youtube link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG2AQky4Ask

MAIN PLOT: Riley and Zane deal with homophobia.
The Riley/Zane saga continues as Riley tries (again) to make amends with Zane.  And he blows it (again) after making what he considers an innocent gay joke in the locker room, while Owen’s jokes tend to be more harsh.

Riley attends an LGBT forum and after Zane expresses how hurt his feelings were by Riley’s actions, Riley realizes his behavior was homophobic.  So he declares an end to gay jokes in the locker room, which doesn’t sit well Owen, who in return writes “HOMO” on Riley’s locker and “Riley’s a fag” on a bus outside.

A furious Riley hits Owen, and that in turn infuriates Zane, who knows that violence will only make the situation worse;  Zane’s warning was proven right after he gets jumped by Owen behind The Dot.  Once again, Riley and Zane are on the outs, and once again Riley begs Zane for another chance.  Then, out of nowhere, Riley bids on Zane at the bachelor auction and wins him.

Now the lessons of this storylines (realizing that “harmless” gay jokes may not be that harmless, and violence isn’t the answer) are solid and Zane is an awesome character, but I think I’ve officially started feeling the symptoms of storyline fatigue when it comes to Riley.  For several episodes now Riley and Zane have done this whole back-and-forth thing where things are good, Riley screws up, then Zane forgives him.  At the end of Part 2 Riley says “I don’t even know why you keep giving me chances,” and before Zane even responded I yelled out “ME NEITHER!”

And Riley still hasn’t officially come out yet.  It was nice to see that he can’t come out to his mom, and he was bold enough to bid on Zane (leaving people wondering about his sexuality), but I have a feeling this will get very old, very fast if he can’t come out before the end of Season 10…because I’d prefer for him to not become another Marco Del Rossi, where every single storyline about him is about his sexuality.

SUBPLOT 1: Clare tries to take things to the next level with a distant Eli.
Clare likes Eli.  Eli likes Clare.  But after they kiss during a video project Eli gives Clare the cold shoulder, and begins avoiding her like the plague.  This leaves Clare confused and hurt after he refuses to explain his actions, making it look like he was leading her on.

But Eli’s holding onto a dark secret, and darker feelings;  he takes Clare on a drive, and they stop at the place where he says “This is where I killed my girlfriend.”  They had gotten into an argument there, she left on her bike and died after being hit by a car.  Realizing that Eli’s still hurt over that and currently too scared to get that close to anyone, Clare decides to give Eli time to heal (all of this of course correlating to their English project).

It’s really refreshing to watch two people who like each other building their relationship through communicating their feelings and working through their problems.  I think of Eli hiding his hurt (and himself) from Clare and compare it to, for instance Alli and Drew arguing over their relationship “label.”  And while I love the chemistry of say Sav and Holly J, their relationship is primarily superficial.  Everytime Clare and Eli interact I think, “These two are genuine.”

SUBPLOT 2: Wesley signs up for the bachelor auction, and has a crush on Anya.
One day Wesley randomly decides to sign up for the bachelor auction, in the hopes that Anya will bid on him.  Of course he has NO game, so he decides to tutor Drew in science in exchange for tips on how to be cool enough to be the kind of guy Anya would go for.  He fails at trying to “spit game” at Anya and thinks about quitting the auction, but Anya convinces him to stay in it.

At the bachelor auction, no one shows an interest in wanting to bid on him, but Anya bids $2 on him (out of pity) and she wins.  Wesley doesn’t care that no one else put in a bid, because Anya is the girl he wants.

Wesley is the man.  Period.  He’s just so incredibly nerdy and awkward that it’s impossible not to be entertained and want to cheer him on at the same time.  Now with him getting a “date” with Anya, I can’t wait to see how that goes down.  Because this storyline made me laugh literally the entire time, it’s pretty obvious that it’s getting an awesome grade.

