“Shoot To Thrill” deals with one of the few topics Degrassi hasn’t dealt with yet: sexting (unless you count that shirtless pic of Peter that Emma snapped with her camera phone in “Tell It To My Heart.”)

Johnny really, REALLY hates PDA.

Johnny really, REALLY hates PDA.

Things are great between Alli and Johnny, except that Johnny doesn’t like PDA.  What’s so bizarre is that he primarily hates PDA when it happens specifically in front of Bruce, and the no-name kid they hang out with.  For some reason Johnny can’t handle being teased by them about it.  In one scene Alli sits on his lap and feeds him in front of Bruce, and Johnny lays into her.  I felt sorry for her when that happened.

The cell phone has unlimited text, aka unlimited Alli nakedness.

The cell phone has unlimited text, aka unlimited Alli nakedness.

The workaround Alli discovers to Johnny’s anti-PDA attitude is to give him a cell phone and send him naked pictures of herself on it.  Johnny’s all about it and all about showing Alli love until he see’s a blown up picture of himself cuddling with a stuffed toy on the art wall…a picture that Alli took.

While watching the sneak peek for this episode I was with Johnny on Alli needing to cool it with the affection in public.  But watching the episode in full he is a jackass.  Retaliating against Alli posting the picture of him by texting her naked pic to Bruce was wrong, and Johnny keeping the phone was even moreso.  He’s obviously an intelligent, sweet guy (when it comes to Alli), but in public still insists on being known as a bully/loser.

Bruce gets a peek at the Bandhari Twins...

Bruce gets a peek at the "Bhandari Twins..."

This storyline was well done, and even though Ms. Hatzilakos’ return as Degrassi’s principal came out of nowhere with no explanation, I love how she threw in the speech about the dangers of sexting.  Melinda Shankar’s acting is much improved from last season.  You also know what’s improved? The way Degrassi is dealing with the storylines.  The fact Johnny kept the phone with Alli’s dirty pictures shows they’re realizing the mistake of last season with “One and Done” storylines.  They didn’t wrap the episode up in a neat bow at the end only for everything that happened to be forgotten right after.  Hopefully they stick to that philosophy the rest of the season.

...and so does Mr. Simpson.

...and so does Mr. Simpson.





If Riley wasnt gay, he and Fiona would make a really cute couple.

If Riley wasn't gay, he and Fiona would make a really cute couple.

Fiona is tired guys hitting on her.  Riley needs a “beard.”  How perfect is this?  What’s intruiging about their interaction is that Riley knows Fiona is using him to keep the guys off her, but Fiona doesn’t know Riley is using HER to hide the fact that he’s gay.

Or at least she’s not completely onto him yet.  While Fiona and Riley are hanging out the guy known as “SoccerStud” reappears.  He confronts Riley, who apparently stopped talking to him altogether.  After SoccerStud asks why Riley avoids him, Riley grabs Fiona and hastily leaves, denying to her that he knows the guy.

Hes baaaaaaack...its SoccerStud!!!

He's baaaaaaack...it's SoccerStud!!!

I LOVED this subplot…mainly because it’s setting us up for Riley’s upcoming two-parter, “Beat It.”  They suddenly dropped Riley’s sexuality storyline in Season 8, a believe it has the potential to be one of the best storyline’s this show has had over the last few seasons.


Posted by Kary


  1. great review..i personally loved this ep. and riley… smh -_-



  2. I hope they bring that pictures back up later. Maybe when she’s moved on and has a new boyfriend, or if she runs for class president or something. This was a great episode. For once.



  3. best season 9 episode so far



  4. Ali is so pretty she can do so much better.



  5. i am glad that melinda’s acting has improved and also jhonnys ,this episode was to me the best so far in the season along with you be illin



  6. great review i loved it too! especially Riley’s part I can’t wait until Beat it 1n2 are out!! and didn’t anyone else notice SoccerStud’s new hair?!?!?!



  7. I agree!!! I hate how they “1 and done” things! Evry episode of season 8 had no continuity! If someone new started watching the show, they wouldn’t have known each belonged to the same season! The whole season was bland anyway. BORING. they tidally dropped rileys story as if nothing happened. Jeez. Hopefully this season will b better (with continuity)



  8. i have to say that soccerstud is one the cutest guys you will ever see that is not a recurring character. but what ever that doesn’t matter alli is an idiot her boyfriend is a bully and seriuosly really pda in front of his friends making out in the hall thats fine but feeding him that just stupid



  9. soccerstud is one of the cutest nonreccuring character you will ever see. Alli is an idiot making out in the hallway that’s fine but feeding someone in front of their friends that’s the most stupid thing i have ever heard of



  10. i laughed my frikin ass off when mr. simpson saw the pic of alli XD



    1. lol simpsons’s reaction WOAH!



  11. […] are still looking for nude pics of Mindy?  Chances are it’s because of the Season 9 episode Shoot To Thrill that they think there are actual nude pics of her floating around, so Melinda has a message for you […]



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