“Eli becomes increasingly clingy with Clare, who’s not sure why he’s acting this way.”

EClare…yada, yada…we know how that’s going to unfold in Part 1, but these promo pics make me interested for everything else happening in the episode too.  Have Fiona/Anya interacted since doing wardrobe together for the play in Season 9?  It’d be nice if there’s some exploration of Sav/Holly J.  After that lovely confession from Holly J about Declan in Chasing Pavements, I feel kind of bad for Sav. I know the rules of their relationship were very clear…it’s casual and nothing more.  But when it goes on for as long as it has you get comfortable, and I’m guessing Sav has gotten comfortable enough to believe that what they have is something that can be serious/long term.

Posted by Kary


  1. Yayy first comment go dtw!!



  2. OMG. is Jenna finally gonna have her baby.?seriously if it stays in any longer its gonna come out weighing 15 lbs. with teeth.



    1. I know right? I wonder when she will ever have that baby! She has been pregnant for almost a year now!



    2. LOL I was JUST about to say something like that.



    3. That’s exactly what I thought when I saw the picture of her and Alli I believe. She looks like she’s putting her hand on her stomach as if to say the babys coming.



  3. Lol @ Eli with the comic. What’s with that look on his face? An epiphany, perhaps..

    I’m so sick of pregnant Jenna. Have the dang kid, already. I’m impatient, haha.

    I feel bad for Sav. I hope she lets him down easy, but I really want Holly J and Declan to be together. I loved them.



  4. Sunshine and lemonade with kittens and RAINBOWS!!! :D<3!



  5. Is Jenna giving birth is the C-PLOT?…Seriously?



    1. Maybe she’s getting a C-section.

      ..I’m sorry, I had to.



      1. Ha! ^


      2. heh heh heh


  6. The promos gave out way to much about whats going to happen in these episodes. We all know whats obviously going to happen. I really hope Holly J and Declan get back together. One of my favorite couples. But i do feel for Sav, but Holly J did tell him she wasn’t completely over Declan once before.



  7. question, is this the last episode of season ten? shouldn’t they have all the seniors graduate?



    1. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the characters don’t graduate until the first half of season 11 is over. The current seniors haven’t mentioned anything regarding graduation. Plus, all the characters that are seniors are coming back. Meaning Chantay will be in high school for eight seasons.



    2. The seniors will graduate at the end of the summer epps.



  8. Ok, so heres my take on what happens. Holly J tells Sav she still has feelings for Declan prompting that relationship to end. Jenna gives birth to her baby because lets face it…..how long can this story go on for? Eli and Clare are obviously the main plot and my guess is Eli gets pissed because Clare says she needs her space. Eli blames Fitz(thats why we see him banging his head saying “its all your fault”). He then proceeds to put a shotgun to Fitz thinking he did this. When he realizes he could never go through with killing anyone he gets into a huge car accident, which is why we see Clare at the hospital. No one dies. The only two people that could possibly die are Fitz, because Eli kills him, which might be the reason why he goes into panic mode and gets into an accident, or Eli because he yes….gets into an accident.

    Anyone disagree?



    1. Im pretty sure James Edward Campbell said he’s not in any more S10 eps after Jesus Etc.



      1. He’ll be in season 11 tho right!!!??


      2. hopefully.


  9. Oh and Fiona now turns her attention to Anya because she realizes Holly J is in love with her brother Declan.



    1. Fiona and Anya are talking about Holly J actually, and Anya is questioning Fiona’s love for Holly J I’m pretty sure. Oh and I think he is shooting a picture of Julia or something of that sort? Watch the MuchMusic promo, he’s at her grave or whatever.

      I don’t have many predictions but here’s what I want:
      Folly J <3 nuff said.
      Eli and Clare should split. I love both of their characters, and I used to love them as a couple, but they're becoming unbearable.
      Just for the kicks, Clare and Fitz should become a couple? Clitz :D
      Just kidding about that part. I hate Fitz, not for what hes done or anything like that, but James Edward Campbell is a terrible actor.

      So.. yeah ^-^;



  10. I still think the baby dies. If he/she doesn’t, then we will have yet another boring Mia storyline. Only this time the father will be more involved.



