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Degrassi Extra recap for Don’t Panic Pt. 2

What We Learned From This Episode
*Degrassi must only serve salads, apples and juice for lunch. God I miss Sheila and her special sauce.
*Snake must’ve slept with someone on the school board to get the money to pay for all this fancy equipment they have at school
*Next up for Lumberjack Jake: building a house out of straw, and another out of bricks
*For a good time call 416-752-4972

Posted by Kary


  1. Another thing we learned from this episode: apparently it’s perfectly normal for confetti and balloons to fall in the school cafeteria when next year’s president is announced (especially when it’s someone us viewers don’t care too much about).



  2. TheUltimateDork August 26, 2011 at 4:41 am

    I will miss the seniors… Yes even chantaytay. But I’m ready for them to go. Sav’s plot is a good example of the fact the writers don’t have anymore stories to tell for them. Overall, bad character development in season 11 for the grade twelves.



  3. I actually liked Sav and Miss Oh’s storyline, but that should have been started at the very beginning of the season. It shouldn’t have just been given 4 episodes and that’s it. Instead of Keke Palmer, they could have started this flirtation up during the season premiere.

    I think if they told it out over a longer period of time, they could have reunited Sav and Holly J in the end, which is what I was hoping for. I’m still upset they didn’t even have Sav once check up on her during the kidney crisis.

    Side note: Bianca looks like Mia in the TeenNick promo for next week. I almost started to throw things at the screen.



  4. “Losing your lunch” that was the best line ever. It totally exposed Katie. Who was the cute, sarcarstic girl who said it? She doesn’t seem to like Katie,lol. It was good that there was a story line on a eating disorder especially since many of my girlfriends worry about their weight, they think theyare too fat and they`re NOT. It`s probably because they are looking at magazine pictures of models whos photos are all touched up anyways. I loved this episode.



    1. that was bianca pisciola who also happens to be my best friend :)



  5. The recap really summed up how lame all of yesterday’s plots were with the exception of Katie/Marisol. I still don’t think Katie and Marisol should have become the new heads of the school, but I’m glad Katie and Marisol worked things out. Thankfully, I don’t see Krew lasting for very long since Drew hates Marisol and it looks like his date to prom is Brianca. The lie-detector app was the stupidest, most insensitive part of the entire episode. I cannot believe how many people gossiped about Katie’s ED and weren’t offering her support or help if she needed it! I hate how Degrassi portrays EDs like they’re grounds for making someone a social outcast. Not cool at all. I’m glad to see the seniors go, especially since their stories have been underwhelming this season. I’m really going to miss Holly J; she’s been my favorite character for the last 2 seasons. I hope the writers fix Anya’s issues properly because at this point, I doubt any of her “friends” will vouch to the Army about her not being a coke head.



  6. Holly J, Anya, and Fiona were really the only Grade 12s that got even a lick of a storyline this season. I actually feel bad for Chantay too. She seemed to get the Ziley treatment and we didn’t see much of her.

    Character Storylines this season:
    Anya: B
    Holly J: A+
    Fiona: A+
    Sav: C-
    Riley: D
    Zane: D-
    Chantay: D-



    1. They couldn’t even throw Chantay a bone? She’s really been the most useless character because she’s been at Degrassi for like the last decade.

      It would have been funny if she and Anya were coke buddies!



    2. They did a way better job of handling Chantay back in the Boiling Point and In too Deep. Heck even in Season 9 she had more relevance than now.



  7. Sure would hate to have that number, I bet people are calling for Miss Oh right now.



  8. I love Degrassi, the school facilities are crazy. Like there is a swimming pool, a radio station, a music recording station, a climbing wall, weight room, and tons of other stuff. They are able to make mass orders of Vote Marisol t-shirts in a hour. It is crazy how much money that school has.

    This all leads me to think that the Degrassi Writers never went to high school or they are confusing Degrassi with some college or prestigious non-existent boarding school like Ouran High School Host Club, lol



    1. Ahhhhh! Sorry I just had a mini fangirl moment when you said Ouran High School Host Club, because I adore that anime.

      Just ignore me.



    2. And yet their gym is the tiniest gym in Canada and their auditorium seats maybe 50 people…hahahaahaha



  9. We saw the picture of Maya and Tori as freshman in the 2011-2012 school year wearing yellow. Which means everyone will move up a color when they move up a grade. Does that mean they’ll reshoot the opening again? And then keep reshooting it every half season?



    1. That’s what they did last year, I wouldn’t doubt they do it again.



      1. Yeah but what I’m saying is that they would have to reshoot every scene instead of just a few, since everyone’s uniforms will change in the next school year except Fiona who is already wearing the senior color.


      2. Umm no. She’s sitting next to Eli who is wearing the red grade 11 shirt. They’ll have to reshoot pretty much the whole thing. Gah!!! These uniforms are just not working out. I. HATE. THEM.