Posted by Kary


  1. What’s eli`s and claire`s grade so then I can officially comment lol



    1. Eli and Clare received an A.



    2. Clare’s in 10th and Eli’s in 11th



      1. lol


      2. i think he/she meant their plot grades………


  2. So agree about thinking every Clare/Eli scene is genuine! I showed a friend one clip of them who has never watched Degrassi and she liked their realistic chemistry so much now she can’t get enough of them and is jumping on the fandom.



    1. My mom was watching Degrassi with me yesterday, and she seriously thought they were the most precious thing to ever come out of the show!



    1. OMG soooooooo funny! I had to save this >_<



    2. lmfao funniest GIF i’ve seen ever and wth random Fiona in the back? LOL



  3. I agree about everything! Except, I can’t get enough Riley/Zane. They’re my favorite Degrassi ‘couple.’ & Wesley is adorable. I would have bid on him :[



  4. Thanks shelby
    Riley come out or be straight lol storyline was pretty good but I feel like its the same thing every time I see riley and zane
    Claire/eli their chemistry is amazing and doesn’t feel forced at all. Seeing them break up eventually will suck.
    Wesley is becoming one of my favorite charecters he puts toby too shame lol the drew/wesley interaction was fun and cool. Overall another amazing episode from season 10.



  5. For sure agree with this review! I love EClare and I think Wesley is so much fun to watch especially with the crush on the “out-of-his-league” girl. I also really like the Drew and Wesley friendship. Its interesting to watch.

    I also TOTALLY agree with the Riley in the closet thing. Every episode with him in it seems to have variations of the same story line. I think he would be more interesting to watch if they changed it up a bit with him. Can’t wait till he comee out!



  6. Loved the video review-as always! ^^ Just one thing- Kary, is your arm okay? Or are you just pulling a Wesley there? lol.




    It was like oldschool degrassi TNG where it only took a few secs to make you laugh and a
    few secs to make you cry.
    The teasing with Zane was inda painful to watch, then when He spoke at the group
    meeting and when Riley said “Im a homophobe” I was like woah it was so intense but
    not over the top it was perfect.

    Then with the ELi and Clare thing was so funny and cut, “You drank the poisonus
    high fructose cola beverage” I died laughing cause that stuff is basically poison

    this episode was so cool and at the same time politically correct and I learned alot
    Like the part where OWEN goes angry and Zane says “Everyone cant be reached”
    its so true, and this was one of the rare new season episodes where the ending left
    me wanting more.



  8. This episode was different. In other news, it’s Sunday, and, as sociopathic FacultyFreak would say, my “obsession” with Hersheypark has died down, so it’s on to Degrassi talk! Okay, so ‘Halo’ has SOMETHING to do with Fiona, as @anniejclark confirmed on Twitter.



  9. Woohoo! Its Monday(:, But sadly its the Final week of the boiling point, I don’t know what im more excited for, All Falls Down 1&2, or the Aftermath, aka Last 24eps. Anyways about SFI 1&2, I loved this 2parter. I did expect Eli’s secret to be a smuge more bigger but it still did get to the moral of the plot and I loved their acting on screen. Adam is so funny :p . Im happy Zane and Riley are on good terms, & even though I didn’t really care as much for Wesleys plot then the other 2, I can’t lie, it did get a few chuckles out of me. And I liked how they balanced all the characters, even Ali was in it, so all in all good episode.




    Oh and I am kinda over Clair this season, I mean I love her, but damn she never “goes there” she always handles things so perfectly. Eli said he killed his girlfriend she didnt even flinch.




    1. she is



  11. I can’t wait for all the episodes this week but I’m not ready for TBP to end :/. I hope after AFD they don’t leave us hanging. I hope they show a few promos for the 2nd half of the season so we get a little teaser as to what’s coming. As for this episode, I really liked it too. All the grades are exact on what I would say, although I thought the Drama between Drew and Zane from the promo was gonna be a little more intense, it was better that it wasn’t. I agree though that I feel like every time we see Riley (since season 8) and now Zane it’s the same thing. Riely needs to come out and get a new storyline!



