn’t. But overall the fight was entertaining and mostly based in reality. It did have a few “….um okay……” moments though.



    1. I have seen people do throws like that in actual fights, although they don’t toss you that far (if they did they would be injured).

      And since they established that Katie is a blackbelt, I can believe she would be able to do a punch or strike that can knock a guy back, but that slap wouldn’t do that, although you can assume they are drunk since they did bring beer.



  38. ..Screw the haters Drew is not bad at all as a character. Theres a whole mess of guys like Drew who are stupid, impulsive, and think that they can handle everything themselves. I enjoy watching him progress, and sometimes regress. And he’s cute in my opinion. Theres been plenty of characters in the past I hated, LeiDannyCurlyhairedJerkWesley.



    1. How could anyone hate Wesley?! He was one of the most likeable characters in the show’s history.



      1. Jimmy Brooks is my all time fav degrassi person. And Dallas is 2nd


      2. How was he likeable?


      3. I meant Wesley.


      4. how was wesley NOT likeable? he was sweet, smart, and funny (albeit unintentionally so). he was just a loveable little nerd.


      5. I just didn’t see Wesley’s point other than making dave seem like a jerk trying to be cooler, and trying to set a world record for pogo jumping. I didn’t hate him by any means. I do wish he had a real send off though, because it sucks seeing him just disappear without a mention from his best friends.


  39. I know this is going to to sound so stupid, but I was sort of expecting someone from the older seasons to pop up during the fight, like Spinner or Shane. Plus, the bigger guy that Katie sent “flying” over the couch, did any one else notice it was the same guy Eli knee’d after popping Dallas in the face?



  40. I don’t care what anyone says that fight was dope! But I hate Drew’s character with a fiery passion, his character is the epitome of random and useless. I’m tired of watching him hog screen time, like damn his plot changed 6 times this season. He wants to leave Katie, leaves Katie but takes her virginity and tells her “Your not allowed to tell anyone”………….I was waiting for her to punch him in the face but that’s obviously not gonna happen. Bianca leaves him once she finds out, he tries to win her back but discovers he has a brain injury from MMA. Then he drops out of school cause hes “stupid” works at a cellphone booth at the Eaton Center…Moves out because his Mom is trying to control him and hes “17 years old” and has like a lot of world experience right ..Gets his M1(RANDOM, and dont you have a brain injury??) buys a motorcycle, gets ticketed for reckless driving then decides to move home, only because he finds out his girlfriend doesn’t respect his choice. leaving Fiona short on rent……..and oh yea he decides he IS MATURE ENOUGH………cough….cough childish………cough…..cough and wants to marry Bianca……WTF????!!!!! Get Drews ass out of my face, give other main characters story lines and if your not gonna use Conor let him bow out gracefully with whatever dignity AJ Saudin has left, with his poor excuse for a character that has never had a relationship(The sent his only friend Wesley to the abyss). I would rather watch Wesley 10000000 times then watch Drew, if anyone’s story line is done let it be his and send him on his marry way with Bianca after graduation to happily ever after. Dumb ass Degrassi writers…….If your reading this by the way I love some of you, others………..Yall fucked up. BTW I liked bitchy Bianca, am I the only one that misses her??



    1. I’d rather watch Drew a million times than Wesley.



  41. This is def 1 of my fav seasons in a while! Actually enjoying watching Eli and how much he’s grown as an actor. Claire gets on my nerves always have. I love Dallas n def don’t wanna see hockey team go. I’m over Katie! Gonna be interesting to see how these 2 last episodes will go.



  42. Just don’t be haters to the fight. Fan’s have wanted Clare drunk, so they gave us drunk Clare. Fan’s have wanted a fight so they gave us a fight. Degrassi writers are catering to us already, so don’t blame them if something they haven’t done before looks a little unrealistic. And Eli did throw a few punches at Fitz that knocked him off balance much like the one he threw at Dallas. The fight had to look big so that it didn’t just look like a boring fight with a few punches thrown. Would you rather everyone be on the ground bearhugging eachother? haha



  43. Lol… Imogen’s little random comedic relief moments make me happy. People are complaining that Fiona was like, “Why should I throw this party? I don’t even know Clare.” was way too bitchy. I don’t agree. Eli wanted to plan Clare’s party AT Fiona’s loft too. To throw a party at your house for someone you’ve barely spoken to is kind of weird. Lol. Plus, I feel like Fiona was a little hesistant to take the task because of her money situation. She immediately changed her mind when Eli said he would give her the money to do it. Maybe she thought she was expected to pay for it too.



    1. she was a bitch about it before he even told her he wanted to have it at her place. she had no idea.



      1. And why should anyone feel obligated to celebrate the birthday of someone they scarcely know?


  44. lol y does the C plot have drew in it? This just shows that there is too much drew this season, people can’t get him off of their minds



  45. omg what if degrassi got set on fire that should be the season finale that would be amazing



    1. That’s happened already.



      1. Omg was getting ready 2 post exact same words.


      2. Yeah…twice in fact.


  46. […] Dallas and the hockey boys walked out of Fiona’s condo after the fight in Sabotage, we heard Dallas say he was going to make Eli pay for what happened.  With the hockey team’s […]



  47. Pretty good episode. I give it a B-plus.

    The Eli-Clare story line was very well done. It was good that Clare finally told Eli about the harassment, but she should have told Ms Oh and her mother.

    Fight scenes don’t do much for me, I usually consider them time wasters. But Imogen stopping it all with the confetti machine was a hoot. And the fight does provide the hockey team with a reason to try to ruin the play.

    Dave and Alii were obviously growing apart, and it was just as well that they ended it.

    Dear Degrassi, please send Drew off to a cell phone salesman’s convention and keep him there. If you need Torres family stories, Adam and Audra will do nicely.



  48. I LOVED this episode overall. Even though the Dave/Alli plot was predictable and bland, the fight scene was one of my highlights of the season. Also a heartwrenchingly beautiful performance from Aislinn. That said, I wish Degrassi would portray Clare as a lot less clingy and more self-supporting, while also knowing the right times to ask for help. On a different note, even though I would enjoy a cute Drianca marriage, something tells me it won’t happen. Thoughts?



  49. Im sorry Degrassi fans Im soooo burnt out on Eclare and Drianca. Im almost to the point of fastfowarding there stories in the second season half of the season. Maybe this why The Degrassi writers break up so many couples. lol Eclare seems like bestfriend than a couple whos in love. Drianca is just Blah. The writers need to mix things up Eli and Bianca or Imogen and Drew,, etc….. . If they keep this tw ships they may lose more viewers of boredom.



    1. No, Fimogen’s too cute for that.



  50. I don’t know why, but I am kind of liking Katie and Clare’s budding friendship. They both are woman scorned, in bad places, looking for revenge. I think it fits.



  51. The more I watch Drew and Alli in Sabotage, the more I love their plot because it addresses such an important issue.

    Drew should say Dave.



  52. I kinda had the feeling Eli didn’t actually care that much.. They are trying to make him so unbipolar and chill now that sometimes it seems like he doesn’t care that much… he cares, and I’m glad he told her it wasn’t her fault.. but I was hoping for a little bit more concern and maybe angry-ness towards Asher… He didn’t look that shocked either… idk I kinda had expectations, when Eli went into Fiona’s bedroom to make Clare tell him, I was omg now it’s going to happen! but it seemed just like a normal conversation.. at least he gave her a hug



  53. PS I love katie & clare friendship that’s starting, loved the fight and ADORED Imogen’s ‘I made it rain!’ that stopped the fighting !



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