  11. The pictures give away the need amount of excitement for Friday. the first pic: Clare is happy, .second:Eli is getting too close to Clare. third: Eli is going to talk to Mrs. Dawes fourth: Eli loves Morty. fifth: Eli is very angry. sixths: Eli loves this comics. seventh: Fiona and Anya talking to Holly J eighth: Anya and Fiona Talking ninth:Sav and Holly J are talking tenth:Something is wrong. eleventh:Jenna and KC are talking. twelve: Sav and HJ are having a deep conversion.



    1. @lia74, you’re comment says it all right there: eli, eli, eli, eli, eli ughh this episode is gonna be annoying.

      we havent really gotten weeks in a row with eli and clare like we did early, infact we havent seen them since jesus etc so i’m fine with this episode being about them but still i can’t see this episode being the best or comparing to time stands still AT ALL. i think all falls down is gonna be so much better then it. what can possibly happen that is so good? eli shooting a tree, jenna giving birth. a car accident would be intense compared to what we’ve seen but i still cant see it being like omg ifjafsdfa best episode ever. we all now he’d survive anyway and even if it was bullfrog who got in the accident and died, it would be sad but we’ve seen him once soooo idrc



  12. i think that if anyone dies it will be jenna and kc’s baby.i don’t see their storylines really going anywhere with this baby.but hey i could be wrong.I think that holly j will break it off w/ sav.and fiona starts hanging out with anya to try to make other friends so she won’t be thinking about holly j anymore? I think that clare will want space obviously and eli agrees to this but is secretly going to try to be there without her finding out.She will eventually find out.umm and maybe eli gets the idea that it will be smart for him to hurt himself so that clare will still want to be with him? idk just a guess from the front of the comic book. and maybe eli is shooting a mirror?or julias picture?or fits picture? idk.all just wild guesses.



  13. I no this isn’t going to happen but what if since kc and Jenna are fighting alot in this episode ( you’d no this if u saw the preview) that after Clare tells Eli they need a break kc goes to Clare cuz he’s really stressed and dosent no who else to turn 2 and they maybe share a hug. Eli walks in catching them but they don’t notice that Eli saw them. Eli then
    goes to that secret place and screams THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT thinking of kc. Takes that shotgun and just shoots at random things cuz he’s fustrated. I think that wud be awsome but I no it’s not going to happen cuz of the Julia and Eli thing carved into the tree. It has to do something with Julia cuz I don’t think Eli wud shoot at that if he was pissed at kc.



    1. There’s a carving of that in the tree?



      1. Yea if u watch the muchmusic promo you’ll see Eli moving something revealing a huge heart carved on a tree that also has carved Eli Julia inside the heart.


      2. Srry I meant a wall not a tree I thought it was a tree cuz they only show for like half a second.


  14. all the couples are breaking upp in the same episodee :(
    kc and jenna i could care less about thoughh
    but it was actually starting to seem like holly j was really into sav! and now…shes gonna break up with him cause shes still in love wit declan ?



  15. yea guys I’m reallyy confused!!! when was there a carving in a tree with eli and julia’s name on it?!?



    1. there is no carving in a tree, it’s like written on a wall in the much music promo. I think the person who said that was confused or something.



  16. I really hope this episode is not just another AFD aka a huge let-down. Jenna actually hasn’t been pregant too long in the Degrassi timeline, since this episode will be around springtime for both Degrassi and reality, but she got pregnant around October in Degrassi land. I’d be pisssed if I was Jenna and my plot which was built up by the writers in a way, got the c-plot?



  17. ^Jenna was 5 months pregnant in Tears Dry On Their Own. GUESS WHAT, GUYS?! Scott Paterson is rejoining the cast for Degrassi Season 11! @ScayP tweeted: Chillin at lunch with @melindashankar @The_Munro @anniejclark charlotte and some new faces. Fun fun fun fun!” Then he tweeted: I’m not having fun. @melindashankar then tweeted something along the lines of : @ScayP is kidding, you guys. LOL… I love you kid. Good to have you back, weirdo.



    1. A lot of cast members come back to visit and hang out on set occasionally. So we don’t know that he’s back as a cast member?