  12. I can’t wait to see Fiona! I liked this episode but does anyone agree that even though the episodes are very strong, well written and very well acted that most of the episodes, if not this season as a whole isn’t very remember able. Like I said I’m realllly liking this season but what episodes or storyline besides MBIAC is something that you would remember a few seasons from now?



  13. I loved this episode but I still really dnt like the Alli/Drew relationship. Riley is the one person I can look 2 for some action. Eli and Clare have great chemistry. I look forward 2 episodes involving Eli, Adam, Dave, Clare and KC. Kary I hav a question: how do u feel about a storyline involving Dave and Ms. Oh having a relationship l8r in the season? That would be pretty interesting.



  14. I agree with all ur grades cant wait for “all falls down”!!!! *<:D



  15. As right as Zane was about Riley getting violent with Owen, can you really blame Riley? I may be the only one who thinks this, but part of me just wanted to yell at Zane to be a little more considerate of Riley’s situation. Not all of us can be naturally awesome pacifists like Zane.

    Also, the scene with Riley and his mother was really touching — and tragic. You could just feel Riley’s vulnerability oozing from the scene as he was let down. And was I the only one who thought his mom was going to say that she knew he was gay? She has this knowing look when Riley started, and then it felt like she just came out of left field with her response about grandchildren and such.



    1. I completely agree with everything you’ve said. Whereas I can understand where Zane was coming from, I relate much more closely to Riley in terms of lesser control over my emotions in situations that are outside of my control (albeit less aggressive). Having been gay in high school, as well as popular, an athlete, and someone who is simply expected to be some sort of ladies man for whatever reason, I sympathize 100% with his struggles and do not blame him in the least for his reaction to Owen’s hatred.

      As for the complaints pertaining to Riley’s inability to come out, you all need to understand that what he is going through is actually far more typical of a young gay male’s experience than Zane’s comfort with himself. Very few high school aged gay people ever develop the kind of courage it takes to be honest with the world. Is it sometimes annoying that Riley is so afraid to come out? Perhaps. But the simple fact is that his reluctance to do so is highly representative of reality for soooo many kids his age, and often much older. While it certainly would be nice to see him come out soon, unless you have been in his situation (as I have and am still in at 21), you could never imagine the kind of pain and fear that the people Riley represents face every day of their lives. Comments from parents urging grandchildren and marriage, such as those from Riley’s mom, only multiply the fear that we can never live up to the expectations of those who care about us the most.

      Clearly Riley and myself have been through many of the same experiences and in many ways are the same person (it’s actually kind of weird how similar we are). Perhaps for that reason I am more sympathetic to his situation than many of you but I think that people need to take a step back and view Riley’s actions through Riley’s eyes.



      1. I completely agree. It took until well into my freshman year of college before I really came out in a substantial way — that is, beyond a few close friends. And a couple of years later before I came out to anybody in my family. It can take a really long time before you’re emotionally capable of telling people.

        So with that said, I think it’s completely realistic to see Riley struggle this long. Marco took just as long to come out completely; people just don’t notice as much because he had less plots devoted to it.


  16. I think the Eli thing was overexagerated in the promo. It seemed like he would have this huge secret about him being a murderer, but really he just blames himself. I love the chemistry between them, and I hope seeing them in all falls down. :D
    As for rileey and zane, it’s too repetative. they should spice it up (:



    1. ITA. I thought Eli really killed her. Like physically killed her, maybe not intentional but he was angery wanted to hurt her and it escalated. Like make him a real wacko. What happened was a tragic accident but it doesnt make him a bad person.

      Zane and Riley is repetitive but that’s how it is sometimes. Hopefully, we can push forward on these last few episodes.



    2. Because the promos never exaggerate, ever. They play every line straight and never put emphasis on lines that in the end aren’t what they appear to be.

      I kinda figured that line was there just to be in the promo.



  17. i still have a feeling he has way more problems than the dead girlfriend situation…but that’s just me.