      3. I like fresh new credits. Sure, it must be a pain in the ass to redo them every year, but I like how they change it up.

        I wonder who will get the pimp spot at the end next season? (I realize I keep saying season, but I mean the second half of S11.) My guess is a photo of Chantay, as Degrassi mourns the loss of her after that tragic, freak accident at prom.


      4. lol I didn’t say they wouldn’t have to reshoot Fiona’s. Just said she was already wearing the right color.


      5. TheUltimateDork August 27, 2011 at 12:21 pm

        I said it from the beginning. The uniforms are a cheap excuse for the producers to save $ and get rid of everyones different wardrobe and styles.


      6. I REALLY hope they are gone by season 12!


  10. Why do I get the feeling that Katie and Marisol sharing power is going to turn out horribly bad?



    1. yupp, those 2 are annoying. they should transfer to lakehurst together :D



  11. Im so upset how they never gave Chantay a storyline?? it seems like degrassi doesnt like black people exsept for jimmy and liberty in some way. its like they just hated hazel and chantay. wth up with that?? what do u guys think the issue could be with that??



    1. TheUltimateDork August 27, 2011 at 12:16 pm

      Not sure…. I’m a little bothered by it too. Seems like the only relevant story she had was power squad, but they were nowhere to be found this season.



    2. Andrew Lewis who played Hazel is Jamaican, Indian and Portuguese. As for Jajube/Chantay I have nooo idea why they wouldn’t at least give her a C plot in an episode for her last season… Clare, Jake, Eli, Imogene, Ali, Dave, Katie, Marisol, Drew, Bianca etc have plenty of time where Chantay got nothing and the other seniors got very minimum storylines this season. I know there wasn’t much to do with their characters since they are graduating but it’s a shame.



      1. The only plots I remember by her is “When she took Danny from Leia.” (Not on Purpose) And the whole “Sticky Notes.” She put sticky note in the girls bathroom, and then on Principal Simpson’s Car.


    3. Chantay’s been around since 2004 and has only been included in 2, maybe 3 B plots. They never bothered to explore her character or give her anything other than a token relationship with Danny.

      For someone who should have graduated with Emma and Manny, they sure could have given her *something* to send her off. We really have no idea about her and she’s been the longest cast member of this current generation. We know more about Katie in a half a season than Chantay in 8 seasons.



  12. I want to call that phone number so badly….



    1. Lol, tell Max from Epitome I said hello.



  13. Man I just dont like how degrassi doesnt even give african americans good storylines. its a shame! kary what do u think???







    2. Serafina Pekkala August 28, 2011 at 9:27 pm

      Jimmy? Liberty? Danny? Dave? Connor? Chris? Hazel?

      Just because Chantay didn’t get a plot this season doesn’t mean that Degrassi is discriminating against African… Canadians…. That’s like saying that because Leia didn’t get any good plots, they’re discriminating against Asians… which is more likely, because other than Indian characters and Manny, who was Filipina, they haven’t had like any Chinese/Taiwanese/Japanese/Vietnamese/other flavor of Asian characters.



      1. Serafina Pekkala August 28, 2011 at 9:30 pm

        And Ms. Oh doesn’t count because she’s a teacher and we don’t even know anything about her.

        They haven’t had many hispanic characters, either… Apparently everyone on Degrassi is white, black, or Indian….


  14. The chantay thing is actually perplexing me. Maybe she was cheap work and just showed up a day or two to film her scenes? And giving her credits the last four years… Well I can’t think of a reason for that



  15. I think certain charecters aren’t meant to be big stars and get a-plots like Paige/Emma or such. Chantay falls into that category, people just need to live with it. Anyway here’s to hoping Marisol becomes a major star, because she could have a very good storyline and charecter.



    1. Honestly to me Chantay falls into the Blue/Leia catagory where it just did not work out with them as a main character.
      I guess I just see Chantay as the most popular background character who gets to be in the opening lol.



      1. She holds the record for being the student to attend Degrassi the longest, so they figured they might as well throw her a bone and toss her in the credits.


  16. is that a real phone #? j.w



    1. yes,it gives you extensions to productions of various tv shows including Degrassi First Class



  17. I cant wait for tonights epi. I wonder if Fiona and Charlie are gonna get back together. since she invited charlie to be her date. man i hope she does fiona deserves to be happy. oh btw did u guys see the vmas last night??? did u guys like it???



    1. I saw the VMA’s, they were decent. Gaga was amazing, Chris Brown was clearly lipsynching though lol. Big congrats to Adele though for being nominating 3 times in her vma debut. She’s got big things in her future, for sure and she’s been blessed with such a voice.



  18. Drew is the type of guy who has to everything his way and he has to come first in the relationship. Marisol was coming first so he is going to act like a little baby.



  19. Hello I would like to know the title of the song that is the end of the series?!
    thank you in advance



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