    2. Who in the hell is Scott Paterson???



      1. Johnny DiMarco


      2. O ew Johnny sucks.


  18. I really hope that after Jenna has the baby she is diagnosed with postpartum depression. It’s really common for that to happen to first time mothers especially a teen aged one. It would be really interesting to see how KC reacts to her not wanting to hold the baby or have anything to do with it because of her illness. That would be an amazing story line. Even more so if after she recovers, KC tries to get sole custody and revoke her rights as a parent. Okay, I’m probably getting ahead of myself here, but it was just a thought.



    1. I agree with you Janae. Jenna is probably going to have postpartum depression. Kc was involved with the police . he probably won”t get custody of the kid. and that’s the way the cookie crumbles.



    2. Your idea might be the only thing that could save this god awful pregnancy plot. That or a miscarriage.



  19. Fyi, eli is all excited about the Gothic Tales magazine because his stalker angel story got published. just to let yall know…



  20. So i was lookin at stuff 4 drop the world and the 1st part of the episode(part before the theme song) is on degrassi wikia .Im no going to spoil it for anyone but if u want to look at it heres the link



    1. Thanks :) I love how it has the first couple minutes of the show.



      1. Welcome! And I feel like in that scene , Clare is intentionally pushing Eli away ! Mayb she wants them to break up?! But I could be way off


  21. Okay so it must just be me but it doesn’t seem like it’s been nine months on the show, if it has, the seniors should have graduated by now right? Idk maybe my concept of time is off but they haven’t even gone through winter yet… I have a sick feeling that all this hype is built up on someone dying and we all think it’s going to be a main character, I think Jenna’s baby is going to die. Idk it would make sense, her having a miscarriage or at least it wouldn’t be some far fetched story. No one has had an actual miscarriage (Anya doesn’t count) on the show and it would be interesting to see how Jenna (and KC) dealt with the loss of their child. Idk. Oh and also Landon Librion or howvr you spell his last name is leaving the show so maybe he’ll die… Eli could get into a crash with him involved… those are my jumbled and mixed up thoughts



  22. no one will die. it was confirmed either a death OR a shooting and as we can see by the Teennick promo, there is a shooting (Eli has a gun) but not one like the shooting in Time Stands Still



  23. No, Matt. Just… No :)



    1. What do you mean no? He didn’t tweet anything about working or having a role. He tweeting about chilling/hanging out on set.



  24. i have a question . when they are having the dance, is it going to be julias death anniversary the same night or is the episode just premiering on her death annivery. the ppl on youtube seem convinced that on the day of the dance , its also julias anniversary. i was jw



    1. It’s gonna be the date of her death, stephen stohn confirmed it.



      1. Thanks


  25. ^@Matt okie dokie hokie pokie artichokie :D sexyman ;) BIG… COMFY… BED!!! Zzz.



    1. Remember that time you were yelling at me that Adam was the one driving the car in Jesus Etc. not Fitz, wellll



  26. I just realized something. there are now 2 actors on degrassi with the last name “Kelly”



    1. Are Daniel Kelly and justin Kelley related?? I don’t think so. Btw do u guys notice how alot of the cast of degrassi started out on like a Disney channel type show lolz?? For example Charlotte Arnold naturally Sadie, Jordan todosey life with Derek along with Lauren Collins (Paige), Shanae grimes naturally Sadie, Munro chambers and Justin Kelly the latest buzz, etc.



  27. @Matt HIIIIIIIIII :) I think you’re right!



  28. Does anybody think that when Eli is in his car it is a flashback? It’s just a thought. Maybe that is the night of Julia’s death and it is showing him on the phone with her or something. You never know. The final episode of the season is the day of her death so maybe we will see what really happened. Notice how he veers off the road in the promo…he could have been hitting Julia. Other people have suggested that he was the one who hit her.



  29. Does anyone think that when Eli is in his hearse that it is a flashback? The final episode of the season premieres on Julia’s death. Maybe we are going to see what really happened. You never know. Notice in the promo how Eli veers off the road a little, he could be hitting Julia. People have suggested before that he was the one who hit her. Just a thought. :)



  30. @Matt you’re stupid… Will you be my vampire boyfriend? :D



  31. @tay
    that’s acutally a really good idea! I’m surprised that no one has come up with that idea!



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