    1. yeah i def agree with that. I think he’s got some problems w/ his family life too because he said something along the lines of “and then the clostest person in my life was gone” when he was talking about his girlfriend. So maybe he’s not really close to his parents and has problems there.

      or i could be over analyzing everything haha



  18. Also, I can’t believe I forgot to mention this in my other post, but “Go Juliet!” had me rolling on the ground with laughter.



  19. Wesley/Anya A+ WOOOO!



  20. idk if someone has already said this..
    but, i really want adam to get a girlfriend XD



    1. PS; i know a lot of people want Adam and fiona to get together…. o.o



    2. dudeee. what if the reason that Adam punches Fitz is because Fitz likes him and is telling everyone that Adam is his GIRLfriend. bahaaa



  21. good to see the reviews are back! hope all is well with your computer. and i agree with all the grades but the riley/zane one. it honestly is just the same old riley hiding who he really is and it’s getting old. it felt like the plot moved as fast as a snail and i would’ve given it a c- :/
    cant wait until next week. keep up the good work, kary!



    1. Believe it or not, people don’t come out easily all the time. Degrassi is showing how coming out is difficult and Riley’s storyline really shows that.



  22. I hope in all falls down Wesley goes to the dance with Anya



    1. I hope that they wud actuly like start going out and have like people bully anya for going out wit a dork but she wudnt care and they stay togeather!!! Its farfetched but that wud b awesome



  23. Hey guys, new degrassi stuff is up at


    Check it out!



  24. Owen is a coward



  25. delaney maloney August 23, 2010 at 3:23 am

    i love eli. he is an amazingg character and he and clare have the most mature relationship ive seen on degrassi and i will be sad when drama leaks in to it. zane and rileyy are super frickin adorable but i agree that riley just needs to come out! you are a great reviewer. (=



  26. I actually like the fact that Riley isn’t exactly “out” yet, but like, in the doorway. If you look back from season 8, he’s come a long way.

    Oh, and for laughs, when Zane shouted “YOU DON’T THINK!” I was drinking juice, and jumped and spilled it all over myself.. fun times.



  27. Okay, I understand why you guys may feel like Riley story has been dragged out for too long. But I think it makes it more real. The reason I love degrassi is because nobody’s issues are solved in one episode. Their issues are apart of them. Riley has been going back and forth for years and that really shows the struggles he’s facing. And since he is a senior, I don’t mind seeing riley as much as possible.

    As an English major, I must say, I am quite jealous of Clare. I love the whole “Falling for your English partner thing.” Like most of you, I love how their attraction is deeper than just a physical thing. Through their class project they have gotten to know eachother on such an intimate level. And they really are the cutest couple.

    Ofcourse I love Wesley and in my dream world, he would get Anya, because he’s a good kid. But, he’s way too young for her. I hope Anya lets him down easy, like with a kiss on the cheek or something.

    I can’t believe Anya is supposed to be the two faced girl,she’s auctually one of nicest kids on the show.



  28. I disagree with the Riley/Zane and Eclare grades. I think the grades should be switched. I think the Ziley plots show how a person who is coming out really is. It shows that not everyone is accepting and that people have exceptions of you which makes coming out harder and Degrassi is showing that in detail. The reason why Zane keeps giving Riley chances is because he actually has deep feelings for Riley and the same feelings are in Riley. I think that really touched my heart that Riley, who hasn’t been able to come out the closet, finally found someone who broke those walls down and he is being himself. I really think that was A worthy.

    Eclare was set up really well, then the it became a let down. The whole secret was part was like “Seriously?” It reminded me ALOT of Kclare without the ‘thinking the guy has issues’ part. I just only feel the friendship there not the relationship. Also, Clare just came off creepy during the part when she wanted to know where Eli was. I think it was a little bit of a let down towards the end to me which made it a B for me.

    I think Wesley was B as well. It was more of a comedy plot than anything else. Anya doesn’t like him and Wesley is in his own little world where Anya does. It was cute but something I would fast forward on the Degrassi DVD.



  29. HAHAAHA I LOVE WESLEYYYYYY! “Well i like people! … And I am good at science!”…



  30. Am I the only who thinks that Weasley’s plot was really stupid?



    1. Wesley is my lover. Do not insult him.



  31. Wesley is a f*cking PIMP.



    1. Grow up



  32. They way it seems, Riley and Zane are are caught making out and the video gets put on the net/sent to the ENTIRE Football Team! Can you say scandalous?



  33. I agree with all your grades, except the Eli and Clare one (I’m sorry I will NEVER be able to say EClare seriously lol). Although I am super ginormus fan of both characters I felt like the storyline for this plot was lacking. I felt like Eli’s ignoring Clare was a little over-the-top. I wasn’t really that disspointed with the secret I just think they could have made it a little more dramatic like something along the lines of…”I was driving with my girlfriend to (insert place of choice) and we were having an argument. Things got messy and I was so upset I got distracted and we got into an accident. I lived and she didn’t.” It’s just an idea but i feel like if that had been the case the scene would have been a lot more dramatic and his guilt wouldve been so much greater.

    I really do love the two of them together and I’m glad she’s giving him time…but I hope he doesn’t take too long:) Now, in the episode discription for “all falls down,” it’s says something along the lines of (now obviously I’m paraphrasing.) “Fitz promises to end his war with Eli if Eli let’s fitz take Clare to the dance. Eli refuses.” so I’m guessing it’s pretty safe to assume Eli and Clare go to the dance with each other…so I guess that’s a good start. I’m kind if hoping this episode is revolved around eitheir Eli and Clare or Ali. Based off the promos there plots look the best. Not that I have anything against Drew but I feel like cheating on your girlfriend in the boiling room isn’t half as dramatic as crazy fitz pulling a knife on you or creepy Owen offering you money for…a fun time…lol. But that’s just me. Any one else have any thoughts?



    1. I agree with your Eli statement. It’d have been much more interesting if he’d gotten into an accident with her, and had been the one who lived. That actually happened with a neighbour of mine several years ago. He hasn’t had a girlfriend since. My mom and I are pretty sure he’s gay, but anyway…



      1. Right? I feel like like if that had been the case the scene could have been so much more powerful.


  34. I couldn’t agree with you more about Riley’s storyline! I feel like it has been going on forever, at least 2 seasons now. I think Zane has also had it but he obviously really likes him to continue to give him chances.

    Love EClare!! They have a real chemistry!



  35. I’m starting to notice that Argiris Karras is the weakest actor on the show.



    1. I like the actor who plays Zane so much better.



    2. Agreed I’ve noticed and said that too. Everyone loves Riley so they don’t want to admit it but Argiris is deff a weak actor.



    3. thecosmiccheese August 24, 2010 at 2:22 am

      Meh, I think Argiris is getting much better. His earlier episodes with peter are truly cringe-worthy.

      (and I think the actors that play Drew, Jenna and KC are usually worse.)



  36. I had the same fears about Riley. I feel like his character hasn’t developed much because he hasn’t really had a story outside of his sexuality. Only I feel it’s worse than Marco. Riley doesn’t interact much with other people. It’s like he has no life outside of hiding his sexuality.



    1. yay someone else feels like i feel. See Marco got some time to somewhat develope through different plots after he came out but Riley is like in his last season leading up to graduation how much are they going to be able to develop him in that time?
      Side note, Zane should be in the main credits!! He always hangs out with the whole cast and goes to all the premieres and has wayy more lines than leia and chantay combined >.<<



      1. Agreed. Marco was friends with all the main characters that were his age. He was in Downtown Sasquatch. And with Marco by season 3 he came out in Pride and then after that the whole school kinda figured he was gay. It was just his parents who didn’t know.
        This is Riley’s third and probably last season. I hope by the end of the boiling point he is officially out and can move on to other stories before he leaves Degrassi.


  37. oh, and just so you all know i would totally ship wesley/anya.. that’s so cute. he’s so cute, and anya is just a sweet little thing, as well. and she needs someone to be there for her and wouldn’t it be the cutest thing if wesley was the one to be there for her?!??!!?

    see, more girls should go for guys like wesley. he looks like he’d rather talk to you instead of trying to get into your bed XD (just ‘cuz he’s a nerd doesn’t mean he can’t be a creep, which he totally isn’t, he’s so innocent-like)



  38. I agree with the Wesley and Eli/Clare storyline grades completely, but I have to disagree with the Riley grade.
    I think it is more realistic that Riley is constantly struggling with his sexuality and being closeted. He’s come a long way since season 8, even to openly bidding on the guy he likes at an auction in season 10. As for Zane continuously forgiving him, he most likely only does so because he knows and very much likes the real Riley, or “the sweet guy that makes him laugh”, and he knows that Riley is sincerely trying to make things right this time.
    But I do agree that if Riley does not come out before the end of season ten, or even in the episodes tonight and tomorrow, the plot will get very tiresome.



  39. Anyone else think Wesley should get a girlfriend this season?



  40. Wesley is definitly a great addition to the cast. He’s so loveable.

    I remember season 1 Toby was cute. But after that he just came off as a creeper. But that’s my opinion.



    1. His lips definitly creeped me out lol



  41. Nice to see Kary back!! :D



  42. I thought the episode was really good. I have liked the season so far and I hope they keep it up. I like how the episodes are each within the same day or week because it can get annoying when episodes are months apart. They end too soon and the we are constantly introduced to new characters. I would rather see these characters grow up and mature just like with the old degrassi characters.

    I also think the spin-off should be about Declan and the school he goes to. Then we’d get to know more about the people he interacts with there and the different problems that occur at that school. We’d get to see what happens to Bobby after the court deal and know more about Tinsley and her skanky ways.



  43. Hmm i like how there taking a while for Riley to come out
    Im a guy and Im Bi and it was really hard for me to come out. And when his mom told him about grandkids yeah that makes it hard. And i dont blame riley for punching owen i wouldve done the same. I can relate to this episode :P and riley and zane are hot together xD



  44. I had commented previously about whether or not there was a link between Eli’s dead girlfriend and his affinity for vengeance. Based on Still Fighting It Part 2, I don’t think there is a connection between the two. That said I hope the writers explore more of Eli’s dark side in upcoming episodes. They’d almost have to now that his secret is out of the bag. Otherwise, I don’t know what else they could do with his character. I’d like to think that there’s a lot more than meets the eye with Eli – like maybe he’s harboring some other kind of secret that has caused him to act the way he has.



  45. Still fighting it was just okay, like I think Riley’s next storylines are going be coming out to the school/parents. He’s the next Marco. I love Claire’s and Eli’s plot, but you have to admit Westley’s plot took the show, lmfao. The whole Adam and Fiona dating is just a little too much. I would love a love triangle between Claire, Adam, and Eli.
    Can’t wait for PP & AFD :)



  46. 7 hours until Purple Pills :o)



  47. Okay, was it just me, or was anyone else a little disappointed with Clare in these episodes?

    I mean Eli was definitely acting weird, and I could understand why Clare was irritated, but she was acting really annoying.

    First of all, when Eli walked into class the day after they filmed the R&J scene, she gets all flirty with him, but in a way that’s more bold than their usual teasing, and some people get freaked out when you’re too forward like that. I mean I know that her and Eli kissed, and that it was supposed to be obvious to the audience that it was more than just acting, but Clare doesn’t know that for sure, and obviously, if they had to kiss under the guise of a school project then that clearly means that they haven’t taken it to the next level or anything. I don’t get why she kept assuming that they had. She was just so…presumptuous the whole episode. I was glad that Clare wasn’t oblivious to her chemistry with Eli, but her all of a sudden going from casual flirting to very in-your-face behavior was kind of sudden.

    Second, okay so Eli gave her the cold shoulder. WE know that there’s something up with Eli and it probably has to do with the kiss they shared yesterday. But, what if Clare was wrong, and he was just having a sucky day and didn’t want to talk about it? She could have given him some space before she went up to his car and went all “I like you and I KNOW you feel the same, so let’s talk about this when it’s obvious you don’t want to.” She called him more than once the night before and he didn’t pick up, obviously he wants to be left alone, but does she stop to think that maybe it’s not about her? I mean I know it partially was, and that it certainly came off that way to her (with good reason), but still. She should have given him some space. It was clear he was definitely avoiding only her (because he was still talking to Adam). But I think she should have given him some time before she got all on his case. But she shouldn’t have gone to his house because of their potential more-than-friends status, she should have done it because they were friends before the kiss, and if
    my friend stopped talking to me, and I suspected it was because we shared a kiss in a school project that he claimed meant nothing, then I’d be pissed too. I applaud Clare for her courage in confronting Eli at his car, but at the same time, I think maybe she should have realized that if you’ve tried talking to him and calling him, that he obviously doesn’t want to talk, and confronting him at home might make it worse. Confronting him at the
    car was fine, but not when the first thing out of your mouth is about how you are absolutely certain that there
    is something between the two of you. What she should have done was start with “Why are you avoiding me?”

    Third, she forced Adam into telling her where Eli lived. Clare, obviously Adam is in the middle of something he doesn’t want to be in the middle of. It’s also clear that Eli doesn’t want him to tell you what’s going on. If anything, of all the things Clare did, I was most indignant about this one. I mean, Adam is her friend and putting pressure on him to help her stalk Eli is not fair. If I was Adam, as soon as she gave me my book back, I’d stuff it in my locker, lock it, and run away. Or even better, as soon as I saw her coming toward me in the hallway, I’d make a run for it. A good friend doesn’t force someone into the middle of their disagreements with other friends. I hate it when my friends do it to me.

    Fourth, she went to Eli’s house after it was clear that Eli didn’t want her there. It seemed kind of creepy.

    I know Eli probably wouldn’t have told Clare the problem if she hadn’t forced him to, but she should have toned it down first. If Eli was ignoring her, then she could have just let him be for a while. We know Eli likes her, and it’s obvious that he wouldn’t have been able to avoid her for too long. It’s hard to stay away from someone when you like them.

    Another thing I don’t understand is Clare going to Eli’s house and insisting that he tell her why he doesn’t feel the way she feels about him. Let’s say Eli didn’t feel the same way. How the hell does she expect him to answer that? When someone asks you, “I like you, why don’t you like me?” What are you supposed to say? That’s a hard question to answer. If she was going to give him an ultimatum, it should have been more along the lines of “If this is about me or the kiss, then tell me what the problem is so that we can start talking again. If it’s not, than why are you taking it out on me by ignoring me?”

    I’m not trying to blame this all on Clare. Eli was being a jerk (understandably so in light of his tragedy), and her plan worked in the end, but I just think that there were some things she went about the wrong way.

    Sometimes Clare reminds me of that girl from the movie He’s Just Not That Into You, because she insists on seeing signals that people give her the way she wants to. She gets way too intense with all her love interests. With KC, I remember the promo she did with him for season nine. She was all “we’ll be together forever” and he was not on the same page. With Declan, she was obsessed to the point of creepiness, and I really hope her relationship with Eli, when it happens, isn’t ruined because she becomes too clingy or something. I know that promo with KC was just a promo and that she never actually had a relationship with Declan, but it’s just evidence that Clare can get a little too intense when she’s interested in someone.

    Also, I think I might be the only Eclare fan that wants them to not be official for as long as possible. All Degrassi couples end in disaster and the longer they’re not together the more we put off the inevitable death sentence of their pairing.



    1. holy FUCK this is long im sry but i aint gna read that lol



  48. soo i just decided to make a twitter…..




  49. I actually agree with KWolf, I don’t know why so many people thumbed you down. XD

    If someone asked me why I don’t like them that way I’d be like: “WTF?? O.o I DON’T KNOW”

    So, yeah, she could have asked why he’s been avoiding her and why’d he even suggest the kiss in the first place if he was gonna end up treating her like that in the end of the episode. That scene was kinda awkward for me to watch.. but I like how straight-forward she is nowadays… I would never have the guts to do that. I’d just be sad and eventually move on, which would explain why I’ve lost so many relationships with people xD



    1. Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t have had the guts to do it either, but not just because I would be afraid of rejection, but also because I wouldn’t want the person to think I was too forward.

      Clare’s always been straight forward. She was the one who initiated the kiss with KC first, and as cute as that was, that scene also just felt really weird to me, but I was never a fan of KClare anyway.

      I kind of figured I’d get a lot of thumbs down. People probably think I’m a Clare hater. I’m not a Clare hater, I actually really like her. I just don’t see the point in being a fan of something if you can’t criticize it every once in a while. :)



  50. Plot A: Love, cause it explores how to deal with violence in general and because through it all we got an [albeit ambiguous] happy ending for Zane and Riley- which in turn made me very happy.

    Plot B: Biased, openly admitting it, I AM VERY BIASED. Because I love Eclare and I want them to work out so bad I can taste. I think it got the A it deserved for pacing and acting and just a very well written plot.

    Plot C: Not gonna lie, I couldn’t stand Wesley before. He just gave me a creepy-wormy vibe before. This episode really redeemed him i think. He was adorable and it was just so John Hughes-y, I love it.

    These episodes were by far my favorites out of every degrassi episode I’ve ever seen. Not just cause I ship Eclare as some have said before but because I LOVED EVERYTHING about these episodes. I was interested and pleased with the outcome of every single plot. I did no forwarding on my DVR except for commercials as always.




  51. […] Degrassi Episode (and Video) Review: Still Fighting It Pt. 1 & 2 [WARNING: THIS EPISODE REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS] […]



  52. It was sort of unrealistic when clare was talking to her teacher about relationship advice because i know i wouldnt do that lol



  53. What was the song called in the scene when eli and clare were sitting in his car and talking about his dead girlfriend



    1. it was called “Little Pieces” by the Parlour Steps!! It’s a good song I must say…(:



  54. HopelessRomantic94 August 23, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    I have three things to say:
    1. Riley, you’re so adorable. Please try to get it together for those of us in the real world.
    2. Thank you to whoever put Adam in clothes that actually fit!! You are amazing.
    3. I’d like to bid $50 on Wesley, even if he already sold. Because the ‘Wesleys’ of the world are the best guys.



  55. Drew: Ill handle things

    DREW getting oral sex from bianca ISNT handling things, more like shes handling YOUR thing. gross -_-



  56. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE JOB at rating!!!!!!!!! The Wesley storyline was AWFUL! And the one about Connor and the online girl TERRRRRRIBLE!! And some of these that are rated C’s and below neeed to be much higher!!! Whoever rates this is not with most of the Degrassi population.



    1. You reaallllly need to realize there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions….it’s not that big of a deal, dude.



  57. I think the rates were fine. I like wesley he is too cute and soooooo nerdy that even some boys in my class would be his friend just becaise he doesnt understand saying “thats what my mom tells me” is not cool or a compliment. Thats wat makes him adorablr he is so clueless and vulnerable.



  58. You see this is why I never REALLY got into Ziley. Riley joined in AT FIRST in teasing Zane but he actually MADE UP FOR IT later whereas Riley was being gay bashed by a far worse homophobe (Drew) and not only did Zane NOT help but he made it WORSE and NEVER made up for it or apologized. Karma’s a bitch. Secondly Riley was RIGHT to beat the crap out of Owen. Noticed how Owen messes with Zane but he didn’t mess with Riley ever again? Way to completely ignore the problem Zane. I wish we had more guys like Riley taking a stand against bullies and homophobes but NOOOOOOOOOOOO apparently violence never solves anything (Which is obviously a lie anyways or else half of Europe would still be under Nazi regime). I miss Peter oh so very much.

    I honestly think that “writers” only brought in Zane so they could try (and fail, I might add) at showing how lame Riley supposedly is.



  59. Hey does anybody know a website where i can full episodes to degrassi the next generation? Please let me know. thank you. :)



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